CERN-ACC-2014-0008 HiLumi LHC FP7 High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider Design Study Deliverable Report THERMAL-ELECTRICAL MODEL OF HILUMI SC LINKS Y. Yang SOTON et al 23 January 2014 The HiLumi LHC Design Study is included in the High Luminosity LHC project and is partly funded by the European Commission within the Framework Programme 7 Capacities Specific Programme, Grant Agreement 284404. This work is part of HiLumi LHC Work Package 6: Cold powering. The electronic version of this HiLumi LHC Publication is available via the HiLumi LHC web site <> or on the CERN Document Server at the following URL: <> CERN-ACC-2014-0008 THERMAL-ELECTRICAL MODEL OF HILUMI SC LINKS Doc. Identifier: HILUMILHC-WP6 Del-D6_2_final Date: 23/01/2014 Grant Agreement No: 284404 HILUMI LHC FP7 High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider Design Study S e ve n t h F r a m e w o r k P r o g r a m m e , C a p a c i t i e s S p e c i f i c P r o g r a m m e , R e s e a r c h I n f r a s t r u c t u r e s , C o l l a b o r a t i ve P r o j e c t , D e s i g n S t u d y DELIVERABLE REPORT T HERMAL -E LECTRICAL M ODEL OF H I L UMI SC L INKS D ELIVERABLE : D6.2 Document identifier: HILUMILHC-WP6 Del-D6_2_final Due date of deliverable: End of Month 24 (Oct 2013) Report release date: 23/01/2014 Work package: WP6: Cold Powering Lead beneficiary: University of Southampton Document status: Final Abstract: This document reports the results of the preliminary thermal-electrical model of the superconducting links (SC links) proposed for the cold-powering of superconducting magnetics at P1 and P5 for Hi-Luminosity Upgrades. The thermal-electrical model is concerned with the global characteristics of the superconducting link under both static and transient conditions. The model provides an outline assessment of the electromagnetic environment produced by the SC link and the heating dynamics upon different quench scenarios. Grant Agreement 284404 PUBLIC 1 / 16 THERMAL-ELECTRICAL MODEL OF HILUMI SC LINKS Doc. Identifier: HILUMILHC-WP6 Del-D6_2_final Date: 23/01/2014 Copyright notice: Copyright © HiLumi LHC Consortium, 2014 For more information on HiLumi LHC, its partners and contributors please see The HiLumi LHC Design Study is included in the High Luminosity LHC project and is partly funded by the European Commission within the Framework Programme 7 Capacities Specific Programme, Grant Agreement 284404. HiLumi LHC began in November 2011 and will run for 4 years. The information herein only reflects the views of its authors and not those of the European Commission and no warranty expressed or implied is made with regard to such information or its use. Delivery Slip Name Partner Date Authored by Y. Yang (SOTON), A. Ballarino (CERN) SOTON 24/11/2013 Edited by Ballarino CERN 26/11/2013 L. Rossi [Project coordinator] CERN 29/11/2013 A. Reviewed by A. Approved by Steering Committee Grant Agreement 284404 23/01/2014 PUBLIC 2 / 16 THERMAL-ELECTRICAL MODEL OF HILUMI SC LINKS Doc. Identifier: HILUMILHC-WP6 Del-D6_2_final Date: 23/01/2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 4 2. BASELINE CONFIGURATION OF HI-LUMI SC LINK ....................................................................... 4 3. STATIC THERMAL ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................. 5 3.1. 3.2. 4. THERMAL CONSIDERATIONS AT STATIC CONDITIONS .............................................................................5 ELECTROMAGNETIC PROPERTIES AT STATIC CONDITIONS ......................................................................6 TRASIENT THERMAL ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................... 7 4.1. HEATING DYNAMICS OF A THERMALLY QUENCHED CABLE ....................................................................8 4.2. HEATING BY INDUCED CURRENT IN THE SC LINK UPON A FAST DISCHARGE OF AN INNER TRIPLETS CIRCUIT ..............................................................................................................................................................10 4.2.1. Field transients due to magnet discharging .................................................................................10 4.2.2. Induced current in the SC link cables by the discharging field transients ...................................11 5. REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................... 15 ANNEX: GLOSSARY ..........................................................................ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Grant Agreement 284404 PUBLIC 3 / 16 THERMAL-ELECTRICAL MODEL OF HILUMI SC LINKS Doc. Identifier: HILUMILHC-WP6 Del-D6_2_final Date: 23/01/2014 Executive summary This document reports the results of the preliminary thermal-electrical model of the superconducting links (SC links) proposed for the cold-powering of the superconducting magnets at P1 and P5 for Hi-Luminosity Upgrades. The model provides an outline assessment of the electromagnetic environment produced by the SC link and the heating dynamics upon different transient scenarios. 1. INTRODUCTION Thermal-electrical models for the superconducting links at P1/P5 for LHC High Luminosity Upgrade have been developed to evaluate the global of electromagnetic and thermal behaviours under static and transient conditions. At this stage of the project, the models do not focus on local analysis but on the overall characteristics. The main objectives of the models are to scrutinize the SC link baseline configuration against the required working envelope. The models also aim at identifying the critical aspects in the SC link design for further optimization, detailed local modelling and experimental studies/tests. 2. BASELINE CONFIGURATION OF HI-LUMI SC LINK The baseline configuration of the Hi-Lumi SC links powering the magnets in the insertion regions at P1 and P5 has been proposed [1] to fulfil the requirements of the updated baseline powering layout (Fig. 1) [2]. Fig. 1 Baseline powering layout for the Triplets and D1 at P1 and P5 [2]. Grant Agreement 284404 PUBLIC 4 / 16 THERMAL-ELECTRICAL MODEL OF HILUMI SC LINKS Doc. Identifier: HILUMILHC-WP6 Del-D6_2_final Date: 23/01/2014 The proposed SC link (Fig. 2) has a total current capacity of 150 kA, consisting of six 20 kA cables, seven 3 kA coaxial cables, four 0.4 kA cables and eighteen 0.12 kA cables [2]. The 20 kA cables uses hexagonal configuration of six sub-cables, which are constructed using 18 MgB2 round wires of 0.85 mm diameter twisted around copper stabilizer. The matrix of the MgB2 wire is predominantly Monel. The twist pitch is 100 mm - 300 mm. The same sub-cable is also used to form the inner leg of the 3kA co-axial cable. The outer return leg consists of 18 MgB2 wires and 6 copper wires of the same diameter. Cu MgB2 , = 0.85 mm 18 MgB2 wires = 6.5 mm 20 kA Six cables, = 19.5 mm Concentric 3 kA Seven cables, = 8.4 mm 0.4 kA Four cables 0.12 kA Eighteen cables ext 65 mm Fig. 2 Configuration of the P1/P5 SC link and its cable component [1]. The SC link contains two nominally 17.3 kA circuits for the quadrupoles (Q1+Q3 and Q2a+Q2b respectively) and one 11kA circuit for the dipole D1.In the SC link, these six cables will be identical and designed for transporting a maximum DC current of 20 kA at 25 K. 3. STATIC THERMAL ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 3.1. THERMAL CONSIDERATIONS AT STATIC CONDITIONS The thermal landscape at static conditions is a simple one. The helium gas cooled SC link operates between 5 K at the cold to the LTS bus-bar and maximum at about 20 K at the warm end near to the current leads. The present cable baseline gives a relative current loading of hence there is zero or negligible heat generation from within the SC link ( ) along the whole length. The forced flow helium gas should maintain a stable temperature gradient of ~0.15-0.2 K/m while removing the heat load from inner cryogenic envelope. Without a sudden interruption of the helium supply or failure of the vacuum envelope, such a static thermal condition is stable and does not interplay with the static electrical operation of the SC link. In theory, there is also a longitudinal conduction heat load along the link. However, the thermal conduction due to the ~ 10 cm2 copper stabilizer with the link only Grant Agreement 284404 PUBLIC 5 / 16 THERMAL-ELECTRICAL MODEL OF HILUMI SC LINKS Doc. Identifier: HILUMILHC-WP6 Del-D6_2_final Date: 23/01/2014 amounts to about 0.2 W at the 4.2 K end, negligible when compared to the helium gas flow for the link. 3.2. ELECTROMAGNETIC PROPERTIES AT STATIC CONDITIONS The main electromagnetic considerations are the magnetic fields produced by the current flow within the link and the inductances of the cables. The distribution of the magnetic field impacts on the critical current of the wires in the sub-cables. Since the low current cables (0.12-0.4 kA) are located inside the six 20kA-class cables, their exposure to the field produced by the high current system is minimal. Furthermore, the coaxial cables do not generate magnetic field to their exterior. Hence the focus is on the 20 kA system. 