Visibility Bias during Aerial Surveys of Elk in Northcentral Idaho Author(s): Michael D. Samuel, Edward O. Garton, Michael W. Schlegel and Robert G. Carson Source: The Journal of Wildlife Management, Vol. 51, No. 3 (Jul., 1987), pp. 622-630 Published by: Wiley on behalf of the Wildlife Society Stable URL: . Accessed: 22/07/2014 11:08 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . Wiley and Wildlife Society are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The Journal of Wildlife Management. This content downloaded from on Tue, 22 Jul 2014 11:08:24 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions BIAS DURINGAERIALSURVEYSOF ELKIN VISIBILITY IDAHO NORTHCENTRAL D. SAMUEL,'Departmentof Fish and Wildlife,Universityof Idaho,Moscow, ID83843 MICHAEL EDWARDO. GARTON,Departmentof Fishand Wildlife,Universityof Idaho,Moscow, ID83843 W. SCHLEGEL, IdahoDepartmentof Fishand Game, P.O. Box 25, Boise, ID83707 MICHAEL ROBERTG. CARSON,2Departmentof Fish and Wildlife,Universityof Idaho,Moscow ID83843 Abstract: Radio-collaredelk (Cervuselaphus) were used to assessthe importanceof visibilityfactorsduring winter helicopter surveysin northcentralIdaho. Radio collarsfacilitated monitoringelk groupsto determine whether elk were observedor missed during helicopter counts. Multivariateanalysisindicated that visibility was significantlyinfluenced by group size and vegetation cover. Snow cover, search rate, animal behavior, and different observersdid not significantlyaffect visibility of elk. A sightability model was developed to predict the probabilityof observingelk groups during winter aerial counts. J. WILDL. MANAGE.51(3):622-630 Aerial surveys are an important method for estimating populations of ungulates. However, aerial surveys underestimate animal abundance (Caughley 1977). A major goal for the improvement of aerial survey estimates is to determine the number of animals missed during surveys. Failure to observe all animals is called visibility bias and is generally a major cause of inaccuracies in aerial surveys (Caughley 1974, 1977). The magnitude of visibility bias depends on numerous factors, including animal behavior and dispersion, observers, weather, vegetation cover, and equipment. Visibility bias also may confound the estimation of age and sex ratios when males, females, or young have different visibility factors. Recognition of and correction for visibility bias have been subjectively and quantitatively used to adjust wildlife population surveys. Graham and Bell (1969) contended that visibility of animals was influenced by environmental conditions and by factors attributable to the observers. However, assessment has generally focussed on those factors that can be controlled during the survey: observer factors (Caughley 1974, LeResche and Rausch 1974) and aircraft factors (Caughley et al. 1976). Even when these factors are rigorously standardized considerable flight-to-flight variability is possible. In part, this variability is due to environmental factors that 1 Present address: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Wildlife Health Center, 6006 Schroeder Rd., Madison, WI 58711. 2 Present address: Fish and Wildlife Department, Colville Confederated Tribes, 605 NE Pearl Hill Road, Bridgeport, WA 98813. cannot be controlled by the survey technique, including cover type (LeResche and Rausch 1974, Floyd et al. 1979, Biggins and Jackson 1984, Gasaway et al. 1985), animal group size (Cook and Martin 1974, Samuel and Pollock 1981, Gasaway et al. 1985), animal behavior (Gasaway et al. 1985), snow conditions (Lovaas et al. 1966, LeResche and Rausch 1974, Biggins and Jackson 1984), and weather (Anderson 1958). Elk population trends have been monitored by aerial census since 1932 (Anderson 1958). There is considerable evidence that counts from the ground or from the air do not enumerate all the elk. Large discrepancies in the numbers of elk seen on repeated aerial counts made during 1 winter have been reported in Washington (Buechner et al. 1951), Montana (Lovaas et al. 1966), and Idaho (Robel 1960). In the Sun River herd only 17% of marked elk were resighted during some counts (Lovaas et al. 1966). Anderson (1958) found that heavy snowfall concentrated animals at lower elevations where counts could be made more easily. Conversely, during years of light snowfall, elk had a tendency to scatter widely over a large area. The highest counts in the Sun River area were consistently made during severe winters when snow depths in the mountains were at the maximum (Lovaas et al. 1966). Late winters caused downward movement and congregation of elk in Idaho (Dalke et al. 1965). Assessment of visibility factors for elk populations and for helicopter surveys are notably lacking from the literature. We radiocollared elk in northcentral Idaho to determine the influence of environmental factors and observer factors on the sightability of elk during winter 622 This content downloaded from on Tue, 22 Jul 2014 11:08:24 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions J. Wildl. Manage. 