conference programme - International Bar Association

Generating Increased
Revenues through the
Power of Relationships
27–28 February 2014
Palais Hansen Kempinski, Vienna, Austria
A conference presented by the IBA Law Firm Management Committee, the IBA Senior Lawyers’
Committee and the IBA Young Lawyers’ Committee
In a changing environment for providing legal services, and given the increasing importance of personal skills, establishing,
maintaining and improving relations with existing and prospective clients, colleagues and contacts have become an important
element of a lawyer’s professional activity. Focusing on the expectations and reactions of clients, and others with whom lawyers
build relationships, this conference will include contributions and commentary from both in-house lawyers and seasoned
practitioners of all levels of seniority to discuss new aspects of how to manage and use relationships and networks.
Topics will include:
• The power of relationships and their importance to business development
• What clients really value – do law firms ‘get it’?
• Managing international contacts – what’s the key?
• The wealth of internal relationships – uncovering the true value
Who should attend?
Law firm partners and associates, bar representatives, professionals interested in hearing leading lawyers address current issues
affecting the internal operations of law firms and in-house counsel who want to know more about managing their relationship
with outside counsel.
*As per the Solicitors Regulation Authority of England and Wales. The number of CPD points/
hours available may vary for other bar associations and law societies depending on their criteria.
Conference Co-Chairs
Peter Alfandary PRA Development, London; Vice-Chair, IBA Senior Lawyers’ Committee
Rainer Kaspar PHHV Rechtsanwälte, Vienna; Events Officer, IBA Young Lawyers’ Committee
Hermann J Knott Luther Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH, Cologne; Senior Vice-Chair, IBA Law Firm Management Committee
Thursday 27 February
Friday 28 February
1800 – 2000 Welcome reception and registration
Säulenfoyer, Palais Hansen Kempinski
0800 – 1730 Registration
0845 – 0900 Welcome remarks
0900 – 1030
The power of relationships and their
importance to business development
Continuing Professional Development /Continuing Legal
For delegates from countries where CPD/CLE is mandatory,
the International Bar Association will be pleased to provide a
Conference Certificate of Attendance which, subject to the exact
CPD/CLE requirements, may be used to obtain the equivalent
accreditation in your jurisdiction.
This conference has been accredited for CPD/CLE by the Solicitors
Regulation Authority of England and Wales. New York and
Californian attorneys may submit their certificates of attendance
issued, and apply this credit earned to their New York and
Californian CLE requirement. Delegates should ask staff at the
registration desk for information as to how to obtain the hours.
Professional relationships need to be managed consistently. This
session will focus on ways to set realistic and measurable goals for
business development and on applying useful methodologies and
means. Topics to be discussed include:
• The balance between service delivery and legal expertise
• The typical DNA of most law firms; awakening and nurturing
the ‘sleeping business development gene’
• Why most lawyers over-estimate the strength of their client
• Relationship deepening: yes; selling and cross-selling: no!
• Lessons from Aristotle, Drucker and Maister
• What good business developers do in practice and what they
avoid doing
• Exploiting the existing gold mine versus new exploration; the old
80:20 rule in the 21st century
• What clients are saying (and what they really want) – ‘it’s all
about relationships, stupid!’
Session Chair
Peter Alfandary
Horst Ebhardt Wolf Theiss, Vienna
Adam S Goodman Heenan Blaikie, Toronto; Vice-Chair, IBA
Young Lawyers’ Committee
Rachel Levitan Levitan Sharon, Tel Aviv
Peter Sigler Michelmores, London; Senior Vice-Chair, IBA Senior
Lawyers’ Committee
1030 – 1100 Coffee/tea break
Kindly supported by
1100 – 1230
What clients really value – do law firms
‘get it’?
In this panel, high-profile in-house counsel from various
backgrounds will address what clients value most in assessing their
relationships with law firms and their lawyers.
Session Co-Chairs
Kevin Doolan Eversheds, London
Rainer Kaspar
Max Hübner PGGM, Noordweg Noord, The Netherlands
Pii Ketvel Marcol Capital Europe, Luxembourg; Advisory Board
Member, IBA European Regional Forum
Rüdiger Lohoff Benteler International AG, Salzburg
Abhijit Mukhopadhyay Hinduja Group, London
Lukas Röper Sberbank Europe AG, Vienna
1230 – 1400 Lunch
Keynote Speaker
Claus J Raidl President, General Counsel of the Austrian Central
Bank (OeNB), Vienna
1400 – 1530
Managing international contacts –
what’s the key?
