CA/27/14 Orig.: en Munich, 16.04.2014 SUBJECT: Quality Roadmap: update and plans SUBMITTED BY: President of the European Patent Office ADDRESSEES: 1. Technical and Operational Support Committee (for opinion) 2. Administrative Council (for decision) SUMMARY The EPO Quality Roadmap outlines the actions required to achieve the goals of the EPO’s Quality Policy. These efforts are steered by the EPO Quality Board, which is chaired by the Management Representative for Quality, VP2. The present document summarises the achievements to date and makes proposals for new initiatives to be taken up under the Quality Roadmap. CA/27/14 e LT 0587/14 - 140870016 -ITABLE OF CONTENTS Subject Page I. STRATEGIC/OPERATIONAL 1 II. RECOMMENDATION 1 III. MAJORITY NEEDED 1 IV. CONTEXT 1 A. QUALITY ROADMAP 1 B. GOVERNANCE 1 C. EXECUTION 2 D. ACHIEVEMENTS 2 V. ARGUMENTS 5 A. AREA 1 – QUALITY STRATEGY 5 a) b) c) d) e) ISO 9001 Certification for the Patent Grant Area Extension of ISO 9001 compliant QMS User Satisfaction Survey (USS) Review Handbook of Quality Procedures Quality Indicators 5 5 6 6 6 AREA 2 – SEARCH, EXAMINATION & CLASSIFICATION 7 a) b) Individual Quality Objectives (IQO) DG1 Quality Action Plan 2014 7 7 AREA 3 – PATENT GRANT PROCESS 7 a) 7 B. C. D. DG2 Patent Administration Quality Action Plan 2014 EXTERNAL QUALITY ACTIVITIES 8 VI. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS 9 VII. LEGAL BASIS 9 VIII. DOCUMENTS CITED 9 IX. RECOMMENDATION FOR PUBLICATION 9 CA/27/14 e LT 0587/14 - 140870016 I. STRATEGIC/OPERATIONAL Strategic II. RECOMMENDATION The Technical and Operational Support Committee is requested to give a positive opinion on the strategic direction proposed in this document. III. MAJORITY NEEDED N.A. IV. CONTEXT A. QUALITY ROADMAP The EPO Quality Roadmap outlines the actions required to achieve the goals of the EPO’s Quality Policy. The document that set out the Quality Roadmap for the first time (CA/97/11) was approved by the Administrative Council in December 2011. As recognised in CA/97/11, the success of the EPO rests largely on the quality of the work it delivers. At the same time, the Office also needs to handle the consequences of the changing IP environment where enhanced competition and complexity have contributed to increased filings and the development of greater sophistication in the creation and use of patent portfolios. Through the implementation of the specific activities outlined in the Quality Roadmap, the Office is making significant progress in achieving the strategic objectives of enhancing efficiency and improving quality of products and services. B. GOVERNANCE The Quality Roadmap is steered by the Quality Board (QB). The Quality Board is chaired by VP2 and is the standing body responsible for the implementation of the Quality Management System (QMS) at the EPO. The Quality Board recommends and monitors the implementation of measures for improving quality and for supporting a culture of continual improvement in accordance with the Office’s Quality Policy. The regular duties of the Quality Board comprise: Carrying out the Quality Management Review under the chairmanship of the President Establishing quality objectives and determining priorities Ensuring corrective and preventive quality actions in the patent grant process CA/27/14 e LT 0587/14 - 140870016 1/9 C. EXECUTION Following the recommendations of the “EPO Support Services Study” by the firm Deloitte in 2011, Principal Directorate Quality Management (PDQM) has been successfully re-organised. Operational tasks and associated staff have been fully re-integrated into DG1 and DG2 Patent Administration. The new organisational structure and matrix-based project organisation has led to efficiency gains which have allowed PDQM to cover activities relating to Quality Assurance and ISO 9001 implementation/maintenance. D. ACHIEVEMENTS Since the start of the Quality Roadmap, the EPO Quality Management System has been significantly developed: Governance In alignment with the two pillars of the Office’s strategy, namely quality and efficiency, quality objectives for DG1 and DG2 Patent Administration are set on a yearly basis since 2012. As an integral part of the Quality Management System, the President chairs the Quality Board for the annual Quality Management Review since 2013. Operational Quality To improve the data on quality, new operational quality control systems for monitoring non-conforming products in search and examination, in the patent grant process and in classification were introduced. The new “Conformity Assurance in Search and Examination” (CASE) system checks every proposal for grant, every search report that cites only background documents (A-documents) and at least two searches per examiner per year together with their written opinions. The new system gives the responsibility for the quality checks to the chairperson of a division, thereby strengthening the role of the chairpersons as foreseen by the Convention (Article 18 EPC). In DG2 Patent Administration, Quality Circles were introduced to assess the relevance of re-occurring quality issues and the necessity of actions. The new Patent Administration Operational Quality Control (PA-OQC) system uses focused sampling and data mining to ensure that potential areas of noncompliance are identified so that processes and products can be actively managed. CA/27/14 e LT 0587/14 - 140870016 2/9 Steering the QMS The reporting of quality results to DG1 and DG2 Patent Administration has been consolidated and streamlined. Results from User Satisfaction Surveys, operational quality control systems and user complaints are presented to the operational departments in a single “Integrated Quality Report”, together with a comprehensive analysis. This information is