0T 0.8T Fig. 3 (a) Lines of force and (b) modulus of magnetic field of 6×20 kA cables arranged symmetrically for 3 circuits. The x-y scales are in mm. The six 20 kA cables in the SC link are configured with the cable-pair of one circuit placed next to each other to minimize their self-inductance. The magnetic field produced by the six 20 kA cables with the same ± current is similar to that of a sextupole magnet, as shown by the lines of force and field modulus in Fig. 3 (a) and Fig. 3 (b) respectively. In such a symmetric configuration, the maximum field occurs at the closest proximity between the opposing polarities, both intra-circuit and inter-circuit. For the mechanical stability of the cables, it is not desirable to break the symmetry polarity configuration. If all six cables are fully loaded to 20 kA, the maximum field is at , which is more than 50% above the ( ) maximum field of produced by a single 20 kA cable. With only one circuit powered, the magnetic field of the corresponding cable-pair at ±20 kA reaches a maximum of . Such a high field should be considered if the quadrupoles are not ramped up simultaneously. The calculations assumed that all the wires within a sub-cable carry the same current and no redistribution of current due to the change of magnet field along individual wires within the twist pitch takes place. It is further assumed that the sub-cables of a 20 kA cable also transport the same current. The field distribution within the SC link produced by the six 20kA cables becomes asymmetric (Fig. 4) when the magnets are powered to their nominal strength. In this case, the Grant Agreement 284404 PUBLIC 6 / 16 THERMAL-ELECTRICAL MODEL OF HILUMI SC LINKS Doc. Identifier: HILUMILHC-WP6 Del-D6_2_final Date: 23/01/2014 cables are configured into two pairs of ± 17.3 kA and one pair of ±11 kA. The maximum field, which now appears at the closest proximity between the ± wires of the same circuit, is 0.66T, almost (3.6% excess) proportionally to the reduction of current from 20 kA to 17.3 kA. The field between circuits are further reduced. 0T 0.7T Fig. 4 (a) Lines of force and (b) modulus of magnetic field of SC cables when powered at nominal currents: 2×(±17.3 kA) and 1×(±11kA). The x-y scales are in mm. The inductances of the cables are also obtained as for a single pair of 20 kA cables (i.e. two neighbouring 20 kA cables (+/-) in series) and for the six 20 kA cables arranged symmetrically for the three circuits. For these calculations, the twist pitch of the wires in the sub-cables is not considered as it has minimal impact on the field distribution of cables pairs. The inductance is higher with the current MgB2 wires due to the weakly ferromagnetic monel sheath. The focus on the cable-pair inductances is because the self-inductance of a single straight cable has a logarithmic singularity and is only become defined with a return current leg. The cable/link inductances are clearly very small and should not impose any restriction on the charging characteristics of the circuits. The mutual inductances between two neighbouring cable-pairs are of similar magnitude, again not important for field charging consideration. It should be noted that the wires within sub-cables are twisted, and the current mutually induced by the charging cross-talk between neighbouring circuits near the maximum field regions does not form loops longer than the twist pitch. 4. TRASIENT THERMAL ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The global dynamic models focus on SC link response to two likely transient events: (a) the quench of a cable and (b) the fast discharge upon quench of a magnet or a superconducting cable in the link. For the former, the main concern is the maximum temperature rise within the quenched cable and its capability to allow the safe discharge of the relevant magnets within the circuit. The latter is concerned with the transient magnetic field generated by the fast discharging circuit and the corresponding induced current heating in the neighbouring circuits. Grant Agreement 284404 PUBLIC 7 / 16 Doc. Identifier: HILUMILHC-WP6 Del-D6_2_final THERMAL-ELECTRICAL MODEL OF HILUMI SC LINKS 4.1. Date: 23/01/2014 HEATING DYNAMICS OF A THERMALLY QUENCHED CABLE The model only considers the adiabatic temperature rise within a cable after a local normal zone has exceeded the minimum propagation zone (MPZ) and an irreversible longitudinal propagation has started. The heat diffusion to the un-quenched section at the propagation front can be safely neglected when the quenched length becomes much longer than MPZ. The model makes no assumption of the causes for triggering a (localised) quench, although they are likely to originate from some local mechanical and/or thermal disturbances. The model further assumes sufficiently small thermal/electrical contact resistances between the MgB2 wires and the copper core to allow full current sharing with the