51(3):1987 VISIBILITY BIAS IN ELK SURVEYS * Samuel et al. helicopter counts. Our approach attempted to standardize most factors that are controllable by observers and to measure those biases that could not be controlled. A 2nd objective was to develop a model to predict elk sightability from the important factors. The sightability model was then used to estimate total population and sex and age ratio parameters (Samuel 1985; Garton et al., unpubl. data). Funding for the project was provided by the Idaho Dep. Fish and Game. Field operations were greatly aided by D. L. Davis, L. Kuck, G. N. Power, G. S. McNeil, and M. D. Scott. D. Petit and J. Pope provided expert flying skills. L. J. Nelson and R. K. Steinhorst provided statistical consultation and assistance. J. M. Peek was instrumental in initiating the project. This is Contrib. 292 from the For., Wildl. and Range Exp. Stn., Univ. of Idaho. STUDYAREAS Four representative study areas (Samuel 1984) were chosen from the vegetation commonly used by elk on winter range in northcentral Idaho. The Salmon River Breaks (SRB) consisted primarily of open grassland with pockets of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) in the draws and at higher elevation. The topography was relatively steep and dissected by numerous drainages flowing into the Salmon River. The Fish Creek Drainage (FCD) was predominantly open deciduous shrubs on south facing slopes with scattered patches of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and ponderosa pine. The FCD was less rugged than SRB and consisted of a few broad drainages. The Hungry Ridge (HR) area had the flattest topography of the 4 sites, where forest vegetation was primarily mature, open ponderosa pine broken by large clearcuts. Deadman Creek (DC) had the densest cover of the 4 areas. Topography of DC was intermediate between FCD and SRB, and vegetation was mostly dense Douglas-fir with some open grass areas along ridge tops. These study areas were selected to represent a range of vegetation cover conditions and were ranked from most open to and DC (Samuel most closed as SRB, FCD, HR, 1984). Study areas were divided into units based on topographic features formed by creek boundaries and ridgetops that were easily distinguishable from the air. Units ranged in size between 0.37 and 12.7 km2 and averaged 3.0 km2 (N = 45). 623 METHODS Elk were immobilized by darting from a helicopter or from the ground. Twenty animals (3 yrl and 3 ad bulls, and 14 ad cows) were fitted with white radio collars for subsequent relocation. Fourteen adult cows with active radio collars from previous studies in the SRB and HR areas also were used. White collars were chosen to enhance the identification of marked animals from the helicopter once elk were located and to avoid the possibility of visually locating an animal due to a bright-colored collar. Thirtyseven sightability survey flights were made between February 1982 and March 1985. Sightability surveys within the same study area were week to allow radiotypically separated by collared animals to mix>-1 with other elk and to prevent helicopter observers from "learning" where to find individual animals. Units were flown systematically at 150-m contour intervals until the entire unit was searched. Search patterns typically started at low elevation and progressed upslope. All surveys were flown in a Hiller 12E helicopter. The Hiller affords good forward and lateral visibility with an observer on either side of the pilot. Both observers and the pilot located groups of animals, but groups were usually counted and classified by the observers. Classification data were recorded by the most experienced (primary) observer. One of 3 primary observers was used for each survey with a variety of secondary observers. All primary observers were experienced. Experience levels of the secondary observers varied. Each helicopter survey was preceded by a fixed-wing flight to locate radio-collared animals. Locations were plotted on large-scale (12.6 cm/km) aerial photos and the number of animals in the group, percent vegetation cover, percent snow cover, and behavior (bedded, standing, or moving) were noted. A helicopter survey was conducted within 2 hours after the fixed-wing flight. Helicopter observers were informed of the units containing radio-collared elk and the radio frequencies of collared animals. However, they did not know the location of collared elk within the unit. Typically a single radio-collared animal might be searched for in 2 units or 2 animals might be searched for in 2-3 units. The helicopter observers surveyed the required units and recorded elk group size, group This content downloaded from on Tue, 22 Jul 2014 11:08:24 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 624 VISIBILITY BIAS IN ELK SURVEYS * Samuel et al. J. Wildl. Manage. 