2015年3月期 第2四半期決算データブック Data Book ( Second quarter report for fiscal year ending March, 2015) 1.主要利益数値 Review of Profit / Group & AIFUL ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・1p 2.グループ合計営業実績 Review of Operation / Group Total ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・2p 3.グループ合計損益の内訳 Revenues and Expenses / Group Total ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・3p 4.グループ合計資金調達の状況 Funding / Group Total ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・4p 5.グループ合計不良債権の状況 NPL's / Group Total ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・5p 6.アイフル営業実績 Review of Operation / AIFUL ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・6p 7.アイフル損益の内訳 Revenues and Expenses / AIFUL ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・7p 8.アイフル資金調達の状況 Funding / AIFUL ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・8p 9.アイフル貸倒&不良債権 Credit Cost & NPL's / AIFUL ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・9~10p 10.利息返還関連引当金の内訳 Allowances Related to Losses on Interest Repayment / AIFUL ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・11p 11.アイフル無担保ローン債権ポートフォリオ Loan Portfolio / AIFUL ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・12p 12.ライフカード営業実績 Review of Operation / LIFECARD ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・13p 13.ライフカード損益の内訳 Revenues and Expenses / LIFECARD ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・14p 14.グループ経営一覧表 Group Companies Financial Highlights ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・15p アイフル株式会社 AIFUL CORPORATION 1. 主要利益数値 (Review of Profit / Group & AIFUL) (1)連結(Consolidated) 年/決算月(Fiscal Year) 13/3 (12M) 営業収益 (百万円) Operating Revenue (Millions of Yen) 営業費用 (百万円) Operating Expenses (Millions of Yen) 営業利益 (百万円) Operating Income (Millions of Yen) 経常利益 (百万円) Ordinary Income (Millions of Yen) 当期純利益 (百万円) Net Income (Millions of Yen) 総資産 (百万円) Total Assets (Millions of Yen) 純資産 (百万円) Net Assets (Millions of Yen) 一株当たり当期純利益 (円) EPS (Yen) 一株当たり純資産 (円) BPS (Yen) 自己資本比率 (%) Equity Ratio (%) 総資産当期純利益率 (%) ROA (%) 純資産当期純利益率 (%) ROE (%) 99,619 84,900 14,718 17,646 22,705 607,181 105,008 47.21 213.41 16.9 3.6 24.9 13/9 増減率(yoy%) -12.6 -12.9 -10.8 4.8 30.6 -8.7 28.6 - 4.9 1.3 0.2 14/3 増減率(yoy%) (6M) 46,586 34,101 12,485 13,494 19,574 582,711 123,185 40.70 255.69 21.1 6.6 34.6 -8.1 -5.9 -13.7 -3.6 -0.3 -4.8 21.6 -0.3 23.8 4.9 0.5 -9.1 (12M) 91,858 69,360 22,498 24,752 30,461 577,339 133,541 63.34 276.80 23.1 5.1 25.8 14/9 増減率(yoy%) (6M) -7.8 -18.3 52.9 40.3 34.2 -4.9 27.2 34.2 29.7 42,884 36,893 5,991 7,523 7,796 536,790 141,658 16.20 292.52 26.3 2.8 11.3 6.2 1.5 0.9 15/3 (E) 増減率(yoy%) -7.9 8.2 -52.0 -44.2 -60.2 -7.9 15.0 -60.2 14.4 5.2 -3.8 -23.3 (12M) 86,635 74,517 12,118 13,786 14,162 543,461 148,075 29.40 305.43 27.1 2.5 10.1 増減率(yoy%) -5.7 7.4 -46.1 -44.3 -53.5 -5.9 10.9 -53.6 10.3 4.0 -2.6 -15.7 注) 斜体数値は増減数 Notes:Italic Font = Increase or Decrease (2)単体(AIFUL) 年/決算月(Fiscal Year) 13/3 (12M) 営業収益 (百万円) Operating Revenue (Millions of Yen) 営業費用 (百万円) Operating Expenses (Millions of Yen) 営業利益 (百万円) Operating Income (Millions of Yen) 経常利益 (百万円) Ordinary Income (Millions of Yen) 当期純利益 (百万円) Net Income (Millions of Yen) 総資産 (百万円) Total Assets (Millions of Yen) 純資産 (百万円) Net Assets (Millions of Yen) 期末発行済株式総数 (千株) N. of Shares issued (Thousand) 一株当たり当期純利益 (円) EPS (Yen) 一株当たり純資産 (円) BPS (Yen) 自己資本比率 (%) Equity Ratio (%) 総資産当期純利益率 (%) ROA (%) 純資産当期純利益率 (%) ROE (%) 62,310 50,747 11,562 12,095 10,648 466,542 90,410 481,867 22.14 187.85 19.4 2.1 12.5 13/9 増減率(yoy%) -13.7 -18.0 12.5 4.5 -20.6 -12.6 13.4 - 4.4 -0.3 -6.0 14/3 増減率(yoy%) (6M) 30,497 23,319 7,178 9,136 9,735 470,184 100,295 481,867 20.24 208.10 21.3 4.1 20.4 -6.1 12.4 -38.8 -25.5 -46.5 -2.6 2.4 0.0 -46.5 2.2 1.0 -3.0 -20.5 (12M) 59,196 41,331 17,865 22,336 24,045 463,791 114,807 481,867 50.00 237.85 24.7 5.2 23.5 14/9 増減率(yoy%) (6M) -5.0 -18.6 54.5 84.7 125.8 -0.6 27.0 0.0 125.8 26.6 5.3 3.1 11.0 注) 斜体数値は増減数 Notes:Italic Font = Increase or Decrease 当社は2013年10月1日付で普通株式1株につき2株の割合をもって株式分割をしております。2013年3月期期首に当該株式分割が行われたものと仮定して「EPS」「BPS」「発行済株式数」を算定しております。 The Company split each share of common stock into 2 shares effective on October 1, 2013. Therefore per share data and number of shares issued for the FY2012 have been adjusted retrospectively to reflect the stock split. 