Hkk0Ñ0vuq0i0&Hkkjrh; nygu vuqla/kku laLFkku ICAR-Indian Institute of Pulses Research dY;kuiqj] dkuiqj ¼m0iz0½&208024 Kalyanpur, Kanpur-(U.P.)-208024 QSDl : 091-512-572582 Qksu : 2570 146 {bZ0 ih0 oh0 ,Dl0} 2572464, 2572465. ,SDl0&229 fefly la[;k% 1&09@14&15@,lVh@lqj{kk fnukad% 21@11@2014 [kqyh fufonk lwpuk % 4@2014@,l Vh@vkbZ0vkbZ0ih0vkj0 lfpo] Hkk0d`0vuq0i0] ubZ fnYyh dh vksj ls funs”kd] Hkk0n0vuq0la0 dY;kuiqj] dkuiqj }kjk izfrf’Br QeksZa@iathd`r Bsdsnkjksa ls fuEu Bsds dk;Z gsrq eqgjcUn [kqyh fufonk vkeaf=r dh tkrh gS& 1-laLFkku ds eq[; iz{ks= ,oa uo”kks/k iz{ks= esa lqj{kk ,tsUlh dh fu;qfDr gsrq fufonk izi= fnukad 22-11-2014 ls 11-12-2014 rd laLFkku ds fdlh Hkh dk;Z fnol esa izkr% 10%00 cts ls lk;% 4%00 cts rd 1000@� fufonk “kqYd ¼UkkWu fjQ.Mscy½ dk uxn Hkqxrku dj izkIr fd;k tk ldrk gSA fufonk izi= laLFkku dh osSc lkbV ls MkmuyksM djds Hkh ÞvkbZlh,vkj ;wfuV] vkbZvkbZihvkjß ds i{k esa ,lchvkbZ] dY;kuiqj] dkuiqj es ns; fdlh jk’Vªh; cSad }kjk tkjh fMek.M Mªk¶V ds #i esa fufonk ewY; ¼ 1000@� izfr fufonk ½ layXu dj fu/kkZfjr frfFk o le; ij Hkstk tk ldrk gSA fufonk izi=] fu;e ,oa “krkZs dks laLFkku dh oSsc lkbV ij ns[kk tk ldrk gSA eqgjcan fufonk bl laLFkku esa fnukad 12-12-2014 dks nksigj 01%00 cts rd laLFkku esa igqWp tkuk pkfg,] izkI; frfFk ,oa le; ls foyEc izkIr gqbZ fufonk ij fopkj ugh fd;k tk;sxk blds fy, fufonknkrk dhs Lo;a ftEesnkjh gksxh rFkk ogh fufonk;ssa fnukad 12-12-2014 dks vijkgu 2%00 cts lfefr ds le{k [kksyh tk;sxhA VsdfUkdy fcM ,oa foRrh; fcM nks vyx&vyx NksVs fyQkQksa dks ,d cMk fyQkQk esa Mkydj eqgjcUn dj ml ij lqj{kk ,tsUlh dh fu;qfDr gsrq Bsdk Li‘V fy[kdj izLrqr djuk gksxk A mUgh QeksZ@Bsdsnkjkas dh fufonkvksa ij fopkj fd;k tk;sxk ftuds ikl oS/k :i esa deZpkjh Hkfo’; fuf/k] deZpkjh jkT; chek fuxe ds dksM laa0 rFkk lsok dj dk iathdj.k la0 gksxkA Ikz”kklfud vf/kdkjh 1 INDIAN INSTITUTE OF PULSES RESEARCH KALYANPUR, KANPUR-208 024 Telephone No. : 0512-2572464-65 (229) 2570146 Fax No. : 0512-2572582 File No. 1-9/14-15/Security/ Date: /11 /2014 From : The Director, Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kalyanpur, Kanpur To, ....................................................... ....................................................... ....................................................... Dear Sirs, Sealed Open tenders are hereby invited on behalf of the ICAR for contract of Security Job Work at IIPR, Kanpur (Main Campus and NRF Campus), from the Security Agency who have atleast 5 years experience of watch & ward in Central/State Govt. Departments/Public Sector Units. The condition of the contract which will govern any contract made, are those contained in the general conditions of contract applicable to the contracts placed by the ICAR and Research Institute under it and the terms and conditions detailed in the tender form and those attached herewith. Please submit your tender, if you are in a position to quote for the supply of the requirements stated in the attached schedule. 1. The Earnest Money (Rs. 50,000/-) as mentioned in the general information and other terms and conditions of the contract must be deposited in the shape of Demand Draft in favour of "ICAR Unit IIPR, Kanpur drawn on State Bank of India, Kalyanpur, Kanpur and the relevant receipt must accompany the tender. The Earnest Money should not on any account fall short of the amount actually required. The tender will not be considered if the Earnest Money is not accompanied with the tender. The tenderer is being permitted to tender the consideration of the stipulations of his part that after submitting his tender he will not resale from his offer or modify the terms and conditions thereof. Should the tenderer fail to observe and comply with the foregoing stipulations, the amount of Earnest Money, if any demanded before placing of contract, order will be forfeited by the Council/Institute. In the event of the offer made by the tenderer will be refunded to him after he had applied for the same, in the manner prescribed by the Council/Institute. 2 2. The Schedule - I of the tender form should be returned intact & pages should not be detached. In the case of the space provided on the schedule form being insufficient for the required purpose, additional page(s) duly numbered consequently should be signed in fully by the tenderer in such cases references to the additional pages must be made in the tender form if any modification of the Schedule is considered necessary, it should be communicated by means of a separate letter along with the tender. 