Newsletter July 2014 Littleover Community School A Message from the Headteacher As we reach the end of the 2013/2014 school year, I would like to thank all those who have helped to keep things running smoothly, and devoted their time and effort productively in the service of the school. This includes teaching and support staff, parents, carers, governors and most importantly our pupils and students. A school of this size is a complex organisation, and can only succeed with a sense of shared purpose, with the children’s interests at its heart. At this time last year, I was pleased to announce the imminent opening of a new building. This new block is now fully in use, not only for our new independent sixth form, but for the whole school. This year, I am again delighted to let you know that another new block will soon be open. Due to technical issues beyond the school’s control, the new Humanities block will unfortunately not be open for the start of next term, but we are expecting that it will be in full operation before the end of October. This will give us a difficult few weeks, but I am sure that the pain will be worthwhile in the long run. We look forward to good news for Y11 and Y13 students in August; they certainly deserve to do well, having worked very hard in preparation for the examinations. Please enjoy the summer, whatever the weather. All pupils return to school in the Autumn term on Monday 8th September at the normal time. Mr A Venkatesh - Headteacher Page 2 I would like to wish all pupils and parents a very happy and well deserved holiday. There will be some changes to Tutor Groups when pupils return in September; Mrs Pearson (HXP) will be in school part-time from September, therefore Mrs Pearson's Tutor Group will have Miss Jones as their new Form Tutor and will become 9NAJ. Miss Jones is an English teacher who has worked at LCS before, but will now be joining us full-time. Mr Briddon will take over from Mr Buck (MLB), who is leaving LCS for a promoted post at another school. The group will therefore become 10TJB. Mr Davenport has been recently covering as Form Tutor in Mr Ryde's (JER) absence and will become their full-time Tutor from September. The group will become 10NMD. Last, but certainly not least, Miss Lissett (ELL) will be leaving LCS for a new life with her family in Australia. Her Tutor Group will become 10SJW and their new Form Tutor will be Mrs Wilding. I would like to thank all of our departing Tutors for their efforts and hard work this year. Our @InfoLCS Twitter account is now up to 161 followers after launching in April. We are always looking to improve our communication with pupils and parents and @InfoLCS, together with our @LCSTrips account, are intended for this purpose. Please continue to follow both accounts, as well as the school website, for school information and updates. Mr J Wilding Deputy Headteacher I would like to remind parents and pupils about the need to avoid creating litter around the entrances to the school. Over recent weeks there has been a lot of litter left on Fresco Drive in particular. A particular issue has been litter dropped from cars waiting to collect pupils after school. I would ask everyone to be considerate; it is so easy to take litter home or use a bin. We try to maintain good relations with local residents, and I hope that with a little thought and responsibility we can continue to do so. Many thanks for your help in this matter. Mr A Venkatesh Headteacher Page 3 LC S INFORMATION FOR PARENTS BRINGING PUPILS TO SCHOOL BY CAR The road outside the main school gate on Pastures Hill is very dangerous. The speed limit is 40 mph. Traffic moves very fast and, during the start and finish of school, it is very busy. We value our pupils’ safety and expect parents to do so, too. If you, or a relative, drop off or collect a child from school, please make sure these rules are obeyed. DO NOT bring cars onto the school premises. DO NOT drop off or pick up your child on the opposite side of Pastures Hill from the school. DO NOT perform a U-turn in the school entrance or anywhere on Pastures Hill. DO NOT park on the yellow zigzag lines on either side of the school entrance. If travelling down Pastures Hill, from the direction of Littleover Village, drive past the school entrance