*q fufldq rfrrrtD.:3oo zg-trzit,7Jn*i*".lzn*, i),rii = +'*rq" H'rrd;L cn-q-tlflqrrl -*---R+;- =:,,r.ii-riro s-ta am r.nqrdqq qrrtr d=f,fq fufldq SITTRTEqFJr ftqq: - sn[.rq qF{q frfu (d=frq €-{Brt)ffi-.rgog dsrTsTs-rfi qfrq ftfq (.il-{d).tnu, d .rR-f";#j, t cni ffi wr"f-'i gq-fin"rd seer P' Revision of Forms under the General Provident Fund (Gentral services) Rules, 1960 and Gontributiory provident Fund Rures (rndia), 1962 -regarding. ft)cq,zq-elcfi. sq,u#-f$H## qEtud6r*d sqftftrdqrqTor sq).r dmrcr m I (w-+q <rs; vqrgffi (elooro)eTrrRr ol uv{m qe sft sftfufr gqrilq. q{ RnEfr o} v+d sqq sffio q_{raf qa d vqqftn ffiq ftflrf,-q qrril{ I(ENDRIYAVIDYALAYA SANGATHAN ra-{Ranrf,vRqr,q|$-{ fr-a frt6 qrf '',,ri,.i$|rir!;|-:,r'ri,,.in,,,, . i.1 I 8-INSTITUTIONAL AREA, SHAHEED JEET SINGH MARG, SUl,;irl_r.r_.. .,i*,i,,,-;, _ _ . ! 1 . : ri , : r , dr"t.Aqftwerq T$ ffi sfqery F.rr0r2512014/Revised formsof GpF/KVS (He)/(pF) /xnwDELHI- 1100 16 Dated: .20t4 Dy.Commissioner/Di rector "rtnu Kendirya Vidyalaya Sangadhan All RegionalOffice/ZIETS Sub: - Revisionof Forms under the General provident Fund (Central Services) Rules, 1960 and Contributiory provident Fund Rules (India), 1962-regarding. SirTMadam, With referenceto the captir O.M. No20l4l1014-p&pw(F)dater pensions Pernsonal"P.G"& developmer Delhi,revisingof Formsunderthe Gr provider Rules,1960and Contributiory It is requestedthdt the revisedforms may be circulatedamong the Kendriya Vidyalayas underyourregionandalsosuo-moto adopted. Hindiversionis beingissuedseparately. Yoursfaithfuliy' -*l -/" ( S . M u t h u s i v a\ lm l ^) o It'Iy -' l vt'L" Asstt.Commissioner irin; the requestto uploadthe circular ir'j.i.' i ,. : l: rt; ; S , . . No. ?{Li4l?0 I 4-I'tt I}\l'(lt) iloverriruent of lrrclil p.G. & pensions l\,'Liiristrv of liersonncl, Ilepurirnr:nt r:l Pensior& Fcnsiolers'lVciiarc Lok Nayal< l.ilrlivun, lilian llnrliet, Nclv I)clhi , I u n c1 ! 1 ,2 t i 1 . l 0ftlr:c iVlemoranclum Sub: Re','isir:in of Ftlrnis ilndtr ll,e GenerulProvidenrIurrci (Cenrrrl Servicri:;)l?'Lrlcs. l9t'j{) a n c ic o n t r i h u t o r vP r o r i i d e n[t; u n d{ L u i e s( l n d i a 1 ,I g 6 2 - r c g a r d i n g , Thc Ltndc:rsigned is dircc,ledtc statc thar flre Dcpartnrcnloi.Perrsior-r &.p\\r has Lrcgrin tire 1:rclcess of'rcvietvitteI'clrmsli:r I:)c:n-sion:uy,lrctirerlent I:crictltsancll',lcnrinlijr,rns underthe vrrrious]l"ules adrrrinistcred hy this l)r:par.hlentior sornetirne. "l'l,cliorms under 2. thc CICS("fcrrsion)J{ul,:s,CCS (CorniriLrtation o1-pcn-sirrn) ItLrleslnil Pny'11t.,'tt uf ,4,trearsof Pettsion(F{orriination)llLrleshav'ebeerrrnnrerrclecl lLnJpoLillcdjp thcr Ciazelie <lf Inclia (E.xtraorilitrarl').ivlrich irrrl availeble oli riris dL'pxr.rntcuL'ij rvclrsir,; .LIuc !I. 'I'he 3, lrr":rmstrnclertltc (-ir:rteral ProvidentFund Rulcs lncl ClonlribnLorr,r Pfovi(lcnt.Prritd {{uJesl"lnveb,eenlooketJiirto ancltfie revisedForrnsruecnc[oseclhcreLo, i[, [t is re-errrphasized that theto is no provision rurderthe rulcs litl an upprJication b_ylhc e m p k : ; ' c c f t r t ' p a y n r c n to i ' l r n a l ] ? a V n r e n t / t r a n s o l b{ l b a l a n c , so r r r o t i r e r r c n to r d i s c h a r g cr i r dismiss:rlor pgfmanenltrans{i..rrrrrlsiil*iltf (it:vt. 