Development Forum 2014 Kyowa Hakko Kirin Co., Ltd. October 2, 2014 2014年10月2 Agenda Topic p 1. R&D framework for implementation p of category g y strategy gy Managing Executive Officer, Vice President, Head, R&D Division Yoichi Sato Topic 2. Kyowa Hakko Kirin’s potential in cancer immunotherapy Director, Oncology R&D Unit, R&D Division Masamichi Koike Q&A session 2 Topic 1.R&D framework for implementation of category g y strategy gy 3 FY2013-2015 Medium-term business plan progress Steady progress towards becoming GSP* under three basic strategies. 1. Further strengthen competitiveness in Japan through our category-based strategy Strengthened category-based strategy function: Reorganization of R&D Division Strengthen category product capabilities: Oncology: Application for expansion of indications for anti-CCR4 antibody KW-0761 p gy Approval pp of renal anemia treatment NESP® for p pediatric p patients Nephrology: ® Nephrology: Launch of Onglyza tablets for Type 2 Diabetes Central nervous system: Launched NOURIAST®, an antiparkinsonian agent 2 Expand our business base in the U.S., 2. U S EU and Asia and aim to become a global specialty pharmaceutical company Global development through ODDO** Progress with late-stage development of KW-0761 in Europe and the U.S. Began Phase 3 studies on KW-6002 in Europe and the U.S. Developed KRN23 with Ultragenyx, announced sales partnership 3. Strengthen the revenue base of our Bio-Chemicals business Expansion E i off overseas production d ti facilities, f iliti progress with ith iinitiatives iti ti tto consolidate lid t domestic production facilities *Global Specialty Pharmaceutical Company **One Drug Development Organization 4 Purpose of R&D Division reorganization Advance Kyowa Hakko Kirin’s category-based strategy, one of the fundamental strategies of the medium-term plan plan, and enhance the productivity of R&D activities The internal and external environment is rapidly changing [Industry] Decline in success rates of new drug R&D [Policy] Strengthening of medical cost curtailment policies following increase in national medical expenditure [Internal] Weakening of early stage product pipeline Essential tasks •Conduct drug discovery based on understanding the unmet needs of healthcare providers •Maximize the value of new drugs and existing drugs and further enhance category strengths •Enhance Enhance pipeline and speed up p R&D ⇒ Create an organizational framework to win against tough competition 5 Consolidation and reorganization of research and development divisions 【Essential Points】 1. Integrate operations of drug discovery research, project management of development products and value creation research of launched products in each Category-based R&D Unit 2. Speed up R&D through close collaboration between Category-based Units and R&D Core Functions Units 3. Enhancing drug discovery and preclinical research through open innovation style utilizing external opportunities R&D Planning Department Open Innovation Department Fuji Research Park Tokyo Research Park C Category-based R&D & Units** R&D Division (Nephrology, Oncology, Immunology & Allergy and CNS) Research Functions Unit Translational Research Unit Development Functions Unit R&D Planning & Administration Arm Category-based R&D Arm Collaboration R&D Core Functions Arm 6 Project (theme) management framework Each category R&D project will be led by that category’s R&D unit Functions Units will collaborate on these projects and allocate resources based on function and specialization Research Functions Unit Nephrology R&D Unit Translational Research (TR) Unit Development Functions Unit Project A Project B Project C Project D Oncology O l R&D Unit P j Project E Project F Project G Project H Project J Immunology & gy Allergy R&D Unit CNS R&D Unit j Project K Project L Project M Project N 7 Further strengthen competitiveness in Japan through our category-based strategy Implement PPM* in each category from R&D to S&M Realize sustainable growth while enhancing productivity Nephrology (Including diabetes/ hypertension) Enhance presence in CKD Immunology & Allergy Enhance presence in dermatology /otorhinology ・ Maintain high NESP® market share ・Expand REGPARA® market ・ Market penetration of Onglyza® ・ Accelerate development of KHK4563, KHK4827 ・ Address ALLELOCK ® /Patanol ® competitor products Oncology Central Nervous System Enhance position in hematology Enhance presence in cancer supportt therapies th i ・Establish POTELIGEO ® brand ・Early launch of KRN125, KW-2246 ・Accelerate ARQ 197 development *PPM: Product Portfolio Management Maximize synergy with existing products ・ Market penetration of Apokyn ® ・Early launch of KW-6002 8 Progress of Overseas strategy Europe/USA: Development/sales structure Development in USA/Europe: Promotion of ODDO1) centering on KKP 2) Develop robust sales structure for smooth transition to a global specialty pharmaceutical company Development in USA/Europe (KKP2))+PSK3))) ・Establish KKP1) as the central base for global development ・Make progress on development of in-house products ・Make progress on development of biosimilars in Europe PSK KKP 1) One Drug Development Organization 2) Kyowa Hakko Kirin Pharma, Inc. 3) ProStrakan, Inc. Sales in USA/Europe (PSK3)) ・Promote market penetration of existing PSK3) products ・Expand product portfolio through active licensing activities ・Build structure for KW KW-0761 0761 market launch in the Americas 9 Drug discovery from open innovation In order to search for high-quality drug discovery seeds, collaborations with outside partners are shifting further upstream under the intensifying competitive circumstances. Kyowa Hakko Kirin will concentrate on exploring early-stage collaboration opportunities and establish an Open Innovation D Department t t as an organization i ti th thatt flflexibly ibl pursues di diverse research h alliances. lli Academia / different industries / venture companies Bio-ventures / pharmaceutical companies External seeds Internal R&D Research stage Development stage Utilization of external seeds for drug discovery Integration of own technology and external technology Product licensing and collaboration Application, Launch Co-promotion partnerships The Business Development Department will continue to oversee these stages Roles of Open Innovation Department [Opportunity exploration] Identify and assess external opportunities Propose alliance opportunities to research laboratories [Contract administration] Negotiate contracts with partners Promote industry-academia partnering programs and other initiatives [Alli [Alliance management] t] M i t i alliances Maintain lli with ith external t l partners t (The Business Development Department will take responsibility for future contract negotiations of commercial terms) 10 KHK4563 Structure / MoA Anti-IL-5Rα A ti IL 5R humanized h i d MAb with ith enhanced h d ADCC using i POTELLIGENT® technology (1) Antibody binding (2) Recognition by the effector cells (3) Target cell killing R Remarks k (3) Development Area: Asia Generic name: benralizumab Origin: in-House Potential competitors: anti-IL-5 (mepolizumab, reslizumab) License-out Effector cell (NK, MF, etc) Fc receptor (2) KHK4563 (1) IL-5Rα subunit Target cell (eosinophil) AstraZeneca/MedImmune s global Phase 3 program in patients with asthma AstraZeneca/MedImmune’s (Windward Program) started in October 2013 KHK is collaborating with AstraZeneca/MedImmune in Japan and South Korea Phase 2b st study d res results lts have ha e been shared at the American Thoracic Societ Society (ATS) and European Respiratory Society (ERS) meetings in 2014 11 Asthma and KHK4563 (benralizumab) Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways characterized by recurrent episodes of wheezing, wheezing shortness of breath and coughing According to the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA), 300 million people worldwide are suffering from asthma, 5 to 10% of which are severe asthmatics whose day-to-day activities or quality of life are deteriorated by the disease Approximately 40 to 60% of severe asthmatics have eosinophilia Higher blood eosinophil count is often associated with higher risk of asthma exacerbation Phase 2b study1 of benralizumab with severe asthmatics inadequately controlled on ICS/LABA therapies showed a. Reduction in asthma exacerbations b. Improvement in FEV1 c. Improvement p in ACQ-6 score 1. Data presented at ATS 2014 12 Phase 2b results of KHK4563 (benralizumab) Reduction in asthma