and turn round at the first Heatherton roundabout, to drop your child safely on the correct side of the road, well away from the entrance to the school. Ensure that your child only crosses Pastures Hill at the light controlled crossing by Swanmore Road. The safety of all our pupils MUST be our first priority. Mr A Venkatesh - Headteacher Page 4 Registration for Free School Meals The Government is giving money to schools to help children from lower income families do their very best. This funding is called a ‘Pupil Premium’. Detailed information about how we spend the Pupil Premium funding to help pupils, is available on the school website As a result of the current economic climate, and continued budgetary cuts, it has become more important than ever to access the monies available as a result of the Pupil Premium. Anything you can do to support this would be greatly appreciated. Please register as soon as possible to make sure your child and others in their class don’t miss out. How does it work? 1. First, check if you qualify – it is not just if you are unemployed, so please look at the list on the next page. 2. Registering is really quick and easy – if you think you qualify, contact Derby City Council Free School Meals Team who will help you to register (see below for contact details). 3. If you want your child to have a free, healthy meal at lunchtime that’s great – they will get the free meal (saving you money), 4. If you don’t want your child to have the school meals they can continue as normal – as long as you qualify and are registered, the school still gets extra funding in the next academic year. No one will know you have registered, apart from the school and the Local Authority, and it will not affect any other benefits you are claiming. FREE SCHOOL MEALS ENTITLEMENT Do you qualify? You can register your child for Free School Meals if you get any of these benefits: Income Support Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance Income-related Employment and Support Allowance Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 Pension Credit (The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit only) Child Tax Credits (but not Working Tax Credit), and your annual income (as assessed by HM Revenue & Customs) is no more than £16,190 Come and talk to us if you’re not sure or go on to the website, email [email protected] Alternatively, telephone: 01332 255122. Yours sincerely, Ms S Doran (Assistant Head) Page 5 Police Consultation Event On the 9th June 2014 four Members of the School Council and Mr Wilding visited Derbyshire Police HQ at Ripley for a Police Consultation Event. This event included discussions on Police Stop and Search, Internet Safety/Cyberbulling and Restorative Justice. Stop and Search: Some of you won’t know what Stop and Search is. To explain picture a police officer stopping you in the street and searching you unexpectedly. They would then tell you your rights, and give you a copy of the report. Before you freak out, this is legal! We were discussing whether Police officers have the right to stop and search you without warning. Internet Safety/Cyberbullying: The Internet is a really cool invention, but at the same time it can be lethal. We were discussing what we could do as a school to stop Cyberbullying accuring. Parents need to know more about this subject as it is important to monitor their child on social networking media and other dangers on the Internet. Remember what goes on the Internet stays there!! Restorative Justice: We as a school use Restorative Justice every day. This is where if someone does something wrong then they sit with the victim and talk about what they have done. You may think that this method does not work but even the police use this in different cases. This gives the victim time to come face to face with the offender and ask for something back to pay for the damage that has been done. This is also good for the offender as they are given a chance to turn around and start a new life. Joel Sherwin - 7 GLB, on behalf of LCS School Council Year 9 Pupils Send Aid to Poorly Children in Pakistan On Friday 13th June a small, but determined group of Year 9 pupils led by Hasiba Nadeem 9LMD, held a fund raising event to raise money for a newly built hospital in Pakistan. The