l ,58 7,9 73 June 8 , 1926. FPE.Md, Mm AEaKRYOL,%w .Saw m u ..1 2' è. w ,l , INVENTOR. @101712 E Makawó‘lcá "Qwäämm ATTORNEY 1,587,973 Panarea June 8,1926. UNITED ‘STATESv PATENT `¿orme-1a.' i JOHN I'. IAXOWÈSXI, Ol' STOCKTON, CALIFORNIA, ASSIGNOBT'I‘O CALIFORNIA CEDAR PRODUCTS COMPANY, OF STOCKTON, CALIFORNIA. 'rnasfran Ln'rn. application mea nay as; 192s. serial np. 641:985. This invention relates to the building art sets I mold or form-the outer face thereof and particularly-to wall construëtionf" _ y so as to produce dove-tailed or similar I have conceived' as the 'present invention 'shaped grooves 3 extending thereacross, or a .a composition lathing mounted upona suit similar formation having lfront and rear able supporting surface, there belng mould faces, with intervening ope'nings- or inter ed into thet’face of the composition a dove stices into which the- plastic material to be 5 40 tail or other suitable shaped 'key structure. applied t0 the lath may ñow and" be locked Plaster or stucco lath now commonly used _as a substitute for wooden lath is too ex- l thereto. . - ' As .will be readily seen the composition pensive both in first cost and in the methodl may be. a‘ very cheap product compared to 10 45 ' of application ?for ordinary use, and there wood. The mechanical keyl structure for can be no big demand therefor until a good the plastic material, moulded permanently lath which can successfully ~compete with in the composition, forms aperfect locking structure to hold the plastic, which func wooden lath, is produced. _ ' is augmented bythe _fact that the ele so The main object rof the invention there tion ments of the composition'will be such as foreis to produce a cheap but durable com V position lath on which the plaster,.cem"ent form a natural bond..for the Íplastic sur or other plastic may be readily spread and >facing material. . bonded thereon. Having thus describedmy Iinvention what , 55 _ 1 accomplish Athe "objects óf the invention -I- claim asïnew and useful and desire to se cure by Letters Patent isz' ' by theuse of the com osition andystructural K molding thereof as after. ‘ ully set forth herein'- , - „-» I. LA compositlon plaster lath containing _ _ y calcined gy sum,'case1n as a water prootin g element an jan adhesive element. The'íivgure on the drawing i`s` a perspec ` " tive view of a fragmentary portion of' 'a _426A composition plaster lath containing " calcined gypsuJnncasein as a water proofing sheet’of my improved lath. . ` , In carrying out the 4invention I ‘make up element and dextrin._ v ‘ i , a composition preferably of.- casting plaster - 3. A composition plaster lath consisting such las calcined gypsum, skimmed milkor .of calcined gypsum, casein as a water proof casein as a' water proofing element, mixed ing element, sawdust and an, adhesive ele with dextrin 4or other adhesive, with or v\_1ithoutA a certain percentage of sawdust In testimony whereof' I aiiix my signa ment. ' meal. This composition, is 's _read to a thick \ness of ì _ on--a suitable about half an inc 85 -supporting paper or board 2, and before it ture. Y 7 ` ` . f - - 7, " JOHN ' f MALKOWSKT.` 60 65
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