MITSUMI Output voltage compensation DC/DC converter for USB MM3630XV Output voltage compensation DC/DC converter for USB Monolithic IC MM3630XV Outline Output voltage compensation for USB power supply. Support it that the compensation the output voltage to descend by cable resistance and satisfies a USB standard. In addition, its feature of synchronous rectification reduces both the number of components used in the corresponding device and the mounting area. To prevent interfere with the AM-band, it is equipped with the variable function that operates according to an external resistor and the external synchronization for the switching frequency. Features 1. Absolute maximum rating : 40V 2. Input voltage range : 4.5 to 33V 3. Output voltage range : 3 to 7V 4. Referance voltage : 0.8V ±1.5% 5. Output current : 2.5A 6. Switching frequency range : 200kHz to 1000kHz. Ext. SYNC or Set by resistor 7. Adjustable over current protection. 8. Package : TSOP-20E Package TSOP-20E Applications 1. Car Audio 2. Car Navigation 3.Connector Box MITSUMI Output voltage compensation DC/DC converter for USB MM3630XV Block Diagram VIN ON OFF CE INTENAL REGULATOR VDD1 4.5~33V VDD1 5V typ. VDD2 EN RT OSC CLK VOUT FILTER SS CSAMP FB SOFT START + + Σ SW SWITCH CONTROL Logic - ERROR AMP High-side 120m Ω DRIVER H SD + VDD PWM COMP VREF 0.8V typ. Low-side 120m Ω DRIVER L SD Vout comp AMP COMP TSD 100uA Typ. + AGND UVLO VIN - PGND EN + - Currnt Limit COMP OCP_OUT BS SLOPE_COMP PLL FB + - OCP_IN CLOCK SELECT SYNC OCP_OUT FB OVP_IN Current Limit Protection Logic SD P_GOOD OVP / LVP Timer Latch Off Circuit ROCP Power Supply SENS- SENS+ Pin Assignment TSOP-20E Top View SW 1 20 CE SW 2 19 VIN PGND 3 18 VIN PGND 4 17 SYNC BS 5 16 FILTER VDD1 6 15 RT AGND 7 14 P_GOOD SENS+ 8 13 SS SENS- 9 12 COMP ROCP 10 11 FB 21 TPAD Rsense VOUT MITSUMI Output voltage compensation DC/DC converter for USB MM3630XV Pin Description Pin No. Pin name 1, 2 SW 3, 4 PGND 5 BS 6 VDD1 Internal linear regulator output pin. 7 AGND Ground pin. SENS+ Output voltage correction amplifier input plus pin. Corrects an output voltage drop for output impedance by adjusting an amplifier gain by resistance connected with. In not using RSENSE resistance (short circuit use), please connect with VOUT together with a SENS- pin. SENS- Output voltage correction amplifier input minus pin. Corrects an output voltage drop for output impedance by adjusting an amplifier gain by resistance connected with. In not using RSENSE resistance (short circuit use), please connect with VOUT together with a SENS+ pin. 10 ROCP Current Limit detection value setting pin. An CurrentLimit detection level is decided by resistance linked to a Rocp pin, and output voltage compensation resistance. In not using a ROCP pin, please connect to GND. 11 FB 12 COMP 13 SS 8 9 14 P_GOOD 15 RT 16 FILTER Pin description Inductor connection pin. Output pin to inductor. Ground pin. Bootstrap capacitor connection pin. The bootstrap