hospital in Muzaffarabad, a poorer area of Pakistan, was built with the help of the Midland Doctors Association of UK. The pupils sold samosas and decorated cakes. They passed their target of £60 and ended up raising £104.37! They did a fantastic job for such a good cause and should be justifiably proud to have helped children less fortunate than themselves. Mr K Boyes - Head of Year 9 Page 6 From Friday 11th July to Monday 14th July Year 8 students spent 4 days in Le Touquet in the north of France. Every year the students have a great time and this year was no exception! Lots of fun was had by all, across the 4 days. We began our journey at Littleover Community School at 7:20am to set off for the ferry port at Dover. On the way we suffered a mechanical issue with one of the coaches, but regardless the students remained in high spirits and behaved impeccably. The second day was jam packed with activities with a photo town trail in Boulogne, shopping time, fun at Parc Bagatelle and a visit to the beach in the evening after a delicious meal at the centre. Students were tired, but really enjoyed the day, many even attempting to speak some French! On Sunday we visited the sea life centre and the water park, which for many was the highlight of the trip. In the evening we all threw some shapes on the dance floor and used up any remaining energy at the disco. Without a doubt the World Cup final came second! The last day we made our way back to Derby stopping off at the Planetarium and the war museum, La Coupole. Students were fascinated by the tunnel journey home and we all made it back to school safely. Miss L Paul - Deputy Co-ordinator of Languages Page 7 Remembering Moiz Ahmed 9MLB 11/7/00 to 11/7/14 Moiz joined LCS in January 2013 and although he wasn’t here for long he seemed to have made such a big impact on all of us. Whether we liked it or not, he made us laugh. Moiz was a whirlwind of energy. He will be sadly missed, but never forgotten. He was an angel sent here to be remembered and to teach us how valuable life is. He wanted to be an architect. He was a smart, humorous guy who never failed to get on our nerves. But that’s what we’ll miss the most about Moiz. If there is one thing I can clearly recall about Moiz, it was that he loved cheese. I remember a few weeks into his time here, I walked up to him and asked him to test me on my on my French. I told him to say a phrase in French and see if I could translate. He said “J’adore le fromage”. I found this hilarious and so random! From this I knew what type of guy Moiz was. He was an entertainer. Moiz has helped us to appreciate that life should be spent being ourselves and not what everyone else wants us to be. No-one knows what life may hold in store for us tomorrow, so today be yourself, do your own thing. Be like Moiz and let the real you shine, regardless of other people’s opinions. Please remember Moiz and his family in your prayers. “Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Raji’oun”- To God we belong and to him we shall return. Ambar Yasin 9 - MRG Page 8 On Thursday 17th June, 20 Sixth Form pupils and 3 members of staff will be embarking on their expedition to Uganda, to work in a charity run school that caters for deaf and underprivileged children. After a year of planning, fundraising and organisation, everything is finally in place. Pupils will initially be taking lessons and an assembly to explain the reasons for our visit and giving the pupils an insight into our backgrounds. We will then be working as a team, to dig a large area of land to create a vegetable garden that will provide food for the children. We will also be working alongside a local builder, to build a large storage facility which will contain all of the tools, seeds and vegetables when they have been harvested. Along with all of this work we will be designing and building 10 picnic benches that will be used by the children during their free time. We will also be arranging a sports and crafts day that will conclude our visit. Several thousands of pounds have been raised to pay for all of the tools, materials and equipment required, all of which are being sourced from the school’s local community in Uganda. We would especially like to thank the staff and pupils at Littleover school