ANNUAL ACTION PLAN within the context of 2011-2015 Directions for Catholic Education in the Archdiocese of Melbourne 2015 Year 1 of Cycle School Name: Marcellin College Location: 160 Bulleen Road, Bulleen. Victoria 3105 School E Number: E1164 Add your School Name here OUR SCHOOL VISION Marcellin College is a Catholic Marist boys’ school that is the centre of a community of learning, life and faith. In partnership with families, we nurture our students as they grow from boys to fine young men. We bring the Marist charism to all members of our community through the teachings of St. Marcellin Champagnat and the Gospel. We are a community where Jesus is known and loved, where each boy belongs and the dignity of all is respected. We empower the boys in our care to embrace all opportunities spiritually, academically, physically, culturally and socially with a determination to strive for the highest with virtue and courage. EDUCATION in FAITH Goal/s articulated in the School Improvement Plan To deepen the school community’s faith journey within the Catholic tradition and the Marist charism. Intended Outcome/s 1. That the variables of Catholic Culture continue to improve. Target That the school’s Catholic Culture scores for the Importance and Behaviour - staff and Behaviour -students indicators increase to an average for staff (70), for students (60) and for parents (75). Social Justice- student indicator will continue to improve to 70. Key Improvement Strategies Responsibility Evidence Status Discern the place of religious iconography and symbols that reflects the Catholic identity. Implement the 200th anniversary of the Marist Institute (Year of Montagne) AP mission Masterplan shows clear evidence of this. AP mission Streamline the re-introduction of Year 8 RE back into the department and build on the Year 8 course to suit what has already occurred in 9-12 Communicating opportunities and clarifying the process of Accreditation REC Recognition of this is highlighted at school events, not yet started house level and to the wider community via newsletters assemblies etc… Development of new year 8 course in the RE ongoing department. AP mission Enhance the proportion of staff accredited to AP mission teach in a Catholic school. Enhance the proportion of staff accredited to AP mission teach Religious Education Continued Catholic faith formation and AP mission expression for staff. Support and opportunities for staff in area evangelization by modelling and further participation in areas of prayer, liturgy and social justice initiatives. Continued support of the Cambodia Immersion and Solidarity fundraisers for this cause. Continue the Implemetation of the Year 8 Social Justice initiative of Pay Forward Accreditation to teach in a Catholic school to Continued support of the Cambodia reach 50%. Accredited to teach Religious Immersion and Solidarity fundraisers for this Education to reach 100% for all RE cause. teachers. Continue the Implemetation of the Year 8 Social Justice initiative of Pay Forward AP Mission AP mission and Ministry Team REC AP mission and Ministry Team REC ongoing Communication to staff about opportunities in professional development to gain accreditation. Email, notices, announcements, record keeping etc… as above ongoing as above ongoing ongoing Participation in staff formation days and after ongoing school formation opportunities such as Melbourne Marists etc… Communication of and participation numbers in ongoing CEOM and Marist Initiatives. Funds raised for Marist Solidarity and successful ongoing completion of Immersion. New course documentation and completion of the ongoing Pay it Forward Evening. continued promotion and implementation of the trip ongoing as well as continued fundraising. continued implementation or new course documents and implementation of Pay it Forward evening ongoing LEARNING and TEACHING Goal/s articulated in the School Improvement Plan To provide learning and teaching programs that foster lifelong learning, developing the skills necessary for all members in our community to connect and interact with the real world. Intended Outcome/s Target Key Improvement Strategies 1. That student learning outcomes Increase the Teaching Climate Index (Team- Analyse and use NAPLAN data to inform in literacy and numeracy are Based Practice and Learning & Teaching teaching strategies improved. variables) to 60.2 in 2014 and 67.2 by 2017. Develop the whole-school literacy policy Investigate the use of and type of data to inform teaching strategies Increase staff capacity in how to implement literacy and numeracy strategies in all subjects Implement policies & procedures to identify students as part of the subject selection process (English & maths) Increase staff use of student profiles & Individual Needs department programs to support students 2. That learning outcomes across Proportion of students in the top 2 bands of Further implement curriculum development, Years 7-10 are improved. NAPLAN testing for Year 9 to be at least review & renewal policies & procedures 35% for Reading, 25% for Writing, 32% for Develop consistent course documentation Spelling, 30% for G&P and 40% for (Sem 1 & 2) & course development timeline Numeracy. Implement assessment strategies to enhance personalised learning and improve student outcomes Develop an inquiry-based learning program(s) for Year7-9 2016 Review student progress & promotion policy 3. That VCE and VCAL outcomes Proportion of students in the bottom 3 bands Develop relevant VCE policies & procedures are improved. of NAPLAN testing for Year 9 to be no more to support new Head of Learning (10-12) than 35% for Reading, 40% for Writing, 35% Implement a clear & thorough