2014 Califomia E L A / E L D Gurriculum Framework Roil Out Plan Jim Long, Education Programs Consultant Gurriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division August 2014 CALIFDBHIA DEPARTMEriT OF EDUCATION Tom Torlakaon,' Siale aupeilnlendsnl at Puiilta Iri&trucliOT General Purpose of Frameworks ; TOM.IORWKSON . :• • Provide-support for teachers and guidelines for . educational programs • Guidance to schooi districts in ttie development :of localcurriculum • Direction to publishers for the development of instructional materials • Guidelines for local selection of instructional resources (Grades 9-12) • Reflect current and confirmed research • Guidance for teacher professional development programs, in-service, pre-service and teacher licensing standards CAUFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION English Language Aris/Engllsh Language DovBlopment Framework Developmenl Process This chart shows tlie major steps ol the curriculum Iramawork development procesB, All meetings are open to Ihe public. (-•:--Wi»lraci[Dnal,Cluaiiiv-;;-] J. --..tDiJinUSftntiHUCl !V.ftppofMeU «v:i lateSosrri :' 2.j.testfnst ol four- f o f:-v--"-.;a(!M)pt,I6iriici1Bri r^ApptfniedrWSWII'Hd !':'-;.R|liaft(iJWltPnNe- 5 SBErtRWlnt! tiir(«iibBj#ra.Fttwor) aixjaaiwtlonCriieflB 115,5e£M«U(Aifaotl ( 11. FraiMWrt; foiled oil jgyfletnaii/iCndaijiirtln ' 'jfi;; i.. • IntOlntCTnntMgotl 8/13/2014 Organization and Content E L A / E L D Framework Based on the guidelines and other frameworks Dynamio.document Focus on key themes of CA CCSS for ELA/Literacy standards in grade spans and individual grade levels Integration of CA ELD Standards Chapters on professional teaming and :Support, 21^i century learning and technology, equity and access, assessment, and critena for evaluating instructional materials New Features Use of snapshots and vignettes in all chapters to demonstrate integration of ELA and EL.D, examples of implementation of standards in the classroom, and demonstration of different types of assessment Links to: resources and W e b sites for additional support Organizational design around-Key themes Key Themes of ELA/Literacy and E L D instruction 1. Meaning M a k i n g - f o c u s e s on the^reading standards, analyzing and comprehending text. 2. L a n g u a g e D e v e l o p m e n t - C o n n e c t s - t o the language • and reading standards, highlighting the ,developmenlof academic,and domain-specific vocabulary, syntax, :and text structures, 3. Effective E x p r e s s i o n - includes writing, discussions and presentations, a n d language conventions. 4. Content K n o w l e d g e - Connects to informational text and developnient of the standards related to,research and other contents. 5. Foundational S k i l l s - depending on the grade-span, this looks at print concepts and phonological awareness in the b e g i n n i n g grades, and phonics, w o r d recognition, and fluency, up to grade 5. Also addressecb in 6^12. 2 Goals, Themes, and Contexts for Implementation of the CA C C S S for ELA/Literacy and the CA E L D Standards Integrated & Designated ELD: Working in Tandem \Integrated ELD: All t e a c h e r s with E l s in their classrooms use the C A ELD Standards in tandem witli t h e C A C C S S for ELA/Literacy and other content standards. Designated ELD: A protected time during the school day when teachers use t h e CA ELD Standards as the focal standards in w a y s that build into and from content instruction. 8/13/2014 Statewide Launch Events • 1 North and 1 South event • Organized around the 5 themes of the ELA/ELD framework • Planning and participation from CDE, CSMPs, ELAs,: IHEs, CACC Q Statewide Launch Events • Goals: - Increase awareness of the:2014 E L A / E L D Framework a m o n g diverse California educational c o m m u n i t y : • members - Set the stage/build m o m e n t u m for its statewide implementation li Online Events sassf;;:. . Follow up on the launch events • Interactive or Recorded Webinars • Based on £LA/ELD framework chapters and existing CDE resources • Provided by C D E in collaboration with CA cc, C O E s , C S M P s , and L E A s • Participants: Open to all, target audience is teachers 4 Local and Regional Events f-f^^H; . 2014-2015 school year • Provided by COEs and LEAs yr;iy;- ' Ensures ongoing high-quality professional learning through implementation process • Related to the launch and webinar events • Deeper Dive into the framework 13 ELA/ELD Adoption TOMTORLAMSOtt v.; WP^'s'/s: • Program 1: English Language Arts Basic Program, K-8 • Program 2: English Language Arts/English Language Development Basic Program, K-8 • Program s: Biliteracy Language Arts/English Language Development Basic Program,:k-8 • Program 4: :lntensive Intervention Program in English Language Arts, 4 - 8 : JH/IV. • Program 5: Specialized Designated English Language Development Program, 4 - 8 „ ..:>..... ;'-TpM TOJiDikEotj,:•;:••: ' "^"^ http://www,cde.ca.gov/Gl/rl/lm/elaeldadopMlmellne.asp 15 8/13/2014 Links • : ELA/ELD Framework: http://wwwxde.ca,qov/ci/rl/cf/ -TOJltTOHIAHSOW j^: 5::,: :!'; tyryiy • CA CCSS for ELA/Llteraoy Standards: http://www.cde.ca.qov/be/st/ss/documents/fina leiaccssstandards:pdf y-Wy-V: • CA ELD Standards: http://wvwi/.cde.ca:qov/sp/el/er/eldstandards.aE •^iKglVfix • '•'"V y:"} • Reviewer Appiicationfor:tln©:ELA/ELD Adoption: http://vvwwxde.ca.qbv/ci/ri/im.; Questions? :'TOMTdRijiksor):"L';. Kristen C r u z Alien Curriculum Frameworks &, Instructional Resources Division : Califofnia Departmerit of Education KCruzAllenfa)cdG,ca;aov 916-323-4867 , Cynthia G u n d e r s o n Curriculum F r a m e w o r k s & Instructional.Resources Division California Department of Education.: caunderson©cde.ca,adv 916,-319-0451 Jim Long Curriculum Frameworks & Instructional Resources Division California Department of E d u c a t i o n ilona(5>cde.ca,aov '916-323-4583:^ 17 • • 6
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