for their generosity and ‘The Jamie Simpson Trust’ who very generously donated £500 towards the project. In addition to all of this we have collected donations of 8 laptop computers, a large box of DVD’s and a DVD player and a very large microscope from our Science department. Currently the school we are visiting only has two computers, so they are naturally very excited to be receiving the laptop computers which will enable many of the children to finally access ICT. We look forward to being able to share our experiences and photos with the pupils, parents and staff of Littleover Community School when we return. As we intend this to be an annual expedition, we are already in the process of offering places for the next expedition in 2015. If you would like any further information about the school we are visiting, please go to: Mr Moses, Mr Pestell, Mr Simmons, Mr Archer and Mrs Holden Page 9 Year 7 LEPRA Fundraising On Friday 23rd May Year 7 pupils held various lunchtime fund raising activities in aid of the charity LEPRA (The Leprosy Relief Association). Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease which preys on people who live in communities where there is poor hygiene, overcrowding and poor nutrition. In assembly on the 30th April pupils were informed about the work of LEPRA and this inspired them to raise money to help people afflicted by this debilitating disease. The encouraging fact is that, if treated early enough, it is possible to cure Leprosy and allow people to live a perfectly normal life. Each pupil was given a fund raising pack containing details as to how they could contribute personally should they wish. They were given two weeks to raise as much money as they could outside of school. The activities undertaken by the pupils involved cake sales and washing cars. For the fund raising within school Yr 7 themselves suggested the following activities: Chocolate Tombola Name the Teddy Guess the number of sweets in a jar A selected number of pupils are going to undertake a sponsored silence This led to a very hectic lunchtime which was widely supported by both staff and pupils alike. Altogether Yr 7 managed to raise an incredible £3306 which greatly exceeded all expectations. A representative from LEPRA will be delivering an assembly in the autumn to thank all of Yr 7 for their sterling efforts. Mr J Woods - Head of Year 7 Year 7 Trip to Lincoln In June, Year 7 pupils visited Lincoln as part of their Humanities courses. They toured Lincoln Cathedral, The Museum of Lincolnshire Life and Lincoln Castle, as well as carrying out a tourism survey and learning about farming and land use. In the following RE, history and geography lessons, pupils produced a joint Humanities project answering the question Why Lincoln? by choosing three tasks (from a possible nine) to complete designs of stained glass windows, leaflets on the Magna Carta, and settlement maps. One outstanding project will be a prize awarded in the final assembly and with so many excellent ones to choose from, it will be a difficult choice! Miss P Seago - Teacher of Psychology Page 10 City Sports Results 2014 There were some fantastic performances during this year’s City Sports Athletics at Moorways Stadium. The following people managed a podium finish: 3rd Place Kayleigh Jones Year 10 Long Jump Lauren Vavasour Year 8 1500m Connie Agyeman Year 9 1500m Barnabas Lee Year 9 Javelin Alice Lee Year 8 Javelin Gabriel McCallum-Archer Year 10 800m Hugo Milner Year 10 1500m Jake Lambert Year 10 Long Jump Florence Beedie Year 7 100m (Broke Record) Eric Chung Year 8 Discus (Broke Record) Harry Ceiley Year 7 Javelin Jude Bush Year 7 1500m David Tokode Year 10 300m Overall Positions Year 7 Girls 2nd Year 7 Boys 5th Year 8 Girls 4th Year 8 Boys 3rd Year 9 Girls 5th Year 9 Boys 5th Year 10 Girls 6th Year 10 Girls 3rd Overall Girls 5th Boys 4th Overall 5th Mrs M Brennan - Head of PE Tamara Morgan Year 8 High Jump Eve Butterworth Year 10 Discus 2nd Place 1st Place Victoria Doxey Year 10 Shot Putt Katie Moran Year 7 800m Jade Sandhu Year 10 800m Davinder Gill Year 8 Discus Josh Cullen Year 9 200m Eleisha Brissett Year 9 100m (Broke Record) Jake Lamb Year 10 Triple Jump Luke Ward Year 8 1500m Daniel Tidmarsh Year 9 800m (Equalled Record) Casey Morgan for a 1st Place