Superintendent of Surntendant des Financiai f Services Ont:trrc services financers IN TI I E MATTER OF the Pension Betie/ils Act, R.S.0. I 990, e. I’.$. (the “FDA”); ANI) IN TIlE MATTER OF a Notice of Intended Decision of the Superintendent of’ I inanciaI Services to consent, under section 78(l) of the J’BA, to a payment out of’ the pension lund for the Unilever Canada Pension Plan. Registration Number 0348367. TO: Unilever Canada Inc. 00 Sylvan Avenue Englewood Cliffs N.J 07632 USA Attention: Susan Long BeneFits Manager Retirement Plans — Applicant and Employer AN I) TO: Arid Ia Fuhrmann Mercer (Canada) Limited 161 Bay Street P0 Box 501 ‘loronto UN M5J 255 NOTICE OF INTENI)EI) DECISION I INTEND TO CONSENT, under section 78(I) of the FDA. to the payment out of the pension hind for the Unile er Canada Pension Plan. Reiistration Number 0348367 (the “Plan’’). to Unilever Canada Inc.. in the amount of SI 44,850 as a. July 1, 201 3 plus adjustments to the actual date of’ payment. I PROPOSE TO MAKE TIlE CONSENT effective only after the Applicant satisfies me that any payments pursuant to the Sum] us Sharing Proposal to nhich the members. former members and any other persons arc entitled, and any other payments to which the members. former members and any other persons are entitled, have been paid, purchased, or otherwise provided for. I INTEND TO CONSENT FOR TIlE FOLLOWING REASONS: Unilever Canada Inc. is the employer and administrator as defined in the Plan (the “Employer”). 2. As indicated in the report provided with the Employer’s application for payment of surplus as at July 1 201 3. the surplus iii the Plan was estimated at S289.700. . 3. The application discloses that by written agreement made by the I mployer, and 100% of the I ligi ble Members (as defined in the app! ication), who were affected by the Partial wind UI) (as defined in the application), or. if any such person is deceased, by his or her beneficiary ho is legally entitled to claim through the member, the surplus in the ound up portion of the plan at the (late of’ payment is to he distributed: (a) (b) 50% to the I mp]oyer: and 50% to the beneficiaries of the Plan as defined in the agreement. 4. The Employer has applied, pursuant to section 78 of the I’J3/I, for consent of the Superintendent of Fl nancial Services to the payment of 50% of’ Ihe surplus to he distributed lltm the Plan adjusted for the applicable portion of’ the investment returns and actual expenses, plus adj ustments to the actual date of payment. 5. The application appears to comply with sections 78, 79(1) and all other applicable requirements under the i’lL! and Regulation 909. R.R.O 1990. as amended. 6. Such further and other reasons as come to my attention. YOU ARE ENTITLED TO A IIEMUNG by the Financial Services Tribunal (the “Tribunal”) pursuant to section 89(6) of’ the PIIA. To request a hearing, you must deliver to this the Tribunal a written notice that you require a hearing, within thirty (31)) days after Notice of Intended I)ccision is served on you.1 sufficiently given, served or section 112 of’iIic ‘HA ‘ny Notice. Order or oilier d,ca,uent is nail sfidl be ii ,Ielivcred person,llr or sent 1w regular mail and all’ ilocuinciti sent h rcgul;ir mili:ig. ni da:c lie ilier tilib lie d,n on dcc:ncd ii be gi’cit. scrcd or dehveree NUlL l’urstInit to — delivered YOUR WRITTEN NOTICE must be delivered to: F nancial Services Tribunal 5160 Yonge Street 14th Floor Toronto, Ontario M2N 6L9 Attention: The Registrar FOR FURThER INFORMATION on a Form for the written notice, please see the Tribunal website at www.fstontario.ea or contact the Registrar of the Tribunal by phone at 416-590-7294, toll &ee at 1 -800-668-0128, ext. 7294. or by Ihx at 416-226-7750. IF YOU FAIL TO REQUEST A hEARING WITIIIN TIIIRTY (31)) DAYS, I MAY CARRY OUT TILE INTENDED DECISION AS DESCRIBED IN TI [IS NOTICE. I)ATEI) at Toronto. Ontario, this 4Jt day of 20/4 Deputy Superintendent, Pensions
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