37TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT SHANNON Report: CZR0026 Date. Time; Page: CIRCUIT COURT DOCKET SHEET 14AN-CR00042 STATE V JAMES E VANWINKLE Case Type: Status: Case Filing Date: AC Felony Warrant Issued 27-FeD-Z014 8:20:37AM 1 Security Level: 1 Public 26-feb-20l4 Disposition Date: Disposition; OCN#: 77299760 Arresting Agency: MO1020200 Release/Status Reason Change Date SANDRA M WEST (48711) JAMES E VANWINKLE (VANJE3177) JODIE RENEE BRUMBLE (54035) Judge Defendant Prosecuting Attorney Charge Charge # Date Original Charge: Filing Date 26-Feb-2014 Charge Code 10-Jan-20H 2209000 Charge Description Incest (Felony D RSMo : 568.020) Description Judge Assigned Information Filed Probable Cause Statement Filed : Warrant Issued Document ID: 14-ANARW-8, for VANWINKLE, JAMES E, , Bond Amount: 200,000.00, Bond Text: CASH ONLY Bond Amount: 200,000.00; Cash Bond Amount: 200,000.00, Bond Text: CASH ONLY PAQc. STATE OF MISSOURI CO UNTY OF SHANNON 03/25 Recommended Bond: S200,000 ) ) ss. ) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF SHANNON COUNTY, MISSOURI, ASSOCIATE DIVISION ir\ T -iL^ F li -^ STATE OF MISSOURI, PLAINTIFF; Vs. JAMES E. VANWINKLE, 603 Cemetery Road Winona,MO 65588 SSN: 496-78-3177 DOB: 11/28/1964 DEFENDANT. FEB 2 € 2014 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) MELANY WILLIAMS Case No.: OCN #: 77299760 Charge Code: 2209099:0 ORI: M0102013A Charge: INCEST, CLASS D FELONY. COMPLAINT Comes Now, Jodie R. BrumbleJ Prosecuting Attorney of Shannon County, Missouri, being duly sworn upon oath and upon information and belief, and states that there is probable cause to believe that the accused committed the following crime, in violation of Section: : 568.020, RSMo. committed the class D< felony of Incest, punishable upon conviction under Sections 558.011 and 560.011, R,SMo; in that on or between August 27, 2013 and January 3 0, 2014, Defendant had deviate sexual intercourse with M. J. V., Defendant's biological daughter. ; Tlie facts that form the basis for, this information and belief are contained in the attached statement of facts concerning this matter, which statement is made a part hereof and is submitted herewith as a basis upon which this court may find the existence of probable cause for the issuance of the warrant. Wherefore, the Prosecuting Attorney prays that an arrest wan-ant be issued as provided by law. : Respectfully Submitted, Recorder Jo^t^RABrumble, #54035 Prosecuting Attorney P.O. Box 429 Eminence, MO 65466 (573) 226-3714 ATTORNEY FOR THE STATE SHANNON co CIRCUIT P5/25 Date: Time: Page 37TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Report; CZR0026 .SHANNON CIRCUIT COURT DOCKET SHEET STATE V JAMES E VANWlNKLE 14AN-CR00041 Case Type: Status: Security Level: 1 Public Case Filing Date: AC Felony Warrant Issued 274=80-2014 8:20,37AM 26-Feb-2014 Disposition Date; Disposition: OCN#: 77299760 Arresting Agency: MO1020200 Release/Status Reason Change Date SANDRA M WEST (48711) JAMES E VANWlNKLE (VANJE3177) JODIE RENEE BRUMBLE (54035) Judge Defendant Prosecuting Attorney Charge Charge # Date Original Charge: Filing Date 26-Feb-2014 Charge Code 30-Jan-2014 1109500 Charge Description Stat Sodmy-1st-Dev Sex Intr W/Prs < 14-Ser Phy Inj/Dspl Deadly Wea'p/Dng Inst/Sbj Vic Intr W/> Than One Per/Vic < 12 (Felony Unclassified RSMo : 566.062) Description Judge Assigned Complaint Filed Probable Cause Statement Filed \t Is ued ! Document ID: 14-ANARW-7, for VANWlNKLE, JAMES E. , Bond Amount: 200.000.00, Bond Text: CASH ONLY Bond Amount; 200,000.00; Cash Bond Amount: 200,000.00; Bond Text: CASH ONLY STATE OF MISSOURI CO UNTY OF SHANNON Recommended Bond: $200,000 ) ) ss. ) IN THE CIRCUIT COtjRT OF SHANNON COUNTY, MISSOURI, ASSOCIATE DIVISION STATE OF MISSOURI, PLAINTIFF, MELANY WILUAMS Vs. JAMES E. VANWINKLE, 603 Cemetery Road Winona, MO 65588 SSN: 496-78-3177 DOB: 11/28/1964 DEFENDANT. ) ) ) ) Case No.: OCN#: Charge Code: OKI: HAN ' 77299760 1109599,0 M0102013A Charge; STATUTORY SODOMY-FIRST DEGREE, UNCLASSIFIED Ex-Officio Recorder FELONY. COMPLAINT Comes Now. Jodie R. Brumble, Prosecuting Attorney of Shannon County, Missouri, being duly sworn upon oath and upon information and belief, and states that there is probable cause to believe that the accused committed the following crime, in violation of Section: 566.062, RSMo. committed the unclassified felony of Statutory Sodomy-First Degree, punishable upon conviction under Section 566.062, RSMo, in that on or between August 27. 