capacitor 0.1μF is necessary between BS to SW to drive the high side switch. Output voltage feedback pin. Output voltage is set by adjusting the resistor between VOUT, FB and GND. Phase compensation pin. Error amplifier output pin. Connect to phase compensation componets to thin pin. Soft-start time adjustable pin. Soft-start time can be set up by adjusting an external capacitor. Reset output pin. Open drain reset output pin. L signal is outputted when the abnormal operation is detected. In not using a P_GOOD pin, please connect to GND. External frequency setting pin. Oscillation frequency can be set up by adjusting an external resistance. The phase-locked loop's low pass filter pin. In not using an external synchronization function, please connect to GND. External synchro pin. 17 SYNC The switching frequency is synchronized with sync pin input pulse signal. In not using an external synchronization function, please connect to GND. 18, 19 VIN 20 CE 21 TPAD Power supply pin. Input power supply voltage 4.5-33V. Input capacitor must be used to the ceramic capacitor. Chip enable pin. Pull above 2.0V to enable, pull below 0.6V to disable. Please avoid use in the state that is floating. Thermal pad Thermal pad must be connected to ground to use the best electrical characteristics. MITSUMI Output voltage compensation DC/DC converter for USB MM3630XV Absolute Maximum Ratings Item VIN Supply Voltage SW Pin Voltage BS Pin Voltage FB Pin Voltage CE Pin Voltage SS Pin Voltage COMP Pin Voltage VDD1 Pin Voltage SYNC Pin Voltage RT Pin Voltage FILTER Pin Voltage ROCP Pin Voltage SENS+ Pin Voltage SENS- Pin Voltage P_GOOD Pin Voltage AGND-PGND Pin Voltage Storage Temperature Power dissipation (Note1) (Except where noted otherwise Ta=25°C) Symbol VINMAX VSWMAX VBSMAX VFBMAX VCEMAX VSSMAX VCOMPMAX VVDDMAX VSYNCMAX VRTMAX VFILTERMAX VROCPMAX VSENS+MAX VSENS-MAX VPGOODMAX VGNDMAX Tstg Pd Ratings −0.3~+40 −0.3~VIN+0.3 VSW−0.3~VSW+5.5 −0.3~+5.5 −0.3~+40 −0.3~+5.5 −0.3~+5.5 −0.3~+5.5 −0.3~+5.5 −0.3~+5.5 −0.3~+5.5 −0.3~+12 −0.3~+12 −0.3~+12 −0.3~+5.5 −0.3~+0.3 −55~+150 3.7 Units V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V °C W Note1 : A GND pattern is connected with a radiating fin. Board size:50×50×1.6t mm. It is a double-sided GND pattern about 90% of a copper foil. Recommended Operating Conditions Item Operating Ambient Temperature Operating Voltage1 Output Voltage Setting Range Symbol TOPR VOP1 VOUT Ratings -40~+85 4.5~33 3~7 Units °C V V MITSUMI Output voltage compensation DC/DC converter for USB MM3630XV Electrical Characteristics (Except where noted otherwise Ta=25°C, VIN=12V, VCE=3V) Item Symbol Measurement conditions Operating Voltage 2 VOP2 VOUT=5V, IOUT=2.5A R5=160k , R4=0 Supply Current IS1 VCE=3V, VFB=0.9V No swithing Shutdown Current IS2 Feedback Voltage Min. Typ. Max. Units 18 V 1.5 3 mA VCE=0V, VIN=33V 0.01 1 μA VFB VCOMP=VFB, VSENS+-VSENS-=0V 0.788 0.800 0.812 Output Voltage Compensation Coefficient