Building relationships in an international context requires specific
skills and efforts, such as identifying the right contacts, choosing
the right events to attend, how to communicate during the event,
respecting cultural differences and how to manage the follow-up
effectively. This session will focus on key factors which are relevant
for establishing and further developing international relationships.
Topics to be discussed include:
• How to create an effective networking strategy; is ‘less’ in fact
• Common mistakes and how to avoid them
• Cultural dimensions to international relationships
• Effective follow-up from networking meetings and conferences
in a digital age, including the use of social media
• The interplay between personal relationships and international
networks and alliances
Session Chair
Hermann J Knott
Rouven Bodenheimer LLS Lungerich Lenz Schuhmacher,
Cologne; Co-Chair, IBA Young Lawyers’ Committee
Stephen Denyer Allen & Overy, Frankfurt am Main; SPPI Council
Shelley Dunstone Legal Circles, Adelaide; Communications
Officer, IBA Senior Lawyers’ Committee
Karen Monroe Wilk Auslander, Geneva
Irene Welser CHSH Cerha Hempel Spiegelfeld Hlawati, Vienna
1530 – 1600 Coffee/tea break
1600 – 1730
The wealth of internal relationships –
uncovering the true value
Your firm’s internal relationships are more valuable than you
believe. This panel will address ways and means of successfully
managing internal relations and creating value for the firm and
the client by building on internal relationships. Topics to be
discussed include:
• Improving internal relationships and teambuilding
• Relationship building within single and multi-office firms
• The need for business development training – for whom and
how; the value of mentors
• Business development as part of a firm’s culture – valuing
business development hours as chargeable time; business
development as an element of performance appraisals and
compensation for all lawyers in the firm
• Cross fertilisation of client, deal information and experience
Session Chair
Corrado Rampini Bär Karrer, Zurich
Garrett Miller Eugene F Collins, Dublin; Vice-Chair, IBA Young
Lawyers’ Committee
Rebecca Normand-Hochman Institute of Mentoring, London;
Coordinator, Mentoring Programme, IBA Law Firm Management
Willibald Plesser Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Vienna
Philip Rodney Burness Paull, Glasgow
Axel Staudt FranzLegal, Düsseldorf
Friday 28 February
1900 Cocktail reception and conference dinner
MOYA – Museum of Young Art
Palais Schönborn
Renngasse 4
1010 Vienna
Housed in the elegant historical Schönborn palace, the MOYA is
in the heart of the first district of Vienna. Since 1740, the palace
has been in the possession of the Schönborn family and during the
20th century it has had many uses, including a family residence,
an embassy, a bank and now the home of MOYA, where the old
baroque building is enhanced with young, inspiring art.
Price €105
This venue is within walking distance from the conference hotel.
Transportation will not be provided.
2230 Hosted cocktail reception
Herrenhof Bar
Steigenberger Hotel Herrenhof
Herrengasse 10
1010 Vienna
This hosted cocktail reception is open to participants of both the
IBA conference ‘Generating Increased Revenues through the Power
of Relationships’ and the Vienna Arbitration Days conference, see
This venue is within walking distance from the Museum of
Young Art
This event is sponsored by the following law firms:
• Binder Groesswang
• Cerha Hempel Spiegelfeld Hlawati
• Dorda Brugger Jordis
• Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
• Graf & Pitkowitz
• Schoenherr
• Wolf Theiss
Saturday 1 March
External programme
Afternoon Waltzing lessons
In preparation for the Ball of Legal Professionals - joined by
participants of both the Vienna Arbitration Days (www. and the IBA conference.
Evening ball of legal professionals (Juristenball)
Vienna Hofburg (
The Ball will be held at the Hofburg Palace, which is located
in the very centre of the first district facing the imperial
Heldenplatz and has housed some of the most powerful
people in European and Austrian history, including the
Habsburg dynasty, rulers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
The palace was the Habsburgs’ principal winter residence,
as the Schönbrunn Palace was their preferred summer
Ladies are expected to wear floor-length evening gowns and
gentlemen are expected to wear tuxedo or black tailcoat.
Owing to tradition, admittance will only be permitted with
the correct dress code.
Tickets are available for participants of the IBA conference;
however, tickets are limited, so early registration is
For further information and reservations, please contact Julia
Windner by email on [email protected] or alternatively by
telephone on +43 676 8970 08853.
