AALS Sabbatical Questionnaire Law School Name__________________________________________ Date_____________________________ Name and Position of Person Completing Questionnaire_____________________________________________ Email_________________________________________ Phone_______________________________________ This questionnaire seeks information relevant to the core values of the AALS that will assist the AALS reporter, Membership Review Committee, and Executive Committee in the membership review process. At least twenty (20) days before the site visit, please send the reporter your questionnaire. Please also send a paper copy to: AALS Membership Review, 1614 20th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20009. Include electronic copies of your AALS questionnaire and ABA SEQ (including all attachments), or submit those to [email protected]. If you have any questions, please contact Barbara Studenmund, AALS Membership Review Coordinator, at [email protected] or (202) 296-6474. A. Faculty Scholarship 1. Please indicate the number of current, full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty _____ as well as the number of other full-time faculty who are expected to produce scholarship _____. Please complete the following chart indicating the number of scholarly publications in the three preceding years (either the past three calendar or academic years, whichever you prefer) for faculty who are expected to produce scholarship. Types of scholarly publications Law review articles or book chapters Books Number of full-time tenured, tenure-track, and other full-time faculty publishing each type during the 3 preceding years 2. Please complete the attached faculty profile. List all current, full-time faculty. This will be Appendix A. Be sure to provide the titles, citations, and publication dates either in the Profile Chart, or in a separate faculty publication list. Please list publications only for the most recent three-year period. 3. How many tenured faculty_____, or untenured, tenure-track faculty ____, or other full-time faculty with writing obligations _____, have not published any scholarship in the past three years? 4. Please separately list the full-time faculty who in the last five years (1) have been appointed to your faculty and (2) have retired or resigned from your faculty, indicating the gender and race of each faculty member listed. This will be Appendix B. 5. Describe or attach your school’s policy with respect to scholarly productivity, including to whom it applies and any specific expectations, e.g. at least one major article or book chapter every two years. If there is no written policy, please describe how scholarly expectations are communicated to faculty. This will be Appendix C. 6. Describe the steps you take to mentor new faculty. This will be Appendix D. 7. Describe the programs you have in place to encourage faculty scholarship, e.g. research assistants, opportunities for faculty to present works in progress, etc. Please indicate if you have added or changed any of these programs since the last membership review. This will be Appendix E. 1 This questionnaire is available online: http://www.aals.org/about_mrc.php AALS Sabbatical Questionnaire B. Teaching 1. Describe the normal teaching load for full-time faculty. If the teaching load varies for different faculty, e.g. tenured, tenure track, clinicians, LRW, please describe the differences. Also describe the steps you take to evaluate the teaching quality of individual faculty. This will be Appendix F. 2. What programs or services do you offer to assist faculty in improving their teaching? This will be Appendix G. 3. Please review the “Course Hours Summary” chart produced as part of the ABA Site Evaluation Questionnaire (SEQ). If the data on the “Course Hours Summary” chart shows that no more than one-third of the credit hours (not “courses”) offered in each division of each regular term (excluding limited program summer terms) are taught by part-time faculty, simply attach a copy of the SEQ “Course Hours Summary” chart as Appendix H. If the Course Hours Summary chart from the ABA SEQ shows that more than one-third of the credit hours (not “courses”) in any division of any regular term are taught by part-time faculty, please fill out the chart below to show compliance with Bylaw 6-4.d in each division (if you have multiple divisions), or whichever column is appropriate if you have a single division program. Note that this chart requests student contact hour data in contrast to the ABA SEQ chart, which reports course and credit hour data. Please complete a separate chart for each of the three most recent terms (excluding limited program summer terms) for which data is available. This will be Appendix I. Part-Time Faculty Usage Chart _____ Term _____ Year Full-time Division (1) Number & Percent of Student Contact Hours Part-time Division(s) or Program(s)* (2) Number & Percent of Student Contact Hours Full-time Faculty Deans, Librarians & Administrators Part-time Faculty TOTAL Definitions: 1. The number of "academic credit hours" in a semester is defined as the total of course credits for all courses offered in that semester. 2. The number of student contact hours is defined as the number of academic credit hours multiplied by the number of students enrolled in each course. 