wllw /Govemment of India id im/Minisrry of Railways (Hdt/Railway Bo d) No.2014 -8-330 New Delhi.0l lebruary 2014 The Gmeral Manager, Subr Revised Estimates, 2013-14 - Gloss Traffi. Re.eipts. Target oI Gross Traffic Receipis of your railway Estimates, 2013-14 is given as under: fiied by Board for Revised (- in crore) l!j43.00 Passenger Eamings Other Coaching Earnings 453 00 Goods Eamings 6472.OO Sundry Earnings 253 00 TraJfic Suspense 250 Gross Tmffic Receipts 't t5:2i.50 You may take necessdy steps to achieve the above targeti. l* u,- q",L& (Pranav Kmd Malick) Director, Iimnce (Budgeo Railway Board Copy to LA. & C.A.o., Cenhal Railway, Mumbai. ffiffi/Goverf,ment td'iffi (d of India A4itristry of Railways de /Railway Board) New Delhi, 01 l€bruary 2014 No.2m4-8'330 The General Manager, Sub: Revised Esiimatee, 2m3_14 - Gross Traffi< Re(€iPts' Tdget of Gross Tra{{ic Receipts of your railway fixed by Board for Roised Estimates, 2013-14 is given as under: G in core) 18r3.00 Passenger Eamings 240.00 Other Coaching Ednings 3180.00 Goods Ea,nirgs 127 _OO SmdryEamings 1-50 5361.50 Gross Traffic RecejPis )ou mdy ta^e -*esqdrv srePs toa'hie\c Lhedbove tdget<' t_* u- s-,,..r. (Pranav Kumal Mallick) Director, Iinmce (Budget) Railway Board CopytoF A &C.A O. EastemRailway Kolkara Rdw/Goverment of lndia td riffi /MinisEy of Railflrys (H +6 /Railway Board) Nd No.2014 -8330 Dethi,01 lebtuary 2014 The General Manager, East Cmtral Railway, Haiipur. Subr Revi6ed Estimates, 2013-14 - Gio65 Traffi. Re(eiPts Target of Grcss TraIIic ReceiPts of your ranway lixed by Board for Revised Estimates, 2013-14 is given as under: (t in crore) 1926.OO Passeflger Eamings 64 00 Other Coaching Ednings 5838-69 coods Eamings 102.00 Sundry EarnjnSs 100 a93't_69 Gross TraJfic Receipts \ ou n"y tale nF.pGary.iep- lo dchie!e lhe abo\ e targpt". f-* tr- {"ra-( (Prmav Kmar Mallick) Dire.tor, Iinatue (Budget) Railway Board Copy io LA. & C.A.O., East Central Railway, Hajipur. fril@/Govdmenr tFii@/Minist of India y of Railways (G+t,{raih.y Boad) New Delhi,0l Eebru.ry 2014 No.2014 -8-330 The Gmeral Manager, East Coast Railwa, Sub: Revtued Estimates, 20194 - Gross TrafIi( Re(eipts. Target of Gross Traffic Reeipis of your Eilway fixed by Board lor Revised Estimates, 2013-14 is given as under ({ in crore) Passenger Eamings 1039.00 Other Coaching Emings Goods Emings a2 00 11106.39 Smdry Eamings 112_OO Trafric Suspense 3.00 Cross TEffic R€ceipts You may take nessdy 12142i9 steps to achieve the above tdgers. t-* &_ u"rrn,4 (Pranav Kumar Mallick) Dir6ior, Iimn e (Budget) Railway Bodd Copy to F. A. & C.A-O., f,6t Coast Railway, Bhubaneshwar. {@/Government of India tdriffi {UinishY of Railways (H!E/Railway Bo.rd) ffi New Delhi. 01 tebruary 2014 No.2014 -8-330 The General Managel, Baroda House, New Dethi ReceiPts' Sub: Revised Estimates, 2013-14 - Gloss Traffic gelofC-o* lrJr. Re'erplsof vour railwa) fi\ed F.stimates. 