EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 2014 A.J. Wilkinson [email protected] Department of Electrical Engineering University of Cape Town A.J.Wilkinson, UCT AM SSB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 1 April 14, 2014 5.4 Single Sideband Modulation (SSB) Contents 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.4.3 5.4.4 5.4.5 5.4.6 A.J.Wilkinson, UCT SSB concepts SSB generation via sideband filtering SSB generation using “Phase Shift Method” SSB generation using Weaver's method Demodulation of SSB SSB-LC (with carrier) AM SSB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 2 April 14, 2014 5.4.1 SSB Concepts A.J.Wilkinson, UCT EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 3 April 14, 2014 AM SSB Single Sideband Modulation (SSB) DSB-SC/LC requires an RF bandwidth of twice the audio bandwidth. In DSB-SC/LC, there are two ‘sidebands’ on either side of the carrier. 1 1 Recall f ( t )cos ωc t ↔ F ( ω+ωc )+ F ( ω−ωc ) 2 F ( ) N = neg components P = pos components 2 N P B Hz DSB-SC A.J.Wilkinson, UCT LSB N P c AM SSB N P c 2B Hz USB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 4 April 14, 2014 Single Sideband Modulation (SSB) For any REAL-valued signal f (t ) there exists “conjugate symmetry” in the Fourier Transform, i.e. * F −ω =F ω Thus ALL information is contained in either the positive or the negative frequency components. We therefore need only transmit a single sideband. Lower sideband Upper sideband or c A.J.Wilkinson, UCT c AM SSB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 5 April 14, 2014 Spectrum of DSB-SC signal F ( ) N P m ω m=2 π B m DSB SC Upper sideband Lower sideband N Lower sideband P N P c c A.J.Wilkinson, UCT Upper sideband AM SSB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 6 April 14, 2014 Spectrum of SSB signal (upper sideband) Upper Sideband Only SSB ( ) N USB P c c Reconstructed signal m N P m The SSB signal can be demodulated by translation of the spectral components to the origin. A.J.Wilkinson, UCT EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 7 April 14, 2014 AM SSB Spectrum of SSB signal (lower sideband) Lower Sideband Only ΦSSB− ω P N c c Reconstructed signal LSB m N P m Note: The time domain USB and LSB signals are real-valued since conjugate symmetry in frequency domain holds, i.e. Φ SSB (−ω)=Φ SSB ( ω) ⇒ ϕ SSB (t )∈Re * A.J.Wilkinson, UCT AM SSB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 8 April 14, 2014 SSB Applications SSB saves bandwidth. SSB uses half the bandwidth of DSB-LC AM. This allows more channels to fit into a radio band. SSB is used for radio broadcasts in the shortwave bands (3-30 MHz) SSB is used for: Long-range communications by ships and aircraft. Voice transmissions by amateur radio operators LSB SSB is generally used below 9 MHz and USB SSB above 9 MHz. A.J.Wilkinson, UCT AM SSB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 9 April 14, 2014 5.4.2 SSB generation via sideband filtering A.J.Wilkinson, UCT AM SSB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 10 April 14, 2014 SSB Generation Via Filtering (“filtering method”) Generate DSB-SC Signal Apply BPF to extract desired sideband. f (t ) DSB (t ) SSB (t ) Sideband Filter H ( ) cos ωc t F ( ) 0 A.J.Wilkinson, UCT EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 11 April 14, 2014 AM SSB SSB Generation Via Filtering Φ DSB ω 0 c H ω c c Sideband filter 0 c 0 c ΦSSB ω c A.J.Wilkinson, UCT AM