The organisers may at any time, with or without giving notice, in their absolute discretion and without giving any reason, cancel or postpone the conference,
change its venue or any of the other published particulars, or withdraw any invitation to attend. In any case, neither the organisers nor any of their officers,
employees, agents, members or representatives shall be liable for any loss, liability, damage or expense suffered or incurred by any person, nor will they return any
money paid to them in connection with the conference unless they are satisfied not only that the money in question remains under their control but also that the
person who paid it has been unfairly prejudiced (as to which, decision shall be in their sole and unfettered discretion and, when announced, final and conclusive).
27–28 February 2014
All working sessions and conference materials will be in English.
Palais Hansen Kempinski
Schottenring 24
1010 Vienna
Tel: +43 (1) 236 1000 8040
Fax: +43 (1) 236 1000
How to register
Register online by 19 February at
aspx and make payment by credit card, to avail of the ten per cent online
registration discount or complete the attached registration form and return it
to Philippa Burke at the IBA together with your payment. You should receive
emailed confirmation of your registration within five days; if you do not then
please contact Philippa Burke at [email protected].
Online registrations received:
A reduced rate is offered to lawyers who are over the age of 65, have been
an IBA member for more than 20 years and are no longer practising law.
on or before
17 January
19 February
IBA member
Non-member *
Young lawyers (under 30 years)
Academics/judges (full-time)
Public lawyers
Corporate counsel
Cocktail reception and
conference dinner
Full payment must be received in order to process your registration.
Fees include:
• Attendance at all working sessions
• Conference materials, including any available speakers’ papers submitted
to the IBA before 21 February.
• Access to the above conference working materials from the IBA website
( approximately seven days prior to the conference
• Access to mobile delegate search application
• Lunch on Friday
• Tea and coffee during breaks
• Invitation to welcome reception on 27 February
• Invitation to hosted cocktail reception on 28 February at the
Steigenberger Hotel Herrenhof
Please note that registrations are not transferable.
After 19 February registrations must be received in hard copy at the IBA
Hard copy registration forms and fees received:
on or before
17 January
17 January
IBA member
Non-member *
Young lawyers (under 30 years)
Academics/judges (full-time)
Public lawyers
Corporate counsel
Cocktail reception and
conference dinner
* By paying the non-member fee, we welcome you as a delegate member
of the IBA for the year in which this conference is held, which entitles you
to the following benefits:
1) Password access to certain parts of the IBA website.
2) Receipt of IBA E-news and access to online versions of IBA Global Insight.
3) Pay the member rate for any subsequent conference registrations for
this calendar year.
If you would like to become a full or general member of the IBA, which
includes membership of one committee or more – and inclusion in and
access to our membership directory – we encourage you to do so now in
order to register for this conference at the member rate. Full details of how
to join can be found at
Guest fees include:
• Invitation to welcome reception on 27 February
• Invitation to hosted cocktail reception on 28 February at the
Steigenberger Hotel Herrenhof
A guest must not be a member of the legal profession or seek to use
the Conference as a business networking opportunity. Access to working
sessions is not permitted for guests. Checks are made to ensure members
of the legal profession are not registered as guests, if this is the case,
registration will be refused unless the guest registers as a full delegate for
the conference. Only registered guests (ie, those paying the guest
fee) are eligible to participate in the social programme.
List of participants
In order for your name to appear in the list of participants, which will be
distributed at the conference, your registration form must be received by
19 February at the latest.
Mobile delegate search application
All registered delegates will receive a printed list of participants at the
conference, however delegates are now also able to use the mobile
delegate search. This application has been developed to aid networking
by giving delegates instant access to an up-to-date list of their fellow
attendees, and comes with the added benefit of a built-in messaging
service. All registered delegates with an internet or Wi-Fi-enabled device
will have access, using their IBA username and password. Simply visit:
Registration confirmation
All documentation regarding your attendance at the conference can now
be obtained from the IBA website. Upon receipt of your payment for the
conference a confirmation email will be sent containing instructions on
how to download the documents. Registration confirmation will not be
distributed by post.
Payment of registration fees
Euro: by cheque or bank draft, drawn on a euro zone bank and converted
at the current rate of exchange and in favour of the International Bar
OR by bank transfer to the IBA bank account number 550/00/06570631
(Sort Code 56-00-03) at the National Westminster Bank, St James’s &
Piccadilly Branch, 208 Piccadilly, London W1A 2DG, United Kingdom or
SWIFT address NWBKGB2L, IBAN GB58NWBK60721106570631. Please
ensure that a copy of the bank transfer details is attached to your
registration form.
