BURGUNDY 2013 En Primeur Offer starts at 9am on Wednesday 7th January 2015 BURGUNDY 2013 En Primeur Chablis Dijon 0 10 20 0 C Ô T E 30 km 10 20 miles D’O R n nço A31 CHABLIS A6 Dijon A38 A3 9 Hautes–Côtes de Nuits Nuits-St-Georges Beaune Côte de Nuits A36 Hautes–Côtes de Beaune Côte de Beaune Chagny Couchois Chalon-sur-Saône Côte Chalonnaise S A Ô N E E T L O I R E A6 赤ワイン 多くのワインは良い色調と極めて魅力的なブ ーケがあり、熟した果実のアロマを感じさせ ます。鍵となる品質の差は、味わいに表れて います。強すぎる酸や雹による粗いタンニン があるものは、セレクションから除きました。 大多数のワイン、特にコート・ドゥ・ニュイで は、美しい調和のとれた果実の味わいが、 将来発展していくブーケと調和をなしていま す。 Key Points • コート・ドゥ・ボーヌは極わずかな収穫量 • コート・ドゥ・ニュイの収穫量は少量 • ほぼすべてのケースが2012年よりも低い 価格 • 個性豊かなバランスの良い白。 • 美しいアロマとテロワールを強く感じる N I È V R E 赤。 N Paris a Arm 白ワイン 収穫日が極めて重要です。10月5日の激しい 雷雨後、ブドウは変容し、腐敗が進み、腐敗 のなかった房までが触れた途端にこぼれ落ち ました。良い時期に収穫したところは、素晴 らしい品質で、良い果実の特徴や酸をもち合 せています。2011年よりも個性があり、2010 年、2012年よりもバランスに長けています。 とりわけシャブリの収穫量は低いですが、収 穫時期が良いものは最高の味わいを楽しむ 事ができます。 赤ワインは、 完熟を待つことが大切でし Y O N N E たが、腐敗の問題もありました。しかし10月4 Ser 日―5日の週末後も白より、良い状態を保つ ein Jovinien ことができました。多くの栽培者が語ったよ Tonnerrois うに、糖度が低いのに関わらず、 (種が茶色に Tonnerre なるような)生理学的な熟成は良く進んでい Auxerre Chablis ました。 Chablis Chablisien ワインはプルミエやグラン・クリュの品質 Auxerrois はさらに高く、新鮮なスタイルのヴィ ンテージ です。アルコールは低めなので、個々のテロワ ールがとても良く表現されています。 Vézelien ne Yon 近年の傾向が続いています。乱れた生育期に より、卓越したワインも含め、少ない収穫量と なっています。ただすべての場所で成功した とは言えなくとも、全体的にそれを埋め合わ せるだけの良いワインが生産されています。 一部腐敗も見られましたが、大多数はこの難 しいシーズンの中、予想を超える素晴らしい 味わいとなっています。 コート・ドゥ・ボーヌはこの年も開花が少 なく、収量が通常よりも低くなりました。白は 収穫が遅すぎない限り、かなり期待ができ ます。ワインは真の個性と共に肉厚さと酸を もち合せています。赤は収穫が早すぎない限 り、熟した果実の美しいアロマに加え、アロマ よりは熟度が控えめながら、味わいに活力を 与える構造があります。 価格が“確認 TBC”となっているもの は、1月7日の発売時に確定いたします。コー ト・ドールの大多数のワインが、2012年より 低い価格となるでしょう。 今年は、すべての生産者に2種の説明を つけています。最初に斜字体の情報は、初 めて知る方にとって役立つ生産者概説。そ して各生産者の2013ヴィンテージの要約が 続きます。生産者のいくつかの主要ワインに は、テイスティング・コメントも含まれていま す。すべてのコメントはこちらのウエッブサイ トからご覧いただけます。 (英語)bbr.com/ burgundy2013 ヴィンテージ シーズンを通しての詳しいレポートはこちらよ りご覧になれます。 (英語)www.bbr.com/vintagereport 特徴的な出来事は、全く恵まれなかった春 で、遅い開花は数も少なく、その傾向は時に 古樹に顕著でした。また7月23日の雹を伴う 嵐がコート・ドゥ・ボーヌに吹きつけ、特にコ ルトン・シャルルマーニュ、サヴィニー、ボー ヌ、ポマール、ヴォルネイ、ムルソーに影響を 与えました。 8月は暑すぎない程度に乾燥し、晴れた日 が多く、9月の天候は多様でした。熟成の進行 と腐敗との戦いで、収穫が早いところでは、白 では9月26日(木)に始まり、10月4日、5日に 強い嵐が吹くまで、良い状況で収穫は行われ ました。赤の収穫が大部分で終了した後、気 温は大幅に下がりました。収穫の遅かった白 程は、嵐による影響は見られず、より長く収穫 を待つことが有益となっています。 ne BURGUNDY DIRECTOR A U B E Sâ o Jasper Morris MW A L L I E R Tournus S A Ô N E - E T - L O I R E A I N Mâcon Pouilly-Fuissé R H Ô N E Mâconnais Couchois A40 Mâconnais LYON Département border Wine zone Wine zone Wine district INDEX CÔTE DE BEAUNE 4 Domaine Bachelet-Monnot 5 Dominique Lafon 6 Jean-Philippe Fichet 6 Domaine du Comte Armand 7 Benjamin Leroux 8 Camille Giroud 10 Domaine de Bellene 10 Maison Roche de Bellene 12 Sylvain Loichet 12 Domaine Pierre Labet CÔTE DE NUITS 13 Domaine de la Vougeraie 14 Château de la Tour 14 Domaine Joliet CÔTE DE BEAUNE bbr.com/burgundy2013 [email protected] 03-3518-6730 6 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 12 12 x 75cl bottles in bond Prices are quoted by the case in bond and are inclusive of freight and insurance but exclusive of VAT and duty. Larger format bottles may be available on request. Domaine Bachelet-Monnot MARC AND ALEXANDRE BACHELET Brothers Marc and Alexandre created Domaine Bachelet-Monnot in 2005, renting some vines from their uncle (M. Monnot) in Maranges, where the Domaine is based, and others in Puligny-Montrachet from a third party. Their father’s share of the family estate, Domaine Bernard Bachelet, was added in 2011. Domaine Bachelet-Monnot now farms 23 hectares in all, partly owned and partly leased long term. In the vineyards, no herbicide is used and the rows are ploughed regularly to manage weeds, aerate the soil, and cut the horizontal roots to encourage deep growth. The brothers have cut back on the amount of new wood used, now using an average of 25 percent, ranging from 10 percent for Bourgogne Blanc to one third for Grand Cru. The brothers chose to pick relatively early in 2013, starting on 26th September, with modest sugar levels but good phenolic maturity, lots of dry extract but not much juice, and very good acidity. They having moved away from lees stirring and now prefer to use 350 litre barrels when they buy new wood. The wines will be bottled in February. Concentration and freshness are the hallmarks of the vintage. White PULIGNY-MONTRACHET, HAMEAU DE BLAGNY, 1ER CRU Red BOURGOGNE BLANC Light but fine with some marvellous intensity to this and just a touch of flesh behind. Stretches out very well and, according to the Bachelets, will age extremely well. Little stones reappear at the finish. Drink 2017-2024. BOURGOGNE ROUGE There is an attractive touch of the beneficial ‘gunflint’ reduction, followed by fresh apple and greengage notes on the palate, more flesh than expected, with very good acidity behind and fine persistence. Drink 2016-2018. J0553B 12 x 75cl bottles in bond £108.00 CHASSAGNE-MONTRACHET Light pale primrose in colour, with a fine floral nose, ripe fruit flavours, lovely swelling fruit across the palate, a fuller riper style than their PulignyMontrachet with great length, very classy. Drink 2016-2020. J0555B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £120.00 MEURSAULT, CLOS DU CROMIN Half the production comes from 70-year-old vines. Quite lean in style, early picked because it ripens first, yet this is lean with limy acidity. A little bit flinty. Drink 2017-2021. J0556B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £126.00 PULIGNY-MONTRACHET Cool and clear in colour, pure and floral on the nose. A little brioche, lovely mid-palate weight, a little drier behind. Lively long and fresh. This cuvée always takes longer to come round. Drink 2017-2021. J0557B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £132.00 MARANGES, LA FUSSIÈRE, 1ER CRU Pale primrose in