'l'hrr F{ilailol'Ol'ltcc shall tal<cncces:j3rv Itci:lottiti 1:'ornt.l in suc,lii::trsi:s ir,iiJ;rluiasking the Go','cr-nrr"leiil :icr!.:lnltrr rppii iirr lhe slrne. In alI othet casesol'wilhdrilv:ii ,fi'rrnr therCencr:rl/ContriLrLrt<;i-y FroviclentI;,.urd, thr sLLbscribcr : s h a ial p p l y i t t l j r . r n t . t rl.{ c a d o 1 ' 0 l l l c e r v i l l a l s os n s u f et h i } is u i h p i r y n l e n t , i t r l r r s l tbrcs i r a C co r r 'l l i r r t e , h e r c .s h L r u l cLl r e n o r d d i l i o r r n l l i a b i i i t v o n t l r e G { i y c r n m c r . lot r l i r L - c o n noti ' i n t e r c s r Pit1t11*nt5" T h c F * i t t t s h u v e b c c n r c - d c s i r l r c csi o t h r t t h c D r n r v i n sa n i i l ] i s l i L r r s i n O g f l i c i : r .t l r c H e a i l o f ' O i t l c e a t t c ia n t ' o t h s l ' a u t i r o r i t vc c r n c c r n e icrlr r e r n r so f t l i c r u l e s r r a y i : c c \ ) i rlil l u i r rentnrlison rhc l:ortns aul'ILroscpiuirlsnoting irr t]rc noic shc--ct is rcquiled, uxcepii;r speciai L'itsils warrantiugfin exrminati0uof the ftictsof lhc ca:icctc. {;. A l I N , l i n i s f r i c s / D e F l r i n r c nr rt rsi r c q u e s t e ct ol g i v c r - r , i c lpcu b l i c i r t ' t o i h e s cl . ' , r r r nisr n r i ilstrr.rctthe aLilhcrriticsrli]ltflL?rnid tr.rrr:;etheset'ormshcrrccfirrih, ;i f r. L," q-l'ripL l -i. G h o s h ) L)irector '['o i 2. A l l i r . ' l i n i s t r i c s l D e p r r i m i lonl t' tsh * C o v t . o I I n d i r Cr-rntrollcr Lisnsriilof Accaunts.7'LFlc,",r.[-ok *\ar':ri.: lJhirr'-'ln. Nerr'l-tcliri. FORM 1 in the of balances Form to be usedby Head of Officefor Final Payment/transfer ProvidentFund Accountto AutonomousBodies/OtherGovernments GeneraVContributory The General Provident Fund/ContributorvProvident Fund Account Number of flirnishecl to him/her Shri/Smt.tKm ..........7as certifiedfrom the statements fromyearto year,is ..... to ?., He/Sheis due to retire from Govefnmentservice/hasproceededon leavepreparatory retirementfor .., beenpermanently .., months/has beendischarged/dismissed/has transferred to /has resigned finally fi'om Government senrice on..... 3. Cerlifiedthat he/shehad takenthe tbllowing advancesin respectof which installments eerch areoutstandins. of Rs. Amountof Temporaryadvances 1...... 2...... 3...... 4...... Amount outstanding 4. Details of the withdrarvalsgrantedto him/her in the current iinancial year are also indicatedbelowAmount of Final withdrawal 1...... Date of withdrarval 2...... 3....., 4,..... 5. After adjustingthe abovewithdrar,vals and advances, ar1amountof Rs standingto thecreditin hisiherProvidentFundAccountis appearingin theledgeraccount. 6. The final paymentbe madeafterverifyingthe records. Signature Headof Office Fonvardedto the PayandAccomts Office for necessary action. Form 2 Form of applicationfor final paymentof balancein the ProvidentFund Account on deathof a Subscriber Prrt - I To The Head of Office, 5rI. '....' it is !rii.ii, dated. W i t h r e f e r e n c et o y o u r l e t t e r n o . . . recluested that arrangements may lcindly be made for the payment of the accumulations in the Fund/Contributory General Provident .. ........ Shri/Smt,/Km this connectionaregivenbelow I l. of Fund Account Provident pariiculars requiredin .. The necessary Nameof the subscriber Postheld by the subscriber. I f Dateof deathof thesubscriber 4. 