Mechatronics and factory automation > MPS® > MPS® 200 Complete systems MPS® 200 complete systems With blended learning package and modular expansion options Complete from A to Z MPS® 200 systems come with all the required accessories, guaranteeing effective training from the very start. They range from small complete systems to entire mechatronic laboratory outfits. The new interface concept offers many possibilities for direct combination of individual stations. Various aspects determine the decision for WKLVFRPELQDWLRQRUWKDW – Training content – Supplementation of existing stations – Budget – MPS® stations – All necessary accessories such as trolleys, power supply units, control console, workpiece set, etc. – Control package with programming software and cable – Visualisation and simulation software 322 :RUOGZLGHDW\RXUąQJHUWLSV)LQG\RXUFRQWDFWSHUVRQDWZZZIHVWRGLGDFWLFFRP MPS® 202-Mechatronics Small but complete Distributing, Sorting MPS® 203-Fieldbus Mechatronics and fieldbus technology Distributing with AS-interface, Testing, Sorting with Profibus DP Mechatronics and factory automation > MPS® > MPS® 200 Complete systems Flexibly expandable Of course you can also gradually expand your MPS® 200 system with stations, modules and components or with additional web-based training programs. MPS® 205-Mechatronics Everything you need for project work Distributing, Testing, Pick&Place, Fluidic Muscle Press, Sorting MPS® 202-Robotics Handling and assembly Assembly with robots Blended learning package included Each MPS® 200 system includes a package of web-based training programs as well as FluidSIM® Pneumatic and Mechatronics Assistant, the tool for professional training. Some packages include CIROS® Robotics, CIROS® Programming and CIROS® Mechatronics. MPS® 210-Mechatronics The all-rounder Distributing, Testing, Processing, Handling, Buffering, Assembly with robots, Punching, Sorting 323 Mechatronics and factory automation > MPS® > Extensions and accessories Actuating, networking, operating, monitoring, optimising Controlling processes as in industry Close to reality In MPS® – as in real production plants – controllers are responsible for signal processing. The signals in the system can be transferred directly from the station to the controller via I/Os or various fieldbus systems or between controllers to support information exchange. Market leading industrial standards The MPS® is based on industrial standards. Automation solutions and trends from the market leaders are part of the MPS® concept. – Programmable logic controllers from the market leaders – Project planning and programming tools complying with IEC61131 The most commonly used fieldbuses: PROFINET, PROFIBUS, AS-Interface, Ethernet 340 :RUOGZLGHDW\RXUąQJHUWLSV)LQG\RXUFRQWDFWSHUVRQDWZZZIHVWRGLGDFWLFFRP Choice of PLC – optimised for training use We can fit an EduTrainer®, providing a completely assembled and wired PLC rack, with the PLC of your choice and, if required, fieldbus components as well. The advantage of the EduTrainer® in the MPS® station is clear: you can remove the controller and use it for other processes or in laboratory furniture. Reliable safety modules Hardly any issue affects so many employees in a company as health and safety. Emergency stop, safety curtains, safety doors and failsafe control systems are all part of a system made up of MPS® stations. Planning Data recording Mechatronics and factory automation > MPS® > Extensions and accessories ERP Company level MES Operations management level SCADA PLC Input/output signals Manufacturing/production process (Process) management level Control level Field level Process level From field to company level All control technologies and systems used in industrial production can be integrated into the modular production system and the learning factories from Festo Didactic. This gives basic and advanced training a high level of practical relevance at all levels of the CIM pyramid. Plug and run The station, the control console and the EduTrainer® are all equipped with standardised SysLink interfaces. All you have to do is plug them in, there is no need to wire different connectors. Hot topic – energy saving On the trail of waste: identifying potential savings means first of all measuring current consumption. The Wattmeter acts as a smart meter for training systems with a 24 V DC power supply and a maximum of 120 Watts. A switchable interface for 0 – 10 V DC or 4 – 20 mA is integrated for data transmission. Ethernet is available as an option. Optimising processes – Ensuring quality in production Production defects or tolerance deviations identified too late or not at all often lead to expensive consequential damage or recalls. Optional modules in the MPS® are responsible for continuous quality inspection. Laser sensor and analogue sensors measure the workpiece height. A signal converter can then digitise the analogue signal. 