Pounds sterling: by cheque drawn on a UK bank and in favour of the
International Bar Association. Please send to: 4th Floor, 10 St Bride Street,
London EC4A 4AD, United Kingdom.
OR by bank transfer to the IBA account number: 13270222 (Sort Code
56-00-03) at the National Westminster Bank, St James’s & Piccadilly Branch,
208 Piccadilly, London W1A 2DG, United Kingdom or SWIFT address
NWBKGB2L, IBAN GB05NWBK56000313270222. Please ensure that a
copy of the bank transfer details is attached to your registration
US dollars: by cheque converted at the current rate of exchange and
drawn on a US bank and in favour of the International Bar Association.
Please send to: 4th Floor, 10 St Bride Street, London EC4A 4AD, United
OR by bank transfer to the IBA account number: 01286498 (Sort Code
56-00-03) at the National Westminster Bank, St James’s & Piccadilly
Branch, 208 Piccadilly, London W1A 2DG, United Kingdom. SWIFT address
NWBKGB2L, IBAN GB55NWBK60730101286498. Please ensure that
a copy of the bank transfer details is attached to your registration
Use the exchange rate prevailing at the time of registration.
Credit card payments: by Visa, MasterCard or American Express. No
other cards are accepted.
No Deductions or Withholdings
All fees payable to us by you in accordance with the terms contained in
this ‘Information’ section shall be paid free and clear of all deductions or
withholdings whatsoever.
Hotel accommodation
The conference will be taking place at the Palais Hansen
Kempinski. If you wish to stay at this hotel and make a reservation,
please contact the hotel directly on:
Palais Hansen Kempinski
Schottenring 24
1010 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43 (1) 236 1000 8040
Fax: +43 (1) 236 1000
Email: [email protected]
Please note that the IBA has not block booked any bedrooms.
If any deductions or withholdings are required by law to be made from any
fees payable to us by you under the terms contained in this ‘Information’
section you shall pay such sum as will, after the deduction or withholding
has been made, leave us with the same amount as we would have been
entitled to receive in the absence of any such requirement to make a
deduction or withholding. If we obtain the benefit of any tax credit or
other relief by reference to any such deductions or withholdings, then we
shall repay to you such amount as, after such repayment has been made,
will leave us in no worse position than we would have been had no such
deductions or withholdings been required.
Conference sell-outs
The IBA places its conference in venues of a suitable size for the event;
however there are times when our conferences may sell out. Should this
happen, prospective delegates will be informed and a waiting list will
operate. The waiting list will function on a ‘first come, first served’ basis,
subject to receiving registered delegate cancellations. The IBA will not be
liable for any travel or accommodation expenses incurred by an individual
who travels to the conference without a confirmed place at the event.
Cancellation of registration
If cancellation is received in writing at the IBA office by 31 January, fees
will be refunded less a 25 per cent administration charge. We regret that
no refunds can be made after this date. Registrations received after 31
January will not be eligible for any refund of registration fees.
Provided you have cancelled your registration to attend an IBA conference
in accordance with the terms of the ‘cancellation of registration’
clause included in the ‘Information’ section of the relevant conference
programme, you must then confirm to us in writing at the IBA office as
soon as possible but in no event later than one year (12 calendar months)
from the date of any such conference all necessary details to enable any
reimbursement owed to you to be paid. We regret that no refunds will be
made after the date that is one year (12 calendar months) after the date of
the relevant conference.
Travel arrangements and visas
Participants are responsible for making their own travel arrangements. It
is recommended that you check your visa requirements with your local
embassy or consulate. We are unable to dispatch visa invitation letters to
support your visa application prior to receipt of your registration form and
full payment of registration fees. Please apply for your visa in good time.
Delegates are responsible for making accommodation reservations
directly with the hotel and entering into an agreement with
the hotel regarding credit card guarantees, cancellation terms
and conditions, and room rates (should these differ from the
special IBA rate). The IBA cannot accept responsibility for hotel
accommodation disputes between a delegate and the hotel.
Disabled access
The Palais Hansen Kempinski is wheelchair accessible. Please notify us if
you require special assistance.
Promotional literature
Please note that no individual or organisation may display or distribute
publicity material or other printed matter during the conference, unless by
prior arrangement with the IBA.
