American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 14 (9): 838-842, 2014 ISSN 1818-6769 © IDOSI Publications, 2014 DOI: 10.5829/idosi.aejaes.2014.14.09.12407 Activity of Cellulase and Pectinase Enzymes and ABA Content of Koroneiki Olives as Affected by Spraying Chemical Loosening Agents 1 E.S. Hegazi, 1A.A. Hegazi, 2M.M. Naguib and 2H.A. El-Attar Department of Pomology, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt Department of Pomology Research, National Research Centre, Dokki, Giza, Egypt 1 2 Abstract: Koroneiki olive trees were sprayed with the following loosening agents: ethephon at 300, 600 and 1200 mg/l, monopotassium phosphate (MPK) at 2%, 3% and 4%, phosphoric acid at 75, 125 and 175mM and thiourea at 500, 1000 and 1500 ppm at two times (7 and 15 days before harvesting). Then, trees were harvested with a specific hand vibrator to evaluate the efficiency of these agents in increasing fruit abscission. The obtained results of this study indicated that used loosening agents could facilitate mechanical harvesting and saving costs demanding the minimal trees damage with a fine oil quality. Generally, ethephon spraying was the most effective agent for raising cellulase activity in the three studied seasons. Since 1200, 600 and 300 mg/l of ethephon scored higher cellulase activity, followed by phosphoric acid at 175mM, while the lowest enzyme activity was recorded with the control. Similarly, control treatment scored the lowest values of pectinase activity, while phosphoric acid at 175mM resulted in the highest value followed by spraying MPK at 4% and ethephon at 1200 mg/l. Considering pedicel’s ABA content, ethephon sprays at 1200 and 600 mg/l followed by phosphoric acid at 175 mM, were more effective treatments that enhanced ABA content, while the control treatment scored the minimum content of ABA in fruit’s pedicels. Moreover, applying the loosening agents 15 days prior harvesting was more effective than those applied 7 days before harvesting. Key words: Olive Koroneiki Loosening agents Phosphoric acid Thiourea INTRODUCTION Ethephon MPK nowadays sustain an industry producing billions of dollars annually. It is known for olive’s producers that 50–60% of total labor requirement is used for harvesting operations [2], the different harvesting methods are important to understand as harvesting costs can make a big difference in the production cost of the olive oil. In this respect, using loosening agents is spreading among olive growers. The present study deals with the effect of different loosening agents on “Koroneiki” olives specifically with the mechanical harvesting protocol. Loosening agents might be considered as a must since they are effective and highly successful approach for efficient mechanical harvesting. Hegazi et al. [3] proved that ethephon applied 2 weeks before harvest, with two olive cultivars showed that, the high concentrations of ethephon (1000 and 1250 mg/l) caused 100% fruit abscission. Moreover, when continuously stem-fed with 75 mM of phosphoric acid, “Manzanillo” olive explants Olive (Olea europaea L.) is one of the oldest cultivated fruits since its fossilized leaves dating to around 37,000 years ago. The world production of olive was 16,555,375 tons [1]. In Egypt, olive cultivation was increased considerably during the last two decades due to the great efforts paid for expanding olive cultivated areas with new cultivars in reclaimed soils. The Egyptian olive production is about 465,000 tons, resulted from acreage 132,000 feddan (one feddan =0.42ha), most of which are processed mainly as table olive and the rest is extracted for olive oil. Unfortunately, it’s a fact that the quality of the oil decreases with the increase of mechanization and electric tools because the more gently the olives are treated the better the resulting oil. In spite of this importance, applying mechanical harvesting of olive is quite limited middle east. Olives and their oil Corresponding Author: Mechanical harvesting H.A. El-Attar, Department of Pomology Research, National Research Centre, Dokki, Giza, Egypt. 