METR4200 – Advanced Control Lecture 9 METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 Introduction to Kalman Filtering Linear Quadratic Gaussian Control (LQG) G. Hovland 2004 Announcement No tutorials on Thursday mornings 8-9am I will be present in all practical sessions from now until the end of the semester. PA for 2 hours and 15 minutes in each of the sessions PB, PC, PD and PE. Physical setups for the inverted pendulum will be in the METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 lab this week or early next week. You can arrange individual consultations (by email) leading up to the final exam on Nov. 16. METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 Review State-Space Control Poles can be placed anywhere, but be careful with input saturation We have two ways of designing K: pole-placement in phase-variable form or optimal LQR control. In both cases we assume knowledge of all states. Review LQR Control from last week Linear METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 Quadratic Regulator METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 LQR Scalar Case See next slide Matlab Script for Minimising J(k) Divide by b LQR Controller Gain k 2 METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 General form Summary LQR Controller Keep the proof for the LQR controller in mind The proof for the (steady-state) optimal observer is similar Optimal state feedback gain METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 K = R −1BT S Riccati solution Riccati equation 0 = SA + AT S − SBR −1BT S + Q Matrices A,B in linear state-space model Penalty Matrices Controller Tuning Parameters State-feedback design using observers B) Forced observer METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 A) Unforced observer Details of forced observer In Lecture 7 we designed the observer by pole-placement. The Kalman filter is the optimal observer. Introduction to the Kalman Filter • Kalman filter invented in 1960 by R. E. Kalman • It is the “optimal” estimator under a few assumptions. METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 • First derived as a discrete filter. This is how it is thought of by many (signal processing, etc.). • Kalman and Busy extended the filter to the continuous version in 1961. This is the version commonly used in control systems engineering, and the filter discussed in this presentation. Starting Point: The State-Space Model Recall a linear system in state-space form: . Know input vector “u” and output vector “y”, as well as the matrices A, B, and C perfectly. x = Ax + Bu METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 y = Cx System of first-order O.D.E.’s Controller and Observer Design Controllers can be designed with full state knowledge: .x = Ax + Bu y = Cx METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 u = r - Kx } .x = (A – BK)x + Br y = Cx System poles can be placed anywhere. Observers can be designed to estimate the full state from the output: . x = Ax + Bu + L(y – Cx) The controller and observer can be designed independently! How to Choose Gains K and L? • Controller gain K can be chosen by direct pole placement. • For systems of high order, this loses physical meaning. • K can be chosen in an “optimal” way, using the linear quadratic regulator (LQR) method, by minimising: ∫ METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 J= ∞ [x(t)TQx(t) + u(t)TRu(t)]dt 0 K = R −1BT S 0 = SA + A T S − SBR −1BT S + Q • Now, how do we choose the observer gain L? State-Space Model with Noise In practice, there are other unknown inputs: .x = Ax + Bu + d y = Cx + n Disturbances on states Noise in sensors METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 There is no obvious best way to choose L: ∆x ≡ x – x Want L small error in estimated state (sI – A)-1L (sI – A)-1 N(s) D(s) + ∆X(s) = 1 + C (sI – A)-1L 1 + C (sI – A)-1L Single output system helps visualisation Want L big Assumptions about the Noise • d(t) and n(t) are stationary, zero mean, Gaussian white noise processes Covariances Q and R E[d(t)] = E[n(t)] = 0 E[d(t)d(τ)T] = Q δ(t-τ) E[n(t)n(τ)T] Constant spectral densities } = R δ (t-τ) delta function 1 METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 • Initial state has mean and covariance x0 = E[x(0)] 0 Qx0 = E[(x(0) – x0)(x(0) – x0)T)] • Assume d(t), n(t), and x(0) are mutually uncorrelated E[d(t)n(t)T] = E[x(0)d(t)T] = E[x(0)n(t)T] = 0 Minimisation of Mean-Square Error • The Kalman filter generates the linear estimate of the plant that minimises the mean square estimation error: J = E[(x(t) – x(t))T(x(t) – x(t))] METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 • The optimal linear estimator can be found by setting the differential of the mean square error, with respect to the estimator parameters, to 0. • Results in a necessary condition: E[(x(t) – x(t))y(t)T] = 0 • This results in enough equations to find the optimal gain L (using the definition of “optimal” above). Kalman Filter Equations Optimal Gain Error Covariance Matrix • L(t) = Se(t)CTR-1 . where Se(t) = E[(x(t) – x(t))(x(t) – x(t))T] Ricatti Equation METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 • Se(t) = Se(t)AT + ASe(t) + Q - Se(t)CTR-1C Se(t) • Se(t) can be computed off-line with numerical integration (just need Se(0) = S0), therefore, L(t) can be computed off-line. • Se(t) gives a constant measure of the error in the filter! Note: The optimal L has very similar structure to the LQR controller gain K. B replaced by CT and A is transposed The Steady-State Kalman Filter • What if we are going to run the system for a long time, or we don’t have a good estimate of the error in the initial state? • L = SeCTR-1 Sub-optimal Gain Error Covariance Matrix where Se = E[(x(t) – x(t))(x(t) – x(t))T] METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 • 0 = SeAT + ASe + Q - SeCTR-1C Se Algebraic Ricatti Equation • For solution to A.R.E., we can integrate Se(t) forward in time until a steady-state is reached, OR we can use the Hamiltonian matrix (better conditioned numerically). • Suboptimal solution approaches optimal as time goes on. • Requires (A,C) is detectable and (A,Q) is stabilisable Proof of Steady-State Kalman Filter Equations METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 Formulate Kalman Filter as an LQR problem x& = Ax + B u xˆ& = Axˆ + Bu + L( y − yˆ ) z = x − xˆ z& = Az + LCz State estimation error z z& T = zT A T + zT CT LT LQR Analogy: CT acts as B LT acts as K A matrix transposed Comparison LQR and Kalman Solutions LQR K = R −1BT S 0 = SA + A T S − SBR −1BT S + Q Steady-State Kalman Filter METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 L = S eCT R −1 LT = R −T CS e = R −1CS e T 0 = S e A T + AS e − S eCT R −1CS e + Q Note: Q and R are penalty matrices in LQR Q and R are noise covariances in Kalman Filter LQR Analogy: CT acts as B LT acts as K A matrix transposed Kalman Filter: Performance Index J Optimality Criterion: Same as LQR where ^=u z=x and y-y ∞ J = ∫ zT Qz + ( y − yˆ )T R ( y − yˆ )dt 0 ∞ = ∫ ( x − xˆ )T Q(x − xˆ ) + ( y − yˆ )T R ( y − yˆ )dt METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 0 Can be shown ∞ = ∫ ( y − yˆ )T S e ( y − yˆ )dt 0 The Kalman filter minimises the squared prediction error Summary so Far: Kalman Filter Produces best possible state estimate under the METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 following conditions: Gaussian process noise with covariance Q Gaussian measurement noise with covariance R Perfect knowledge of linear state-space model The state prediction error x-x^ is optimal, ie. x-x^ contains only zero mean white noise with smallest possible covariance. What if the Noise is not White? • Create a coloured noise filter, and add it to the system. • Coloured noise filter: .x (t) = A x (t) + B w(t) f coloured noise output f f white noise input f d(t) = Cfxf(t) METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 • Add it to original system, for a new system: . x(t) . x (t) = f y(t) = A Cf x(t) 0 Af xf(t) [C 0] x(t) + B 0 u(t) + + v(t) xf(t) LQG Controller If a controller is designed using the LQR method, and the observer is designed using the Kalman filter, the resulting system is referred to as Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control. METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 Advantage: We can control multivariable systems without measuring the entire state vector x. Disadvantage: The LQG controller does not have the 60o phase margin and the gain margins of the LQR controller. 