exacerbation rates (AER) AER by baseline eosinophil cut-off point (mITT population) I the In th pre-specified ifi d subgroup b analysis, l i b benralizumab li b produced d d greater t improvements, as baseline blood eosinophil counts increased American Thoracic Society 2014 Poster Poster, May 2014 RR, rate reduction, relative to placebo; mITT, modified intent-to-treat *P<0.169 vs placebo is statistically significant 13 KHK4563 (benralizumab): summary An anti-IL-5Rα antibody with robust eosinophil depletion with potential best-in-class asthma efficacy Potential to transform disease management by targeting asthma subsets distinct from current therapies (eosinophilic asthma) Possibility to offer tailoring therapies in combination with simple hematology test to selectively identify patients with high likelihood to respond ii.e. respond, e elevated blood eosinophils Global Phase 3 asthma program (Windward Program) is ongoing in collaboration ll b ti with ith A Astrazeneca/MedImmune t /M dI Accelerated timelines: first anticipated submission in 2016 14 KRN23 Structure / Mechanism of action Anti FGF23 fully human IgG1 monoclonal antibody Anti-FGF23 Acts primarily in the kidneys, binding exclusively to and inhibiting the action of Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 23, a hormone that reduces serum phosphorus and 1.25 dihydroxy Vitamin D concentrations in the kidneys kidneys. Indication Currently C tl iin d development l t ffor th the ttreatment t t off X-linked X li k d Hypophosphatemia(XLH), H h h t i (XLH) a fform off rickets and osteomalacia that impairs bone growth and maintenance as a result of low phosphorus associated with elevated FGF23 XLH is a rare disease occurring in one in 20,000 people. There are approximately 12,000 adult patients and 3,000 pediatric patients in the US and in each of the five major countries of the EU EU. Current treatment with oral phosphorus drugs and vitamin D preparations have insufficient effect on growth, and p p problems exist such as compliance and adverse reactions (diarrhea, hyperparathyroidism, and ectopic calcification. In severe cases, osteotomy is performed to straighten bones and promote growth. Phase 1/2 study targeting adult XLH completed in the US and Canada * In Japan, there are 5,000 adult patients and 1,000 pediatric patients Isao Saikawa Orthopedic surgery & Traumatology 39; 1340-43, 1991. Ali Al Kaissi, Swiss Med Wkly. 2013, 15 Current development Collaboration Entered into collaboration and licensing agreement with U.S. company Ultragenyx for the development and commercialization of KRN23 for the US, Canada, and EU (press release issued in September 2013) Development costs will be shared by both companies and clinical trials in the US and EU will be conducted by Ultragenyx Joint sales in US and Canada. Kyowa Hakko Kirin will be responsible for sales in EU Clinical development EU & US: Initiation of phase 2 clinical trial targeting pediatric XLH patients1) Objective: Safety and efficacy during multiple doses Enrollment: 30 Locations: U.S., UK, The Netherlands, France Asia: Start of phase 1 clinical trial targeting adult XLH patients2) Objective: Safety and efficacy in single dose Subjects: 15 Locations: Japan, Korea 1) Clinical Trials. Gov Identifier : NCT02163577 2) Clinical Trials. Gov Identifier : NCT02181764 16 Future plans in Europe and U.S. Pediatric XLH development(agreements with FDA on phase 3 clinical trial) Blinded radiographic assessments of changes in bone abnormalities and changes in growth may be used as primary endpoint measures Phase 3 study in pediatric patients could not be open-label Recommendation for inclusion of a standard care control arm for comparison on a non-inferiority basis Final studyy design g to be determined once sufficient study y data are available and after further consultation with the FDA Adult development Ad lt XLH de elopment Scheduled to initiate late-stage phase 2 clinical trial in 2015 17 APPENDIX 18 Acceleration of drug discoveries Acceleration of drug discoveries • Discovery y of new drugs g for unmet needs • Improvement of R&D success rates through collaboration with medical institutions Antibodies Small molecules Oligonucleotides Translational Research Open Innovation