Local News Publications PO Box 923 Sumner Park Q 4074 P: 3201 1880 E: info @ LNP.net.au VISIT: www.LNP.net.au The Lake News - Contributors Information Local News Publications is an independently owned and operated company committed to the concept of providing smaller geographical areas with local magazines. The Lake News began as a four page newsletter in Forest Lake in 1993. Continually meeting the community needs, The Lake News has grown ten fold, celebrating its 200th issue as a 40 page publication with a distribution of over 11,000 homes and businesses. The Lake News, delivered free to homes and businesses each month, continues Y to grow with the local thriving community RWA O TO M H andSits ICdistribution has now grown to take in some of Forest IP W Lake’s neighbouring suburbs. Each publication features local stories from local people, schools and community groups, with many readers keeping their monthly copy and only discarding it when the next issue arrives in their letterbox. Area Lake roup Forest F en G Gard L AK ELLEN GROVE Trades & Servic es Relax Q.B.S.A Licence No. 1068429 ARC Licence e info For mor ts Local Cont ac ts In fo Page m.au ades.co terupgr ecompu 115 540 Contac er … it’s mo comput No. L004004 CABINE QUALITY WORK TMAKER S CARPET BSA 1073648 .,7&+(16 %$56 027 &86720 25+20(),728 76 PHONE TIM )851,785(&$ %,1( Ph 3800 OR SHARON FOR A 75< QUOT 4194 Fax www.blue 3402 3097E cedars.co m.au Tile & Grou Carpet s Uph olstery 8ULQH 5HPRYD 7LOH* O URXW&OHDQ LQJ *URXW5 .LWFK HQ/D HFRORXU LQFOXGLQJ XQGU\ LQJ 9DQLW\ ÀRRUVE 5HQRY DQGVKR DWKURRPV DWLRQV WRVXLW ZHUV <285EX 7LOH5H GJHW SDLUV *LYHXVD FDOOWRGD\ ^^^ =PZP[V\Y>LI ZP[L! FOREST LAKE KPHTVUKJHY WL[[PSLHUKN 0419 673 CABINETMAKERS YV\[JVTH\ PH: 041 246 - 3392 6868 8 or 387 919 433 9 1943 t FORE CARPETST LAKE CLEANER S BONE DRY ing Walls Truck 0407 790 497 tlakewasps.com.a of Forest Lake - Block or Lions Club Sebastian Rendic Anonymous General Concr .org.au Rock president@fores asps.com.au Alcoholics or visit www.aa President: eting OWNER www.forestlakew Ph: 3255 9162 of 0433 698 445 .com - OPERAT friends & family , Raiders OR Digital TV srendic @gmail Al-Anon for 3854 0331 or visit Brisbane Softball0402 485 795 Ph: /qld - Southwest Sandie Antenn alcoholics ail.com Tele pho teen.org/australia Motoring Club as ts raidersips@hotm 6003 www.al-anon.ala West Club Ross 5548 Local JP Contac ne & Inte rnet s Australia m Lake’s Swim015 539 s When Points Swimming, swbmc@ mail.co Asperger Service Suppor t Group 0400 kee New L Lak e Region ied) Forest Lake m eonLa bobcat'sa Dianna Remingt h Brisban Touch, Th The (Qualif ymail.co In 3082 JP .au 3278 4 Mums ng too big lakessw Phone Jane il 201 imming@ lub.blogspot.com pril David Armstro Jane 3879 6934 Apr Foundation tion http://lakesswimc and a 3000 4580 gee 6 Club AssociaPa Pag P Bank of Qld, s Gridiron Australian Pituitary 641 332 3 shov 0428 National Service Cougar Roo Branch el's Western 3CO TT$ ms $77 Margaret Chittick too sma Ph 3376 2083 Brisbane West Assoc Creekwood 4 Roo 0450 430 953 5848 ll. ONA LD/WN ron.com.au Breast Feeding Linda Clarke Peter 3372 ms $88 .00 ER/PERATOR Lake Branch www.cougarsgridi Australian 548 856 0408 320 325 or Forest 9464 5 Roo OR 3714 • 4 in 1 es Tammy 0417 National Seniorsor