2013 and January 30, 2014, Defendant had deviate sexual intercourse with M. J. V. (D.OB.: 08/27/2008), a child less than twelve (12) years of age. The facts that form the basis for this information and belief are contained in the attached statement of facts concerning this matter, which statement is made a part hereof and is submitted herewith as a basis upon which this court may find the existence of probable cause for the issuance of the warrant. Wherefore, the Prosecuting Attorney prays that an arrest warrant be issued as provided by law. Respectfully Submitted, Jodie R. Brumble, #54035 Prosecuting Attorney P.O. Box 429 Eminence, MO 65466 (573) 226-3714 ATTORNEY FOR THE STATE SHANNON 37TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT |SHANNON Report: CZR0026 Date, Time: Page: CIRCUIT COURT DOCKET SHEET 14AN-CR00040 Security Level: 1 Public STATE V JAMES E VANWINKLE Case Type: Status: Disposition: OCN#; Arresting Agency: Case Filing Date: AC Felony Warrant Issued 27-Feb-2014 8,20,37AM 1 2S-Feb-2014 Disposition Date: 77299760 MO1020200 Release/Status Reason Change Date SANDRA M WEST (48711) JAMES E VANWINKLE (VANJE3177) JODIE RENEE BRUMBLE (54035) Judge Defendant Prosecuting Attorney Charge Charge # Date Original Charge: Filing Pate 26-Feb-20l4 1 Charge Code 30-Jan-2014 2604500 Charge Description Endangering Welfare Of Child - 1st Degree (Felony C RSMo : 568.045) Description Judge Assigned Complaint Filed i Probable Cause Statement Filed Warrant Issued j Document ID; 14-ANARW-6, for VANWINKLE, JAMES E. , Bond Amount; 100,000,00, Bond Text: CASH ONLY Bond Amount: 100,000,00; Cash Bpnd Amount: 100,000,00; Bond Text: CASH ONLY SHANNON CO CIRC STATE co UNTY OF SHANNON ) PA>; Recommended Bond: $100,000 )ss, ) IN THE CIRCUIT COTJJRT OF SHANNON COUNTY, MISSOURI, UL_E ASSOCIATE DIVISION 2 fi 2014 STATE OF MISSOURI, —•» PLAINTIFF, Vs. , Circuit aB*arifrOfa£R&COI4Qr ) ) ) ) Case No,: OCN#: 77299760 Charge Code: 2604599.0 OKI: MO102013A JAMES E. VAWWINKLE, 603 Cemetery Road Winona,MO 65588 i SSN: 496-78-3177 : DOB: 11/28/1964 DEFENDANT. Charge: ENDANGERING THE WELFARE OF A CHILD- FIRST DEGREE, CLASS C FELONY. COMPLAINT Comes Now, Jodie R. Bramble. Prosecuting Attorney of Shannon County, Missouri, being duly sworn upon oathiand upon information and belief, and states that there is probable cause to believe the accused committed the following crimes, in violation of Section: 568.045, RSMo, committed the class C felony of Endangering the "Welfare of a ChildFirst Degree, punishable upon conviction under Sections 558.011 and 560.Oil, RSMo. in that on or between August 27, 2013 and January 30, 2014, in the County of Shannon, State of Missouri, Defendant, knowingly acted in a manner that created a substantial risk to the life, body or health of E. G, B. (D.O.B.: 02/05/1999), a child less than 17 years of age. by engaging in a course of abuse of E. G. B. of a sexual nature. The facts that form the basis for this information and belief are contained in the attached statement of facts concerning this matter, which statement is made a part hereof and is submitted herewith as a basis upon which this court may find the existence of probable cause for the issuance of the [warrant Wherefore, the Prosecuting Attorney prays that an arrest warrant be issued as provided by law. KJ eS:5£ 1 SHANNON CD CIRCUIT C Respectfully Submitted, e, #54035 Prosetmfr/Attorney P.O. BOM29 Eminence, MO 65466 (573) 226-3714 ATTORNEY FOR THE STATE PAGE 64/2£. 62/27/2014 03:50 1 SHANNON CO CIRCUIT C PAGE 11/26 # V 10 STATk of MISSOURI ) ss, SHANNON COUNTY ) Probable Cause Statement Date: February 25, 2014 MELANV Wi LLJAMS Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder I, S£rgeant_Trayis_R._HQweg of the Winona Police Department, knowing that a false statement is punishable by law, hereby affirm the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, ijEiformation> and belief. I have probable cause to believe that bcjtwcen 08/27/2013 and 01/30/2014, at or about 603 Cemetery Road, Winona, MO 65588, MO. VanWinklc, James E., D.O.B. 11/28/1964. SSN# 496-78-3177, last known address of 6Q3.jCemeterv Road, Winona, Missouri 655S8. OCN#77299760 Committed one of more of the following offense(s)...... i 1. 5rta-VM*3^-.5ociQfl*|. 1st Degree RSMo 566.062. MCC#: ««•••*• By subjecting 40MMt. who is Five Years Old, to dtv^vr s«H,irA«n**by touching and digitally penetrating her vagina, resulting in an injury to her vagina. 2. Child Molestation 2nd Degree R^Mo 566.068 MCC# •••» - By subjecting flIB- w^° ^s 15 years old, to sexual contact by touching and penetrating her vagina, resulting in her hymen being torn. 3. Incest RSMo 368.020 MCC#; 2209004.0 - By engaging in deviate sexual intercourse with 4. Endangering Welfare of Child 1s Degree RSMo MMMMMfc JPPWKBt— By engaging in sexual conduct with ••••& and 40MM, who are both under the age of 17 and he is given charge with the care and custody of the both of them. Abuse or Neglect of a Child RSMo 568.060 MCC#: MVMHMI- By placing two children under the age of IS, in situation in which the children may suffer physical or mental injury as a result of the abuse or neglect. On 01/30/2014 at approximately 1Z45 hrs., I was contacted by the Children's Division who stated they had an emergency call and would need assistance. I was informed that informed her teacher that MHMCD.O.B. 08/27/2008 Jimmy VanWinkle frequently puts his fingers inside her vagina. RECEIVED TIME FEE, 21. FEB. 11, 02/27/2014 09:50 1 C2-26-H;OB:10AM; SHANNON CO CIRCUIT C PAGE Chuck Keeney and Henry Younger from Children's Division wished to speak with ^^•k in my presence. MMt is a student in the Winona Head Start and was attending