American Journal of Pathology, Vol. 133, No. 2, November 1988 Copyright © American Association of Pathologists Primary Liver Tumors in Beagle Dogs Exposed by Inhalation to Aerosols ofPlutonium-238 Dioxide NANCY A. GILLETT, DVM, PhD, BRUCE A. MUGGENBURG, DVM, PhD, JAMES A. MEWHINNEY, PhD, FLETCHER F. HAHN, DVM, PhD, FRITZ A. SEILER, BRUCE B. BOECKER, PhD, and ROGER 0. McCLELLAN, DVM From the Inhalation Toxicology Research Institute, Lovelace Biomedical and Environmental Research Institute, Albuquerque, New Mexico Primary liver tumors developed in Beagle dogs exposed by inhalation to aerosols of 238PuO2. Initial deposition of 238PuO2 in the respiratory tract was followed by translocation of a portion of the 238Pu to the liver and skeleton, which resulted in a large dose committment and tumor risk to all three tissues. In a population of 144 dogs exposed to 238PuO2, 112 dogs died or were killed 4000 days after 238Pu exposure, 100 dogs had osteosarcoma, and 28 dogs had lung cancers. At increasing times after exposure, however, liver lesions have become more pronounced. Ten primary liver tumors in nine animals were diagnosed in the dogs dying before 4000 days after exposure. An additional five pri- mary liver tumors in three dogs occurred in 9 animals killed after 4000 days after exposure. The majority of these tumors have been fibrosarcomas. The liver tumors were usually not the cause of death, and rarely metastasized. The occurrence of liver tumors in this study indicates that 238Pu is an effective hepatic carcinogen. Liver carcinogenesis is assuming an increasing importance in this study at late times after inhalation exposure. These results suggest that the liver may be an important organ at risk for the development of neoplasia in humans at time periods long after inhalation of 238Pu. (AmJ Pathol 1988, 133:265-276) THE BIOLOGIC EFFECTS of two of the major isotopes of plutonium (Pu) present in the nuclear fuel cycle, 238Pu and 239Pu, have been studied extensively because of the potential risk of human exposure in the unlikely event of accidental releases. Plutonium-238, because of its abundance, high specific activity, and relatively short half-life (86 years), produces about 80% of the alpha activity in Pu recoverable from the spent fuel of a light water reactor. Because of the rapid oxidation of plutonium metal, plutonium dioxide (PuO2) is the compound most likely to be encountered after accidental release. Previous studies have demonstrated that Pu is an effective skeletal, pulmonary, and hepatic carcinogen, depending on its chemical form and route of exposure.`5 Injected 239Pu is rapidly deposited in the bone and liver, resulting in bone and liver tumors.3 6'7 Inhaled 239PuO2 is insoluble and is retained in the lung and lung-associated lymph nodes, with the primary effect being lung cancer.",4,5 Because of its high specific activity, however, inhaled 238Pu becomes solubilized and is subsequently translocated from lung to bone and liver.8 Life-span studies in beagle dogs after single inhalation exposure to monodisperse aerosols of 238PuO2 were initiated at the Inhalation Toxicology Research Institute in the mid- 1 970s to study the biologic effects and relative importance of nonuniform distribution of alpha radiation dose in the lung. Previous reports from these studies have documented the initial effects, predominantly bone cancer.2 This study has been in progress for more than 10 years, and will continue for the remaining life span of the dogs. With increasing time after exposure, the occurrence of liver lesions and primary liver tumors has assumed increasing Supported by the Office of Health and Environmental Research, U.S. Department of Energy, under Contract No. DE-ACO4-76EV01013 in facilities fully accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care. Accepted for publication June 14, 1988. Address reprint requests to Nancy A. Gillett, Inhalation Toxicology Research Institute, Lovelace Biomedical and Environmental Research Institute, P.O. Box 5890, Albuquerque, NM 87185. 