THE DANDELION PICKER R32 1–8 1s turn RH, cast, turn LH 1 ¼ to face 4th corners. 9 – 16 1s & 4th corners half reel 4, pass Rsh, 1s & 1st corners half reel 4, finish in 3’s across, man facing up, lady down. 17 - 24 1s half diagonal rights & lefts twice, finish facing own side. 25 – 32 1s Rsh reel 3 across, and cross RH to finish in 2nd place. A CAPITAL JIG J32 1–8 1s 2s set and rotate. 1s face 2s. 9 – 16 Rsh reels 3 on sides. 17 – 24 1s set, turn RH ¾ ; 1M 3s and 3L 2s LH across. Now 2, (1), 3 25 – 32 1s set, turn RH ¾ ; 1M 2s and 1L 3s LH across. SUGAR CANDIE S32 1- 8 1s set, cast, cross over Lsh, dance Rsh round 1st corners. Finish back to back in middle1L face up, 1M face down. 9 - 16 1L 2s, 1M 3s, circle left,1s face up & down middle, set and turn BH to face 1st corners. 17 - 24 Turn corner, partner, corner, partner. 25 - 32 Reel of 3 on opposite side, Lsh to 1st corner, 1s cross RH. POLHARROW BURN R32 5 couple set 1- 8 1s & 3s cross RH, cast, half figure 8 through couple above. 9 - 16 1s 3s turn partners RH 4 bars, LH 4 bars to face 1st corner positions., while end couples cross RH &1M followed by partner and 3L followed by partner chase clockwise to other end 17 - 28 1s 3s dance half diagonal reels with 1st corners, 2nd corners, 3rd corners 29 - 32 1s & 3s turn LH and cast off 1 place. LINKS WITH ST. PETERSBURG J32 1–4 1 M 2M and 1L 2L set & link, end NH joined with partner, 1s facing up, 2s facing down. 5–8 2s 1s set & link to finish on opposite sides; 2, 1. 9 – 16 1s followed by 2s dance down 3 steps, ladies turn under partner’s arm, dance up. 2s face out at top, 1s stay in middle. 17 – 24 1M 2M turn LH while 1L 2L turn RH: 1M 3M turn RH while 1L 3L turn LH. 1s finish back to back facing 1st corners. 25 – 32 1s dance hello goodbye setting. THE BIRKS OF INVERMAY S32 1- 8 1M 2L turn BH, 1L 2M turn BH, end ready for: 9 - 16 1s 2s 3s promenade. 17 - 24 1s cross RH, cast, lead up crossing between 2s, and cast to second place. (2s up on last 2 bars) 25 - 32 2s 1s 3s circle round and back. THE EARL OF MANSFIELD R48 4 couple 1–8 1s 2s circle round and back 9 – 16 1s 2s , also 3s 4s, set on side & change RH, set & change RH. 17 – 24 1M 2s and 3M 4s, half Lsh reel 3 across, pick up partner & complete reel. 1s 3s end on men’s side, facing in.. 25 – 32 3s followed by 1s dance down through 4s, & cast up 1 place: 3s dance to top, cross & cast to 3rd place, while 1s turn LH to face 1st corners. 33 – 40 1s turn 1st corners RH, pass Rsh, turn 2nd corners LH, end in middle own sides facing up, NHJ. 41 – 48 1L 2L 3L RH across while 1M 2M 3M LH across; 1L 3L 4L LH across while 1M 3M 4M RH across. 1s finish in 4th place. AGING GRACEFULLY S32 1–8 All set, turn partners BH twice round & set. 9 – 16 1L 2M set advancing & turn BH, pass Rsh to each other’s place & set. 17 – 24 1M 2L repeat Bars 9 – 16. Now (2) (1) 3 25 – 32 Reels 3 on sides: To start 2s cross down through 2nd place, last 2 bars 1s cross up to 2nd place. FLIGHT TO MELBOURNE R32 Square set 1–8 1M 3L dance figure of 8 round 2s while 3M 1L dance figure 8 round 4s. 9 – 16 1s 4M and 2L Rsh promenade reel 3 across the set while 3s 2M 4L promenade reel 3 across. 17 – 24 All set & link to face partners, change places RH & men followed by partners dance on 1 place. 25 – 32 8 hands round and back. ALAN J. SMITH J32 1–4 1s set, dance down & face out in 2nd place. 5–8 1M 3M turn LH while 1L 3 L turn RH, & finish ready for double triangles. 9 – 16 Double triangles, on last 2 bars 1s turn right about on the spot to face 1st corners. 17 – 24 1s turn 1st corner RH, partner LH, 2nd corner RH & cross RH to own side. 25 – 32 6 hands round and back. INTERVAL MACHINE WITHOUT HORSES J32 1- 8 1s set, cast off 1 place, RH across with 3s. 9 - 16 1s set, cast up 1 place, LH across with 2s. 17 - 24 1s followed by 2s dance down between 3s, cast up and dance to top, 1s cast to 2nd place. 25 - 32 2s 1s rights & lefts MOMENT OF TRUTH S32 1- 8 1s turn BH, cast, dance down through 3s, cast up to face 1st corners. 9 - 16 Turn corner, partner, corner, partner. 17 - 24 Reels of 3 across 1s Lsh to 1st corners (6 bars), all finish own sides. All turn partner BH. 25 - 32 Corners pass & turn: - 1s pass Rsh, dance round 1st corner position, while 1st corners turn each other BH. 1s pass Rsh & repeat with 2nd corners, 1s pass Rsh to own sides PLANTATION REEL R32 5 couple set 1 - 8 1s 3s cross RH, cast off, dance down through couple below and cast up 1 place. 