Ros 3372 9432 y Heathwood ms $99 .00 bucke ous(EA) A mental Representativ Reg Connell Julie 3278 7274 • post- t • trencher • .00 Emotions Anonym 0403 167 121 Government Brisbane YROXQWHHUJURXS hole borer leveller 3879 9397 or Dog Club of KHDOWKQRQSUR¿W 3372 9773 3278 9559 (wk) • rippe Obedience rs Robyn Fleming Federal Member Graham or Lynn 0411 017 454 BOOKKE (Oxley) Kylie 3372 5276 Mr E G Harper BEA Tea Group 9242 Ripoll MLA 6440 at EPING Meals on Wheels UTY Village 3372 Pallara Morning CARPEN 839 / 3879 .au of the month 208 Bernie Homestead Assoc - Ipswich 1800 640 aph.gov TRY McLaughlin 0422 533 Meets last Saturday Multiple Birth215 Phone Ruth Allan & Tania bernie. ripoll@ ll.com.a u Pallara S.S. Sue 0410 181 X { J & F Co www.be rnieripo 3372 9408 {}© of Forest Lake Australia Neehouse nstruc Playgroup Probus Club 3372 9923 Don’t get Wzi{<i Kathleen Maree Members stressed! 171 882 tions ©jw award 3372 7152 President Joan FHU.HYLQ State ia.com.au zuk MP (Inala) .au 1800 ✔ MYOB winning Pallara } paustral Palaszc 3485 VKLS2I¿ cia ~ medica 3278 salon playgrou 0HPEHU ✔ Organis & QuickBooks Annasta arliament.qld.gov e Nelson l grade ~ All scope er Extraor ■ New Homes Christin microdermabrestablished ✔ BAS ~ IPL ~ the compa s of Carp Group dinaire 3372 3207 inala@p (Algester) & Spray asion infusio 12yrs ny you can ■ Renova Nicholls ✔ Payroll IAS Returns Rana Frog tanning entry MP ■ Retain Mandy All skin 8723 n therapy assist in creatin tions ■ ~ Cosme trust to 3372 tic Churches ing Walls ✔ Admini Decks and Anthony Shorten 3372 4926 ad&Village physici body ■ Rural ga Shop ■ Link Block Homeste Patios ✔ Bookke stration treatment an & Domes 11, 200 3372 9314 , Forest Lake 3278 9257 and SAFER HEALTHIER epingAu of Aust Walls ■ ent.qld.gov.au s ✔ Cert dits Obligation tic Fencing Referral Network environment. Boyd PorterGrand Av, Fores IV in Financi od Anglican Church algester@parliam Service ■ Qualit 9003 Free Quotes 3372 1216 We Create s (Bookke al t Lake y Workm Smith Creekwo Gaye 3879 eping) s Order from Margy St Hugh’s Inala .com www Phone www.ande CALL anship Council: www.a .Chry or 0417 198 295 Chaos! today 3879 dminad Inala and Suburb Joel: 043 Brisbane City rsens-carp QBSA Lic sthughs@bigpond vantage 3278 7825salis ! 0412 9003 or Beau Richlands, 1652 3372 3999 .com.au (Richlands) etcleaning.c No. 1083835 3879 ty.co 2 250 656 031 Fax: (07) FLake service BAS Agent Cr Milton Dick approve m.au History Group Kathleen Wooler om.au # 9234201 2358 3297 1570 150 d salo 5 3407 1211 630 BUILDE Angela 3372 ecn.net.au A.O.G. Church n Lake 0413 428 r of Declaration RS richlands.ward@ ylor (Parkinson) Pastor Chad 3279 9249 mail.com Commissione Rotary Club Village, Owen-Ta eaog@g 6987 Angela Hillbrook forestlak Cr Brian 3271 Len Beesley Lake , Forest Lake 3131 7022 ecn.net.au nch, Forest 0414 263 514 Baptist Church and 6pm B RSL Sub-Bra Ph Peter 0412 357 756 Kev Brennan parkinson.ward@ CAR PET 772 990 beautyfull CARPENTR 3879 0685 (A/H) FLSS PAC 9.30am F you.com.a Brydon Mackay 0403 Meets 3rd Tue 220 002 CLEANE Y & PROP u | 04339886 Pastor Mark [email protected] P Hom Rodney ERTY MAIN RS & PEST CON or George 0488 Dunning 3372 606 451 New Hom Fully Email: macpast aptist.org.au Mak e Bas E ed TENANCE 3870 7000 BeautyeinSalo