subject for Spelling, 40% for G&P and 33% for selection / acceleration process Numeracy. Explore further options to increase VET subjects including community/school partnerships 4. That student engagement and Show improvement in proportion of Year 9 Implement our Vision for Learning with a ownership of learning is students from the Year 7 bottom 3 bands focus on personalised learning enhanced. making 1.5 times State average growth for Develop the capacity of middle leaders to Reading, Writing and Numeracy and the lead their departments with a focus on proportion from the Year 7 top 2 bands improving student outcomes making 1.2 times state average growth. Plan contemporary learning spaces with reference to the College’s Masterplan Responsibility Learning Resources Team Evidence Status Commenced 2014 (Due Term 1) Learning Resources Team Dir of Learning Presentation to staff / referred to as part of Teacher Portfolio Policy developed Recommendations to LTT Literacy LC / Maths LC Staff PL sessions / link to course outlines Ongoing English LC / Maths LC Policies & procedures drafted / presented to LTT (early Term 2). Implemented as part of subject selection (Term 3) Staff presentations / followed up by LC's in Dept meetings Due Term 2 LTT (AP Learning) Timeline included in meeting schedule Ongoing (Due end of Term 1) Heads of Learning / LC's Ongoing Heads of Learning / LC's Timeline developed to include key dates (AusVELS/Study Design changes) Assessment audit / review / recommendations Head of Learning (7-9) Recommendations to LTT / PCT Not yet started (Due mid Term 2) LTT / PCT Head of Learning (10-12) / Pathways Team Head of Learning (10-12) / Pathways Team VET Coordinator / Pathways Team Recommendations to LTT Policies updated / developed Not yet started (Due Term 3) Not yet started Recommendations to LTT Due Term 2 Recommendations to Pathways Team / LTT Due Term 2 / Term 3 All staff Clearly reflected in teaching practice & documentation Implementation of middle leaders PL program (EDUCAA) Ongoing Develop sample rooms for teacher use / regular Masterplan updates Ongoing Introduction of LMS / visible observations in the increased use of digital technologies / review of Resource List / review staff iPad program Regular staff PL / targeted PL for staff Ongoing Individual Needs Coordinator AP Learning / Leadership Team Executive Team VCE Median Study score to be 32 or better. Improve the use of digital technologies Dir of Learning / LTT VCE Study Scores of 40+ to be at least including the development of a LMS, student 10%. notebooks, iPads for staff, eBooks Develop a whole-school professional Dir of Learning / Leadership Team learning program to increase staff capacity in the use of digital technologies to enhance learning & teaching Commenced 2014 (Due Term 2) Not yet started Ongoing Not yet started (Due end of Term 3) Ongoing Ongoing STUDENT WELLBEING Goal/s articulated in the School Improvement Plan To enhance student wellbeing by building resilience and empathy in an engaging and safe learning environment. Intended Outcome/s 1. That students will develop resilience, independence and motivation for their learning and personal development. Target Increase the Student Wellbeing Index (Emotional Wellbeing, Teacher Relationships and Engagement in Learning) to 71.2 in 2014 and 77.4 by 2017. Key Improvement Strategies Responsibility Seek clarity in the community and then PCT communicate policies and practices to ensure consistent implementation of student management Identify how positive education can be PCT/LTT implemented into the SWP and SPPC Expose staff to skills, understanding and knowledge of positive education and growth mindset for improved wellbeing and learning outcomes Survey students and implement strategies to alleviate stress, frustration and tension Implement the Student Organizer, working in conjunction with the LTT/ Elevate Education/teaching staff, reimaging the use of Mass/Study Develop a pilot group and gather evidence Looking for Learning Communicate the drug policy to the school community PCT/LTT/Heads of Learning Instigate the establishment of Sustainability Captains and Junior School Liturgy and Sport Captains Improve opportunities for the Transition & Pathway Programs, Years 7-12 including SPPC and acceleration Identify staff who have not undergone professional learning in Restorative Practice to further support staff and student relationships and improve learning outcomes in the college./ Incorporate Restorative Practice into Induction of New Staff Review Mandatory Guidelines based on Marist policy compliance Implement an increase in the provision of counselling and support services Heads of School/DP PCT PCT/LTT PCT/LTT Heads of School Senior Pathways Team Evidence Consultation meeting with MCCA/student leaders/staff, Communicate renewed SW policy on website Status Term 1 and ongoing communication Professional learning for staff, programs Ongoing 2015 implemented into the SWP, SPPC interview forms focusing on growth mindset Professional learning for staff, programs Term 4 Professional learnring then ongoing implemented into the SWP, SPPC interview forms focusing on growth mindset Student wellbeing survey, communication to students, staff and families, renewed SW policies Student study organizer implementation, professional learning for staff, students and parents, parent information evening, assemblies, Mass/study renewal Pilot group develop a process for implementation in 2016, LTT/PCT/Leadership team minutes Communication on College website and twitter, parent information evening, parent enrichment program Sustainability captain and Junior School Captains implemented into the leadership