colour, older vines here and a little more soil gives impressive weight to the wine. Some yellow plums among the fruit which swells on the palate, without losing the acidity to keep it fresh. Excellent and affordable. Drink 2016-2020. J0554B 12 x 75cl bottles in bond 4 12 12 £168.00 J0627B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £168.00 PULIGNY-MONTRACHET, REFERTS, 1ER CRU Pale primrose with a little plump fruit on the nose but quite discreet. However it starts to shine on the palate building beautifully to the back, lemon and lime notes yet with good flesh too. Excellent. Drink 2017-2023. J0628B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £198.00 PULIGNY-MONTRACHET, FOLATIÈRES, 1ER CRU Fine pale straw with lovely perfumed aromatics, flowers and fruit, this is brilliantly balanced and exceptionally long. Little touches of the exotic, plums and peaches along with ripe lemons, overall really lovely. Very persistent. Drink 2018-2024. J0559B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £228.00 BÂTARD-MONTRACHET, GRAND CRU Pale colour. This displays a dense, rich nose and while it is too early to identify the detail, it signifies real power and a scintillating minerality. A hugely dense mouthful too, with wonderful weight to it, and just the right oaking. Massive but not clumsy, really long and fine. Drink 2019-2027. J0560B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £840.00 Medium purple, a bit of wood and then the fruit starts to show through. Lively red fruit, with a touch of acidity, builds very nicely to the back. A delicious, crunchy red Burgundy. Drink 2016-2019. J0561B 12 x 75cl bottles in bond 12 £108.00 MARANGES, CLOS DE LA BOUTIÈRE, 1ER CRU Very lively fresh fruit, really lovely cherries and flowers, lovely delicacy to this with real length, really very graceful. Impeccable red burgundy with an excellent price to quality ratio. Drink 2016-2021. J0562B 12 x 75cl bottles in bond 12 £144.00 CÔTE DE BEAUNE bbr.com/burgundy2013 [email protected] 03-3518-6730 6 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 12 12 x 75cl bottles in bond Prices are quoted by the case in bond and are inclusive of freight and insurance but exclusive of VAT and duty. Larger format bottles may be available on request. Dominique Lafon DOMINIQUE LAFON MEURSAULT From 2008 Dominique Lafon decided to make a few wines under his own label, separate from the family domaine (Domaine des Comtes Lafon). Though this new company has the official status of a négociant, almost all the wines are in fact domaine bottlings from vineyards which Dominique either owns or has the contract to farm. The wines are now vinified, matured and bottled in cellars in Meursault, formerly belonging to Domaine René Manuel. Smart new labels have been introduced from the 2012 vintage. The 2013 vintage was another very difficult one to manage, with a heavily reduced crop after the hail, but unlike in 2012 Dominique has at least been able to make all his appellations. The wines were at a backward stage when tasted in October but with really exciting potential. Very backward when tasted in October but the potential is certainly here. There are bright fruit aromatics with lemon and apple notes, great vibration on the palate, lovely persistence. This has the makings of top Meursault once the details become more defined. Drink 2017-2022. J0573B 12 x 75cl bottles in bond 12 £444.00 6 £294.00 MEURSAULT, LES NARVAUX J0574B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond PULIGNY-MONTRACHET, CHAMPGAIN, 1ER CRU E0715B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £444.00 Red VOLNAY From the lower part of the Lurets vineyard. Despite the tardiness of the malolactic fermentation, the wine was open for tasting in October: dense dark red, crunchy fruit, very good energy, lovely fruit suffusing the finish. Very successful. Drink 2017-2022. J0576B 12 x 75cl bottles in bond 12 £354.00 BEAUNE, LES ÉPENOTTES, 1ER CRU White BOURGOGNE BLANC Blended from vineyards below Meursault (old vines) and Puligny, this superb white Burgundy has a lovely perfume, more Puligny than Meursault in style. Really heightened, exciting aromatics and fruit which dance across the palate. Marvellous wine from a master winemaker. Drink 2016-2019. J0572B 12 x 75cl bottles in bond 12 £162.00 Only three barrels were made, but they were enough to show that Dominique completely understands the grace and purity of Beaune. It has a relatively dark colour for the year, and the bouquet is still very backward, but it is smooth and sumptuous and concentrated in a great way. Very persistent. Drink 2019-2025. J0578B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £204.00 6 £294.00 VOLNAY, LES LURETS, 1ER CRU J0577B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 5 CÔTE DE BEAUNE bbr.com/burgundy2013 [email protected] 03-3518-6730 Prices are quoted by the case in bond and are inclusive of freight and insurance but exclusive of VAT and duty. Larger format bottles may be available on request. Jean-Philippe Fichet JEAN-PHILIPPE FICHET Fichet’s big step forward came in the year 2000, when he moved the whole operation to splendid cellars at ‘Le Creux du Coche’ by the Hôpital de Meursault. Jean-Philippe is looking for purity in his wines. He deals mostly with lieux-dits in Meursault with just one Premier Cru in Puligny. Constantly experimenting and refining, his wines have real definition and character, with the individual terroirs clearly exposed. The wines are raised in barrel for the first year, using larger demi-muids for the lesser appellations, then assembled in tank. A maximum of 30 percent new barrels is used on any cuvée. Jean-Philippe Fichet is very excited with his 2013s, which he picked before the weekend of bad weather. He has also refined his techniques in the cellar, pressing the grapes for longer and settling out the juice less than before; both methods are aimed at enhancing the vineyard character of each plot and making less ‘technical’ wines. A lovely range. 