BRISBA TRO ing itJack No job toolicenced & insure Gravest www.forestlakeb w Scout Group tion NE WE L affordab Craige d Renova es Extensio small Competitive n Nazarene Ladies & 3278 ST Progress Associa ns Parkle tion Rates ~ ~ FREE quotes for8672 * Church of the C College Southwest 456 150 youPocket Waxing : Manicure Mens Pensi Tree 2192 ! CALL Konr Granny s Office FacialGreen y & Pedicu IInala - 3372 Michael 0433 s & Skinca 102 Neil ad NOW ! oner’s Discount re :Meurant Spray Tannin 778re Christ of Latterda Teenag Flats Pamper Forest Lake * * 0403 854 PROMPT 8393 or 0417 Packa e Retreat Church of JesusLake C 3879 Massa Toastmasters, 032 QBCC ges & Gift g :on 3372 8828 867 lic #:12706 FRIENDLY 699 Patios/D Nichols * Vouchers ges s * Saints - Forest S at 9.00am 06 Master Grant 0415 Colleen SERV Sunday ICE Builder Commer ecks Meets every or 0411 600 264 M s Membe - Centenary r 28983 Trefoil Guild cial Buil - Page 27 Ph 3372 5330 1889 * April 2014 ds V -QHWDX Janet 3376 News OXQWHHU FOR The Lake QE\YRviews The HQHZV#/QS ’s Program EST expres USUR¿WDQGUX WWRODN Young Women for furth LAK E RES IDE 5554 WHGDUHQRWIR VHVHQG\RXUUHTXHV by contributors sed in articles or letters Angie 3271 er infor Add DQLVDWLRQVOLV NT GSOHD 0HONE2 CA LL are not neces views of the sarily the publis accept no respon hers and the publis sibility for such hers views. 3376 76 77 1ST AD CARPGR ENTREY 1 083 info@msb uild www.m sbuildeers.com.au er of HIA rs.com - QBSA .au Numb er 11226 HEATHWOOD car pet clea nin g Ph: JINDALEE 3376 OFFICE Dean Mc3888 Donald 0410 40 Memb M O TO R W AY 43 Colour Carpet Cleaners Upholst ery Interna l& Pest ConExternal trol your ad colour to your Trades & less than Services ad for $16 per month. & stand o ut Cost addit ional Minimum to Black & White of 3 mont rate. h booking. Call Tre mation & fees: www.ap vor: 0415 301 exbrisba newest.c 671 om LicencCarpe t Clean ed Pest er Accre Managemen ditatio t; Fully n; W AY DISCLAIMER: LO GAN GN A DR 0418MA Y 872 07 8 6160 BE ACTIVE *URXSVRUJ WDFWLQIRUPDWLRQOLVWH HLUFRQ ZRXOGOLNHWK ,I\RXUJURXS in just 30 min utes! Insured Suppor t a loc trades al man and tell them you fou nd the in Th m e Lak e New s. OT W MA KE NE FR IEN DS - April 2014 - Page 29 EN AR The Lak e News M 3372 GE T D E L V ED V O LV I N VO IN AY Paul Bidn er 0402 919 470 Janet Bidn er 3700 6350 Local Fam ily Bus Inst alla tions Sinc iness e 1992 OR 0424 Y brisban FOREST LAKE CLEANING Carpet, DOOLANDELLA EB OU L E VA R D Co nt ac ts Pa ge Lo ca l cal Cont ac In fo Page Lo NT The Lake News - Doolandella - Ellen Grove - Forestdale - Forest Lake - Heathwood FORESTDALE CE Co nt ac ts In fo FO R E S T ristian our Ch oes on brate ed her we cele month and return se bulbs you en es, ril, the e tho e to Ap our fall to tak summer com ir Welcom remember good time en h the a so wh and den wit them ter is Easter your gar y. Eas and plant ng Da Gold per Anzac , colouri ly titled the cris bloom trip apt around the had in l all be in bus ts ent ys. hour trip erent sigh they wilcent displa our rec Artwork about ape? A two After gnifi ny diff say Original I ma all. ma  Esc so can d by le  Photos & Posters als What and Garden Coast with y enjoye for a litt l Med  Mirrors ts  Prints d Sea roughl ty had time eys  Work Frames ion