SERVICES PÉDAGOGIQUES PEDAGOGICAL SERVICES MEMORANDUM DATE: November 18, 2014 À/TO: Principals of Secondary Schools OBJET/RE: January Supplemental Examinations January 12 to 16, 2015 ______________________________________________________________________________ The Pedagogical Services Department is offering Supplemental examinations in certain subjects during the week of January 12 to 16, 2015. Attached you will find all pertinent information. Students wishing to rewrite any of these examinations should contact Athina Galanogeorgos at 514-483-7200 Ext. 7459 to register before December 10, 2014. Thank you for your attention to this matter. A. Furfaro Director of Pedagogical Services AF/AG/gm Enclosures January Supplemental examinations offered January 12th to January 16th, 2015 Dear Parents and Students, The Ministry of Education (MELS) organizes January Supplemental exams for students who failed or who scored low results on one or more of their June examinations. Students, who register with their Guidance Counselor or with the English Montreal School Board, are allowed to write one or more Supplemental exams to improve their results and hopefully obtain the necessary credits to graduate from high school. January Supplemental exams are available for the following subjects: Students must register for these exams prior to the exam dates scheduled from January 12th to 16th 2015. EXAMS OFFERED FOR SECONDARY IV History & Citizenship Histoire & Éducation à la citoyenneté Mathematics, Cultural, Social and Tech. Mathematics, Technical and Sc. Option Mathematics, Science Option Science and Technology Applied Science and Technology Environmental Science and Technology C1 and C2 C1 and C2 C1 and C2 C1 and C2 C1 and C2 587-404 087-404 563-410; 563-420 564-410; 564-420 565-410; 565-420 555-410; 555-420 557-410; 557-420 558-404 EXAMS OFFERED FOR SECONDARY V English Language Arts (All volets) Français, tâche d’écriture 506 Français, langue seconde (All volets) Mathematics, Cultural, Social and Tech. C1 and C2 Mathematics, Technical and Sc. Option C1 and C2 Mathematics, Science Option C1 and C2 Physics Chemistry 612-520; 612-530 132-520 634-510 563-510 564-510 565-510 553-504 551-504 Please contact your high school guidance counselor if you wish to write at your school or Athina Galanogeorgos if you wish to write at the English Montreal School board at (514) 483-7200 ext. 7459. The EMSB and MELS wishes all students applying for the January Supplemental exams continued success with their studies. Alessandra Furfaro Director of Pedagogical Services AF/gm November 5, 2014 (Annex D) INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES SUPPLEMENTAL EXAMINATIONS JANUARY 12 – 16, 2015 1. Students must present a photo ID (e.g., school ID, bus pass or Medicare Card) to be admitted to the examination. The ID is to be left on the student's desk throughout the examination. 2. Students who arrive more than 30 minutes late for an examination will not be permitted to take the examination, however, for Français, langue seconde, interaction orale (634-510) and Français, langue seconde, compréhension orale et écrite (634-520) students must be on time. 3. Textbooks and examination materials such as pens, HB pencils (for use on computerized answer sheet) and calculators are not supplied by the Examination Centre. Candidates must make their own arrangements for textbooks with their home school. 4. All texts, papers, and materials, other than those authorized in the instructions to candidates on the examination cover, are to be left in a designated area at the front of the examination room. 5 Results of the examination(s) will be mailed by the MELS to students and to schools they regularly attend, beginning mid-February 2015. 6. Students will be able to apply for a re-read of an examination through Pedagogical Services. 7. a. The cost per examination is $ 50.00 payable by certified cheque or money order made to the order of EMSB (English Montreal School Board); b. For ELA and FLS, the cost is $125 for the 3 competencies; c. For Math and Science, the cost is $75 for the 2 competencies. 8. Marks will be reported by the MELS beginning of February 2015. 9. No refunds will be made after December 11, 2014. 10. All cellular phones, pagers, messaging devices, with the exception of scientific calculators or graphing calculators are prohibited in the examination room. Any student in the possession of any of these electronic communication devices during an examination will be expelled from the room resulting in automatic failure on that examination. 