Atmospheric Environment 36 (2002) 411–419 Quantification on source/receptor relationship of primary pollutants and secondary aerosols from ground sourcesF Part I. Theory Ben-Jei Tsuang*, Chien-Lung Chen, Rong-Chang Pan, Jen-Hui Liu Department of Environmental Engineering, National Chung-Hsing University, Taichung 40227, Taiwan, ROC Received 26 January 2001; received in revised form 12 September 2001; accepted 19 September 2001 Abstract A new algorithm has been derived for trajectory models to determine the transfer coefficient of each source along or adjacent to a trajectory and to calculate the concentrations of SO2, NOx, sulfate, nitrate, fine particulate matter (PM) and coarse PM at a receptor. The transfer coefficient tf (s m1) is defined to be the ratio between the contributed concentration DC (mg m3) to the receptor from a ground source and the emission rate of the source q (mg m2 s1) at a grid, i.e. tf DC=q: The model is developed by combining with a backward trajectory scheme and a circuit-type’s parameterization. First, the transfer coefficients of grids along or adjacent a back-trajectory are calculated. Then, the contributed concentration of each emission grid is determined by multiplying its emission rate with the transfer coefficient of the grid. Finally, the concentration at the receptor is determined by the summation of all the contributed concentrations within the domain of simulation. r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Transfer coefficient; Trajectory; Contributed concentration; Circuit model; Inverse approach 1. Introduction High concentrations of particulate matter (PM) have become a problem for many countries (Fung and Wong, 1995; Elbir et al., 2000). In Taiwan, the number of days with the pollutants standards sub-index (PSI) (EPA/US, 1982) of PM10 over 100 of a normal station ranges from around 2–13% yr1 in the past 10 yr. The PM10 limit is 150 mg m3 of its daily mean for PSI over 100. The annual area average PM10 concentration ranges from 58 to 94 mg m3 (EPA/ROC, 2000) in the last decade. The concentration in many regions in Taiwan still exceeded the annual EPA/ROC standard of 65 mg m3. PM consists of primary aerosols as well as secondary aerosols such as sulfate, nitrate and organics (Pandis *Corresponding author. Tel.: +886-4-22851206; fax: +8864-22862587. E-mail address: [email protected] (B.-J. Tsuang). et al., 1992; Chiang, 1993; Fung and Wong, 1995; Tsai and Cheng, 1999). Major factors that cause the high PM concentration in the region include emissions, gas and aerosol chemical reactions, gas-to-particle conversion, meteorology and the complex terrain. Because PM results from the interaction of several complex physical processes and different emission sources, an air quality model is neededFone that can identify possible sources and determine their contributions to the concentrations of primary PM secondary sulfate and nitrate at a receptor. Such a model can serve as a tool for designing a better abatement strategy. Back trajectories (e.g., Rolph and Draxler, 1990; Doty and Perkey, 1993; Seibert, 1993; Stohl et al., 1995; Fast and Berkowitz, 1997; Lee et al., 1997; Cheng et al., 1998; Cheng and Lam, 1998) are popular for identifying possible sources of pollutants measured at a receptor location qualitatively because they pose smaller computational demands than Eulerian models (e.g., Chang et al., 1987; Scheffe and Morris, 1993; Peters et al., 1995; 1352-2310/02/$ - see front matter r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S 1 3 5 2 - 2 3 1 0 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 4 9 1 - 5 412 B.