school today. After arriving at the Head Start, Chuck and Henry began interviewing MMMMMIstated that her dad touches her crotch urea and specifically stated that he touched her under her clothes and underwear. Wfc stated her dad's fingers go inside her. MBA stated she knew that this touching was not appropriate. She stated that this occurs in the mornings, and stated that he had touched her in this way this morning. MH0 also stated that this hns occurred numerous times and has been happening since before Christmas of 2013- OTA went on to state that her sister, MM* U>.O.B. 02/05/1999 - •MHMMMMB^as witnessed it happening. After Chuck Keeneys Henry Younger, and I spoke with MM| at the Winona School, Cpl. Bradwell and I went to the Winona Head Start and took •••into protective custody based on alleged Child Molestation. Shortly after returning to the Winona P.D., Corporal Bradwell, Officer Abney, and I went to Jimmy VanWlnkte's residence. Corporal Bradwell and Officer Abncy detained Jimmy, placed him in wrist restraints, and transported him to the Winona Police Department to interview him. Corporal Bradwell then read Jimmy his Miranda warning and he stated he understood his rights and wished to speak with us. Jimmy idenied any purposeful touching of a sexual nature toMlVMB:- He stated that he has wrestled with her and it might have happened accidentally, but could not pinpoint a particular time. Jimmy first stated that he did not wake any of the children up but later recanted and stated that he sometimes wakes up the two oldest children, one of which is ••HI Jimmy stated that MBM or Sam a nth a Becker, who is both ••§. and MBM':-. mother, usually wakes MMf» During the interview, my attention was brought to other tasks and I was not present for the entire interview CpL Bradwell had with Jimmy. * Officer Abncy then went to the residence of Jimmy Van Winkle, MMA, end MBB and inspection, Officer Abney took HMB and the other children of the home into protective custody base on substandard living conditions. * Later that day, Cpl. Bradwell and I spoke with Samantha Backer. Samantha is the mother of both 1MB. andJMM. Samantha4is the girlfriend of Jimmy VanWinkle. Cpl. Bradwell read Saman&a her Miranda Warning* Samanlha stated she understood her rights. Cpl. Bradwell then asked her if she wished to speak with us, and she stated that she did. Samautha denied knowing of any. touching,of a sexual nature done to •••I. in her home. I asked Samantha if her daughter, MMfc, told her that Jimmy was digitally molesting her. Samantha stated that she did not remember. I told her that •MM. stated during-tho Interview with Children's Division workers that she told her mother about the situation this morning (01/30/2014) and her mother stated she would talk with her about it later. Again, I asked Samantha if she had this conversation with MMM. and she stated that she does not remember. I stated that this Is a serious matter and one would definitely remember whether they had this conversation with thf ir child that same day or not. Samantha went on to state that maybe her daughter stated that she wanted to talk to her about something and she may have told her that they would R E C E I V E D TIME F E B .2 7 . 9:55AM P R I N T TIME F E B . 27. 12/26 # 2/10 02/27/2014 SHANNON CO CIRCUIT C 09:58 PAGE 13/25 # 3/10 talk about it later. I asked Sumautha who wakes the kids in the morning. Samantha stated that Jimmy usually wakes tfce children because she is asleep until 6;30 am or later. Cpl. Bradwell asked Samantha if Jimmy wrestles \vithMMi. Samantha stated that he did so on a regular basic. Cplt Bradwell asked Samantha if he knew Jimmy to tickle ftHMt in the crotch area, Samantha stated that she did. She went on t* state that Jimmy usually tickles MMflL's stomach but sometimes tickles her crotch area. Cpl. Bradwctl informed me during his interview with Jimmy, he admitted to tickling ••M's crotch area, but has only done so one time. ever. Cpl. Btadwell informed me that Jimmy al.vw stated the he may hav* accidentally put hifc finger insideflMM0/5 vagina while wrestling one time. Cpl. Bradweh* stated he asked if Jimmy remembered the particular time that it did occur or could have occurred and Jimmy -stated that he did not, only acknowledged it as a possibility. f On 02/24/2014 at approximately I900hrsf, I began reviewing the DVD's provided by the South Central Child Advocacy Center in West Plains, Missouri, On the DVD's are interviews with flHfc aixlM^HV A!NO, on the DVD's were photographs taken during the S.A.FJE. - C.A.R.E. and interview performed on MM and •••I. •••••• WAS interviewed twice, once on 01730/2014 and once again on 02/13/2014. Both times she was interviewed by Forensic Interviewer Tina Ahad. The first interview has a date and time stamp of 01/30/2014 at 1943hrs. During the interview, ••M, states that she knows it is not ok for someone to touch a girl's breasts or crotch. ••• went on to state that her mom(Samantha (Becker), dad(Jimmy Van Winkle), •••••• ••••(brother), and IMMHBHMIliavc all touched her breasts.