Mkl 8-26-14 GERMAN 320- Deutsch für den Beruf Fall 2014 Syllabus Emory University MW 2:30-3:45pm, in ML330 Office Hours: We 12-1pm and by appointment Marianne Lancaster Office: ML R.328 [email protected] Tel. 404-727-1032 Prerequisite: German 202 or equivalent Course Objectives This course will introduce you to the language of business German and prepare you to function in businessrelated communicative situations, such as social introductions, business travel, oral and written contact with customers, basic sales dialogues, and basic business letters. Mastering new and subject-specific vocabulary and cultural knowledge and awareness are goals of this course. Course Description This course will be conducted in German. Particulars: 1. Participation in role-plays, group work, and class discussions is crucial. The quality of your performance is important, but also your willingness to try. You need to be prepared well or you will slow down everybody else. 2. As mastering new and subject-specific vocabulary is one of the main goals of this course, vocabulary quizzes will be given frequently but they will be announced. 3. This class is Blackboard supported (BB) and you will give short presentations in German. 4. Grammar review included. Proficiency in frequently used irregular German verbs expected. 5. Short German news clips are viewed and talked about in class.( Nachrichten ) 6. Students are encouraged to report about German news, TV and YOU-Tube clips pertaining to our topics. 7. Students will present a German firm to class, teams of two.. (i-movie recommended, (technical help available) 8. Our book has a companion website with additional material for exploration. 9. Get ready to voice your opinion or (if chosen to) argue the other side.(Redemittel!) Required Texts: Geschäftsdeutsch An Introduction to German Business Culture, Franz-Joseph Wehage, Gudrun Clay, Focus Publishing, 2012, ISBN 13:987-1-58510-410-9 Companion Website: Recommended: Quality German-English/ English German Dictionary (by Langenscheidt or Harper Collins or…) Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik, Wiederholen und Anwenden, Larry D. Wells, Houghton Mifflin, any edition….(or other good grammarbook) Kommunikation in der Wirtschaft, Lehr-und Arbeitsbuch, Cornelson Verlag, Berlin 2009, ISBN 978-3464-21236-3 Mkl 8-26-14 download.chip.en/de/ word-Vorlage-Geschäftsbrief-Din-676-Form_A_74933.html Bewerbungstraining in focus online Class Policy Attendance is crucial to your success. You may miss twice but after that I will take 5% off your attendance grade each time you are missing. Your preparation, attendance, and participation are vital to the success of our class. Careful preparation before class is expected. It enables the student to share his/her views and information with the class. If you come unprepared or not at all you become a burden to your classmates and your informed participation grade will suffer. Written work cannot be submitted (hard copy to instructor) after the stated due day/time without loosing points (10% per day), and there is of course no possibility of “making up” for a missed class. As in all language classes, vocabulary needs to be memorized and reviewed for success. Short oral reports about current trends published in the German magazine “Wirtschaftswoche” - available in our student lounge – or about one of the statistics from our Blackboard material will be asked from you. (Suchen Sie aktuelle Zeitungsausschnitte, worüber Sie berichten können, zum Beispiel aus der Wirtschaftwoche, Handelsblatt oder einem anderen deutschsprachigen Magazin- auch on-line.Termine werden in Absprache mit Kursleiter in der zweiten Woche festgelegt) The textbook is supplemented by other material the instructor will bring in, some of it from this class’ BB content. Each student will research and introduce a German (or Swiss, or Austrian) firm to the class in November. Look for a firm and partner early and inform me. All of your work is expected to be in compliance with The Emory Honor Code, if a group assignment is given, you need to name the members of your group. Acknowledge