51(3):1987 Table1. Elksightability surveyresultsbyindependentvariable helicopter. Group size, group composition, befrom4 study areas in northcentralIdaho,1982-85. No. of groups Variable Missed Seen Visibilitya 18 27 10 9 0.95 0.73 0.34 0.35 5 6 5 6 9 4 14 10 5 0.22 0.46 0.50 0.60 0.69 0.40 0.82 1.00 1.00 26 9 2 12 5 8 2 0.90 0.90 1.00 0.66 0.50 0.38 0.10 4 34 26 0.29 0.56 0.72 9 5 5 45 0.90 0.56 0.56 0.54 10 17 20 34 14 16 0.77 0.45 0.44 10 9 2 8 11 7 8 11 15 14 10 6 0.44 0.55 0.88 0.64 0.48 0.46 Study areasb 1 SRB FCD 10 HR 19 17 DC Group size 1 18 2 7 5 3 4 4 4 5 6 6 7-15 3 16-30 0 0 30+ cover class (%) Vegetation 0-12 3 1 13-27 0 28-42 6 43-57 58-72 5 13 73-87 19 88-100 Behavior 10 Bedded 27 Standing 10 Moving %snow cover 1 0-19 4 20-50 4 51-99 100 38 Observerse MWS LXK GNP Search rate (min/km2) 2.00-4.99 5.00-6.19 6.20-7.39 7.40-9.89 9.90-12.39 12.40+ a Visibility = (no. of groups seen) + (no. of groups seen + no. of groups missed). b SRB = Salmon River Breaks, FCD = Fish Creek Drainage, HR Hungry Ridge, and DC = Deadman Creek. c Initials of primary observers. composition, behavior, percent vegetation cover, and percent snow cover for each group seen that contained a radio-collared animal. Upon completion of the search, radio-collared animals not seen were located using a receiver in the havior, percent vegetation cover, and percent snow cover also were recorded for these missed animals. Time required to search each unit was recorded in either case. The dichotomous classification of groups seen or missed was treated as the dependent variable. Group size, percent snow cover, percent vegetation cover, animal behavior, primary observer, and study area formed the independent variables. Search rates (min/km2) also were computed as an additional independent variable. On 3 occasions 2 radio-collared animals were found in the same group. Each of these 3 cases was treated as a single observation to maintain independent samples. Samples of seen or missed groups were analyzed by stepwise logistic regression procedures (Dixon et al. 1981) to determine which independent variables had a significant influence on the dependent variable. Significant independent variables were used to develop a model to predict the probability of sighting elk groups. The logistic regression model for predicting sightability is: exp(u) Y= -(1) 1 + exp(u) (1) where y is the sighting probability and u = bo + bx, + + bkxk (2) +... is the usual linear regression equation of variables (x1, x2 ... xk) significantly influencing .. sightability. Preliminary results showed that the natural log transformation of group size was consistently a better predictor than the untransformed values. Therefore, the transformed group sizes were used in subsequent analyses. The significance of independent variable contribution to sightability was judged by forward stepwise logistic regression. A variable was considered to be important in predicting sightability when its stepwise improvement Chi-square exceeded a 10% significance level based on improvement in the likelihood ratio (Dixon et al. 1981). The logistic model was judged appropriate for the data by Brown's goodness-of-fit Chi-square test (Prentice 1975, 1976; Dixon et al. 1981). This procedure tests the null hypothesis that the data can be appropriately modelled by logistic regression. b2x2 Adequate prediction of the model was judged by D. Hosmer's goodnessof-fit test (Dixon et al. 1981). A t-test was used This content downloaded from on Tue, 22 Jul 2014 11:08:24 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions J. Wildl. Manage. 51(3):1987 VISIBILITY BIAS IN ELK SURVEYS * Samuel et al. to evaluate the significance of individual model coefficients. 625 Table 2. Finallogisticregressionresults (N = 111) fromelk sightabilitysurveys on 4 study areas in northcentralIdaho, 1982-85. Minimumlevel of significancefor inclusionof variables set at P = 0.10. RESULTS Factors InfluencingSightability Sightability data were obtained on 111 groups of elk during the study (Table 1). The overall probability of observing elk groups was different for each study area. This trend follows the general pattern of increasing visibility with decreasing vegetation cover on the study areas. Average visibility increased from 0.22 for single animals to 1.0 for groups >15. Groups in open cover were more visible than those in dense cover. Percent snow cover did not appear to influence visibility except under sparse snow conditions. Increased activity (from bedded to standing to moving) resulted in higher visibility during surveys. One observer (MWS), who also was the most knowledgeable of the study areas, appeared to be more skilled at locating elk. Helicopter search rate showed no consistent visibility trend. However, visibility increased in the intermediate categories of search rate. The 1st step of the logistic regression analysis indicated that group size (P < 0.0001), percent vegetation cover (P < 0.0001), animal behavior (P = 0.0165), study area (P < 0.0001), observer (P = 0.0025), and percent snow cover (P = 0.0593) each was significantly related to sightability. Only helicopter search