••••then stated every time her dad touches her breasts, he also touches her cr otch.MMfc then stated that this has happened more than one time, ••••then stated when her dad touches her breasts and crotch he uses his hand. She then stated that this has happened multiple times at her house. She also stated that last time it happened it was at home and hor clothes were pulled up as she lifted her arms ahovc her head. (•••. then stated that she asked her dad what he was doing and he said nothing. ••• stated her dad then touched her nose with his hand for her to smell It and she told her dad he ivas nasty. MHt. stated that her dad had touched her in the kitchen., living room, and her bedroom. •••I stated that her dad pulled her pants down when he touched her. described her dad touching her as a poke and stated that it was inside her body. stated this first started happening when she was four years old.MMM then details a conversation she had with her mother about her dad touching her inappropriately after the first time it ihappencd.•••> stated that her mother said that If her dad does not stop doing that toihcr flBHB won't be his baby girl anymore and that she will be fter mother's baby girl.tf^^. went on the state that her dad had also touched^^^Bl's breasts. BHft. stated she was in the same room when it happened. When iH^Bi AVUN asked to show how dad touched her by using a fomule doll^^M§. repeatedly poked the crotch of the doll. The conversation was then directed back to the topic of her dad touching (••.'* breast. M^Bi stated that it occurred numerous times and he touched her skin with his fingers.|^^^ then reaffirmed that her Mom, Dad, ••••••M andJHHBHB nave all touched her breasts, •••i went on to R E C E I V E D TIME F E B . 2?. 9:55AM P R I N T TIME FEB.11. 10:06AM SHANNON CO CIRCUIT C PAGE 14, describe that hop Mom touched her breasts on her . then stated her mom touched her breasts when she was washing her with a rag. ^^H(brotlier) licked her breasts with his tongue. She stated tliat^M0 pulled her shirt down to lick her. VHV- stated thatffMi did this more than one time. Later on in the interview, MHt stated •••••••fr touched her crotch with his hand and then took it ouL^MBf. staged £pMk then went into bathroom and played with his wcc-wcc. stated after he played wee-wee he came out of the bathroom and told her. stated 4MMB has only touched her crotch one time and touched her inside her , body, _ : _ * » (B0B. was also interviewed by Tina Ah ad During the interview., 4HH was asked if she ever had to do anything to a boy's ding dong, she stated that she usually tells them to keep it to themselves and walks away^M^- said sometimes they get mad. ffW< also stated she was has not been sexually active. On 02/25/2014, 1 received the Sexual Assault Forensic Examination paper work for iMAr. and HH and began reviewing it. The physical examination for all of the children was performed by Celeste Williams, is a Nurse Practitioner and Is employed by the Child Advocacy Center. • ; _ In the narrative portion ofJU^B^'s medical exam completed by Celeste Williams it states, "At anterior or top of labia has a small adhesion with an acute tear." During a telephone conversation with Celeste Williams on 02/l9/2014r she ajso stated that^hc tear under the labia has been caused by some trim ma and could be caused by digital penetration. She also stated there VMRS bluish discoloration between the vagina and rectum that appeared to be bruising, This Information is also reflected in.ber narrative report of^HB^ Further m the narrative it states that^BMi has a "foul odor, skin that 1$ dirt stained/embedded, multiple healing sores on skin cause concern for neglect." In the findings section of the report, Celeste Williams notes that the history and behavior ofjffft. is consistent With sexual abuse/assault Celeste Williams also notes in this section that physical findings present are consistent with sexual abuse/assault. It was also noted in the report thatMBtf.'s hymen was Intact. Inb the* nar^itlve portion of — ftMB.'s - medical exam completed by Celeste Williams it States ,tkat (••. had "a healed transaction of the hymen at 8 o'clock that is consistent with Wunt force trauma penetrating the hymen. Celeste Williams noted that the physical findings present arc consistent with sexual abused assault. During a telephone conversation with Celeste Williams oh Q2/1P/2014, she further the described the physical findings on VIA as a complete( tearing of the hymen at 8 o'clock. She also stated this is consistent with penetrating trauma and could be either penile or digital penetration. She further s£ated|in the conversation that the tear was completely healed and the Ira 14 ma did not occur within the last weak. SHANNON CO CIRCUIT C PAQE 15/26 P- (a) I believe that the defendant will not appear In court in response to a criminal summons because: The nature of this crime is heinous and without regard to the Innocence of the children belonging to the suspect. This crime carries with it a severe punishment which could include a lengthy prison sentence. Tha