11. All examinations with the exception of schools that will administer their own exams for semester courses will be held at: 6000 Fielding Avenue EMSB Administration Building Bus 51, 66 AF/gm November 6, 2014 (Annex F) SUPPLEMENTAL EXAMINATIONS JANUARY 12 – 16, 2015 - REGISTRATION FORM Student's Name:______________________Home Phone #:_____________Cell Phone #:_____________ PART A: QPC: ____________________________ Current School 2014-2015___________________________ School Attended 2013- 2014 ________________________________ School Code [_________] Family Name: _____________________________ First Name: ______________________ Civic Number: __________ Street:_____________________________ City: _____________________ Postal Code:______________ Apt.:______ PART B: Put a check () beside the examinations for which you wish to register. () Exam Code June Mark () SECONDARY IV EXAMS Mathematics CS&T C1 C2 563-414 Mathematics T&S C1 C2 564-426 Mathematics SN C1 C2 565-426 Science & Tech 563-410 563-420 564-410 564-420 565-410 565-420 C1 Exam Code June Mark SECONDARY V EXAMS ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 555-444 C1 C2 555-410 555-420 Applied Science & Tech. 557-416 C1 C2 557-410 557-420 ______ ______ Environ. Science & Tech 558-404 _____ History & Citizenship 587-404 _____ Histoire & Éduc. à la Cit. 087-404 _____ ______ ______ No. of exams x $50 = ______________ Payable to EMSB E.L.A. 612-536 E.L.A Talk E.L.A Reading E.L.A Writing 612-510 612-520 612-530 ______ ______ ______ Français écriture 506 132-520 _____ Français langue seconde Interaction orale Compréhension orale et écrite Production écrite 634-504 Mathematics CS&T C1 C2 563-504 Mathematics T&S C1 C2 564-506 Mathematics SN C1 C2 565-506 634-510 634-520 634-530 563-510 563-520 564-510 564-520 565-510 565-520 ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Chemistry 504 551-504 _____ Physics 504 553-504 _____ Money Order Certified Cheque Cash *French 504 and ELA 536 = $125 maximum for 2 volets or more. *Secondary 4 & 5 Mathematics and Secondary 4 Science = $75 for 2 volets. Be sure to issue the following documents to the candidate 1. Exam Schedule 2. Information for Candidates 3. Receipt 4. Oral Interview time (if applicable) Non-EMSB students must register with a Certificate of Eligibility Date: __________________ Registered by:______________________________School: ____________________ Be sure to issue the following documents to the candidate Attach the following documents to the registration form and forward to Athina Galanogeorgos, Pedagogical Services: 1. Photocopy of most recent Relevé des apprentissages (MELS) 2. Photocopy of most recent school report 3. Déclaration de fréquentation scolaire (if student is not currently registered in an EMSB. school) 4. Second copy of receipt 5. Payment (Certified Cheque , Money Order or Cash) 6. Photocopy of oral interview appointment sheet N.B. No refunds will be made after December 11, 2014 for all exams. AF/gm November 18, 2014 EXAMINATION SCHEDULE – JANUARY 12 TO 16, 2015 MONDAY January 12, 2015 January 6 to 9, 2015 Remise du cahier préparatoire, programme de base 634- TUESDAY WEDNESDAY January 13, 2014 January 14, 2014 THURSDAY C1 C1 C1 132-520 December 4, 2014 (8 :45 – 12 :00) Français, écriture (5e) Langue d’enseignement 132-520 January 13 January 14 January 15 9:00 – 12:00 9:00 – 12:00 English Language Arts, Sec 5 563-410 Reading 612-520 History & Citizenship Education 587-404 564-410 565-410 Histoire et Éducation à la citoyen Science & Tech. Sec. 4 555-410 Math Situation Problems – Sec. 5 Mathematics CS&T Mathematics T&S Mathematics SN C1 C1 C1 1:00 – 3:00 (Practical) Science & Tech. Sec. 4 563-510 564-510 565-510 Please note: Applied Science & Tech. 557-410 Chemistry 504 551-504 1:00 – 3:00 1:00 – 4:00 Français, langue seconde, 5éme sec. English Language Arts, Sec. 5 Production Writing 612-530 Programme de base Production écrite 634-530 612-530 The Oral appointments for *Français, langue seconde – interaction orale 504 (634-510) will be arranged at time of registration. Uniform Exam AF/gm 9:00 – 11:00 November 3, 2014 January 16 9:00 – 12:00 Math Reasoning – Sec. 4 Mathematics CS&T C2 563-420 Français, langue seconde, 5éme sec. Programme de base Mathematics T&S Mathematics SN Compréhension orale et écrite 087-404 634-520 1:00 – 4:00 English Language Arts, Sec. 5 555-420 Production Preparation Applied Science & Tech. 557-420 January 16, 2014 Remise du dossier préparatoire de Français écriture, langue d’enseignement de la 5éme sec. 9:00 – 12:00 Math Situation Problems – Sec. 4 Mathematics CS&T Mathematics T&S Mathematics SN FRIDAY January 15, 2014 November 27, 2014 January 12 to 14, 2015 Français, langue seconde, 5ième sec. Interaction orale 504 634-510 January 12 (Annex A) C2 564-420 C2 565-420 Math Reasoning – Sec. 5 Mathematics CS&T C2 563-520 Mathematics T&S C2 564-520 Mathematics SN C2 565-520 1:00 – 3:00 Environmental Science Physics 504 558-404 553-504
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