3. The tender is liable to be ignored if complete information as required is not given therein or if he particularly asked for in the schedules to the tender or other documents connected with the contract/tender may specify whether he signs it in the capacity of (I) a sole proprietor or (ii) a partner of the firm if it be a partnership whether by virtue of the partnership in which case he must have authority to refer to arbitration dispute concerning the business of the partnership whether by virtue of the partnership agreement of power of attorney or (iii) Constituted attorney of the firm if it is a company. 4. In case of partnership firms where no authority to refer disputes concerning the business of the partnership has been concerned on any partner the tender and all other related documents must be signed by every partner of the firm. A person signing the tender form or any other documents forming part of the contract on behalf of another shall be deemed to warranty that he has authority to bind such other and if, on inquiry it appears that the person so signing has no authority to do so, the Council/Institute shall without prejudice to other civil and criminal remedies cancel the contract and hold the signatory liable for all costs and damages. Each page of the tender and the schedules to the tender and annexures, if any, should be signed by the tender(s). 5. The original copy of the tender is to be enclosed in double cover and the inner cover should be sealed. The outer cover should bear only the address of this office without any indication that there is tender within Right is reserved to reject all or any tender without assigning any reason and to have negotiation with the tenders who wish to enter into negotiation. All the tenders should be sent by registered post only. Tenders can be put in the tender box at this Institute not later than 1.00 PM on 12 /12 /2014 Tender received without Earnest Money amounting to Rs. 50,000/- will not be accepted. 6. You are at liberty to be presented or to authorize a representative to be presented at the opening of the tender on 12/12/2014 at 2.00 PM which may please be mentioned in the tender documents please also state the name and address of your permanent representative, if any. 3 7. The Council/Institute does not pledge itself to accept the lowest or any tender and also reserves to itself the right of accepting the whole or any part of the tender or portion of the tender. You are, however, at liberty to tender for the whole or any portion or to state in the tender that the rates quoted shall apply only if the tender is considered fully. 8. Acceptance by the Council/Institute will be communicated by telegram, letter or any other form of communication. Formal letter or acceptance of the tender will be forwarded as soon as possible, but the earlier instructions in the telegram/letter etc., should be acted upon immediately. 9. In case of any dispute arising in respect of the said tender, the dispute will be solved through arbitration and the tenderers will have to go by the decision of the arbitrator. The arbitrator will be appointed by the Director General, ICAR. Further the tenderers will have to submit an undertaking to the effect that they shall agree to the settlement of disputes through such arbitration and they bind their selves/themselves to go by the decision of the arbitrator. 10. The selected agency shall effect and execute the job of above services within period specified in the work order. The extension will be given at the discretion of the competent authority on performance report. 11. The agency/contractor shall first make the payment of the wages as per the minimum wages act in the presence of a committee of the Institute to his employees engaged for the execution of contract and submit his bills in triplicate after making them duly prereceipted for the services rendered for the preceding month on the first working day and the Council/Institute shall make payment by means of crossed cheque drawn in favors of the Agency/Contractor. 