KC VSENS+-VSENS-=0.05V, 0.3V 0.392 0.412 0.432 Error Amplifier Transconductance GEA ICOMP=±10μA, VCOMP=1V High-side Switch On-resistance (Note2) RONH VGS=4.5V 120 m Low-side Switch On-resistance (Note2) RONL VGS=4.5V 120 m High-side Switch Leakage Current ILEAKH VCE=0V, VSW=0V 0.01 1 μA Low-side Switch Leakage Current ILEAKL VCE=0V, VBS=12V, VSW=12V 0.01 1 μA Low Output Voltage Protection VLVP VFB=high to low, VCOMP=1V 0.3 0.4 0.5 V Over Output Voltage Protection VOVP VFB=low to high, VCOMP=1V 110 120 130 % Latch Delay Time tLATCH 0.7 1.0 1.3 ms Oscillation Frequency fSW 450 500 550 kHz Oscillation Frequency Range fRANGE 1000 kHz Minimum Off Time tOFFMIN 240 ns Minimum On Time tONMIN 270 ns UVLO Wake up Voltage VUVLO 4.5 V UVLO Hysteresis Voltage Over Input Voltage Protection OVLO Hysteresis Voltage VUVLO VOVPIN VOVPIN Soft Start Time TSS CE Pin Threshold Voltage VCET Thermal Shutdown (Note2) TSD Thermal Shutdown Hystersis (Note2) VFB=0.7V, R5=160k , SYNC=open 7 100 200 VFB=0.7V VDD1=low to high 4.0 VDD1=high to low VIN=low to high μA/V 0.2 33.5 36.5 V 39.5 V VIN=high to low 0.9 V CSS=15000pF, VCE>VCET to time that VOUT is up to reach 95% of the normal value. 6 ms 0.6 TSD ROCP Pin Input Current IROCP VROCP=5V 95 Output Current Limit Offset Voltage VOFFSET VSENS- - VROCP -5.0 SYNC High Voltage VSYNCH VSYNC= 0V to 5V 2.0 SYNC Low Voltage VSYNCL VSYNC=5V to 0V SYNC Input Current ISYNC VSYNC=3V Note2 : Guaranteed by design, not tested. 4.2 V 0.06 2 V 170 °C 30 °C 100 105 μA +5.0 mV V 0.12 0.4 V 0.24 mA MITSUMI Output voltage compensation DC/DC converter for USB MM3630XV Measuring Circuit TEST CIRCUIT1 MM3630 VIN SENS- CE SENS+ SYNC BS COMP SW A VIN 10µF VCE FILTER 12kΩ 15nF 160kΩ 0.1Ω 3kΩ 1µF VDD1 V VOUT 2.4kΩ 100kΩ 2.2µF P_GOOD AGND RCABLE=0.25Ω 12.6kΩ FB RT 1.8nF Cable resistance 10µH ROCP SS IIN 0.1µF 20µF 0.2µF PGND TEST CIRCUIT2 MM3630 VIN SENS- CE SENS+ SYNC COMP ICOMP IIN A SS A RT FILTER VIN 10µF VCE VCOMP 15nF 160kΩ 1µF BS SW ROCP A FB VDD1 P_GOOD AGND 0.1µF PGND A IROCP ISW VROCP VSW 100kΩ 2.2µF VFB VSENS+ VSENS- IOUT V VOUT_RL MITSUMI Output voltage compensation DC/DC converter for USB MM3630XV Timing Chart (1) Start-up/ Shut-down VIN VCET CE VCET VUVLO 4.2V typ. VDD1 4.0V typ. VSS 0.8V typ. SS VOUT ×0.95 typ. VOUT Soft start time TSS P_GOOD (Pull-up) Low LEVEL (abnomal) Start-up conditon is VCE>VCET and VDD1>VUVLO. Shut-down conditon is VCE<VCET and VDD1<VUVLO. Soft start time VSS is from VCE>VCET to time that VOUT is up to reach 95% of the normal value. (2) Low output voltage protection VIN/CE Output decrease Shutdown Output decrease Re-start VOUT VFB 0.8V typ. FB VLVP 0.4V typ. Soft start time TSS Latch delay time TLATCH 1ms typ. Soft start time TSS P_GOOD (Pull-up) Low LEVEL (abnomal) When LVP are detected exceeding latch delay time TLATCH, IC is shutdown, P_GOOD is L-Output. The IC is re-start by turning on VIN/CE pin. MITSUMI Output voltage compensation DC/DC converter for USB MM3630XV (3) Over