1 27,912 24,119 3,792 4,723 5,489 430,240 120,581 483,260 11.41 248.82 27.9 2.4 9.3 15/3 (E) 増減率(yoy%) -8.5 3.4 -47.2 -48.3 -43.6 -8.5 20.2 0.3 -43.7 19.6 6.6 -1.7 -11.1 (12M) 55,484 47,070 8,414 10,760 11,594 429,083 126,870 483,260 24.07 261.47 29.4 2.6 9.6 増減率(yoy%) -6.3 13.9 -52.9 -51.8 -51.8 -7.5 10.5 0.3 -51.9 9.9 4.7 -2.6 13.9 2. グループ合計営業実績 ( Review of Operation / Group Total ) (1)営業実績 (Operating Results) 営業債権ベース(Managed Asset Basis) 年/決算月(Fiscal Year) 13/3 会計ベース残高(Off-Balance) 13/9 14/3 増減率(yoy%) 営業債権合計 (百万円) Total Receivable Outstanding (Millions of Yen) Loans Outstanding 営業貸付金残高 増減率(yoy%) 14/9 増減率(yoy%) 増減率(yoy%) 増減率(yoy%) 556,031 -10.1 528,449 -7.4 515,960 -7.2 508,316 -3.8 488,807 -7.5 390,635 -14.1 365,823 -11.4 348,010 -10.9 347,253 -5.1 292,666 -13.2 272,980 -14.4 264,030 -8.5 261,221 -4.3 266,169 0.8 237,819 -9.9 53,147 -21.6 41,267 -35.9 38,043 -28.4 38,043 -28.4 無担保ローン Unsecured 有担保ローン Secured 64,344 -16.6 Small Business 事業者ローン 14/9 53,310 -9.8 48,645 -13.9 45,521 -14.6 43,040 -11.5 16,802 -15.5 割賦売掛金残高 Installment receivable 83,885 4.1 79,691 3.0 85,264 1.6 79,723 0.0 79,723 0.0 支払承諾見返 Credit guarantee 74,440 0.4 75,903 4.5 75,558 1.5 74,803 -1.4 109,881 5.0 その他営業債権 Other 7,070 -16.3 7,030 -6.3 7,126 0.8 6,536 -7.0 6,536 -7.0 887 -21.5 847 -14.3 817 -8.0 818 -3.5 口座数(残高あり) (千件) Customer Accounts (Thousand) 無担保ローン Unsecured 829 -21.9 794 -14.2 768 -7.3 773 -2.6 有担保ローン Secured 22 -19.2 20 -18.5 17 -21.9 15 -22.5 事業者ローン Small Business 35 -11.3 32 -13.6 30 -13.6 29 -11.7 クレジットカード会員数 新規顧客件数 (千件) Credit Card Holders (件) New Accounts 無担保ローン Unsecured 有担保ローン Secured 事業者ローン 新規クレジットカード発券数 (Thousand) 5,811 -8.6 5,786 -5.9 5,818 0.1 5,898 1.9 (Number) 92,629 35.3 59,807 50.0 118,786 28.2 75,653 26.5 87,515 41.8 59,048 58.5 117,008 33.7 74,131 25.5 322 -16.1 54 -66.0 105 -67.4 123 127.8 4,792 -24.4 705 -71.3 1,673 -65.1 1,399 98.4 509 4.8 215 -8.5 483 -5.1 208 -3.5 Small Business (千枚) New Issue of Credit Card (Thousand) (2)社員数(N. of Total Employees) 年/決算月(Fiscal Year) 13/3 13/9 14/3 増減数(yoy) 社員数 (人) N. of Total Employees 正社員数 N. of Employees (regularly payroll) 非正社員数 N. of Employees (temp.) 2,057 14/9 増減数(yoy) 増減数(yoy) -635 2,150 1 2,165 1,437 -461 1,388 -96 620 -174 762 97 2,290 1,369 -68 1,353 -35 796 176 937 175 注:グループ合計のデータのうち、「営業債権ベース」と記されている数値につきましては、債権流動化により会計上はバランスシートから落ちている営業債権をも含めた、「社内管理用の参考数値」です。 Note : The data currently described as "Managed asset basis" among the data of a Group Total is the pro forma amount in which the accounts top also included the operating assets excepted from balance sheet by securitization. 2 増減数(yoy) 108 140 3. グループ合計損益の内訳 (Revenues and Expenses / Group Total ) 会計ベース(Off-Balance) (百万円/ Millions of Yen) 年/決算月(Fiscal Year) 13/3 (12M) 営業収益 営業貸付金利息 Operating revenue Interest on loans to customers 無担保ローン Unsecured 有担保ローン Secured 事業者ローン Small business 信用購入あっせん収益 Revenue from installment receivable 信用保証収益 Revenue from credit guarantee その他の営業収益 Other operating revenue 買取債権回収高 Collection from purchased receivable 償却債権回収額 Recovery of loans previously charged off その他 営業費用 Other Operating expenses 金融費用 Financial expenses 売上原価 Cost of sales 債権買取原価 その他 貸倒関連費用 貸倒損失 利息返還関連費用 利息返還金 その他の営業費用 Cost of purchased receivable Other Credit cost Bad debt write offs Expenses for interest repayment Interest repayments Other operating expenses (SG & A) 広告宣伝費 Advertising expenses 人件費 Personnel expenses その他 営業利益 営業外収益 営業外費用 経常利益 特別利益 特別損失 税引前利益 Other Operating income Non-operating income Non-operating expenses Ordinary income Extraordinary income Extraordinary losses Income before taxes 法人税・住民税及び事業税 Income taxes-current 法人税等調整額 Income taxes-deferred 少数株主利益(損失) 当期純利益 Minority interests in income Net income 99,619 61,607 45,027 8,690 7,889 12,746 4,609 20,656 3,908 10,840 5,907 84,900 6,895 3,200 3,152 48 8,136 40,419 17,296 34,048 49,371 3,813 13,647 31,909 14,718 3,026 98 17,646 6,037 83 23,600 414 28 451 22,705 13/9 増減率 (yoy%) -12.6 -18.9 -20.8 -17.9 -7.5 8.8 -3.9 -3.9 -12.8 -5.2 5.9 -12.9 -27.1 -5.8 -5.7 -9.4 -75.3 -43.5 -41.1 -4.6 57.9 -14.7 -4.4 -10.8 252.8 -81.2 4.8 16.7 -97.9 30.4 72.0 -3.9 30.6 (6M) 46,586 25,843 20,681 3,858 1,303 6,703 4,147 9,892 1,292 5,144 3,455 34,101 3,141 934 879 55 6,599 13,227 14,744 23,424 1,557 6,791 15,076 12,485 1,023 14 13,494 6,398 42 19,850 266 8 19,574 3 14/3 増減率 (yoy%) -8.1 -19.4 -12.2 -15.0 -67.1 9.1 82.2 -3.0 -27.3 -9.2 25.1 -5.9 -12.3 -36.4 -40.2 -11.5 -43.1 -13.7 -1.2 13.1 -2.3 -2.1 -13.7 162.8 -98.3 -3.6 7.0 150.6 -0.5 27.3 -21.0 -0.3 (12M) 14/9 営業債権残高比% (% of total receivables) 91,858 50,577 40,716 7,064 2,796 13,612 7,949 