6 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 12 12 x 75cl bottles in bond Domaine du Comte Armand White BENJAMIN LEROUX White MONTHELIE BOURGOGNE ALIGOTÉ Jean-Philippe thinks this is an excellent site for Chardonnay, grown on white clay exposed to the west and protected from the north wind. It has a fine fresh bouquet with some gunflint notes. Quite full bodied, rounded, with a generous finish. Drink 2016-2018. From a plot of very old vines plus a new plantation. Really stylish tangy fruit, lovely coating of flesh, not too much acidity. Drink 2015-2018. J0565B 12 x 75cl bottles in bond 12 £168.00 MEURSAULT, MEIX SOUS CHÂTEAU The bouquet remains closed in youth but on the palate the fruit is lively and vivid. There is concentrated fruit with good acidity behind, and just as the wine appears to be ending another wave of fruit returns behind. Drink 2017-2022. J0568B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £165.00 MEURSAULT, LES CHEVALIÈRES The vines are between 25 and 55 years old, mature enough to produce high quality wine. A pale colour with the faintest green tint. Lots of limestone in the soil gives the minerality and tension. A little greengage, a bit less ripe than Les Gruyaches but delivers a superb fresh hillside Meursault. Drink 2017-2021. J0569B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £228.00 PULIGNY-MONTRACHET, LES REFERTS, 1ER CRU In recent vintages this Premier Cru has justified its position on top of the podium. The 2013 shows an impressive density of fruit, especially on the palate, very linear in style with a touch of ripe greengage and yellow plum, lovely palate weight and very long. Excellent. Drink 2017-2022. J0571B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £315.00 The family of the Comte Armand has owned the vineyard of Clos des Epéneaux in Pommard since 1826 when JeanFrançois Armand married Clothilde Marey. Unfortunately the vineyard was not replanted after phylloxera until 1930, but since then it has confirmed its rating as one of Pommard’s very finest sites. The modern era began with the stewardship of Pascal Marchand (1985-1999) followed by Benjamin Leroux (1999-2014) and now Paul Zinetti, previously second-in-command to Benjamin, has taken over from the 2014 vintage. Further vineyards were acquired in 1994: AuxeyDuresses, Auxey-Duresses Premier Cru, Volnay and Volnay Fremiets. This was Benjamin Leroux’s last vintage at Domaine du Comte Armand and possibly his smallest one. Just 18 barrels of Clos des Epeneaux, a yield of around eight hectolitres pre hectare. The vintage began on 25th September with good-looking grapes and decent maturity. Benjamin is staying involved to see the vintage into bottle, otherwise Paul Zinetti is now securely in charge. E1002B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £66.00 Red AUXEY-DURESSES, 1ER CRU Lovely mid purple, and boasting a beautiful nose of deep red fruit. The palate displays lovely sweet red griotte cherry fruit then lively, but not trenchant, acidity behind. Drink 2018-2023. J0579B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £135.00 VOLNAY From a mix of young and old vines in Les Famines and Grands Champs. Medium-deep purple, very elegant, with good structure behind, more on the tannins and less acidity. Very pretty fruit suffuses the whole. Drink 2018-2023. J0580B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £162.00 POMMARD, CLOS DES EPENEAUX, 1ER CRU Lovely bright purple. Charming mid red fruit with some darker notes, cherry and black fruit. Suave and smooth, this has neither the aggressive acidity nor the tough tannins of some Pommard wines in 2013. Superbly crafted. Drink 2022-2033. J0583B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £480.00 6 £270.00 VOLNAY, FREMIETS, 1ER CRU J0581B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 CÔTE DE BEAUNE bbr.com/burgundy2013 [email protected] 03-3518-6730 6 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 12 12 x 75cl bottles in bond Prices are quoted by the case in bond and are inclusive of freight and insurance but exclusive of VAT and duty. Larger format bottles may be available on request. Benjamin Leroux BENJAMIN LEROUX White Red BOURGOGNE BLANC NUITS-ST GEORGES, AUX ALLOTS J0584B 12 x 75cl bottles in bond Having created a name for himself as régisseur (general manager) of Domaine du Comte Armand in Pommard from 1999 until 2014, Benjamin Leroux established a small négociant business based in Beaune in 2007. The emphasis is on Côte de Beaune whites and Côte de Nuits reds. The company also owns a small holding of Bâtard-Montrachet and, since 2014, some vineyards in Meursault. All the vines were different in 2013. Ripening of the white grapes accelerated during the third week in September so Benjamin began earlier than he expected, picking his Bâtard-Montrachet on Saturday 28th, and finishing by Wednesday 2nd. He thinks it may be a great white vintage. Quality for the reds depended on the picking date: vineyards on the Beaune side needed picking before the famous wet weekend, others could hold on easily enough. The reds here are very impressive too. 12 £138.00 J0591B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond CLOS-ST DENIS, GRAND CRU 6 £162.00 12 £198.00 J0590B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 NUITS-ST GEORGES, AUX THOREY, 1ER CRU Made from a blend of plots across the commune. It is lightly floral, though the nose is a little restrained, with