stabilizer. It is noted that the sub-cable is thermally equivalent to the 20 kA cable, although the quench of a single subcable is unlikely not spread to the others. With the assumptions given above, the temperature rise upon a cable quench is given by: ̅ ̅ ( ) ( ) ( ( )) ( )∫ ∫ ∫ ( ) ( ) ( ) ∫ ( 100 Monel 10-1 Cu 10-2 10-8 cm-1 The specific heat of the cable consists of a portion of the superconductor wire and of the copper stabilizer. The superconductor wire is primarily monel and Ni, which has a similar heat capacity characterised by a high electronic heat capacity at low temperatures and a high Debye temperature of ΘD=460K for the phonon heat capacity. For the present model it is sufficient to use simple analytical expressions in J∙mol-1K-1: ( ) ( ) Cv, Jkg-1K-1 Where ( ( )) is known quench load and is determined as function of temperature by the thermal electrical property (density ̅ , heat capacity ̅ and stabilizer resistivity ρ) and the superconducting wire portion λ in the cable. The equation determines the cable temperature ( ) due to resistive (a) 102 heating at a current density of ( ) ( ) for a period t. Here the current density is referred to the total cross101 section area A of the cable. (b) 10-9 RRR 50 100 ) For and monel/Ni: for Cu: . For quench load calculation, cv is converted to J∙kg-1K-1 (Fig.5(a)). With a resistivity between at 10K-300K, monel’s contribution to current sharing is not considered. The copper resistivity [4] as function of temperature depends on the RRR (Fig. 5(b)) with a room temperature value of ~ . 10-10 300 1 10 100 Temperature, K Fig. 5, (a) The relevant specific heat for the SC link cable and (b) resistivity of copper at different RRR as functions of temperature. In case of resistive transition of a cable in the link, a fast discharge of the corresponding magnet chain shall be triggered. While final values for the time constants of the circuits are not yet available, indicative values in the range from 1 s to 3 s were given by the magnet Grant Agreement 284404 PUBLIC 8 / 16 THERMAL-ELECTRICAL MODEL OF HILUMI SC LINKS Doc. Identifier: HILUMILHC-WP6 Del-D6_2_final Date: 23/01/2014 designers. It is noted that the sub-cable and 20 kA main cable have the same quench load due to their identical superconductor fill factors and the nominal current density. The present subcable design has a with a superconducting wires area of 0.102 cm2 with 18 wires of 0.85 mm diameter and a copper cross-section of 12.5 cm2 (about 50% of the available centre core area). The sub-cable has a current density of for the nominal 17.3 kA of the 20 kA cable. The results (Fig. 6) show that at a constant nominal current (2833/sub-cable or ( ) ( )) and room 17.3 kA/cable), the cables will reach 75 K in 1 second ( temperature in 3.5 s. A higher RRR=300 (blue lines) reduces the temperature rise to 50 K and 225 respectively. Although the time for heating is slightly longer for starting at T0=5 K, the assumption of a fully established quench region means the onset temperature is more likely at 20 K or above. 109 (12.5kAcm-2)2(3.5s) (12.5kAcm-2)2(1s) 300K 50K U(T), A2cm-4s 108 75K RRR=100 RRR=300 10 225K 7 T0=20K 10 6 T0=5K 10 100 Temperature, K Fig. 6 Quench load of the baseline SC link cable. Let’s assume that the quench is detected at its onset and the magnet is subsequently discharged at a time constant τ with ( ) . In this case the quench load becomes: ( ( )) ∫ ( ) ( ) The effective constant current heating time for an exponentially discharging current is ( ) which is shorter than the actual time t and terminal temperature at is arrived at . For example, s is equivalent to the full course of discharging at . In this case the cable temperature will not exceed room temperature for time constants of the circuit in the range from 1 to 3 s. The practical indicator for temperature rise is at or , e.g. at for the temperature rises to 220 K with RRR=100 and 150K with RRR=300. For of a reduced time constant of τ = 1s, then cable temperature rise is significantly lower. At the corresponding effective heating time of is only 0. 43s after 1s discharge at τ=1s and Grant Agreement 284404 PUBLIC 9 / 16 Doc. Identifier: HILUMILHC-WP6 Del-D6_2_final THERMAL-ELECTRICAL MODEL OF HILUMI SC LINKS Date: 23/01/2014 the maximum temperature rise will be at 46 K and 30 K for RRR=100 and RRR=300 respectively. Fig. 7 The distribution of field change in the SC link due to the discharging of a quadrupole circuit. 10 105 -1 (a) (b) r/RCable 75 120 60 135 45 150 10-2 dB/dt, Ts-1 90 30 165 10-3 15 180 0 195 10-2 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 345 210 330 225 315 240 10-1 300 255 270 285 Fig. 8 The detailed field change imposed on the wires from the neighbouring cables immediate adjacent to the fast discharging cables. 