nature of the crime also carries a social stigma hi which society tends to cast out a suspect or convict of crimes of this nature. Therefore, it leads me to believe that the suspect would not Appear in open court to fae^eharges of this nature without being 1 compelled to do. so by a warrant iforjbis arrest * (b) I believe tjiat the djpfentant poses a danger to; One of the victims of these crimes is an immediate blood relative of the suspect The suspect retains his parental rights at •'* this time. These crimes were facilitated to due the nature of that relationship. Given * that relationship it creates a situation where a substantial risk to the children's physical well-being and mental state and are also placed in constant jeopardy. (c) Or a danger to the comxnunity because: Anyone who has a child and purports to love that child and would commit these crimes against that child should be deemed a sexual predator. Therefore, it creates a substantial risk to the community and the public as a whole. Sgt Travis Howell / DSN#101 Winona Police Department D/ SHANNON CO CIRCUIT C Report: CZR0026 PAGE 37TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT SHANNON CIRCUIT COURT DOCKET SHEET STATE V SAMANTHA K BECKER 14AN-CR00043 Case Type: Status: AC Felony Warrant Issued Case Filing Date: Date: Time: Page: 24/26 27-Feb-2014 8:20:37AM 1 Security Level: 1 Public 26-Feb-2014 Disposition Date: Disposition; OCN#: 77299761 Arresting Agency: MO1020200 Release/Status Reason Change Date SANDRA M WEST (48711) SAMANTHA K BECKER (BECSK0697) JODIE RENEE BRUMBLE (54035) Judge Defendant Prosecuting Attorney Charge Charge U Date Original Charge: Filing Date 26-Feb-2014 1 Charge Code 30-Jan-2014 2606600 Charge Description Abuse Or Neglect Of A Child - Less Than 14 YOA And Sexual Abuse/Exploitation (Felony A RSMo : 568.060) Description Judge Assigned \t Filed Probable Cause Statement Filed Warrant Issued Document ID: 14-ANARW-9, for BECKER, SAMANTHA K. , Bond Amount: 200,000.00, Bond Text: CASH ONLY Bond Amount: 200,000.00; Cash Bond Amount: 200,000.00; Bond Text: CASH ONLY 02/27/2014 09:50 SHANNON CO CIRCUIT C STATE OF MISSOURI ) ) ss. CO UNTY OF SHANNON ) PAGE 25/26 Recommended Bond: $200,000 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF SHANNON COUNTY, MISSOURI, I L 1i ASSOCIATE DIVISION ? k STATE OF MISSOURI, MELANY WILLIAMS Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officlo Recorder PLAINTIFF, ) ) ) ) Vs. FEB 2 6 2814 ^ Case No.: OCN#: 77299761 Charge Code: 2606699.0' OKI: M0102013A SAMANTHA K BAKER, 603 Cemetery Road Winona a MO 65588 SSN: 493-78-0697 DOB; 01/20/1977 DEFENDANT. Charge: ABUSE OR NEGLECT OF A CHILD, CLASS A FELONY. COMPLAINT Comes Now, Jodie R. Brurnble, Prosecuting Attorney of Shannon County, Missouri, being duly swora upon oath and upon information and belief, and states that there is probable cause to believe the accused committed the following crime, in violation of Section: 568.060, RSMo, committed the class A;felony of Abuse or Neglect of a Child, punishable upon conviction under Sections 558.011, 560.011 and 568.060, RSMo, in that on or between August 27, 2013 and January 30, 2014, in the County of Shannon, State of Missouri, Defendant, knowingly caused a child, IMP. (D.O.B.: 08/27/2008) to be placed in a situation where iMBi suffered serious emotional injury and said injury was the result of sexual abuse as defined under RSMo 566.100The facts that form the basis forithis information and belief are contained in the attached statement of facts concerning this matter, which statement is made a part hereof and is submitted herewith as a basis upon which this court may find the existence of probable cause for the issuance of the warrant. Wherefore, the Prosecuting Attorney prays that an arrest warrant be issued as provided by law. R E C E I V E D TIME FEB, 27. 9:55AM P R I N T TIME FEB. 27. 10 SHANNON CO CIRCUIT C Respectfully Submitted, Jodfe R.^^ible, #54035 Prosecuting; Attorney' P.O. Box 429 Eminence, MO 65466 (573) 226-3714 ATTORNEY FOR THE STATE '/2014 09:58 SHANNON CO CIRCUIT C 37TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT SHANNON Report: CZR0026 Date: Time: Page; CIRCUIT COURT UOCKtl SHttT 14AN-CR00044 STATE V SAMANTHA K BECKER AC Felony Warrant Issued Case Type: Status: ; Case Filing Date: 27-Feb-2014 8:20:37AM 1 Security Level; 1 Public 26-Feb-2014 Disposition Date: Disposition: OCN#: 77299761 Arresting Agency; M01020200 Release/Status Reason Change Date SANDRA M WEST (48711) SAMANTHA K BECKER (BECSK0697) JODIE RENEE BRUMBLE (54035) Judge Defendant Prosecuting Attorney Charge Charge # Date Original Charge: Filing Date 26-Feb-2014 1 Charge Code 30-Jan-2014 2604500 Charge Description Endangering Welfare Of Child - 1st Degree (Felony C RSMo : 568.045) Description Judge Assigned I Complaint Filed : Probable Cause Statement Filed Warrant Issued Document ID: 14-ANARW-10, for BECKER, SAMANTHA K. , Bond Amount: 100,000-00, Bond Text: CASH ONLY Bond Amount: 100,000.00; Cash Bond Amount: 100,000.00; Bond Text; CASH ONLY '2014 83:50 SHANNON CO CIRCUIT C STATE OF MISSOURI 17/26 