5. ProvidentFund Account numberallottedto the subscriber Informationin 5 A or 5 B below, as applicable:- 5 A. Detailsof membersof farnilyand the nomineesalive on the dateof deathof the subscriber: Relationshipof the i Whetherhe/she Nameandaddress of the I Dateof I Marital norninee/member i isanominee of family r birth of I statusof nominee/member i , l : '1^rrrrlao +tla all ' the deceased r r v r r r r r r v v v with , rlru i i thedateof subscriber i inominee/ :member i deathof i iof familyi subscriber (-1J { i tt - - - - - ' - - - - , 1 i l . I Or 5 B. If the subscriberhas lefl no famiiy and no nominationsubsists,the nameU I ^.c personsto rvhom the providentflind money is payable(to be supportedby letter()l etc). probateor succession certificate, with the snbscriber Nameandaddress Relationship (i) (1U (iii) Dateof birth 6. In casethe recipient(s)is/areminor,detailsof the guardiani-"--:---_ iDateof ;Relationship with i bkth i t l r e mrnor mrnrrr the ------=r i I r i tr-----'-------i i I l i , , l i l l I l . l I l t I i l l is not a Hindu,the claimant Note: In caseof a minor child whosemother(widow of subscriber) shall submitan IndemnitvBond. or Guardianshipcertificate,asthe casemay be. 7. duly attested: The claimants,shallenclosethe followingdocuments, (a) (b) Photograph Specimensignaturesin duplicate (in case of literate claimants)/Thumbor finger impression(in caseof illiterateclaimants) 8. to be enclosed: Otherdocuments (a) Deathcertificate heir certificate,etc.(where (b) certificate/legal A copy of letterof probate/succession applicable). (c) Any otherdouumentregardingeligibility of the claimant,asper rules Yours faithftilly Station Date (Sign e of claimant,includinggurdian) (Full nameandaddress) PART II (FORTTTEUSE OF I{E OF OFFICE) Forwardedto the Pay andAccountsOfficer particularsfirnished abovehavebeenduly verified. 2. The General Provident Fund/ContributorvProvident Fund Account No. of is..... Shri/Smt./Kumari. m his/herpay for the month of .... 3. The last fund deductionwas made .... (Rupees ... for Rs ... dated. drawnin this office Bill No. and recovery, on account Rs. being . . . , . . . ..), the amountof deduction of reftind of advancebeinsRs 4. Certifredthat he/shewas neither sanctionedany temporaryadvancenor any final withdrawalfrom his/herProvidentFundAccountduringthe 12 monthsimmediatelypreceding thedateof hisi her death:or to withdrawalswere sanctioned Certifiedthat the following temporaryadvances/final precedinghis/ her death. Amountanddateof advances/withdrawals Date (i) (ii) at thetime of 5. Amountof ProvidentFundMoneystandingto the creditof the subscriber h i s / h edr e a t hi s R s . . . , (Signatureof theHeadof Office) Form 3 from GeneralProvidentFund/ContributoryProvident Form for Applicationfor Advance Fund l. Name of the subscriber 2. Account Number (with Departmentalsuftrx) l (i) Designation (ii) Section/Branch 4. BasicPayl (Payin the PayBand*GradePay) 5. Balanceat creditof the subscriberon the dateof application ...... (if known) 6. if so,the is outstanding, Whetheranyadvance purposefor lvhichadvancewastaken: 7. required. . . Amountof advance 8. (a) (b) (c) Purposefor which the advanceis required is soughtfor HouseBuilding,etc,. If advance followinginformationmay be givcn:(i) of theplot Locationandmeasurement (ii) Whetherplot is