Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 2 Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 2 Contents Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01)............................... 3 What you should know about the Customer Information API section..................................................... 4 ListCustomers.................................................................................................................................................6 Description................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Request parameters....................................................................................................................................................................................6 Response elements.....................................................................................................................................................................................7 Examples..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Related topics..............................................................................................................................................................................................8 ListCustomersByNextToken..........................................................................................................................9 Description................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Request parameters....................................................................................................................................................................................9 Response elements.....................................................................................................................................................................................9 Examples................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Related topics............................................................................................................................................................................................11 GetCustomersForCustomerId..................................................................................................................... 12 Description................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12 Request parameters..................................................................................................................................................................................12 Response elements...................................................................................................................................................................................12 Examples................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 Related topics............................................................................................................................................................................................14 GetServiceStatus.......................................................................................................................................... 15 Description................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15 Request parameters..................................................................................................................................................................................15 Response elements...................................................................................................................................................................................15 Examples................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Related topics............................................................................................................................................................................................16 Customer Information Datatypes............................................................................................................... 17 Customer................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 MarketplaceDomain................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 PrimaryContactInfo.................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 ShippingAddress........................................................................................................................................................................................19 Related topics............................................................................................................................................................................................19 Client library updates.................................................................................................................................. 20 Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 2 3 Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 3 Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) Copyright © 2014, Inc. or its affiliates. AMAZON and AMAZON.COM are registered trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Last updated: 2014-10-20 Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 3 4 Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 4 What you should know about the Customer Information API section With the Customer Information API section of Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS), you can retrieve information from the customer accounts of your Amazon Webstore customers. This customer information includes customer name, contact information, customer account type, and associated Amazon Webstore marketplaces. The Customer Information API section enables you to programmatically integrate Amazon Webstore customer account information with your CRM systems, marketing applications, and other systems that require customer data. Note: The Customer Information API section only returns customer information for Webstores with SellerBranded Checkout. No customer information is returned for Webstores with checkout. If your Webstore offers both checkout options, customer information is returned only for Seller-Branded Checkout accounts. For more information about Seller-Branded Checkout, see "Your Amazon Webstore Checkout Options" in the Amazon Webstore Help: (US) (UK). Important: In addition to registering for Amazon MWS, you must request authorization to use the Customer Information API section. See "Webstore