Eclipse Architecture and Patterns Mirko Stocker Advanced Patterns and Frameworks April, 2014 IFS INSTITUTE FOR SOFTWARE Outline 1 Eclipse Overview 2 SWT and JFace 3 OSGi Bundles and Eclipse Plug-ins 4 Eclipse Core Patterns 5 Language Toolkit LTK Patterns 6 C/C++ Development Tooling Patterns 7 Eclipse 4 Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 2 / 74 Outline 1 Eclipse Overview 2 SWT and JFace 3 OSGi Bundles and Eclipse Plug-ins 4 Eclipse Core Patterns 5 Language Toolkit LTK Patterns 6 C/C++ Development Tooling Patterns 7 Eclipse 4 Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 3 / 74 Eclipse History Origins 1999 Work begins on Eclipse inside IBM 2001 Eclipse 1.0 released as open source 2002 Eclipse 2.0 released 2004 Eclipse 3.0 released based on OSGi 2012 Eclipse 4.2 released with completely new fundament Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 4 / 74 Eclipse History Eclipse 1.0 Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 5 / 74 Eclipse History Eclipse 2.0 Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 6 / 74 Eclipse Goals Open platform for application development to make building tools easier and to provide common tools Started as an IDE (-framework) but then became a general platform Integration and interaction of various tools and services based on plug-ins Platform independent but native widgets (SWT) The Eclipse platform itself is a sort of universal tool platform – it is an IDE for anything and nothing in particular. Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 7 / 74 Eclipse Components Figure : Source [GammaBeck03] Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 8 / 74 Eclipse Components Figure : Source Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 9 / 74 Eclipse Components Figure : Source Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 10 / 74 Project Stats Over 250 projects under development at Yearly releases in June for projects that want to participate Figure : Source [Aniszczyk] Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 11 / 74 Outline 1 Eclipse Overview 2 SWT and JFace 3 OSGi Bundles and Eclipse Plug-ins 4 Eclipse Core Patterns 5 Language Toolkit LTK Patterns 6 C/C++ Development Tooling Patterns 7 Eclipse 4 Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 12 / 74 SWT Standard Widget Toolkit Native Widgets and mostly written in Java No performance impact from UI Native library and thin JNI layer for each toolkit SWT implementation per platform Why not AWT or Swing? Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 13 / 74 JFace UI-Toolkit SWT provides basic components JFace builds on top of SWT: Actions, Menus, Dialogs, Wizards, Fonts Figure : Source Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 14 / 74 Outline 1 Eclipse Overview 2 SWT and JFace 3 OSGi Bundles and Eclipse Plug-ins 4 Eclipse Core Patterns 5 Language Toolkit LTK Patterns 6 C/C++ Development Tooling Patterns 7 Eclipse 4 Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 15 / 74 OSGi Open Services Gateway initiative Specifies a component and service model for Java Components (bundles) can be dynamically installed, started, stopped, and uninstalled Bundles define dependencies and export some of their packages (unlike a JAR) Similar to Java 9 (former 8) Modularization proposal Several OSGi implementations, Eclipse’s is Equinox GlassFish, JBoss, WebSphere, IntelliJ, Netbeans, and many others are all based on OSGi Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 16 / 74 OSGi Bundles Eclipse plug-ins are OSGi bundles! (since Eclipse 3) Packaged as JARs MANIFEST.MF file contains the bundle metadata Manifest-Version: 1.0 Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2 Bundle-Name: Popup Plug-in Bundle-SymbolicName: com.example.myosgi; singleton:=true Bundle-Version: 1.0.0 Bundle-Activator: com.example.myosgi.Activator Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.ui, org.eclipse.core.runtime;bundle-version="4.2.0" Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.6 Export-Package: com.example.myosgi Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 17 / 74 OSGi Services OSGi also offers services to connect bundles Service is a POJO and can be registered at a Service Registry at bundle start For historical reasons, Eclipse does not use OSGi services but Extensions and Extension Points Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 