freeholdor oirlease (iii) Planfor construction (iu) If the flat or plot beingpurchased is from a GroupHousilg Sociefy,thenameof the Society, thelocationandmeasuremenl, etc. (v) Costof construction ("i) of flat is from DDA or any If the purchase authorityor otherState/cityDevelopment anyHousingBoardor anyother Governmentagency,the location, Dimensionetc.,maybe given Ifadvanceis requiredfor education ofchildren, followingdetailsmaybe given:(i) Nameof the son/daughter (ii) where ClassandInstitutiori/College studying (iii) Whethera day-scholar or a hostler (d) If advanceis requiredfor treatmentof ailing member(s)of family, followingdetailsmay be given:(i) Nameof the patientandrelationship... (i0 r' Doctor where the patient is undergoing Treatment (iii) (iv) Whetheroutdoor/indoorpatient Whether reimbrusement available or not Note:- In case of advance under 8 (c) to 8 (e), no certificate or documentary evidence is required. Number of monthly instalmentsin which theconsolidatedadvance(total of items 6 and7) instalments is proposedto be repaid 9. r0. (i) (ii) for theadvanceif it is in excessof the limit laid downin rule l2 Specialreasons (1) or if there is an advancgoulstandingason thedateof application if the advanceis appliedfor the reasonsotherthanthose Special.circumstances mentioned in rule 12(l) I certify that particulars given above are correct aud complete to the best of my knowledgeand belief and that nothing has been concealedby me. Signatureof Applicant Dated: Part II (To be filled in by the Drawing & DisbursingOfficer) l. on the dateof applicationis givenbelow:Balanceat creditof the subscriber for (r) Closingbalanceasper staternent . . . .. ..t theyear. ......,on (ii) Creditfrom.. .,.....to accountof monthlysubscription (iii) Retunds . ... ...{ (iv) A unt of advanceoutstandiug. . (v) Withdrawalsduringthe periodfrom.. (vi) Z. tu..... ,..'....\ Netbalanceatcredit ........t talcenearlier. Purposefor which advancer,vas (Signature) NameandStampof DrawingandDisbursingOfficer PartIII (To be filled by theAdministrativeOffice) on theapplicationfor advancefrom ProvidentFund Comments/recommenclations/orders (Signature) Forrn 3 A Pro forma for sanctionof advancefrom ProvidentFunds No M i n i s t r yo f . . . . . To Accounts Officer Sir, ...,....of I am directedto conveysanctionofthe Competent AuthorityunderrRule ProvidentFund Rules the GeneralProvidentFund (Civil Services)Rules, 1960/Contributory ( I n d i a ) ,1 9 6 2. . . . . . . . . t o the advanceof a sum of (nameand designation) (Rupees from only) by Shri .. him to meettheexpenditure on .... hisAccormtNo. .. .... to enable 2. The advancewill be recoveredin fromthesalaryfbrthernonthof .... commencing monthly instalmentsof f ...."..",eaeh, ......payablein... . o n l y )o u to f a d v a n coef < . . . 3. A s u mo f r . , , . . . . ( R u p e e,s. . . . . amountas specifled in . . , . .... andpaid to him / her in the consolidated sanctioned aggregating to {..."......., will beiow. This amormttogetherwith the advancenor,vsanctioned from the salaryfor the be recovered in .. .. monthlyinstalments of r . .., ..... each,comrnencing m o n t ho f . . . . . . .p a y a b lien . . . . . (iii) (iv) (v) . . . . . . .a so n . . . . T h eb a l a n caet t h ec r e d iot f S h r i Balanceasper accountslip for theyear Subsequent andrefundsofadvance deposits . ...to. at theratep.m.from (ii) (i) Totalof Col. and withdrawalsandadvances if any Subsequent Balance ason dateof sanction Col.