265 266 GILLETT ET AL AJP * November 1988 Table 1 -Experimental Design for Study of Beagle Dogs Exposed by Inhalation to Aerosols of MPuO2 Number of dogs 24 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Particle size Projected initial pulmonary burden (AMAD) (kBq/kg) - - 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.4 1.1 2.6 5.2 10.4 20.7 0.4 1.1 2.6 5.2 10.4 20.7 Range of initial pulmonary burden obtained (kBq/kg) 0.1-0.7 0.7-2.6 1.9-5.6 3.3-10.7 4.1-16.3 9.3-37.0 0.4-1.1 0.7-3.3 1.5-6.3 2.6-14.4 5.9-34.4 14.1-55.5 prominence in this study. The range of biologic effects seen in this study and the dose-response relationships will be described in subsequent manuscripts. This report documents the nature of the liver lesions and tumors occurring within this study, focusing primarily on liver pathology induced within 4000 days after inhalation exposure. Materials and Methods Previous reports have detailed the experimental design, exposure methods, and husbandry for this study.2'8'9 In brief, 168 purebred beagle dogs, born and raised in the Inhalation Toxicology Research Institute colony, were exposed at 12-14 months of age to monodisperse aerosols of either 238PuO2 particles or the aerosol diluent. An equal number of male and female dogs were used in this study. Seventy-two dogs were exposed once by inhalation to monodisperse aerosols of 238PuO2, with an activity median aerodynamic diameter (AMAD) of 1.5 A (cg = 1.2) and an additional 72 dogs were exposed singly to 238PuO2 particles with an AMAD of 3.0 q (ag = 1.1). Twenty-four control dogs inhaled an aerosol of only the diluent (0.01% dipalmitoyl lecithin in distilled water) used in the preparation of 238PuO2 particle suspensions. The aerosol concentration and duration of exposure were adjusted for each animal such that 12 dogs each were exposed to achieve one of six normalized initial lung burdens (0.4, 1.1, 2.6, 5.2, 10.4, and 20.7 kBq/kg body mass). Because of the nature of inhalation exposure, a continuum of initial lung burdens was achieved among the dogs. Table 1 summarizes the experimental design of the study. A detailed description ofthe methods used to deter- mine the disposition of the 238Pu and the associated dosimetry are reported elsewhere.8 In the present report, the biologic effects observed are related to the initial pulmonary burden (IPB) of 238Pu and the cumulative average absorbed alpha dose to liver calculated to 4000 days after exposure (dpe). Dogs were housed individually in metabolism cages for the initial 21 days after inhalation and then transferred to kennel buildings for the remainder of their lives. Animals with similar body burdens of 238Pu and of the same sex were housed in pairs in dog runs in the kennel buildings. Dogs were fed 350 g of dry kibble (Wayne Dog Food, Continental Grain Company, Chicago, IL) daily and water was provided ad libitum. After exposure, dogs were observed daily, and complete physical examinations, hematology, clinical chemistry, and radiographic surveys were performed annually on all dogs. Individual animals received clinical care and treatment as needed as per accepted veterinary procedures, but treatments that would alter the clinical course of neoplasms induced by 238Pu were not performed."' A detailed post-mortem examination was performed at the time of death, or when euthanasia was performed based on humane considerations. Tissue sections from all organ systems and all lesions were formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded, cut, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H & E) using standard histologic techniques. To minimize the variability inherent in a study of this length involving several clinicians and pathologists, clinical records from all dogs were reviewed by one veterinarian (BAM) in conjunction with a review of pathology reports and histopathology by one pathologist (NAG). Neoplasms were classified according to the International Histological Classification of Tumors in Domestic Animals." Results Because aerosol particle size (1.5 and 3.0 ,u) and sex did not appear to have an overall effect on the retention, distribution, and excretion patterns of the Pu or the biologic effects observed in the liver over the first 4000 days after exposure (dpe), results of the two studies are considered together.8 After the initial pulmonary deposition of 238PU02, an average pulmonary retention half-time of approximately 500 days was observed during a period of approximately 100 days after exposure. Thereafter, the relatively high specific activity of the 238Pu led to the fragmentation of the particles deposited in the lung, followed by greatly increased dissolution and translo- Vol. 133-oNo. 2 cation ofsolubilized 238Pu to the liver and skeleton.8"12 The pulmonary retention half-time during this time period was approximately 100 days. The cumulative radiation doses to the lung, liver, and skeleton through 4000 days after inhalation exposure are shown in Figure 1. After about 500 days, there was little further increase in the cumulative dose to the lung because of the depletion of the pulmonary deposit of Pu by translocation. In contrast, doses to