557 Cerebrospinal Fluid Circulation: Evaluation by Single-Photon and Positron Emission Tomography Gustaf Bergstrand,' Stig Larsson, 2 Mats Bergstrbm, 3 Lars Eriksson, 4 and Gbran Edner 5 Gamma camera cisternography after intrathecal administration of "'In-DTPA is a widely used and well established technique for studies of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) circulation. The radiation dose from'''ln, however, is a limiting factor that sometimes seriously affects the image quality and, hence, correct interpretation . This investigation was designed to assess the value of tomographic techniques for studies of CSF flow. Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) was performed on 15 patients by means of the Karolinska Hospital rotating gamma camera system after injection of ''' In-DTPA or 99mTc_DTPA. The combination of SPECT and 99mTc_DTPA proved to be a valuable technique. It permits a clear evaluation of the location of the isotope intracranially and its precise relation to the ventricles. Positron emission tomography (PET) applied after intrathecal administration of 68Ga-EDT A demonstrates that small amounts of radioactivity can be registered and that PET is a promising technique for the evaluation of CSF dynamics. Indium-"'-DTPA was introduced in 1972 as a suitable radiopharmaceutical for studies of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) circulation [1]. Since then "' In has been the most commonly used radionuc li de for such studies. Its physica l half-life of 2.81 days is we ll su ited for studie s of CSF flow over a period of up to 72 hr. The disadvantages are th at only low amounts of radioactivity ca n be ad ministered due to high rad iation doses to the spinal co rd and that th e photon energies (1 71 keV and 245 keV) are not optimal for gamma camera scintigraphy . Therefore, the spatial resolution is poor, and accurate interpretation may be impossible, whether or not persistent intraventric ular uptake is present . This is essential for correct evaluation of CSF flow, for example in patients with communicating hydrocep halus. In order to improve spatial resolution and to reduce noise, ,,, InDTPA was replaced by 99mTc_DTPA, which has been used in conventional gamma cisternography [2]. Single-photon em ission tomography (SPECT) has been used in the Karolinska Hospital sin ce 1978 [3 ]. Thi s technique seemed suitable for stud ies of th e CSF c ircu lation and , therefore , was applied in this investigation. Positron emission tomography (PET) offers certain important advantages over SPECT, such as higher spatial resolution and more ' Departm ent ' Department JDepartm ent ' Departm ent SDepartm ent of of of of of accurate quantitation . Th e device is rou tin ely used in Karo lin ska Hospital for localization of CSF fi stula s [4] and it s value for CSF studi es has now been evalu ated . Materials and Methods Conventional gamma c istern og raphy and SPECT were performed in seven cases with 18.5 MBq (0 .5 mCi) "' In-DTPA and in eight cases with 100 MBq (2 .7 mCi) 99mTc_DTPA , using th e rotatin g gamma camera system [3]. Th e radiopharmace utica ls were injected intrathecall y by the lumbar route. In ord er to fac ilitate adequate interpretation of reg ional CSF fl ow from SPECT stud ies, co mputed tomographi c (CT) studi es were inc luded in the examination proced ure. Both th e CT and th e SPECT studies were perform ed with th e patient' s head fi xed to the examinati on table using an extern al fi xati on by a plasti c helmet system of the sa me type as th e one used during stereotaxic CT procedures [5]. A spec iall y designed loca lizing plastic box was co nnec ted to th e sa me base plate as the helmet (fig . 1). In th e lateral wall th e box ca rri es an aluminum rod th at is tilt ed 45 ° relative to the base plate. Thi s rod can be loca li zed in th e CT im age, and by means o f the cursor system of th e display unit th e actual level of each slice ca ll be determined . Th e wall s of th e bo x are further supplied wit h a tube system with one tube tilted in th e sa me way as th e aluminum rod . For visua lization in th e SPECT stud y th e tube system is fill ed with 99mTc . The level of the individu al SPECT slice as we ll as the coo rdinates within th e slice ca n su bseq uently be ca lc ulated from th e location of the tubes . This device all ows a corre lati on between di stribution of th e radi onuc li de in th e head using SPECT and th e morphologic details of th e CSF space from CT . Th e PET scanner of th e Karolin ska Hospital [6] was used for localization of CSF fistul as in 14 patients. Th e intrath ecally ad ministered radioactivity was 30 MBq (0 .8 mCi) sBGa-EDTA. CT and PET slices of th e sa me level ca n be superimposed usin g a specially designed software , which includes th e transform ation of the CT