SSB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 12 April 14, 2014 SSB Generation Via Filtering Sideband Filter ΦSSB ω=ΦDSB−SC ω⋅H ω Note: If f(t) has low frequency components going down to DC, then a sideband filter with a vary sharp roll off is required It is NOT so easy to build a filter with a sharp roll off. This is NOT such a big problem if F ( ) does not contain frequency components close to zero as depicted in the previous and following illustrations. A.J.Wilkinson, UCT EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 13 April 14, 2014 AM SSB SSB Generation: Filter roll off problem Problematic Case F ( ) DSB SC ( ) Need “brick wall” filter 0 Less Problematic if no low freq components in F() DSB SC ( ) F ( ) 0 A.J.Wilkinson, UCT The gap between sidebands allows relaxed filter roll off. AM SSB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 14 April 14, 2014 SSB Generation: Filter roll off problem The roll off problem worsens if sideband filtering is to be implemented at high frequencies. The required filter roll off in dB/decade increases as the centre frequency of F(-c) increases. Filtering problem can be alleviated by using a two-stage mixing process for “up-conversion” in a transmitter. A similar approach is used in the context of multistage down-conversion (heterodyning). BPF1 F ( ) 1 0 2πB USB 2 BPF 2 LSB 2 2 1 2 SSB 2 1 Note: Radiated SSB signal is centred on ω 2 +ω1 +2 π B / 2 A.J.Wilkinson, UCT Desired SSB Signal EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 15 April 14, 2014 AM SSB Two-stage SSB Transmitter F (ω) 1 2π ⊛ 0 2π B First mixer −ω1 0 ω1 BPF1 (accurately implemented at a lower frequency than the final RF signal) 0 Output of 1st stage −ω1 0 ω1 2nd mixer −ω 2 ω2 0 BPF2 0 −(ω2 +ω1 ) −(ω2 −ω1 ) Φ SSB+ (ω) Output of 2nd stage ω 2 −ω1 ω 2 +ω1 0 ω 2 +ω1 −(ω2 +ω1 ) A.J.Wilkinson, UCT AM SSB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 16 April 14, 2014 Two-stage SSB Transmitter The gap between the USB and the LSB at the input to the final BPF is greater if a two stage design is used (i.e. the gap between LSB2 and USB2 entering BPF2 – see sketch) . This multi-stage up-conversion technique, although used here to generate SSB, is generally used to translate (or “heterodyne”) signals to higher frequencies (for all modulation techniques). 1s t Sideband filter f (t ) A.J.Wilkinson, UCT BPF1 cos 1t AM SSB 2nd Sideband filter cos 2t BPF 2 ϕ SSB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 17 April 14, 2014 Generation of SSB Signal (filtering method) Sideband Filter Filtering Method: Φ SSB ( ω )=Φ DSB−SC (ω)⋅H ( ω ) f (t ) BPF ϕ SSB (t ) cos c t ϕ SSB (t )= [ f (t )cos ω c t ] ⊛ h(t ) A.J.Wilkinson, UCT AM SSB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 18 April 14, 2014 Frequency spectrum of SSB generated by Filtering Φ SSB ( ω) = Φ DSB−SC (ω )⋅H ( ω ) = [ ] 1 1 F ( ω+ωc )+ F (ω−ωc ) ⋅H (ω) 2 2 For the USB case (assuming filter passband gain is 1). 