HIGHLAND OAKS MIDDLE SCHOOL CAMBRIDGE SUBJECT SELECTION FORM 2014 - 2015 Nmne: __ ~ ~ Last ~ ~~ First UD#: _ _ Middle The Subject Selection Form indicates your choices of classes for next academic school year. PI~ select the courses carefully after discussing them with your teachers and parents. The Subject Selection Form must be returned to your school no later than March 19.2014. Plcase note: If you do not return this Subject Seleetioa Form with all tile aeeeasary sf•••••.•• you will be assigned to classes by the grade level counselor. There will not be any schedule changes after May 16. 2014. REQUIRED COURSES - Selected by your individual teacher. Teachers please.write in the course code for your individual subject and initial. LANGUAGE ARTS C~ All AI2 A13 AI4 A19 A06 MlJ Language Arts 1- Regular MlJ Language Arts 1-Advanced MlJ LanguaaeArts - Inc:lusion •• MlJ Language Arts - SPED" MlJ Language Arts 1- Cambridge/Gifted • MlJ Language Arts - ESOL MATHEMATICS Code ~~~_ B 11 B12 BI3 BI4 B16 B 19 SCIENCE Code ~= llriti& ~---- MlJ Mathematics MlJ Mathematics MIJ Mathematics MlJ Mathematics MlJ Mathematics MlJ Mathematics Initial Cll CI2 C13 CI4 CI9 __~ Initial _:--:::---:-_ MlJ Comprehensive MlJ Comprehensive MlJ Comprehensive MlJ Comprehensive MlJ Comprehensive Science Science Science Science Science 1- Regular 1 - Advanced 1 - Inclusion·· 1 - SPED •• 1- Gifted· SOCIAL STUDIES Code Initial _ Dll Dl2 Dl3 DI4 I - Regular 1 - Advanced I - Inc:Iusion·· 1 - SPED·· I-Advanced - iPrep I - Gifted· ~MIJ~W4~Orl'::"":d~History· - ReguIar------MlJ World History - Advanced MlJ World History - Inclusion·· MIJ World History - SPED.· DI9 MlJ World HiStoly - Gifted· (Mathematics MUST be at the WIle level or higber that tile Idence daues.) PHYSICAL EDUCATION Code~~~:-- ·Cwtent placement in a gifted prognm required (EP). ··Required Indiviluali.zed EcUcat.ion Plan (IEP). PIIIP12 MlJ Physical Education - Regular PUIP14 MlJ Physical Education - SPED·· PISIP16 MIJ Physical Education -Team Building (~Period) PHYSICAL EDUCATION Physical education is a requirement in fih, 7th, and Sth grade. This regJlimnent maY be waived only if a student is enrolled in a remedial Course or if the student's parent recmests in wriW that the student is to be enrolled in another elective for the upcoming ~. It must be stated that the student is participating in physical activities outside the school equal to or in excess of the mandated requirement This written request MUST be ubmltted at the same time tbe course seleetJon sheet is returned and is only valid for the upcoming scbool year and It will not be accepted at a later time. At Highland Oaks Middle School, pbysical education is an annUal course. ELECTIVES: Please select four (4) choices ftom. the elective classes listed on the reverse side of this form. Write them down in your order of preference. Your elective choices may be affected by your FCAT results. AU student counes are contingent on student enroUment and teacber availability. Also, please note that anyone ofthe-seleeted cboices may be given to you. FintCboiee~ Tbird Cboiee, I _ _ Second Cbolce, Fourth Cboice, _ IFCAT Spedall!_ •• Student's Signature _ ~I Parent Signatures Date "'Grad Ell Art 1 (fee required) El2 Drama E13 Ocean~phya K01/K02 Business KeyboarcHn.sI Comput-er Applications In Business (Computers) Mll Band 1 (fee required) M21 Orchestra 1 (fee required) M31 Instrumental Technfque{percussiOn) ';;aUdItIons required for acceptance (fee required) M41 Chorus 1-llUdltIons 511 Spanish for 521 5panish5 for Beslnners (for $Peakers) •• Communication, Mathematics Enhancement ~eDCA ~ required for ac:ceptanc:e(fee required) seamners • Requlr. a Tacher BlCSHDmendatlgn 6t1t Grade.Sped8lJl§tlves Bl0 E38 baSed on FCATscores) Intensive.MatJJ~lIHlDt : ..'•..• ,.j' R11 Intenslve'Readlne-leveIl(plac:ement /. - .. R12 Intensive ReJdInj -~I , ,., ," ' .. based on FCATsc:ores) 2 (placement based on FCATscores) PE Electives G36 EBDSocial/P4!rso~~ G37 EBO learnIng 5trat~ J16 LD Inclusion leamlngstratecles 6-8 ROl Intensive Reading- Levell and :z (placement - by IEP only 6-8 based on FCATscores and IEP)
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