Prin cessfu Coast ays of the Gol h was tho  Jers porate  CustomLimited Edit our par were suc ional rap orabilia HFWV Cor  YLFH  Mem waterw and photog ino, some of one couple Reg DWHV estries  2EM e WLRQ6HU Coast  &HU WLðF treasur  Tap to view Jupiter’s Cas I do believe nt at Gold 5HVWRUD E7/ YLFH and at a hidden ommend dleworks JINDALE s spe pokies lunch  Nee  +DQJLQJ6HU GS RD on wa this is truly rec the GOG I rno , on to CITY flutter The afte must admit there before ted. Thanks EMAKER I lette. A HOM been disappoin details at rou rdens. SHOP 29 not for e Ga hav ve you . Watch anical at day ations ! Botthe coast. 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A mistake we&wil tee 68Hobbies, Arts Church (AOG) gro ase eve um Elevate at 9.30am 117 commit not ple still Sunday ums Ph 92 68 every argoni new ani RS Meets Makers Guild, nts is can Pel177 ger a0407 School.ly d 6 . 33ET Sport & Fitness MA KE Beer & nWine ly, we r have any Grand Aveact ualch.org.aug these pla labelle SadAmateu 3 24CA BIN Wester Suburb 67Forest 1048Do you um isvatechur Junior ssifyin selling plants sure you 19AFL, ELake 679 Clubs & Groups aniwww.ele cla Tony on 3379 04 AK Church ger L Park) en r Gospel ke 109 (Carole Elimwh ST you Groveare The Ellen ries s. Ma 73 5246 50 Plus Club 618 or Kay 3278 9406 Crafter s Group FO RE Annette 0401Gentle Exercise 8 Julie Rd, chance the 1800s 4938 Nurse 3892 2291/32 onium aptly titled, n Les 0466 377 Lynsay 3372 Peter Collard pelarg of the Month Ps ay. 79 de in tod Balancing wee Friday ter, 337211 3rd on bet .org.au are ma Meets slet or Grace www.elim to Music 4020 nces they carried when Air League n club new the differe Oasis Jenny 3879 being Australian Lake nth’s ums Forest on Squadro 821 322 Crochet Group mo ani 0404 icle or mer s Clubs, 9561 - Forest Lake 3279 4247 this ll ger 6934 Baseba as y of 3879ressispeopl Sue 3279 . Sum e.net s - The Bulldog ting art Christina Parker erea cop es, www.oa of Literatu Western District garden AIR 0422 230 589 CON s. 137 406 receiv t, for an inte Lake Lovers Tim Huntley DITI , radish etable House Church om.au Laurie 0421 hipum ball.com.au rchoncall. lettuce Friends argoni Elli 3879 6326 Good Dir the veg www.airleague.c www.chu s and ONING pel www.wests.base Sow 470 461 sonorin 0413 sea Club ve on. started in potonions ums and bus y Club, Model Boat 7654 AIR BEAUTY Pett 3378 2361 Basketball e Falcons e to mo gerani be Church n’s a com it’s timBaptist plant Graham 3278 Ph: 3371 7494, of month Mona ys Sales West Brisban st can 889 787can now hip Autum ing and Great Hope -s. Mo1800 om Meets 1st Friday tretirees.com.au ther sta Inst 0450 105 252 [email protected] Sims Inala fad you Painter s Fellows Pastor aptist.co www.independen and leek Alsom.au 3372 9469crops are the wea t they are allations athopebls. s westbrisbanebas F’Lake if Audrey www.gre Ass, nip Lake coo Centre e lly Events tur Service e tha Brisban Club, Forest ecia e Bhakti Yoga 936 076 Community the soil nach, a Church & Rep Photog raphy asHosann 061 907 0403 ts, esp making sur up 2835 spi pesBaptist) Linda 0402 rtBrisban 3879 1906 or om e, on Sundays lanted tch at airs forltural Peter 3372 (Multi-cu 10am Associationsta Anil m car HFRP at nsp h hotmail.c Meet House riuALL SUB 6862wit On rajuanil@ ZZZÀSFRUJIUH tra School Community lic. Wa Ph 3879 Audito Thi s is URBS s East State ticides p. Forest Lake ur PC at Richland Jake 3372 9886 at the and gar e pes larncro Cycling Group, air. U3A if yoses ChurchApril ne.org.au . Choos 295 t ticu for Home Busines A-F 155 Aust.) abrisba PHO ys Christia of Group n 0412 eas 27 t par r www.u3 thConnec warm for youPallara and d Church GD\RIWKHPRQWK plaReg 26Reforme erian A Garde enForest Lake in sou3262 s NE (Presbyt is0575 le 3712 0HHWV¿UVW7KXUVh 3201 1880 dis th Club, Marshall Futsal on the 3299 TrevorGa suitab ing upPastor 654 rdens garden clubs some succes Phone Susanna c Jodie 0407 ows XP ani.org.au er760 Lake Social from Com www.prc Forum Wind ween ityered with Bot wing Forest Lake 0402 061 907 mput Lake Commun Club, Forest ge bet t-tha Salvatio n Army e ent llen ong sho to see the to8060 urLtdco Golf Linda Paton 3278 Mt. Coo lub cha nity ers hav yo org.au r str ble AIRCON Churchmembwww.lak esalvos. the raPeter One Commu rt-c ng A-Fair Forest Lake DITforg to ano Sundaysrde Ou &nREF an ine 3714r 0777 orard12noon ! Indoor IONetti ll ion esBowls wiEducat is vulne ING RIG notERA Service Ron 3879 4912 Your Loca and Schoolsland. Korean us it A Ga Mary 3376 3085 g forw State HighQueen TION w Church crosoft s XP the Park Forest Lake lookin Mark’s you vis s, Forest MiLake on sho l Air Conditioning Spec new vir Little Athletic eCatholic Friends of re a 6210 2333 re plays [email protected] 2014 ke sur and I’m MaSt ndow ply3714 3372 5658 Lorraine 3879 PH: 380 g and sha ialist rile_littlea Inala School Wi softwa ful dis forestlak b. State Ap Lake ys. l Forest Lake der Lake clu etin ort Forest m pla Group, MOB 2992 won Church The Lakers mger sup Forest harmfu our t :me Fro Netball College Friendship 789 625 supp 04116181 Anglican l art dis ul andUniting 3714 1222 from gerClub, otmail.co relaxair St John’s our nex no lon Annelie 0409 t flatora Meets colourf ng to9.30am lakers_netball@h re. State School 567 @bigpond.n 169 no lon y willll.com tect your PC sof Avenue Campus 472Call F’Lake Area twa e aloChapel ersnetba gnificen OBLIGATI Primarycom for an son 0429 et.au www.lak Garden Group, that the pro us Grand0555talled! . ON FREE nd.com canRussell Reynold the ma youRev t help h youll@bigpo malicio twa3372 John 3288 3131 rev.russe s means PCYC, Inala re ins wit 2299 P&C s tha 3372ing ners,Quote Hope den Church other enuess.eq.edu.au ate - Forest LakeThi Baptist sof rde grandav 2222 tural and upd Guides us pandc@ ga 3372 Girl gar Westside Multicul cal 6333 ANT 708 urity ware, lapcyc.org.au us!AS, Antivir School 3723 sec ati m 135 TUN www.ina org.au chat on inENN Lisa 0412 767 eguides. , spy @10.30a Pallara State s. BOBCAT er has ry (Youth) 540. Jo tSunfan Every put dow State School viruses r Rowing no 0403 tamba@forestlak Club, Centena N? siasts ING 4. Lyndon Sison & REPAIR of Winton South 711 331 F’Lake Branch you com We arePs LUTIO version Service enthu.com.au Simon 0414 SO Labor Party, 959 994 Even if S 3714 0222 567 279 sisonfam "/"#!4 ndly ily5@tpg .au il 8th, 201 ce nrCollege Michael 0401 Charles 0411 e you0888 a secure tenaryro towing.com John’s radAnglica 0#%8 Stupg () just frie sday Aprse, Alpine Pla 1 hip, F’Lake www.cen you 3372 Junior #!6!4/2 2% Ladies Fellows 