sources used by citing them using MLA style, etc. Any missing assignment is factored in as 0 %, an “F” as 50%. Cellphones need to be turned off in class and need to be put away! No unauthorized recording allowed in any way! Evaluation 20% Informed Participation, Preparation, Homework (if you miss class this is 0 that day) 10% Attendance 10% Quizzes 20% Two Tests 10% Oral Reports Final: 3 parts: 20 % presentation of job interview (i-movie, live,….etc.) ) 5% Lebenslauf (resumee) 5% Anschreiben (coverletter) to that firm Assignments: 1). Lehrbuch/Arbeitsbuch: Complete assigned exercises and familiarize yourself with group activities in preparation for class. Study the vocabulary. 2.) Written assignments: Complete all written homework assignments (usually letters or short comments or summaries) and submit printed copies. Use a 12-point standard font and double-space the text to allow for my corrections. Be sure to have your initials and date as HEADER. 3.) Grammar: Assignments may be given as needed in addition to those in your book. 4.) Hörverständnis: Listening comprehension online accompany the book. You will need to listen to German business conversations and take notes. Or we will watch 100seconds of current German TV ( News and discuss what you could understand. Mkl 8-26-14 5.) Oral report. Prepare your class-mates by posting the most important 10 words they will need to follow your talk two days before your presentation. Follow instructions on BB . Greet the group etc…Have a maximum of 3 graphs or powerpoint slides. Do NOT read sentences. Compare to your country. When other students have given their reports your feedback is expected. Depending on subject and interest we will have a discussion. The role of discussion leader is given to a peer. Interest for “things German” should be shown by attending at least three German events**-one per month. (**TBA ). These events (party, discussion, film, lecture…) help your cultural awareness. Write a 50word description of each event and your comment in German and send in an email to your instructor.. And once you have attended three they will make up for one absence-one time! Honor Code The Honor Code of Emory College is in effect throughout the semester. By taking this course, you affirm that it is a violation of the code to cheat on quizzes and exams, to plagiarize, to deviate from the instructor’s instructions about collaboration on work that is submitted for grades, to give false information to a faculty member, and to undertake any other form of academic misconduct. You agree that the instructor is entitled to move you to another seat during examinations, without explanation. You also affirm that if you witness others violating the code you have a duty to report them to the honor council. The central issue is that any work submitted to an instructor for evaluation should be one’s own. Within the German Studies Department, assistance is possible and even encouraged in two limited situations: online or in person. Online resources can be used for grammatical explanations (e.g., verb conjugations) or the translation of words, expressions, and phrases. However, use of online resources to translate entire sentences or paragraphs is not permitted. Seeking assistance in person should be limited to receiving suggestions, reviewing certain topics, and addressing revisions, but the ultimate production of the work to be turned in will rest with you. The Honor Code, a list of offenses and the Honor Council process may be found; Final project: Presentation of German Firm/Interview (i-movie), written Lebenslauf, Anschreibebrief For your project you need to research a German firm for which you might like to work/intern. Collect information pertaining to that firm during the semester after your firm has been accepted by me. You will introduce that firm in class with a few visuals. In class you will have written a letter of application including your resume. Examples of cover letters and a resume will be discussed before. Detailed grading components and expectations for the final will follow in a separate hand-out. You