good acidity, a fine linear style that’s notably persistent. Drink 2016-2020. Dense, dark red in colour with super-concentrated fruit on the nose, ripe black fruit mixed with the red, intense and very long. Benjamin consistently makes a beautiful wine from this site. Drink 2018-2023. J0586B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond J0592B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond £180.00 CORTON-CHARLEMAGNE, GRAND CRU From the Pernand-Vergelesses side, this has a fine, pale colour and is lemon-scented with some smoky, verbena notes. Enormous concentration in the mouth, with crunchy stony minerals, a very long finish with unquestionably Grand Cru weight. Drink 2019-2026. J0588B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £420.00 CHASSAGNE, ABBAYE DE MORGEOT, 1ER CRU J0587B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 12 £198.00 6 6 £720.00 £189.00 PULIGNY-MONTRACHET 6 Ripe, plush purple, really concentrated, vibrant, sumptuous and exciting. It Is hugely heady, with velvet and satin throughout. Perfectly balanced acidity. Drink 2019-2028. J0635B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond GEVREY-CHAMBERTIN AUXEY-DURESSES J0585B 12 x 75cl bottles in bond £282.00 CLOS VOUGEOT, PETIT MAUPERTUIS, GRAND CRU Vinified with whole bunches because the tiny berries were so ripe and healthy. This is gorgeous and sensual all the way through, from its dense black colour to the ultra-concentrated ripe black fruit and the succulent texture. A marvellous wine. Drink 2019-2028. J0634B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £570.00 MAZOYÈRES-CHAMBERTIN, GRAND CRU Dense purple, with massive dark fruit through the middle, this is really sumptuous, yet still with the crunchy fruit style of Mazoyères. In short it is brilliant. Drink 2019-2028. J0593B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £570.00 ECHEZEAUX, GRAND CRU From the sector called Les Rouges, this is fine, bright and vivid, with excellent, lively fresh red fruit and really good oak balance, quite discreet. A cool, hillside style of Echezeaux, very fine-boned. Drink 2019-2028. J0636B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £720.00 7 CÔTE DE BEAUNE bbr.com/burgundy2013 [email protected] 03-3518-6730 6 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 12 12 x 75cl bottles in bond Prices are quoted by the case in bond and are inclusive of freight and insurance but exclusive of VAT and duty. Larger format bottles may be available on request. Camille Giroud DAVID CROIX CHASSAGNE-MONTRACHET, TÊTE DU CLOS, 1ER CRU In January 2002 Maison Camille Giroud was bought by an American consortium led by banker Joe Wender and winery owner Ann Colgin, and a new chapter began. The business is managed by winemaker and technical director David Croix who is overseeing a major revamping of the winemaking facilities, especially the replacement and renewal of the old barrels to make wines in a much purer, more modern style. The company also owns 1.2 hectares of vineyards in and around Beaune. David Croix picked relatively late for his reds, from October 3rd to 16th, but he wisely took the whites in first from 29th September to 2nd October. Overall he has been able to source more wine than for the pitifully small 2012 crop. These are beautiful wines, a marvellous expression of Pinot Noir, suited for medium-term keeping. 6 £258.00 Red SANTENAY Including Premier Cru La Comme, this is a medium, bright purple with vivid, fresh fruit that stretches out nicely on the palate, and good fruit acid balance. Very persistent, the right amount of mineral crunch with great purity of expression. Drink 2017-2020. J0595B 12 x 75cl bottles in bond 12 £162.00 VOLNAY From the Grands Champs vineyard comes this lovely, bright red-purple wine that has a stylish, savoury Pinot nose. Orange notes in with red fruit and a little bit of acidity but it makes a harmonious whole. Drink 2017-2020. J0640B 12 x 75cl bottles in bond 12 £198.00 MARANGES, LE CROIX MOINES, 1ER CRU J0641B 12 x 75cl bottles in bond MEURSAULT From the lower part of the slope, this is a classic, rounded style of Meursault. Pale primrose in colour, with generous mid palate flesh, backed by fairly forceful acidity, which works well with the generosity of the fruit. Drink 2017-2021. 8 J0639B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond Fine, mid purple with really lovely sunny fruit, raspberry and maybe strawberry, hugely intense yet not weighty, with good acidity behind and perfect balance, very good length indeed. A favourite of ours every year. Drink 2017-2022. White J0638B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond From the lower part of the slope, this is a classic, rounded style of Meursault. Pale primrose in colour, with generous mid-palate flesh, backed by fairly forceful acidity, which works well with the generosity of the fruit. Drink 2017-2021. 