LITTLE KANAWHA DISTRICT UMC REPORTER Jan/Feb 2014 Wise Men and Women “Wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, asking…” (Matthew 2:1) I heard a good sermon Sunday by one of our pastor’s in the District. She was telling the story of the Magi, and commented on what made the wise men wise. In good homiletical fashion she made three points. I’d like to reiterate those points as I invite you to think about these three Kings who are so closely identified with Epiphany. First, said the preacher, the wise men were wise because they asked questions. Now, I view wisdom as a gift bestowed upon certain individuals in order to edify the rest of us. But this is a good point. Perhaps the gift of wisdom is cultivated in us as we develop a practice of asking questions. We learn a lot about people and circumstances just by asking a few pointed questions. The wise men asked, “Where is the child who has been born King of the Jews?” (Matthew 2:2) Have you asked that question lately? Is he in our homes, our workplaces, or our churches? How about our hearts? This is a great question to ask each and every day. Perhaps we’ve been taking the Bishop’s challenge by pausing at lunchtime and asking, “Where have I seen God today?” Indeed, where is the Christ-child present? As followers of Christ, can we answer this question when seekers ask it of us? Second, the preacher said the wise men were wise because they didn’t give in to popular opinion. So often we gauge our beliefs by what we think others want us to believe. We say the right things in order to be liked by others. We don’t want to rock the boat, and are often satisfied to uphold the status quo. The wise men knew Herod wasn’t sending them to Bethlehem to find the Christ-child so that he could go and pay him homage. They knew his true motive was to kill him. They didn’t just go along. They were wise enough to have seen through him, and bold enough to return to their homes by another road. Do we sometimes just go with the flow, even when we know the flow is going in the wrong direction? Shouldn’t we be bold enough to go against wrongful intentions? Third, according to the preacher, the wise men were wise because they worshipped the Christ-child once they found him. “On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage.” (Matthew 2:11) In true Trinitarian fashion we worship Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is three-in-one. As the hymn states it so eloquently, “God in three persons, blessed Trinity.” (Holy, Holy, Holy) How did they worship? They knelt down, and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. But first, they had to open their treasure chests. Do we really think we can truly worship by keeping our treasure chests locked and sealed? When we worship, we have to learn to open up before God and let God know that we are offering God our best. What talents or treasures might you be keeping locked up that could be offered up in service to Christ? This Epiphany I invite you to let your light shine. Let it shine churches! Let it shine believers! The wise men shared their wisdom by their example of asking questions, by not being influenced by popular opinion, and by worshipping the Christ-child. What wisdom do you have to share? Have a blessed Epiphany, and let the light of Christ shine through you. In Christ’s service, Ken Dr. Ken Krimmel LKD Superintendent Rev. Dr. Kenneth W. Krimmel, Superintendent 1210 20th St., Parkersburg, WV 26101 304-428-6461 Di s t r ic t C a l e n d a r 6 7 pm Crossroads Camp Board of Directors and Trustees Camp Medical Building CABINET Chas. DCOM St. Andrew’s District Clergy Meeting Crossroads UMC District Leadership Training Event Stout Memorial Youth gathering Mt. Pleasant UMC Retired Clergy Breakfast Shoney’s 7-9 14-16 16 10 am 18 9-3 19 3-7 pm 20 8:30 am 21-23 KSAP 29-29 - (DS in Nashville) CABINET 31 Chas. DEADLINE FOR STATISTICAL REPORTS AT THE CONFERENCE OFFICE!! 