-J. Tsuang et al. / Atmospheric Environment 36 (2002) 411–419 Jacobson et al., 1996; Jacobson, 1997a, b; Lurmann et al., 1997; Nenes et al., 1999). Statistical analysis methods for large sets of trajectories can further increase the probability of identifying possible sources (e.g., Cheng et al., 1993a, b). However, it has been noted that while the angular resolution for the methods of statistical analysis is good, the radial resolution is poor because of the convergence of all trajectories toward the receptor (Vasconcelos et al., 1996). Conventionally, to quantitatively determine the source–receptor relationship for trajectory models, we must couple a trajectory model with physical-chemical modelsFa so-called Lagrangian box (column) model, which has aerosol chemistry, gas-to-particle conversion and diffusion mechanisms (e.g., Eliassen and Saltbones, 1983; Pandis et al., 1992; Asman and Janssen, 1987; Asman and van Jaarsveld, 1992; Hertel et al., 1995; Bourque and Arp, 1996). Then, we must perform sensitivity analysis to determine the source–receptor relationship in the model. That is, we vary the emission rates of sources of interest source by source. Finally, we repeatedly run the model to quantify the change in the simulated concentration at the receptor with the new emission profiles. We can thereby sequence the relative importance of each source quantitatively. Although the use of this model is possible, it is very time-consuming and tedious. Stohl (1998) has an excellent review on the development of trajectory models. A new trajectory model based on a circuit-type parameterization (Tsuang and Chao, 1997, 1999) is derived in this paper, which calculates transfer coefficients based on wet scavenging, dry deposition, vertical and horizontal diffusion, and gas-to-particle conversion processes. This study defines terminologies of ‘‘transfer coefficient’’ and ‘‘transport ratio’’ to quantify the source–receptor relationship. The transfer coefficient is the ratio between the contributed concentration from a ground source and the emission rate of the source (Cass and McRae, 1983). The transport ratio is the fraction of a concentration originating at an upwind location and transporting to the receptor along a trajectory. Assuming a piecewise steady state, using the circuit scheme to parameterize the advection–diffusion equation for a ground source, the transfer coefficient and the transport ratio can be easily determined. A detailed derivation of the transfer coefficient will be presented later. A Circuit Trajectory transfer-coefficient model (CTx) developed based on the derived theory will be presented and tested in a companion paper (Chen et al., 2002). 2. Theory In the past decade, atmospheric aerosol modeling has gained increasing attention (Wexler et al., 1994; Jacobson, 1997a, b; Lurmann et al., 1997; Nenes et al., 1999; Tsuang and Chao, 1999). For simplicity, we neglect gas chemistry; assume that gas-to-particle conversion only takes place in the conversion of gaseous SO2 to particulate sulfate and in gaseous NOx to particulate nitrate; assume that the supply of gaseous ammonia is abundant; and assume that the radii of particles does not grow. If the supply of gaseous ammonia is abundant, the converted sulfate and nitrate will be present in the forms of (NH4)2SO4 and NH4NO3, respectively (Seinfeld and Pandis, 1998). Under the above conditions, the transfer coefficients can be determined easily and the governing equations for describing the evolution of PM can be written as qPMi q qPMi q2 PMi qPMi ¼ Kz þ Ky pLPMi u qz qt qz qy2 qx MðNH4 Þ2 SO4 Sul þ fi kSO2 SO2 MSO2 MNH4 NO3 Nit þ fi kNOx NOx ; ð1Þ MNOx qNOx q qNOx q2 NOx ¼ Kz þ Ky qz qt qz qy2 qNOx pLNOx kNOx NOx ; u qx qSO2 q qSO2 q2 SO2 ¼ Kz þ Ky qt qz qy2 qz qSO2 pLSO2 kSO2 SO2 ; u qx ð2Þ ð3Þ where coordinate x is along the wind direction and coordinate y is perpendicular to the wind direction, PMi is the concentration of suspended PM of size category i (mg m3), fSul and fNit are the fractions of mass in the i i size category i of the converted secondary sulfate and nitrate, respectively, NOx and SO2 are the concentrations of gaseous SO2 (mg m3) and NOx (mg m3), respectively, t is time (s), u is average wind speed (m s1), Kz and Ky are eddy diffusivities in the z direction and y direction, respectively (E10 m2 s1); p is the proportion of time raining (s s1), L is scavenging coefficient (s1) which ranges from 0.4 105 s1 to 3 103 s1; kSO2 (%S s1) and kNOx (%N s1) are gas– particle conversion rates for SO2 to sulfate and NOx to nitrate, respectively. A review of kSO2 and kNOx can be found in Seinfeld (1986). Rates of kSO2 range from 0% to 13%S h1. Rates of kNOx range from 5% to 24%N h1. MðNH4 Þ2 SO4 ; MNH4 NO3 ; MSO2 and MNOx are molecular weights of (NH4)2SO4, NH4NO3, SO2 and NOx, respectively. The above equations are derived from the traditional advection–diffusion equations for air pollutants (e.g., Hanna et al., 1982; Beryland, 1991; Seinfeld, 1986) by including wet deposition and chemical reaction terms, but neglecting the diffusion term along the wind direction. B.-J. Tsuang et al. / Atmospheric Environment 36 (2002) 411–419 Following a similar analogy of Tsuang and Chao (1997) and neglecting the ill-mixed factor (Tsuang and Chao, 1999), we can derive analytical solutions for PMi, SO2, NOx, Suli (sulfate), and Niti (nitrate) as PMi: PMi ¼ ðPMi0 PMi * Þ i V 2Ky u þ pL t þ PMi * ; exp d þ 2 þ Dx le Dy ð4Þ Vdi qPMi Ky u PMbi þ 2 ðPMli þ PMri Þ þ i Dx le V d Dy MðNH4 Þ2 SO4 Sul MNH4 NO3 Nit þ fi kSO2 SO2 þ fi kNOx NOx MSO2 MNOx : PMi * ¼ i Vd 2Ky u þ pL þ 2þ Dx le Dy ð5Þ SO2: SO2 ¼ ðSO20 SO2 * Þ Vd 2Ky u þ pL þ kSO2 t þ SO2 * ; exp þ 2þ Dx le Dy ð6Þ SO2 * Ky Vd qSO2 u SOb2 þ 2 ðSOl2 þ SOr2 Þ þ Dx le Vd Dy ¼ : Vd 2Ky u þ pL þ kSO2 þ 2þ Dx le Dy ð7Þ NO2: NOx ¼ ðNOx0 NOx * Þ Vd 2Ky u exp þ 2 þ þ pL þ kNOx t þ NOx * ; le Dy Dx ð8Þ NOx * Ky Vd qNOx u NObx þ 2 ðNOlx þ NOrx Þ þ Dx le V d Dy ¼ : ð9Þ Vd 2Ky u þ pL þ kNOx þ 2þ Dx le Dy Sulfate: Suli ¼ ðSuli0 Suli * Þ i V 2Ky u þ pL t þ Suli * ; exp d þ 2 þ le Dy Dx Suli * 413 Nitrate: Niti ¼ ðNiti0 Niti * Þ i V 2Ky u þ pL t þ Niti * ; exp d þ 2 þ Dx le Dy Niti * ð12Þ MNO3 Nit Ky u Nitbi þ ðNitli þ Nitri Þ þ f kNOx NOx Dy2 MNOx i Dx ¼ ; Vdi 2Ky u þ 2þ þ pL le Dy Dx ð13Þ where subscript * denotes steady-state concentration at near surface of a trajectory grid (mg m3); subscript 0 denotes its initial concentration (mg m3); superscripts l and r denote concentrations on the left-hand side and on the right-hand side of the grid perpendicular to wind direction, respectively (mg m3); subscript b denotes the upwind concentration of the grid; q is the emission rate per unit area of the grid (mg m2 s1); t is time (s); Vd is the dry deposition velocity (m s1); le is the effective mixing length (m). The derivation of le can be found in Tsuang and Chao (1997). 