341 Mechatronics and factory automation > MPS® > MPS® 200 Complete systems MPS® 202-Mechatronics – Small but complete ... Simple communication A station can only pass on a workpiece to the next station if it is ready to process it. In the MPS®, this “OK” signal is provided via optical sensors. This makes it very easy to combine stations. 324 Alternatively enhanced I/O communication The stations can also be networked via I/Os. We have routed the necessary input and output signals to 4 mm safety sockets to facilitate this communication. The corresponding exercises and worksheets can be found in the Mechatronics Assistant. :RUOGZLGHDW\RXUąQJHUWLSV)LQG\RXUFRQWDFWSHUVRQDWZZZIHVWRGLGDFWLFFRP Controlling, simulating and programming with EasyPort No matter which control package you choose the scope of delivery always includes EasyPort, the universal interface for getting started with blended learning. Then there’s FluidSIM® Simply start FluidSIM and the integrated Soft Logo! takes over control of a station or the entire system. Getting started with programming has never been so easy. Mechatronics and factory automation > MPS® > MPS® 200 Complete systems ... with blended learning package, FluidSIM®, Mechatronics Assistant and web-based training programs Complete MPS 202 system with Simatic S7-300 control package 541161 Complete MPS 202 system with Festo CPX-CEC control package 541162 Complete MPS 202 system with Allen Bradley ML 1500 control package 541163 Complete MPS 202 system with Mitsubishi MELSEC control package 541164 PLC control packages include: SIMATIC S7-300 2x EduTrainer® Universal with SIMATIC S7-313C-2DP, 1x programming cable, 1x programming software STEP 7 Professional for Training Festo CPX-CEC 2x EduTrainer® Universal with CPX-CEC, 1x programming cable, 1x programming software CoDeSys Mechatronics Assistant Professional Training – Successful training with MPS® With more than 2,000 pages of lesson material on the two stations, the system can be used in lessons straight from the box. Also provided are exercises on modules, stations and all related topics such as circuit diagram creation, PLC programming and a full set of documentation for the trainer. Allen Bradley ML 1500 2x EduTrainer® Universal with Micro Logix 1500, 1x programming cable, 1x programming software RS-Logix 500 Starter Mitsubishi MELSEC 2x EduTrainer® Universal with FX1N, 1x programming cable, 1x programming All the exercises can be modified, extended and archived, making the Mechatronics Assistant the tool for professional training methods. software GX IEC Developer FX The MPS® 202-Mechatronics system contains everything you need for training: Stations Distributing, Sorting Accessories 2x trolley, 2x power supply unit, 2x control console, 1x workpiece set, 1x SimuBox Control technology Getting started with MPS® 202 – a multi-media experience The Discover MPS® 200 web-based training program takes your trainees on a voyage of discovery – in their own home, in the laboratory or in any other location that suits them. 1x PLC control package, 1x EasyPort Software 1x FluidSIM® P, 1x Mechatronics Assistant, 1x Discover MPS® 200 web-based training program, 1x LOGO! Training web-based training program Function The Stacking magazine module separates workpieces. The Changer module transports the individual workpieces to the sorting conveyor by means of its vacuum gripper. Optical and inductive sensors differentiate the workpieces based on material and colour. Pneumatic branching gates then sort the workpieces onto three different slides. Training aims – Mechanical set-up of a station – Installation of tubing for pneumatic components – Vacuum technology – Pneumatic linear and rotary drives – Application of simulation tools – Correct wiring of electrical components – Correct application of limit switches – Mode of operation and applications of optical and inductive sensors – Logic programming – Programming and application of a PLC – Structure of a PLC program – Programming of alternative branches – Programming of an operating mode part – Set-up and optimisation of material flow – Optimisation of setting-up times – Linking of stations – Simple communication – Material flow control – Enhanced I/O communication – Commissioning of complex systems 325 Mechatronics and factory automation > MPS® > MPS® 200 Complete systems MPS® 205-Mechatronics – Everything you need for project work ... State-of-the-art automation technology The latest handling components, pneumatic muscle, a wide range of cylinders, proportional pressure regulators, numerous valve types, inductive sensors, optical sensors, pressure sensors, etc. – the MPS® 205-Mechatronics system offers a seemingly endless variety of components. 