12. The selected Agency/Contractor will have to make security deposit of Rs. 2,00,000/- (Rs. Two Lacs only) in shape of DD/FDR/Cash in favour of the "ICAR Unit, Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur" within 3 days from the date of acceptance of the tender and only thereafter contract will be awarded. This amount of security is refundable but in case the contractor fails to abide by the terms and conditions of the contract and does not make the payment of wages to the workers engaged by him, the same will stand forfeit and will be paid to the workers engaged by the contractor. The excess payment and other expenditure, which the Institute will have to incur in doing so, will be recovered from the contractor from his bills or other payments due to him. If the same will fall short of the amount to be recovered the same will have to be deposited by the contractor. In case any dispute regarding this contract arises the same will be referred to an arbitrator, to be appointed by the Director, IIPR, Kanpur and the decision of the Arbitrator will be binding. 4 13. The Security Agency must be registered with ESI, EPF Department and Central Excise Department for Service Tax and submitted their registration certificate along with Tender. No dues/Inspection Report of last two financial years and repost issued by ESI/EPF department are also required to submit along with the tender forms. In absence of ESI, EPF, Service tax registration and Income tax clearance certificate will not be considered. 14. In case any agency is exempted from legal liabilities such as EPF, ESIC etc.,they should submit a currently issued certificate of Competent Authority of concerned Department specifically mentioning for exemption from statuary liabilities for supply of civil guard for security purpose alongwith copy of latest Rule and Bylaws of Society approved by the Registrar of Societies. 15. The Agency/Contractor shall submit the details of any litigation current or during the last 3 years in which the contractor is involved, the penalties concerned and disputed amount in each case. 16. All disputes will be subject to Kanpur. 17. The contractor shall also abide by the provision of Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act, 1986. The labourers engaged by the contractor should not be less than 18 years of age. 18. Bids will be obtained on two bid systems “ (1) Technical & (2) Financial Bid” (a) The following documents/vouchers are required to be enclosed with the tenders form which are the terms and conditions of the tender’s document:Sl. No Documents required 1. 2. EMD Tender Fees PAN Card in the name of Firm/Proprietor. 3. EPF/ESI Registration No. alongwith valid certified copy thereof . 4. Firm should be Registered with Soldier Board or any other concerned authorities of Central Government/ State Govt. or under Company Act or any other Act. Essential for carrying out security contract. Experience Certificate/List of contract in this field of last Five years in tabular form (Enclose certified copy of certificate of Satisfactory performance ), experience of working with ICAR/ Central Government/ State Govt., Autonomous bodies, Public Sector/undertaking local bodies will be preferred. 5. 5 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Registration certificate duly issued by concerned authority of State Govt. for carrying Security Work in UP as prescribed under Private Security Agencies (Regulation Act, 2005) Minimum turnover of the firm not less than 50.00 lacs (Rs.Fifty lacs only) during the last financial year. Certified Balance Sheet of the firm for last year of the service contract by the Chartered Accountant. Other related documents, Banker details/address proof etc. Service Tax registration certificate issued by the Govt. etc. If any agency is exempted form depositing of the above documents a copy of supporting government order should be enclosed. The contractor/agency must have a registration with the Contract Lobour (Regulation and Abolition) Act,1970. The contractor shall obtain the labour license under this Act. Please Note : In absence of any of the above documents/vouchers Bid may be rejected. b) c) The successful bidder will have to enter in to detailed contract agreement judicial stamp paper for Rs. 100/- on Only those firms will be considered for financial bid who will qualify in the Technical Bid. NOTE: The Technical bids and financial bid may be submitted in separate Envelops to be sealed and put in a main cover. For and on behalf of the Secretary, ICAR, New Delhi 6 SHEDULE – I PART – I 1. Name of the Firm/Agency 2. Full Address with telephone/Mobile numbers, post box number if any …………………….. 