Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses The Agent Based Model of Macroeconomics from the Bottom Up (MBU) Part 1: Theory Lecture #2 Domenico Delli Gatti Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Sequence Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Outline The …nancial accelerator MBU: Agents and markets Workers/consumers Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses The sequence of events Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence Financial accelerator In the 90s several models have focused on …nancial factors as drivers of business ‡uctuations. These models can be lumped together under the heading of Financial Accelerator (FA). This literature is re-discovering Minsky’s Financial Instability Hypothesis, i.e. the minority view in the profession in the 70s and 80s. Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Financial accelerator (cont’d) Three strands in this literature: Bernanke-Gertler (1989, 1990), Bernanke-Gertler-Gilchrist (1999) Greenwald-Stiglitz (1993) Kiyotaki-Moore (1997) The frameworks di¤er in many ways but there are common factors. Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Sequence Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence Financial accelerator (cont’d) Firms face a …nancing gap, which must be …lled with internal …nance (net worth, retained pro…ts) and/or external …nance (credit, new equities). Due to informational frictions (asymmetric information), external sources of …nance are not perfect substitutes. Therefore the interest rates on di¤erent sources of funds are di¤erent (Financing Hierarchy, FH). Credit plays a special role in the FH. Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Financial accelerator (cont’d) The …nancial accelerator literature is part of the Credit view: it is labelled broad credit view. In a nutshell: there is a wedge (the external …nance premium) between the cost of internal and external funds, this premium is increasing with the borrowers’…nancial fragility, proxied by a …nancial ratio such as leverage, the transmission mechanism of monetary policy is centered upon the e¤ects of changes in the policy rate on agents’ …nancial conditions (balance-sheet channel or net worth channel). Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Sequence Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses The …nancial accelerator in a MABM: MBU The main weakness of the FA approach is the neglect of the dynamics of individual …nancial positions and the interaction among them. The FA literature should meet the AB approach. Macroeconomics from the Bottom Up (MBU) is an attempt in this direction. Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Sequence Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers A look at the literature Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Agents Households: supply labour, buy consumption goods, hold deposits. Firms: demand labour, produce and sell consumption goods, demand bank loans. Banks: receive deposits and extend loans to …rms. Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Sequence Financial accelerator Agents and markets Markets Labor Consumption goods Bank loans Deposits Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses The architecture of the Macroeconomic ABM in MBU Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Sequence Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Individual behaviour and market processes Behaviour (level of the agent’s control variables) is not (necessarily) the outcome of an optimization process. Agents adopt rules of thumb. Generally behaviour changes adaptively. Markets are fully decentralized and characterized by a continuous search and matching process: Re 1: tatonnement without auctioneer Re 2: no need of a matching function as in Mortensen Pissarides. Hence transactions can occur at "false prices" i.e. disequilibrium prices. Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Sequence Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence Supply of labour, search The h-th worker (h = 1, 2..., H ) supplies inelastically one unit of labour per period (the time unit is the quarter). If unemployed, the worker looks for a job by visiting …rms that post vacancies. We assume that there are transaction costs that make the search costly. Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Supply of labour, search (cont’d) An unemployed worker, therefore, contacts only a …nite number Ze (in our simulations only 2) of randomly chosen …rms to get a job, starting from the one which o¤ers the highest wage. If the most preferred …rm has already …lled all the vacancies, the worker can resort to the remaining Ze 1 …rms. If h does not succeed in …nding a job, she remains unemployed. Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Sequence Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence Match, separation If h succeeds in …nding a job, she signs a labour contract which assigns a wage for a certain time span (the duration of the labour contract consisting of a …nite number of periods (in our simulations: 8 quarters). A worker whose contract has expired is unemployed. She applies …rst to the …rm which has been her previous employer. If the latter does not need her labour services, she starts searching. A worker with an active labour contract can be …red if the …rm must reduce her desired scale of activity and therefore her desired workforce or if the …rm does not receive loans in the amount necessary to implement the desired workforce (credit rationing). Re 3: There are no …ring (and hiring) costs. Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence Consumption The worker, if employed, receives a wage. The wage is deposited at the bank (and therefore it increases the worker’s …nancial wealth=deposits). A fraction (propensity to consume) of wealth is spent on consumption goods. The marginal propensity to consume out of wealth is a decreasing with wealth. If unemployed, the worker dissaves, i.e. she consumes out of deposits. Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence Capitalists Each …rm is owned by a capitalist/rentier. The i-th capitalist (i = 1, 2..., Fc ) receives dividends if the …rm she owns (the i-th …rm) makes pro…ts after the payment of interest on loans. Dividends are deposited at the bank (and therefore they increase the capitalist’s …nancial wealth=deposits). A fraction (propensity to consume) of wealth is spent on consumption goods. The marginal propensity to consume out of wealth is decreasing with wealth. If the …rm does not pay out dividends, the capitalist dissaves, i.e. she consumes out of deposits. Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence Search and matching on the goods market The consumer (worker, capitalist) looks for consumption goods by visiting …rms that sell goods. There are transaction costs that make the search costly A consumer, therefore, contacts only a …nite number Zc of randomly chosen …rms to ascertain the selling prices. Then she ranks …rms in ascending order of price and buys …rst from the …rm charging te lowest price. If the most preferred …rm is in short supply, the worker can resort to the remaining Zc 1 …rms If the consumer does not succeed in satisfying her consumption plan, she saves involuntarily (and deposits involuntary savings at the bank). Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Firms The i-th …rm (i = 1, 2..., Fc ) produces output Yit using only labour Nit . Technology is linear Yit = αNit . The …rm knows the status quo in t, i.e. the point Q (Pit , Yit ) The …rm knows the average price Pt Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Sequence Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence Expected demand, desired supply, actual production Assuming that the individual …rm considers herself negligible, Pt is approximately equal to the price "of competitors". Due to uncertainty, the …rm does not know (exactly) the demand for her products Yitd . Hence she does not know (exactly) the "equilibrium position": A = Pt , Yitd . Point A would be the Symmetric Nash Equilibrium in a monopolistic competition setting in which …rms use the price as strategic variable (Bertrand competition). She forms expectations on demand and aims at ful…lling this demand, i.e. she sets desired production at the level of expected demand: Yit = Yite . Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence Expected demand, desired supply, actual production (cont’d) For the …rm it is impossible to reach desired production if she does not succeed in …lling all the vacancies and/or if she does not get enough credit to …nance the wage bill. In these cases the …rm will be unable to satisfy expected demand. Hence in these cases actual production may be smaller than desired production (Yit < Yit ) . In the following, however, we will assume Yit = Yit . Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Inventories At the price Pit , given the average price Pt , demand Yitd can be di¤erent from production Yit . The di¤erence between production and demand is ∆it = Yit Yitd . In general Yit = Yit = Yite and therefore ∆it = Yit Yitd = Yite Yitd Sales are de…ned as Qit = min Yit , Yitd If Yitd < Yit ) Qit = min Yit , Yitd = Yitd and ∆it > 0. A positive inventory is a signal of excess supply/positive forecasting error (demand has been overestimated). Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Sequence Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence Inventories (cont’d) Re 4: Goods are non-storable. The …rm therefore cannot accumulate inventories, carry them out from today to tomorrow and satisfy future demand. If the …rm ends up with a positive inventory, she gets rid of the unsold (non storable) goods (at zero costs). If Yitd Yit ) Qit = min Yit , Yitd = Yit and ∆it = 0. No inventory accumulation is a signal of "equilibrium"/no forecasting error or of excess demand/negative forecasting error (demand has been underestimated). Due to non-storability, in fact, there cannot be decumulation of inventories. Hence ∆it = max Yit Yitd , 0 Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Price and quantity decisions Re 5: The …rm is immersed in an uncertain market environment and is exploring the price-quantity territory around the status quo, in order to adapt price-quantity to changing business conditions. Imperfect information and transaction costs imply that each …rm has a certain degree of market power on its own local market. Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Sequence Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence Price and quantity decisions (cont’d) Re 6: the …rm therefore receives two signals: the price charged by competitors Pt and the level of inventories (which reveals forecasting errors). These two signals capture the actual position of the …rm – i.e. the status quo Qt = (Pit , Yit ) – relative to the equilibrium position A = Pt , Yitd . Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence Price and quantity decisions (cont’d) On the basis of these two signals the …rm decides whether to change the price or the expected demand and therefore the desired quantity (but not both, see below). This assumption is based on the evidence of survey data on price and quantity adjustment of …rms over the business cycle (Kawasaki et al., 1982; Bhaskar et al., 1993). How much to change? This is uncertain (there is an element of randomness, more on this later). Re 7: This is a simple adjustment mechanism along two dimensions: price and quantity Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence Price adjustment The …rm decides to change the price wrt the status quo as follows: Pit +1 = Pit 1 + η it +1 Pit 1 η it +1 if if ∆it = 0 and Pit < Pt ∆it > 0 and Pit Pt (1) where η it +1 is a random positive parameter. There is a lower bound for the price, which is the average cost (including interest payments: Pit +1 (Wage bill + interest payments ) /output Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence Quantity adjustment The …rm decides to update the expectation of future demand Yite+1 and therefore the desired scale of activity Yit +1 as follows: Yit +1 = Yite+1 = Yit 1 + ρit +1 Yit 1 ρit +1 if if ∆it = 0 and Pit Pt ∆it > 0 and Pit < Pt (2) where ρit +1 is a random positive parameter. The decision on the "desired" scale of production Yit +1 determines the demand for labour, i.e. desired employment Nit +1 = Yit +1 /α. Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence A digression on expectations If expectations of demand (formed in t for t+1) changed adaptively, then Yite+1 = Yite + ρ Yitd Yite = = Yit + ρ Yitd Yit = = Yit ρ∆it Hence, in our case (non storability): Yite+1 = Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Yit Yit if ρ∆it ∆it = 0 if ∆it > 0 (3) Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence A digression on expectations (cont’d) In the adjustment mechanism (2), we depart from purely adaptive expectations (3): if ∆it = 0 expectations of demand are revised upward (instead of being constant as in (3)) because the …rm is uncertain whether she is in equilibrium or she has underestimated demand; this revision upward is stochastic, if ∆it > 0 expectations of demand are revised downward but the magnitude of the revision is random (instead of being determined by the size of involuntary inventories as in (3)). Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Price/quantity adjustment There are 4 cases. Adjustment is as follows ∆it = 0 ∆it > 0 Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Pit < Pt Pi " Yi # Pit Pt Yi " Pi # Pro…ts and losses Sequence Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Price/quantity adjustment in a …gure Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence Price/quantity adjustment (cont’d) Re 9: Adjustment is partial and asymmetric. In each of the 4 cases, in fact, the …rm changes either the price or the quantity but not both at the same time. Why? Empirical surveys of pricing and quantity decisions of managers point in this direction. Moreover, this assumption makes life easier for the modeller... the cost of ignoring the inventory cycle, which is an important component of the oscillatory behaviour of GDP Re 10: Given this adjustment mechanism, the …rm tends to circle around the equilibrium position. Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Vacancies The operating workforce in t+1 is equal to the employed in t Nit less the workers whose labour contract expired in t Nit0 : Nito +1 = Nit Nit0 The …rms post labour vacancies if the labour requirement to reach the desired scale of production is greater than the operating workforce: Vit +1 = max (Nit +1 Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Nito +1 , 0) Sequence Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Vacancies (cont’d) For instance, in the status quo Q above, the following vacancies will be posted: Vit +1 = = = Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Yit +1 Nit + Nit0 = α Yit Yit 1 + ρit +1 + Nit0 = α α Yit ρ + Nit0 α it +1 Sequence Financial accelerator Agents and markets Vacancies in a …gure Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence Wage There is a minimum (nominal) wage wˆ – uniform across …rms – which is periodically revised upward in order to catch up with in‡ation. This minimum wage can be thought of as the result of centralized (nationwide) bargaining between trade unions and the association of employers. The minimum wage provides a ‡oor to the dynamics of the actual, …rm-speci…c wage wi (i.e. the actual wage can never be smaller than the minimum wage). If there are no vacancies, i.e. if the …rm already operates at the desired scale of activity, the wage she o¤ers wi is the maximum of the contractual wage (of the previous cohort of employed workers) and the minimum wage. Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Wage (cont’d) If the …rm posts vacancies, i.e. if she wants to expand the operating workforce, the contractual wage is revised upward (by a random amount ξ it +1 ) wit +1 = Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 max (wˆ t +1 , wit ) if Vit +1 = 0 max (wˆ t +1 , wit (1 + ξ it +1 )) if Vit +1 > 0 Sequence Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence The …nancing gap If internal …nancial resources (net worth or equity: Eit +1 ) are in short supply with respect to the wage bill wit +1 Nit +1 – i.e. if there is a …nancing gap wit +1 Nit +1 Eit +1 > 0 – the …rm asks for a bank loan Lit +1 . Otherwise, she is able to self-…nance completely the wage bill: Lit +1 = max (wit +1 Nit +1 Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Eit +1 ; 0) Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses The …nancing gap (cont’d) For instance, in Q there will be the following demand for loans: Lit +1 = wit (1 + ξ it +1 ) Yit 1 + ρit +1 α Eit +1 In t, the …rm has all the information necessary to compute Eit +1 (see below) Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Sequence Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists The …nancing gap in a …gure Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence Search and matching on the credit market The …rm who needs external funds contacts a …nite number (say Zb ) of randomly chosen banks to get a loan, starting from the one which charges the lowest interest rate We assume that the demand for credit is divisible, so that, if the most preferred bank is in short credit supply, the …rm can resort to the remaining Zb 1 banks If external funds are still not su¢ cient to pay for the wage bill (credit rationing), the …rm will …re redundant workers and scale down production Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence Banks The k-th bank (k = 1, 2..., K ) will extend a total amount of credit to …rms Lkt equal to a multiple of its equity base or net worth ("bank’s capital"): Lkt = Ekt /ν where 0 < ν < 1 can be interpreted as a capital requirement coe¢ cient. Hence 1/ν is the maximum allowable leverage for the bank. Lkt represents the total amount of “credit vacancies” posted by the bank on the credit market. Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses The interest rate We assume that bank k o¤ers to …rm i a standard debt contract, which consists of an interest rate ritk and the corresponding loan Lit . The interest rate is set as follows: ritk = r (1 + φkt µ (λit )) ritk is determined by means of a "mark up" (over a baseline rate r ) r is a proxy for the policy rate Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Sequence Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses The interest rate (cont’d) The mark up consists of: φkt i.e. an idiosyncratic shock which captures random cost factors speci…c to the bank, µ (λit ) , µ0 > 0; i.e. the external …nance premium which increases with the borrower’s leverage λit The leverage of the …rm is de…ned as: λit := Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Lit wit Nit = Eit Eit 1 Sequence Financial accelerator Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses The interest rate (cont’d) OTBE, if Ei " ) λi # ) rik # There is an indirect e¤ect (not shown in the …gure): rik #) Ei " (positive feedback) This is the root of the …nancial accelerator (at the micro-level) in the present setting Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Sequence Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence The interest rate (cont’d) The notion of “external …nance premium” has been introduced by Bernanke and Gertler (1989, 1990). See also Bernanke, Gertler and Gilchrist (1999) on the …nancial accelerator In the presence of ex post asymmetric information and costly state veri…cation, the higher the borrower’s …nancial fragility, the more frequent should be (in the optimum) the auditing activity of the bank and the higher the interest rate charged to the borrower Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks The demand for loans and the interest rate Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Pro…ts and losses Sequence Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence The demand for loans and the interest rate Notice that the demand for loans is not elastic to the interest rate. An increase of borrower’s net worth impacts upon both the demand for loans and the interest rate (which go down) Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence The demand for loans and the interest rate: the e¤ect of an increase of net worth Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses The bank sorts the borrowers’applications for loans in ascending order according to leverage, and satisfy them until all credit supply has been exhausted. Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Sequence Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Pro…ts and losses: …rms Gross pro…ts of the i-th …rm can be computed as follows: EBIit +1 = Pit +1 Yit +1 wit +1 Nit +1 {z } | Earnings Before Interest (EBI) If pro…ts are high enough, the …rm is able to "validate debt commitments":rit +1 (wit +1 Nit +1 Eit +1 ) where rit +1 = ∑ xitk +1 ritk +1 k 2Λ In words: rit +1 is the weighted average of the interest rates charged to the …rm by the banks she gets in touch with to fund the …nancing gap (the set of these banks is labelled Λ). xitk +1 represents the fraction of the …nancing gap funded by bank k. Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Sequence Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Pro…ts and losses: …rms (cont’d) Pro…ts are π it +1 = EBIit +1 rit +1 (wit +1 Nit +1 By assumption: Divit = δπ it ; 0 < δ < 1 Net worth therefore is Eit +1 = Eit + (1 Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 δ) π it Eit +1 ) Sequence Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence Pro…ts and losses: banks The pro…ts (revenues) of the k-th bank coincide with interest payments received: π kt +1 = ∑+ ritk +1 (wit +1 Nit +1 Eit +1 ) i 2Θ where Θ+ is the set of solvent borrowers whom the bank has lent to Net worth is Ekt +1 = Ekt + π kt BDkt BDkt is "bad debt" i.e. the total value of non performing loans: ∑ (wit +1 Nit +1 Eit +1 ) Θ Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 i 2Θ the set of insolvent borrowers Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses The sequence of events 1 Each …rm computes net worth in t+1 (Eit +1 ) updating net worth in t with retained pro…ts: Eit +1 = Eit + (1 Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 δ) π it Sequence Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence Exit and entry If Eit +1 < 0 the …rm goes bankrupt and exits. The bankruptcy of the …rm generates a negative demand spillover for the other …rms (due to the loss of employment and wage income), a¤ects the bank’s net worth (through bad debt) and therefore will impact on the amount of credit extended in the future. Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Exit and entry (cont’d) We assume that each bankrupt …rm is replaced by a new entrant. The initial condition (size at entry) of the new …rm is set below the average size of incumbent …rms. This one-to-one replacement of bankrupt …rms with entrant …rms allows us to keep the total …rms’population constant. Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Sequence Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence Price/quantity adjustment If Eit +1 > 0 the …rm survives and proceeds to the next step. 2. Starting from the status quo, the …rm decides (adaptively) the quantity to be produced (hence the demand for labour) and the price to be charged. Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses The labour market opens L1 Firms post vacancies (if any) at a certain o¤ered wage. L2 Each unemployed worker contacts a given number of randomly chosen …rms to get a job, starting from the one which o¤ers the highest wage. L3 Once the matching has been completed, the …rm computes the wage bill and the …nancing gap, which has to be …lled by means of loans. Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Sequence Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence The credit market opens B1 Banks post credit vacancies (supply of loans) at a certain o¤ered interest rate. B2 Each …rm contacts a given number of randomly chosen banks to get a loan, starting from the one which o¤ers the lowest interest rate. B3 Once the matching has been completed, the …rm assesses whether …nancial resources are enough to pay for the wage bill. If not – i.e. in case of credit rationing – some workers will be …red. B4 Production takes the whole period t. Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence The market for the consumption goods opens C1 Firms post their o¤er price. C2 Each worker/consumer contacts a given number of randomly chosen …rms to buy consumption goods, starting from the one which o¤ers the lowest price. C3 Once the matching has been completed, the …rm assesses whether there is su¢ cient demand to sell her goods. If not – i.e. in case of excess supply (inventories) – it gets rid of the unsold goods (at zero costs). Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence Firms: Accounting and (maybe) surviving A1 At the end of the period, …rms collect revenues and calculate Earnings Before Interest EBIit +1 = Pit +1 Yit +1 wit +1 Nit +1 A2 If EBI is big enough, the …rm "validates …nancial commitments" (i.e. makes interest payments) and gets pro…ts: π it +1 = Pit +1 Yit +1 wit +1 Nit +1 rit +1 (wit +1 Nit +1 Eit +1 ) A3 If earnings after interest payments are positive, the …rm pays out dividends as a fraction of pro…ts: δπ it +1 (1 δ) π it +1 are retained pro…ts, which are used to update net worth and determine Eit +2 . The cycle starts again. Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 Financial accelerator Agents and markets Workers Capitalists Firms Banks Pro…ts and losses Sequence Banks: Accounting and (maybe) surviving E1 At the end of the period, the bank collects revenues and computes bad debt. Therefore she can compute net worth Ekt +1 = Ekt + ∑+ ritk +1 (wit +1 Nit +1 i 2Θ Eit +1 ) ∑ (wit +1 Nit +1 i 2Θ If Ekt +1 < 0 the bank is insolvent and is replaced by another bank. Otherwise, the bank survives and restart the cycle of lending. Domenico Delli Gatti ABM_Lecture #2 E
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