the liver and skeleton continued to increase throughout the dog's lifetime because of the much longer residence time of Pu in these tissues. The liver is predicted to attain a larger cumulative radiation dose than the lung in dogs dying at very late times after exposure (approximately 5000 days after exposure). At this writing, all of the dogs had reached at least 4000 days after the initial exposure. During this interval, 112 exposed dogs and 6 control dogs died. The principal cause of death for exposed dogs was osteosarcoma. Analysis of exposed dogs dying through 4000 dpe has shown that 11 1 osteosarcomas occurred in 100 dogs. Of these, 72% have been the primary cause of death. The other major cause of death in this study has been primary lung cancer. A total of 51 primary lung tumors have been identified in 28 dogs; of these, 8% have been the primary cause of death. Other radiation-related effects include atrophy and fibrosis of the tracheobronchial lymph nodes, osseous atrophy of the maxilloturbinates, radiation osteodystrophy, and radiation pneumonitis and pulmonary fibrosis. With increasing time after inhalation exposure to 238PuO2, liver degeneration and primary liver tumors have been more frequently noted clinically and through gross and histopathologic examination. A serologic indicator of liver status is serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT), which is a hepatocytic cytoplasmic enzyme that increases in serum during periods of altered plasma membrane permeability, and thus is indicative of hepatocyte degeneration or necrosis. Dogs were grouped by initial pulmonary burden (IPB) into seven groups, and the mean group value of the ALT derived from annual clinical chemistry determinations were plotted over time (Figures 2A and B). Exposed dogs exhibited a significant increase in ALT values as compared with control dogs. The groups having higher lung burdens tended to have elevated ALT values at earlier times after exposure. This time course relationship showed a clear dose effect, with the highest IPB group (25.9 kBq/kg) peaking at 3 years after exposure, and the lowest IPB group (0.6 kBq/kg) showing a gradual increase beginning at 6 years after LIVER TUMORS FROM INHALED 238PU IN DOGS 267 m 0) a cr CD uii 0 0 a z 0 - a: -J 0 2000 4000 DAYS AFTER INHALATION EXPOSURE Figure 1-Radiation dose to lung, liver, and skeleton from dogs exposed by inhalation to aerosols of 238PuO2 through 4000 days after inhalation exposure. exposure, and continuing to increase at the last measurement. The magnitude of the increase in ALT values was not clearly dose related, but the duration of time required to reach elevated ALT values showed a clear stratification with dose. A similar grouping of dogs by IPB was done to compare liver to body mass ratios obtained at the time of necropsy among groups. The mean mass ratio from each group was plotted against the mean activity level as determined by IPB. Linear regression yielded a fitted line having a slope that was not statistically different from zero. Thus, the liver mass was not demonstrated to have been altered by the 238Pu burden as measured by IPB. A total often primary liver tumors occurred in nine exposed dogs dying before 4000 dpe. At the time of this report, an additional five liver tumors were identified in three of the nine exposed dogs dying at greater than 4000 dpe. Table 2 summarizes the phenotype, role in death, and other related information on the tumors in these 12 dogs. None of the control dogs for this study developed a primary liver tumor during this time interval. Only 2 primary liver tumors have occurred in 157 control dogs to date for all of this Institute's life-span studies combined; both of these occurred after 4000 dpe. The final incidence of liver tumors in the present study may be higher as additional dogs live longer times after 238Pu exposure. The primary liver tumor phenotype observed was fibrosarcoma, comprising 5 of the 15 liver tumors present (Figure 3). In addition, one fibroma was 268 AJP * November 1988 GILLETT ET AL 250 r 250 r -J 200 w C') cc 200 cc w LL cr CD) z 0 1i00 z 100 IF w z z z -J I I u u ~ 0 2 I I I I , 0 4 2 I I I nXI 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6 8 10 12 A 6 8 10 B YEARS AFTER INHALATION EXPOSURE YEARS AFTER INHALATION EXPOSURE Figure 2A,B-Mean of serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) values as a function of time after exposure. Dogs are grouped by lung burden with a mean lung burden of 0, 0.6, 1.7, 3.0, 5.6, 11.1, and 25.9 kBq/kg. Note that groups with higher lung burdens tend to have peak ALT