838 Am-Euras. J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 14 (9): 838-842, 2014 Statistical Analysis: The experimental design was randomized completely block design (RCBD) with three replicates and with one tree for each replicate of the studied cultivar for statistical analysis. The obtained data in three seasons were analyzed using MSTAT-C program package for analysis of variance [12]. Means were differentiated using Duncan multiple range test at significance level of 0.05 [13]. showed significant leaf abscission after 48 hours [4]. As working on “Mission” olives [5], spraying ethephon and thiourea as loosening agents 2 weeks prior to harvest aided in fruit removal and increased the number of fruits harvested by hand vibration. In addition, spraying 3% monopotassium phosphate (MKP) 15 days before mechanical harvest reduced the high fruit retention force (FRF) of the immature fruits and facilitated fruit loosening in “Arbequina” and “Picual” olives. The incorporation of ethephon at 0.05% caused greater FRF reduction and improved mechanical harvest efficiency [6, 7]. In this respect, when two Tabasco (Capsicum frutescens L.) lines treated with (1000 µlL 1) of ethephon, fruit detachment force (FDF) at the fruit- receptacle abscission zone reduction occurred four days earlier when ethephon was applied compared to the control fruits of both lines [8]. Toscano and Casacchia [9] subjected “Leccino” olive to foliar application of 3% monopotassium phosphate solution + ethephon and noticed that the application improved oil quality. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Cellulase Activity: Data presented in Table 1 claimed that, spraying ethephon at 1200 mg/l in both dates (7 and 15 days before harvesting) had scored the highest significant cellulase activity in the three studied seasons (21.95, 18.96 and 21.54 n/Hr, respectively as means). These results followed by ethephon at 600 mg/l then 300 mg/l that reached high rates of cellulase activity, respectively in the three studied seasons. Eo and Lee [14] noticed that ethylene has a strong role in enhancing abscission. On the other hand, the control sprays in the two dates had scored 8.61, 4.75 and 7.43 n/Hr as means in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd seasons, respectively. These results are in harmony with those obtained by Wu et al. [15], who mentioned that cellulase activity was increased over time and correlated strongly with grapes berry abscission. Considering the application date, applying the loosening agents at 15 days before harvesting was more effective than that at the other date (7 days before harvesting) in increasing the cellulase activity (16.54, 12.37 and 14.98 n/Hr, respectively) in the three studied seasons. Working on orange, Oliva et al. [16] found that a relationship between treating fruit abscission zone with jasmonic acid (as a ripening promoter) and cellulase activity increment. Moreover, an increase indicated in the activity of cellulase with ethylene treated explants [17]. This increase was accompanied by a substantial decrease in the force required to separate the petiole from the stem and an increased accumulation of cellulase transcript in the abscission zone. It is concluded that ethylene leads to higher cellulase expression and increased activities of ethylene biosynthesis enzymes in the abscission zone. This may explain ethephon agents’ potency in enhancing fruit harvesting due to raising cellulase activity and occurring abscission zone (the weakest FRF). MATERIALS AND METHODS This work was carried out in a private orchard located at Cairo – Alexandria, desert road, Giza, Egypt during three successive seasons 2010, 2011 and 2012. The present study aimed to facilitate mechanical harvesting of fifteen years old “Koroneiki” olive (Olea europaea L.) trees, planted at 5 x 3 m apart, uniform in growth and received the common horticultural practices as scheduled in the orchard program. Trees were sprayed with the chemical loosening agents: ethephon (2- chloroethylphosphonic acid) at the concentrations of 300, 600 and 1200 ml/l, MPK (monopotassium phosphate KH2PO4) at 2%, 3% and 4%, phosphoric acid (H3PO4) at 75, 125 and 175 mM and thiourea (1,3-di 3-methoxybenzyl) at 500, 1000 and 1500 ppm in two