Organisations and companies wishing to discuss promotional opportunities
should contact the Sponsorship Department at the IBA (sponsorship@
Social programme
Saturday 1 March
Afternoon waltzing lessons
Thursday 27 February
1800 – 2000 Welcome reception and registration
Säulenfoyer, Palais Hansen Kempinski
Evening ball of legal professionals
Vienna Hofburg
1010 Vienna
Friday 28 February
1900 Cocktail reception and conference dinner
MOYA – Museum of Young Art
Palais Schönborn
Renngasse 4
1010 Vienna
Price: €105
2230 Hosted cocktail reception
Herrenhof Bar
Steigenberger Hotel Herrenhof
Herrengasse 10
1010 Vienna
Social event ticket reservations cannot be guaranteed unless
payment has been received before 24 February, subject to
The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI), established in 1995, has become a
leading global force in human rights, working to promote and protect the independence of the judiciary and
the ability of lawyers to practice freely and without interference under a just rule of law. The IBAHRI runs
training programmes and workshops, capacity building projects with bar associations, fact-finding missions,
trial observations; issues regular reports and press releases disseminated widely to UN bodies, international
governmental and non-governmental organisations and other stakeholders; and undertakes many other
projects working towards its objectives.
All our activities are
funded by grants
and individual
Become a member
for just £40 a year – less than £4
a month – to help support our
for more information, and click join
to become a member. Alternatively,
email us at [email protected].
Our work around the world
Work carried in 2012
Work carried out prior to 2012
Global Professional Training with the International
Bar Association and the University of Law – a careerenhancing commitment to excellence.
LL.M in
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Designed in conjunction with the International Bar Association,
this LL.M is a tailored, professional programme for graduates and
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The benefits of the LL.M in International Legal
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• Nine units per module
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You choose your pace of learning
• Modular course design enables you to determine your own pace of
• S-mode modules start in January and July each year
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First available start date
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International arbitration practice
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International joint ventures
July 2014
‘The i-tutorials are very easy to use and
informative, an excellent way for busy
practitioners to learn.’
For further information, and to register
please email: [email protected]
Registration form
Generating Increased Revenues through the Power of Relationships
27 – 28 February 2014, Palais Hansen Kempinski, Vienna, Austria
Please read the ‘Information’ section before completing this form and return it together with your payment to
Philippa Burke at the address overleaf.
Personal details (Please attach your business card or write in block capitals)
Title______________ Given name__________________________________________ Family name�������������������������������������������������
Name and country to be shown on badge (if different from above) �������������������������������������������������������������������������
IBA membership number (if applicable)___________________________________________________________Date of birth ���������������������������
Tel ___________________________________________________________ Fax�����������������������������������������������������������������
Guest name������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
Special dietary requirements ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
Hard copy registration forms and fees received:
on or before 17 January
after 17 January
amount payable
IBA member
€690 €810
Young lawyers (under 30 years)
Academics/judges (full-time)
Public lawyers
Corporate counsel
Guest €45
Guests are not entitled to attend the working sessions. No member of the legal profession may be registered as a guest.
Social functions
Cocktail reception and conference dinner (MOYA) Number of tickets __________ @ €105 €
I/we would like to attend the welcome reception at the Palais Hansen Kempinski on 27 February
I/we would like to attend the hosted cocktail reception at the Steigenberger Hotel Herrenhof on 28 February
Social function ticket reservations are subject to availability and cannot be guaranteed unless payment has been received before 24 February.
Payment details
I enclose a cheque/bank draft made payable to the IBA for the total amount payable.
I have transferred to the IBA bank account the total amount payable and have attached a copy of the bank transfer details.
Please charge the total amount due to my (delete as appropriate) Visa/MasterCard/American Express. Other cards are not accepted.
Card number ______________________________________________________________ Start date _______________ Expiry date ����������������������
Name of cardholder �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
Signature _________________________________________________________________ Date����������������������������������������������������
Where did you first hear about this conference?
Please provide further details, quoting code (if applicable)
IBA listings are provided to relevant third parties for marketing purposes. The IBA will treat your personal information with the utmost respect and in accordance with UK
data privacy laws.
If you are agreeable to passing on your details, please tick this box If you do not wish to receive IBA information and materials, please tick this box Your details will however be included in the list of participants.
Please send the completed form to:
International Bar Association
Philippa Burke
4th Floor, 10 St Bride Street, London EC4A 4AD, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)20 7842 0090 Fax: +44 (0)20 7842 0091
Email: [email protected]
For office use only Payment ______________________ Banked _______________________Processed_____________
ith a population of more than 13 million, the capital of Japan and the seat of Japanese government is
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economy, along with New York and London. Not only a key business hub, Tokyo also offers an almost unlimited
range of local and international culture, entertainment, dining and shopping to its visitors, making it an ideal
destination for the International Bar Association’s 2014 Annual Conference.
what will tokyo 2014 offer?