3. Constitution of the Firm is the firm registered under act. i) Indian Constitution Act, 1956 ii) Indian Partnership Act, 1932 iii) Any other Act, if not the owners i) For Partnership firms whether registered or not registered under the Indian Partnership agreement, authority to refer desputes concerning the business of the partnership to arbitration has been conferred on the partner who hasa signed the tender ii) If answer to the above is in negative whether there is any General power of attorney executed by all the partners of the firm authorising the partner who has signed the tender to refer disputes concerning business of the partnership Arbitration. iii) If answer to (I) or (II) above is in the affirmative please Furnish a copy of either the partnership agreement or the General power of attorney as the case may be. The copy should be attested by a Notary public or its executive should be admitted by affidavit of a properly stamped paper by all partners. 4. 5. Name and full address of their IIPR, Kanpur 6. Any other relevant information 7 Part -II Details of the earnest money deposit: a) Cash receipt number with date. b) Demand Draft number with date and bank drawn on. Part -III Name and Address of the Firm’s Representative and whether the Firm would be represented at the Time of opening of the tenders. Date ……………… Authorized Signatory Place ……………... Please add supplementary pages to be numbered wherever required 8 ANNEXURE –III FINANCIAL BID 1. Last date for receipt of Tender : 12/12/2014 at 1:00 P.M. 2. Date of opening of tender : 12/12/2014 at 2:00 P.M. To, The Director, Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kalyanpur, Kanpur Sir, I/We wish to submit my/our rates for providing security personnel on the following rates. SECURITY PERSONNEL S.No. Security Points No. of Total Rate for Details of Total points No. of Security Service tax, amount Guard Guard Service per Guard (Tentatively) charges and per EPF/ESI month. (1) etc. (3) (2) (4) (5) (6) (7) (I) Main Campus 1. Main Gate, Office 02 Nos. 06 nos. building & Farm Round the clock 2. Guest House, 01 No. 03* Training Centre and Round the nos. surrounding clock experimental area 3. Farm experimental 01 No. 03 nos. area (surrounding Round the area of sub-station) clock 4. Residential Campus 01 No. 01 (Only for night No (II) NRF Campus 5. Main Gate 01 no. 03Nos. Round the clock 6. Farm 04 nos. 12 Nos. Round the clock G. Total 28 Nos *Day hours one lady guard must be provided at main Farm 9 I/We agree to forfeit of the earnest money if I/We fail to comply with any of the terms and condition in whole or in part laid down in the Tender Form. The above rates including all minimum wages & other liabilities, (like EPF &ESI as prescribed by Ministry of Labour for providing service by deploying Ex-Servicemen), Service Tax, Service charges etc. If above quoted rates found lower than that the same may not be considered by the Institute for award of the contract. We have carefully read the terms and conditions of the Tender and are agreed to abide by these in letter and spirit. Signature……………………………………….…. Name & Address of the Firm……………………… Telephone No. & Fax No………………………… Mobile No……………………………………….. 10 Terms and Conditions (i) The tenders will be accepted up to 1.00 P.M. on 12 /12 /2014 and will be opened on the same day i.e.12/12/2014 at 2.00 P.M. in the presence of the tenderers or their authorized representative, if any who like to be present. (ii) The tender forms should accompany with an earnest money of Rs. 50,000/- in shape of demand draft in favour of “ICAR Unit, IIPR” payable at Kalyanpur, Kanpur. Any tender without earnest money will not be considered. (iii) Conditional/Telegraphic/Incomplete tenders will not be accepted. (iv) Validity of the tenders is 180 days from the date of opening of the tenders. (v) The sealed envelope containing tender should be superscribed “Tender for security Watch and Ward” and to be opened on 12/12/2014 at 2.:00 P.M. and File reference No------------ (vi) The rates are to be quoted in Annexure III only in on monthly basis for carrying out the entire security and watch and ward of the Institute (Main Campus