1 − 1 + Φ SSB+ (ω)= F ( ω+ωc )+ F ( ω−ωc ) 2 2 For the LSB case. 1 + 1 − Φ SSB− ( ω )= F ( ω+ω c )+ F ( ω−ωc ) 2 2 A.J.Wilkinson, UCT EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 19 April 14, 2014 AM SSB Frequency spectrum of SSB generated by Filtering F ( ) F ( ) F ( ) F ( ) F ( ) N P m m 1 − 1 + Φ SSB+ (ω)= F ( ω+ωc )+ F ( ω−ωc ) 2 2 SSB ( ) N A.J.Wilkinson, UCT 1 + F ( ω−ω c ) 2 Upper Sideband SSB 1 − F ( ω +ω c ) 2 c USB P c AM SSB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 20 April 14, 2014 5.4.3 Alternative method for generating SSB using the “Phase Shift Method” (known as the “Hartley Modulator”) A.J.Wilkinson, UCT EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 21 April 14, 2014 AM SSB Generation of SSB+ Signal (phase shift method) Let F ( ) F ( ) F ( ) where F ( ) represents the negative frequency components, and F ( ) represents the positive frequency components. An SSB+ Fourier spectrum can be constructed from*: SSB ( ) F ( c ) F ( c ) Inverse transforming we get SSB (t ) f (t )e A.J.Wilkinson, UCT j c t f ( t )e AM SSB j c t *NB: we have dropped the factor of ‘1/2’ present if the SSB signal is derived by sideband filtering using a unity-gain BPF. f (t ) F ( ) f (t ) F ( ) EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 22 April 14, 2014 F ( ) F ( ) F ( ) F ( ) F ( ) N P m m SSB ( ) F ( c ) F ( c ) F ( c ) Upper Sideband SSB F ( c ) SSB ( ) N P c c A.J.Wilkinson, UCT USB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 23 April 14, 2014 AM SSB Generation of SSB+ Signal (phase shift method) SSB (t ) f ( t )e j t f (t )e j t c c f ( t ) cos c t jf (t ) sin c t f ( t ) cos c t jf ( t ) sin c t f ( t ) f ( t ) cos c t jf (t ) jf ( t ) sin c t f (t ) cos t fˆ (t ) sin t c where fˆ (t ) jf (t ) jf (t ) If we transform, we get: A.J.Wilkinson, UCT c and f (t ) f (t ) f (t ) + − ℱ { ̂f (t ) }=F ( ω)=− jF ( ω)+ jF (ω) = AM SSB { − jF ( ω) jF ( ω) for ω≥0 for ω<0 EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 24 April 14, 2014 Hilbert Transform The frequency domain operations can be expressed as a transfer function operation, known as the “Hilbert Transform” { −j H (ω )= j for ω≥0 for ω<0 f (t ) Re-expressed as: { − jπ /2 e H ( ω )= e jπ / 2 fˆ (t ) H ( ) arg{H ( )} /2 for ω≥0 for ω<0 / 2 We see that this operation is a -90 deg phase shifter, operating over all frequency components in F( ). f (t ) A.J.Wilkinson, UCT -90 deg ̂f ( t ) (the Hilbert Transform of f(t) ) EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 25 April 14, 2014 AM SSB Generation of SSB Signal Upper sideband SSB: SSB (t ) f (t ) cos c t fˆ (t ) sin c t The ^ indicates that each frequency component in F(ω) is delayed by 900 A similar analysis for generating lower sideband SSB, reveals SSB (t ) f (t ) cos c t fˆ (t ) sin c t A.J.Wilkinson, UCT AM SSB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 26 April 14, 2014 Hardware Implementation of Phase Shift Method (SSB) (known as the “Hartley Modulator”) f (t ) cos c t 900 fˆ (t ) 90 0 sin ct f (t ) cos c t fˆ (t ) sin c t Phase shift ALL frequency components in f(t) by -900 (i.e. delay by 90 degrees) A.J.Wilkinson, UCT AM SSB SSB(t ) Either add to get SSBor subtract to get SSB+ EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 27 April 14, 2014 For the special case of a sinusoidal modulating signal, a more direct way to obtain the expression for SSB is to expand using trig identities: USB SSB (t ) cos[(m c )t ] cos mt cos ct sin m t sin c t LSB SSB (t ) cos[( m c )t ] cos mt cos c t sin mt sin c t These expressions can easily be converted to a block diagram A.J.Wilkinson, UCT AM SSB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 28 April 14, 2014 Comment In the phase shift method, one is essentially generating a DSBSC signal (upper arm) and then either adding or subtracting the signal from the lower arm to cancel out either the upper or the lower sideband. This method requires a broadband 90 degree phase shifter to obtain fˆ (t ) . This can be tricky to implement practically. Note: The SSB frequency spectrum obtained via the phase shift method is mathematically equivalent to that obtained by passing the DSB-SC through a sideband filter H(), which has a passband gain of two. A.J.Wilkinson, UCT AM SSB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 29 April 14, 2014 5.4.4 SSB Generation using Weaver's Method (this method does not require a broad-band phase shifter) Original paper: "A Third Method of Generation and Detection of Single-Sideband Signals" D K Weaver, Proc. IRE, Dec. 1956 A.J.Wilkinson, UCT AM SSB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 30 April 14, 2014 SSB Hardware Implementation using a “Weaver Modulator” f (t) LPF cos ω 2 t cos ω1 t 90 900 0 ϕ SSB± (t ) sin ω2 t sin ω1 t LPF Either add to The LPF cut off frequency is B/2 Hz where B is bandwidth of f(t). get SSB+ If f(t) lies between DC and B Hz, then or subtract to get SSBω1=2 π B / 2=π B A.J.Wilkinson, UCT AM SSB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 31 April 14, 2014 Weaver's Method for generating SSB F (ω) 0 ω1 [ f (t )e − jω 1 t ] LPF 0 x (t )= − jω t jω t [ f (t )e ] LPF e 1 * X (ω)+ X (−ω) * x (t )+ x (t ) −ω2 A.J.Wilkinson, UCT X (ω) ω Translate to left by 1. Apply LPF, bandwidth B/2. Translate to right by 2. ω 2 Add in negative frequency components. 0 ω2 ω 0 ω2 ω AM SSB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 32 April 14, 2014 Derivation of Weaver's Method for generating SSB To create an upper sideband SSB signal, we find the timedomain equivalent of the following frequency domain operations: − jω t Translate spectrum F() to the left by amount 1 f (t )e 1 Pass through a low pass filter of bandwidth B/2, removing unwanted − jω t band. [ f (t )e 1 ]LPF Translate to the right by amount 2. x (t )=[ f (t )e− jω1 t ] LPF e jω2 t Add in negative frequency components i.e. add X*(- ). ℱ −1 { X (ω)+ X * (−ω) }= x (t )+ x* (t) Convert the above to equivalent real time domain operations: A.J.Wilkinson, UCT AM SSB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 33 April 14, 2014 Derivation of Weaver's Method for generating SSB * Convert the x (t )+ x (t ) to real time domain operations: x(t )=[ f (t )e − jω1 t ] LPF e jω2 t x (t )=[ f (t )(cos ω1 t − j sin ω1 t)] LPF (cos ω2 t + j sin ω2 t) Writing compactly and re-arranging: C n ≡cos ωn t x (t )={[ f C 1 ] LPF − j [ f S 1 ]LPF }(C 2 + j S 2 ) S n ≡sin ωn t x (t )={ [ f C 1 ] LPF C 2 +[ f S 1 ] LPF S 2 }+ j { [ f C 1 ]LPF S 2 −[ f S 1 ] LPF C 2 } Adding the conjugate, to get the real SSB+ signal: x (t )+ x * (t )=2 { [ f C 1 ]LPF C 2 +[ f S 1 ] LPF S 2 } Drop factor of two, and draw as the block diagram. ϕ(t) = [ f (t )cos ω1 t ]LPF cos ω2 t +[ f (t )sin ω1 t ]LPF sin ω 2 t A.J.Wilkinson, UCT AM SSB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 34 April 14, 2014 Weaver's Method for generating SSB Weaver's method does not require a broad-band phase shifter (for f(t)) like in the Hartley modulator. The quadrature signals can be created with a narrow-band phase shifter. The quadrature signals can also be created without a 90 degree phase shifter – there are clever quadrature oscillator circuits. Weaver's method is the preferred method for digital implementation. The output spectrum can be analysed by tracking the path of the input signal through the modulator (a good tutorial exercise). i.e. sketch spectrum at each point in the diagram. Depending on whether the signal from