values at earlier times after exposure. noted. One of these fibrosarcomas was the cause of the animal's death. Bile duct tumors, including three benign intrahepatic bile duct cystadenomas, and one fatal cholangiocarcinoma were the second most common liver tumor observed (Figure 4). Two microscopic carcinoids were identified, and their histogenesis was confirmed through immunocytochemical staining for neuron-specific enolase (Figure 5). Clinical signs related to liver dysfunction were absent in the majority of the dogs with liver tumors. Only three of the ten liver tumors occurring before 4000 dpe were suspected clinically at the time of gross necropsy. Exposed dogs without liver tumors also did not show clinical evidence of liver disease despite the of hepatic degenerative changes as discussed subsequently. A severe granulomatous hepatitis was presence Table 2-Primary Liver Tumors in Beagle Dogs that Inhaled Graded Activity Levels of 238PuO2 at Approximately 13 Months of Age and Were Maintained for Life-Span Observation Dose to Particle liver to Days Dog size IPB 4000 dpe after number (AMAD) (kBq/kg) (Gy) exposure Role of Morphologic diagnosis tumor in Metastasis Clinical signs death Cause of death No No No No No Yes No No Incidental Cause of death Incidental Incidental Osteosarcoma Fibrosarcoma, liver Osteosarcoma Osteosarcoma No Yes Contributory Squamous cell carcinoma, gingiva Carcinoma, primary site unknown Osteosarcoma 731 S 692S 872V 705A 3.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 22.2 6.7 0.7 1.8 25.9 7.8 0.9 2.0 1161 2416 3119 3176 860B 1.5 2.2 2.5 3178 Fibroma Fibrosarcoma Fibrosarcoma Intrahepatic biliary cystadenoma Fibrosarcoma 704S 3.0 1.5 1.5 3566 Neurofibrosarcoma No No Incidental 856T 3.0 2.6 3.0 3804 No No Incidental 746S 1.5 1.5 1.7 3805 No No No No Incidental Incidental 854B 735C 3.0 3.0 2.6 3831 4234 No 2.2 2.9 2.6 Intrahepatic biliary cystadenoma 1. Fibrosarcoma 2. Intrahepatic biliary cystadenoma Carcinoid No No Incidental Incidental 697A 3.0 1.8 2.2 4386 No No Incidental Contributory 724S 1.5 0.7 0.8 4415 No No Contributory Carcinoid Yes-hepatic lymph node 1. Sarcoma, No undifferentiated Yes-lung, TBLN, 2. Cholangiocarcinoma hepatic lymph node 1. Hepatocellular No carcinoma 2. Intrahepatic biliary cystadenoma No Incidental Osteosarcoma Osteosarcoma Adenocarcinoma, lung Osteosarcoma Sarcoma, lung 112 LIVER TUMORS FROM INHALED 2mPU IN DOGS Vol. 133 * No. 2 269 _>j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 00 A#---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AML ~ ~ ~ h Figure 3-Liver fibrosarcoma, characterized by interwoven bundles of spindloid cells and scant matrix production. X420 an incidental finding in an exposed dog dying from an osteosarcoma. The cumulative absorbed alpha dose to the liver to 4000 dpe in this animal was 22.5 Gy. The relationship of the granulomatous hepatitis and the radiation exposure is not known. One control dog was killed as a result of severe diffuse hepatic cirrhosis. This was the only evidence of hepatic disease in any of the control dogs in this study. The cause of the cirrhosis is not known. The cause of death in three 238Pu-exposed dogs was a mast cell tumor, which in two dogs was confined to the liver and spleen. Both animals died approximately 3100 days after exposure. One animal had an accumulated absorbed alpha dose to liver calculated to 4000 dpe of 4.0 Gy, while the second had a dose of 1.9 Gy. Visceral mast cell tumors in the absence of cutaneous involvement are rare in the dog. " The similar presentation of the mast cell involvement in these two dogs raises the possibility that the neoplasms were radiation induced. Although clinical signs of liver dysfunction were absent in the majority of the exposed animals, review of the gross pathology and histopathology of these dogs showed an increase in nonspecific hepatic degenerative changes with increasing time after exposure. A variable degree of nodular hyperplasia was frequently present. Vacuolar degeneration ofhepatocytes was inconsistent; large hyperplastic nodules usually exhibited diffuse vacuolar degeneration (Figure 6). It was not uncommon to note generalized vacuolar degeneration of hepatocytes, however, which probably primarily reflected the systemic state of the animal at the time of death. Mild periportal fibrosis and biliary hyperplasia were also noted in some animals. A common finding in the exposed dogs was the presence of multiple small cellular aggregates randomly disseminated throughout the hepatic parenchyma. These cellular aggregates were composed of macrophages containing lipid and