and its New Research Farm). Before quoting the rates, the site may also be inspected, thoroughly by the agency on any working day at the Institute. The rates so quoted shall be applicable for the period of one year. The minimum wages fixed by the Central Govt. from time to time will have to pay to the guards in presence of the committee. (vii) Tenders received after the due date and time will not be entertained in any case. (viii) Initially SECURITY JOB WORK shall be awarded for the period of one year, which is extendable for a further period of one year if performance is satisfactory. The security guard (s) will have to be replaced in case they are not found up to the mark on discharging his/their duties by the first party. (ix) IIPR shall not enter into any short of financial transaction with security personnel engaged by the contractor for providing security services to the Institute. However in case the contractor does not make payment to the workers engaged by him, the institute after due enquiry will make the payment and recover the same from the bill or security deposit. (x) IIPR reserve the right to remove any person not found fit for discharging his duties satisfactorily or reflecting doubtful character and the Contractor will immediately remove such person or persons and replace them immediately with suitable person/persons. 11 (xi) In case of any pilferage or theft, the contractor or his representative shall report the matter immediately to the Security In-Charge and/or other authority of the Institute as per the merit of case with the approval of Competent Authority. The police can be approached by the security agency and Institute for proper investigation and recovery of loss. (xii) The contractor will be wholly responsible for damage of field experimenrts, theft and loss suffered by IIPR within 15 days, if such a loss is sustained by negligence, absentism or by dereliction of duty by security personnel deployed by the contractor. The cost of the damage/loss with penalty will be determined by a committee constituted by the Director, IIPR, Kanpur. (xiii) In the event of any doubt or dispute arising out of the contract whether during the existence of the contract or thereafter, it shall be referred to the Director, IIPR and the decision of the Director shall be final and binding on the contractor. The payment to the contractor, every month, will be released only after he furnishing of certificate to the effect that he has made all the outstanding payments due to the personnel deployed by him, if any, and the statutory contributions, such as. EPF, ESI etc. for the previous month have been deposited with concerned department. (xiv) (xv) The Security Agency has to submit the list of the name of the security personal alongwith the chalan of ESI and EPF account number of all guards with ECR for the record of the office. (xvi) The contractor whose tender is accepted, is required to deposit Rs. 2.00 Lacs (Rs.Two Lacs only) as a security money in the shape of DD/Banker’s Cheque/FDR in favour of “ICAR Unit, IIPR, Kanpur” only for due discharge of the obligations under the contract. The security money is liable to be forfeited in case the contractor on the expiry of the contract period does not make the payment of workers or any violation of terms and conditions of the contract or fail to deposit any amount asked by the Institute. It may distinctly be understood that security money will not carry any interest. (xvii) The contractor whose tender is accepted will have to execute an agreement to abide by the above mentioned terms and conditions or any other clause deemed necessary to safeguard the interest of IIPR on Non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value before the award of the work. (xviii) The Director, IIPR, Kanpur reserve the right to reject any tender or all the tenders without assigning any reason. A Declaration will have to be made by Security Agency in ten rupees non-judicial stamp paper given in the Annexure IV. Non-submission of declaration form, the tender may be rejected. (xix) Administrative Officer 12 General Information for the Security Contract at Main Campus and NRF of the Institute. 