the lower arm is added or subtracted from the upper arm, either upper or lower sideband SSB is obtained. Addition => upper sideband. Subtraction => lower sideband. The desired sideband is centred onAMSSB 2. EEE3086F Signals and Systems II A.J.Wilkinson, UCT 508 Page 35 April 14, 2014 5.4.5 Demodulation of SSB A.J.Wilkinson, UCT AM SSB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 36 April 14, 2014 Demodulation of SSB Demodulation of the SSB signal SSB (t ) f (t ) cos c t fˆ (t ) sin c t can be done by mixing with a cos(ct). (as is done for DSB-SC demodulation) SSB (t ) e0 (t ) LPF cos c t This is easy to see by graphical convolution. A.J.Wilkinson, UCT EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 37 April 14, 2014 AM SSB Demodulation of SSB+ Signal SSB (t ) cos c t Upper sideband SSB ( ) c convolve e0 (t ) LPF 0 c 1 2π ⊛ 0 LPF 2c A.J.Wilkinson, UCT c 0 AM SSB c 2c EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 38 April 14, 2014 Demodulation of SSB- Signal SSB (t ) cos c t Lower sideband SSB ( ) c convolve e0 (t ) LPF 0 c 1 2π ⊛ 0 LPF 2c c A.J.Wilkinson, UCT 0 c AM SSB 2c EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 39 April 14, 2014 Demodulation of SSB Signal 2 ϕ SSB+ ( t )cos ωc t = f (t )cos ω c t− ̂f (t )sin ωc t cos ωc t = 1 1 1 f (t )+ f ( t )cos 2ω c t− ̂f (t )sin 2ωc t 2 2 2 Output of LPF e 0 (t )= A.J.Wilkinson, UCT 1 f (t) 2 AM SSB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 40 April 14, 2014 Demodulation of SSB Effect of phase and frequency errors. Let ϕ SSB+ ( t )= f ( t )cos ωc t− ̂f (t )sin ωc t Demodulate with cos[ωc Δω t θ ] Phase Error Frequency Error Expand product: [ f t cos ω c t− f t sin ωc t ] cos[ ωc Δω tθ ] 1 = f t {cos Δωtθ cos[ 2ωc t Δωtθ ]} 2 1 f t {sin Δωtθ −sin [ 2ωc t Δω tθ ]} 2 A.J.Wilkinson, UCT EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 41 April 14, 2014 AM SSB Demodulation of SSB After LPF e 0 t = 1 1 f t cos Δωt θ f t sin Δωt θ 2 2 This result requires some interpretation Check: case and Δω=0 θ =0 e 0 t = 1 f t 2 (which is what we expect) A.J.Wilkinson, UCT AM SSB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 42 April 14, 2014 Case of Phase Error only (i.e. Δω=0 , θ ≠0 ) e 0 t = 1 1 f t cos θ f t sin θ 2 2 f t ω=ω m To see what effect this has on f(t), consider a single frequency component in f(t). f t i.e. consider f t e− jθ jω t θ ωm f ( t )=e m ⇒ ̂f ( t )=(− j )e jω m t ̂f (t ) The phasor diagram shows the relationships. A.J.Wilkinson, UCT EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 43 April 14, 2014 AM SSB Case of Phase Error only (i.e. 0, 0 ) 1 jω t 1 jω t e 0 ( t )= e cos θ + (− j )e sin θ 2 2 1 jω t = e ( cos θ− j sin θ ) 2 1 jω t − jθ = e e 2 1 − jθ = f ( t )e 2 m m m m Note: Each frequency component in f(t) will be phase shifted by the constant , i.e. phase distortion across band. The human ear is insensitive to phase delays, and so speech or music will sound fine. A.J.Wilkinson, UCT AM SSB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 44 April 14, 2014 Case of frequency Error (i.e. 0 , 0 ) 1 1 e 0 ( t )= f ( t )cos Δωt + ̂f (t )sin Δωt 2 2 f ( t )=e jω m t Considering a single frequency component: 1 jω t 1 jω t e 0 ( t )= e cos Δωt + (− j )e sin Δωt 2 2 1 jω t = e ( cos Δωt − j sin Δωt ) 2 1 jω t − jΔωt = e e 2 1 j ( ω − Δω)t = e 2 m m m m freq shift error Δω m A.J.Wilkinson, UCT AM SSB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 45 April 14, 2014 Case frequency Error Thus