rate (P = 0.5903) had no significant relationship to sightability. These results are analogous to those expected from univariate correlation analysis of each factor with sightability. However, subsequent steps from the logistic regression analysis indicated that group size and percent vegetation cover were predominant and had nearly equal influence on sightability (Table 2). Independent variables measuring animal behavior, study areas, percent snow cover, observers, and search rate did not have a significant influence on sightability once these 2 variables were removed (Table 2). SightabilityModels The significant relationships identified in the logistic regression analysis were used to build 2 predictive models. Model I was developed to predict sightability from equation (1) and Table 2, where the linear regression portion of the model is: Variable Constant Group size %vegetation cover Observersd Study areasd Behaviord %snow coverd Search rated Level of significancea 0.0000 0.0000 0.1081 0.1891 0.4387 0.7554 0.8960 Final coefficientb Coefficient + SEc 1.22 1.55 -0.05 1.81 4.14 -4.90 a Probability that variable has no significant influence on sightability. b Regression coefficients for sightability model. eCoefficient divided by SE is equivalent to a t-test for the coefficient = 0.0. d Variables not included in final logistic regression model. u = 1.22 + 1.55 In(group size) - 0.05% vegetation cover. Model coefficients determined the pattern of each variable's influence on sightability. Negative coefficients indicated that larger values of that variable cause sightability to decrease; positive coefficients caused sightability to increase. A 2nd model (Model II), incorporating group size and 7 categories of percent vegetation cover (Table 1), also was developed. The resulting model is specified by equation (1) where u = 1.74 + 1.60 In(group size) - 0.80 vegetation cover class. Vegetation cover class takes values of 1-7 for increasing percent vegetation cover categories. All coefficients for both models were significantly different (P < 0.05) from 0. The differences in sightability predicted for the 2 models were insignificant. Predicted sightability for Model II increased with group size for fixed vegetation cover class (Fig. 1). For fixed group size, increases in percent vegetation cover (Model I) caused sightability to decrease (Fig. 2). Approximate standard errors for the sightability predicted by Model I are illustrated in Figure 3. The error pattern is similar to that of a binomial distribution. The standard error patterns from Model II were indistinguishable from Model I. DISCUSSION Sightability models for winter helicopter counts of elk indicated that group size and percent vegetation cover were the primary factors This content downloaded from on Tue, 22 Jul 2014 11:08:24 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 626 VISIBILITY BIAS IN ELK SURVEYS * Samuel et al. J. Wildl. Manage. 51(3):1987 1.0 I,,/ I, .I / 0.*2 0.01 1 5 10 15 20 GROUPSIZE Fig. 1. Predictedsightabilityby groupsize for 0-12 (), 43-57 (- - -), and 73-87 (- - -)% vegetationcover (ModelII), based on 111 elk groupsobserved duringhelicoptersurveys in northcentralIdaho,1982-85. influencing observability. The interpretation of factors influencing elk sightability using an approach similar to univariate correlation analysis indicated that many factors are significantly related to sightability. Our sightability models showed that many of the factors influencing sightability are interrelated. This multivariate approach has not been used to determine factors that influence visibility in other studies, making direct comparison with our results difficult. Estimating sightability factors through simple univariate analyses will overestimate the number of factors that significantly influence sightability. Despite the differences in analytical approaches, some comparisons between our results and other research can be drawn. First, group size is generally believed to be an important factor influencing sightability (Cook and Martin 1974, Cook and Jacobson 1979, Samuel and Pol- lock 1981). The inability of other studies to measure group size may have caused related factors to appear as important influences on sightability. For example, Biggins and Jackson (1984) speculated that group size might have been a causative factor in the seasonal observability differences of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) bucks and does. They observed a positive relationship between deer density and visibility, which may have been partially due to the influence of group size. Secondly, the importance of vegetation cover has been stressed by nearly every study that has attempted to examine ungulate visibility. Previous authors have suggested dividing a study area into discrete habitats or cover types and estimating visibility in each type (Floyd et al. 1979). Such an approach might require substantially more data to estimate a separate sightability function for each habitat. In addition, This content downloaded from on Tue, 22 Jul 2014 11:08:24 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions VISIBILITY BIASIN ELK SURVEYS* Samuel et al. J. Wildl. Manage. 