0 Bf w(t) METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 LQG Controller: Schematics Kalman Filter Gain Normal LQR design Useful Matlab Functions lqe: kalman: estim: Returns stationary Kalman estimator gain L Returns entire stationary Kalman estimator General estimator design (pole-placement or METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 Kalman Filter) lqg: lqgreg: LQG controller (LQR + Kalman filter) Designs LQG controller given an estimator LQG Control: Vertical-Plane Aircraft Dynamics METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 Example from: Hung and MacFarlane, "Multivariable feedback: A quasi-classical approach", Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Vol. 40, 1982. x1: x2: x3: x4: x5: altitude in (m) forward speed (m/s) pitch angle (deg) pitch rate (deg/s) vertical speed (m/s) u1: u2: u3: spoiler angle (deg/10) forward acceleration (m/s2) elevator angle (deg) Aircraft: Linearised State-Space Model Linearised model at an operating point (for example at cruising altitude and speed) x& = Ax + Bu + w y = Cx + v METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 A= B= 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.132 − 0.0538 − 0.1712 −1 0.0705 0 0 0 0.0485 0 0 1 − 0.8556 − 0.2909 0 1.0532 0 − 0.12 0 4.419 1.575 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 − 1.665 0 − 0.0732 0 − 1.013 − 0.6859 C= 1 0 0 x4 and x5 are not measured. Kalman filter will be used to estimate these states. 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 10 0 Simulink Model METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 Process Noise w Covariance Q Measurement Noise v Covariance R x& = Ax + Bu + w y = Cx + v Matrix Gains Uncontrolled Response: u=0 x& = Ax + Bu + w METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 y = Cx + v y1 Random walk when noise is integrated. Noise Covariance Q y2 x 0 = [10 0 − 1 0 0] T Q = diag (9,9,16,1,4) y3 R=0 Uncontrolled Response: Sensor Noise x& = Ax + Bu + w y = Cx + v METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 y1 Sensor Noise Covariance R y2 x 0 = [10 0 − 1 0 0] T y3 Q=0 R = diag (0.01,0.04,0.09) Kalman Filter: Simulink Implementation METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 Process: Hardware Kalman Filter: Software ^ Actual (y) vs Filtered (y) Measurements METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 xˆ 0 = x 0 Filtered ^y 3 ^ Actual (y) vs Filtered (y) Measurements Initial y^1 Filter Transient METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 xˆ 0 = 0 ^ Actual States (x) vs Filtered States (x) x1 and x^ 1 METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 x4 and x5 are not measured. x2 and x^ 2 ^x 4 x3 and x^3 Hence, in practice it will not be possible to verify these two estimates. x^5 Summary: Kalman Filter Example If you know the noise covariances Q and R, no tuning of the Kalman Filter is required. In practice, it is easy to estimate the noise covariance R, but Q can be difficult to estimate. Hence, fix R to the correct covariance and "tune" Q until METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 you get satisfactory estimates. The Kalman Filter is only optimal for linear state-space models. As a control engineer you will meet the term "The Extended Kalman Filter". This filter is used on nonlinear models by frequent linearisation around the operating state estimate. The Extended Kalman Filter is not optimal. LQG Control Separation Principle Design Observer (Kalman Filter) and Controller (LQR) separately. Simulate total system with process noise w and sensor noise v to verify your design. METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 When simulation works satisfactorily, replace the simulated model with physical plant / process. METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 Aircraft: LQR assuming known states x METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 LQR Control: Faster Altitude Response LQG Control Architecture METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 ^ Actual (y) vs Filtered (y) Outputs Controls to zero, x=0 ^ Actual (x) vs Filtered (x) States Summary LQG Controller General control method for multivariable input, multivariable output systems. Optimal for linear systems with Gaussian process and measurement noise. METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 Overcomes the limitation of full state vector knowledge. In this lecture, the regulation problem has been presented (final x=0) The Kalman filter works regardless of regulation or tracking. The LQG controller can be extended to reference tracking exactly the same way as the LQR controller (see lecture notes 8). Course Evaluation 3 Evaluation Forms Course: Lecturer: Tutor: METR4200 G. Hovland J. Bray METR4200 – ADVANCED CONTROL SEMESTER 2, 2004 Anonymous Feedback - your feedback will only be public after exams. Use black/blue pen or HB pencil. Only one answer per question. The purpose of the feedback is to identify what teaching material is of good quality and what needs improvement in 2005. Please also evaluate the CITECT lecture and workshop.
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