in High Jump Year 7 Page 11 Congratulations to Florence Beedie who is currently ranked Number 1 in the UK for Under 13, 75m. She is also ranked Number 2 in the UK for Under 13 Girls 100m with a time of 12.9 seconds - (0.01 seconds off first place). Florence also holds the Derbyshire Championship record for Under 13, 100m (13.14seconds) and the Derbyshire mini league record for Under 13 Girls 100m (12.9 seconds). Florence in Action! Congratulations also to: Hugo Milner who came 1st in the Inter Boys 3000m at the Derbyshire School Athletics in a time of 8.53, (27seconds quicker than the second place athlete!). He has been selected to represent Derbyshire at the Mason Trophy and then English Schools in July. We wish him all the best. Matt Ward came 1st in the Inter Boys 800m at the Derbyshire Schools Athletics and has also been selected to go to the English Schools Athletics. Sam Hassall came 2nd in the Senior Boys 800m at the Derbyshire Schools Athletics. Luke Ward came 9th in the Junior Boys 1500m at the Derbyshire Schools Athletics. Hugo Page 12 Littleover are excited to have a satellite Volleyball Club running on a Monday evening. It runs from 3.30-4.30pm and costs £1 and all are welcome! Pictured is Paralympian Andrea Green who presented Natasha Reeves with a certificate as she won the satellite logo design competition. Mrs M Brennan - Head of PE Page 13 An well done to: enormous Year 9 Charlotte Hall, Megan Herbstritt, Hannah Wright, Rachel Wright, Jenny Chung, Tirzah Cooper, Jenny Wandless, Hannah Telford and Aminah Amri. Year 8 Team 1: Abby King, Emma Graham, Evie Whitten, Tabby Blood, Abbie Worthington, Lauren Vavasour, Jade Taylor, Lauren Stanley Team 2: Eleanor Harris, Sophie Harris, Leah Duhaney, Eloise Byard, Amelia Soutar, Lorna Squires, Isabelle Gatford-Ball, Jawavia Year 7 Lottie Thomas, Shamsa Zharid, Lia Cassar, Gabbie Evans, Maya Jaraith, Laura Young, Hannah Ross, Maisie Jupp, Florrie Talty Sanghera, Lauren Ferguson. The teams of rounders players have worked consistently hard and committed themselves to practices over the summer term, both after school and at lunch times. It was especially fantastic to see so many players from Year 8; we had so many rounders enthusiasts that for the first time we entered two teams in the tournament! The Year 9 competition saw Littleover playing some fantastic games and they came runners up in their half of the draw. The Year 8 first team drew their first game and were narrowly beaten on the next. Pulling on their teamwork and experiences from their first games they won one game to give them 3rd place in their group. The second Year 8 team, with a slightly tougher draw, showed some fantastic teamwork and enthusiasm and were placed 6th. The Year 7 competition saw Littleover exceeding their own expectations and also came runner up in their half of the draw, losing only to Derby High. They then had an excellent match against West Park to narrowly lose by 1 rounder, putting them 4 th out of 8 teams overall. Ms C Jefferies - Teacher of PE Page 14 The following pupils have been nominated by their subject teachers for being ‘excellent’ all year in terms of effort and / or attainment. Well done to all of you! Technology Year 7: Kate Allen , Emily Salles , Lottie Thomas Textiles Year 10: Matthew Parkes , Jessica Ryan-Dawkins, Michelle England Sociology Year 10: Sophia Robinson, Alexandra Opacic, Ahmed Amer, Michelle England Year 12: Simran Basran, Emma Gange History Year 7: Hannah Smith, Mia Shand, Issac Brooks Year 8: Neyha Ajmal, Ella Scott, Oliver Little RE Year 7: Francesca Pawson, Rahul Basi, Isaac Brooks, Shakty Ramprogus, Matthew Seddon, Khalid Guma'A, Oliver Yau Year 8: Shaun Bhatia, Amelia Soutar, Aaron Basra, Emily Chokria, Orlagh Simpson, Sophia Houghton-Clarke, Guy Walsh, Oliver Little, Ella Scott, Rosie Whitty Year 9: Georgia Creasy, Harkiran Rasauda, Lizzie Harris, Barnabas Lee, Megumi Ashida, Rohan Jairath Geography Year 7: Rahul Basi, Danyal Sharif, Oliver Yau Year 8: Thomas Graham, Sam Bhati, Eloise Bryard, Shaun Bhatia, Poppy Brown, Abby King, Amelia Soutar Year 10: Eve Talty-Sanghera Geology Year 12: Omar Omri Spanish Page 15 Year 8: Sophie Harrison, Lisa Murphy, Vishal Gill, Lisa Murphy Year 9: Jenny Chung, Natasha Opacic, Tom Birkinshaw Year 10: Abbie Beakey, Karmen