output voltage protection VIN/CE Shutdown Output increase Output increase Re-start VOUT VOVP VFB*120% typ. VFB 0.8V typ. FB Latch delay time TLATCH 1ms typ. Soft start time TSS P_GOOD (Pull-up) Soft start time TSS Low LEVEL (abnomal) When OVP are detected exceeding latch delay time TLATCH, IC is shutdown, P_GOOD is L-Output. The IC is re-start by turning on VIN/CE pin. (4) Thermal shutdown function VIN/CE Temperature decrease TSD 170℃ typ. Tj Temperature increase Δ TSD 30℃ typ. VUVLO 4.2V typ. VUVLO 4.2V typ. 4.0V typ. VDD1 Shutdown Re-start VOUT Soft start time TSS P_GOOD (Pull-up) Soft start time TSS Low LEVEL (abnomal) When the junction temperature (Tj) rises above 170 °C, VDD1 stops, and the IC shuts it down. When the junction temperature (Tj) drops below 130 °C, IC will restart. MITSUMI Output voltage compensation DC/DC converter for USB MM3630XV (5) Current limit function VIN/CE Clamp by Internal ILIM IOUT Output current increase External ILIM Output current increase Shutdown Re-start VOUT Latch delay time TLATCH 1ms typ. Soft start time TSS P_GOOD (Pull-up) Soft start time TSS Clamp Time < Latch delay time TLATCH 1ms typ. Low LEVEL (abnomal) When Current limit are detected exceeding latch delay time TLATCH, IC is shutdown, P_GOOD is L-Output. The IC is re-start by turning on VIN/CE pin. (6) Over input voltage protection VOVP_IN ΔVOVP_IN 0.9V typ. VIN/CE Shutdown VOUT Re-start VFB 0.8V typ. FB P_GOOD (Pull-up) Soft start time TSS Soft start time TSS Low LEVEL (abnomal) When OVP_IN are detected, IC is shutdown, P_GOOD is L-Output. When VIN decrease under OVP_IN- OVP_IN, the IC is re-start. MITSUMI Output voltage compensation DC/DC converter for USB MM3630XV Application Circuit IC MM3630 VIN Enable CLK C3 C1= 10µF R3 VIN SENS- CE SENS+ SYNC BS COMP SW SS ROCP RT FB FILTER C5= 15nF R5 C7= 1µF VDD1 P_GOOD AGND C4=0.1µF L R6=3kΩ R4 VOUT R1 R2 R7=100kΩ C6= C2 2.2µF C8= 0.22µF PGND GND C1-C8 Ceramic capacitor Recommended external parts value. VOUT[V] 5.0 L [µH] 10 C2 [µF] 20 R1 [k ] 12.6 R2 [k ] 2.4 C3 [pF] 1800 R3 [k ] 12 R5 [k ] 160 · Notice The output voltage is decided depending on the input voltage, Minimum on time, Maximum duty cycle. Please decide the output condition in consideration of the above-mentioned characteristic. There is a possibility that operation becomes unstable when the current rating of the coil is exceeded. Please enlarge the current rating of the coil more than the output current. MITSUMI Output voltage compensation DC/DC converter for USB MM3630XV Characteristics (Except where noted otherwise VIN=12V, VCE=3V, Ta=25°C) Efficiency 100 100 90 90 80 80 70 VIN=7V VIN=12V VIN=18V VIN=33V 60 50 Efficiency [%] Efficiency [%] 70 40 30 60 50 40 30 20 20 fSW=500kHz R4=0.1Ω RCABLE=open 10 0 VIN=7V VIN=12V VIN=18V 0.0 0.5 1.0 I OUT [A] 1.5 2.0 fSW=1MHz R4=0.1Ω RCABLE=open 10 0 2.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 I OUT [A] 1.5 2.0 2.5 Load Regulation 5.8 5.3 5.7 5.2 5.6 VIN=7V VIN=12V VIN=18V VIN=33V 5.4 5.3 5.2 5.0 fSW=500kHz R4=0.1Ω RCABLE=0.25Ω 4.9 0.0 0.5 1.0 I OUT [A] 1.5 2.0 4.7 2.