brown granular pigment, and were histologically consistent with the lipogranulomata described by Bergman.13 Although these cellular aggregates were seen in control dogs, their occurrence was much less common. Review of liver sections from all of the dead exposed and control dogs did not reveal any liver lesion that could be interpreted as being specific for the radiation exposure. Rather, there ap- 270 GILLETT ET AL ,0 O AJP * November 1988 oAS P Figure 4-Intrahepatic biliary cystadenoma. The benign neoplasm is a well delineated, multi-loculated cystic mass, containing papillary projections lined by low cuboidal epithelial cells. x131 peared to be an increase in incidence and severity of nonspecific degenerative changes in the exposed dogs as compared with control animals. Discussion Although primary liver tumors have been observed after other routes of exposure to plutonium, the occurrence of primary liver tumors after inhalation exposure to 238PuO2 has not been reported previously in the open scientific literature. Because of the specific activity of 238Pu, inhaled particles tend to fragment in the lung, enhancing dissolution of the 238PuO2 and translocation to the liver and bone.8 With increasing time after exposure, the accumulated liver dose approaches the average organ dose received by the lung and exceeds that of bone. The predominant incidence of respiratory and skeletal tumors suggests that the spatial distribution of dose within these organs results in a higher tumor incidence or that these tissues are more sensitive to neoplastic induction after radiation exposure than is the liver. The increasing incidence of liver tumors in the long-term surviving dogs in this study, which is still in progress, however, supports speculation that the liver may have been neglected as an organ at risk for plutonium-induced neoplasia in humans, particularly at late times after exposure.'4 In all but two of the 12 animals with liver tumors, the neoplasm occurred later than 3000 days after initial exposure. This long latent period has been observed by Taylor et a13 for liver tumors occurring in beagle dogs after a single intravenous injection of 239Pu and by Brooks et al6 in Chinese hamsters injected with 239PuO2 or 237Pu citrate. In the Taylor study at the University of Utah, all of the liver tumors occurred in animals living longer than 3000 dpe; the average age at recognition was 4240 dpe. The long latent period observed in both studies probably reflects the long life span of the hepatic cell and its low mitotic activity because cell division is required for the expression of radiation-induced tumors. In addition, the life shortening induced from a Pu-related osteosarcoma LIVER TUMORS FROM INHALED Vol. 133 * No. 2 Figure 5-Liver carcinoid, diagnosed based on morphologic appearance and positive immunocytochemical staining for neuron-specific enolase. Border of normal hepatocytes present in upper left comer. X262.5 2mPU IN DOGS 271 _ %%~~~1 A*1 I~~~~~~~*.~~~~~1 3%,5 or lung tumor in many of the dogs exposed to higher levels of plutonium probably interposed before the expression of liver tumors. In both the Utah and ITRI studies, liver tumors predominantly occurred at lower burdens of Pu. This may be related to both the long latent period required for liver tumor expression and competing risk from pulmonary and skeletal cancer in animals with higher burdens. Both of these factors are likely to lead to an underestimate of the risk for plutonium-induced liver cancer for small intakes of 238Pu02. Microdistribution of the Pu may also play a contributing role in the development of hepatic tumors in animals receiving lower doses. At higher dose levels, cell death and necrosis of hepatocytes, where deposition initially oc- curs, results in a localized deposition in reticuloendothelial cells. This pattern is less remarkable at the lower dose levels.35 Other investigators have demonstrated that the increased uniformity of dose to liver occurring at low liver burdens of Pu may play a role in the occurrence of liver tumors in animals. 