SCIENCE-54 Nitric Acid Loop for Long Term Corrosion Evaluation n EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A 400 liter capacity dynamic nitric acid loop has been designed and constructed for evaluating the corrosion performance of AISI type 304L SS over long operating periods under plant simulated conditions. Corrosion resistance of the materials in different metallurgical conditions, namely, cold worked, solution annealed, sensitized, alloy composition, etc. will be evaluated in this loop in flowing nitric acid at different flow velocities (upto 1.55 m/s) and temperatures ( 313, 333, 353, 380 K and vapour phase). The data generated over a long period of exposure (up to 10,000 h) would be used to arrive at an acceptable corrosion rate of AISI type 304L SS used for applications in nitric acid service. The availability of such a reliable and useful data will be helpful in predicting the remnant life of the components used in the reprocessing plants by developing suitable analytical and modeling tools of the corrosion processes n OUTLINE The corrosion evaluation of conventional AISI type 304L SS used for the reprocessing plants is presently evaluated as per ASTM A262 practice C (HUEY test) (ASTM, A262-91, 1991). The test is also recommended by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) for evaluating the materials intended for nitric acid service in reprocessing plants (USNRC Regulatory Guide 3.37, 1975). It is an accelerated test involving boiling nitric acid of 65% Nitric acid and the experiments are conducted by immersing the test coupon for five times of 48 h periods in the solution. A small volume of the acid is used in a 1-L flask (350 ml) and every 48 h fresh solution is used. The major drawbacks of this test procedure are that the specimens are tested in highly concentrated medium in static condition, the total test period is shorter, and it is specific to evaluate intergranular corrosion only. The testing procedure assesses resistance to intergranular corrosion, and does not simulate the plant conditions. It is well known that AISI type 304L SS used in nitric acid medium undergoes several types of corrosion other than intergranular corrosion, namely, end-grain attack, transpassive dissolution, vapour phase attack etc. So, it is evident that comprehensive corrosion assessment of AISI type 304L SS by ASTM A262 practice C test is impossible, taking into consideration the ranges of concentration of nitric acid used, temperature of operation, impurities and redox chemicals present, and the metallurgical state of the materials used in the plant. The limitations of the current approach motivated us to design a dynamic nitric acid loop made of AISI type 304L SS, with flowing nitric acid at different temperatures to evaluate the corrosion performance of materials used in reprocessing plants (Fig. 1). A loop has been designed with 400 L capacity for evaluating the corrosion performance over long operating periods under plant simulated conditions. Corrosion resistance in different metallurgical conditions, namely, cold worked, solution annealed, sensitized, alloy composition etc. will be evaluated in flowing nitric acid at different flow velocities (up to 1.55 m/s) and temperatures (313, 333, 353, 380 K and vapour phase). The data generated over a long period of exposure (up to 10,000 h) would be used to arrive at an acceptable corrosion rate of type 304L SS. The availability of such a data will be helpful in predicting the remnant life of the components used in the plants by developing suitable analytical and modeling tools of the corrosion processes. Currently, the loop is operating with 304L SS samples of solution annealed, sensitized (923 K/L h) and welded conditions, used in demonstration fast reactor reprocessing plant. Results obtained after seven campaigns of cumulative 4850 h of operation indicated insignificant corrosion rates (<1 mpy) upto 353 K, beyond which it increased with time as shown in Figure 2. Non-destructive testing using eddy current and ultrasonic methods and surface examination by SEM, in addition to in service inspection of the loop components, are also being carried out. Presently, the loop is operating for more 1000 h operations. The long-term operation of the loop, and the resultant corrosion data of the materials, will provide valuable information on the life and performance of the actual components in the operating plants, and in qualifying materials under realistic conditions for reprocessing plant applications. 108 Fig. 1 : The flow diagram of Nitric Acid Loop. Fig. 2 : Corrosion rate of samples, and concentration of ions in HNO3 after seven campaigns of cumulative 4850 h operation. SCIENCE-54 n ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AISI type 304L stainless steel used for the reprocessing plants is presently evaluated as per ASTM A262 practice C (HUEY test) which is recommended by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) for evaluating the materials intended for nitric acid service in reprocessing plants. It is an accelerated test involving boiling nitric acid of 65% concentration, and the experiments are conducted by immersing the test coupon for five times of 48 h periods in the solution. The major drawbacks of this test procedure are that the specimens are tested in highly concentrated medium in static condition, the total test period is shorter, and it is specific to evaluate inter granular corrosion. Comprehensive corrosion assessment of 304L SS by ASTM A262 practice C test is difficult, taking into consideration the ranges of concentration of nitric acid used, temperature of operation, impurities and redox chemicals present, and the metallurgical state of the materials used in the reprocessing plants. This motivated to design a dynamic nitric acid loop made of type 304L SS, with flowing nitric acid at different temperatures to evaluate the corrosion behaviour of materials used in reprocessing plants. n GENERAL EXPLANATION RELATED TO THE DESCRIPTION Austenitic stainless steels used in the reprocessing plants are qualified as per ASTM A262 practices which are basically accelerated corrosion testing methods. Long term evaluation of the corrosion behaviour under plant operating simulated conditions are necessary to qualify the materials for plant applications as well as to predict the corrosion behaviour of components used in the plant. A dynamic nitric acid loop of 400 litres capacity of 6N HNO3 was thus designed, constructed and operated with samples of AISI type 304L SS used in the reprocessing plant. The tested samples would also be examined by nondestructive testing methods like eddy current and ultrasonics, as well as the loop components undergo inservice inspection. SEM examination of the samples, and the chemical analysis of loop acid also provide valuable information. Currently, the loop has operated seven campaigns with 4850 h of cumulative operation, and has produced valuable information on the corrosion behaviour of type 304L SS used in the plant. Further campaigns up to 10,000 h are planned to generate additional data on the performance of the type 304L SS used in the plant. Fig. 3 : Photograph of Nitric Acid Loop n BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THEORETICAL BACKGROUND Selection of materials for reprocessing and waste management applications is a challenging task as no failure of any nature is acceptable for these applications. Extensive laboratory scale R&D has been carried out to evaluate materials for specific applications. The materials qualification for reprocessing plant components was carried out so far as per ASTM A 262 Practice C which is a short term accelerated test in concentrated nitric acid. Though these data give a broad based guidance in the selection of materials for different applications, the confidence level in choosing a particular material for a specific application can only be increased by carrying out long term/accelerated tests under static/dynamic conditions as the case may be. In this direction, a dynamic nitric acid loop to study the corrosion behaviour of austenitic stainless steels in simulated reprocessing plant conditions has been designed, built and operated. n ACHIEVEMENT Design, construction and operation of a dynamic nitric acid loop of 400 litres capacity for conducting long term corrosion evaluation of stainless steels used for reprocessing applications. For the first time such a loop has been used to generate long term corrosion rate data to study the corrosion behaviour of stainless steels used in reprocessing applications. The loop simulates the plant operating conditions, and provides a test bed for qualifying the stainless steels for critical applications in reprocessing plants. n PUBLICATIONS ARISING OUT OF THIS STUDY AND RELATED WORK Baldev Raj and U. Kamachi Mudali, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 48 (2006) 283. Further inquiries: Dr. U. Kamachi Mudali, Corrosion Science and Technology Division, Metallurgy and Materials Group, IGCAR, e-mail: [email protected] 109
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