2.1. Piecewise steady state Under steady state, according to Eqs. (4)–(13), PMi ¼ PMi * ; SO2 ¼ SO2 * ; NOx ¼ NOx * : These steady-state concentrations can be decomposed into several fractions. The concentration of PMi * ; for example, according to Eq. (5) can be rewritten as (Fig. 1) Vdi qPMi Ky u þ 2 ðPMli þ PMri Þ þ PMbi le Vdi Dy Dx MðNH4 Þ2 SO4 Sul MNH4 NO3 Nit þ fi kSO2 SO2 þ fi kNOx MSO2 MNOx PMi * ¼ Vdi 2Ky u þ 2þ þ pL le Dy Dx ¼ fqPMi þ Xy ðPMli þ PMri Þ þ Xb PMbf MðNH4 Þ2 SO4 Sul MNH4 NO3 Nit þ fi XSul SO2 þ fi XNit NOx MSO2 MNOx ð14Þ and, 1 le ð15Þ Xy T i Ky Dy2 ð16Þ Xb T i u Dx ð17Þ fPMi Ti ð10Þ MSO2 sul Ky u 4 ðSulli þ Sulri Þ þ f kSO2 SO2 Sulbi þ 2 Dy MSO2 i Dx : ¼ Vdi 2Ky u þ pL þ 2þ Dx le Dy ð11Þ XSuli Ti kSO2 ð18Þ 414 B.-J. Tsuang et al. / Atmospheric Environment 36 (2002) 411–419 conversion ratio, which is the ratio of nitrogen element between the concentration of converted nitrate and the concentration of NOx within the same grid. PM i b Xb Xy PM i l Xy PMi* XNit PM i r Eqs. (16)–(19) introduces several dimensionless ratios. In order to understand their magnitude, a scale analysis is conducted as follows. For a time step (i.e. Dt or Dx=u) of 1 h, Vd is 6.6E3 m s1, a mean value for fine particle (Tsuang and Chao, 1999), le is set to be 60 m (Tsuang and Chao, 1997), Ky is 10 m2 s1, L is 1.5E4 s1, a mean value for particle (McMahon and Denison, 1979), kSO2 is 5%S h1 and kNOx is 3%N h1 (Kuo et al. 1996) and Dy is 10 km; in rainless conditions (p ¼ 0) Xb is determined to be 72%, XSul is 3.6%, XNit is 2.1%, and Xy is 0.026%; in rainy conditions (p ¼ 1) Xy is determined to be 0.018%, Xb is 52%, XSul is 2.6%, and XNit is 1.5%. Hence we can conclude that Xy 5XSul XNit oXb o1 under both rainless and rainy conditions and horizontal diffusive ratio Xy normally is of three orders of magnitude less than the advective ratio Xb while Dt ¼ 1 h and Dy ¼ 10 km. XSul f q NOx 2.2. Scale analysis SO2 Fig. 1. The diagram of PMi* associated with emission, transformation and transport. XNiti Ti kNOx ð19Þ V i 2Ky 1 u þ pL; dþ 2þ Ti Dx le Dy ð20Þ where f is defined to be the local transfer coefficient (s m1) which converts emission into concentration within the same grid; Xy (dimensionless) is defined to be the horizontal diffusive ratio, which is the ratio between the concentration diffused from an adjacent neighborhood grid in the y-direction to the grid and the concentration of the neighborhood grid; Xb (dimensionless) is defined to be the advective ratio, which is the ratio between the concentration advected from the upwind grid into the grid and the concentration of the upwind grid; XSul (dimensionless) is defined to be the local SO2-sulfate conversion ratio, which is the ratio of sulfur between the concentration of converted sulfate and the concentration of SO2 within the same grid; XNit (dimensionless) is defined to be the local NOx-nitrate PM il ( 0) f0 q0 l Xb0 X y0 PM ic (0) receptor PM il (1) f1 X y1 q1l PM ic (1) Xb0 f 1 q 1c f0 q0c unit capacity 2.3. Trajectory linkage We can extend a single grid (Fig. 1) to linked grids by trajectories as shown in Fig. 2 under the piecewise steady state. The piecewise steady state means that each trajectory grid along a trajectory is under steady state while pollutants arrive at that particular grid but unlike Gaussian-type plume model meteorological conditions are not horizontally homogeneous among