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 I OUT [A] 1.5 2.0 2.5 5.3 5.7 5.2 5.6 5.5 5.4 VIN=12V VIN=18V 5.1 VIN=12V VIN=18V V OUT_RL [V] V OUT [V] fSW=500kHz R4=0.1Ω RCABLE=0.25Ω 4.8 5.8 5.3 VIN=7V 5.2 5.0 VIN=7V 4.9 5.1 5.0 fSW=1MHz R4=0.1Ω RCABLE=0.25Ω 4.9 4.8 5.0 4.9 5.1 4.8 VIN=7V VIN=12V VIN=18V VIN=33V 5.1 V OUT_RL [V] V OUT [V] 5.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 I OUT [A] 1.5 2.0 fSW=1MHz R4=0.1Ω RCABLE=0.25Ω 4.8 2.5 4.7 0.0 0.5 1.0 I OUT [A] 1.5 2.0 2.5 MITSUMI Output voltage compensation DC/DC converter for USB MM3630XV Line Regulation 5.3 5.8 IOUT=2.5A 5.7 5.6 5.4 5.3 fSW=500kHz R4=0.1Ω RCABLE=0.25Ω 5.2 5.1 IOUT=0A 5.0 4.8 4.9 0 5.8 10 20 VIN [V] 30 4.7 40 0 10 20 VIN [V] 5.6 5.5 IOUT=2.5A 5.1 5.1 VOUT_RL [V] 5.4 fSW=1MHz R4=0.1Ω RCABLE=0.25Ω 5.2 IOUT=0A 40 fSW=1MHz R4=0.1Ω RCABLE=0.25Ω 5.2 5.3 30 5.3 IOUT=2.5A 5.7 VOUT [V] IOUT=0A 4.9 5.0 IOUT=0A 5.0 4.9 5.0 4.8 4.9 4.8 IOUT=2.5A 5.1 VOUT_RL [V] VOUT [V] 5.5 4.8 fSW=500kHz R4=0.1Ω RCABLE=0.25Ω 5.2 0 10 20 VIN [V] 30 40 4.7 0 10 20 VIN [V] 30 40 Load Transient Response VOUT 0.5V/div VIN=12V fSW=500kHz R4=0.1Ω RCABLE=0.25Ω VOUT 0.5V/div VIN=12V fSW=1MHz R4=0.1Ω RCABLE=0.25Ω VOUT_RL 0.5V/div VOUT_RL 0.5V/div IOUT IOUT IOUT=0A to 1.5A 0.1A/μs 1A/div 100μs/div IOUT=0A to 1.5A 0.1A/µs 1A/div 100µs/div MITSUMI Output voltage compensation DC/DC converter for USB MM3630XV Line Regulation Operation Waveform IOUT=1.5A fSW=500kHz R4=0.1Ω RCABLE=open VOUT 0.2V/div VSW 10V/div IOUT VIN=7V to 18V 55mV/µs 10V/div VOUT_RL 0.2V/div IOUT=1A fSW=500kHz R4=0.1Ω RCABLE=0.25Ω 200μs/div Start-up VIN 0.1V/div VOUT 0.1V/div IOUT 1A/div IOUT 1μs/div Shutdown ‹‹ Main: 1M IOUT=1A fSW=500kHz R4=0.1Ω RCABLE=open ›› ‹‹ VCE 10V/div Main: 1M IOUT=1A fSW=500kHz R4=0.1Ω RCABLE=open ›› VCE 10V/div VSW 10V/div VOUT 2V/div IIN 0.5A/div VSW 10V/div VOUT 2V/div IIN 0.5A/div 1ms/div Oscillation Frequency vs R5 200µs/div Low-side switch on-resistance vs Temperature 0.20 1200 1100 ISW=0.1A 1000 900 0.15 700 RONL [ Ω] fSW [kHz] 800 600 500 0.10 400 300 0.05 200 100 0 10 100 R5 [kΩ] 1000 0.00 -40 -20 0 20 40 Ta [°C] 60 80 100 MITSUMI Output voltage compensation DC/DC converter for USB MM3630XV Feedback Voltage vs Temperature Oscillation Frequency vs Temperature 0.812 550 540 0.808 530 520 fSW [kHz] VFB [V] 0.804 0.800 0.796 -40 -20 0 20 40 Ta [°C] 60 80 450 100 -20 0 20 40 Ta [°C] 60 80 100 300 250 200 150 TOnMIN [ns] TOFFMIN [ns] -40 Minimum On time vs Temperature 200 100 150 100 50 50 -40 -20 0 20 40 Ta [°C] 60 80 100 ROCP Pin Input Current vs Temperature 105 104 VROCP=5V 103 102 I ROCP [μA ] 490 460 250 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 500 470 Minimum Off time vs Temperature 0 510 480 0.792 0.788 R5=160kΩ -40 -20 0 20 40 Ta [°C] 60 80 100 0 -40 -20 0 20 40 Ta [°C] 60 80 100
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