Recommended Bond: SI 00,000 ) ) as, ) COUNTY QF SHANNON IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF SHANNON COUNTY, MISSOURI, I JL K iL^ ASSOCIATE DIVISION P STATE OF MISSOURI, PLAINTIFF, ) F E B 2 £ 2014 2. MELANY WILLIAMS Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder Vs ) ) ) ) Case No.: OCN#: 77299761 Charge Code: 2604599.0 OKI: M0102013A SAMANTHA K. BAKER, 603 Cemetery Road Winona,MO 65588 I SSN: 493-78-0697 DOB: 01/20/1977 DEFENDANT. Charge: ENDANGERING THE WELFARE OF A CHILD- FIRST DEGREE, CLASS C FELONY. COMPLAINT Comes Now, Jodie R. BrumbleJ Prosecuting Attorney of Shannon County, Missouri, being duly sworn upon oath and upon information and belief, and states that there is probable cause to believe the accused committed the following crimes, iii violation of Section: 568,045, RSMo, committed the class C: felony of Endangering the Welfare of a ChildFirst Degree, punishable upon conviction under Sections 558.011 and 560.01 1, RSMo, in that on or between August 27, 201 3 and January 30, 201 4, in the County of Shannon, State of Missouri, Defendant, knowingly acted in a manner that created a substantial risk to the life, body or health of ^•E- (D.O.B.: 02/05/1999). a child less than 17 years of boyfriend who Defendant knew or should have known was engaging in a course of abuse of a sexual nature. The facts that form the basis for this information and belief are contained in the attached statement of facts concerning tliis matter, which statement is made a part hereof and is submitted herewith as a basis upon which this court may find the existence of probable cause for the issuance of the \yarrant. R E C E I V E D TIME FES. 27. 9: SHANNON CO CIRCUIT C Wherefore, the Prosecuting Attorney prays that an arrest warrant be issued as provided by law. Respectfully Submitted, Jodie |e#r\imble, #54035 Prosecuting Attorney P.O. Box 429 Eminence, MO 65466 (573) 226-3714 ATTORNEY FOR THE STATE SHANNON CO CIRCUIT C PAGE 13/26 # 6/ STAT)E of MISSOURI ) ss. SHANNON COUNTY ) Probable Cause Statement Date; February 25, 2014 MELANY WILLIAMS Ex-Officio I, Sergeant Trnvis R. Howcll of the Winonn Police Department, statement is punishable by law, hereby affirm the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief- I have probable cause to believe that between 08/27/2013 and 01/39/2014. at or about 603 Ccmotorv Road. Winona. MO 65588. MO. Becker. Samantha K.. P.O.B. 01/20/1977. SSN# 493-78-0697, last known address of 603 Cemetery Road, Winona, Missouri 65588, QCN#77299761 : Committed one of more of the following offcnsc(s) ...... 1. Child Molestation 1st Degree RSJMo 566.067 MCC#; 2210318.2 - By acting in concert with Jimmy V&nWlnklciwho subjcctudf|HK who is Five Years Old, to sexual contact by touching and digitally penetrating her vagina, resulting in an injury to her vagina. 2. Incest RSMo 568.020 MCC#: 2209004.2 - By acting in concert with Jimmy VnnWinkle who engaged in deviate sexual intercourse with! 3. Endangering Welfare of Child I*1 Degree RSMo 568.045 MCC#: 2604799.0 - By acting in concert with Jimmy Van Winkle who engaged In sexual conduct with who is under the age of 17 •riririWta^MHWHMB||MVMlH>§MlM 4. Abuse or Neglect of a Child RSMo 568.060 MCC#: 2606699.2 - By acting in concert with Jimmy Van Winkle, who placed HB., who is under the age of 18 in a situation in which the child may suffer physical or mental injury as A result of the abuse or neglect. On 01/30/2014 at approximatoly 1245 hrs., I was contacted by the Children's Division who stated they had an emergency call and would need assistance. I was Informed that J^BI. (D.O*B. 08/27/2008 - S.S.N.^HHHI had informed her teacher that her dad, Jimmy Van Winkle frequently puts his fingers inside her vagina. Recordei 82/27/2814 09:50 1 02-26-14;09:10AM; SHANNON CO CIRCUIT C PAGE 20/26 # 7/10 Chuck Keeney and Henry Younger Ifrom Children's Division wished to speak with VHI- in my presence. fH§ is a student in the Winona Head Start and was attending school today. After arriving at the Head Start, Chuck and Henry began intervicwingJUJ^H^HL Stated that her dad touches her crotch area and specifically stated that he touched her under heir clothes and underwear. ^Hf. stated her dad's fingers go inside her. Jfffkstated;she knew that this touching was not appropriate. She stated that this occurs in the mornings, and stated that he had touched her in this way this morning. dHt a^so stated that this hae occurred numerous times and has bocn happening since before Christmas of 2013. JBBI went on to state that her sister, 02/05/1999 - MBB^BHMft, has witnessed It happening. After Chuck Keeney, Henry Younger, and I spoke with BBS- at the Winona School, Cpl. Bra dwell and I went to the Winona Head Start and tookJ^Ht into protective custody based on alleged Child Molestation. Shortly after returning to the Winona P.D.j Corporal BradwcH, Officer Abney, and I went to Jimmy VanWinkle's residence. Corporal Brad well and Officer Abucy detained Jimmy, placed him in wrist restraints, and transported him to the WinonaiPoIice Department to interview him. Corporal