Chan, French Year 7: Mia Shand, Laura Young, Jasmine Bunting, Matthew Seddon, Hannah Smith Year 8: Olivia Toon, Emily Bowden Haynes, Shaun Bhatia, Amelia Soutar Year 9: Jack Willis, Kiara Abeysekara, Rahul Bains, Ifrah Nawaz , Aniqah Bhatti Year 10: George Whitt, Abigail Gledhill, Amar Ghai Year 12: Emily Waldron German Year 8: Zainab Bhatti, Neyha Ajmal Year 10: Ifra Hussain Panjabi Year 8: Pravejeet Dosingh, Palvinder Sall Year 9: Sharonjit Bains, Daya Singh Year 10: Sachin Bola, Simran Khan ICT Year 7: Shakty Ramprogus, Matthew Seddon, Jude Bush Year 8: Tamara Morgan, Euan Humphries, Tom Graham, Neyha Ajmal, Ibrahim Hussain, Shaun Bhatia, Abigail King, Karam Ark, Abby Caister Year 9: Tirzah Cooper, Charlotte Hall, Joshua Wise, Jay Bansil, Kilean Garbett, Harry Jupp, Sky Wheeler, Amy Gilligan Business Studies Year 10: Tommy Griffin, Suraj Mann, Jordan Virk, Sam Davis, Year 12: Jyoti Dabb, Tom Herbert Page 16 Science Year 7: Hannah Smith, Dilan Takhar, Oliver Yau, Khalid Guma'A, Charlotte Else, Olivia Tobin, Lottie Thomas, Chloe Jackson, Matthew Seddon, Gabrielle Evans, Shakty Ramprogus, Jude Bush, Lauren Ferguson, Mia Shand Year 8: Deepak Gill, Shaun Bhatia, Ibrahim Hussain, Bradley Watt, Orlagh Simpson, Arran Basra, Jack Churn, Michael Sankey, Euan Humphries, Arianne Bullock, Tom Graham, Neyha Ajmal Year 9: Sophie Smith, Nikita Heer, Zobia Wadi, Atib Munir, Douglas Edwards, Dona Sherief, Casper Howell, Rahul Bains, Rohan Jairath, Rachel Wright, Scott Forbes Year 10: Ella Holmes, Varun Pathak, Dario Dabrowska, Keeley Goodwin, Joseph Harris, Sophie Morton, Joshua Holland Year 12: Manisha Varu, Matt Burman Maths Year 7: Georgia Foran, Jasmine Gill, Aaron Hillary, Esther Prjanikov, Daya Shergill Year 8: Jack Churn, Zainab Bhatti, Ruchi Patel, Sam Bhatti, Mohammed Iqbal Year 9: Scott Forbes, Tirzah Cooper, Rohan Jairath, Robert Onsworth, Dona Sherief, Daanyal Hussan, Joshua Wise English Year 7: Hannah Smith Year 10: Jade Sandhu, Tom Oldroyd PE (Girls) Year 7: Lottie Thomas, Florence Beedie Year 10: Francesca Britten, Jade Howell Media Year 10: Lydia Patrick, Isabel Granville, David Tokode Mr D Bisset - Co-ordinator of Excellence Page 17 PSHE, Citizenship and Careers News Year 9 Enterprise Day – Summer Ball On Friday 4th July, the Year 9 Enterprise Day took place, which was a day of fun and challenging activities for the whole of the year group. This year’s challenge was for everyone to work in their form groups, to create and design a pretend end of Year 9 ball and to be able to present their ideas as a presentation. For the ball, each form had to come up with an overall theme and had to create and perform a dance, design and make a fancy dress costume and also make some food that went with the theme of the Anil modelling the World ball. There were other things that the forms had to do for their Cup Fancy Dress! presentations, such as working out all of the costs, designing a floor plan and playlist, creating table decorations and much more. Apart from the dance, fashion and cooking, everything else had to be prepared on the day, in the designated rooms, with limited equipment. The dance, fashion and cooking challenges were each scored individually and the points were put towards each form’s overall score. The presentation was scored on different topics by a teacher, and then the 3 forms with the most points were put through to the final in front of the entire year in the afternoon. My form, ASB, got through to the final and our whole presentation (and dance, fashion and the food tasting) was done in front of the three judges. They were our Head of Year next year, Ms Doran, our Deputy Head of Year next year Mr Pestell and Radio Derby’s (and ex pupil) Rob Watts. Our form won out of all of the forms, it was very good fun and a good team work experience. I think everyone enjoyed it! Maya Zowada-Noise 9ASB Well done to all pupils who took part. It was a very exciting day and pupils worked very hard on the challenges. A lot of new skills were developed throughout the day and pupils had a great time. 9ASB’s Thriller Night Ball The Judges hard at work Ms Wilson - Co-ordinator of PSHE / Citizenship Page 18 To have the responsibility to deliver an assembly in front of the entire year group (at least 250 people) is a challenge for teachers, so