1. Central's minimum wages will be followed by the Institute (Notified by Ministry of Labour Govt. of India from time to time) 2. The Security Agency/Firm/Contractor shall carryout the security and watch & ward of the property (all the buildings sheds complete agricultural farm, farm boundary, seed and experimental crops, agriculture implements, vehicles, tractors, residential buildings, pump houses, green houses, net houses, fire losses and all other Farm property etc. ) Main Campus located in 62 acres of land and its New Research Farm (NRF) located in 162 acres of land. 3. (i) Main Campus located in 62 acres of land includes main gate, building, green house/glass house complex, farm section, farm & guest house, residential campus and other locations. (ii) NRF is located in 162 acres with farm Office, large boundary wall with gates tubewells threshing floor seed godowns & processing centre etc. 3. The Agency/Contractor would be required to submit an affidavit that he would make payment to the deployed guards in presence of a committee as per the Minimum wages fixed by the Central Govt. from time to time. 4. If any Guard/Gunman not found upto the mark on discharging his duties or involve in any doubtful activities may be post-outed immediately. 5. Gunman/Guards deployed by Security agency is must educated, physically and fit with sound personality. mentally 6. All facilities with security material and lodging material provides to Gunman/Guards at Guard Room located at NRF by Security agency. 7. Main campus and NRF (both campus) must visit before tendering for over all security of Institute property per month basis. 8. Seasonal dresses also provided to watch and ward persons by security agency. 9. Deployed person’s name, address, mobile number along with EPF A/c number must be provided to office/I/c Security by security agency. 10. The contract will be initially for a period of one year which can be renewed subject to satisfactory performance Administrative Officer 13 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE SECURITY CONTRACT The security guards should be healthy having desirable physique and proper experience and may be shifted from time to time. They should be in the age group of 18-55 years. The security guards so deployed should be able to communicate & write in Hindi or English. The security gunman guards should be provided with uniform, whistle, torch (with cell), gun/lathi, cap and also identity cards along with photo etc. by the agency. The security guards should wear neat and clean uniform while on duty along with the identity cards ( (with address & Photo) issued by the security agency. The security agency or his representative will maintain the registers, which are kept at main gate of main campus and NRF. The security guards must check all the office building rooms after the 5.00 pm to ensure that all rooms are locked properly . Those employees, who are sitting in the Office (before & after office hours and holidays) also take a signature in a register. Entry of all visitors with official/private vehicles entering in the premises should be maintained by the Security Agency and also issue an entry pass and recollect entry pass who return back. Charge diary handed over to next guard at duty place and handed over to I/c Security after completion of diary. 8. The vehicle should be checked by the security guards on duty while coming in side and while going out. 9. Proper entries are to be made while handing over key to any staff of IIPR, and taking over too. 10. The security staff should follow the codal formalities of security system while on duty. Alternative arrangements are to be made during leave of Guard/Gunman. 11. The security staff should ensure that proper gate pass has been issued by I/c Security or Competent Officer for the items taken out of the campus. In case of any doubts, they should immediately contact to I/c security. The tendering agency must have the experience of performance of security in minimum 3 reputed organizations. Security agency shall carryout the security and watch & ward all property i.e. office building, sheds, complete agriculture farm, seed and experimental crops, agriculture implements, vehicles, tractors, residential buildings, pump houses, other properties etc. in entire) main campus located in 62 acres of land and NRF located in 162 acres area of land with boundary wall fixers. 12. 13. Administrative Officer 14 ANNEXURE- I List of Document submitted by the Bidder in Technical bid Yes/No Sl. No Documents required 1. EMD Tender fees 2. PAN Card in the name of Firm/Proprietor. 