328 Central EMERGENCY STOP board :RUOGZLGHDW\RXUąQJHUWLSV)LQG\RXUFRQWDFWSHUVRQDWZZZIHVWRGLGDFWLFFRP EMERGENCY STOP pushbuttons correctly positioned in a system are essential. The MPS® therefore comes with an EMERGENCY STOP board which you can connect anywhere. You decide where to attach the EMERGENCY STOP pushbuttons in the system. Control, simulation and programming The introduction to programming is provided by FluidSIM® and EasyPort. FluidSIM® can be used to realise simple logic or relay control systems. Start FluidSIM® and the integrated Soft Logo! takes over control of a station or the entire system. More complex programs are realised using the EduTrainers® Universal. Worked examples providing extensive sample programs for all the stations are included. Mechatronics and factory automation > MPS® > MPS® 200 Complete systems ... with FluidSIM®, Mechatronics Assistant and web-based training programs Complete MPS 205 system with Simatic S7-300 control package 541167 Complete MPS 205 system with Festo CPX-CEC control package 541168 Complete MPS 205 system with Allen Bradley ML 1500 control package 541169 Complete MPS 205 system with Mitsubishi MELSEC control package 541170 PLC control packages include: SIMATIC S7-300 Project work The Mechatronics Assistant contains project exercises with assembly instructions for lessons on handling applications. These project exercises help you to prepare your students for all the demands of mechatronics. 5x EduTrainer® Universal with SIMATIC S7-313C-2DP, 5x programming cable, 1x programming software STEP 7 Trainer Package Festo CPX-CEC 5x EduTrainer® Universal with CPX-CEC, 5x programming cable, 5x programming software CoDeSys Allen Bradley ML 1500 5x EduTrainer® Universal with Micro Logix 1500, 5x programming cable, 5x programming software RS-Logix 500 Professional Mitsubishi 5x EduTrainer® Universal with FX1N, 5x programming cable, 1x programming software GX IEC Developer FX Trainer package The MPS® 205-Mechatronics system contains everything you need for training: The web-based training program for greater efficiency The Discover MPS® 200 web-based training program enables your students to prepare for working with the system – in their own home, in the laboratory or in any other location that suits them. This facilitates a dramatic increase in learning efficiency. Use blended learning to exploit the benefits of a wide range of media in your lesson. Stations Distributing, Testing, Pick&Place, Fluidic Muscle Press, Sorting Accessories 5x trolley, 5x power supply unit, 1x workpiece set, 5x SimuBox Control technology [3/&FRQWUROSDFNDJH(0(5*(1&<6723[ERDUG[FRQWUROSDQHO[(DV\3RUW Software FluidSIM® P licence for 6 users, 1x Mechatronics Assistant, 1x Discover MPS® 200 WBT, 1x Project Management WBT, 1x LOGO! Training WBT Function The Distributing station separates workpieces from the Stacking magazine and moves them to the Testing station. The Testing station checks the workpiece height. The Pick & Place station places the workpiece insert on the body and the Fluidic Muscle Press station presses it in. The Sorting station then sorts the workpieces according to material and colour onto three slides. Training aims – Mechanical set-up of a station – Vacuum technology – Pneumatic linear and rotary drives – Application of proportional pressure regulators – Application of the pneumatic muscle – Application of simulation tools – Application of limit switches – Mode of operation and applications of optical and inductive sensors – Application of pressure sensors – Logic programming – Programming and application of a PLC – Structure of a PLC program – Programming of operating modes Project work – Set-up and optimisation of material flow – Optimisation of setting-up times – Linking of stations – Simple communication – Material flow control – Enhanced I/O communication – Safety engineering 329 Mechatronics and factory automation > MPS® > MPS® 200 Complete systems MPS® 202-Robotics – Handling and assembly ... Commissioning robot systems Robot systems are far from easy to assemble and dismantle, transport and commission, but represent a highly interesting topic when it comes to training. 330 The robot performs precision assembly of pistons and springs The RV-2SDB performs more than just simple handling tasks in the MPS® – it also assembles small cylinders and all that entails. :RUOGZLGHDW\RXUąQJHUWLSV)LQG\RXUFRQWDFWSHUVRQDWZZZIHVWRGLGDFWLFFRP The robot controller performs the control function The new Drive Unit for the RV-2SDB is small, powerful and lightweight – and fits into the MPS® trolley. With Drive Unit and Teachbox, the system is completely equipped straight from the box. Digital I/Os already contained in the system are used to control all the modules such as the cap and spring magazines. All I/Os protected by design The I/Os of the robot controller are connected with SysLink connectors via the interface unit of the robot to guarantee protection against short circuits and polarity reversal. The LEDs on the interface unit also permit easy and clear diagnosis. Mechatronics and factory automation > MPS® > MPS® 200 Complete systems ... with CIROS® Robotics Complete MPS 202-Robotics system 541171 The MPS® 202-Robotics system contains everything you need for training: Stations Robot, Assembly