times for each concentration (7 and 15 days before harvesting) then harvested by hand vibrator (Zanon® Oliver electro telescopic Al 200/O) by pass it over the treated branches either with the different loosening agents or with the untreated (Control). Fruit pedicels specimens were collected and then cellulase activity was determined according to the method of Durbin and Lewis [10]. Also, the pectinase activity was determined in a similar fashion to cellulase activity. However, the viscometric assay was performed with 1% pectin solution [11]. Abscisic acid (ABA) content was determined by GLC in concentrated aqueous solution. Pectinase Activity: It is obvious from the data illustrated in Table 2, in the three studied seasons that spraying 175 mM of phosphoric acid had maintained the highest 839 Am-Euras. J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 14 (9): 838-842, 2014 Table 1: Effect of different loosening agents on cellulase activity ( n/Hr) of “Koroneiki” olive (2010, 2011 and 2012 seasons) Treatments Ethephon (mg/l) MPK (%) Thiourea (ppm) H3PO4 (mM) 300 600 1200 2 3 4 500 1000 1500 75 125 175 Control Mean 2010 season --------------------------------------------7 days before 15 days before harvesting harvesting Mean 2011 season --------------------------------------------7 days before 15 days before harvesting harvesting Mean 2012 season --------------------------------------------7 days before 15 days before harvesting harvesting Mean 20.14ab 20.71a 21.70a 9.79ef 12.63c-e 13.64cd 11.93d-f 13.84c-e 14.52cd 12.36c-e 14.46cd 15.37cd 8.54f 14.59b 11.80d-f 14.45b-d 18.37a 5.43ij 7.49h-j 11.22d-g 8.80f-i 8.80f-i 11.94d-f 8.41g-i 11.16d-g 11.90d-f 4.65j 10.34b 14.97 cd 18.67ab 20.79a 9.83fg 13.78c-e 9.44fg 8.03g 13.84c-e 14.52cd 10.01e-g 12.82d-f 14.46cd 7.56g 12.98b 21.81a 22.67a 22.20a 12.62ef 14.41c-e 17.14bc 13.32d-f 15.46cd 16.47bc 14.08c-e 16.51bc 19.60ab 8.69f 16.54a 20.98a 21.69a 21.95a 11.20de 13.52cd 15.39bc 12.63cd 14.65bc 15.50bc 13.22cd 15.49bc 17.49b 8.61e -- 16.12a-c 18.77a 19.55a 7.43h-j 9.49e-h 12.98c-e 9.69e-h 11.16d-g 14.69bc 8.22g-i 11.06d-g 16.77ab 4.87j 12.37a 13.96 c 16.61ab 18.96a 6.43gh 8.49e-g 12.10cd 9.25ef 9.98ef 13.31cd 8.31fg 11.11de 14.33bc 4.76h -- 17.15 bc 19.27ab 22.30a 11.56d-g 15.38b-d 16.14bc 9.92fg 13.66c-f 14.31cd 13.25c-f 16.06bc 18.42ab 7.30g 14.98a 16.06 bc 18.97ab 21.54 a 10.70ef 14.58cd 12.79de 8.97fg 13.75cd 14.42 cd 11.63de 14.44cd 16.44bc 7.43g -- Means followed by the same letter (s) in each column are not significantly different at 0.05 level of probability Table 2: Effect of different loosening agents on pectinase activity ( n/Hr) of “Koroneiki” olive (2010, 2011 and 2012 seasons) Treatments Ethephon (mg/l) MPK (%) Thiourea (ppm) H3PO4 (mM) Control Mean 300 600 1200 2 3 4 500 1000 1500 75 125 175 2010 season --------------------------------------------7 days before 15 days before harvesting harvesting Mean 2011 season --------------------------------------------7 days before 15 days before harvesting harvesting Mean 2012 season --------------------------------------------7 days before 15 days before harvesting harvesting Mean 7.10cd 8.79b-d 11.30a-c 9.48b-d 10.88a-c 9.93a-d 5.95de 6.18de 6.23de 7.21cd 7.64cd 10.20a-c 2.71e 7.97b 9.02ef 12.41c-e 14.57b-d 13.10b-d 13.26b-d 14.57b-d 3.13g 5.94fg 8.78ef 12.15c-e 14.42b-d 17.32ab 3.63g 10.95b 8.95cd 12.13bc 14.03ab 9.85cd 14.73ab 15.29ab 5.62de 7.87d 9.93cd 11.67bc 14.10ab 15.40ab 2.48e 10.93b 6.47de 8.21b-d 11.09a-c 8.00b-d 8.12b-d 11.56ab 6.06de 10.55a-c 11.05a-c 12.06ab 12.27a 13.90a 2.62e 9.38a 6.78c 8.50bc 11.20a 8.74bc 9.50ab 10.75ab 6.01c 8.36bc 8.64bc 9.64ab 9.96ab 12.05a 2.66d -- 11.85c-e 15.25b-d 14.98a-c 13.95b-d 14.84b-d 16.34ab 4.75fg 7.12fg 10.84de 13.24b-d 15.46a-c 19.31a 4.16g 12.47a 10.44cd 13.83b 14.77b 13.53bc 14.05b 15.45ab 3.94e 6.53e 9.81d 12.70b-d 14.94b 18.32a 3.90e -- 10.86 bc 12.64a-c 17.21a 11.55bc 14.87ab 15.49ab 5.95de 9.17cd 11.03bc 14.36ab 16.81a 16.97a 2.40e 12.26a 9.90cd 12.38bc 15.62 ab 10.70c 14.80ab 15.39ab 5.79e 8.52de 10.48cd 13.02a-c 15.46ab 16.19a 2.44f -- Means followed by the same letter (s) in each column are not significantly different at 0.05 level of probability significant