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4,500 lawyers and legal professionals from around the world
• Morethan180workingsessionscoveringallareasofpracticerelevanttointernationallegalpractitioners
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key cities
• Aregistrationfeewhichentitlesyoutoattendasmanyworking
sessions throughout the week as you wish
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continuing professional development
• Avarietyofsocialfunctionsprovidingample
opportunity to network and see the city’s key sights,
and an exclusive excursion and tours programme
To register your interest, please contact: International Bar Association
4th Floor, 10 St Bride Street, London EC4A 4AD, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)20 7842 0090
Fax: +44 (0)20 7842 0091 [email protected]
International Bar Association
the global voice of the legal profession
The International Bar Association (IBA), established in 1947, is the world’s leading organisation of international legal practitioners, bar
associations and law societies. The IBA influences the development of international law reform and shapes the future of the legal profession
throughout the world. It has a membership of more than 50,000 individual legal professionals and 205 bar associations and law societies spanning
all continents and has considerable expertise in providing assistance to the global legal community.
Grouped into two divisions – the Legal Practice Division and the Public and Professional Interest Division – the IBA covers all practice areas
and professional interests, providing members with access to leading experts and up-to- date information. Through the various committees of the
divisions, the IBA enables an interchange of information and views among its members as to laws, practices and professional responsibilities relating
to the practice of law around the globe.
Additionally, the IBA’s world-class conferences provide unrivalled professional development and network-building opportunities for international
legal practitioners, senior business professionals, regulators and government officials
Law Firm Management Committee overview
In the highly competitive and demanding environment where ever increasing pressures are being felt in the practice of law, every lawyer – whether
a partner or not, whether performing a specific management responsibility or not – must be prepared to meet these challenges. The Law Firm
Management Committee provides lawyers with the practical tools that they need in order to enhance their practice, their business development
skills and their management capabilities.
Advert space
The Committee provides a forum for informative, practical and relevant programmes, seminars, discussion forums and articles on all aspects of
practice and law firm management for firms of all sizes.
Senior Lawyers’ Committee overview
Formed in 2005 primarily to represent the interests of senior lawyers, regardless of their status within the IBA, this Committee is now attracting
much interest from younger members of the IBA keen to participate in a forum where they can meet and learn from the experience of senior
lawyers, otherwise than in the context of specialist committees of the LPD and purely social events. As a dynamic group of energetic and likeminded people in terms of both members and participants in its events, the Committee continues to grow and expand its influence.
The Committee actively encourages its members to link and share experiences with similar groups of lawyers and other professionals across all
age groups. Its main objectives include: the retention of senior lawyers (whether still practising or already retired) as IBA members; combating
age discrimination in all its forms; encouraging senior lawyers to pass on the benefit of their experience and to act as mentors to younger lawyers
finding their way both within the IBA and in the profession as a whole; facilitating introductions to fellow professionals and business contacts
throughout the world; and, where necessary, acting as a pressure group to advance the interests of senior lawyers both within and outside the IBA.
Young Lawyers’ Committee overview
The Young Lawyers’ Committee was founded with a clear focus on young colleagues and their specific aims and interests, serving as an ‘entrance
door’ for young lawyers and putting them into contact with the rest of the Divisions to become further involved in the IBA. The major goal of all our
activities is to create a win-win situation in which young colleagues can enhance their skills and networks thanks to IBA programmes, conferences
and other projects, while simultaneously providing the IBA and its constituents with fresh ideas and a vivid contact to the next generation of legal
experts and counsel.
The objectives of the Young Lawyers’ Committee are to identify, discuss and promote issues involving young lawyers both around the world and
within the association. The Committee aims to achieve this by means of fluid communications with the other IBA Committees so that their relevant
activities and programmes can be actively promoted to young lawyers as well as by getting young lawyers involved directly by recommending them
as speakers. Other means of communication applied by the Committee are our newsletters and e-bulletins, which are published around three times
per year. Here, the Committee officers report on their activities and projects while young colleagues from all over the world submit articles on topics
in their jurisdictions they consider being of interest for the Committee.
Contact information
International Bar Association
4th Floor, 10 St Bride Street, London EC4A 4AD, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)20 7842 0090 Fax: +44 (0)20 7842 0091
Email: [email protected]