Biotechnology Passion & Integrity g y Infinite pursuit of cutting-edge scientific progress Technology platform, platform a key strength Researchers’ integrity and passion towards drug discovery 19 Global network-based drug discovery research Japan Generation of candidate products using platform technologies including antibody San Diego • Concept verification using clinical samples • Access to cutting-edge scientific research progress • Promoting open innovation F Focus on translational t l ti l research h Academia-industry y alliances Singapore Bench to bedside by using bioimaging technology 20 Core strategy 1. Strengthen business in Japan: Background of category-based strategy To win in an increasingly challenging external environment Increase in new drug creation hurdles Complexity of information and high level of expertise d demanded d db by medical di l ffrontt To become a global specialty pharmaceutical company p p y Further restriction of medical expenses Strengthen competitiveness in focused categories Emergence of new medical technologies Change g from competition p on scale to era requiring intelligence, network and internal and external collaboration Change from competition by individual item to competition by comprehensive strengths 21 Open innovation Pipelines Academia KW-0761 Univ. of Tokyo, Nagoya City Univ. KRN23 Univ. of Tokyo KHK4563 Univ of Tokyo Univ. KHK2898 Kyorin Univ., Kitasato Univ., Osaka Univ. KHK4083 La Jolla Institute (LJI) ASKP1240 LJI LIGHT LJI Venture CEP-37250/KHK2804 Arana(TEVA) 22 KHK4563 (benralizumab): Phase 3 development plan AstraZeneca/MedImmune’s Global Phase 3 asthma program (Windward Program) Two pivotal studies: CALIMA and SIROCCO Severe asthma uncontrolled on ICS/LABA therapies A range of blood eosinophil levels to fully characterize which patients may respond best to therapy Primary endpoint: reduction in rate of exacerbations Secondary endpoints: lung function (FEV1) and symptoms (ACQ) Phase 3 ongoing and on track to complete by Q1 2016 Q 0 6 Doses and control groups: 30 mg q4wk, 30 mg q8wk, placebo Treatment period: CALIMA (56 weeks), SIROCCO (48 weeks) Kyowa Hakko Kirin is participating in Windward Program CALIMA as the In-Country Caretaker in Japan SIROCCO S OCCO as the IND Holder in South S Korea Phase 1 / 2 study targeting adult XLH patients INT-001/002 Target: Adult XLH patients Design: A multiple-dose Phase 1/2 study with escalating doses Objective: Safety and efficacy during multiple doses Dosage and administration: KRN23 (0.05, 0.1, 0.3, 0.6, 1.0 mg/kg SC), 28 day intervals/50 weeks (12 administrations) Subjects: 28 INT-001 study INT-002 study 2.5 <P < 3.5 mg/dL 44.4% - 81.8% 3 5 < P < 4.5 3.5 4 5 mg/dL 4.5% 4 5% - 16.7% 16 7% Carpenter TO , 2014 American Society of Bone and Mineral Research During each dosing cycle of the extension study (INT (INT-002), 002) peak serum phosphorous concentrations (Pi) in more than half of subjects reached target range. Also serum Pi did not exceed the upper limit of normal (4.5mg/dL) in any subjects. 24 Phase 2 study targeting XLH in pediatric patients UX023-CL201 Study name Clinical trial of KRN23 in Pediatric Subjects with X-linked Hypophosphatemia Phase Phase 2 Target Pediatric X-Linked Hypophosphatemic Rickets(5 - 12 year olds) Primary p endpoint Dosage and administration Changes in serum phosphorus concentration, incidence of adverse event Cohort 1:KRN23 Cohort 2:KRN23 Cohort 3:KRN23 mg/kg Q2W, mg/kg Q2W, mg/kg Q2W, Subjects 30 Locations U.S., UK, The Netherlands, France Study yp period mg/kg Q4W mg/kg Q4W mg/kg Q4W June 2014 – May y 2016 Clinical Trials. Gov Identifier : NCT02163577 25 Phase 1 study targeting adult XLH patients KRN23-001 Study y name Phase 1 Clinical Trial of KRN23 with X-linked Hypophosphatemic Rickets/Osteomalacia in Ad lt Subjects Adult S bjects Phase Phase 1 Target Adult X X-linked linked Hypophosphatemic Rickets/Osteomalacia Primary endpoint Incidence of adverse event Dosage Cohort 1: KRN23 0.3 mg/kg SC single-dose Cohort 2: KRN23 0.6 mg/kg SC single-dose Cohort 3: KRN23 1.0 mg/kg SC single-dose Subjects 15 Locations Japan, Korea Period of study July 2014 – December 2015 Clinical Trials. Gov Identifier : NCT02181764 26
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