an error in the demodulator oscillator frequency causes a shift in the spectrum of the recovered signal. Small frequency errors are tolerable in some applications. With voice, a frequency shift can make a speaker sound like Donald Duck! SSB is used for broadcast radio in the so-called “short wave” bands. A.J.Wilkinson, UCT AM SSB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 46 April 14, 2014 Demodulation of SSB – Freq Domain Perspective Frequency domain perspective on oscillator phase and frequency errors. + − Let F ( ω )=F (ω)+ F ( ω) + − Let ϕ SSB+ ( ω)=F ( ω−ωc )+ F ( ω+ωc ) (demodulator oscillator) Let ϕ d (t )=cos [( ωc + Δω)t +θ ] ϕ d ( ω )=πe− jθ δ ( ω+ωc + Δω)+πe jθ δ ( ω−ωc − Δω ) − F ω F ω F ω ω 0 A.J.Wilkinson, UCT EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 47 April 14, 2014 AM SSB Demodulation of SSB SSB ( ) F ( c ) c Convolve: Oscillator With Phase and Frequency Error (neg freq error) d ( ) e j 1 − F ( ω− Δω ) e jθ 2 c e0 ( ) 0 e j c 0 c A.J.Wilkinson, UCT c 0 c Output F ( c ) 1 + F ( ω + Δω ) e− jθ 2 ∣Δω∣ AM SSB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 48 April 14, 2014 Demodulation of SSB Output: { e 0 ( ω)= Φ SSB (ω)⊛Φ d ( ω) + } 1 ⋅H LPF (ω) 2π 1 + − jθ 1 − jθ e 0 ( ω)= F ( ω+ Δω)e + F (ω− Δω)e 2 2 Conclude: The frequency error results in all frequency components being translated by ∣Δω∣ . The phase error results in all components being phase shifted by . A.J.Wilkinson, UCT AM SSB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 49 April 14, 2014 5.4.6 Single Sideband Large-Carrier (SSB-LC) A.J.Wilkinson, UCT AM SSB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 50 April 14, 2014 SSB-LC (Large Carrier SSB) (t ) A cos c t f (t ) cos c t fˆ (t ) sin c t carrier SSB Allows recovery of f(t) via envelope detection. Needs larger carrier than DSB-LC (even more wasteful of f (t )+ A power). Phasor envelope r (t ) representation r (t ) ωc fˆ (t ) A.J.Wilkinson, UCT AM SSB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 51 April 14, 2014 SSB-LC (Large Carrier SSB) Express SSB-LC as ϕ (t )= ( A+ f (t )) cos ωc t ̂f (t )sin ωc t Apply trig identity A cos x+ B sin x=C cos( x+θ ) 2 2 where C = √ A + B and θ=arctan (−B / A) Thus, write as ϕ (t )=r ( t )cos[ ωc t +θ ( t )] where A.J.Wilkinson, UCT 2 2 r (t )= √[ A+ f (t )] +[ ̂f (t )] AM SSB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 52 April 14, 2014 SSB-LC (Large Carrier SSB) Signal of Form ϕ (t )=r ( t )cos[ ωc t +θ ( t )] where the envelope (i.e. mag of resultant phasor) is 2 2 r (t )= √ [ A+ f (t )] +[ ̂f (t )] 2 2 2 = [ A + f ( t )+2 Af ( t )+ ̂f ( t ) ] 2 2 f ( t ) 2f ( t ) ̂f (t ) = A 1+ 2 + + 2 A A A [ For [ 2f (t ) r (t )≈ A 1+ A A >> f (t ) A.J.Wilkinson, UCT 1 2 ] 1 2 ] 1 2 EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 53 April 14, 2014 AM SSB SSB-LC (Large Carrier SSB) 1 n 2 (1+ x) =1+n x+ n(n−1) x +⋯ 2! 1 1 1/ 2 (1+ x ) =1+ x− x 2 +⋯ 2 8 Apply series expansion: [ [ 2 f (t) r (t )≈ A 1+ A f (t ) ≈ A 1+ A Thus A.J.Wilkinson, UCT 1 2 ] [ ] 1 2 f (t ) = A 1+ ⋅ +⋯ 2 A ] r (t )≈ A+ f (t ) for A >> f (t ) 2f (t ) A Note: If x << 1 x≡ one can omit higher order terms.. This shows that f(t) can be recovered from SSB-LC by envelope detection EEE3086F Signals and Systems II AM SSB 508 Page 54 April 14, 2014 EEE3086F Signals and Systems II End of handout A.J.Wilkinson, UCT AM SSB EEE3086F Signals and Systems II 508 Page 55 April 14, 2014
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