Accessories Programming and simulation with CIROS® CIROS® is a professional training tool that makes programming and simulation of a precision robot extremely easy and safe. 2x trolley, 1x power supply unit, 1x control console, 1x workpiece set Control technology 1x robot interface unit Software CIROS® Robotics licence for 6 users, 1x CIROS® Programming, 1x Mechatronics Assistant Function The bodies of the pneumatic cylinders to be assembled are fed to the robot via a slide. The robot determines the orientation of the bodies and places them in the assembly holder in the correct orientation. The robot takes the piston from the pallet and assembles it in the body. The piston springs and the cylinder cap are fed to the robot from controlled magazines. The fully assembled pneumatic cylinder is then placed on a slide. Plus comprehensive documentation The Mechatronics Assistant contains exercises, sample programs and assembly instructions. A multimedia tool for training at school and at work. Special training aims – Integration of an industrial robot in an assembly process – Teaching of robots in complex assembly environments – Commissioning of complex systems – Maintenance, servicing and troubleshooting of complex systems – Programming of industrial robots 331 Mechatronics and factory automation > MPS® > MPS® Stations The stations in the Modular Production System at a glance A production line in a factory can be made up of individual production cells. Each cell has a specific function in the process (distribution, testing, processing, handling, assembly, storage). You can select an application or process that meets your requirements from a range of individual stations. By effectively combining individual stations, you can assemble your production system. Learn about the functions and training aims of the individual stations as well as their possible combinations on the following pages. 284 :RUOGZLGHDW\RXUąQJHUWLSV)LQG\RXUFRQWDFWSHUVRQDWZZZIHVWRGLGDFWLFFRP Distributing station AS-i distributing station Buffer station Pick&Place station Separating station Storing station Mechatronics and factory automation > MPS® > MPS® Stations Testing station Processing station Handling station, pneumatic Handling station, electrical Fluidic muscle press station Robot station Assembly station Punching station Sorting station Sorting station – Profibus DP 24-month Festo Didactic warranty 285 Mechatronics and factory automation > MPS® > MPS® 200 Complete systems MPS® 210-Mechatronics – the all-rounder ... Complete From mechanics, pneumatics, PLC technology, handling technology, electrical engineering, electronics to robotics and hydraulics, each station facilitates interesting exercises on automation and mechatronics. The MPS® 210 system is particularly suited to the areas of handling, PLC and robot technology due to its close industrial orientation. 332 Exploit the full flexibility of MPS® The combination of multiple MPS® stations offers training aims for many levels of experience and many different fields. The project kits of the MPS® 210 system facilitate the realisation of a wide range of different systems. Conveyor belts, integrated between the MPS® stations, facilitate a multitude of solutions for material flow. :RUOGZLGHDW\RXUąQJHUWLSV)LQG\RXUFRQWDFWSHUVRQDWZZZIHVWRGLGDFWLFFRP Successful realisation of project ideas The MPS® 210 system contains all the components needed to realise a wide range of projects – giving your students a free hand in creativity! WBT support The web-based training programs contained in the MPS® 210 system will help trainers prepare their students for project work. They deal with topics such as project planning, information acquisition or getting started with the MPS® 210 system. Mechatronics and factory automation > MPS® > MPS® 200 Complete systems ... with an all-inclusive media package Complete MPS 210 system with SIMATIC S7-300 control package 541172 Complete MPS 210 system with Festo CPX-CEC control package 541173 Complete MPS 210 system with Allen Bradley ML 1500 control package 541174 Complete MPS 210 system with Mitsubishi MELSEC control package 541175 PLC control packages include: SIMATIC S7-300: 8x EduTrainer® Universal with SIMATIC S7-313C-2DP, 8x programming cable, 1x programming software STEP 7 Trainer Package Simulating stations CIROS® Mechatronics offers optimum preparation for a hands-on lesson. All the stations can be tested and programmed in simulation. Bugs can even be built into the model to permit an optimum, practical starting point for lessons. Festo CPX-CEC: 8x EduTrainer® Universal with CPX-CEC, 8x programming cable, 8x programming software CoDeSys Allen Bradley ML 1500: 8x EduTrainer® Universal with Micro Logix 1500, 8x programming cable, 1x programming software RS-Logix 500 Starter Mitsubishi MELSEC: 8x EduTrainer® Universal with FX1N, 8x programming cable, 2x programming software GX IEC Developer FX Trainer Package Also order: Hydraulic power unit CIROS® Robotics and