51(3):1987 1 . 0 ---..... 627 _ __. "of 0.9 N N. 0. 88 0 " 0.7 0.6 0.3 x 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 x VEGETATIVE COVER ), 5 (- - -), and 10 (-Fig.2. Predictedsightabilityby percentvegetativecoverfor groupsof 1 ( on 111 elk groupsobserved duringhelicoptersurveys in northcentralIdaho,1982-85. problems may arise from assuming uniform vegetative cover within a habitat. Both of these problems are avoided by estimating percent vegetative cover directly. Further, taking this approach offers the possibility that sightability functions developed in 1 area may be applicable over broad areas. The sightability functions we developed gave good predictions over 4 study areas spanning a range of habitats. Further research in other habitats might broaden the applicability of the models or identify habitats that require a more complex approach. Increasing the intensity of search effort is commonly believed to increase the proportion of animals seen and may reduce the effects of some environmental factors such as weather, lighting, and snow conditions. Thus, there appears to be a distinct advantage of using intensive helicopter quadrat surveys over transect surveys with fixed-wing aircraft (Gasaway et al. -) elk (ModelI),based 1985). Helicopters further enhance the observers' ability to minimize terrain and cover problems (Kufeld et al. 1980). In addition, the noise of the helicopter generally causes animals to move (perhaps increasing visibility) and may be used to flush animals from patches of cover (Kufeld et al. 1980). Helicopters also may reduce observer fatigue problems by minimizing disorientation and airsickness (Kufeld et al. 1980) and by allowing more frequent breaks (for more frequent refueling). Helicopter search rate was not a significant predictor of visibility for our elk surveys. However, we believe that the search rates we measured may reflect other factors, such as time required to classify animals, overall density of animals in units flown, vegetation cover, and pilot skill. Further research should attempt a more rigorous assessment of the influence of search rate on visibility. Gasaway et al. (1985) found that bedded ra- This content downloaded from on Tue, 22 Jul 2014 11:08:24 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 628 VISIBILITY BIASIN ELK SURVEYS* Samuel et al. J. Wildl. Manage.51(3):1987 0. 125 0.100 o 0.075 o 0.050 0.025 0.000 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 SIGHTABILITY (ModelI)forelkgroups(N= 111)observedduringhelicoptersurveysinnorthcentral Fig.3. Standarderrorof predictedsightability Idaho,1982-85. dio-collared moose (Alces alces) were more likely to be missed during intensive fixed-wing surveys. This corresponds with our simple correlation results for elk sightability. However, the significant influence of elk behavior vanished when group size and percent vegetation cover were considered. Apparently, the behavior of elk was correlated with the group size and vegetation characteristics. Gasaway et al. (1985) made similar conclusions for moose activity and group size. Observer differences, study area differences, and percent snow cover apparently did not have a substantial influence on elk visibility after more significant variables were considered. Previous studies have shown contradictory evidence regarding the influence of snow cover (quality and quantity) on sightability. LeResche and Rausch (1974) believed that snow quality had an important influence on visibility of moose, whereas Biggins and Jackson (1984) found no effect on deer visibility. Snow cover may interact with other factors (e.g., habitat use, group size, and behavior), thereby reducing its importance in sightability. Further, the effect of snow cover may be reduced during the intensive quadrat surveys we conducted on elk. The reason for a lack of significant influence of percent snow cover and observers in our study may be partially attributed to the limited range over which these factors were evaluated. Our research was designed to standardize observer differences as much as practical within the context of normal field procedures. Other research (LeResche and Rausch 1974, Caughley et al. 1976) has described important effects of observer experience on sightability. However, these studies generally looked at a much larger range of experience and ignored the interaction of these factors with group size and vegetation cover. This content downloaded from on Tue, 22 Jul 2014 11:08:24 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions J. Wildl. Manage. 