(iii) - (iv) 5. This 4. (i) (ii) issues with the concllrrence of ...isdetailedbelor,v:{ t { { vide Dy. Sanctioningauthority Copy fonvarded to: I. Drar,vingand DisbursingOfficer. ... His/her attention is drawn to the provisionsof 2. Shri/Smt./Ifun the le 12 of GPF (CS) /CPS (India) Rules and requestedthat a certificate to the effect that the advancesanctionedabove has been utilized for the purposefor which it has been sanctioned may, therefore,pleasebe furnished r,vithin threemonths of the disbursementof the money. 3. SanctionFile. Pay and Account Offrce 4. Form 4 Pro forma for applicationfor lvithdrawalfrom GeneralProvidentFundiContributory ProvidentFund I. Name of the subscriber L. Account Number (rvith Departmentalsuffix) a (a) (b) A .+. Pay) BasicPay/(Payin the PayBand+Grade 5. Dateofjoining service 6. Dateof sr-rperannuation 1. on the dateof Balanceat creditof the subscriber Application 8 (a) (b) (c) 9. Dated: Designation Section/Branch Amount requiredaswithdrawal madeundermle 15(1) (C), Is theapplication that is, oneyearbeforethe dateof superannuation is required If no, purposefor wlrichthe withdrar,val YesA{o wastakenfor the same WhetheranywithCrarval purposeearlier.If so,indicatetheamountandtheyear Signatureof Appiicant Name Part II (To be filled in by the Head of Office) t. (i) (ir) (iii) (iv) (v) is givenbelow:Balanceat creditof the subscriber on thedateof application fbr theyear . . .. , ..{ Closingbalanceasper statement .......on C r e d i t f r o m . . . . . . . .1. o accountof monthly subscription Refunds (vi) Amount of Advance outstanding Withdrawalsdr,rringthe period from.. to..... N e t b a l a n c ea t c r e d i t 2. Purposefor which ad.r'ance was taken ........t . . . . . . . .T lt is certified that the amount of withdrawal exceeds/doesnot exceedsix months pay of 3. the applicantOr half the amount at his/hercredit / subscriptionin the of the amount of the credit / subscriptionof the Fund Account,whichever is less/ three-l'ourths applicantin the Fund Account. 4. It is certified that the applicant is r.vithin l0 years of his retirement on sllperarnuation/ h a sc o m p l e t e d .... . . . . .y e a r so f h i s G o v e r n m e nste r v i c eo n , , . . 5. It is also certified that the total amount drawn, including the withdrawal from the ProvidentFnnd, from all Govemmentsonrcesby the applicantfor housebuilding purposesdoes not exceedthe maximum limit prescribedfrom time to time under rules 2 (a) and 3 (b) of the Scheme of the Ministry of Works and Housing tbr grant of advances for house bLtilding pr.ll'poses. Note: Strike-outwhich is not relevant. (Signature) andDisbursing Officer NameandStampof Drar.ving PartIII (To be filledby theAdministrative Office) Commentsirecommendations/orders on theapplicationfor withdralvalfrom ProvidentFund (Signatue) Forrn 5 Pro Foruraof Applicationtor conversionof an advanceinto a final lvithdralal I. Nameof the subscriber 2. andofficeto whichattached Designation 3. Payin PayBandwith GradePay 4. GeneralProvidentFund(GPF)/Contributory ProvidentFund(CPF)AccormtNttmber 5. Balanceat crediton tlie dateof application (amomt acrLrally by him alongrvith subscribed the