grids. Fig. 2 shows a schematic diagram of the developed trajectory model. There are three back trajectories: central left and right. Most Lagrangian box (or column) models consider only a single central trajectory. That is conventionally only pollutants emitted along the central PM il (k ) Xb1 PM il ( 2) f2 left trajectory X y2 q 2l PM ic (2) X b1 f2 fk q kl PM ic (k ) central trajectory fk q kc q 2c right trajectory Fig. 2. Diagram of the developed trajectory model, where ‘‘left’’ or ‘‘right’’ trajectory is according to the receptor’s point of view. 415 B.-J. Tsuang et al. / Atmospheric Environment 36 (2002) 411–419 trajectory will be included in the calculation of concentration at the receptor. However if there is a source lying along the right or the left trajectories with the emission rate of few orders of magnitude higher than those along the central trajectory the contribution from the source can have the same magnitude of impact on the concentration of the receptor. Therefore three back trajectories are designed in this study. In order to quantify the source/receptor relation we introduced two terms: transport ratio Pj ðkÞ (dimensionless) and transfer coefficient tf (s m1). The transport ratio Pj ðkÞ is the fraction of a concentration originating at a grid at time k along the trajectory j and transporting to the receptor at time 0. The transfer coefficient tf (s m1) is defined as the ratio between the contributed concentration DC (mg m3) to the receptor from a ground source and the emission rate of the source q (mg m2 s1) ðtf DC=qÞ: According to Eq. (14) the local transfer coefficient is equal to f : Hence the transfer coefficient tjf ðkÞ at grid k upwind along the trajectory j can be determined by the multiplication of the local transfer coefficient f at grid k and the transport ratio Pj at the grid as tjf ðkÞ ¼ Pj ðkÞf ðkÞ; ð21Þ where the superscript j denotes the trajectory (c for central l for left and r for right trajectories, respectively). The transport ratios Pj ðkÞ of a grid k along the central trajectory the left trajectory and the right trajectory are determined as follows: (1) Central trajectory (j=c). According to Eq. (14) we can determine the transport ratio Pc ðkÞ along the central trajectory for transporting PMi SO2 and NOx as (Fig. 3) Pci ðkÞ ¼ Xbi ðk 1ÞPci ðk 1Þ þ OðXy2 Þ ð22Þ and Pci ð0Þ ¼ 1; ð23Þ where the superscript c denotes the central trajectory and index i represents pollutant PMi SO2 and NOx. Note that OðXy2 Þ is the truncation error term for calculating Pc ðkÞ which neglects that a pollutant can diffuse from the central trajectory to an adjacent trajectory and then diffuse back to the central trajectory or diffuses back and forth several times. Luckily OðXy2 Þ is very small according to the previous scale analysis (E107–108 for Dt ¼ 1 h and Dy ¼ 10 km). For pollutants involving phase transformation such as sulfate from SO2 and nitrate from NO2 we have to consider two routes. First the gaseous pollutants transform to particulate then advect to the downwind grid. Secondly the gaseous pollutants advect to the downwind grid then transform to particles during the route to the receptor. As a result the transport ratios for formation of sulfate and nitrate can be written as j=c phase transformation k grid XSul(k) XNit(k) Concentration Sulfate(k) Nitrate(k) SO2(k) NO2(k) PMi(k) Xb(k-1) phase transformation k-1 grid Concentration Sulfate(k-1) Nitrate(k-1) XSul(k-1) SO2(k-1) XNit(k-1) NO2(k-1) central