6 £138.00 12 £198.00 SANTENAY, CLOS ROUSSEAU, 1ER CRU CHAMBERTIN, GRAND CRU A favourite cuvée, made from 70-year-old vines. Fine, fresh purple with a delicate, poignant Pinot nose. Rose petals and other floral notes compliment the long and fine silky texture with just enough acidity. Elegance personified. Drink 2017-2022. Rich mid-purple, the nose a little bit restrained at first, yet the fruit absolutely fills the mouth on the palate with gentle strawberry notes and amazing persistence. Not the most blockbuster of Chambertins but a lovely stylish example. Drink 2022-2030. J0642B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond J0647B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £114.00 VOLNAY, SANTENOTS, 1ER CRU Made from 25-year-old vines but evidently from a great selection of Pinot plants. Mid purple with a brilliant nose, this is lively but rounded, with plump berry fruit, consistent with its 2012 brilliance. There is a lot of juicy energy here, absolutely heavenly. It has a magical, glossy feel. Drink 2017-2022. J0642B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £198.00 VOSNE-ROMANÉE, LES CHALANDINS This will be the first vintage with the name of the lieu-dit on the label. Dense, rich purple in colour, this has a really striking, classy Pinot nose and great texture in the mouth, with energy behind. This has been a consistently successful cuvée over the years. Drink 2018-2022. E1240B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £189.00 GEVREY-CHAMBERTIN, LAVAUT ST JACQUES, 1ER CRU Fresh purple in colour with an elegant nose, typical of Lavaut St Jacques. A very precise, fine-boned Burgundy, more about style than intensity, with a fine long aftertaste. Drink 2018-2022. J0646B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £300.00 CORTON, CLOS DU ROI, GRAND CRU Another classic Camille Giroud cuvée, this is a brisk, fresh red-purple with a suave, silky yet powerful nose. Full of fruit on the palate, in a wide register, mediumbodied, notably satiny, a Corton of great finesse and breeding. Drink 2019-2026. J0599B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £315.00 6 £840.00 NUITS-ST GEORGES, AUX BOUDOTS, 1ER CRU J0645B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £270.00 CHARMES-CHAMBERTIN, GRAND CRU J0600B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £495.00 CÔTE DE BEAUNE bbr.com/burgundy2013 [email protected] 03-3518-6730 6 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 12 12 x 75cl bottles in bond Prices are quoted by the case in bond and are inclusive of freight and insurance but exclusive of VAT and duty. Larger format bottles may be available on request. Domaine de Bellene Maison Roche de Bellene Red SYLVAIN DEBORD BOURGOGNE ROUGE, MAISON DIEU Z1121B 12 x 75cl bottles in bond BEAUNE, GRÈVES, 1ER CRU Having set up as a négociant in 1997, famed Burgundian winemaker Nicolas Potel branched out by creating his own domaine in 2007, renamed Domaine de Bellene from the following vintage. The domaine is housed in marvellous old cellars, renovated to an ecologically admirable standard (‘Haute Qualité Environnementale’), on the Dijon road out of Beaune. The vineyards have been converted to organic farming, with some biodynamic elements. The man in charge on the technical side is Sylvain Debord. Despite the reduced crop in Beaune and Savigny in particular, Nicolas Potel and Sylvain Debord have put together a beautiful range in 2013. The vintage reminds Nicolas a little bit of 2002. They began picking on 26th September, opted for minimal extraction during vinification, and used less in the way of whole bunch fermentation, except for the Premiers Crus in the Côte de Nuits. White ST ROMAIN Mid yellow with a fresh, ripe, slightly banana nose. Lovely lemony acidity behind, fresh and vibrant yet bouncing too, with enough flesh on the bones. Fermented and matured in large barrels, with no lees stirring, so as to keep it crisp. Drink 2015-2017. Z1128B 12 x 75cl bottles in bond 10 12 £132.00 NICOLAS POTEL 12 From ancient vines planted in 1904, this has a lovely mid purple hue with a really sensual floral nose, thereafter the fruit fills the mouth beautifully, with lovely structure behind and the acidity is tamed. There remains a touch of youthful bitterness but this is great wine. Drink 2019-2025. SAVIGNY-LÈS-BEAUNE, VIEILLES VIGNES Z1123B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond Z1124B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £192.00 NUITS-ST GEORGES, AUX CHAIGNOTS, 1ER CRU A Premier Cru which is clearly from the Vosne side of Nuits-St Georges. A pretty pale purple, with real purity to the nose, more floral than plummy. Some intensity rather than density. Then the concentration of fruit builds, and the acidity is nicely folded in to the body of the wine. Drink 2019-2025. Z1126B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £240.00 VOSNE ROMANÉE, LES SUCHOTS, 1ER CRU Beautiful pure, pink-purple, a remarkably elegant wine, with the fruit swarming all over the palate. This is ripe and delicious, very long and stylish, leading to an amazingly silky finish. Drink 2019-2025. Z1127B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £375.00 Z1122B 12 x 75cl bottles in bond £99.00 12 £165.00 6 £138.00 NUITS-ST GEORGES, VIEILLES VIGNES Nicolas Potel decided to set up his own négociant business after the death of his father in 1996 and the subsequent sale of Domaine Pousse d`Or, which his father had been managing. The Nicolas Potel label became an excellent source of predominantly red wines, from Bourgogne Rouge to the Grands Crus of the Côte de Nuits. His hallmark has been to make wines which respect both their vineyard provenance and the style of the vintage while remaining attractively priced. He sold the business to the Cottin brothers in 2004, but parted company with his new owners in spring 2009. Instead he has developed his own Maison Roche de Bellene in Beaune. Nicholas feels that the saving grace of the 2013 vintage was the amount of small berries caused by millerandage. He has opted for minimum extraction but longish cuvaison. The white wines have not been stirred because they were rich enough naturally. They are expected to be bottled in December and will all be under DIAM corks, apart from the Grands Crus. The reds will be bottled during February. CÔTE DE BEAUNE bbr.com/burgundy2013 [email protected] 03-3518-6730 6 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 12 12 x 75cl bottles in bond Prices are quoted by the case in bond and are inclusive of freight and insurance