the basis for identifying necessary actions (DG1 and DG2 Patent Administration Action Plans) to ensure continual improvement. To enable the planning and execution of corrective and preventive actions, a dedicated system has been created called the European Quality Improvement Database (EQUID). It enables monitoring the implementation and effectiveness of improvement activities. User Input to the QMS The EPO received 207 complaints in 2013. This represents a significant reduction with respect to the previous year (262). Before January 2014, complaints about the EPO’s services needed to be filed in writing or by email. There was no central point of reception for complaints and complaints arrived to the office in various areas. To enhance the feedback to the Office, the complaints handling procedure has been reviewed to ensure that external complaints are treated in a harmonized manner. As of 1 January 2014, the EPO has added an online complaints form to its website ( or to enable users to submit complaints more easily. The processing time of registered CRM tickets from registration to closure has already been reduced from 17.5 days in 2012 to 15.3 days in 2013. The new system has further shortened the period of time for dealing with complaints. In addition, it has enabled the Office to deal with complaints which relate to other services of the EPO, e.g. availability of EPO’s internet services. International Activities CA/27/14 e LT 0587/14 - 140870016 The European Patent Academy has been active in arranging conferences to exchange best practice on ISO 9001 implementation between National Patent Offices of the member states. In addition, the EPO has taken the leading role in defining quality standards between the IP5 partners. The Office continues to work closely with other international authorities and WIPO on the development of PCT metrics which will enable individual Offices to assess the effectiveness of the PCT system and identify areas for improvement. 3/9 ISO 9001 In the light of the maturity of the EPO’s Quality Management System, the EPO will seek ISO 9001 certification of the Quality Management System of the patent grant process in 2014.The table below provides an overview of achievements with respect to objectives set out in CA/97/11: Objective Completion Update the EPO Quality Policy 15.02.2013 Complete implementation of the Office's ISO9001-compliant Quality Management System for core and supporting processes 01.02.2014 Complete an internal quality Intranet microsite on the Office's Intranet February 2013 Develop internal quality reporting arrangements 01.04.2014 Complete the rollout of Classification Operational Quality Control 2013 Share with users the findings of complaints handling, and the actions undertaken by the Office to overcome the causes underlying justified complaints New complaints procedure in force since 01.01.2014 Implement the Guidelines in electronic form (available to external users) 20.06.2012 Quality audits performed on applications passing to grant Ongoing Complete an audit of the Quality Management System in preparation for certification Ongoing Achieve certification under ISO9001 for core processes Planned for 2014 Train staff in Operations on ISO 9001 Ongoing Achieve harmonised re-usable examiner search records 31.12.2013 Perform follow-up audits of nonconformities (ISO 9001) Ongoing Table 1 QRM Objectives (CA/97/11) and achievements CA/27/14 e LT 0587/14 - 140870016 4/9 V. ARGUMENTS The main goal of the EPO’s Quality Policy is to maintain, and where possible to improve, the quality of the EPO’s patent products and services. Through its Quality Management System (QMS), the EPO embeds a culture of continual improvement and aims to enhance the quality of its services and products. To consolidate the achievements and to further improve the EPO’s QMS, it is proposed that the EPO Quality Roadmap 2014 -2016 work plan is defined for 3 areas: A. AREA 1 – QUALITY STRATEGY a) ISO 9001 Certification for the Patent Grant Area The EPO Quality Management System (QMS) is sufficiently mature for the Office to seek ISO 9001 certification for the patent grant process in 2014. The British Standards Institute (BSI) is supporting the Office with the preparation of the certification. BSI is carrying out a final readiness review in March to April. This will be followed by a final gap-filling exercise and an accredited certification authority will perform the certification audit in October/November 2014. b) Extension of ISO 9001 compliant QMS With the experience gained from the implementation of the ISO 9001 compliant QMS in the patent grant area, the Office is in a position to extend the QMS. Discussions with key stakeholders have started to identify the processes and procedures which will form the basis of the extended QMS. The areas proposed for extension are: (i) Patent Information The inclusion of the Patent Information area in the EPO QMS was already proposed in CA/97/11. Patent Information is an internal and public service unit with strong presence outside the EPO. The implementation of an ISO 9001 compliant QMS will help to assure legal correctness of publications, as well as the accessibility and completeness of patent information. (ii) DG3 Legal Services and Administration The workflow within DG3 includes departments which provide appeals related administrative support. They are within the Legal Research and Administration directorate. CA/27/14 e LT 0587/14 - 140870016 5/9 The independence of the Boards of Appeal in the decision-making process needs to be reflected in the QMS. The introduction of a QMS to these departments will help to continually improve services for the Boards and for users of Board of Appeal decisions. (iii) European and International Cooperation