trajectory PMi(k-1) c Π (k-1) c Π (k) receptor Fig. 3. Relationship of the concentration-transfer ratio Pc ðkÞ along the central trajectory line. PcSuli ðkÞ ¼ XbSO2 ðk 1ÞPcSuli ðk 1Þ þ XSuli ðkÞPcPMi ðkÞ þ OðXy2 Þ ð24Þ PcNiti ðkÞ ¼ XbNOx ðk 1ÞPcNiti ðk 1Þ þ XNiti ðkÞPcPMi ðkÞ þ OðXy2 Þ ð25Þ and PcSuli ð0Þ ¼ XSuli ð0Þ ð26aÞ PcNiti ð0Þ ¼ XNiti ð0Þ; ð26bÞ where the first terms on the right hand side of Eqs. (24)– (25) represent the gaseous pollutants transported to the downwind grid in a gaseous phase and then transformed to particles afterwards. The second terms represents the gaseous pollutants’ transformation to particulate first and then transport to the receptor. (2) Adjacent trajectories ( j ¼l, r). Along the left (right) trajectory similarly transport ratios can be written as (Fig. 4) Pri ðkÞ ¼ Pli ðkÞ ¼ Xyi ðkÞ Pci ðkÞ þ Xbi ðk 1ÞPli ðk 1Þ þ OðXy3 Þ ð27Þ and Pri ð0Þ ¼ Pli ð0Þ ¼ Xyi ð0Þ; ð28Þ where the superscripts r and l denote the right and the left back trajectories, respectively, and index i represents pollutant PMi, SO2 and NOx. The first term on the right 416 B.-J. Tsuang et al. / Atmospheric Environment 36 (2002) 411–419 j=c j=l Concentration Sulfate( k) Nitrate(k) phase transformation k grid SO2(k) NO2 (k) XSul(k) X Nit (k) left trajectory phase transformation k-1 grid PMi (k) phase transformation Xy(k) SO2 (k) NO2 (k) XSul(k) X Nit (k) PMi (k) central trajectory Xb(k-1) Concentration Sulfate( k-1) Nitrate(k-1) XSul(k-1) SO2 (k-1) XNit (k-1) NO2(k-1) Concentration Sulfate( k) Nitrate(k) Πl(k) Π c(k) PM i(k-1) Πl(k-1) receptor Fig. 4. Relationship of the concentration-transfer ratio Pl ðkÞ along the left trajectory line. hand side of Eq. (27) represents the pollutants diffusing to the adjacent grid along the central trajectory and then advecting to the receptor. The second term represents the pollutants advecting one grid downward along the left (right) trajectory first then travel to the receptor. Note that the ratios of Xy Xb XSuli and XNiti along the left and right trajectories are assumed equal to those of the central trajectory. Similarly the gaseous SO2 and NOx in an adjacent trajectory transforming to fine particle while it arrives at the receptor have three paths and can be written as PrSuli ðkÞ ¼ PlSuli ðkÞ ¼ XySO2 ðkÞPcSuli ðkÞ þ XSuli ðkÞPlPMi ðkÞ þ XbSO2 ðk 1ÞPlSuli ðk 1Þ þ OðXy3 Þ PrNiti ðkÞ j¼l;c;r k¼0 ¼ PlNiti ðkÞ þ þ ¼ XyNOx ðkÞPcNiti ðkÞ XNiti ðkÞPlPMi ðkÞ XbNOx ðk 1ÞPlNiti ðk 1Þ ð29Þ þ þ OðXy3 Þ ð30Þ and PrSuli ð0Þ ¼ PlSuli ð0Þ ¼ XySO2 ð0ÞPcSuli ð0Þ þ XSuli ð0ÞPlPMi ð0Þ PrNiti ð0Þ ð31aÞ ¼ PlNiti ð0Þ þ ¼ XyNOx ð0ÞPcNiti ð0Þ XNiti ð0ÞPlPMi ð0Þ; gaseous phase first and then transforming to particles afterwards. The second terms represent the gaseous pollutants transforming to particulate first and then transporting to the receptor. The third terms represent the gaseous pollutants advecting to the downwind grid along the left (right) trajectory in a gaseous phase first and then transforming to particle afterwards. (3) Concentration at the receptor. Finally the steadystate concentration at the receptor C * ð0Þ under the assumption of piecewise steady state along trajectories can be determined by the summation of all the contributed concentrations from the sources along the three trajectories as " n X X PMi * ð0Þ ¼ PjPMi ðkÞfPMi ðkÞqjPMi ðkÞ MðNH4 ÞSO4 Sul j fi PSuli ðkÞfSO2 ðkÞqjSO2 ðkÞ MSO2 MNH4 NO3 Nit j fi PNiti ðkÞfNOx ðkÞqjNOx ðkÞ þ MNOx # þ PcPMi ðn þ 1ÞPMci ðn þ 1Þ þ OðXy2 Þ " n X X tjf PMi ðkÞqjPMi ðkÞ ¼ j¼l;c;r k¼0 MðNH4 Þ2 SO4 Sul j fi tf Suli ðkÞqjSO2 ðkÞ MSO2 # MNH4 NO3 Nit j j fi tf Niti ðkÞqNOx ðkÞ þ MNOx þ ð31bÞ where the first term on the right hand side of the Eqs. (29)–(30) represent the gaseous pollutants diffusing to the adjacent grid along the central trajectory in a þ PcPMi ðn þ 1ÞPMci ðn þ 1Þ þ OðXy2 Þ; ð32Þ 417 B.