but exclusive of VAT and duty. Larger format bottles may be available on request. White Red MEURSAULT CHEVALIÈRES VOLNAY, RÉSERVE SPÉCIALE A Meursault from a fine hillside site. Tightly-knit with an attractive austerity, this wine shows the nature of Chevalières very well. It will fill out with some bottle age. Drink 2017-2021. This bottling comprises some old vine village Volnay blended with wines from three Premiers Crus, Mitans Carelles and Brouillards. Mid red with some attractive, quite savoury red fruit, this is still tightly knit at this stage, with just a little acidity, reasonable weight and good length. Drink 2017-2022. J0610B 12 x 75cl bottles in bond 12 £240.00 J0603B 12 x 75cl bottles in bond BIENVENUES-BÂTARD-MONTRACHET, GRAND CRU Lovely fresh colour with little green tints. Exuberant fruit on the nose, and again in the mouth, backed by an excellent acidity, this is a complex, balanced wine that is very classy and has superb length. Only 150 bottles produced but so good that we had to have some. Drink 2018-2025. J0648B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £870.00 CHASSAGNE-MONTRACHET, VIEILLES VIGNES J0611B 12 x 75cl bottles in bond 12 £270.00 J0613B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £2,370.00 £210.00 GEVREY-CHAMBERTIN, AUX COMBOTTES, 1ER CRU Two barrels were made of this vigorous purple red wine. It has ripe cherry notes and is not heavyweight, but is very appealing. There is a good middle to this, then the structure comes up behind, to confirm that it is going to need time. Happily the ripe cherry fruit returns at the back. Drink 2017-2023. J0649B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £240.00 CHAMBOLLE - MUSIGNY, VIELLES VIGNES J0604B 12 x 75cl bottles in bond LE MONTRACHET, GRAND CRU 12 12 £300.00 VOSNE ROMANÉE, AUX MALCONSORTS, 1ER CRU J0606B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £540.00 6 £960.00 LE CHAMBERTIN, GRAND CRU J0608B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 11 CÔTE DE BEAUNE bbr.com/burgundy2013 [email protected] 03-3518-6730 6 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 12 12 x 75cl bottles in bond Prices are quoted by the case in bond and are inclusive of freight and insurance but exclusive of VAT and duty. Larger format bottles may be available on request. Sylvain Loichet Domaine Pierre Labet SYLVAIN LOICHET LADOIX, LES GRÉCHONS, 1ER CRU FRANÇOIS LABET Red A touch more oak and opulence on the nose compared to the village Ladoix. There are truffles as well as ripe peaches in the flavour profile, but the minerality keeps it fresh. Drink 2016-2020. The Loichets come from Comblanchien at the southern end of the Côte de Nuits, as well- known for its marble quarrying industry as for its vines. Indeed, the previous two generations of Loichets have been stone masons rather than vignerons but they kept ownership of their vineyards such as Clos de Vougeot and Ladoix, which the talented Sylvain has taken back. He has moved operations to a beautiful 18th century manor house in Chorey-lès-Beaune and has expanded the range of wines on offer. Sylvain began to pick his 2013s on 30th September. Some whites have been in bottle since early July, and some reds may also be bottled a little earlier than usual. Sylvain doesn’t see a long elevage this year as he wants to avoid the whites becoming too fat. The reds have 10 to 20 percent whole bunch fermentation. J0545B 12 x 75cl bottles in bond 12 £228.00 CORTON-CHARLEMAGNE, GRAND CRU A blend of grapes from En Charlemagne and from Le Corton, where the vines were planted in 1937. Fine, pale straw, exotic, spicy and long, crunchy fruit with a little fresh lime. Something of everything. Drink 2019-2026. J0558B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £405.00 Red CÔTE DE NUITS VILLAGES, AUX MONTAGNES J0550B 12 x 75cl bottles in bond 12 £144.00 BEAUNE, AUX COUCHERIAS, 1ER CRU François Labet is responsible for both the wines of Domaine Pierre Labet and Château de la Tour, made in the château’s commodious winery and cellars inside the walls of Clos de Vougeot. The domaine has been farmed organically since 1992. The red wines are made in a similar whole bunch fashion to those of the Château de la Tour. For the second year running the Labet vineyards were badly affected by the hail, in terms of quantity, but fortunately not quality. The grapes were picked between 10th and 21st October, a decision which has paid dividends, especially for the red wines. White White LADOIX, BOIS DE GRÉCHONS, MONOPOLE MEURSAULT, LES TILLETS Fine and pale colour, beautifully perfumed as ever, not over exotic on the nose, though it shows its usual character in the mouth: lovely fresh fruit, a bit of pineapple, some flesh but certainly not fat or heavy. A really delicious aromatic wine. Drink 2015-2018. Bright primrose with huge energy, a very rich nose, some pear and peach, on a very big scale but there is still a freshness at the back, with the floral hillside style typical of this vineyard. Drink 2016-2019. J0544B 12 x 75cl bottles in bond 12 12 £192.00 J0614B 12 x 75cl bottles in bond 12 £390.00 From fifty-year-old vines. Darkish purple with rich dark fruit, plump and generous in the mouth with a long, suave finish. Rather impressive. Drink 2017-2021 J0615B 12 x 75cl bottles in bond 12 £375.00 GEVREY-CHAMBERTIN, VIEILLES VIGNES Rich purple-black, some toasted coffee aromatics, with a little perfumed pink fruit behind and some rose petals also, the stems show more here, really lovely stretched out fruit right across the palate, really persistent. Drink 2017-2021. J0616B 12 x 75cl bottles in bond 12 £390.00 CÔTE DE NUITS bbr.com/burgundy2013 [email protected] 03-3518-6730 6 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 