CIROS® Programming facilitates full or partial instruction in the use of robot stations through simulation. The simulation also offers robot cells featuring other robots such as Kuka and ABB for comprehensive robot training. The MPS® 210-Mechatronics system contains everything you need for training: Stations: Distributing, Testing, Processing, Handling, Buffer, Robot, Assembly, Punching, Sorting Project kits: 5x Distributing, 5x Conveyor Accessories: 10x trolley, 8x control console, 5x SimuBox, 9x power supply unit, 5x workpiece set Control technology: 1x PLC control package, 1x EMERGENCY-STOP board, 4x EMERGENCY-STOP control console, 5x EasyPort Software: CIROS®5RERWLFVXVHUV0HFKDWURQLFVXVHUV3URJUDPPLQJXVHU FluidSIM®3XVHUV[0HFKDWURQLFV$VVLVWDQW:%7V['LVFRYHU036® 200, 1x LOGO! Training, 1x Project Management Function The complete assembly line produces a pneumatic cylinder made up of body, piston, springs and cap. Special training aims – The system enables 15 – 30 students to be trained in mechatronics. – The Distributing and Conveyor project kits (5 of each are included) provide an introduction to the project work. – Actuation is performed via FluidSIM® and EasyPort or using a programmable logic controller. – The system layout can be changed using the project kits. More than 30 different combinations can be created using the system. – Production planning, reduction of set-up times, FMEA and TPM – the system offers solutions for the hot topics of production optimisation. 333 Media > Software > Simulating system and virtual learning environment CIROS® CIROS® Professional training in virtual learning environments The fascination of 3D simulation Modern PC technology allows us to create realistic 3D simulations even for the most complex of automation systems. The participants discover the kinetic dynamism of mechatronic systems using virtual reality – without any risk to human or machine. This allows us to take a step into automation technology without any worries, providing a great motivational boost. The ways we work and learn have changed – and the CIROS® Automation Suite supports these new methods. The focus is placed on XQGHUVWDQGLQJWKLQJVYLVXDOO\WKH attractive representation on the PC motivates and encourages the learning process. 40 Industrial practice Today, simulation represents an important tool in production and product development for analysing new solutions, methods and processes in a quick and low-cost manner. Depending on the task in question, simulation systems come into play which differ from each other in terms of the level of detail of the information to be obtained and the way in which they calculate this information. :RUOGZLGHDW\RXUąQJHUWLSV)LQG\RXUFRQWDFWSHUVRQDWZZZIHVWRGLGDFWLFFRP Flexible learning Realistic simulated learning systems broaden the possibilities in training situations where real automation systems would be stretched to their limits. They allow new training content and scenarios to be covered using simulation. Safe commissioning Large, fast and cost-intensive equipment is used in mechatronic systems. Despite this, robots, linear axes and transport systems can be explored and commissioned within the simulated production environment without posing any risk whatsoever to students or the installation. Media > Software > Simulating system and virtual learning environment CIROS® CIROS® – the universal 3D simulation system made in Germany The flexibility provided by CIROS® makes it suitable for many different fields of application. It is available in a variety of price ranges with different options and configurations, and is efficient and convenient to use on a daily basis. CIROS® covers a great number of DSSOLFDWLRQVUDQJLQJIURPWKHXVH of 3D simulation in basic and further training, through the implementation of the digital factory in industrial companies and right up to realtime simulations of complex virtual worlds. Faults made easy A simple click of the mouse in the simulation is all that is needed to put a pneumatic cylinder or an inductive sensor into a fault state. This opens up new learning situations in which students can be trained in systematically searching for faults. Putting simulation to use While virtually commissioning industry control systems and robots, students are able to use the system simulation to develop sequencing and motion programs which can then be transferred to the control systems actually in place. Unlimited use Nowadays, any student can use a simulation program with minimum effort. At the same time, full functionality of the simulated systems is guaranteed at all times. As a result, simulation helps save costs and contributes to ensuring that the same conditions apply for all students. What’s more, simulation technology can be used for almost any application. Ronald A. Williams, Ltd. 8100 Three Chopt Rd. Suite 134 Richmond, VA 23229 800-752-6968 804-282-8239 804-282-4087 FAX [email protected] 41
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