19,718 3,011 9,663 7,044 69,360 5,844 2,361 2,281 80 10,930 25,570 1,885 33,098 48,337 3,293 13,517 31,525 22,498 2,283 30 24,752 6,398 42 31,108 764 -117 30,461 17.1 9.4 7.6 1.3 0.5 2.5 1.5 3.7 0.6 1.8 1.3 12.9 1.1 0.4 0.4 0.0 2.0 4.8 0.4 6.2 9.0 0.6 2.5 5.9 4.2 0.4 0.0 4.6 1.2 0.0 5.8 0.1 5.7 増減率 (yoy%) -7.8 -17.9 -9.6 -18.7 -64.5 6.8 72.5 -4.5 -22.9 -10.9 19.2 -18.3 -15.2 -26.2 -27.6 64.7 34.3 -36.7 -89.1 -2.8 -2.1 -13.6 -0.9 -1.2 52.9 -24.5 -69.1 40.3 6.0 -49.0 31.8 84.4 34.2 (6M) 営業債権残高比% (% of total receivables) 42,884 22,644 18,563 2,853 1,227 6,647 5,141 8,450 925 4,092 3,432 36,893 4,505 664 631 33 7,242 11,662 14,743 24,480 1,762 6,662 16,054 5,991 1,589 56 7,523 645 8,169 354 18 7,796 8.5 4.5 3.7 0.6 0.2 1.3 1.0 1.7 0.2 0.8 0.7 7.3 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.0 1.4 2.3 2.9 4.9 0.4 1.3 3.2 1.2 0.3 0.0 1.5 0.1 1.6 0.1 0.0 1.6 増減率 (yoy%) -7.9 -12.4 -10.2 -26.0 -5.9 -0.8 24.0 -14.6 -28.4 -20.5 -0.6 8.2 43.4 -28.9 -28.1 -40.3 9.7 -11.8 0.0 4.5 13.2 -1.9 6.5 -52.0 55.2 286.1 -44.2 -89.9 -58.8 32.9 105.2 -60.2 4. グループ合計資金調達の状況 (Funding / Group Total ) 営業債権ベース(Managed Asset Basis) (1)形態別調達金額(Amount of Borrowings by Type of Lender) (百万円/ Millions of Yen) 年/決算月(Fiscal Year) 13/3 13/9 14/3 構成比(%) 借入金 274,650 21,128 119,863 15,894 3,945 3,939 18,044 91,834 33,700 33,700 308,350 Borrowings 都市銀行等 City Banks 信託銀行 Trust Banks 地方銀行・第二地方銀行 Regional Banks 保険会社 Insurance companies 外国銀行 Foreign banks 系統金融機関等 Cooperative Financial Ins. シンジケートローン Syndicated Loan その他 Other 社債・流動化 SB & ABS,ABL 普通社債 SB 流動化 ABS, ABL 合 計 Total 89.1 6.9 38.9 5.2 1.3 1.3 5.9 29.8 10.9 10.9 100.0 14/9 構成比(%) 225,814 19,110 71,857 14,851 654 3,546 16,296 99,497 53,750 25,000 28,750 279,565 80.8 6.8 25.7 5.3 0.2 1.3 5.8 35.6 19.2 8.9 10.3 100.0 構成比(%) 228,916 19,080 71,742 14,832 653 3,540 16,270 102,794 51,860 25,000 26,860 280,777 81.5 6.8 25.6 5.3 0.2 1.3 5.8 36.6 18.5 8.9 9.6 100.0 構成比(%) 160,465 7,900 34,800 7,400 7,600 55,000 47,765 108,839 53,800 55,039 269,304 (2)長期・短期別調達金額(Short and Long-term Borrowings) (百万円/ Millions of Yen) 年/決算月(Fiscal Year) 13/3 13/9 14/3 構成比(%) 短期調達 Short-term borrowings 長期調達 Long-term borrowings 固定金利借入 Fixed interest rate borrowings 変動金利借入 Floating interest rate borrowings 社債・流動化 SB & ABS, ABL 普通社債(固定) SB (Fixed interest rate) 流動化(固定) ABS, ABL (Fixed interest rate) 流動化(変動) ABS, ABL (Floating interest rate) 合 計 Total 40,900 267,450 30,922 202,828 33,700 33,700 308,350 13.3 86.7 10.0 65.8 10.9 10.9 100.0 14/9 構成比(%) 47,290 232,275 27,621 150,903 53,750 25,000 28,750 279,565 16.9 83.1 9.9 54.0 19.2 8.9 10.3 100.0 構成比(%) 49,250 231,527 27,591 152,075 51,860 25,000 26,860 280,777 17.5 82.5 9.8 54.2 18.5 8.9 9.6 100.0 構成比(%) 46,190 223,114 6,940 107,335 108,839 53,800 55,039 269,304 (3)調達金利(Funding Rate) 17.2 82.8 2.6 39.9 40.4 20.0 20.4 100.0 (%) 年/決算月(Fiscal Year) 調達金利 59.6 2.9 12.9 2.7 2.8 20.4 17.7 40.4 20.0 20.4 100.0 Funding rate 間接 Indirect 直接 Direct 13/3 13/9 14/3 14/9 2.05 1.99 2.60 2.33 2.00 3.75 2.31 1.98 3.72 3.25 2.29 4.67 ※調達金利=末約定ベース平均表面金利 ※Funding Rate = Interest Rate/Average Borrowing 4 5. グループ合計不良債権の状況(金融庁「4分類」)(Consolidated NPL defined by FSA) 年/決算月(Fiscal Year) (百万円/ Millions of Yen) 13/3 13/9 14/3 /(L) % 期末営業貸付金 (L) Loans outstanding 無担保 Unsecured 有担保 Secured 事業者 4分類開示債権合計 (L) Small business ① NPL total 前年同期比 ① YOY% 破綻先 Loans in legal bankruptcy 延滞債権 Non-accrual loans 3ヶ月以上延滞債権 Loans past due for three months or more 貸出条件緩和債権 うち無担保ローン Restructured loans ② Unsecured Loan 前年同期比 ② YOY% 破綻先 Loans in legal bankruptcy 延滞債権 Non-accrual loans 3ヶ月以上延滞債権 Loans past due for three months or more 貸出条件緩和債権 Restructured loans うち無担保ローン以外 Secured Loan 前年同期比 YOY% 破綻先 Loans in legal bankruptcy 延滞債権 Non-accrual loans 3ヶ月以上延滞債権 Loans past due for three months or more 貸出条件緩和債権 期末貸倒引当金 流動 固定 ※ Restructured loans ③ Allowance for NPL ③ ④ ④ Current assets Fixed assets ※ NPLカバー率(ALL) ③/① Coverage ratio (All) ③/① NPLカバー率(無担保) ④/② Coverage ratio (Unsecured) ④/② ※ ※ 390,635 272,980 64,344 53,310 98,627 -25.2 37,598 36,905 2,610 21,513 35,259 -33.9 160 15,958 1,630 17,511 63,368 -19.2 37,437 20,947 980 4,002 119,427 84,714 34,712 121.1 240.3 25.25 9.62 9.45 0.67 5.51 12.92 0.06 5.85 0.60 6.41 53.86 31.82 17.80 0.83 3.40 - /(L) % 337,073 264,030 53,147 19,895 87,944 -23.2 36,148 31,873 2,714 17,208 29,538 -32.0 153 13,656 1,872 13,855 58,405 -17.8 35,994 18,216 841 3,353 111,436 77,844 33,591 126.7 263.5 26.09 10.72 9.46 0.81 5.11 11.19 0.06 5.17 0.71 5.25 79.96 49.28 24.94 1.15 4.59 - 14/9 /(L) % 348,010 261,221 41,267 45,521 79,222 -19.7 35,134 27,289 2,445 14,352 25,359 -28.1 171 12,167 1,741 11,278 53,863 -15.0 34,963 15,121 703 3,074 102,522 69,540 32,981 129.4 274.2 22.76 10.10 7.84 0.70 4.12 9.71 0.07 4.66 0.67 4.32 62.06 40.29 17.42 0.81 3.54 - 14/9 /(L) % 347,253 266,169 38,043 43,040 73,928 -15.9 34,148 24,872 3,057 11,848 23,809 -19.4 210 11,678 2,584 9,335 50,118 -14.2 33,938 13,194 473 2,513 96,943 64,907 32,036 131.1 272.6 無担保ローン以外の不良債権は主に有担保ローン(不動産担保ローン)となります。