2011_14 is eirs as 6der' l 4721.O4 Passenger Earnings Other Coaching Ealrings Coods Eamings by Board ior Re\Eed 707_60 7277.00 2160.00 Traffic SusPense Gross Tmffic ReceiPts i;.l-ilre;-G;;*h^tst. 12.00 ua17 -60 tt"es, dividend lrom lsus and earnin8sfrom PLDA You my targ€ts take necessary steps to achieve the above P.!t J (Pranav Kund MaIick) Dlrector' limnce (Budget) Railway Board Baroda House' New Delhi' Copy to!.A. & C.A.O., Norlhern Railway' ffiffi/Govdnnent of If,dia fr i,@/Minisky of Railways (Hir+ fi{ailway Dodd) New Delhi, 01 Iebtualy 2014 No.2014 -8-330 The General Mmagei, North Cmtral Railwa, Subr Revised Estimates, 201114 - Gross Tr'ffic Re'eipts' by Boald for Revised Target of Gross Traffi. R€eiPts of your Eilway fixed Estimates, 2013-14 is givm as under: (< Passenger Earnings in core) 3610.00 Other Coaching Earnings 7937 -44 Goods Eamings 13a-00 Sundry Earnings Traffi. Suspense Gross Traffic ReceiPts \ ou md) l"^e neces5ar) ,leps lo 11A32-44 at hievP ll-p 'bo\e p tdrgets \LH&4 (*ii,.u-* ,r,"0, Dne'io!' Iirace {Budget) Railway Board Copy io I.A. & C.A.O., Noitl Cenbal Railway, Alahabad' ffiffi/GoverMent of India tdrir@ Ministry of Rrilways (d+E /Railway Bodd) New Delhi,0l February 2014 No-2014 -8-330 The General Mmagei, No h Eastem Railway, Sub: Revised Estimates, 2013_14 - Gro$ Traffi' ReceiPt6' Revised Target of Gross Tialfic R{eiPtt oi your Eilway fixed by Board for Eshmates, 2013-14 is given 6 under: (t jn crore) Passenger Eamings Other Coaching Emings Goods Eamings 1234-00 64-40 'to75.27 S6dry Earnings 92.64 Traffic Suspense 2.00 Gross Traffic ReceiPts \ ou na) k Le 245A35 np.p"d rv 'tpPs ro a( hieve the above tdge6 f-* u- a-t-'r (Pranav Kmar Malich Dtector, Finan e (Budget) Railway Boald Copy to !.A. & C.A.o., North Eastem Railway, GoralhPur' qrrwr rGovernment of India i6!ia@ rMinistry of Railways (d+6 /Railway Bodd) New Delhi,01 February 2014 N0.2014 -B'3m The General Managel, Northeast lrontier RaiIwaY, Maligaon, Guwaiati Traffi( neceiPts' Sub: Revised Estimates, 2013-14 - Gross rdilhd) fi\ed by Bodtd for RevE"d Targetol Cro'5 tr"dtc RererpE of youl Fstima tes, 201j_14 rs given as under: Passen ger Eam 95r.00 ings Other Coaching Earnings '142.00 1663.00 Goods Earnings Sudry Eamjngs* TraIic SusPense Gross TraJfic ReceiPts lncludes Rs. 553 93 3408.25 .r. towards loss on the above halgets' You may take n{essary stePs to a'hieve r[-HJLct (P'raiJ Kumr Mallici) Dile'tor' Fitun'e (Budgel) Railway Boald Copy to F.A. & C A'o', Northeast liontier Railway' Maligaorr Guwahati krffi /Government of India td:itu /Ministry of Railways &d !E /Railway Bodd) No.2014 -8-330 The New Delhi,0l February 2014 Gmdal Manager, No.th Westem Railway, laipur. Sub: Revised Estimates, 201114 - Gio66 TraJfic Receipts. Tdget of Gross Traffic Re.eipts