The introduction of a QMS in European and International Cooperation will help to continually improve interaction with cooperation partners such as National Patent Offices of member and non-member states. It will support the maintenance of high-quality service levels and increase the efficiency of processes. The extension of the scope of the ISO 9001-compliant QMS will help to increase quality awareness throughout the Office and in particular in areas that are not directly linked with Operations. It is expected that it will take until the end of 2016 before QMS are implemented in the three areas proposed above. c) User Satisfaction Survey (USS) Review The Quality Board has decided to review the timing of the User Satisfaction Survey in order to better align the presentation of the quality data with the annual Quality Management Review process. d) Handbook of Quality Procedures The “Handbook of Quality Procedures before the EPO”, published in 2012, has been well received by the global patent community. Its intention is to help to increase the quality of incoming applications, communications from examiners and submissions from parties, as well as to provide for an efficient prosecution. It was an example of successful co-operation between the EPO, epi and BusinessEurope. A decision by the three partners needs to be taken on whether to continue the cooperation and to install a regular revision cycle. e) Quality Indicators The EPO is developing a broad set of quality indicators as a resource for senior management for supporting informed decision making and as a means to highlight areas for possible improvement to staff. In addition, some of the quality indicators will be used to inform users about the EPO’s performance in specific areas of interest. CA/27/14 e LT 0587/14 - 140870016 6/9 B. AREA 2 – SEARCH, EXAMINATION & CLASSIFICATION a) Individual Quality Objectives (IQO) The EPO has started a process of breaking down the global quality objectives to individual staff level. The aim is to have a system in place for the setting and evaluation of individual quality objectives in DG1 by 2015. b) DG1 Quality Action Plan 2014 In order to achieve the Quality Objectives, DG1 has established a Quality Action Plan. DG1 will focus in particular on: continual improvement (facilitated by the new CASE procedure) enhancing legal validity by strengthening the role of the Chairperson providing IT support for drafting communications, minutes of oral proceedings and facts and submissions part of decisions raising the quality of the EPO’s searches by promoting the consultation of Asian documentation, focusing on timeliness (accelerated search and examination requests, PCT time limits and Early Certainty from Search), engaging in an active dialogue with users on recurrent sources of complaints ensuring comprehensive coverage of the prior art at the search stage by monitoring the consistency between the PCT Chapter I search performed by the EPO and the addition of prior art into the procedure in the Regional Phase. C. AREA 3 – PATENT GRANT PROCESS a) DG2 Patent Administration Quality Action Plan 2014 In 2014, DG2 Patent Administration will concentrate continual improvement efforts on the following key areas: user satisfaction: o continuous work on mapping, monitoring and improving the customer experience o regular monitoring of the quality of the work of First Line Customer Services and Switchboards CA/27/14 e LT 0587/14 - 140870016 7/9 timeliness internal users: o automation of specific routine tasks o enhancing availability and coordination of Formalities Officers services timeliness external users: o regular spot-checks of Customer Relationship Management tickets o regular phone calls to customers to assess customer satisfaction o launch of the “EPO Customer Satisfaction Index” to benchmark the Customer Experience quarterly bibliographic data of B publications: o improve standards for bibliographic data quality of opposition files: o complete the clean-up of active Opposition files The Quality Action Plans of both DG1 and DG2 Patent Administration will be monitored under the governance of the Quality Board. D. EXTERNAL QUALITY ACTIVITIES The Office is keen to develop further cooperation within the European Patent Network, in particular with regards to the EQMS. In addition, the Office will continue close cooperation on quality matters with external partners in the IP5/Trilateral, OHIM as well as with WIPO and user associations. The external quality activities are being closely aligned with the activities undertaken within the framework of the Cooperation Roadmap. In addition to interoffice activities, the EPO will seek to expand contacts with user groups. The information gained from these initiatives will be used as resources to assist further in quality improvement measures at the EPO. In the coming year the Office will: strengthen cooperation on quality with the IP5 partner offices seek to establish a common view on quality metrics for PCT and PPH with SIPO; continue working with WIPO and International Authorities on metrics that will allow a better understanding of how the PCT system is performing extend the group of consulted user associations from the Trilateral user associations to include the other IP5 partners with a view to establishing regular meetings which can be used as a platform for sharing and receiving information relating to quality. CA/27/14 e LT 0587/14 - 140870016 8/9 VI. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS No additional expenditures beyond CA/D 1/13 are planned in 2014. VII. LEGAL BASIS Article 10(2) EPC. VIII. DOCUMENTS CITED CA/97/11 IX. RECOMMENDATION FOR PUBLICATION Yes CA/27/14 e LT 0587/14 - 140870016 9/9
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