51(3):1987 * Samuel et al. VISIBILITY BIASIN ELKSURVEYS 629 A variety of precautions are necessary before vegetation. In these situations the determination applying our specific models developed for elk of correction factors for groups may not be feasightability. Foremost, is that many factors that sible. In general, the development of sightability can be controlled were standardized in our study to reduce their influence on sightability. There models proposed here is related to the closed is little doubt that sightability will vary (perhaps mark-recapture methods presented by Otis et dramatically) due to the experience levels of al. (1978). In both cases the goal is to estimate observers and pilots or to the type of aircraft the capture probability and to apply these paused. Our models presume that expert observers rameters to population estimation. The develand pilots are involved in conducting the heli- opment of sightability models has the advantage copter surveys. Although the sightability models of adequately handling problems associated with appear to have general applicability, their use capturing groups of animals and of estimating in geographically different and vegetatively dif- the influence of environmental factors. ferent areas should not be attempted without Application of sightability models does not prior validation. Likewise, the application of eliminate the need to design an appropriate these models during seasons other than winter sampling strategy for conducting surveys. Sightshould be approached skeptically. Optimum ability models may be used in conjunction with for elk conditions are to occur counting likely sophisticated sampling approaches such as stratduring winter (or early spring) when animals ified, proportional, or multiple survey designs occur in larger groups and in areas of open (Samuel 1985; Garton et al., unpubl. data). These habitat. applications also should consider the minimum Estimates of the number of animals present sampling area or the number of groups required on the survey area may be computed by apply- to produce reliable estimates. Of primary iming an appropriate correction factor to each ob- portance in any survey design will be a clear served group. The correction factors for each formulation of objectives, a careful choice of the required level of precision, and a knowledge group are obtained by inverting the estimated sighting probability (Samuel 1985; Samuel and of population distribution. When multiple obSteinhorst, unpubl. data). The sample size re- jectives, such as population estimation and herd quired for adequate estimation of sighting prob- composition, are specified survey design probability will depend upon the complexity of the lems are likely to become complex. 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Correction of I, Manage. 44:632-639. visibility bias in aerial surveys where animals LERESCHE, R. E., AND R. A. RAUSCH. 1974. Acoccur in groups.J. Wildl. Manage. 45:993-997. curacy and precision of aerial moose censusing. Received 25 August 1986. J. Wildl. Manage. 38:175-182. LOVAAS,A. L., J. L. EGAN,ANDR. R. KNIGHT. 1966. Accepted 8 December 1986. FLOYD,T. J., L. D. MECH,ANDM. E. NELSON. 1979. An improved method of censusing deer in deciduous-coniferousforests.J. Wildl. Manage.43: 258-261. OF MULEDEERAND ELK MEASUREMENTS BODY-SURFACE KATHERINE L. PARKER,'WildlifeBiologyProgram,WashingtonState University,Pullman,WA99164 Abstract: Body-surfacemeasurementswere taken on 6 captive mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) and 8 captive elk (Cervuselaphus nelsoni). Surfacearea, characteristicdimension,and mid-ribheight, which affect thermal exchange between the animal and its environment, increase exponentially with increasing body weight. Back lower-leg length and chest circumference may serve as simple indices of body weight under field conditions. J. WILDL. MANAGE.51(3):630-633 Body-surface measurements of animals have several applications. Often used as indicators of growth rate (e.g., Bandy [1965]), representative body weights, heights, lengths, and total animal surface areas also are used to examine the energetic constraints of wild ungulates. For example, leg lengths of mule deer, elk, and caribou (Rangifer tarandus) are directly related to the energetic cost of travel in snow (Parker et al. 1984) and cratering to obtain forage (Fancy and IPresent address:Instituteof Arctic Biology, University of Alaska,Fairbanks,AK 99775. White 1985). An animal's height aboveground and the representative distance over which the wind travels on its surface influence energy expenditures for thermoregulation. Effective surface area for thermal exchange may be altered by changes in orientation or posture and seasonal pelage or insulation (Morrison 1966, Moen 1973, Chappel 1980, Jacobsen 1980). This paper reports several surface measurements of mule deer and elk that have not previously been documented, obtained from tractable research animals in good condition. These morphometric variables are useful in understanding the relative effects of an animals's thermal environment This content downloaded from on Tue, 22 Jul 2014 11:08:24 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions
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