of your railway Eshmtes, 2013-14 is given as under: f 147i Passenger Eamings Other Coaching Eamings Goods Eamings ed by OO 224_OO 4203.OO r25 00 Sundry Eamings* 100 Traffic Suspense Gross TraJfjc Boad for Revised R{eipts 6025.OO 'rn.udeRs 2Sl0.r.towardslossonstrat.grcr'n€s. You my take necessary steps !o achieve the above targets. l-* L a"r6.a (Prmv Kumr Mallick) Director, Findce (Budget) Railway Boad Copy !o F.A. & C.A.O., North Western Railway, laipu. wffi/Government of India tdiffi Ministry of R.ilways (k +t /Railway Bodd) New No.2014 -8-330 Delhj,0l lebruary 2014 The General Manager, Sub: Revised Estimates, 2013'14 - Gross Tralfic ReceiPts Tdget of Grcss TEflic Receipts of your lailway lixed by Board for Revised Estinutes, 2013-14 is glvm 6 udei 3376.90 Passenger Eanings Other CoachiDg Earnings 370.00 Goods Earflings 27A2.OO Sundry Eamings 345.00 Traffic Suspense 5.00 6a79-90 Gross TmJfic Receipts \ou may lakpnecessal steps Lo "chieve lne dbove tdrge6. P u- a-(-& (Pr@v Kllmr Mallick) Dtector, Iimnce (Budget) Railway Board Cop) to F A. &C.A.O.. souLlem Rdilway, Chemi. ww /Goveinment of India ts 'iffi /Minisky of Railways (H+s /Railw.y Bodd) New Delhi, 01 Eebru.ry 2014 No.2014 -8-330 The Gmeral Manager, Souih Central Railway, Sub: Revised Estinates, 2013_14 - Gross Traffic ReceiPt!. Target of Gross Traffic ReeiPts of your Filway fixed by Bodd for Revised Estimtes, 201114 is given as under: ({ in core) Passenser Eamings 3574_OO 330.00 Other Coaching Eamings 8855.00 Coods Eamings Sundry Earnings 216-OO Tmffic Suspense 1.00 12946_OO Gross Traffic Receipts \ou m) tdle ne.p-saw sePs Lo a!hioe ue dbove rargPE. (Pranav KUrM Malli.k) Dneto!, Finance (Budget) Railway Boad Copy to !.A. & C.A.O., South Central Railway, S(nnderabad' Rll@/Govemment of India ld:iffi /Minbtry oI Railways (Httt /Railway Bodd) New Delhi,01Febru.ry 2014 No.2014 -8-330 The General Mmger, South Edtem Railway, Subr Revised Estimates, 2013_14 - Grcss Traffi' Receipt6' Target of Gross Traffic ReceiPts oI your ranway fiaed by Bodd for Esiimates, 2013-14 is given as under: R*ised G m crde) Passenger Ea mi ngs 122A.OO 170.00 Other Coachins Earnings Goods Earnings 8878.00 Sundry Eamings 138.00 Traffi( Suspense 5.00 Grcss You TEfiic Receipts my 10419.00 take necessary stePs to achieve the above tdgets. p (Pr n av @i Kunar Mallick) Director, Finatue (Budget) Railway Board Copy to F.A. & C.A.O-, South Edtem Railway, Kolkata. ffiffi/Governmentof India tE:iffi /MiniEtry of Railways td +t /Railway Boaral) New Delhi,0l February 2014 The General MaMger, South East Central Railway, Sub: Revised Estimates, 2013-14 - Gioss Tr.Jfic Reeipts. Taiget of crcss Tiaffi. Receiprs of your railway fixed by Board for Revised Esumates, 2013-14 is given as mdei: Passenger Earnings 913 00 a.oo Other Coaching Eamines Goocls Emings s315.00 Sundry Eamings 92.81 2.00 Gross Traffic Receipts 9384 81 You may take necessary steps to achieve the above rarSets. f-* L +1l.r JXUff}::H1[:}, Copy to F.A. & C.A.O., South Easr Cenh.al Railtuay, Bilaspur. ffi rffi /Government of India tdi'@/Ministry of Railway6 (Hnt /nailw.Y Bodd) NeN Delhi, N.