process, induction and commissioning mass Acceleration policy Term 1 Headstart/ Term 1 Term 2 - 3 Term 1 and ongoing communication Term 2 - 3 Term 1 PCT Staff professional learning opportunity, induction of Term 1 ongoing new staff Heads of School/DP Review Child Protection documents implemented in 2014 Review counselling services, Advertise counselling roles Heads of School Headstart/ Term 1 Headstart/ Term 1 LEADERSHIP and MANAGEMENT Goal/s articulated in the School Improvement Plan To sustain a staff culture that is characterised by a shared vision, a strong sense of team work and a focus on continuous improvement. Intended Outcome/s 1. That the performance and development culture of the college is strengthened. Target Key Improvement Strategies Increase the Organisational Climate Index Implement stage 1 of Masterplan process (Empathy, Clarity, Engagement and Hermitage project Learning) to 53.7 in 2014 and 57.5 by 2017. Investigate and develop ARMs for support staff. Incorporate a focus on Pastoral practice through the ARM process Develop a whole school change management process using Insight SRC Responsibility Executive team Business Manager, Finance Manager, Payroll/HR administrator PCT team Executive team Design an e-communication platform to enhance communication regarding learning. Dir Learning, ICT Steering Committee, ICT Manager, Leadership Implement ICT Strategic plan Executive team, Leadership Review of Senior Leadership PD's and roles Principal Implement new Learning Leadership roles Executive team (Heads of Learning) Launch of College Foundation to the broader Principal, Business Manager, community through a board of governance. Foundation Introduce new Marist Child Protection policy incorporating the Marcellin Staff Charter. Review HR workflow practices Executive Principal, Business Manager Introduce new Staff Professional Learning Leadership structure Develop a process for reviewing the College Leadership calendar and meeting schedule in light of staff workloads. Review and investigate College Executive team administration structures Implement the Leaders for Learning middle leaders program in partnership with EDUCCA Leadership Team Evidence Final approval of Masterplan Stage 1, Architectural drawings provided by COX, Building works commence with impacted staff, Policy Consultation implementation plan of ARM's Reviewed and updated staff professional learning portfolio Work with Insight SRC, development of working group, development of management change processes Investigate other schools platforms, agreement on consistent approach, policy developed around communication Implement key recommendations from ICT plan Consultation with senior leadership, new PD's developed and endorsed Leadership roles implemented, new PD's, continued development of leadership roles Governance structure approved, business plan formulated and approved, official launch of Foundation New policy presented to community and available on MyMarcellin Workflow reviewed, process developed and agreed upon Every Day 3 afternoon (2-3:30pm) Status Ongoing End of 2015 Due in term 2 End of 2015 End of term 2 Ongoing End of term 3 Start of 2015 End of 2015 Start of 2015 End of term 2 Start of 2015 Agenda item on Leadership meeting, consultation with Consultative Committee and key stake Start of 2015 holders Review current structures, develop alternate proposal on structures, develop new PD's, End of term 3 consultation with key stake holders Build timeline into College Calendar Start of 2015 SCHOOL COMMUNITY Goal/s articulated in the School Improvement Plan To continue to build an inclusive Catholic Marist school community, informed by social justice and fostering opportunities for partnerships with parents, alumni, and the broader community. Intended Outcome/s Target 1. That communication and Increase the Community Engagement Index partnership projects with parents, (Community Engagement variables) to 71.9 alumni and the wider community in 2014 and to 76.5 by 2017. are enhanced. Key Improvement Strategies Further develop strategic partnerships with key feeder parishes in the region to continue growth in student enrolment and relationships with parish schools Development of the Parent Enrichment program. Promote staff involvement. Increase awareness of internal and external teacher awards Deliver information about the Masterplan to wider community Build a database of alumni’s pathways Review of the communication tools that we use with parents, alumni and various community groups Build community capacity in relation to use of MyMarcellin to enhance communication through workshops Investigate informal opportunities for parents to be in dialogue with the College to support decision making Continue to ensure that the College remains accessible to all families through Bursary initiatives Responsibility Evidence Status Primary Links Team Application data, Enrolment data, transition information Ongoing Heads of School and Heads of Learning SRC (internal) Deputy Principal (external) Principal Meeting schedule, College calendar, College Ongoing intranet, feedback forms, Eagle newsletter, Twitter Teacher nominations, meeting agendas Ongoing Eagle, website Ongoing The Foundation Leadership Team database Communication policy, google analytics, Insight SRC data Ongoing Ongoing Dir. Of Learning (Contemporary Moodle diagnostics, including detentions, learning Ongoing Education), PCT, LTT, Leadership concerns, awards/involvements, attendance Foundation, Leadership Parent involvement figures, college events, parent Ongoing responses, Insight SRC data Principal, Finance Enrolment data, bursary application form Ongoing
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