API Management" (US) (UK) in Seller Central to request authorization for the Customer Information API section, either to develop your own applications or to enable third-party developers to develop applications for you. The Customer Information API section is available only in the United States and the United Kingdom. The following operations are included in the Customer Information API section: Operation Short description ListCustomers Returns a list of customer accounts based on search criteria that you specify. ListCustomersByNextToken Returns the next page of customer accounts using the NextToken parameter. GetCustomersForCustomerId Returns customer accounts based on the CustomerId values that you specify. Terminology The following table defines terminology for this API section: Term Definition Association An association between a customer account and an Amazon Webstore marketplace is created when a customer does one of the following: Association date • Creates a Guest account by providing an email address during checkout and not providing a password. • Creates a Normal account by providing an email address and a password during checkout. Note that an association is made in this case whether the customer completes the purchase or not. • Creates a Normal account by using the account creation interface on the Webstore. • Signs in to an Amazon Webstore marketplace for the first time using existing customer account credentials. This is possible only with multiple marketplaces that share Seller-Branded Checkout. For more information, see How the association date is determined. An association date is the date that an association is first made between a customer account and a given Amazon Webstore marketplace. The association date corresponds to the AssociatedOn response element, and depends on a number of factors. To determine the association date, see How the association date is determined. How the association date is determined The following examples show how the association date is determined: Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 4 5 Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) • 5 Single marketplace with Seller-Branded Checkout - If you have a single Amazon Webstore marketplace and are using Seller-Branded Checkout, then the association date is the date that the customer creates their account on your Amazon Webstore marketplace. Example - You have a single Webstore, with Seller-Branded Checkout: • A customer creates an account on your Webstore on January 1, 2014. Result: The association date is January 1, 2014. • Multiple marketplaces with separate Seller-Branded Checkouts - If you have multiple Amazon Webstore marketplaces and each uses its own Seller-Branded Checkout (that is, customers use different sign-in credentials for each of your marketplaces), then the association date for each marketplace is the date that the customer creates an account on that marketplace. Example - You have two Webstores associated with your seller account. Each Webstore has its own Seller-Branded Checkout: 1. A customer creates an account on Webstore A on January 1, 2014. 2. The same customer creates a separate account on Webstore B on January 2, 2014. Result: The association date for Webstore A is January 1, 2014. The association date for Webstore B is January 2, 2014. • Multiple marketplaces with shared Seller-Branded Checkout - If you have multiple Amazon Webstore marketplaces and each uses the same Seller-Branded Checkout (that is, customers use the same sign-in credentials for each of your marketplaces), then the association date depends on whether the association occurred before or after you were authorized for the Customer Information API section: • Before you are authorized for the Customer Information API section - If a customer creates associations with more than one of your Amazon Webstore marketplaces before you are authorized for the Customer Information API section, the association dates will be the customer’s original account creation date. Example - You have two Webstores associated with your seller account that share the same Seller-Branded Checkout: 1. A customer creates an account on Webstore A on January 1, 2014. 2. Using the same customer account credentials, the customer signs in to Webstore B for the first time on January 2, 2014. 3. You are authorized for the Customer Information API section on January 3, 2014. Result: The association date for both Webstore A and Webstore B is January 1, 2014. • After you are authorized for the Customer Information API section - If a customer creates associations with more than one of your Amazon Webstore marketplaces after you are authorized for the Customer Information API section, each association date is the date that the association was created. Example - You have two Webstores associated with your seller account that share the same Seller-Branded Checkout: 1. You are authorized for the Customer Information API section on January 1, 2014. 2. A customer creates an account on Webstore A on January 2, 2014. 3. Using the same customer account credentials, the customer signs in to Webstore B for the first time on January 3, 2014. Result: The association date for Webstore A is January 2, 2014. The association date for Webstore B is January 3, 2014. Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 5 6 Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 6 ListCustomers Returns a list of customer accounts based on search criteria that you specify. Description The ListCustomers operation returns a list of customer accounts based on search criteria that you specify. You can specify a date range, and whether you want your search to return customer accounts that were updated within that date range or customer accounts that were associated with any of your Amazon Webstore marketplaces within that date range. The ListCustomers operation has a maximum request quota of 15 and a restore rate of five requests every minute. For definitions of throttling terminology and for a complete explanation of throttling, see "Throttling: Limits to how often you can submit requests" in the Amazon MWS Developer Guide. Request parameters For more information about the request parameters that are required for all Amazon MWS operations, see "Required request parameters" in the Amazon MWS Developer Guide. Name Description Required Valid values MarketplaceId Specifies the Amazon Webstore marketplace from which customer accounts are returned. When you register for Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS) using