融資額が担保価値を上回る部分については、貸倒引当金(固定)を計上しております。 NPLs other than unsecured loans are mainly secured loans. The portion of the loans that exceeds the value of the secured property is booked to the allowance for doubtful accounts (fixed). 破綻先 未収利息不計上貸付金のうち、破産債権、再生債権、更生債権、その他これらに準ずる貸付金 Loans in legal bankruptcy: Loans to borrowers declared bankruptcy, to borrowers under reorganization, or other similar circumstances, which are part of loans exclusive of accrued interest. 延滞債権 その他の未収利息不計上の、5ヶ月以上11ヶ月未満延滞債権(回収専門の管理センターが管理) 但し、債務者の経営再建または支援を図ることを目的として利息の支払いを猶予したものを除く Non-accrual loans: NPL's exclusive of accrued interest. That are past due for over 5 months or more and held by collection department. This category excludes loans on which interest is being waived in support of business restructuring. 3ヶ月以上延滞債権 営業店債権の内、3ヶ月以上5ヶ月未満の延滞債権(未収利息計上) Loans past due for three months or more: NPL's past due for 3 months or more that do not fall into the above two categories. 貸出条件緩和債権 上記以外の当該貸付金の回収を促進することなどを目的に、金利の減免等債務者に 有利となる取決めを行なった貸付金 Restructured loans NPL's, other than those in the above three categories, in which favorable terms, such as the reduction of interest, have been granted with a view to promoting recovery of the loans. 5 会計ベース(Off-Balance) 21.29 9.83 7.16 0.88 3.41 8.95 0.08 4.39 0.97 3.51 61.81 41.86 16.27 0.58 3.10 - /(L) % 292,666 237,819 38,043 16,802 73,928 -15.9 34,148 24,872 3,057 11,848 23,809 -19.4 210 11,678 2,584 9,335 50,118 -14.2 33,938 13,194 473 2,513 25.26 11.67 8.50 1.04 4.05 10.01 0.09 4.91 1.09 3.93 91.38 61.88 24.06 0.86 4.58 6. アイフル営業実績 (Review of Operation / AIFUL) (1)営業実績(Operating Results) 営業債権ベース(Managed Asset Basis) 年/決算月(Fiscal Year) 13/3 会計ベース残高(Off-Balance) 13/9 14/3 増減率(yoy%) 営業債権合計 営業貸付金残高 (百万円) Total Receivable Outstanding Loans Outstanding 無担保ローン Unsecured 有担保ローン Secured 事業者ローン Small Business 支払承諾見返 Credit Guarantee 割賦売掛金残高 Installment Receivable その他 口座数 Other (千件) Customer Accounts 無担保ローン Unsecured 有担保ローン Secured 事業者ローン 新規顧客件数 無担保ローン 実質平均利回り ※ (Millions of Yen) (Thousand) Small Business (件) New Accounts (Number) Unsecured (%) Average Yield ※ (%) 348,352 286,316 224,668 52,708 8,939 51,077 4,432 6,525 631 600 21 8 87,575 87,515 15.0 ※ 実質平均利回り=営業貸付金利息/((営業貸付金期初残高+営業貸付金期末残高)÷2)(%) 注) 斜体数値は増減数 -14.7 -16.9 -15.4 -20.9 -26.9 5.5 -38.5 -19.6 -21.6 -21.6 -20.0 -25.2 38.4 41.8 -0.9 増減率(yoy%) 360,753 268,807 217,405 43,498 7,902 81,938 3,542 6,464 605 578 19 8 59,085 59,048 15.4 -1.6 -11.9 -8.7 -23.0 -23.8 67.5 -35.5 -8.1 -13.0 -12.7 -19.3 -19.6 58.5 58.5 0.2 14/9 増減率(yoy%) 350,680 260,776 216,072 37,610 7,093 80,488 2,845 6,569 589 565 17 7 117,072 117,008 15.4 0.7 -8.9 -3.8 -28.6 -20.7 57.6 -35.8 0.7 -6.5 -6.0 -19.6 -15.0 33.7 33.7 0.4 14/9 増減率(yoy%) 349,128 261,057 221,448 33,163 6,444 79,810 2,267 5,992 598 576 15 6 74,159 74,131 15.2 -3.2 -2.9 1.9 -23.8 -18.4 -2.6 -36.0 -7.3 -1.2 -0.3 -20.2 -16.0 25.5 25.5 -0.2 ※ Average Yield=Interest Income/Average Loans Outstanding (%) Notes:Italic Font = Increase or Decrease (2)チャネル展開(Marketing Channel) 年/決算月(Fiscal Year) 13/3 13/9 14/3 増減数(yoy) ローン事業店舗数 有人店舗 無人店舗 ATM・CDネットワーク 自社ATM 自社ATM以外 (店) Loan Business Branches Staffed Branches Unstaffed Branches (台) AIFUL ATMs and Tie-up CDs AIFUL ATMs Other 保証提携先金融機関 (先) Tie-up banks (Credit Guarantee) 社員数 (人) N. of Total Employees 正社員数 N. of Employees (regularly payroll) 非正社員数 N. of Employees (temp.) 649 25 624 77,025 570 76,455 127 1,258 972 286 26 -3 29 8,582 -33 8,615 10 -341 -368 27 増減数(yoy) 651 25 626 80,364 560 79,804 132 1,307 934 373 24 -1 25 9,543 -28 9,571 7 54 -41 95 6 14/9 増減数(yoy) 703 25 678 82,880 482 82,398 133 1,310 924 386 54 0 54 5,855 -88 5,943 6 52 -48 100 増減数(yoy) 790 25 765 85,200 483 84,717 135 1,370 917 453 139 0 139 4,836 -77 4,913 3 63 -17 80 増減率(yoy%) 329,618 232,707 193,099 33,163 6,444 88,650 2,267 5,992 -8.6 -13.4 -11.2 -23.8 -18.4 8.2 -36.0 -7.3 7. アイフル損益の内訳 (Revenues and Expenses / AIFUL) 