-J. Tsuang et al. / Atmospheric Environment 36 (2002) 411–419 NOx * ð0Þ ¼ n X X of k upwind to a receptor. The tables show that (1) PcPMc and PcPMf decay exponentially with travel time where PMc and PMf denote particle in coarse radii (2.5–10 mm) and in fine radii (0–2.5 mm) respectively. (2) Transport ratios P are very sensitive to dry deposition velocity. Decreasing dry deposition velocity from 0.66 to 0.1 cm s1 increases PcPMf from 1.1E7 to 5.9% for a travel time of 48 h in comparison between Table 1 and 2. (3) According to Table 1 under rainless conditions the highest values of PcSulf and PcNitf occur at locations where pollutants will arrive at the receptor 2 h later. This means that emissions of SO2 and NOx located at locations of a travel time of 2 h cause the highest concentration levels of sulfate and nitrate at the receptor while dry deposition velocity is 0.66 cm s1. Moreover the highest transport ratio of PcNitf occurs further upwind from at 2 to 12 h upwind to the receptor and the magnitude increases from 3.3% to 18% while the dry deposition velocity decreases from 0.66 to 0.1 cm s1 (Table 1 and 2). A similar conclusion can be made for PcSulf : (4) PcPMf which has a travel time of 24 h, is close to PlPMf which has a travel time of 0 h (Table 1). This means that emissions at adjacent grids near the receptor are equally important to the sources located at 24 h upwind along the central trajectory. (5) Under rainy conditions (Table 3), transport ratios P decrease significantly. For example, PcPMf decreases from 1.81% for locations of the traveling time of 12 h under rainless PjNOx ðkÞfNOx ðkÞqjNOx ðkÞ j¼l;c;r k¼0 þ PcNOx ðn þ 1ÞNOcx ðn þ 1Þ þ OðXy2 Þ n X X ¼ tjf NOx ðkÞqjNOx ðkÞ þ PcNOx ðn þ 1Þ j¼l;c;r k¼0 NOcx ðn þ 1Þ þ OðXy2 Þ; SO2 * ð0Þ ¼ n X X ð33Þ PjSO2 ðkÞfSO2 ðkÞqjSO2 ðkÞ j¼l;c;r k¼0 þ PcSO2 ðn þ 1ÞSOc2 ðn þ 1Þ þ OðXy2 Þ ¼ n X X ð34Þ tjf SO2 ðkÞqjSO2 ðkÞ þ PcSO2 ðn þ 1ÞSOc2 ðn þ 1Þ j¼l;c;r k¼0 þ OðXy2 Þ: In addition, the instantaneous concentration at the receptor Cð0Þ under the assumption of piecewise steady state along trajectories can be determined according to Eqs. (4)–(13). 3. Transport ratios Table 1–3 show typical values of transport ratios Pj ðkÞ of concentrations at locations of the travelling time Table 1 Typical transport ratios Pj ðkÞ under rainless conditions, where Vd for particle in coarse radii (2.5–10 mm) (denoted as PMc ) is set to be a 5E2 m s1, Vd for particle in fine radii (0–2.5 mm) (denoted as PMf) is 6.6E3 m s1 k (h) 0 1 2 3 6 12 24 36 48 PcPMc PcPMf PcSulf PcNitf PlPMf 100.00% 100.00% 3.58% 2.15% 2.58E04 25.00% 71.60% 5.13% 3.08% 3.69E04 6.25% 51.26% 5.51% 3.30% 3.96E04 1.56% 36.70% 5.26% 3.15% 3.78E04 0.02% 13.47% 3.38% 2.03% 2.43E04 0.00% 1.81% 8.44E03 5.07E03 6.08E05 0.00% 3.29E04 2.95E04 1.77E04 2.12E06 0.00% 5.97E06 7.91E06 4.75E06 5.69E08 0.00% 1.08E07 1.90E07 1.14E07 1.37E09 a le is 60 m, Ky is 10 m2 s1, L is 1.5E4 s1, kSO2 is 5% h1, kNOx is 3% h1, Dy 10 km, and k is the travel time (h) to a receptor, where the maximum values are in bold font. Table 2 Typical transport ratios Pj ðkÞ under rainless conditions, where