case of GPFsubscriber) thercon h interestdue 6 (a) Puroosefor which advancetaken - \ *./ ""r ""- - vl (b) Date of paymentof the advance (c) Amount of advancesanctionecl (d) Amount of advancerecovered (e) Amount of advanceor"itstanding (f) Interestdue on the amonnt of advancetaken (g) Amount of advanceto be convertedinto a withdrawal i . Par-ticularsof communicationunder which advance was sanctioned(Copy of sanctionto be enclosed) 8. Whetherany advanceor final i,vithdrawalhasbeen drawn previously for the purposemeirtionedabove. If so, particularsthereof 9. '. . . .. (a) Total service,inclLrdingbrokenperiods,if any, on dateof this application (b) The date of super-annuation Signatureof the Applicant Place: Date: PartII havebeenverifiedto be correct. Theaboveparticulars of DDO) (Signature anddesignation PartIII (To be filled by theAdministrativeOftice) on theapplicationfor withdralvalfrom ProvidentFurd Comments/recommendationsiorders (Signature) PayandAccountsOffrcer proformaforsanctiont"-1liilr1"ials Fr'rncls fromProviclent M i n i s t r yo f , , , . To Accounts Officer 5lr, . . . . . .. of I am directedto convey sanctionof the CompetentAuthority under Rule . I960 or under ntle ......... of Contributory the GeneralProvident Funcl(Civil Services)Rr.Lles, Provident Fr-rnclRules (Inciia), 1962......1othe .,vithdrawalof a sum of < . (name and only) by Sh-ri (Rupees to enable him to meet the designation)from his Account No, on ... expenditure It is certifiedthat the conditionsfor withdrawalas specifiedin GeneralProvidentFund 2. Rules,1960havebeenmet. (CivilServices) 3. (i) (ii; (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) is givenbelow:on thedateof application Balanceat creditof thesubscriber . ' . . . ..T tbr theyear Closingbalanceasper statement o n . . . . . . . t o ....... C r e d it ti o m . . accountof monthlysubscription ........t Refunds .....'..{ . . a n d . A d v a n c e d r a w n b e t ' u v e e i r Amountof . "." '"t .. .. and takenbetweett Withdrawals . . ' ' ' '..( Net balanceat credit s i t h t h ec o n c u r r e n oc fe . . . . 4. T h i s i s s u ew d a t e d. N o .. . . . . . . . . . . ' v i dD ey. Yoursfaithftilly, aLrthorily Sanctioning Copyforrvardedto: Ofticer, andDisbursing Drar.ving l. of ,.. His/herattentionis drawnto theprovisions Z, ShriiSmt, that a certificateto the effectthatthe the le 16 of GPF (CS)/CPS(india)Rules andrequested withdrawalsanctionedabovehasbeenutilizeeifor the pruposefor which it hasbeensanctioned of the rnoney. may,therefore,pleasebe ftirnishedlvithin threemonthsof the disbtusernent File. Sanction 3. 4. PayandAccountOffice Form 5-A ORDER Dated. No. underntle 16 of the .......is herebyconveyed./accorded Sanctionof .... GeneralProvidentFund (CentralServices)Rules/mle17 of the ContlibutoryProvidentFund Rules (India), 1962 for the conversioninto final withdrawal of an amountof <.. balanceout of theGPF/CPFadvanceof ( only) beingtheoutstanding ees . ' . . . . . .o f . . . . . . .a n d d r a w ni n B i l l N o . ' . . . . . s a n c t i o n eodn {...... to Shri / Shrimathi/ Kumari for the (purpose) of the office of the Signature Designation No. Copyforwardedto: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) PAO Individual ServiceBook Qionrfirrc Designation
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