9 - 16 2s 1s and 4s 3s, half rights & lefts & petronella 2 places round square (no setting)2,(1,)4,(3) 5 17 - 24 1s 3s going to their right, RH across (3, 4, 3), pass partner Rsh, LH across with other couples. 25 - 32 1s 3s cross RH, cast off 1 place. All turn partners RH. Finish 2,4,1,5,3 LAMB SKINNET J32 1- 8 1s set, cast, half figure of eight through 2s. 9 - 16 1s set, cast, half figure of eight through 3s. 17 - 24 1s lead to top, set and cast to 2nd place. 25 - 32 2s 1s dance rights and lefts. THE SAUCHIE HAUGH S32 1- 8 1s lead down the middle and up. 9 - 16 1s & 2s rondel. 17 - 20 2s & 1s advance 1 step, retire 1 step, turn partners BH. 21 - 24 2s & 1s circle to left. 25 - 32 2s & 1s all round poussette. NOTTINGHAM LACE R96 Square set PART 1 1- 8 All dance half grand chain, set to partner & turn RH, to put ladies in centre. 9 - 10 Ladies half LH across while men dance clockwise 1 place on. 11 - 12 Ladies turn nearest man to centre RH. 13 - 14 Men half LH across while ladies dance clockwise 1 place on. 15 - 16 Men turn nearest lady to centre RH. 17 - 24 Repeat bars 9-16 to finish in original places. PART 2 25 - 32 1L/3M and 3L/1M cross RH, cast behind nearest side couple, change RH to finish either side of 2s and 4s facing across in lines of 4. All set. 33 - 40 All advance and retire. 1s 2L & 4M and 3s 2M & 4L circle left. Finish in 2 lines, 1s and 3s in original places facing each other. 41 - 48 All advance and retire, & circle halfway round to left to finish in square set opposite original places. 49 - 72 Repeat bars 25 - 48, with 2s & 4s as dancing couples. All finish in original places. 73 - 96 Repeat PART 1 (bars 1 – 24) THE ZOOLOGIST J32 1–4 1s cross down RH between 2s & 3s; 1L cast up to finish between 2s, facing 2L, while 1M cast down to finish between 3s, facing 3M. 5–8 Half Lsh reels 3 across; 1s end facing 1st corner positions. 9 – 16 1s half diagonal reel 4, pass Rsh, half diagonal reel 4 on 2nd corners positions. 1s pull back Rsh to face opposite sides in 2nd place. 17 – 24 Double triangles. 1s end Rsh to Rsh facing opposite sides. 25 – 28 1M 3s, 1L 2s LH across. 1s end Rsh to Rsh. in middle of set. 29 – 32 1M followed by 3s & 1L followed by 2s chase half-way round set. to finish 2,1,3. THE BLOOMS OF BON ACCORD R32 4 couple 3s and 4s cross over 1- 8 All set, 1s 2s & 3s 4s RH across, ends cast to middle, while middle couples dance to ends. 9 - 16 1s & 4s cross RH, cast to ends, promenade round each other Rsh. to finish on sidelines, 1s on men's side facing up, 4s on ladies’ side facing down. 17 - 24 Rsh promenade reel of 3 on sides, end 1s 4s facing up & down centre. 25 - 32 1s & 4s RH across, dance to ends, cross and cast to middle places. JEAN MARTIN OF ABERDEEN S 32 x 3 1–8 1s turn RH & cast, all dance 6 hands round to finish ladies facing down, men up 9 – 16 All set, change RH with partner, 6 hands round ¾ way, end facing up in centre ready for: 17 – 24 3 couple allemande, now 2, 1, 3. 25 - 32 1s 3s Bourrel: – 1M 3L set advancing, turn BH pull back Rsh, ending back to back, facing partners who have danced anticlockwise round set. Set to & turn partners BH out to own sides.. Finish 2, 3, 1. DEIL AMANG THE TAILORS R32 1- 8 1s 2s set, half RH across; set, half LH across. 9 - 16 1s lead down middle and up. 17 - 24 1s 2s allemande. 25 - 32 6 hands round and back. EXTRAS SWISS LASSIE R32 1-8 1s cast off 2 places:1s & 2s turn partner RH 1¼, finish in line of 4 up and down the middle. 9 - 16 Reel of 4 up & down middle. 17 - 20 2M followed by partner and 1L followed by partner, chase clockwise to opposite ends. 21 - 24 All advance & retire. 25 - 28 Bottom 2 couples (3s and 2s) turn partner RH halfway, half RH across. 29 - 32 Top 2 couples (1s and 2s) turn partner RH halfway, half RH across. AILSA CRAIG S32x3 1–8 1s 2s 3s petronella all round (no setting) 9 – 16 1s set and turn BH, set to 2s on side & change places BH. 1s face 3s. 17 – 20 1s set to 3s and change places BH. 21 – 24 1s cast up to top places (2s 3s step down on 21-22) 25 – 32 Progressive Chain (2 steps to each hand):- 1s turn RH while 2s 3s change RH on side, 1s 3s change LH on side while 2s turn LH at bottom, 1s 2s change RH on side while 3s turn RH at top, 3s 2s change LH on side while 1s turn LH at bottom. Finish 2,3,1
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