image to the matri x of th e PET scanner system . Th e accuracy is very high due to th e extern al helmet fi xation . Th e possibilities of further analyzing the radionuclid e distribution during CSF fl ow studies and of performing quantitative measurements were evaluated in thi s investigation . Neuroradiolog y, Karolin ska Hospital, S-1 04 01 Stockholm , Sweden. Address reprint requests to G. Bergstrand . Hospital Physics , Karoli nska Hospital, S-104 01 Stockholm , Sweden . Radiation Physics , Karolinska Institute, S-1 04 0 1, Stockholm , Sweden . Physics, University o f Stockh olm , Stockholm, Sweden . Neurosurg ery, Karolinska Hospital , S- 104 0 1 Stock holm, Sweden . AJNR 4:557-559, May / June 19830195 - 6 108 / 83 / 0403-0557 $00 .00 © Ameri ca n Roentgen Ray Society PET AND RADIONUCLIDE STUDIES 558 Results Du e to the poor spatial reso lution using "'In-DTPA, it was impossible to obtain SPECT images of the CSF space of sufficient clinica l value. SPECT using 99mTc_DTPA on the other hand demon- AJNR:4, May / June 1983 strated additional detail , especially in cases where it was difficult to decide whether intraventricular radioactivity was present or not (fig . 2). When conventional views demonstrated clear-cut normal or pathologic (fig . 3) conditions, SPECT did not add further morphologic information. Tomography, however, is probably necessary for accurate quantification of CSF flow . St~d i es done with PET and 68Ga-EDTA c learly show that th e anatomy of CSF spaces can be accurately stud ied with positronem itting isotopes (fig. 4). However, the short half-life (68 min) of 68Ga-EDTA makes it unsuitable as a tracer for periods longer than 2 - 3 hr. Discussion Fig . 1.-Plasti c helmet and localizing box appli ed to head and exam ination table. Tube system for sli ce level determination (arrows). A c A rad ioactivity of 100 MBq (2.7 mCi) of 99mTc_DTPA will be sufficient for SPECT studies and for conventiona l gamma camera scintigraphy of the CSF space within about 24 hr after lumbar injection. This period of time is, according to our experience, sufficient for a correct interpretation of CSF flow. Static views have been taken at 2, 4, 6, 9, and 24 hr after administration, but registrations after 4, 6, and 24 hr are probably sufficient for evaluation of flow dynamics. Although 100 MBq of 99mTc_DTPA is insufficient for tomographi c registration after 24 hr , the presence of an intraventricular uptake B Fig. 2.-Frontal views 4 (A) and 12 (B) hr after intrathecal injection of 100 MBq of 99mTc_DTPA. C, Radioactivity in lateral ventricles (arrows) cannot be excl ud ed in this patient with aq ueduct stenosis. D, SPECT slice at level of lateral ventri c les demonstrates radio activity in sylvian fi ssures (arrows) and quadrigeminal cis tern but no radioactivity within ventricle system. Peripheral rad ioactivity represents cross section s of tube system. o AJ NR :4 . May / June 1983 A PET AND RADI ON UCLIDE STUDIE S 559 B Fig . 3. -Patient with commu nica ting hydrocephalus. Gamma c istern og raphy . co nvenlio nal fro ntal view (A) and transverse axial SPECT slice (B) at level of late ral ventricles. Radioac tivity w ithin ventric ul ar system (arrowheads ) is well demo nstrated with bot h techniq ues. can usually be inferred by comparin g th e stati c view w ith th e tomog raphi c im ag es obtain ed at 6-9 hr. For accurate quantificati on and c learance c urves of th e radi oacti vity from th e CSF spaces repeat SPECT studi es are needed . Thi s is presentl y under investi gati on. PET offers th ese opti ons bu t new positron-emitting radioph arm aceuticals have to be prepared and tested . REFERENCES 1. Hosain F. Phil D. Som P. Ch elated "' In : an ideal radi oph armaceutica l for c istern ograph y . Br J Radio/1972 ;45 : 677 - 6 7 9 2. Som p . Hosain F. Wag ner HN .·Scheffel U. Ci stern og raph y with Fig . 4 .- Superimposed CT and PET slices at same level demonstrate activity in ventric ular system (arrowheads ) and CSF c istern s and relatio n to sku ll bo ne . c helated comp lex of 99mTc . J Nucl Med 1972;13 : 551 -553 3 . Larsson SA. Gamm a camera emiss ion tomograp hy . Ac ta Radiol [ Suppl] (Stock h) 1981 ;363 4 . Bergstrand G. Bergstrom M. Eriksson L. Edner G. Wi den L. Pos itro n emi ssion tomog raph y with GBGa-EDT A in th e diag nosis and loca lizati o n of CSF fi stul as. J Comput Assist Tomogr 1982; 6: 320-324 5 . Berg strom M . Boethiu s J . Eriksson L. Greitz T. Ribbe T. Wi den L. Head fi xati on device for reproduc ible position ali gnmen t in transmi ssi on CT and positron emi ssion tomog raphy . J Comput Assist Tomogr 1981 ;5 : 136-1 41 6 . Eriksson L. Bergstrom M . Bohm C. et al. A four ri ng posi tro n ca mera system for emi ssion tomog raph y of th e brain . IEEE Tra ns Nuc l Sci 1982;1 : 539-545
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