18 / 74 Extension Points Extension Point collects contributions to the plug-in offering the Extension Point Extension contributes to an Extension Point Each plug-in contributes to at least one Extension Point Optionally declares a new EP Extension Points and Extensions are not part of the Manifest but separate XML files Figure : Source Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 19 / 74 Eclipse Plug-ins Plug-ins can add new Actions, Editors, Views, Menus, Perspectives, Preferences Each plug-in gets its own class loader Can only access specified dependencies Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 20 / 74 Plug-in Example A plug-in has three interesting files: Manifest plugin.xml to wire up the Extension Class that implements the Extension Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 21 / 74 Plug-in Example Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 22 / 74 Plug-in Example Figure : Source [EclipseZone] Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 23 / 74 Eclipse Plug-ins Eclipse platform manages plug-ins: discover installed plug-ins from various disk locations builds the extension registry connects extensions and extension points, only activating plug-ins when needed caches the extension registry to disc (-clean option) Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 24 / 74 Plug-in Example Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 25 / 74 Outline 1 Eclipse Overview 2 SWT and JFace 3 OSGi Bundles and Eclipse Plug-ins 4 Eclipse Core Patterns 5 Language Toolkit LTK Patterns 6 C/C++ Development Tooling Patterns 7 Eclipse 4 Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 26 / 74 Classical GoF Design Patterns Creational Patterns Factory Builder Singleton ... Structural Patterns Adapter Bridge Composite Proxy Façade ... Behavioral Patterns Observer Command Memento Strategy Visitor ... Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 27 / 74 Classical GoF Design Patterns Creational Patterns Factory Builder Singleton ... Structural Patterns Adapter Bridge Composite Proxy Façade ... Behavioral Patterns Observer Command Memento Strategy Visitor ... Mirko Stocker Platform Singleton: getting Workbench, Plug-in Workspace Resources Proxy and Bridge: Accessing File System Composite: the workspace Observer: tracking resource changes Core Runtime IAdaptable and Adapter Factories: Property View SWT SWT Composite: composing widgets Strategy: defining layouts JFace Observer: responding to events Pluggable adapter: Connecting widget to model Strategy: customize a viewer without subclassing Command: Actions UI Workbench Memento: persisting UI state Virtual Proxy: lazy loading with E.P. LTK Template Method, Composite, Memento CDT Visitor: to traverse the AST Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 27 / 74 Singleton Ensure that a class only has one instance, and provide a global point of access to it: PlatformUI.getWorkbench() Platform.getAdapterManager() ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace() Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 28 / 74 Singleton Ensure that a class only has one instance, and provide a global point of access to it: PlatformUI.getWorkbench() Platform.getAdapterManager() ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace() Problem: coupling, code hard to test Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 28 / 74 Proxy Provide a surrogate or place holder for another object to control access to it: Figure : Source Wikipedia Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 29 / 74 Proxy Files and Resources How can we represent an (external) resource in a progam? 1 Provide a handle for the resource 2 Handle acts as a proxy for the resource Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 30 / 74 Proxy Files and Resources Advantages of the Proxy pattern approach: Small value objects Define behaviour but don’t contain any state information Can refer to non-existing resource (file not yet created) Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 31 / 74 Proxy Lazy Loading The Proxy pattern can also be used to implement lazy-loading: Eclipse only loads a plug-in when it’s needed. UI actions are proxies for the real actions that are loaded when used the first time. Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 32 / 74 Bridge Decouple an abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently: Figure : Source Wikipedia Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 33 / 74 Bridge API interface is implemented by an internal class that delegates the calls to another implementation. Figure : Source [GammaBeck03] Both Proxy and Bridge patterns are used here. Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 34 / 74 Adapter Adapt an interface for a class to make it compatible with another class: Figure : Source [DoFactory] Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 35 / 74 Adapter Pluggable Adapters JFace uses the Adapter pattern prominently: IContentProvider to get at the contents of a domain object ILabelProvider for the text or image to display Figure : Source [IlyaShinkarenko] Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 36 / 74 Observer Define a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all its dependents are notified and updated automatically. Figure : Source [IlyaShinkarenko] IWorkspace ws = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace(); ws.addResourceChangeListener(new IResourceChangeListener() { @Override public void resourceChanged(IResourceChangeEvent event){ // handle change } }); Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 37 / 74 Strategy Define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable. Strategy lets the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it. Figure : Source Wikipedia Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 38 / 74 Strategy Strategy in SWT Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 39 / 74 Strategy Strategy in JFace Filtering and sorting of elements in views are als handled by Strategies: Figure : Source [IlyaShinkarenko] Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 40 / 74 Command Encapsulate a request as an object, thereby letting you parameterize clients with different requests, queue or log requests, and support for undoable operations. Mirko Stocker Figure : Source Wikipedia Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 41 / 74 Command JFace IAction IAction has a run() method encaspulating the code to be executed when it is called by the Invoker. More than just a function: stores additional data (label, icon, state). Can be used (attached) to multiple menus, tool bars, buttons. IAction action = new Action("Exit") { @Override public void run() { System.exit(0); } }; action.setDescription("Exits the VM"); menu.add(action); Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 42 / 74 Outline 1 Eclipse Overview 2 SWT and JFace 3 OSGi Bundles and Eclipse Plug-ins 4 Eclipse Core Patterns 5 Language Toolkit LTK Patterns 6 C/C++ Development Tooling Patterns 7 Eclipse 4 Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 43 / 74 LTK What is the LTK? Refactoring Language Toolkit (LTK) - a language neutral API for refactorings: Classes for constructing refactoring user interfaces (common L&F for wizards and dialogs) Refactoring wizard with diff preview Classes for modelling resource changes (e. g., "insert method ’foo’ into at offset XY") Refactoring participant functionality Scriptable refactorings and refactoring history Used by Java Development Tools (JDT), C/C++ Development Platform (CDT), Eclipse Scala IDE and others Consists of two plug-ins: org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 44 / 74 LTK Elements of LTK Figure : Source Eclipse-Refactoring.pdf Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 45 / 74 LTK Refactoring UI Example: Specifying refactoring parameters Figure : LTK wizard for specifying refactoring parameters of "extract interface" Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 46 / 74 LTK Diff browser: change 1/2 Figure : LTK diff view with change 1/2 of "extract interface" Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 47 / 74 LTK Diff browser: change 2/2 Figure : LTK diff view with change 2/2 of "extract interface" Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 48 / 74 LTK Refactoring Lifecycle Overview Figure : Source [Widmer06] Problem: How does the LTK provide a skeleton of this algorithm, while deferring some steps to subclasses? Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 49 / 74 LTK Template Method Pattern Template method defines the skeleton of an algorithm as an abstract class, allowing its subclasses to provide concrete behavior. Figure : Source Wikipedia Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 50 / 74 LTK GoF Patterns applied: Template Method Example of LTKs precondition checking before a refactoring is applied: public a b s t r a c t class R e f a c t o r i n g extends P l a t f o r m O b j e c t { public R e f a c t o r i n g S t a t u s c h e c k A l l C o n d i t i o n s ( I P r o g r e s s M o n i t o r pm) { RefactoringTickProvider provider = getRefactoringTickProvider ( ) ; pm. beginTask ( " " , p r o v i d e r . g e t C h e c k A l l C o n d i t i o n s T i c k s ( ) ) ; R e f a c t o r i n g S t a t u s r e s u l t = new R e f a c t o r i n g S t a t u s ( ) ; r e s u l t . merge ( c h e c k I n i t i a l C o n d i t i o n s ( ) ) ; i f ( ! r e s u l t . hasFatalError ( ) ) { r e s u l t . merge ( c h e c k F i n a l C o n d i t i o n s ( ) ) ; } pm. done ( ) ; return r e s u l t ; } public a b s t r a c t R e f a c t o r i n g S t a t u s c h e c k I n i t i a l C o n d i t i o n s ( ) ; public a b s t r a c t R e f a c t o r i n g S t a t u s c h e c k F i n a l C o n d i t i o n s ( ) ; } Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 51 / 74 LTK Applied code transformations with change objects After all preconditions have been checked AND no errors are detected, LTK calls createChange(IProgressMonitor) on the refactoring createChange yields a Change object Change is used by LTK to genereate a change preview (diff) and to apply the recorded change to the workspace There are different kinds of change objects, e. g.: TextChange: applies a TextEdit to a document MoveResourceChange: used to move a resource UndoTextFileChange: to perform the reverse of a TextFileChange NullChange: refactoring change that does nothing Most refactorings require several changes ⇒ Changes can be composed to trees of changes Problem: How can we treat these compositions and the individual changes uniformly? Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 52 / 74 LTK Composite Pattern Compose object into tree structures to represent part/whole hierarchies. Composite lets clients treat individual objects and compositions of objects uniformly. Figure : Source Wikipedia Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 53 / 74 LTK GoF Patterns applied: Composite pattern Change perform(IProgressMonitor): Change dispose() 0..* Child CompositeChange TextFileChange fEdit: TextEdit changes: List perform(IProgressMonitor): Change dispose() add(Change) addAll(Change[]) perform(IProgressMonitor) dispose() 1 Parent Figure : Composite pattern with LTK’s change objects Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 54 / 74 LTK Participants A refactoring participant can participate in the condition checking and change creation of a refactoring processor Refactorings that change several source files may have impact on some of the other integrated tools Examples: Renaming classes in the Plug-in Development Environment (PDE) Setting breakpoints in a debugger Consistency of C function declarations and their JNI bindings Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 55 / 74 LTK Refactoring History Refactorings that are intended to participate in the refactoring history and scripting service must implement a descriptor and a contribution object Two scenarios for scriptable refactorings: Reapplying refactorings on a previous version of a code base Composing large and complex refactorings from smaller refactorings Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 56 / 74 LTK Scriptable Refactorings <?xml version= " 1 . 0 " encoding= "UTF−8" ?> < s e s s i o n version= " 1 . 0 " > < r e f a c t o r i n g comment= " E x t r a c t i n t e r f a c e f o r c l a s s &apos ; Foo&apos ; " d e s c r i p t i o n = " Extract Interface Refactoring " fileName = " f i l e : / tmp / TestLTK / t e s t . cpp " f l a g s = " 4 " name= " IFoo " p r o j e c t = " TestLTK " i d = " ch . h s r . E x t r a c t I n t e r f a c e R e f a c t o r i n g " r e p l a c e = " t r u e " s e l e c t i o n = " 8 ,3 " / > < / session> Problem: How can be capture refactoring states externally so that they can be applied to code without user interaction? Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 57 / 74 LTK Memento Pattern Capture and externalize an objects internal state without violating its encapsulation, so that the object can be returned to this state later. Figure : Source Wikipedia Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 58 / 74 LTK GoF Patterns applied: Memento LTK’s RefactoringDescriptor: Memento that captures the properties of a specific refactoring instance Contains unique refactoring ID, timestamp, description and further refactoring-specific data like selection, file path, chosen user arguments: protected R e f a c t o r i n g D e s c r i p t o r g e t R e f a c t o r i n g D e s c r i p t o r ( ) { Map< S t r i n g , S t r i n g > args = new HashMap< S t r i n g , S t r i n g > ( ) ; args . p u t ( C R e f a c t o r i n g D e s c r i p t o r . FILE_NAME , fileName ) ; args . p u t ( C R e f a c t o r i n g D e s c r i p t o r . SELECTION , s e l e c t e d R e g i o n . g e t O f f s e t ( ) + " , " + s e l e c t e d R e g i o n . getLength ( ) ) ; args . p u t ( E x t r a c t C o n s t a n t R e f a c t o r i n g D e s c r i p t o r .NAME, i n f o . getName ( ) ) ; / / more r e f a c t o r i n g −s p e c i f i c i n f o r m a t i o n r e t u r n new E x t r a c t C o n s t a n t R e f a c t o r i n g D e s c r i p t o r ( p r o j e c t . g e t P r o j e c t ( ) . getName ( ) , " E x t r a c t Constant R e f a c t o r i n g " , " Create c o n s t a n t f o r " + t a r g e t . getRawSignature ( ) , args ) ; } Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 59 / 74 Outline 1 Eclipse Overview 2 SWT and JFace 3 OSGi Bundles and Eclipse Plug-ins 4 Eclipse Core Patterns 5 Language Toolkit LTK Patterns 6 C/C++ Development Tooling Patterns 7 Eclipse 4 Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 60 / 74 CDT Overview First release with Eclipse 2.0 in April 2003 Fully functional C and C++ IDE based on the Eclipse platform Features: Support for project creation and managed build for various toolchains (e. g., GCC, Clang) Standard make build Source navigation Type hierarchy, call graph, include browser, macro definition browser Code editor with syntax highlighting, folding and hyperlink navigation Source code refactoring and code generation Visual debugging tools, including memory, registers, and disassembly viewers Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 61 / 74 CDT CDT’s AST nodes In C/C++, a translation unit (TU) is a source file with all included headers The root node of CDT’s abstract syntax tree (AST) has the type org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTTranslationUnit In CDT, C and C++ AST nodes are separated (e. g., IASTUnaryExpression and ICPPASTUnaryExpression); C has ~60, C++ ~90 nodes org.eclipse.cdt.core.dom.ast.IASTNode is the parent interface of all nodes in the AST The AST can be traversed by calling IASTNode’s getParent() and getChildren() methods Calling child/parent methods can get cumbersome ⇒ We want to decouple the data from the operations that process the data Solution: visitor pattern Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 62 / 74 CDT Example of an AST Figure : Example of CDT’s abstract syntax tree (AST) Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 63 / 74 CDT Visitor Pattern Represent an operation to be performed on the elements of an object structure. Visitor lets you define a new operation without changing the classes of the elements on which it operates. Figure : Source Wikipedia Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 64 / 74 CDT GoF Patterns applied: Visitor To create a visitor, subclass from ASTVisitor ASTVisitor has overloaded visit methods for each node type Each node class has an accept(ASTVisitor) method (defined in IASTNode) ⇒ calls visit(this) Example visitor to collect all names: class ASTNameVisitor extends ASTVisitor { List<IASTName> names = new ArrayList<IASTName>(); { this.shouldVisitNames = true; } @Override public int visit(IASTName name) { names.add(name); return PROCESS_CONTINUE; } } Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 65 / 74 Outline 1 Eclipse Overview 2 SWT and JFace 3 OSGi Bundles and Eclipse Plug-ins 4 Eclipse Core Patterns 5 Language Toolkit LTK Patterns 6 C/C++ Development Tooling Patterns 7 Eclipse 4 Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 66 / 74 Eclipse 4 Why do we need a new version? Questions every architecture has to be examined against: Is it still able to incorporate new technology? Is it easy enough to attract new contributors? Does it encourage community growth? In late 2007, the Eclipse project committers