pectinase activity rates (12.04, 18.31 and 16.18 n/Hr, respectively), followed by ethephon at 1200 mg/l and MPK at 4% in the three studied seasons. On the contrary, spraying water (control) in both dates had showed the lowest significant pectinase activity rates (2.66, 3.90 and 2.44 n/Hr). On the other hand, applying the loosening agents 15 days before harvesting date had a better effect than applying them 7 days before harvesting in enhancing the pectinase activity (9.38, 12.47 and 12.26 n/Hr, respectively) for the three studied seasons. ABA content in fruit pedicels significantly to (1.84, 2.30 and 2.39 µgg 1, successively) in the three studied seasons. Contrarily, spraying water (control) on trees at both dates (7 and 15 days before harvesting) had decreased the fruits pedicels’ content of ABA significantly to the minimum values (0.28 and 0.82 and 0.83µgg 1, successively) in the three studied seasons. Moreover, data revealed that with respect to ABA content, both ethephon at 600 mg/l and phosphoric acid at 175 mM ranked second and third in increasing fruits ABA content in all studied seasons. Zhang and Zhang [18] showed that if ABA ratio is less than 20 ngg 1 fresh weight, the abscission zone is not developed to the grade 3 and the berry falling is effectively stopped. ABA Content: It is evident from Table 3, that spraying 1200 mg/l of ethephon, had the best result in increasing 840 Am-Euras. J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 14 (9): 838-842, 2014 Table 3: Effect of different treatments of loosening agents on ABA content (µgg 1) of “Koroneiki” olive (2010, 2011 and 2012 seasons) 2010 season 2011 season 2012 season --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- 7 days before 15 days before 7 days before 15 days before harvesting harvesting Mean harvesting harvesting Mean harvesting harvesting Mean 300 1.05 de 1.28 cd 1.16 de 2.00 ab 2.20 a 2.10 a 1.67 cd 1.91 bc 1.79 b 600 1.43 bc 1.49 bc 1.46 bc 2.18 a 2.28 a 2.23 a 2.07 b 2.14 ab 2.11a 1200 1.67ab 2.02a 1.85a 2.28a 2.34a 2.31a 2.31a 2.48a 2.39a 2 0.66fg 0.70ef 0.68f 1.03fg 1.22ef 1.13de 1.09e-g 1.28ef 1.19d 3 1.08de 0.93d-f 1.00de 1.33de 1.41de 1.37cd 1.05e-g 1.79b-d 1.42cd 4 1.17cd 1.30cd 1.23cd 1.44de 1.70cd 1.57bc 1.71cd 1.53cd 1.62bc 500 0.94d-f 0.91ef 0.93ef 0.90fg 0.91fg 0.91ef 0.89g 0.86g 0.88e 1000 0.92d-f 0.93d-f 0.93ef 1.01fg 1.07e-g 1.04ef 0.92fg 0.89g 0.90e 1500 0.94 d-f 0.91 ef 0.93 ef 1.08 e-g 1.11 e-g 1.09 d-f 0.89 g 0.92 fg 0.91e 75 1.37 bc 1.69 ab 1.53 b 1.30 d-f 1.38 de 1.34 cd 1.11 e-g 1.47 d 1.29d 125 1.66 ab 1.98 a 1.82 a 1.52 cd 1.63 cd 1.58 bc 1.42 de 1.78 b-d 1.60bc 175 1.81 a 2.00 a 1.90 a 1.62 cd 1.85 bc 1.74 b 1.61 cd 1.94 b 1.77b Control 0.29 g 0.28 g 0.29 g 0.80 g 0.84 g 0.82 f 0.83 g 0.84 g 0.84e Mean 1.15 b 1.26 a -- 1.42 b 1.53 a -- 1.35 b 1.53 a -- Treatments Ethephon (mg/l) MPK (%) Thiourea (ppm) H3PO4 (mM) 7 days before 15 days before Means followed by the same letter (s) in each column are not significantly different at 0.05 level of probability ABA enhances the activities of cellulase and polygalacturonase and accelerates the decomposition of cellulose and pectin, which determines the level of development of abscission zone and berry falling. Also, ethephon had enhanced the berry falling. In addition, ABA had enhanced water dropwort (Oenanthe stolonifera DC.) fruit abscission without increasing ethylene evolution [13]. However, ABA indicates possible involvement of ethylene in the ABA effect. Considering the application date, spraying the loosening agents 15 days before harvesting was more effective in increasing ABA concentration (1.26, 1.53 and 1.53 µgg 1), successively in 2010, 2011 and 2012 seasons; thus, it was better than spraying them 7 days before harvesting in accumulating ABA in all the studied seasons. In this respect, [14] ABA concentration in Water dropwort (Oenanthe stolonifera DC.) was increased gradually after 20 days after anthesis. harvesting, had scored the highest significant cellulase activity, so that the abscission zone occurred within the fruits’ pedicels. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. CONCLUSION 5. 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