15,16 The phenotypic distribution of the liver tumors in the present study was unusual compared with the distribution from anticipated, spontaneously occurring liver tumors in the dog. Fibrosarcomas were the most common histologic type. Another unusual finding was the presence of two liver carcinoids. Spontaneous liver tumors are not common in the dog, and typically appear to be hepatocellular adenoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, and cholangiocarcinoma.'in7 A recently 272 GILLETT ET AL AJP * November 1988 Figure 6-Nodular hyperplasia (large arrow) and secondary vacuolar degeneration (small arrow) were common in the livers of beagles exposed to 238Pu02. x86.4 reported review of spontaneous liver tumors in 1867 canine necropsies showed a primary liver tumor incidence of less than 3%. '7 Of these, hepatocellular carcinomas and cholangiocarcinomas represented 63% of the cases. Only one fibrosarcoma was diagnosed. Carcinoid of the liver also is a rare neoplasm that appears to originate from cells with argentaffin properties in the bile duct epithelium.18 Because of the low rate of spontaneous liver tumors in the Beagle and the unusual histologic types observed, all of the liver tumors in this series were judged to be radiation induced. In a report from the University of Utah, 47 primary liver tumors were noted to have occurred in beagle dogs following a single intravenous injection of 239Pu in a soluble form.'9 Liver tumors occurred only in 239Pu-exposed dogs that lived at least 7.6 years. In contrast to the present study, the most frequently occurring tumor was the bile duct adenoma (62%), followed by the bile duct carcinoma (21%). Only two (4%) fibrosarcomas were observed. As in the present study, clinical illness that could be related to the induced liver tumors was infrequent. The liver malignancy was the cause of death in only eight or 17% of the beagles that were diagnosed as having liver tumors. A review of the incidence of internal mast cell tumors in beagles receiving intravenous doses of 239Pu or 241Am'9 supports the hypothesis that the two visceral mast cell tumors occurring in the present study are related to the radionuclide exposure. Within the two intravenous injection studies discussed previously,'9 five mast cell tumors occurred that were considered to be hepatic in origin. It was speculated that the moderate frequency of hepatic mast cell tumors observed in the dogs injected with actinide radionuclides may be related to the relatively high number of mast cells lining the sinusoids in the canine liver. The cells of origin for the liver neoplasms seen in both studies are uncertain. Comparison of the intrahepatic cellular distribution of plutonium in beagles after inhalation exposure or intravenous injection showed that the hepatic distribution was not dependent on the route of administration, but was dependent on total activity in the liver.15 The difference in Vol. 133 * No. 2 tumor phenotypes between the present study and those occurring in beagles injected with 239Pu therefore does not appear to be dependent on intrahepatic cellular distribution of dose. Soluble Pu is preferentially deposited in the hepatocyte, where it is associated with lysosomes.20-23 Investigators have shown that after high levels of exposure, Pu was initially deposited in hepatocytes; radiation-induced death of these cells resulted in the loss ofthe Pu to the reticuloendothelial cells by phagocytosis.3 Because of the high cellular concentration ofPu in the hepatocyte and low concentration in bile duct epithilium, investigators have postulated that the bile duct tumors occurring in dogs receiving intravenous Pu arose from hepatocytes.3 The embryologic origin of bile ducts, which originate from hepatic cords that are adjacent to connective tissue surrounding branches ofthe portal vein, is consistent with this hypothesis. The absence of hepatocellular dysplasia argues against the postulate that the hepatocyte is the primary cell of origin, however. The rare occurrence of hepatocellular carcinomas is striking in this study (1 out of 15), particularly in view of the fact that the hepatocyte receives the highest radiation dose from the deposited plutonium. Studies in other species have demonstrated that alpha irradiation of the liver can induce a high incidence of hepatocellular adenomas and carcinomas.6 It is possible that the relative resistance of the canine hepatocyte to transformation by ionizing radiation may represent a species-specific phenomena. The wide distribution of tumor phenotypes seen in the present study suggests multiple cells of origin for the different tumor types. The fibrosarcomas, which developed in the absence ofmarked fibroplasia within the liver, are of particular interest. One can speculate that the Ito cell may be the cell of origin for the fibrosarcomas seen in this study. Focal aggregates of lipid, pigment, and macrophages, termed lipogranulomata, have been correlated with changes in the perisinusoidal Ito cell population in the liver.'3 The function of Ito cells has been related to vitamin A storage and fibrogenesis.24 Fibroplasia, a