Vd for particle in coarse radii (2.5–10 mm) (denoted as PMc ) is set to be 5E2 m s1, Vd for particle in fine radii (0–2.5 mm) (denoted as PMf) is 1.E3 m s1 a K (h) 0 1 2 3 6 12 24 36 48 PcPMf PcSulf PcNitf PlPMf 100.00% 4.71% 2.83% 3.39E04 94.28% 8.89% 5.33% 6.40E04 88.88% 12.57% 7.54% 9.05E04 83.79% 15.80% 9.48% 1.14E03 70.21% 23.17% 13.90% 1.67E03 49.29% 30.21% 18.12% 2.17E03 24.30% 28.63% 17.18% 2.06E03 11.98% 20.89% 12.53% 1.50E03 5.90% 13.64% 8.18% 9.82E04 a le is 60 m, Ky is 10 m2 s1, L is 1.5E4 s1, kSO2 is 5% h1, kNOx is 3% h1, Dy 10 km, and k is the travel time (h) to a receptor, where the maximum values are in bold font. 418 B.-J. Tsuang et al. / Atmospheric Environment 36 (2002) 411–419 Table 3 Typical transport ratios Pj ðkÞ under rainy conditions, where Vd for particle in coarse radii (2.5–10 mm) (denoted as PMc ) is set to be 5E2 m s1, Vd for particle in fine radii (0–2.5 mm) (denoted as PMf) is 6.6E3 m s1 a K (h) 0 1 2 3 6 12 24 36 48 PcPMf PcSulf PcNitf PlPMf 100.00% 2.58% 1.55% 1.86E04 51.63% 2.67% 1.60% 1.92E04 26.66% 2.06% 1.24% 1.49E04 13.77% 1.42% 8.53E03 1.02E04 1.89% 3.42E03 2.05E03 2.47E05 3.59E04 1.21E04 7.23E05 8.68E07 1.29E07 8.32E08 4.99E08 5.99E10 4.63E11 4.42E11 2.65E11 3.18E13 1.66E14 2.10E14 1.26E14 1.51E16 a le is 60 m, Ky is 10 m2 s1, L is 1.5E4 s1, kSO2 is 5% h1, kNOx is 3% h1, Dy 10 km, and k is the travel time (h) to a receptor, where the maximum values are in bold font. conditions (Table 1) to a value of 0.036% under rainy conditions (Table 3). 4. Conclusion The theory introduced here shows a systematic way to determine transfer coefficients qualitatively and quantitatively in the angular resolution as well as in the radial resolution. The mechanisms of wet scavenging, dry deposition, vertical and horizontal diffusion, and gas-to-particle conversion processes have been included in the determination of transfer coefficients. The idea of determining transfer coefficient by an air quality model is important for the design of a better abatement strategy. Using transfer coefficients has been used for receptor models to determine the least-cost strategies for the reduction of PM concentrations at receptors (Cass and McRae, 1983; Tsuang and Chang, 1997). Sensitive analysis shows that transport ratios for primary pollutants decrease exponentially with travel time. In addition, the value of the ratio is around 1% at a location 2 h upwind with a dry deposition velocity of 5 cm s1 under rainless conditions. This means that only 1% of the concentration at 2 h upwind travels to the receptor under the conditions. The distance increases as the dry deposition velocity decreases. It increases to 12 h upwind as the deposition velocity decreases to 0.66 cm s1, and more than 48 h upwind as the deposition velocity further decreases to 0.1 cm s1. The ratio for nitrate converted from NOx has the highest values of 3% at a location 2 h upwind with a dry deposition velocity of 0.66 cm s1, and of 18% at a location 12 h upwind as the dry deposition velocity decreases to 0.1 cm s1. The ratios for adjacent grids with 10 km apart to the central trajectory are o1%. The ratios for adjacent grids with 20 km apart are o0.01%. A CTx model, based on the theory has been developed. Applying the CTx to a study site is presented in a companion paper. This model is available to the public from ‘‘http://air701.ev.’’ under the General Public License Agreements. 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