4.2. HEATING BY INDUCED CURRENT IN THE SC LINK UPON A FAST DISCHARGE OF AN INNER TRIPLETS CIRCUIT 4.2.1. Field transients due to magnet discharging The largest field transient within the SC link occurs upon the fast discharge of quadrupole circuit at 17.3 kA. The present model examines the field change rate ̇ ( ) in the link by using ( ) ( ( )) with ̇ ( ) the field produced by the discharging circuit ( ) is the field produced by the 20 kA cable-pair for the circuit. As shown in where Fig. 7, the largest field change is within the circuit cable-pair itself with a peak value of ( ) 0.77 T. However, a significant field of 0.3 T is imposed on the immediate adjacent ~3 wires in the neighbouring circuits (at 30o and 150o in Fig. 7), as shown Grant Agreement 284404 PUBLIC 10 / 16 Doc. Identifier: HILUMILHC-WP6 Del-D6_2_final THERMAL-ELECTRICAL MODEL OF HILUMI SC LINKS Date: 23/01/2014 ) is the Fig. 8(a). For a discharging time constant of τ=7 s, the initial ̇ ( )= ( o o shown in Fig. 8(b), where 40 mT/s is found near the 30 and 150 regions of the neighbouring cables. The shaded area in Fig. 8(b) represents the region occupied by the cables of the discharging circuit. Note that the field change rate will increase significantly to 0.3 T/s if the quadrupole discharge time constant is decreased to 1s. 4.2.2. Induced current in the SC link cables by the discharging field transients Magnetisation energy of the critical state upon field discharge The superconducting wires in the SC link reacts to the field transients by the induction of “super” current to resist the field change. As the result, work is done by the discharging field to the neighbouring circuits by increasing their Gibbs’ energy , for a discharging field and a critical state magnetisation to retain the flux. The overall energy deposited is proportional volume enclosed by the induced current loop, i.e. . Assuming the super-current penetrates only a portion of the superconducting strands, then the magnetisation is approximately , where is the width of the induced current loop, is the longitudinal length of the induced current loop, and Ic is the critical current of the superconducting wire. The overall magnetization energy of the critical state upon field discharge is When the stored energy is released due to flux diffusion, e.g. flux creep of the critical state or the power-law E-J characteristics of most superconductors, the magnetization energy is converted irreversibly to heat with an effective power of When the flux diffusion time constant becomes comparable to or shorter than the field discharge constant , as often the case for high temperature superconductors (HTS), the heat generation is almost simultaneous: ̇ ( ) Size of the magnetization loops STRAIGHT UNTWISTED FILAMENTS For a superconducting wire with fully coupled filaments, the coupling width is approximately the wire diameter and the induction loop is extended to the whole length of the conductor, hence the energy stored per unit volume (of wire) is If the filaments are completely uncoupled, e.g. by a high matrix resistance, then the coupling width is reduced to the filament diameter . The corresponding energy (per unit volume of wire) by induction for uncoupled filaments is Grant Agreement 284404 PUBLIC 11 / 16 Doc. Identifier: HILUMILHC-WP6 Del-D6_2_final THERMAL-ELECTRICAL MODEL OF HILUMI SC LINKS Date: 23/01/2014 Since most low temperature superconductors (LTS) have very fine filaments, , the induced energy in a filaments-uncoupled wire is much lower, even though the critical current penetration in the fine filaments is higher ( ). Clearly filaments uncoupling is essential to reducing the induction energy upon field change. TWISTED FILAMENTS In practice, however, high matrix resistance for filaments uncoupling is not practical for the cryogenic stabilization, which requires a low normal resistivity for current sharing upon magnet quench. Filaments uncoupling in technical superconductors are achieved by twisting the filaments in a wire at a short pitch so that the coupling loop across the wire diameter is broken as the twisted filaments are displaced from one side of the wire to the other. It should be noted that finer filaments for lower induction energy requires a shorter twist pitch: √ ̇ where is the critical coupling length between filaments separated by a resistive ( ) matrix. The matrix resistance that breaks coupling loop also limits the effective induced ̇ current across the wire which is significantly less than the typical critical current density . However, this coupling current among