Bradwell tiheu read Jimmy his Miranda warning and he stated he understood his rights and wished to speak with us. Jimmy denied any purposeful touching of a sexual nature t°MMMMt R° stated that he has Wrestled with her and it might have happened accidentally, but could not pinpoint a particular time. Jimmy first stated that he did not wake any of the children up but later recanted and stated that he sometimes wakes up the two oldest children, one of which isfffL Jimmy stated thatJ^H^. or Saxnantha interview, my attention was brought to other tasks and I was not present for the entire interview Cpl. Bradwell had with Jimmy. '; f Officer Abney then went to the residence of Jimmy VanWinkle, MMt,, andVHBI and spoke with Samantha BeckerJgBI^HW"H^|H||^BML After a home inspection, Officer Abney lonkSSWB and the other children of the home into protective custody base on substandard living conditions. Later that day, CpJL Bradwell and I spoke with Snmnutha Becker. i^MMriflriMiv •MMHMWVMBHHBMMM. Samantha is the girlfriend of Jimmy VanWinkle. Cpl. Bradwell read Samnnlhn her Miranda Warning. Samantha stated she understood her rights. Cpl. Bradwell then asked her if she wished to speak with us, and she stated tin at she did. Samantha denied knowing of any touching of a sexual nature done to IMt in her home, I asked Samantha if her daughter,•••! told her that Jimmy was digitally molesting her. Samantna stated that she did not remember. I told her that •••I stated during the Interview with Children's Division workers that she told her mother about the situation this morning (01/30/2014) and her mother stated site would talk with her about it later. Again, I asked Samantha if she had this conversation with MHfllaud she stated that she does not remember. I stated that this is a serious matter and one would definitely remember whether they had this conversation with their child that same day or not. Samantha went on to state that maybe her daughter stated that she wanted to talk to her about something and she may have told her that they would 02/27/2014 R9:50 1 SHANNON CO CIRCUIT 02-26-14;OB:10Alv'; 21/26 # B/ 1C talk about St later. I asked Samantha who wakes the kids in the morning. Samantha stated that Jimmy usually \vakes the children because she la asleep until 0:30 am or later. Cpl. Bradwell asked Samantha If Jimmy wrestles withMMI Samantha stated that ho did so on*a regular basis. CpL Bradwell asked Samantha if he knew Jimmy to ticklcMHM in die'crotch area, Sam a nth a stated that she did. She went on to state that Jimmy usually tickles •^••fc stomach but sometimes tickles her crotch area. * Cpl. Bradwell informed me during his interview with Jimmy, he admitted to tickling MMMs crotch area, but has only done so one time, ever. Cpl. Bradwell informed me t that Jimmy also stated the he may have accidentally put his finger iusideMM00 'vagina while wrestling one time. Cpl. Bradwell stated he asked if Jimmy remembered the particular time that it did occur! or could have occurred and Jimmy stated that he did not, only acknowledged It as a possibility. . t On 02/24/2014 at approximately 19QOhrs., I began reviewing the DVD's provided by the South Central Child Advocacy Center in West Plains, Missouri On the DVD's are Interviews wituMMil and BM0L Also, on the DVD's were photographs taken during the S.A.F.E. - C.A.R.E. and interview performed onMMlL andMHfc. MpMMwas interviewed twice, once on 01/30/2014 and once again on 02/13/2014. Both times she was interviewed by Forensic Interviewer Tina Ahad. The first interview has a date and time stamp of 01/30/2014 at 1943hrs. During the interview, IMM. states that she knows it is not ok for someone to touch a girl's breasts or crotch. ABA went on to slate that her momjgamantha Decker), d^d(Jimmy VanWinkle), MMI ••••(brother), and MIMMMI& have all touched her breasts. MMt then stated every time her dad touches her breasts, he also touches her crotch. flMMl then stated that this has happened more than one time. MM. then stated when her dad touches her breasts and crotch he uses his hand- She then stated that this has happened multiple times at her house. She also stated that last time it happened it was at home and her clothes were pulled up 35 she lifted hf r arms above her head. IMM. then stated that she asked her dad what he was doing and he said nothing. JMM stated her dad then touched her nose with his hand for her to smell it and she told her dad he was nasty. •MA stated that her dad had touched her hi the kitchen, living room, and her • bedroom.MMfc stated that heiylnd pulled her pants down when he touched her. described her dad touching her as a poke and stated that it wns inside her body. I stated this first started happening when she was four years old. VHM. then details a conversation she had with her mother about her dad touching her (inappropriately after the first time it happened. MMB^ta ted* that her mother said that if her dad docs not stop doing that to herMMt won't be his baby girl anymore and that she willbc her mother's baby girl. MHB went on the state that