Office of the General Manager(M)/Project Officer LAKHANPUR OPEN CAST PROJECT (An ISO 9001 & 14001 Project) MCL, Lakhanpur Area At/P.O : UBUDA, Via: Belpahar, Distt - Jharsuguda, Odisha-768217, Ph: +91 (6645)605900 Fax: +91 (6645)233575 (CGM –LKP Area Office) Ref. No. MCL/LA/LKPOCP/Ch. Manager (E&M)/14-15/NIT/ 226 ……….…..…Date:05/06/2014 NOTICE INVITING TENDER 01. Sealed tenders are invited from the experienced contractors for undertaking the following work at Lakhanpur Open cast Project, MCL, Lakhanpur Area,PO;Ubuda768217,Dist:Jharsuguda. SL No. 01. Description of Work Estimated Cost of Earnest Value(Rs.) tender money documents (Rs.) “Dismantling and re-erection of 1,76,330.84 100.00 1,764.00 plates in road weighbridge No.04” at Lakhanpur OCP., L. A. Period of completion 20 days 02.CRITICAL DATE: SALE OF TENDER DOCUMENT START SALE OF TENDER DOCUMENT END SUBMISSION TENDER DOCUMENT END OPENING OF PART I DATE 10.06.14 11.06.14 13.06.14 13.06.14 UPTO AT TIME 10.00AM 06.00 PM 01.00 PM 04.30 PM 03. Tender documents like detail tender notice, General Terms and Conditions, BOQ can be obtained from the office of the P.E.(E&M),Lakhanpur OCP, Lakhanpur Area on payment of the prescribed TENDER DOCUMENT COST by D.D. drawn in favour of “MAHANADI COAL FIELDS LIMITED, LAKHANPUR AREA ACCOUNTS” and payable at “BANDHABAHAL” on any working day during working hours as indicated above. Tenders will be dropped in prescribe tender box in the office of Security In charge, Lakhanpur OCP,MCL, Lakhanpur Area,PO;Ubuda-768217,Dist:Jharsuguda(Odisha) as date and time mentioned above. 04. Eligibility Criteria:(A). WORK EXPERIENCE:Work Experience : The intending tender must have in its name as a prime contractor experience of having successfully completed similar works during last 7(seven) years ending last day of month previous to the one in which bid applications are invited (i.e. eligibility period) should be either of the following:Three similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of the estimated cost. Or Two similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to 50% of the estimated cost. Or One similar completed works costing not less than the amount equal to 80% of the estimated cost. Cont… Page – 2. (Page – 2) (In case the bidder is not a prime contractor but a sub-contractor, the bidder’s experience as sub-contractor will be taken into account if the contract in support of qualification is a subcontract in compliance with the provision of such sub-contract in the original awarded to prime contractor.) The work experience of the bidder for those works only shall be considered for evaluation purposes, which are completed on or before the last day of month previous to one in which e-Tender has been invited. The experience of incomplete/ongoing works as on the last date of eligibility period will not be considered for evaluation. While considering the value completed works, the full value of completed works will be considered whether or not the date of commencement is within the said 7(seven) years period 05. Part. I (Technical Bid) of the offer must contain the following: 05.01. Copy of PAN Card 05.02. Copy of valid sale Tax/VAT clearance certificate and Sale Tax Registration/VAT Registration on work contract /TIN Numbers certificate authorized of Odisha. For tenderers not worked on Odisha may submit copies of above required documents of state where he has worked. If the tenderers get the work order, he should submit VAT clearance certificate and Registration certificate on work contract/TIN Number certificate form Odisha before execution of the agreement release of 1st R/F bill. 05.03. Service Tax Status of Bidder of NIT and BOQ. (A). The bidder should posses any one of the following documents depending upon the status opted by him in the BOQ sheet. If the bidder has opted: i. ii. iii. Small Service Provider and exempted for Service Tax Registration and/or payment of Service Tax. A Certificate from a practicing Chartered Accountant that the bidder is exempted for Service Tax Registration and /or payment of Service Tax. A Body Corporate: The Service Tax Registration Certificate issued by Central Excise and Custom Department. Govt. of India Other than above two categories. 05.04. Copies of partnership deed if any. 05.05. Signed copy of Short Tender Notice given along with all Tender Documents as a token of application of all terms and conditions including other terms and conditions given in the Tender Notice. Tendered have to ensure implementation of Coal Mine Provident Fund (CMPF) and miscellaneous Provident Act. 1948 and allied scheme frame there under in respect of the workers deployed by him and will have to recover statutory dues and deposit the same along with employer’s contribution (Contractor’s share) to the respective CMPF office and to submit statutory return under intimation to the Principal employer . The registration No. of Coal Mine in which the workers engaged by the Contractor are working to furnished in the statutory return to be submitted to the concern CMPF office stated as “Contractor Worker”. The tenderers shall have to submit an Affidavit along with the tender that they will abide by this clause duly authenticated by Notary .OR 05.06. Those tenderers who are registered under EPF scheme and employees covered under the said scheme may continue to operate under EPF scheme. They should furnish such proof. Part.-II (Price Bids) shall rates of items only. Contd… (Page-03) 06. You should make payment to your workmen engaged for the subject mentioned work as per minimum wages act approved by Odisha State Govt. OTHER DETAIL MAY BE ONTAINED FROM DETAIL TENDER NOTICE AND GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Ch. Manager(E&M)/P.E, Lakhanpur OCP. Distribution:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. GM (M) / Project Officer, Lakhanpur OCP. Sr, Manager (Mining)/ Project Manager, Lakhanpur OCP. Sr.Manager (Finance), Lakhanpur OCP. Dy.G.M. (System), System Department, Lakhanpur Area. P. E (E&M) (BOCM. / Lilari OCP / SOCP / LOCP ) –with request to display NIT on All Notice Boards. 6. Casher, Lakhanpur OCP. ( for Purchase of Tender documents ). 7. Security I/C, Lakhanpur OCP. To please arrange for necessary Police protection on the date of dropping /receiving of tender. 8. Case file.
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