the twisted filaments leads to a resistive (eddy-current) type of loss known as the coupling current loss ̇ ( ) A successful filament architecture should always have . INDUCTION LOOPS AND CORRESPONDING HEATING IN THE SC LINK CABLES A. Estimated temperature rise due to adiabatic induction heating of different loop sizes We first estimate the upper limit of temperature rise due to adiabatic induction heating by different loop sizes. Although the terminal adiabatic temperature rise is independent of the discharge rate, it is assumed that the flux diffusion is faster than the discharge rate for an instantaneous heat rate per unit length , where the electrical field ̇ and of complete flux penetration in the wire with full critical current ( ) induced. Consider the reference nominal case of a MgB2 round wire of resistivity and a wire critical current ( filaments of diameter with a filament ( ) . There are three distinct coupling widths to consider: 1. Fully uncoupled filaments: 2. Fully coupled filaments: 3. Inter-wire coupling across the Cu stabilizer in the sub-cable: . The thermal mass includes the contributions from the Grant Agreement 284404 PUBLIC ) , matrix (monel) . The wire has 30 12 / 16 Fig. 9 An example of MgB2 round wire used for reference calculation. THERMAL-ELECTRICAL MODEL OF HILUMI SC LINKS Doc. Identifier: HILUMILHC-WP6 Del-D6_2_final Date: 23/01/2014 monel matrix and the copper stabilizer. This large coupling loop requires a negligible resistances in the wire matrix and at the contact between the wire and stabilizer. Similar to the quench load calculation, the temperature rise by induction heating for an exponential magnet discharge of time constant is given by ̅ ( ) ( ) ( ) where is the cross-section heated by the induction current with an instantaneous heat diffusion, and ̅ and ̅ are the weighted average of the specific heat and density respective to the composition of . Thermal diffusion to the copper stabilizer is ignored for case 1-2, i.e. , consistent with a sufficiently high contact resistance to prevent the large coupling loop across the sub-cable. For the same reason, a portion of the stabilizer thermal mass should be included in case 3. 25 20 Temperature, K T0=20K 15 Uncoupled filaments Coupled filaments without Cu Inter-wire coupling with Cu 10 T0=5K 5 10-2 10-1 100 t/ Fig. 10,Adiabatic temperature rise in a MgB2 round wire by inductive current heating due to exposure to the field change by the adjacent cable of a discharging magnet. Three different loops are considered. The differential temperature rise equation is integrated to give an explicit expression of elapsed time to reach temperature : ̅ ̅ ( ) ( ∫ ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Fig. 10 shows the time for temperature rise at for the three cases assuming a wire critical current ( ) linearly reducing with increasing temperature from 590A at 5K to zero at 37K. As expected, fully uncoupled filaments heat up the least, with a maximum temperature rise <2K at the cold end of 5K. Although wire coupling across a sub-cable through the stabilizer has the highest heating power, the temperature rise was tempered by the thermal mass of the copper. An assumed 30% increase of copper limits the cold end temperature rise to 4.5K. In fact, for temperature rise for case 1 and 3 reduces rapidly with increasing temperature, the upper temperature limit of 20K is not exceeded. In contrast, the Grant Agreement 284404 PUBLIC 13 / 16 THERMAL-ELECTRICAL MODEL OF HILUMI SC LINKS Doc. Identifier: HILUMILHC-WP6 Del-D6_2_final Date: 23/01/2014 full coupling of filaments leads to substantial inductive heating within the limited thermal mass of the wire. At cold end (5K), the temperature is increased to above 17.5K, and the warm end to almost 23K. Actually, fully coupled wires initially at (covering about 1/3 of the total Hi-Lumi SC link length at the warm side) will be heated above upper temperature limit of 20K, hence likely to quench or thermally runaway. B. Filament uncoupling by twisting The MgB2 wires in the SC link sub-cables are twisted around the copper stabilizer core at a pitch ~400mm. Even without filament twisting, the effective induction loop length with a wire immediate adjacent to the discharging circuit is , where is the number of wires in close vicinity of the discharging cables and the number of wire in the sub-cable. The coupling length is reduced to the filaments twist pitch if the wire it is shorter. For ̇ at a discharging time constant of 1s, the reference wire of the critical ( ) coupling length at 20K with ( ) . The coupling length at lower temperatures will increase further as increases. Therefore, even if