it must be equally nerve-wracking for pupils! Every tutor group in Key Stage 3 is expected to lead an assembly and in early June it was the turn of 7DFP, Miss Piper’s form. The theme they chose was ‘Aspirations’ and it echoed the Careers Education programme that they have been studying in lesson time through PSHE/ Citizenship. With only Powerpoint and Miss Piper’s encouraging gestures from the side-lines, 7DFP delivered an excellent presentation that involved the whole form. They shared their career ideas and their hopes for the future: starting alphabetically, the Army and being an Actor were mentioned. They underlined the importance of enabling making those dreams come true by committing to hard work at school, always trying your best in lessons, behaving well and being positive when given opportunities to face new challenges. Confidently, they advertised the support given to all pupils in school: to ask for help from the careers staff who are available every lunch time to all pupils in the Careers Library (S15/16). I was very proud of their positive message about aiming high in the future and I know Miss Piper was too! Miss Came - Teacher of PSHE / Citizenship 7DFP in Assembly Page 19 On June 13th 160 Year 7 Pupils and 16 staff departed for Condover Hall in Shropshire for an activity weekend. The hall is a new state of the art activity centre. Pupils and staff had a great action packed weekend which included climbing, high ropes, archery and a laser challenge. We also took part in initiative exercises, and fencing. Pupils threw themselves into all of the activities and were exhausted by the end of each day. However, that did not stop them enjoying a silent disco and a fun campfire and talent show. The pupils were excellent throughout the weekend; they worked well together and tried new activities with enthusiasm. We all had a brilliant time! Here are some reviews of the weekend from pupils in 7RGJ. Maisie Bull I really enjoyed Condover! The activities were fun. I also loved being so independent and being with my friends. I wasn’t so keen on the food. My favourite activity was the Gladiator wall! Amrita Sidhu Condover was amazing! I was with all my friends and the activities were fun! Florrie Talty- Sanghera Condover was awesome, fun packed, exciting and relaxing! We had lots of free time to do what we wanted and being with my friends made it even more fun. The disco and the campfire were the highlights of the weekend; everyone let their hair down, even the teachers!! Doing the Chicken Song! Page 20 In the Stocks! Teachers Letting Their Hair Down! Page 21 The Gladiator Wall Survival! Page 22 LCS Alumni Community Devon Daley, Aftab Gulzar and Rob Watts from Radio Derby As we announced in the last newsletter we have joined forces with a charity called Future First. The charity helps schools to run an online network for their ex-pupils with the aim of keeping them informed of what is happening at the school, as well as asking them for support to inspire, motivate and guide current pupils in their studies and their career planning. We now have over 200 ex-pupils signed up as well as our current leavers. We have been asking those who have joined if they would like to come back next year to deliver talks to pupils, or to support school events. We have had lots of positive replies – thank you to those who have responded. We hold careers talks each week at present and will be inviting those that have signed up to deliver one of these if they wish, to inform and inspire our current pupils. Alumni who sign up can choose from a list of options of how they would like to get involved in school life. Obviously not all Alumni live locally, but they will still receive news about the school and the events. They can also ask to be informed of events, such as reunions that they might like to attend. So far this year we have had visits so far from Devon Daley, Aftab Gulzar and Rob Watts from Radio Derby who delivered a careers talk about careers in the media. Rob also judged our Year 9 Enterprise Day last week. Several Alumni supported our Next Steps day for Y12, by delivering workshops on different career paths, and Megan Snape who left in 2009 also came back to talk to Y12 about Life at University. Ms. L Wilson - Co-ordinator of PSHE Page 23 