Supplemental Materials Molecular Biology of the Cell Chigaev et al. FRET detection of lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 conformational extension Alexandre Chigaev, Yelena Smagley, Mark K. Haynes, Oleg Ursu, Cristian G. Bologa, Liliana Halip, Tudor Oprea, Anna Waller, Mark B. Carter, Yinan Zhang, Wei Wang, Tione Buranda, and Larry A. Sklar Supplementary information Supplementary Figure 1 Fluorescence 800000.0 600000.0 Fluorescein XVA-FITC BIRT-FITC 400000.0 200000.0 0.0 450 500 550 600 Wavelength (nm) 650 Relative quantum yield XVA-FITC ~ 0.70 BIRT-FITC ~ 0.30 Figure 1. Emission spectra of XVA-FITC, BIRT-FITC donor probes and fluorescein standard in phosphate buffered saline Absorption-matched (at 490 nm) samples of the LFA-1 probes (XVAFITC and BIRT-FITC) and a fluorescein standard solution in phosphate buffered saline were used to obtain emission spectra (excitation at 450 nm). The relative amount of light emitted by the probes was calculated as the ratio of the area under the emission peak for the LFA-1 probes and the fluorescein standard. Each line represents the mean of three independent determinations. Supplementary Figure 2 Red fluor., MEM-148 PE A Red fluorescence, MEM-148 PE 100 100 80 EC50 ~ 87 nM R2=0.99 60 40 20 0 -10 50 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 Log10[XVA143], M B µM 10 µM 1 nM nM 10 0 nM 1 nM 0 10 U ns ta in ed ce lls 0 XVA-143 concentration XVA-FITC donor probe XVA-143 unlabeled or DMSO R2=0.80 Fluorescence 350 250 koff=0.04±0.003 s -1 150 50 cell autofluorescence 0 120 240 Time (s) 360 XVA-FITC, unlabelled XVA-143 (1 µM) XVA-FITC, vehicle Supplementary Figure 2. Binding affinity of XVA-143. (A) Binding of the integrin-specific ligand determined using ligand induced binding sites (LIBS) antibodies. Cells were incubated with phycoerythrin labeled anti-CD18 mAbs MEM-148 (Abcam, Cambridge, MA) in the presence of increasing concentrations of unlabeled XVA-143. LIBS exposure was fitted to a sigmoidal dose-response equation (inset). Because exposure of LIBS epitope is triggered through conformational change induced by the ligand binding, the EC50 for LIBS antibody binding is reporting the ligand Kd (Chigaev et al., 2009). Each line represents the mean+SEM out of two determinations (n=2). (B) The dissociation of the XVA-FITC probe. Cells were sequentially treated with 100 nM XVA-FITC, and 1 µM unlabelled XVA-143 or vehicle (DMSO). One representative experiment of four experiments is shown. Ligand dissociation rate constant (koff) was determined by fitting the signal decay to a single exponential equation (Chigaev et al., 2001). Supplementary Figure 3 DAPI Auto Overlay A anti-CD11a PE Overlay B DAPI C DAPI anti-CD11a PE Overlay DAPI D anti-CD11a PE Overlay Supplementary Figure 3. Imaging of LFA-1 before and after cell activation. Four representative fields for each experimental condition are shown. Cells were treated in a manner analogous to flow cytometry experiments, fixed, and stained with primary labeled (phycoerythrin) fluorescent mAbs (mouse anti-human CD11a/LFA-1α, clone HI111 (PE) as described in details in Materials and Methods. Nuclear stain (DAPI) was included on the microscope slide mounting reagent (SlowFade Gold Antifade Mountant with DAPI). (A) Cell autofluorescence. (B) Cells were fixed prior to TPA/TG activation (resting cells). (C) Cells were fixed 3 min after TPA/TG activation. (D) Cells were fixed 6 min after TPA/TG activation. Notice that complete unquenching of the probe signal was observed within 3 min after TPA/TG addition (Figure 6). Reference List Chigaev,A., Blenc,A.M., Braaten,J.V., Kumaraswamy,N., Kepley,C.L., Andrews,R.P., Oliver,J.M., Edwards,B.S., Prossnitz,E.R., Larson,R.S., Sklar,L.A. (2001). Real time analysis of the affinity regulation of alpha 4-integrin. The physiologically activated receptor is intermediate in affinity between resting and Mn(2+) or antibody activation. Journal of Biological Chemistry 276, 48670-48678. Chigaev,A., Waller,A., Amit,O., Halip,L., Bologa,C.G., Sklar,L.A. (2009). Real-time Analysis of Conformation-sensitive Antibody Binding Provides New Insights into Integrin Conformational Regulation. Journal of Biological Chemistry 284, 14337-14346.
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