untwisted, the filaments of the reference wire can only be partially-coupled. The coupling current heating through the resistive matrix of partially coupled untwisted filaments is ̇ ( ) ( ) ̇ Which is much less than of fully coupled filaments, hence the conductor will have a negligible temperature rise by the coupling current across the wire matrix. It should be noted that the critical current density for a coupled length of is only ( ) for the reference wire and much lower than the nominal transport current loading of ( ). Hence the contribution by the filament coupling current to E-J heating can be safely ignored within the working temperature range for the SC link cables. Further reduction of inductive heating can be achieved by twisting the filaments within the wire at a pitch less than 90mm, which is the target for the MgB2 round wire. 5. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK Static and transient models for the HiLumi SC link cables were established for their outline assessment against the baseline operation conditions. The main conclusions from the modelling analysis are: 1. A maximum field of 0.8-1.0T, corresponds to the powering up of a 20kA single circuit, should be allowed in the wires specification. 2. The self-inductances of the cables are small compared to the magnets in the circuit. Grant Agreement 284404 PUBLIC 14 / 16 THERMAL-ELECTRICAL MODEL OF HILUMI SC LINKS Doc. Identifier: HILUMILHC-WP6 Del-D6_2_final Date: 23/01/2014 3. With a sufficiently good electrical contact to the copper stabilizer, the wires in the subcables undergo moderate temperature rise upon cable thermal quench. For a reference RRR=100 for the stabilizer, the temperature rise is less than 80K if the magnets are discharged at 1s upon quench detection. Slower discharge at 7s leads to a temperature rise to 220K. 4. Upon fast discharge of a quadrupole circuit following a magnet quench (discharging time constant of 7 s), a field change of 0.3T is imposed on the immediately adjacent wires for the neighbouring cables. 5. Fully coupled filaments in these adjacent wires would suffer significant inductive heating leading to potential quench or thermal runaway in cable section at temperatures above 14-15K. 6. With a matrix resistance of and filaments of diameter , the critical filament coupling length at ̇ is much longer than the exposed wire section of 90mm because of the sub-cable twist pitch of 400mm. Therefore the filaments should only be partially coupled. 7. The coupling current loss for a matrix resistance of and filaments -1 of diameter is about 0.001Wm at ̇ , insufficient to cause wire to quench or even to heat up significantly. 8. Filament twist pitch <90mm within the wire will help to further reduce inductive heating and uncouple the filaments. 9. Matrix resistivity between the filaments should not be reduced below at . In-wire stabilizer should be place on the outside of the filaments. Further to the above conclusions, following future studies are recommended: 1. Determine the minimum wire to stabilizer electrical and thermal contact resistances necessary for full current sharing and full transverse thermal diffusion upon thermal quench. 2. Study the minimum quench energy and quench propagation velocity for the sub-cable and cables to establish the criterion for quench detection and the identification of possible quench triggers. Work in this direction has already been done for the SC-Link proposed for LHC P7 [5]. 3. Experimental study and modelling of filaments coupling in MgB2 round wires. 4. Optimize filament architecture and wire configuration to ensure full uncoupling upon imposed field changes from magnet discharge in neighbouring circuits. 5. Study of the e.m. coupling between the different cables to be sure that there is no spurious quench signal due to fast dump of a circuit 6. REFERENCES [1] A. Ballarino, Development of Superconducting Links for the LHC Machine, EEE/CSC & ESAS SUPERCONDUCTIVITY NEWS FORUM (global edition), October 2013 [2] A. Ballarino, Presentation at 4th LHC Parameters and Layout Committee, 26th March 2013, [3] NIST Cryogenic Materials database: Grant Agreement 284404 PUBLIC 15 / 16 THERMAL-ELECTRICAL MODEL OF HILUMI SC LINKS Doc. Identifier: HILUMILHC-WP6 Del-D6_2_final Date: 23/01/2014 [4] R. L. Powell and F. R. Fickett, Cryogenic Properties of Copper, International Copper Research Association, Dec. 1979. [5] J Spurrell, W Bailey, E A Young, A Ballarino, Y Yang, Cryogenic Stability and Quench Characteristics of Twisted-pair Cables Assemblies of MgB2 tapes, Presented at EUCAS 2013, to be published Grant Agreement 284404 PUBLIC 16 / 16
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