3. If a course has multiple sections, each section is a separate course, except that, if a full-time faculty member teaches a subject by supervising sections taught by part-time faculty, the sections taught by part-time faculty are not individually counted and the full-time faculty member is considered to be teaching one course. If neither the credit hours offered nor the student contact hours provided meet the Bylaw requirements, you may submit data demonstrating compliance in an alternative manner. If you select the third option, be specific about the method used and provide reasons that show it is as reliable as the two traditional methods for demonstrating that faculty offered two-thirds of instruction. This will be Appendix J. 2 This questionnaire is available online: http://www.aals.org/about_mrc.php AALS Sabbatical Questionnaire C. Curriculum 1. Please describe in 1500 words or less significant changes, if any, to your curriculum since the last site visit, e.g. a change in courses required for graduation. This will be Appendix K. 2. Please describe in 1500 words or less significant curricular innovations (maximum of three), if any, made since the last site visit, e.g. a new clinic or methods of pedagogy. This will be Appendix L. D. Nondiscrimination and Diversity 1. Does the school have a written policy that complies with Bylaw 6-3.a (nondiscrimination in internal matters including applicants, students, staff and faculty)? (Please answer yes or no) _______ Please attach copies of all nondiscrimination policies as they appear in printed and on-line communications, e.g. admissions materials, school promotion documents, etc., and indicate where they appear. This will be Appendix M. 2. Attach the completed charts from the most recent ABA annual questionnaire that provide (1) JD enrollment by race and gender; (2) non-JD enrollment by race and gender; and (3) minority admissions and first-year class profile. These reports can be found in the ABA Annual Questionnaire, Part II, Section 1, Admissions and Part II, Section 2, Student Body. This will be Appendix N. 3. Please attach a copy of the “Attrition” pages of the current ABA Annual Questionnaire showing the number and percent of students who left school for academic or other reasons (Enrollment, Section 4 Attrition). This will be Appendix O. 4. Please report the gender and ethnicity of all full-time employees who are classified as exempt staff as defined by the Fair Labor Standards Act, as well as any nonexempt staff who have significant contact with students. Do not include full time faculty members. Please use the following chart (add rows as needed). This will be Appendix P. Title (do not include names) Gender Ethnicity 5. Does the school require all employers receiving any form of placement assistance to give written assurances of compliance with a nondiscrimination policy that meets the requirements of Bylaw 6-3.b and Executive Committee Regulation 6-3.2? (Please answer yes or no) _________ Please attach copies of the nondiscrimination policy and other relevant documents used in obtaining assurances. This will be Appendix Q. 6. Are employers who discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation permitted to receive any form of placement assistance? (Please answer yes or no) ______ If yes, please explain in a separate document. This will be Appendix R. 3 This questionnaire is available online: http://www.aals.org/about_mrc.php AALS Sabbatical Questionnaire Appendices to Completed Questionnaire A. Faculty Profile B. List of faculty who were appointed and those who have retired or resigned during the past 5 years. C. Scholarship Policy/Policies D. Faculty Mentoring Program E. Programs to Encourage Scholarship F. Teaching Evaluation Policies and Procedures G. Programs to Improve Teaching H. Course Hours Summary I. Student Contact Hours J. Alternative Data Demonstrating Compliance with Bylaw 6-4.d and ECR 6-4.1 K. Curricular Changes L. Curricular Innovations M. Nondiscrimination Policy N. Student Demographics O. Student Attrition Data P. Staff Demographics Q. Employer Assurance R. If Applicable May 2014 N:\AALS site questionnaires\AALS Questionnaire.docx Mail hard copy to: AALS Membership Review 1614 20th Street, NW Washington, DC 20009 4 This questionnaire is available online: http://www.aals.org/about_mrc.php AALS Sabbatical Questionnaire Faculty Profile Instructions: List all current full-time faculty, and include scholarship published in the past three years (either academic or calendar years; which you prefer). Group faculty by responsibilities (1) Those with Writing Responsibilities or (2) Faculty with No Writing Responsibilities. Specify the type of publication (e.g. law review article, book, book chapter, etc, and include title, citation, and date of each publication.). Also please indicate in the notes section if there is no, or limited (e.g. no post-tenure expectation), scholarly publication expectation for the faculty member. Include faculty who have not published in the 3 years and indicate other ways they contributed to the law school in the notes. Name i Gender Ethnicity Statusi Publications (group publications by type: articles in law reviews, scholarly books, articles in bar journals, and book contributions) Status includes title, tenured, tenure-track, clinical, legal writing, and other (please specify). 5
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