STJPPLEMEE T TO THE LON DON GAZETTE, 30 JANUARY, 1920. T./<Lt. .(A./Capt.) Alan Lindsay Brown, 9th Jbta., ifcJco. Rit. Capt. Colin Livington Campbell, Arg. &. Biuth'd Jbiighrs. Capt. (now Maj.) (A./Lt.-Col.) William. Macleod Campbell, D.S.O., Suff. R. Capt. Henry Antrobus OartwrigJtit, Midd'x R. SOUTH AFRICAN FORCE. Capt. Cyril Hugh Joseph OhicbesterT./Maj. I. Macdougall, .S. African Inf. Constable, R. of O., R. War. R. Capt. Victor iSoamander Clarke, 2nd B>n.,. War Office, R.W. KentR. 30th January, 1920. T. /Gapt. Philip Francis Dale, Essex R. His Majesty the KING has been graciously Capt. John Fritz Kivas Ddbbs, R. Dub. Fus. pleased to.approve of the undermentioned re- Lt. Hugh George Edmund D-urnford, R.F.A.,. .Spec. .Res. wards in recognition of gallant conduct and determination displayed in escaping or at- Capt. Frederic Robbins Ellis, 4tih Bn., D. o£ Corn. L.I., T.F. • tfempting to escape from captivity, which services nave been brought to notice in accor.d- Capt. Alexander GaJlaher, D.S.O., 4th D.. Gds. ance with the terms of Army Order 193 of 1919. To be dated 5th May, 1919", unless Capt. Leonard Gilbert, R. Innis. Fhis. Capt. Horace Gray Gilliland, N. Lane. R.,. otherwise stated: — iSpec. Res. AWARDED A BAB TO THE DISTINGUISHED Capt. Philip Godsal, Oxf. & Bucks. L.I.", (Spec. SERVICE ORDER. Res. CANADIAN FORCE'. Capt. Leopold James Graham-Toiler, Midd'x•Lt.-Col. Peter Anderson, D'.lS.O., 3rd iBra., R., .Spec. Res. Can. Infy. (To date 31st December, 1919.) Oapt. Arthur Broidie Haig., 24th Punjabis,. (D.S.O. gazetted 15th July, 1919.) I.A. Capt. Jajnes Herbert .Harris. I/4th Bn.,. Hampsi. R. AWARDED THE DISTINGUISHED Capt. Brian Gwynne Hoxrocks Midd'x R. SERVICE ORDER. T./'Capt. LesHe R. Hulls, M.G. Co. ,], diaries Robert Hall, R. Muns. Fus. Capt. Maurice Andrew! Brackenreed John•Lit.-Col. Croifton Bury Vandeleur, Sco. Rif. ston, R.G.A. William. ,Hen.ry Laoigran, W. York. R. AWARDED A BAR TO THE MILITARY *Capt. Humphrey Willis Chetwode Lloyd, ^ CROSS. D.S.O., Wilts. R. •T./'Lt. John Keith Bousfield, M.O., R.E'. Capt. Kingsley Jack Pertwis O-lip-hant, Wilts. (M.C. gazetted 14th November, 1916.) R. •Capt. Godfrey Walter Phillimore, High. L.I.. C/apb. & Bit. Maj. Joihn Alan Lyde Caunter, (Spec. Res.). M.C., Glouc. R. (To date 31st December, Capt. Bertram Louis Ratcliffe, W. York. R. 1919.) Capt. Henry B&rron Rose, Wilts. R, (M.C. gazetted in this Gazette.) T./Lt. Leonard Chester Russell, R. Fus. Capt. Gualter Hug-h Rodger .Bellingham.Capt. Ronald Alister Percival Grant, M.C., .So-merville, R. War. R. 112tih Infy., I,A. Capt. Francis Williain Voelcker, 1st Bn.,(M.C. gazetted 23rd August, 1918.) Shrops. L.I. T./Lit. Arthur Eustace Wilson, 20th Bn.,. Capt. Jocelyn Lee Hardy, M.C., 2nd Bn., L'pool R. Conn. Rang. AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE. (M.C. gazetited 15th October, 1918.) Lt. Henry Chester Fitagierald, 19th Bn.,_ Aust. Infy. 'Capt. (now T./Llt.-Col.) Michael Charles Joseph Huxley Honeysett, 47th B-n., •Cooper Harrison, D.S.O., M.C., R. Ir. Capt. Aust. Inf. Regt. Lt. .Herbert Johnson, 21st Bn., Aust. M.G.. (M.C: gazetted 16th September, 1918.) Corps. [* An amendment to the award announced in Capt. "James Milner, M.C., R.A.SLC. London Gazette, 3rd June, 1919,. will be' (M.C. gazetted 14th January, 1916.) published later.] Capt. Robert Alexander Reddie, M*G., Norf. His Majesty the KING has been graciously R., Spec. Res. pleased to approve of ithe undermentioned re(M.C. gazetted 8th March, 1919.) wards in recognition of gallaoit conduct and.'" Capt. Kenneth Darlaston Yearsley, M.C., determination displayed in escaping or attempting to escape from captivity, which serR.E. (To date 31st December, 1919.) vices have been brought to notice in accord(M.C. gazetted 23rd October, 1919.) ance with the terms of Army Order 193 of 1919. To be dated 5th May, 1919 : — AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL! FORCE. BAR TO MILITARY MEDAL. Capt. (now Lt.-Col.) John Eldred Mott, 8166 Coy./S.M. O. T. Siharpe, M.M., 2ndBn.s> Lin,cs. R. (Hereford). - M.C., 48th Bn., Aust. Infy. (M.M. gazetted, llth November, 1916.) (M.C. gazetted 1st February, 1919.) 2786 €pl. A. D. Bowen, 54feh Bn., Aust. Inf. 1249 Pte. B. P. Davies, 32nd Bn., Aust. Inf. 2603 L./Cpl. C. J. Godfrey, llth Bn., Aust. Inf. 1032 Sjt. R. Wilson, M.M., 13th Bn., Aust. M.G.C. AWARDED THE MILITARY CROSS. Capt. Harry •Coghill Watson Bishop, I. A.R.O. T./,Lt. Timothy Breen, Intell. Corps, 2568 Pte. P. G. Cooke, M.M., 15th Aust. Inf.. Bn. (M.M. gazetted 16th November, 1916.)
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