REPRODUCTIVE ACCESS TOTAL βhCG (5th IS) Standardized to the WHO 5th International Standard for Chorionic Gonadotropin MOVING YOUR LAB FORWARD WITH EXCEPTIONAL REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH MANAGEMENT INTRODUCTION Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) is a protein hormone that is produced by the placenta and is most commonly measured for the confirmation of pregnancy. In addition, physicians run hCG tests on nearly all women of childbearing age who present to the Emergency Department and require a treatment which could potentially be harmful to a fetus. In normal pregnancies, hCG can usually be detected after implantation, seven to nine days after conception (or 22-24 days after the last menstrual period in a normal 28-day cycle).1 hCG concentrations double approximately every one and a half to three days for the first six weeks and then continue to rise until the end of the first trimester, gradually falling to a lower level for the remainder of the pregnancy.2 Healthy, non-pregnant individuals typically have low (< 5 mIU/mL) to undetectable hCG levels; however, the production of hCG can rise to detectable levels in peri- and post-menopausal women.3,4 HOW ACCESS TOTAL βhCG (5th IS) MOVES THE LAB FORWARD Access Total βhCG (5th IS) is the first βhCG assay standardized to the highly purified WHO 5th International Standard for Chorionic Gonadotropin. This new assay delivers: › Efficient and cost-effective results through a broad dynamic range with automatic on-board dilution capability up to 270,000 mIU/mL, reducing the need for manual sample dilution.5 › Confidence in patient results due to no discernible hook effect up to 1,000,000 mIU/mL. › Flexibility in sample handling through assay compatibility with serum or lithium heparin plasma. LAB FORWARD ACCESS TOTAL βhCG (5th IS) EXPECTED VALUES Total βhCG concentrations were measured in human serum collected from apparently healthy non-pregnant females using the Total βhCG (5th IS) assay (Table 1). Total βhCG concentrations measured in 100% of the samples were determined to be ≤ 11.6 mIU/mL (IU/L). Table 1. Expected ranges: non-pregnant females. Reference (Non-Pregnant Females) N Median (mIU/mL) Range (mIU/mL) 95th Percentile (mIU/mL), [95% CI] ≥ 18 and < 40 years 132 0 0 – 0.6 0.3 [0.2 – 0.4] ≥ 40 years 141 0 0 – 3.1 1.5 [1.1 – 2.9] Post-menopausal* 134 2.8 0.1 – 11.6 7.7 [6.4 – 10.4] *Post-menopausal status confirmed using circulating FSH and estradiol levels. CHARACTERISTICS ORDERING INFORMATION Sample Type/Size Serum or plasma (lithium heparin) / 25 μL Reagent Kit (2 x 50 tests) A85264 Time to First Result ~18 min. Calibrators (1 set, 6 x 4.0 mL) B11754 Limit of Blank (LoB) ≤ 0.5 mIU/mL Limit of Detection (LoD) ≤ 0.5 mIU/mL Limit of Quantitation (LoQ) ≤ 0.6 mIU/mL Approximate Calibrator Levels 0, 6, 35, 195, 620 & 1350 mIU/mL Reportable Range 0.6-1350 mIU/mL Open Pack Stability 28 days Calibration Stability 28 days Precision≤ 10.0% CV @ concentrations > 3.9mIU/mL SD ≤ 0.39 mIU/mL @ concentrations ≤ 3.9 mIU/mL Calibration Traceability WHO 5th International Standard5 LAB FORWARD References 1.Sturgeon CM, McAllister EJ. Analysis of hCG: clinical applications and assay requirements. Ann Clin Biochem 1998; 35:460-491. 2.Vaitukaitis JL. Recent progress in hormone research 1976; 32: 289. 3. Gronowski AM, et al. Use of serum FSH to identify perimenopausal women with pituitary hCG. Clin Chem 2008; 54(4):652‐656. 4. Tietz NW. Textbook of clinical chemistry and molecular diagnostics. 4th ed. 2006;364, 2261. 5. 5th WHO IS Chorionic Gonadotropin (NIBSC Code 07/364) Instructions for Use, Available biological_reference_materials/product_catalogue/detail_page. aspx?catid=07/364. Move your lab forward at Explore Beckman Coulter’s entire range of integrated diagnostic solutions for reproductive health, including: IMMUNOASSAYCHEMISTRYHEMATOLOGYNEPHELOMETRY Beckman Coulter, the stylized logo and Access are registered trademarks of Beckman Coulter, Inc. For Beckman Coulter’s worldwide office locations and phone numbers, please visit DS-14678B B2013-14147 © 2013 Beckman Coulter, Inc.
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