-2014 -8-330 01 Febru.rY 2914 The Genenl ManaSer, South Westem RailwaY, Sub: Raised Estimates, 2013-14 - Gross Traffi' Re'eiPt6' by Boad for Revised Target of Gross Tiaffi. Receipts of your railway Iixe'l Estimates, 2013-14 is given as under: (t in crore) Passenger Eamings 11M.00 '177-OO Other Coaching Earnings Coods Eamings 17.o0 Sundry E.mings 125.00 affic Suspense 2.00 Tr Cross Ttafiic RecejPts 3805.00 You may take nEessary stePs to achieve ihe above iargets' (Pranav Kumr Mallick) Dir{tor' Finame (Budget) Raitway Bodd copy to!.A. & c.A.o.,south weslm Ranway, Hubli' ffi11@/Goverment of India ld:ir@ /Ministry of Railways (H+!/Railway Bodd) No.2014 -D-330 lte New Delh i, 01 February 2014 Goeral Manager, Sub: Revised Estimates, 2013-14 - Gross Traffi. Re.eipts. Target of Gross Traffic R(eiPts ol your railway fixed by Board for Revised Estimates, 2013'14 i5 given as under: 3521.00 Passenger Eamings 320-00 Other Coachiflg Eamings 7126 62 Goods Earnings 487 _Oa Sundry Earnings* 5.00 1155970 Gross Traffic Receipts *lnclude Rs. 4.76 cr. towards loss on strategic You may take ne.essary steps to achieve the above targets. , lL ha..A (Planav Kumar Maui.k) Dire.tor, Finatue (Budget) Copy to !.A. & C.A.O., Western Railway, Mumbai. lEffi/Governmentof lndia tdiffi /Minisky of Railways (H!}J /Railway Bodd) New Delhi, 01 Eebrury 2m4 N..2014-8-330 The General Manager, Wesr Cenbal RaiIwaY, Sub: Revised Estim.tes, 2013_14 - Grcss TlaIfi' Re(€iPt6' sed Tdger or Gro_''l rdftk RP,eiDE of vou radway fi\ed b) Bodd ror Re' Estimates. 2013-14 E Aven as under: (< in crore) 'x6a_10 Passenger Earnings 116-00 Other Coaching Eamings 6023.59 Goods Earnings Sundry Earnings 102.00 Tmffic Suspense 1.00 Gross Traffic ReceiPts \ou mdy tdkp n(ec.ary steP_ to 8610.69 d.hre\e lhe abo\e drgets' P*U-{&a (Pldav Kumr Mallick) Dt(ior, IirEme (Budget) Railway Board .op) to t-.A &C.A O.. \4estCentrdl Railway. J dbal Pur ffiIlfi/Gov€rnment of India t{'ie@ /Ministry of Railways (Hn*/Railway Bodd) No.2014 -B-J30 The General New DeIhi, 01Febtuary 2014 Mmger, Sub: Revised Estimates, 2013-14 _ Gross Traffi' Re'eiPts' Target oI Gross Traffic Re.eiPis of your railway fiied by Board for Revised Estimates,2013 14 is given 6 undd: G Passenger Earnings jncrore) 125.00 Other CoachinB Earnings Goods Eamings 18.00 Sundry Ednings Traffic Suspensa 143.00 Gross Trafirc ReceiPts You may take n(essary stePs to a.hieve the above largets. f-- u- H&.( (Pidav Kumar Mallick) Director, rinan e (Budget) Copy to I.A. & c.A.O., Metro Railway, Kolkata.
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