会計ベース(Off-Balance) (百万円/ Millions of Yen) 年/決算月(Fiscal Year) 13/3 (12M) 13/9 増減率 (6M) (yoy%) 営業収益 営業貸付金利息 Operating revenue Interest on loans to customers 無担保ローン Unsecured 有担保ローン Secured 事業者ローン 信用保証収益 Small business Revenue from credit guarantee 信用購入あっせん収益 Revenue from installment receivable その他の営業収益 Other operating revenue 償却債権回収額 その他 営業費用 Recovery of loans previously charged off Other Operating expenses 金融費用 Financial expenses 売上原価 Cost of sales 貸倒関連費用 Credit cost 貸倒損失 利息返還関連費用 利息返還金 その他の営業費用 Bad debt write-offs Expenses for Interest repayment Interest repayments Other operating expenses (SG & A) 広告宣伝費 Advertising expenses 人件費 Personnel expenses その他 営業利益 営業外収益 営業外費用 経常利益 特別利益 特別損失 税引前利益 法人税・住民税及び事業税 法人税等調整額 当期純利益 Other Operating income Non-operating income Non-operating expenses Ordinary income Extraordinary income Extraordinary losses Income before taxes Income taxes-current Income taxes-deferred Net income 62,310 47,402 38,125 7,654 1,621 3,214 305 11,387 10,788 599 50,747 5,407 571 34,542 15,877 32,707 28,891 2,615 9,441 16,834 11,562 1,340 807 12,095 6,004 8,815 9,284 -1,393 28 10,648 14/3 増減率 (12M) (yoy%) -13.7 -17.8 -17.8 -19.9 -6.2 5.4 -3.4 2.0 2.5 -7.1 -18.0 -27.1 -97.6 -46.5 -37.8 -4.3 51.1 -11.3 -5.5 12.5 -27.9 42.1 4.5 5.2 129.6 -30.9 -20.6 30,497 21,484 17,495 3,271 717 3,489 111 5,412 5,074 337 23,319 2,381 7,259 11,283 14,079 13,678 1,451 4,744 7,482 7,178 1,970 12 9,136 90 25 9,201 -532 -2 9,735 7 -6.1 -13.4 -12.4 -18.9 -11.1 122.6 -30.0 -8.7 -9.9 14.2 12.4 -15.8 82.0 -45.7 -14.9 -1.9 38.3 0.1 -8.2 -38.8 208.2 -88.4 -25.5 -98.5 -49.5 -46.5 14/9 増減率 (6M) (yoy%) 59,196 42,066 34,472 6,232 1,360 6,654 225 10,250 9,536 714 41,331 4,652 8,579 21,805 31,685 28,100 2,924 9,397 15,778 17,865 4,492 21 22,336 90 25 22,400 -1,677 32 24,045 -5.0 -11.3 -9.6 -18.6 -16.1 107.0 -26.2 -10.0 -11.6 19.3 -18.6 -14.0 -36.9 -3.1 -2.7 11.8 -0.5 -6.3 54.5 235.2 -97.4 84.7 -98.5 -99.7 141.3 12.1 125.8 27,912 18,841 15,589 2,674 578 4,524 76 4,470 3,996 473 24,119 4,058 5,585 9,686 14,054 14,474 1,580 4,560 8,333 3,792 986 55 4,723 320 5,043 -483 38 5,489 営業債権残高比 増減率 (%) (yoy%) 8.2 5.5 4.6 0.8 0.2 1.3 0.0 1.3 1.2 0.1 7.1 1.2 1.6 2.8 4.1 4.3 0.5 1.3 2.4 1.1 0.3 0.0 1.4 0.1 1.5 0.0 1.6 -8.5 -12.3 -10.9 -18.2 -19.5 29.6 -31.7 -17.4 -21.3 40.4 3.4 70.5 -23.1 -14.2 -0.2 5.8 8.9 -3.9 11.4 -47.2 -50.0 350.6 -48.3 254.7 -45.2 -43.6 8. アイフル資金調達の状況 (Funding / AIFUL) (1)形態別調達金額(Amount of Borrowings by Type of Lender) 年/決算月(Fiscal Year) (百万円/ Millions of Yen) 13/3 13/9 14/3 構成比(%) 借入金 都市銀行等 信託銀行 地方銀行・第二地方銀行 保険会社 外国銀行 系統金融機関等 シンジケートローン その他 社債・流動化 普通社債 流動化 合 計 Borrowings City Banks Trust Banks Regional Banks Insurance companies Foreign banks Cooperative Financial Ins. Syndicated Loan Other SB & ABS, ABL SB ABS,ABL Total 198,103 21,128 79,316 15,894 3,945 3,939 18,044 55,834 33,700 33,700 231,803 14/9 構成比(%) 85.5 9.1 34.2 6.9 1.7 1.7 7.8 24.1 14.5 14.5 100.0 181,524 19,110 71,857 14,851 654 3,546 16,296 55,207 25,000 25,000 206,524 87.9 9.3 34.8 7.2 0.3 1.7 7.9 26.7 12.1 12.1 100.0 構成比(%) 181,241 19,080 71,742 14,832 653 3,540 16,270 55,119 25,000 25,000 206,241 87.9 9.3 34.8 7.2 0.3 1.7 7.9 26.7 12.1 12.1 100.0 構成比(%) 113,000 7,900 34,800 7,400 7,600 55,000 300 82,449 53,800 28,649 195,449 (2)長期・短期別調達金額(Short and Long-term Borrowings) 年/決算月(Fiscal Year) (百万円/ Millions of Yen) 13/3 13/9 14/3 構成比(%) 短期調達 長期調達 固定金利借入 変動金利借入 社債 流動化 合 計 Short-term borrowings Long-term borrowings Fixed interest rate borrowings Floating interest rate borrowings SB ABS, ABL Total 231,803 30,922 167,181 33,700 231,803 14/9 構成比(%) 100.0 13.3 72.1 14.5 100.0 3,000 203,524 27,621 150,903 25,000 206,524 1.5 98.5 13.4 73.1 12.1 100.0 構成比(%) 3,000 203,241 27,591 150,650 25,000 206,241 1.5 98.5 13.4 73.0 12.1 100.0 構成比(%) 195,449 6,940 106,060 53,800 28,649 195,449 (3)調達金利(Funding Rate) 100.0 3.6 54.3 27.5 14.7 100.0 (%) 年/決算月(Fiscal Year) 調達金利 間接 直接 57.8 4.0 17.8 3.8 3.9 28.1 0.2 42.2 27.5 14.7 100.0 Funding rate Indirect Direct 13/3 13/9 14/3 14/9 2.21 2.14 2.59 2.19 2.09 2.90 2.18 2.09 2.90 3.50 2.60 4.73 1.15 0.36 0.56 1.30 0.45 0.69 1.20 0.31 0.64 1.15 0.32 0.52 ※調達金利=末約定ベース平均表面金利 ※Funding Rate = Interest Rate/Average Borrowing 《参考》 長期プライムレート 5年スワップレート JGB(10年) (%) Long term prime rate 5Y SWAP rate 10Y JGB 8 9. アイフル貸倒&不良債権 (Credit Cost & NPL's / AIFUL) (1)クレジットコストの状況/年間比較(Credit Cost / YOY%) (百万円/ Millions of Yen) 年/決算月(Fiscal Year) 13/3 13/9 14/3 /(L) % 営業債権合計 (L) Total Receivable Outstanding 期末営業貸付金 Loans