decided that the answer is NO The project e4 was initiated as a playground for new ideas to improve Eclipse e4 is an incubator project Eclipse 4.2 SDK is the new IDE that implements the ideas taken from e4 Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 67 / 74 Eclipse 4 What’s new? The application model (based on the Eclipse Modeling Framework EMF) is decoupled from its presentation Different user interface toolkits (e. g., SWT, JavaFX) can be used to render the model Ability to use stylesheets to easily change the L&F of an Eclipse application Uniform use of dependency injection (DI) IEclipseContext: hierarchically organized context (Map<String, Object>) used as a registry and to lookup services Core services (aka "20 Things"): standalone APIs that clients can use without needing a deep understanding of them (logging, event handling, access to perspectives, etc.) Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 68 / 74 Eclipse 4 The decline of the Singleton Pattern Eclipse code frequently uses global singleton accessors Problem: tight coupling of consumers to their provider, inhibits reuse and harms testability DI separates the configuration of an object from its behaviour DI provides a number of advantages: Clients are able to write POJOs and list the services they need Useful for testing: the assumptions are placed in the DI container rather than in the client code DI has some disadvantages too (no service discovery through code completion, debugging issues) E4’s injector is based on the standard JSR 330 annotations (e. g., javax.inject.Inject) Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 69 / 74 Eclipse 4 Singleton vs. Dependency Injection Usage of singletons with typical Eclipse 3.x view: class MyView extends ViewPart { public void c r e a t e P a r t C o n t r o l ( Composite p a r e n t ) { Button button = . . . ; P l a t f o r m U I . getWorkbench ( ) . getHelpSystem ( ) . s e t H e l p ( b u t t o n , " . . . " ) ; } } With E4, parts are POJO’s and have their application services directly injected: class MyView { @I nj ect public void c r e a t e ( Composite parent , IWorkbenchHelpSystem h e l p ) { Button button = . . . ; help . setHelp ( button , " . . . " ) ; } } Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 70 / 74 Eclipse 4 Programming Model Typical usage of interfaces and cumbersome unpacking of generic event to the object of interest in Eclipse 3.x: @Override public O b j e c t execute ( ExecutionEvent event ) throws E x e c u t i o n E x c e p t i o n I S e l e c t i o n s e l e c t i o n = H a n d l e r U t i l . g e t C u r r e n t S e l e c t i o n ( event ) ; i f ( s e l e c t i o n instanceof I S t r u c t u r e d S e l e c t i o n ) { Object f i r s t = ( ( I S t r u c t u r e d S e l e l c t i o n ) s e l e c t i o n ) . getFirstElement ( ) ; MyObject myObject = ( MyObject ) f i r s t E l e m e n t ; } } With E4, it is enough to specify the object of interest as a parameter in the annotated handler (precondition: MyObject is part of the Eclipse context): @Execute public void execute ( MyObject myObject ) { / / h a n d l e r code } Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 71 / 74 Eclipse 4 Backwards Compatibility Compatibility layer is an adapter of the workbench and delegates calls from 3.x based APIs to the corresponding e4 bundles. Precondition: existing plug-in has to be API-clean! Figure : Source Bokowski-e4-EclipseRT-day-toronto.ppt Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 72 / 74 Bibliography I Erich Gamma and Kent Beck. Contributing to Eclipse: Principles, Patterns, and Plug-Ins. Addison Wesley, 2003. Marc Teufel and Dr. Jonas Helming. Eclipse 4: Rich Clients mit dem Eclipse SDK 4.2., 2012. Ilya Shinkarenko. Design Patterns Used in Eclipse Bangalore, Eclipse Summit India 2009. Neil Bartlett. A Comparison of Eclipse Extensions and OSGi Services http: // Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 73 / 74 Bibliography II Adapter Pattern Chris Aniszczyk. Ecipse Juno Released for “Friends” ecipse-juno-released-for-friends Tobias Widmer. Unleashing the Power of Refactoring. Eclipse Corner Articles, 2006. Michael Petito. Eclipse Refactoring. EE564, 2007. Various authors. The Architecture of Open Source Applications. Mirko Stocker Eclipse Architecture and Patterns 2014 74 / 74
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