3. EPF/ESI Registration No. alongwith valid certified copy thereof . 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Page No. Firm should be Registered with Soldier Board or any other concerned authorities of Central Government/ State Govt. or under Company Act or any other Act. Essential for carrying out security contract. Experience Certificate/List of contract in this field of last 5 years in tabular form (Enclose certified copy of certificate of Satisfactory performance 2008-13 onward), experience of working with ICAR/ Central Government/ State Govt., Autonomous bodies, Public Sector/undertaking local bodies will be preferred. Registration certificate duly issued by concerned authority of State Govt. for carrying Security Work in UP as prescribed under Private Security Agencies (Regulation Act, 2005) Minimum turnover of the firm not less than 50.00 lacs (Rs.Fifty lacs only) during the last financial year. Certified Balance Sheet of the firm for last year of the service contract by the Chartered Accountant. Other related documents, Banker details/address proof etc. Service Tax registration certificate issued by the Govt. etc. If any agency is exempted form depositing of the above documents a copy of supporting government order should be enclosed. The contractor/agency must have a registration with the Contract Lobour ( Regulation and Abolition) Act,1970. The contractor shall obtain the labour license under this Act. Signature of the Tenderer 15 ANNEXURE- II Details of the Minimum 5 years experience/work done Submitted by the Bidder in Technical bid Sl. Name of the Deptt./Organisation & Name of contact Person with Phone No. Period From To No. of Staff Remarks 1 2 3 4. 5. (Authorized Signatory) 16 Annexure - IV es0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,rn~ }kjk ?kks"k.kk djrk gwW fd ;fn eq>s laLFkku }kjk lqj{kk dk;Z lkSaik tkrk gS rks eq>s fuEufyf[kr “krsZa eatwj gksx a hA 1- eq>s bldh tkudkjh gS fd laLFkku dk uohu “kks/k iz{ks= vkSj eq[; ifjlj dh iw.kZ lqj{kk djuh gSA ftlesa eSa xkMZ@xueSu j[kus dks rS;kj gwAa 2 laLFkku ds nksuks dSEil eq[; ,oa uohu “kks/k iz{ks= dh lHkh izdkj dh lEifRr dh iw.kZ lqj{kk dh ftEesnkjh esjh gSA eSusa Hkyh izdkj ls ns[k ,oa le> fy;k gS vkSj eSa lqj{kk djus dks rS;kj gwa fdlh izdkj dh uqdlku dh ftEesnkjh esjh gksxhA fdlh Hkh uqdlku dh HkjikbZ lqj{kk ,tsl a h }kjk dh tk;sxhA 3 gekjs lHkh xkMZ@xueSu iw.kZ izf”kf{kr ,oa vu”kkflr gSA vuq”kklughurk djus ij esjs }kjk rqjar fudky fn;k tk;sxka] ;fn {kfr igqpkrk gS rks mldh ftEesnkjh esjh gksxh tksHkh dk;Zokgh gksxh eq>s eatwj gksxhA 4- izR;sd pkSdhnkj ds ikl QksVks;qDr igpkui=] lhVh] dSi] VkpZ ,ao twrk vkSj ,d ykBh vkSj xueSu ds ikl oS| ykblsUl lfgr cUnwd gksxhA ;fn fdlh pkSdhnkj ds ikl ls mDr phtsa ugha ik;h tkrh gS tks ,sls lqj{kk dehZ dks laLFkku esa izos”k ugha fn;k tk,xkA 5- laLFkku dh lEifRr rFkk cgqewY; izk;ksfxd rFkk lkekU; Qlyksa dks fdlh Hkh izdkj dh {kfr dh n”kk esa laLFkku }kjk xfBr lfefr }kjk gekjs izfrfuf/k dh mifLFkfr esa tks tqEkkZuk fu/kkZfjr fd;k tk,xk esjs }kjk ns; gksxk] vkSj ;g /kujkf”k mDr ekg ds fcy ls dkV yh tk,xhA laLFkku dh lEifRr ds ewY; ds lkFk tqeZkuk Hkh nsus dks rS;kj gwAa 6 lqj{kk lEcU/kh lHkh izdkj ds fjdkMZ rS;kj djus ,oa j[kus dh eq>s iw.kZ tkudkjh gSA ;g fjdkMZ le; le; ij izHkkjh lqj{kk dks tkap djkmaxk ,oa fjdkMZ ds :i esa lkSiwaxkA 7 eSa pkSdhnkjksa dk Hkqxrku U;wure etnwjh tks dsUnz ljdkj }kjk fu/kkfjZr dh xbZ gS mlds vuqlkj ,oa laLFkku }kjk ukfer lfefr ds lEeq[k d:xkaA vxj dksbZ Hkqxrku esjs }kjk fdlh Hkh pkSdhnkj dks lfefr ds tkudkjh ds fcuk fd;k x;k rks mldks oS| u ekuk tk,A eSa laLFkku ds nksuks dSEil dh py o vpy lEifRr;ksa dh iw.kZ lqj{kk dh ftEesnkjh ysrk gwa vkSj csgrj lqj{kk iznku djus dh ftEesnkjh ysrk gwAa 8 fnukad % ,tsUlh izfrfuf/k ds gLrk{kj 17 iwoZ jlhnh fcy eS@ge] esllZ----------------------------------------------------------------------fufonknkrk Hkkjrh; nygu vuqla/kku laLFkku] dkuiqj dks foKkiu la[;k-----------ds rgr fMekaM M~k¶V@cSdlZ psd @uxn jlhn la[;k----------------------fnukad ds :i es tek dh x;h :- 50]000@&dh /kjksgj jkf'k okilh ds crkSj funs'kd] Hkkjrh; nygu vuqla/kku laLFkku] dkuiqj ls okil ikrk gwW@ikrs gSA jlhnh fVdV] fufonkrk QeZ ds dkuwuh ekfyd ds nLr[kr nLr[rdrkZ dk uke irk lfgr eqgj 18
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