Newsletter No 34 - 5 November 2014 SCHOOL STARTING TIMES A reminder that school starts at 8.50am. We are noticing that there are a number of students arriving after 9am. The first part of the day is very important as this is where the teacher goes over things and any messages that are placed on the noticeboard. We would appreciate your support. ENROLMENTS FOR 2015 visit Mangan Graphics website Over the coming weeks we will be looking at classes for 2015. It is really important that we know of any new enrolments and are made aware of any children who won’t be attending Opaki School next year. visit Langlands website PETS DAY Harvesting Log Marketing Forest Management Carbon Forestry Unfortunately due to the weather this year’s Pets Day was split into two with the indoor activities taking place last Wednesday and the Year 7/8 stalls and pet judging held on Monday night. The indoor activities were fabulous and I can’t believe the creativeness of the children Forest Valuation Establishment Silviculture Earthworks Resource Consents Building or renovating Railway Crescent, Masterton Phone (06) 370 6060 Email [email protected] 408 Queen Street P.O.Box 2056 Masterton Office: Guy Farman: Email: Web: 06 377 4443 0274 488 810 [email protected] visit Farman website phone 06 377 5052 email [email protected] page 1 visit TUMU website A big thank you to all the judges who came along and judged each class exhibits. Once again the Year 7/8’s did an amazing job of organising their stalls. The rest of the school thoroughly enjoyed the activities and had a lot of fun. C ntact Peter Bresaz Agri Manager 06 - 370 54 17 Winery, Bistro & Lounge Bar Set on the Vineyard under the Tararua Ranges • Casual Dining • Great Function Venue • New Lounge Bar • Bookings for lunch and dinner recommended Open from Thursday to Sunday from midday to close • Phone 06 377 1746 or email [email protected] Masterton 13/17 Lincoln Road, Masterton PO Box 17, Masterton | Phone 06-370 5410 | Fax 06-377 4749 visit Paper Road website visit ANZ website 159-167 Ngaumutawa Road Masterton P: 06 370-6888 F: 06 377-4376 E: [email protected] The judging of the pets went well and we were all very impressed on how well the children worked with their pets. Thankyou to the ANZ for once again supporting our Pets Day. Thank you to our judges as it’s not an easy job with so many outstanding pets. A big thank you to everyone for coming along land supporting your children. Thank you everyone for a great night. “Proudly Supporting Opaki School” visit Mitre10 website phone 06 377 5052 email [email protected] page 2 visit Design Unlimited website PLANT SALE - Sunday 9 November 2014 Thank you to those who have offered to help set up Sat 8th and on sale day Sun 9th. You should have received a separate email letting you know what time to turn up and what jobs to be done. · We need baking for the Café we have in the school hall. Drop off baking (sweet or savory) on Friday 7th Nov after school, or Sat 8th Nov before 1pm or early Sunday 9th Nov as we open 8.30am · Last potting up session this Thursday starting at 9am at school. Please come and help if you have some spare time. 200 Chapel Street, Masterton T 06 370 0777 E [email protected] W visit Jennian website Bring Your Vehicle to Richard & Sara Mason and their Excellent Team at Toms Autos · Grocery raffle & firewood raffle – we started selling tickets outside New World last weekend. Thank you to those who donated food items. Thanks to Jamie who donated the firewood. · Please drop off any preserves to the school office this week, please make sure they are labelled. · Lend us your wheelbarrow for the Plant Sale. Please email Rachel Wyeth [email protected] We can pick up your wheelbarrow if required. · We would love to have lots of the school children to help at Plant Sale aswell, so please come along! · Full Vehicle Servicing, WOF, Tyres, Batteries, Cambelts, Total Oil Specialists, Fully Qualified Staff & More. Cnr Dixon & Bannister Sts, Masterton (06) 378 7351 Please contact Pam Blackburn on [email protected] or leave message on home phone 378 6235, if you have any questions, comments or can help in any way. Thank you. That Piano Guy (aka Peter Caldwell) will be playing in the cafe For just $2 you can request a tune or song For $5 have a tune written just for you. A sheet music copy will be produced later. Or maybe dedicate it to that special someone whose name will appear on the score For just $1 have a cd produced all proceeds to Plant Sale phone 06 377 5052 email [email protected] CAFE SOLWAY & Golf Driving Range Please let your friends, family, neighbours and workmates know about our sale. 2012 MTA Wairarapa General Repairer & 5 x NZ Rally Champions visit Toms Auto website visit Baker & Associates website page 3 New Kid’s Playground and free fluffies for the under 5’s Open 7 days 10am -7pm Brunch, Lunch and Dinner 06 370 0511 visit Trust House website MORE PLANT SALE INFO ........ ! BAKING As always, the café at the Garden Plant Sale relies on your amazing baking skills to up-‐keep its out-‐standing reputation! Baking of savoury or sweet can be dropped at school on Friday during school hours, Saturday between 9am and 1pm or 8am Sunday morning. If you wish to drop off any items out of these times please phone Rachel D on 3786161 or 0272582066 to make arrangements. RAFFLES A huge thank you to those wonderful ladies who gave up their time to sell rafPle tickets at New World on Sunday and Monday. Your support makes a huge difference. Another huge thank you to all those who have donated groceries for our rafPle! For those unable to be at the Plant Sale you can still purchase rafPle tickets at the school ofPice this week. $2 a ticket for either the Grocery RafPle (3 draws) or a Trailer load (1.8cm3) of marcrocarpa Pirewood, delivered. WIND DOWN This is an open invitation to all those who have been involved in growing plants throughout the year or who have been kind enough to donate their time in one way or another to the making the Plant Sale a success. Please join us at the Morton’s at ‘Waipipi’, 56 Waipipi Rd (past the school to the end of the road and entry on the right, white picket fence) after the clean up on Sunday for a bit of R’n’R. Kids need their togs and towel, Mums & Dads need drinks and nibbles. Sausages and bread provided. Please don’t be shy! Sports Uniform – For Sale Top & Shorts PLANT SALE Could the kind person who dropped off 11 jars of Blackberry and Lime jam to the office, please ring Rachel Wyeth 377 3459, she has a quick question to ask. Size 6 $15 Contact: Di Pillar on 370-8328 or (021) 211-4023 or email [email protected] Pet Day Voucher Raffle. Well Done to the following people for winning vouchers in our Pet Day Raffle. We would like to thank the businesses listed for their generous support and also everyone who purchased tickets. 1st Prize - Paper Road: Forster Family. 2nd Prize - Farriers: Leanne Southey 3rd Prize - Farriers: Colleen Southey 4th Prize - Lone Star: Eliza Morton 5th Prize - The Vault: Lisa Hancock. 6th Prize - Ten 0Clock Cookie Company: Leanne Southey 7th Prize - Strada: Jo Day 8th Prize - Perfect Nails and Beauty: Mel Henson SPORTS PHOTOS - These are now in the school office for you to view and order. the order form in the office and enclose your payment in the envelope. phone 06 377 5052 email [email protected] Excellent Condition Fill out page 4 WAIRARAPA COLLEGE ORIENTATION A reminder that Wairarapa College are holding their Orientation Day for those Year 8’s attending next year. Time: 9 - 12 Students need to make their own arrangements to get there and back to school in the afternoon. KAPA HAKA FESTIVAL Our Kapa Haka group did Opaki proud last Thursday at the Kapa Haka Festival held in Featherston. Almost every school in the Wairarapa was represented and our group did a great performance. They also looked very smart in their new outfits. Well done everyone. MASTERTON INTERSCHOOL ATHLETICS SPORTS Date:! ! Wednesday 12 November Venue:! ! Sports Bowl We will be selecting our team from our Athletic sports which was held yesterday. Children selected will get information about the event by the end of the week. ROOMS 4/5 MOUNT HOLDSWORTH TRIP A reminder that this is next Thursday. All permission slips need to be returned before your child can attend this activity. SPORTS UNIFORM Over the coming weeks there will be a number of occasions which require the children to wear the Opaki Sports uniform. We noticed yesterday at the Senior Athletic sports there were quite a few students without a uniform and a number who had only the top. All children are expected to have a uniform and may miss out on going on trips if they don’t turn up wearing it. PET DAY CUPS Could all Pet Day cups now be returned to the office for engraving. return them to the pupil once they have been engraved. We will phone 06 377 5052 email [email protected] page 5 YEAR 7/8 DAY TRIPS BREAD BAGS FOR SCHOOL Remember to keep collecting your Breadcraft bags and bring them into the office - Powell Hutt Tramp - Wednesday 3 December this will give us “Bread Dollars” to get free bread for our Fundraisers and the more Mountain Bike Ride - Wednesday 10 December we collect the better chance of winning $500 cash for our school! (These include Information, Permission Slips will be coming home soon. Molenberg, Freya’s and Nature Fresh Breads). We are hoping to have around 10 parents on each trip, so if you can come please let Belinda know. YEAR 8 BIG DAY OUT Date:! ! Tuesday 25 November Venue:!! It’s a secret Departing:! 8.30am Returning:! 6pm approx. For sale Suzuki 110cc dirtbike. Great condition and runs well. Good bike for kids to learn on with 3 speed clutchless gearbox. Phone 027 654 3783. For Sale : 2 ewes, each with twin lambs approx 3 months old. $200 a set of 3. Ph Robyn on 0212043408. SPORTS RESULTS Tee Ball Opaki All Stars 249 – LVW Blue 226 Awesome first game Canoe Polo Opaki 1 beat Wainuioru Opaki 2 lost to Lakeview Touch Rugby Yr 3/4 Opaki Dodgers lost to Opaki Flyers Yr 7/8 Opaki Sidestoppers beat Solway Opaki Swervers beat St Matts phone 06 377 5052 email [email protected] page 6 TERM EVENTS Sunday 9 November! ! Wednesday 12 November! Thursday 13 November! ! Wednesday 19 November! Thursday 20 November!! Tuesday 25 November! ! Friday 28 November! ! Monday 1 December! ! ! ! ! ! Tuesday 2 December! ! Wednesday 3 December! Thurs 4, Friday 5 December! Wednesday 10 December! Friday 12 December! ! ! ! ! ! Monday 15 December! ! Tuesday 16 December! ! Wednesday 17 December! Plant Sale Masterton Athletics Rooms 4/5 Holdsworth trip BOT Meeting Rooms 5,6,7 Athletics Yr 8’s Big Day Out Portfolios Home Live Wire Radio Show Rooms 6/7 Miki Miki Trip Wellington Regional Athletics Yr 7/8 Tramp to Powell Hut Yr 5/6 Camp - Lake Ferry Yr 7/8 Riversdale Bike Ride Leavers Dinner Senior Social Yr 5 - 8 End of Year Concert End of Term 4 (12 O’clock finish) School Self Review phone 06 377 5052 email [email protected] page 7
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