potential source of cells of origin for fibrosarcomas, was not a striking feature of exposed dogs; however, the formation of lipogranulomata was often marked. This may represent injury to a cell population capable of fibrogenesis, and hence may be capable of "neoplastic expression as a fibrosarcoma. Studies investigating the biologic effects of inhaled 238PuO2 in rats and Syrian hamsters have not shown the significant increase in bone and liver tumors that has been demonstrated in the Beagle dog.25'26 In these studies, the in vivo solubility of 238PU02 particles was not significantly different from the in vivo solubility LIVER TUMORS FROM INHALED 2-mPU IN DOGS 273 of 239PuO2 particles. This species difference probably reflects the more rapid mechanical clearance of particles from the lung by rodents.27'28 The 238PuO2 particles do not substantially fragment, allowing increased dissolution ofthe Pu, for approximately 100 days after exposure. A much larger percentage of the Pu particles have been cleared by this time in rodents than in dogs. Thus, the majority of the Pu dose is delivered to the lung in rodents. In addition, the rat liver clears soluble Pu rapidly whereas the dog retains Pu in the liver.29 Likewise, a prolonged retention half-time for Pu in the liver is observed in Chinese hamsters.30 The retention pattern of Pu in the liver of man is not known. The clearance of particles from the lung in man more closely resembles dogs than rodents, however. Thus, it is probable that a similar solubilization of the Pu and subsequent translocation to liver and skeleton would occur in man after inhalation exposure to 238PuO2, as has been shown by this study in the dog. Although epidemiologic information is not available for the effects of inhaled plutonium in humans, the occurrence ofliver tumors in man after Thorotrast injection has provided a model for liver tumors resulting from alpha irradiation. Thorotrast, a colloidal mixture containing thorium dioxide, was used as a diagnostic radiologic contrast medium in the 1930s and 1940s.3'-33 The latent period for these tumors, similar to that observed in the present study, was long, with few tumors observed before 20 years after injection. The cumulative tumor incidence increased rapidly between 20 and 40 years after the injection.3' The risk for liver cancer induced by alpha particle irradiation has been calculated from Thorotrast data to be high if the latent period and competing risk factors are considered.34 Risk factors derived from life-span studies of beagle dogs exposed to soluble beta emitters that translocate to the liver in significant amounts are similar to those derived for humans from the Thorotrast studies.35 Thorotrast was deposited in the reticuloendothelial cells throughout the body; in the liver, the colloidal material was primarily deposited in Kupffer cells.33 A variety of liver tumors that have been classified predominantly as hemangioendotheliomas and cholangiocarcinomas have been described in those individuals receiving Thorotrast.32'33'36 Several experimental studies have shown that the neoplastic effect results from the alpha particle irradiation rather than from a foreign body effect or chemical toxicity.37-39 The intrahepatic cellular distribution of the Thorotrast differs from soluble Pu, which is preferentially deposited in the hepatocyte. This difference in cellular dis- 274 AIP * November 1988 GILLETT ET AL tribution of dose may account for the difference in phenotype noted in the Thorotrast series and the present studies. A study of the biologic effects of Thorotrast in deer mice resulted in a high incidence (32%) of liver fibrosarcomas,38 equivalent to that reported in the present study. In addition, liver carcinoids occurred in the study in deer mice. Hence the distribution of tumor phenotype may be a species dependent phenomena. Correlation ofthe liver:body mass ratios at the time of death with activity level (IPB) indicated a slight decrease in liver mass with increasing amount of 238Pu. This decrease was not statistically significant; however, many of the dogs in the control and low-dose group are still alive at this time. As these animals die, the statistical error for the ratios at these levels should decrease greatly, which would then increase the chance for a statement of statistical significance. Dramatic changes in liver weights were previously reported in beagle dogs receiving 107 kBq 239Pu/kg intravenously.3 Severe centrolobular degeneration and necrosis resulted in marked liver atrophy in approximately 25% of the animals at this activity level. At lower