'ENERAL% radeLeague nk! , Forest Lake827 te toYrs Kindy-6 eting Tue Hou 294 431 upgRugby thi0111 ()2% 010 quo 3288 313 ARTHMOVING Lorelle 0422 Yrs you3372 ry) 0438tio Next me Community n 7-12 We can iga nWasps #ONTRACT Prout on • Rock Break F’Lake Branch Sarah (Secreta Lake able tha Liberal Party, no obl OR er • Hole Club, Lakes call John 893 105 Forest for a Union Health Boring • Steve 0402 Retain re afford u rmation t us Rugby Tip Centenary News - Edenbrooke - Jamboree Heights - Jindalee - Middle Park - Mount Ommaney - Riverhills - Seventeen Mile Rocks - Sinnamon Park - Sumner Park - Westlake - Windemere The Local News - Chelmer - Corinda - Graceville - sections of Indooroopilly - Oxley - Sherwood - Tennyson The Greater Springfield Times - Augustine Heights - Brookwater - Camira - Gailes - Springfield - Springfield Lakes building better communities through communication 2014 Deadline & Distribution Dates The LAKE NEWS ISSUE MONTH BOOKING DEADLINE SCHEDULED DELIVERY 241 January December 6 December 31/January 2 242 February January 10 January 28/29 243 March February 14 March 1/2 244 March 14 March 29/30 245 April May April 15 May 3/ 4 246 June May 16 May 31/June 1 247 July June 13 June 28/29 248 August July 18 August 2/3 249 September August 15 August 30/31 250 October September 19 October 4/5 251 November October 17 November 1/2 252 December November 14 November 29/30 253 January 2015 December 10 January 3/4 254 February 2015 January 16 January 31/ February 1 All dates are correct at time of printing and are subject to change without notice We appreciate your help in making Local News Publications a great community paper. Please keep in mind the guidelines below when putting your column together. -As Local News Publications (LNP) publish The Lake News monthly, your information may need to be publicised in a previous month - please check the delivery date which best suits your event. -Keep length between 300 and 350 words. -General information only; no personal opinions or discriminative tendencies. -As this is a community/family orientated publication articles should not be potentially offensive to any of our readers. -Information must not advertise a business and contact names or numbers will be included at the editors discretion. -Ensure that articles are provided prior to the deadline date for the applicable month and publication. No guarantee can be given for accuracy or inclusion if received after the deadline date. -LNP reserves the right to edit articles for length, style and grammatical consistency. -Submission of an article does not guarantee publication; article inclusion is subject to space availability and editorial discretion. -Any images and graphics must be provided in the highest possible resolution. LNP retains the right to not publish images or graphics that will not reproduce to a high quality. -Photographs taken by LNP are subject to copyright. Photographs may be purchased, please contact us for more information. -Page placement of articles within the publications are at the discretion of LNP. -Deadlines and publication dates may be subject to change without notice. www.LNP.net.au (07) 3201 1880 [email protected] Find us on Facebook
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