12 12 x 75cl bottles in bond Prices are quoted by the case in bond and are inclusive of freight and insurance but exclusive of VAT and duty. Larger format bottles may be available on request. Domaine de la Vougeraie PIERRE VINCENT Based in Premeaux, just south of Nuits-St Georges, Domaine de la Vougeraie was created in 1999 when Jean-Claude Boisset decided to group together all the vineyard holdings of the various négociant companies he had acquired over the years. Pascal Marchand was put in charge in 1999, with Bernard Zito in the vineyards, which are farmed biodynamically. Pascal produced powerful wines, fairly heavily extracted in his early vintages but clearly was moving to a softer style by 2004. The wines have been made subsequently by Pierre Vincent who has maintained the more delicate approach. Top quality vineyards continue to be added, especially Grand Cru whites in recent vintages. The harvest began with whites on 26th September, before the rain, then the reds were brought in during less good weather, with sorting necessary. The stems were ripe enough to allow for whole bunch vinification, and Pierre has chosen the soft pedal in 2013: not much punching down, more an infusion approach, less new wood and perhaps a shorter time in barrel. He can see some elements of 2008 but with more weight, and more flattering wines overall. White Red CLOS BLANC DE VOUGEOT, 1ER CRU NUITS-ST GEORGES, CLOS DE THOREY, 1ER CRU This unique wine is singing once again in 2013. Pale and bright in colour, it has a brilliant nose with nectarines and lively citrus notes, perfectly poised with great intensity of ripe fruit. Nectarines again, a little orange blossom, this is very complete and immensely long. Drink 2017-2025. An attractive pale pink-purple with quite a reticent nose. It is in the mouth that the quality shows, with a swelling density of fruit, a very special touch of silky tannins, and no undue acidity behind. Drink 2018-2023. J0617B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £285.00 CHARLEMAGNE, GRAND CRU Charlemagne? The estate used to make a ‘CortonCharlemagne, Le Charlemagne’ but they now have a second vineyard in En Charlemagne which is different. So instead of making a straight Corton-Charlemagne they have called out of retirement an almost extinct appellation, Charlemagne. Sadly there are only four barrels after hail. It has an imperially rich bouquet with just a touch of toast from the barrel. There is immense weight to this but it is very backward at this stage. Nonetheless the exceptional length of flavour confirms its class. Drink 2020-2030. J0618B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £465.00 BÂTARD-MONTRACHET, GRAND CRU The plot is superbly sited within Bâtard and with very old vines. Picked 26th September because it was ripe early, the wine is a fine, pale yellow, with a heavenly fragrance of white peaches, pears, and a touch of buttery banana. A huge, magical mouthful, with a vibrant mineral thread. Really gorgeous. Drink 2021-2033. J0652B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 J0655B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond BOURGOGNE ROUGE, TERRES DE FAMILLE 6 £210.00 CLOS DE VOUGEOT, GRAND CRU There is usual elegance of colur and fitnesse on the nose, delicate and engergetic at the same time, with volume building on the palate and superb persistence. Far from heavyweight but very fine. Tyipcal of Pierre Vincent's craftmanship. Drink 2020 - 2030. J0622B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £408.00 BONNES MARES, GRAND CRU Glowing purple colour with very lovely elegant, pure fruit, this has a dancing brilliance which builds magically behind with a wave of different deep red and black fruit. Crystalline and exceptionally persistent. A wonderful wine. Drink 2021-2030. J0623B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 J0619B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £84.00 GEVREY-CHAMBERTIN, LES EVOCELLES J0620B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £180.00 6 £210.00 CHAMBOLLE-MUSIGNY J0654B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond NUITS-ST GEORGES, LES DAMODES, 1ER CRU J0621B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £228.00 6 £330.00 3 £990.00 CORTON CLOS DU ROI J0656B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond MUSIGNY, GRAND CRU E0872B 3 x 75cl bottles in bond £630.00 £930.00 BOURGOGNE BLANC, TERRES DE FAMILLE J0650B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £84.00 VOUGEOT, CLOS DE PRIEURE BLANC J0651B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £180.00 13 CÔTE DE NUITS bbr.com/burgundy2013 [email protected] 03-3518-6730 Prices are quoted by the case in bond and are inclusive of freight and insurance but exclusive of VAT and duty. Larger format bottles may be available on request. Château de la Tour FRANÇOIS LABET The Château was built in 1890 by a Monsieur Beaudet of Beaune, whose daughter married Jean Morin of Nuits-St-Georges, whose daughters in turn married into the Labet and Déchelette families, Pierre Labet himself owning a domaine based in Beaune. Currently François Labet is responsible for the wines made in the château’s commodious winery and cellars inside the walls of Clos de Vougeot. The holding of Clos de Vougeot covers 5.48 hectares in all, including one plot of approximately a hectare of ancient vines planted in 1910. The domaine has been farmed organically since 1992. Vinification is carried out using whole bunches, after which the wines are aged in barrel, with 50% new wood for the cuvée classique and 100% for the old vines. Late picking suits the whole bunch fermentation style, and in this case took place between 10th October until 21st October. François Labet loves 2013 which he compares to 2008 for the fresh style and 2010 for concentration. 