activity levels of Pu (1.7 kBq/kg), the weight of the liver appeared to increase gradually with increasing age, although this trend was not established definitively.40 As shown in Figures 2A and B, the mean ALT values of the exposed dogs, grouped by IPB levels, are significantly different from control dog levels, particularly at increasing time after exposure. In a similar study conducted at Pacific Northwest Laboratories (PNL) investigating the long-term effects ofinhalation of 238PuO2 in beagles, ALT values were elevated only after 48 months after exposure and only in the high dose level dogs (initial alveolar deposition of 140 Bq).' At later times in the PNL study, significant elevations in ALT may be evident as the lower dose dogs accumulate a significant liver radiation dose. Significant elevations in mean ALT values were observed in beagle dogs after intravenous injection of 239Pu at doses of 0.016 ,uCi/kg (0.6 kBq/kg) or greater when measurements were made at 5 years after exposure.4'42 At increasing times after exposure, ALT elevation was progressive and evident in lower dose levels.'9 Histologic examination of all the livers from both control and exposed dogs in the present study did not show distinct lesions that were specific for the plutonium exposure. Investigators have reported significant mortality from primary plutonium-induced liver disease at approximately 400 days after injection in beagle dogs receiving 3 1iCi/kg (1 11 kBq/kg) of 239Pu intravenously.43 Lesions consisted of marked hepatic atrophy and severe secondary portal hypertension. Similar lesions were not observed in the ITRI study; however, the doses were significantly smaller and the dose rate to the liver was markedly reduced. The degenerative changes present in the ITRI study, particularly nodular hyperplasia and lipogranulomata, are seen frequently in older dogs as part of the aging process. 3 Periportal fibrosis and biliary hyperplasia were also evident in some exposed dogs. Similar degenerative lesions have been observed in beagle dogs receiving 239Pu intravenously.'9 Nodular hyperplasia of the liver has also been reported in beagle dogs that inhaled 238Pu02 and 239Pu(NO3)4 in ongoing studies at the Pacific Northwest Laboratory." Dogs exposed by inhalation to 238Pu exhibit these degenerative liver changes at an age when comparable control animals have no evidence of liver disease. The lesions observed appear to be a nonspecific reaction to liver injury. Previous investigators have suggested that irradiation of the liver by 239Pu acts through the aging mechanism by accelerating the rate of induction of small critical changes in genetic material.39 The lesions observed in this study are compatible with that hypothesis. This study demonstrates that inhaled 238Pu02 is an effective hepatic carcinogen. Other investigators have emphasized that liver neoplasia may be an important organ at risk in humans after intake of low levels of Pu. Some investigators have speculated that the risk from liver tumors might exceed the risk from bone sarcomas for low level intakes of Pu in humans. 14 The long life span of humans and additional carcinogens to which the human liver can be subjected, such as alcohol, might enhance liver tumor expression above that seen in studies involving laboratory animals. The final phase of this life-span study will provide critical information regarding the risk of liver tumors from 238PuO2 inhalation exposure, including the development of a quantitative estimate of risk. References 1. Park JF: Late effects of inhaled plutonium in dogs, Radiation Research; Biomedical, Chemical, and Physical Perspectives. Edited by OF Nygaard, HI Adler, WK Sinclair. New York, Academic Press, 1975, pp 12331247 2. Hahn FF, Mewhinney JA, Merickel BS, Guilmette RA, Boecker BB, McClellan RO: Primary bone neoplasms in Beagle dogs exposed by inhalation to aerosols of plutonium-238 dioxide. JNCI 1981, 67:917-927 3. Taylor GN, Jee WS, Williams J, Shabestari L: Hepatic changes induced by 239Pu, Radiobiology of Plutonium. Edited by BJ Stover, WS Jee. Salt Lake City, J. W. Press, 1972, pp 105-127 4. 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Although it is not possible to list all of these participants, it is important to recognize that a large, long-term study such as this could not be undertaken without the participants functioning smoothly as an integrated team. The authors thank all of them for their participation, particularly members of the Aerosol Science, Animal Care, Radiobiology, and Pathology Groups.
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