4-6 17 8:30 am 20 10 am 24-26 CABINET Chas. Retired Clergy Breakfast Shoney’s Clergy Meeting TBA CABINET Chas. HOS T CHUR CH E S n E E D E D B elow are dates for district clergy meetings for 2014. Host churches are needed for most dates. If your church would be willing to host a clergy meeting, contact the District Office to volunteer. (These dates are subject to change). Hosting responsibilities include: Healthy snacks for fellowship time, brief worship service (preach or provide short devotion), provide elements for communion (DS to lead communion service). Typical clergy meeting schedule is as follows (although this can change at the DS’s discretion): 10:00-10:30 10:30-10:45 10:45-12:00 Gathering/Fellowship Announcements and prayer requests Worship 2013-2014 Clergy Meeting Dates Jan. 16 10 am at Crossroads United Methodist Church Feb. 20 TBA —– Host church needed! Mar. 20 Lauckport UMC Apr. 10 TBA (NOTE: date change) May TBA 3 pm District Conference TBA Little Kanawha District Youth Gathering Sunday January 19, 2014 3-7 pm @ Mt. Pleasants UMC in Mineral Wells Food, Fellowship, Games, & Special Speaker Come and join us!!! 3 6 HOS T CHUR CH E S n E E D E D WHAT’S THE BUZZ ABOUT IMAGINE NO MALARIA? As a result of the Nothing But Nets campaign which started in 2006 the death rate of children in Africa has been reduced by half. Today, we see how our faith in action saves lives. United Methodists have faithfully raised $23 million with an additional $7 million in pledges for a total of $30 million to fight malaria, providing more than 1.2 million insecticide-treated mosquito nets, training more than 5,000 health workers and strengthening hospitals throughout Africa. Each district has been asked by Bishop Sandra Steiner Ball to raise funds for the Imagine No Malaria campaign. We are planning to have dinners in a few locations across the Little Kanawha District so it will be convenient to everyone to attend and help with this project. The times and locations will be announced soon. If your church would like to host a dinner please contact Rich and Deborah Shaffer, Parkersburg 304-428-8536, email: [email protected]. or Rev. Kevin Lantz, Mineral Wells 304-489-1965, email: [email protected]. In addition, we are going to have a 2 mile Walk/Bike/Run at the Parkersburg City Park on March 22, 2014 starting at 9 am. We will invite some of the local running and biking clubs to participate but everyone is encouraged to participate. If you would like to donate to the Imagine No Malaria campaign you may put a check in the offering plate designating “Imagine No Malaria” or send a check to the District office. For a donation of $10 you can save a life. How many lives are you able to save? You may also send your donation in honor or in memory of someone special as a Christmas gift. To overcome malaria, we must stand together, united in the name of Jesus Christ. Resources for congregations are available at O pp o r t u ni t i e s t o G i v e A couple of our Churches in the Parkersburg area have been involved with the County Drug Court. An appeal from the director comes to us that several of their clients are not prepared for the winter cold. If you have members who could contribute to winter coats, gloves, hats, or boots, please contact Kevin Lantz, Mt. Pleasant UMC number - 304 489-1965 Most clients are in their mid-20's to 40-something. Gently used winter wear would be great! There is a drop-off point in Parkersburg, or plans for pick-up can be arranged. God's Peace to You, Kevin Lantz Lay Leader Pastor Parish Relations Commitee 4 The lay leader’s role is a vital one that touches the entire breadth of the congregation’s life. Fulfilling this role gives you a wonderful opportunity to make a Kingdom impact. Lay Leader Pastor Parish Relations Committee Merry Christmas a n d H a p p y N e w Ye a r! From: Ken Krimmel and Davina Bell Your Little Kanawha District Office Staff 1. Go to the website at:, 2. Click the links button, 3. then the REPORTER logo OR Request the REPORTER via e-mail. (This is only recommended for those who have high-speed internet connection). (You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open this file. It is available for a free download at: Look for us on Facebook! Little Kanawha District UMC P l e a s e he l p us r educ e P a p e r e d i t i on s o f t h e LKD Re p o r t e r b y r e qu e s t i n g e ma i l / d i g i t a l e d i t i o n . Th a n k you ! Email: [email protected] Next Newsletter Deadline: Monday, Feb. 17 LITTLE KANAWHA DISTRICT UMC Reporter 1210—20th St. Parkersburg, WV 26101 Non Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Parkersburg, WV Permit No. 128
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