14 6 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 12 12 x 75cl bottles in bond Domaine Joliet Red BÉNIGNE JOLIET Red CLOS VOUGEOT, GRAND CRU, CUVÉE CLASSIQUE FIXIN, CLOS DE LA PERRIÈRE, 1ER CRU Rich concentrated black with a purple rim; heady sturdy stuff, clearly a powerful wine worthy of long study. Black fruit notes, perhaps a hint of coffee, a massive mouthful filling the palate. This is a substantial beast at the moment, which will be refined by further elevage. It has the potential to make a fabulous wine for the long term. Drink 2021-2030. A central core of purple, but whether in colour, bouquet or palate, this wine retains an essentially old-fashioned style. This is not silky and suave but it is complex, spicy and profound. The fruit in the mouth, in particular, has predominantly red depth, with some brambly, peppery overtones that would suggest more than 10% whole bunch fermentation. The persistence and potential longevity are exciting. Drink 2018-2028. J0624B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £450.00 CLOS VOUGEOT, VIEILLES VIGNES, GRAND CRU More purple than black. A really heady delicious suave nose, more refined than the Classique bottling. Too many different fruits to mention are competing in a straitjacket of structure, an exceptional crunchy finish, great weight and length. A massive wine for the long term, and an uncontestable success this year. Ultra luxurious! Drink 2021-2033. J0625B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £690.00 CLOS VOUGEOT, HOMAGE À JEAN MORIN Two barrels were made, just using the best bunch on each of the centenarian vines from the patch planted in 1910. No deeper in colour than the others but with an unbelievably sensual nose, yet still with its feet in the ground. It is quite extraordinary on the palate, like a luxurious svelte and suave Grand Cru of VosneRomanée, and the finish is endless. Drink 2023-2038. J0657B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £1,500.00 There are certain vineyard sites up and down the Côte d’Or which have been recognised for centuries as being outstanding locations. One such site is the Clos de la Perrière in Fixin, just north of Gevrey-Chambertin, founded by the monks of Cîteaux in the early 12th century. Dr Lavalle (1855) noted it as a Tête de Cuvée, making wines which kept for longer than any others of the Côte d’Or. The Joliet family purchased the Manoir de la Perrière and its attendant vines in 1853. Bénigne, who has bought out other family members so as to be able to run the domaine as he wants to do it, is the sixth generation of the family. Bénigne picked from October 8th until 11th, waiting to get the best phenolic ripeness which he could as the grapes had stayed healthy. It was a small crop, albeit up from 17 hectolitres per hectare in 2012 to 22. He vinified at normal levels of extraction, using 10 percent of whole bunches from his old vines. J0626B 6 x 75cl bottles in bond 6 £168.00 Terms and Conditions PRICES Prices for the Burgundy 2013 En Primeur offer are quoted in bond and include freight to our UK bonded warehouse and insurance (but exclude duty and VAT) and are quoted by the case. CLOSING DATE The offer starts at 9am on Wednesday 7th January 2015 and closes at midnight Wednesday 18th February 2015, subject to stocks remaining unsold. AVAILABILITY AND QUANTITIES Prices are quoted in bond and include freight and insurance but exclude duty and VAT. Orders are accepted subject to stocks remaining unsold. Stocks of certain wines may needto be allocated subject to demand. A case comprises of either 50cl, 75cl or 150cl bottles, in quantities, as stated. HOW TO PAY We are happy to accept payment by cash, cheque, credit or debit card; JCB, Mastercard,Diners. American Express or Visa. Bank transfers may also be made. All payments will be made in pounds sterling and processed through the UK. INSURANCE AND OWNERSHIP We will remain responsible for insuring the wine at the original invoice value until yourdelivery and/or storage instructions have been completed. Ownership of the wines willpass on settlement of all outstanding charges. SHIPPING It is anticipated that the wines will be available for release starting during 2015. DELIVERY AND STORAGE Following shipment, your wines, by default, will be stored in bond in our Customers’ Private Reserves. Once the wines are in your Private Reserves we will notify you by email. On receipt of your delivery notification email or the subsequent invoice for rent, if you would like your wine delivered straight away we can arrange this as per our normal delivery terms. Any rent charged on wines withdrawn within 30 days of the date of invoice for rent will be credited. ORDER CANCELLATION Please note that in bond en primeur orders can be cancelled within seven working days ofplacing the order. A full refund of the purchase price of the wines will be given on receiptof formal notification in writing of cancellation of the order. Due to the unique nature of en primeur sales we regret that orders cannot be cancelled after this time. All purchases of wines and spirits and other goods and services from Berry Bros. & Rudd are subject to Berry Bros. & Rudd’s standard terms of sale in addition to any terms stated in this brochure. These terms and conditions can be viewed on at www.bbr.com/terms by emailing your request to [email protected] or by requesting a copy by telephoning 03-3518-6730. 16 17 Berry Bros. & Rudd Nishimotokosan Nishikicho Bldg. 14F, 3-23 Kanda-Nishikicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 03-3518-6730. www.bbr.com 18
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