outstanding 無担保 Unsecured 有担保 Secured 事業者 Small business 割賦売掛金 Installment receivable 支払承諾見返等 Credit guarantee, etc Allowance for doubtful accounts at the beginning of FY (BS: Current assets) 期初貸倒引当金 (流動) 貸倒発生額合計 ① Total write-offs 増減率 貸倒発生額 ② Write-offs Unsecured 有担保 Secured 事業者 Small business Installment receivable 支払承諾見返等 個別繰入額 Credit guarantee, etc ③ Total provision for specific allowance for doubtful account ※ Provision for specific allowance for ④ doubtful accounts 無担保 Unsecured 有担保 Secured 事業者 Small business 支払承諾見返等 Credit guarantee, etc 増減率 YOY% ②+④ ②+④ 増減率 YOY% Unsecured Secured 支払承諾見返等 貸倒関連費用(営業費用) 期末貸倒引当金(流動) ④ ①+③ 有担保 事業者 ③ ①+③ 無担保 割賦売掛金 ② YOY% 無担保 割賦売掛金 ① YOY% 増減率 個別貸倒引当金繰入 (個別引当) ※ (L) Small business Installment receivable Credit guarantee, etc Credit Cost (PL: Operating Expenses) Allowance for doubtful accounts at the end of FY (BS : Current assets) ※ 個別貸倒引当金繰入=破産更生債権(有担保)+民事再生債権 14/9 /(L) % /(L) % /(L) % 348,352 286,316 224,668 52,708 8,939 4,432 57,603 - 360,753 268,807 217,405 43,498 7,902 3,542 88,403 - 350,680 260,776 216,072 37,610 7,093 2,845 87,058 - 349,128 261,057 221,448 33,163 6,444 2,267 85,803 - 107,400 - 72,949 - 72,949 - 59,234 - 34,542 -46.5 31,132 -45.8 25,136 3,645 2,350 1,327 2,082 9.92 3.13 6.53 6.41 32.30 24.88 2.63 9,686 -14.2 7,596 -21.2 5,673 777 1,146 274 1,815 2.77 3.43 2.13 16.00 11.17 1.41 21,805 -36.9 18,810 -39.6 14,109 2,409 2,291 707 2,287 6.22 11.19 6.92 26.29 29.94 3.62 11,283 -45.7 9,639 -48.3 7,448 926 1,264 395 1,248 2.56 2.34 17.79 12.10 2.12 479 0.14 204 0.06 488 0.14 208 0.06 458 0.16 173 0.06 453 0.17 173 0.07 57 254 147 20 35,021 -53.6 31,591 -53.8 25,194 3,899 2,497 1,327 2,103 571 0.03 0.48 1.64 0.04 10.05 0.02 0.11 1.05 0.04 3.18 6.56 7.14 33.96 24.88 2.67 2.45 47 16 110 34 9,894 -13.9 7,770 -20.8 5,720 793 1,256 274 1,849 5,585 0.02 0.05 1.71 0.04 2.83 3.44 2.24 17.05 11.17 1.45 2.01 59 276 117 34 22,294 -36.3 19,263 -39.0 14,168 2,686 2,409 707 2,322 8,579 0.03 0.74 1.66 0.04 6.36 11.21 7.40 27.94 29.94 3.65 0.16 40 49 82 31 11,487 -45.9 9,812 -48.5 7,489 976 1,347 395 1,279 7,259 2.58 2.39 19.50 12.10 2.16 1.60 72,949 20.94 68,721 19.05 59,234 16.89 54,926 15.73 10.87 11.03 3.59 3.65 ※ Provision for specific allowance doubtful accounts=Loans with legal bankruptcy (secured) +Loans with civil rehabilitation law. 9 7.21 7.39 2.91 2.98 9. アイフル貸倒&不良債権 (Credit Cost & NPL's / AIFUL) (2) 不良債権の状況(金融庁「4分類」)(NPL defined by FSA) (百万円/ Millions of Yen) 年/決算月(Fiscal Year) 13/3 13/9 /(L) % 期末営業貸付金 (L) Loans outstanding 無担保 Unsecured 有担保 Secured 事業者 4分類開示債権合計 (L) Small business ① NPL total 前年同期比 ① YOY% 破綻先 Loans in legal bankruptcy 延滞債権 Non-accrual loans 3ヶ月以上延滞債権 Loans past due for three months or more 貸出条件緩和債権 うち無担保ローン Restructured loans ② Unsecured Loan 前年同期比 ② YOY% 破綻先 Loans in legal bankruptcy 延滞債権 Non-accrual loans 3ヶ月以上延滞債権 Loans past due for three months or more 貸出条件緩和債権 Restructured loans うち無担保ローン以外 Secured Loan 前年同期比 YOY% 破綻先 Loans in legal bankruptcy 延滞債権 Non-accrual loans 3ヶ月以上延滞債権 Loans past due for three months or more 貸出条件緩和債権 期末貸倒引当金 流動 固定 ※ Restructured loans ③ Allowance for NPL ③ ④ ④ Current assets Fixed assets ※ NPLカバー率(ALL) ③/① Coverage ratio (All) ③/① NPLカバー率(無担保) ④/② Coverage ratio (Unsecured) ④/② ※ ※ 286,316 224,668 52,708 8,939 93,039 -24.6 37,516 34,509 1,918 19,094 33,486 -35.5 148 15,528 1,404 16,404 59,552 -16.6 37,367 18,980 514 2,690 109,256 72,949 36,306 117.4 217.8 32.50 13.10 12.05 0.67 6.67 14.90 0.07 6.91 0.63 7.30 96.60 60.62 30.79 0.83 4.36 - 14/3 /(L) % 268,807 217,405 43,498 7,902 82,688 -23.2 36,086 29,418 2,146 15,036 27,734 -33.7 141 13,238 1,649 12,703 54,954 -16.5 35,944 16,179 496 2,332 102,873 68,721 34,151 124.4 247.8 30.76 13.42 10.94 0.80 5.59 12.76 0.07 6.09 0.76 5.84 106.91 69.93 31.48 0.97 4.54 - /(L) % 260,776 216,072 37,610 7,093 74,310 -20.1 35,100 25,255 1,900 12,053 23,425 -30.0 158 11,764 1,561 9,941 50,885 -14.6 34,942 13,491 339 2,112 91,446 59,234 32,211 123.1 252.9 無担保ローン以外の不良債権は主に有担保ローン(不動産担保ローン)となります。融資額が担保価値を上回る部分については、貸倒引当金(固定)を計上しております。 NPLs other than unsecured loans are mainly secured loans. The portion of the loans that exceeds the value of the secured property is booked to the allowance for doubtful accounts (fixed) 10 14/9 28.50 13.46 9.68 0.73 4.62 10.84 0.07 5.44 0.72 4.60 113.83 78.16 30.18 0.76 4.72 - 会計ベース(Off-Balance) 14/9 /(L) % 261,057 221,448 33,163 6,444 69,307 -16.2 34,117 22,836 2,745 9,607 21,701 -21.8 196 11,250 2,339 7,913 47,606 -13.4 33,920 11,586 406 1,693 86,326 54,926 31,400 124.6 253.1 26.55 13.07 8.75 1.05 3.68 9.80 0.09 5.08 1.06 3.57 120.19 85.64 29.25 1.03 4.28 - /(L) % 232,707 193,099 33,163 6,444 69,307 -16.2 34,117 22,836 2,745 9,607 21,701 -21.8 196 11,250 2,339 7,913 47,606 -13.4 33,920 11,586 406 1,693 29.78 14.66 9.81 1.18 4.13 11.24 0.10 5.83 1.21 4.10 120.19 85.64 29.25 1.03 4.28 10. 