Thanks to all of you who have signed up so far, we will be in touch with you to see whether you would like to talk to our current pupils to help them to plan for their future careers and to motivate them in their studies. If you have not yet signed up then please visit http:// and click on former students. Please let other ex- pupils know about our network as well if you can. We would love Littleover to have a thriving and engaged Alumni community, and we look forward to working with our ex-pupils to make this happen. Ms. L Wilson - Future First Administrator On Wednesday 9th July LCS sent a team to compete in the Inter-County Spelling Bee at Wilsthorpe Community School in Long Eaton. Our competitors were four Year 7 pupils who had already demonstrated their spelling skills in the LCS Spelling Bee earlier this year. They were: Isaac Brooks Anoop Bhandal Madhuwrit Hazra Oliver Yau 7JTR 7DFP 7GLB 7THB Ten schools were taking part so the competition was tough and there was added pressure as we were defending champions! However, LCS emerged victorious AGAIN, with a completely faultless team performance as words such as supercilious, schizophrenic, agoraphobia and reconnaissance were spelled correctly, with very little fuss or hesitation! In fact, LCS correctly spelled 24 out of 24 words in the team challenge. This meant that all of our team finished in the top eight of the individual spelling challenge (there were over 40 competitors) with Madhuwrit finishing in overall 2nd place and Oliver finishing in 3rd place, after a very tough playoff (where the list of words was almost exhausted) involving eight pupils. It really was a great team performance and all four pupils should be very proud of their achievement. Mr E Selvey The Winning Team! Page 24 The following Year 8 and Year 7 students are congratulated on gaining certificates in the Junior Maths Challenge: YEAR 8 Gold Jack Emma Oliver Daniel Chum Graham Little Meekin Silver Ibraheem Bilal Abby (Best in School/ Year) Khalill Ali Caister Arran Alistair Zainab Ibrahim Euan Samuel Lauren Bradley Palvinder Orlagh Ben Amar Deepak Basra Oldroyd Bhatti Hussain Humphries Rowe Vavasour Watt Sall Simpson Clover Dhariwal Gill Ella Scott Bronze Adam Rosie Mohammed Sohail Emelia Michael Nabaha Tom Adam Jeevan Molly Neyha Maymunah Tayyab James Ailish Andrew Dawuud Emma Azaan Indy Mihajlo Arjan Emily Charlie Leah Bethany Guy Griffin Whitty Qasim Shafiq Newall Sankey Fuad Graham Higgins Johal Bonser Ajmal Azad Farrakh Forkin Gallimore Gerver Malik Phillips Afzal Mann Radivojevic Shanker Wiggins Done Duhaney Renshaw Walsh Page 25 YEAR 7 Gold Laura Young (Best in Year) Silver Madhuwrit Khalid Catie Hannah Yuma Taiybah Danyal Naaila Nathan Oliver Ciaran Lottie Hazra Gumaa Holder Smith Ishiyama Mustafa Sharif Ahmad Brunt Yau Gilligan Thomas Bronze Thor Badhdrost Florence Beedie Chloe Jackson Chris Namgoong Jamaal Sadiq Carl Weighill Alex Chan Saffron Howell Tayyeb Mohammed Ellen Parke Shakty Ramprogus Charlotte Stokes Lauren Hardwick Aidan Ley Thomas Neiland Dilan Takhar Faheem Mahmood Gabriell Evans George Gowland Matthew Seddon Mia Shand Zac Spooner Isaac Brooks Jessica Brown Charlotte Ellse Daniyal Chaudary Joseph Hatton Hasan Hussain Sachin Sarda Maya Jairath 188 pupils took part in the challenge and an impressive 48% of them achieved a certificate. Congratulation to all students who took part! Mrs D Sutton - Teacher of Mathematics Page 26 A team of students from Year 8 and 12 represented the school in an engineering challenge day, held by the Young Engineers of South Derbyshire. The students had to design, build and test a cantilever bridge, competing against schools across Derbyshire. Congratulations to Matthew Davies, Shaun Bhatia and Bradley Watt in Year 8 who gained second place in the competition. After all their hard work in the Young Engineers club, 24 students in Year 8 and 9 attended the end of year event at the Toyota plant in Burnaston. After a tour of the Quality Control test facility at the plant, the students presented their work to the engineers at Toyota. Miss R Thomas -Teacher of Design Technology Page 27 Lunch Club Dance Studio Every Friday 1.10pm-1.50pm Starts Friday 4th April Fun, Fab and Free Non-contact Boxing Sessions
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