her dad had also iouchedMMR's breasts. MMA stated she was in the same room when it happened. When MML was asked to show how dad touched her by using a female doll,MMB repeatedly poked the crotch of the doll. The conversation was then directed back to the topic of her dad touching ••M's breast.MMR stated that it occurred numerous times and he touched her skin with his fingers. then reaffirmed that have all touched her breasts. \nt on to 02/27/2014 09:50 SHANNON CO CIRCUIT C 1 02-26-i4;oe:IOAM; PAGE 22/26 # 9/10 describe thatMMHttfe touched her breasts on her skin. MMV. then stated her mom touched her breasts when she was Washing her with a rag. Then MMK stated AMff Alrim(brother) licked her breasts with his tongue. She stated that tMHB pulled her shirt down to lick her. ***** stated thatttMMdid this more than one time. Later on in the interview,MUM. statcdtiMPpffHHIt- touched her crotch with his hand and then tank it outttMflF. stated•«••• then went into bathroom and played with his wee-wee. stated after he played wcc^wee he came out of the bathroom and told her. stntedOMM has only touched her crotch one time and touched her inside her body. $ VBt >v;ts :llso interviewed by Tina; Ahad. During the interview,, ••M was asked if she ever had to do anything to a boy's ding dong, she stated that she usually teHs them to keep it to themselves and walks uway. MHB- said sometimes they get niad.WB also stated shu was has not been sexually active. On 02/25/2014,1 received the Sexual Assault Forensic Examination paper work for MVM and VMMIand began reviewing it The physical examination for all of the children was perforhied $y Celeste \Villiams, Is a Nurse Practitioner and is employed by the Child Advocacy Center. * i In the narrative portion of •••• medical exam completed by Celeste Williams it states., "At anterior or top of labia has a small adhesion with an acute tear." During a telephone conversation with Celeste Williams on 02/19/2014, she also stated that the tear under the labia has been caused; by some trauma and could be caused by digital penetration. She also stated there was bluish discoloration between the vagind and, rectum tnat appeared to fee bruising. This information is also reflected £n her narrative report of MMI Further in the narrative it states that MMt has a "foul odor, skin that is dirt stained/embedded, multiple healing sore? ou skin cause concern lor neglect." In the findings section of the report, Celeste Williams notes that the history and behavior of MOTt is consistent >vilh sexual abuse/assault. Celeste Williams also notes in this section that physical findings present are consistent with sexual abuse/assault. It was also noted in the report that MOT9s hymen was intact & In the narrative portion of VMM's medical exam completed by Ceteste Williams it states that Mm had "a healed transaction of the hymen at 8 o'clock that is consistent with blunt force trauma penetrating the hymen. Celeste Williams noted that the physical findings present are consistent with sexual abuse/assault During a telephone conversation with Celeste Williams on 02/19/2014, she further the described the physical findings on VBHM as a complete tearing of the hymvn at 8 o'clock. She also stated this is consistent with penetrating trauma? and could bo either penile or digital penetration. Slie further stated in the conversation that the tear was completely healed and the trauma did not occur within the last week. R E C E I V E D TIME FEB. 2 7 . 9:55AM P R I N T TIME FEB. 11 1 0 : 0 6 A M '7/2814 09:56 1 SHANNON CO CIRCUIT C 02-2n-14;OS:10AM; « PwGE ; (a) I believe that the defendant will not appear in court in response to'a criminal sutmnous because: The nature of this crime is heinous and without regard to the innocence of the children belonging to the suspect. This crime carries with it a severe punishment which could include a lengthy prison sentence. The nature of the crime also carries a social stigma in which society tends to cast out a suspect or convict of crimes of this nature. Therefore, it leads me to believe that the suspect would not appear in open court io face charges of this nature without being compelled to do so by a warrant for her arrest (b) Ifoelieve that the defendant poses a danger to: One of the victims of these crimes is ail immediate blood relative of the suspect. The suspect retains her parental rights at this time. These crimes were facilitated1^ due the nature of that relationship. Given that relationship it creates a situation where u substantial risk to the children's physical well-being and mental state and are also placed in constant jeopardy. (c) Or a danger to the community because: Anyone who has a child and purports to love that child and would commit these crimes against that child should be deemed a sexual predator. Therefore, it creates a substantial risk to the community and the public as a whole. SgL Travis Howell / DSN#101 Wlnona Police Department R E C E I V E D TIME F E B .2 7 , 9:55AM P R I N T TIME FEB.27. 10 23/26 # TO/
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