利息返還関連引当金の内訳 (Allowances Related to Losses on Interest Repayment) (1)単体の利息返還に関する引当金内訳 (Breakdown of Allowances Related to Losses on Interest Repayment / Non-Consolidated) (百万円/ Millions of Yen) 13/9 年/決算月(Fiscal Year) 14/3 利息返還 損失引当金 貸倒引当金 (債権放棄引当金) Allowance for losses on interest repayments Allowance for doubtful accounts (Applied to the principal) 14/9 合計 利息返還 損失引当金 貸倒引当金 (債権放棄引当金) Total Allowance for losses on interest repayments Allowance for doubtful accounts (Applied to the principal) 合計 利息返還 損失引当金 貸倒引当金 (債権放棄引当金) 合計 Total Allowance for losses on interest repayments Allowance for doubtful accounts (Applied to the principal) Total 期首引当金残高 Allowance (Beginning) 85,565 42,825 128,390 85,565 42,825 128,390 53,879 35,290 89,170 発生額・取崩額 Reversal 14,079 3,219 17,298 31,685 7,535 39,220 14,054 2,870 16,925 繰入額(戻入額) Provisions(Returned) 期末引当金残高 Allowance (End) 71,485 39,606 - - 111,091 53,879 35,290 89,170 - - - 39,825 32,419 72,245 (2)連結の利息返還に関する引当金内訳 (Breakdown of Allowances Related to Losses on Interest Repayment / Consolidated) (百万円/ Millions of Yen) 13/9 年/決算月(Fiscal Year) 14/3 利息返還 損失引当金 貸倒引当金 (債権放棄引当金) Allowance for losses on interest repayment Allowance for doubtful accounts (Applied to the principal) 42,825 期首引当金残高 Allowance (Beginning) 91,421 発生額・取崩額 ※ Reversal ※ 14,907 繰入額(戻入額) Provisions(Returned) 期末引当金残高 Allowance (End) 76,513 利息返還 損失引当金 貸倒引当金 (債権放棄引当金) Total Allowance for losses on interest repayment Allowance for doubtful accounts (Applied to the principal) 91,421 42,825 33,424 7,535 134,247 3,219 - 18,126 - 39,606 14/9 合計 116,120 1,885 59,881 35,290 ※ 連結利息返還損失の発生額・取崩額には、「ライフカード」の債権放棄分として、2014年3月期・第2四半期162百万円、2014年3月期326百万円、2015年3月期・第2四半期153百万円が含まれております。 Doubtful accounts reversal of LIFECARD is included in reversal of Interest repayment (162 million yen in 2Q of FY2014/3, 326 million yen in FY2014/3 and 153 million yen in 2Q of FY2015/3). 11 合計 利息返還 損失引当金 貸倒引当金 (債権放棄引当金) 合計 Total Allowance for losses on interest repayment Allowance for doubtful accounts (Applied to the principal) Total 134,247 59,881 35,290 95,172 40,959 14,897 2,870 17,768 1,885 - - - 95,172 44,984 32,419 77,404 11. アイフル無担保ローン債権ポートフォリオ (Loan Portfolio / AIFUL) (1)貸付利率別残高構成(Breakdown By Interest Rate) 年/決算月(Fiscal Year) 13/9 件数 / Account 貸付利率/ Interest Rate 千件/Thousand 161 329 0 86 578 =<15.0% 15.0%< =<18.0% 18.0%< =<20.0% 20.0%< 合計 (Total) 14/3 残高/ Loan Balance 構成比(%) 百万円/ Million 28.0 57.0 0.1 14.9 100.0 119,270 69,276 1,081 27,777 217,405 件数 / Account 構成比(%) 千件/Thousand 54.9 31.9 0.5 12.8 100.0 14/9 残高/ Loan Balance 160 337 0 67 565 構成比(%) 百万円/ Million 28.3 59.7 0.1 11.9 100.0 118,798 73,817 907 22,548 216,072 件数 / Account 構成比(%) 55.0 34.2 0.4 10.4 100.0 千件/Thousand 158 362 0 54 576 残高/ Loan Balance 構成比(%) 百万円/ Million 27.5 63.0 0.1 9.4 100.0 118,581 83,192 779 18,895 221,448 構成比(%) 53.5 37.6 0.4 8.5 100.0 (2)貸付金額別残高構成(Breakdown By Amount) 年/決算月(Fiscal Year) 13/9 件数 / Account 千円/ Thousands of yen 千件/Thousand =<100 100< =<200 200< =<300 300< =<400 400< =<500 500< =<1,000 1,000< 合計 (Total) 14/3 残高/ Loan Balance 202 82 64 46 68 60 52 578 構成比(%) 35.1 14.2 11.2 8.1 11.9 10.4 9.1 100.0 百万円/ Million 12,494 12,459 16,495 16,311 31,902 45,423 82,317 217,405 件数 / Account 構成比(%) 千件/Thousand 5.7 5.7 7.6 7.5 14.7 20.9 37.9 100.0 195 73 64 44 73 62 50 565 12 14/9 残高/ Loan Balance 構成比(%) 34.6 13.1 11.3 7.9 13.0 11.1 9.0 100.0 百万円/ Million 11,880 11,242 16,451 15,679 34,100 47,259 79,457 216,072 件数 / Account 構成比(%) 5.5 5.2 7.6 7.3 15.8 21.9 36.8 100.0 千件/Thousand 197 69 66 45 82 65 50 576 残高/ Loan Balance 構成比(%) 34.2 12.1 11.5 7.8 14.3 11.3 8.7 100.0 百万円/ Million 12,009 10,662 17,153 15,889 38,467 49,333 77,932 221,448 構成比(%) 5.4 4.8 7.7 7.2 17.4 22.3 35.2 100.0 12. ライフカード営業実績 (Review of Operation / LIFECARD) (1)営業実績(Operating Results) 営業債権ベース (Managed Asset Basis) 年/決算月(Fiscal Year) 13/3 13/9 14/3 営業債権合計 (百万円) Total Receivable Outstanding 割賦売掛金 Installment receivable 営業貸付金 Loans (Cash advance) 支払承諾見返 Credit guarantee その他営業債権 有効カード会員数 (千人) -0.6 8.2 -9.0 -9.3 64.2 146,161 76,148 46,731 22,715 565 -0.2 5.9 -7.4 -4.2 20.2 150,228 82,418 45,322 21,931 556 -1.0 3.7 -6.3 -6.1 2.0 144,236 77,455 45,006 21,230 543 -1.3 1.7 -3.7 -6.5 -3.9 (Thousand) 5,811 2,020 3,790 509 138 370 496,087 455,181 40,906 17.5 -8.6 -18.8 -2.0 - 5,786 1,958 3,827 215 54 161 259,789 239,439 20,349 18.1 -5.9 -17.0 1.1 -8.5 -20.3 -3.6 8.9 9.8 -1.2 5,818 1,910 3,907 483 122 361 539,050 498,756 40,294 18.2 0.1 -5.4 3.1 -5.1 -12.1 -2.5 8.7 9.6 -1.5 5,898 1,878 4,020 208 54 153 283,655 263,066 20,588 18.2 1.9 -4.1 5.1 -3.5 0.0 -4.6 9.2 9.9 1.2 Number of card holders Proper 提携 Affinity (千枚) プロパー Number of new issue (Thousand) Proper 提携 買上実績 増減率(yoy%) 151,735 79,452 48,375 23,362 545 Credit card プロパー 新規発行数 増減率(yoy%) (Millions of Yen) Other クレジットカード 14/9 増減率(yoy%) 増減率(yoy%) Affinity (百万円) 包括信用購入斡旋 Purchase Results (Millions of Yen) Shopping キャッシング Cashing 実質平均利回り Average Yield 注) 斜体数値は増減数 0.4 1.0 0.8 0.1 Notes:Italic Font = Increase or Decrease (2)チャネル展開(Marketing Channel) 年/決算月(Fiscal Year) 13/3 13/9 14/3 増減数(yoy) 保証提携数 (先) Tie-up Banks 社員数 (人) N. of Total Employees 正社員数 (人) N. of Employees (regularly payroll) 非正社員数 (人) N. of Employees (temp.) 127 700 386 314 3 -247 -45 -202 13 14/9 増減数(yoy) 126 764 394 370 2 -4 -5 1 増減数(yoy) 128 775 386 389 1 75 0 75 増減数(yoy) 128 844 386 458 2 80 -8 88 13. ライフカード損益の内訳 (Revenues and Expenses / LIFECARD) (百万円/ Millions of Yen) 会計ベース(Off-Balance) 年/決算月(Fiscal Year) 営業収益 Operating revenue 信用購入あっせん収益 Installment receivable 営業貸付金収益 Loans (Cash advance) 信用保証収益 Revenue from Credit guarantee その他 営業費用 Other operating revenue Operating expenses 金融費用 Financial expenses 貸倒関連費用 Credit cost 利息返還関連費用 Expenses for interest repayment その他の営業費用 Other operating expenses (SG&A) 広告宣伝費 Advertising expenses 人件費 Personnel expenses その他 Other 営業利益 営業外収益 営業外費用 経常利益 特別利益 特別損失 税引前利益 法人税・住民税及び事業税 法人税等調整額 当期純利益 Operating income Non-operating income Non-operating expenses Ordinary income Extraordinary income Extraordinary losses Income before taxes Income taxes-current Income taxes-deferred Net income 13/3 13/9 (12M) (6M) 26,332 12,440 6,904 1,394 5,593 23,647 936 2,615 1,419 18,675 750 3,775 14,149 2,685 2,249 8 4,926 32 27 4,930 1,611 3,319 14/3 増減率 (yoy%) 13,551 6,591 3,190 657 3,111 10,878 845 868 9,164 75 1,888 7,200 2,672 739 0 3,411 28 4 3,434 540 11 2,883 14 5.3 10.2 -10.7 -7.3 19.7 0.2 77.4 -45.5 4.3 -28.9 -4.3 7.4 32.9 -99.9 187.5 -69.4 193.3 152.6 (12M) 27,346 13,387 6,260 1,295 6,403 25,934 1,959 2,997 1,885 19,092 284 3,831 14,976 1,411 1,813 6 3,219 28 4 3,243 1,228 -404 2,418 14/9 増減率 (yoy%) 3.8 7.6 -9.3 -7.1 14.5 9.7 109.2 14.6 32.8 2.2 -62.1 1.5 5.8 -47.4 -19.4 -20.3 -34.6 -12.7 -83.3 -34.2 -23.7 -27.1 (6M) 営業債権残高比% (% of total receivables) 13,339 6,571 2,987 617 3,163 12,206 1,104 1,562 9,539 124 1,923 7,491 1,133 1,470 0 2,603 322 2,926 871 -54 2,110 9.1 4.5 2.0 0.4 2.1 8.3 0.8 1.1 6.5 0.1 1.3 5.1 0.8 1.0 0.0 1.8 0.2 2.0 0.6 1.4 増減率 (yoy%) -1.6 -0.3 -6.4 -6.1 1.7 12.2 30.6 79.9 4.1 65.3 1.8 4.0 -57.6 99.0 7.5 -23.7 -14.8 61.2 -26.8 14. グループ経営一覧表 (Group Companies Financial Highlights) (百万円/ Millions of Yen) 13/3 13/9 14/3 増減率(yoy%) 営業債権残高合計 ※1 Total receivable outstanding ※1 増減率(yoy%) 14/9 構成比(%) 増減率(yoy%) 構成比(%) 増減率(yoy%) 556,031 -10.1 528,449 -7.4 515,960 100.0 -7.2 508,316 100.0 -3.8 アイフル AIFUL 348,352 -14.7 360,753 -1.6 350,680 68.0 0.7 349,128 68.7 -3.2 ライフカード LIFECARD 151,735 -0.6 146,161 -0.2 150,228 29.1 -1.0 144,236 28.4 -1.3 ビジネクスト BUSINEXT 55,943 -2.5 50,285 -12.5 41,911 8.1 -25.1 41,190 8.1 -18.1 営業収益 ※2 Total operating revenue ※2 99,619 -12.6 46,586 -8.1 91,858 100.0 -7.8 42,884 100.0 -7.9 アイフル AIFUL 62,310 -13.7 30,497 -6.1 59,196 64.4 -5.0 27,912 65.1 -8.5 ライフカード LIFECARD 26,332 - 13,551 5.3 27,346 29.8 3.8 13,339 31.1 -1.6 ビジネクスト BUSINEXT 7,391 -0.6 1,227 -66.9 2,366 2.6 -68.0 860 2.0 -29.9 17,646 4.8 13,494 -3.6 24,752 100.0 40.3 7,523 100.0 -44.2 経常利益 ※2 Total ordinary income ※2 アイフル AIFUL 12,095 4.5 9,136 -25.5 22,336 90.2 84.7 4,723 62.8 -48.3 ライフカード LIFECARD 4,926 - 3,411 187.5 3,219 13.0 -34.6 2,603 34.6 -23.7 ビジネクスト BUSINEXT 1,285 14.9 29 -93.0 -390 - - 215 2.9 625.2 22,705 30.6 19,574 -0.3 30,461 100.0 34.2 7,796 100.0 -60.2 10,648 -20.6 9,735 -46.5 24,045 78.9 125.8 5,489 70.4 -43.6 当期純利益 ※2 Total net income ※2 アイフル AIFUL ライフカード LIFECARD 3,319 - 2,883 152.6 2,418 7.9 -27.1 2,110 27.1 -26.8 ビジネクスト BUSINEXT 1,129 3.0 -200 - -541 - - 224 2.9 - ※1 営業債権ベース (Managed Asset Basis) ※2 会計ベース (Off-Balance) 15
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