will also find résumés and letters of application in our BB material. Film/or act out an interview for a job or internship. You are doing/or showing a job interview with two classmates, the final version scheduled for showing during our final examination slot. Class Schedule (Änderungen vorbehalten –Di/Do pro Woche- subject to change, ) Datum MI Aug 27 Lektion 1 T1. Blick auf Deutschla nd Thema Begrüssung, Einführung, Syllabus, Blackboardmaterial Nachrichten Deutsche Bundesländer, Geographie Puzzles BB: Statistics Deutschlandkarte mit Vorwissen auffüllen? Das Lehrbuch kennenlernen Bundesländer verteilen HA/ Prüfung /Vorb.: HA: be sure you have : Books , and BB access Lesen Sie bis S.26 Übungen S.4 A+B Lernen Sie etwas über Deutschland und Ihr Bundesland (Suchen Sie 3 Bilder) Wortschatz Mkl Mo 1.9. Mi 3.9. 8-26-14 Labor Day Bundesländer vorstellen, Texte besprechen, Audioübung zu Sachsen,S.19 S. 26 B Bericht zu Ihrem Bundesland , was Sie interessant fanden Schreibübung. S.26 100 Worte, zu einem Thema der Schlussgedanken Mo Vergleich der HA im Textbuch Für Wortschatzquiz vorbereiten 8.9. Der Vortrag/Schaubild in BB , Termineverteilung Mi 10.9. Schaubild Vergleich der Bundesländer Schlussgedanken Wussten Sie das schon? Wortschatzquiz zu L1 Vorbereitung S.-27-33` Schaubild: EU:Zahler und Empfänger (S.34) L3 Studieren und Arbeiten in der EU (34),Gruppe 1 L4 Der Europass (35), Gruppe 2 L5 Die Schweiz ,Gruppe 3 Ü S.35 mdl. S.36-42 S. 38 Ü A-G Wortschatzquiz vorbereiten Schaubild Euro L2 Wortschatzquiz (nach Absprache) Wussten Sie dss schon? S.48 Finden Sie einen deutschen Witz, Werbung, Comic, you-tube zum EURO S. 49-57 Auf der Straße T 1 Verkehr T2 Die Straße S. 58-64 Finden Sie einen deutschen Artikel, Werbung, You-Tube zum Thema S. 63-72 Mo 15.9. T2 Lektion 2 EU gekürzt Mi 17.9. Mo 22.9. Lektion 3 Kalendar mitbringen Mi 24.9.. Schaubild _Mautstatistik_ S.57 T3 + T4 Die Bahn Mo 29.9. T5 Die Luftfahrt T6 Die Schiffahrt Partnerarbeit S.66/67 Vgl. der Übungen Wussten Sie das schon? S.72 Wortschatz Review Mi 1.10. TEST 1 S. 73-80oben L1 Der Geschäftsbrief(73) S.80-84 Mo 6.10. Lektion 4 Korrespo ndenz Mkl Mi 8.10. Schaubild ___________ L2: Anfrage, Angebot, Bestellung, Mangelrüge (80) S.85-88 Brief : Reklamation (online) Herbstferien Mo 13.10. Mi 15.10... Schaubild __________________ Die E-mail, S. 89-91 Brief : Anfrage (online) Mo 20.10. Übung zur Korrespondenz Wortschatzquiz vorbereiten Mi 22.10. Schaubild ______________ Übung zur Korrespondenz Wortschatzquiz Lektion 4 Telefonieren S.93-96 Geschäftsbrief : Bestellung Schaubild ______________ Bewerbung L1 Bewerbungsstil (95) Musterbriefe Grammatik S.97-101 Schaubild Fortsetzung Geschäftsbrief S.110 beginnen S.102-106 oben Mo 27.10. Lektion 5 Bewerbu ng Mi 29.10. Firma recherchieren, Bilder dazu sammeln Mo 3.11.. Schaubild ______________ S. 106-109 L2 Lebenslauf (102) L3 Vorstellungsgespräch (106)VIDEO Lebenslauf schreiben, BILD! Projektarbeit Projektarbeit Firma I-movie Hilfestellung für Projekte Mi 5.11. L4 Stellenausschreibung S.110-113 Wortschatz vorbereiten Firma Ihres Schlussprojekts vorstellen Mo 10.11. Mi 12.11. Lektion 7 Verbrauc her Schaubild ______________ Fortsetzung Wussten Sie das schon? Wortschatzquiz zu L5 S.139-145 oben Schaubild Einkommenssteuer S.143 L1 Der Staat und die Steuern S.145-148 8-26-14 Mkl Mo 17.11. Schaubild ______________ L2 Duchschnittliches Gehalt S.148-152 Mi 19.11. Schaubild S.149_ ZufriedeneVerbraucher L3 Der Verbraucher L4 Die Kaufkraft der Jugendlichen Schaubild: So nutzen wir die Medien Review Mo 24.11. 2.Test S. 153-159 Mi 26.11. Thanksgiving Ferien beginnen THANKSGIVINGDAY Danksagung....Der Truthahn ruft.... Mo 1.12. Schaubild: Jung und verschuldet S. 159 Wortschatzquiz L7 Mi 3.12. Schaubild ______________ Grammatik Wussten Sie das schon? Deutsche Nachrichten Mo 8.12. Rückblick und Abschlussdiskussion Wortschatzquiz vorbereiten 160-162 EXAMEN: Projektvorstellung (siehe RegistrarJ) Freitag, 12.12.2014 , 8-10:30am Vorschau auf Ger321 Im Frühling: Themen: Sozialwesen,Industrie, Wirtschaft, Geldwirtschaft, Umwelt, 8-26-14
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