your Amazon Webstore Seller ID, the MarketplaceId value that is associated with your primary Webstore is displayed at the end of the registration process. If you have multiple Webstores, you can use the Sellers API section to get the MarketplaceId value for each of your Webstores. For more information, see "What you should know about the Amazon MWS Sellers API Section" in the Sellers API section reference. No Default: Returns customer accounts that are associated with all of your Amazon Webstore marketplaces. No. If DateRangeStart is not specified, customer accounts are returned starting with the oldest account. Must be earlier than DateRangeEnd, if specified. No. If DateRangeEnd is not specified, customer accounts are returned up to the most recent account. Must be later than DateRangeStart, if specified. Type: xs:string DateRangeStart A start date used for selecting customer accounts, in ISO 8601 format. Use the DateRangeType request parameter to specify the type of date range that you want to search against. Type: xs:dateTime DateRangeEnd An end date used for selecting customer accounts, in ISO 8601 format. Use the DateRangeType request parameter to specify the type of date range that you want to search against. Type: xs:dateTime Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 6 7 Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) Name Description Required Valid values DateRangeType Specifies the type of date range that you want to search against. No DateRangeType values: Type: xs:string • • 7 AssociatedDate - Returns customer accounts that were associated with any of your Amazon Webstore marketplaces during the date range specified. LastUpdatedDate - Returns customer accounts that the customer or Amazon updated during the date range specified. Default: AssociatedDate Response elements Name Description NextToken A generated string used to pass information to your next request. NextToken is returned even if no more results are currently available. The MoreResultsAvailable response element indicates if there are more results currently available. Type: xs:string MoreResultsAvailable Indicates if more results are currently available. If more results are currently available, you can get them by passing the value of NextToken to ListCustomersByNextToken. MoreResultsAvailable values: • • true - More results are currently available. Pass NextToken to ListCustomersByNextToken to get more results. false - No more results are currently available. However, more results might be available in the future. Passing NextToken to ListCustomersByNextToken at a future time might return more results. Type: xs:boolean CustomerList A list of Customer elements. Type: List of Customer Examples Example query request ?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAEXAMPLEFWR4TJ7ZQ &Action=ListCustomers &DateRangeEnd=2014-04-30T00%3A06%3A07.000Z &DateRangeStart=2014-04-01T00%3A06%3A07.000Z &DateRangeType=AssociatedDate &MWSAuthToken=amzn.mws.4ea38b7b-f563-7709-4bae-87aeaEXAMPLE &MarketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER &SellerId=A1IMEXAMPLEWRC &Signature=FUbIEXAMPLETUGtTS6sqNDt3OuLH8tbhz5YEXAMPLEw%3D &SignatureMethod=HmacSHA256 &SignatureVersion=2 &Timestamp=2014-04-01T21%3A53%3A02Z &Version=2014-03-01 Example response <?xml version="1.0"?> Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 7 8 Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 8 <ListCustomersResponse xmlns=" CustomerInformation/2014-03-01"> <ListCustomersResult> <CustomerList> <Customer> <CustomerId>AQA0987654321</CustomerId> <ShippingAddressList> <ShippingAddress> <IsDefaultAddress>true</IsDefaultAddress> <FullName>John Doe</FullName> <AddressLine1>12345 Example Ave</AddressLine1> <AddressLine2>Apt 12345</AddressLine2> <City>Seattle</City> <StateOrRegion>WA</StateOrRegion> <PostalCode>98121</PostalCode> <CountryCode>US</CountryCode> </ShippingAddress> </ShippingAddressList> <PrimaryContactInfo> <Email>[email protected]</Email> <FullName>John Doe</FullName> </PrimaryContactInfo> <AccountType>NORMAL</AccountType> <AssociatedMarketplaces> <MarketplaceDomain> <DomainName></DomainName> <AssociatedOn>2012-07-18T00:00:00Z</AssociatedOn> <LastUpdatedOn>2012-07-18T17:21:16Z</LastUpdatedOn> </MarketplaceDomain> </AssociatedMarketplaces> </Customer> </CustomerList> <NextToken>QVYyVTY5NUVaQzBDWHw0ODEXAMPLECB8IHw1OTM0MDZ8IHwwLDJ8</ NextToken> <MoreResultsAvailable>true</MoreResultsAvailable> </ListCustomersResult> <ResponseMetadata> <RequestId>8547a35c-8e70-11EXAMPLE-5bf2881764d8</RequestId> </ResponseMetadata> </ListCustomersResponse> Related topics What you should know about the Customer Information API section ListCustomersByNextToken Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 8 9 Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 9 ListCustomersByNextToken Returns the next page of customer accounts using the NextToken parameter. Description The ListCustomersByNextToken operation returns the next page using the NextToken value that was returned by your previous call to either ListCustomers or ListCustomersByNextToken. The value of the MoreResultsAvailable response element indicates if there are more pages to return now. The ListCustomersByNextToken operation has a maximum request quota of 50 and a restore rate of 20 requests every minute. For definitions of throttling terminology and for a complete explanation of throttling, see "Throttling: Limits to how often you can submit requests" in the Amazon MWS Developer Guide. Request parameters For more information about the request parameters that are required for all Amazon MWS operations, see "Required request parameters" in the Amazon MWS Developer Guide. Name Description Required NextToken A string token returned in the response of your previous call to either ListCustomers or Yes Valid values ListCustomersByNextToken. Type: xs:string Response elements Name Description NextToken A generated string used to pass information to your next request. NextToken is returned even if no more results are currently available. The MoreResultsAvailable response element indicates if there are more results currently available. Type: xs:string MoreResultsAvailable Indicates if more results are currently available. If more results are currently available, you can get them by passing the value of NextToken to ListCustomersByNextToken. MoreResultsAvailable values: • • true - More results are currently available. Pass NextToken to ListCustomersByNextToken to get more results. false - No more results are currently available. However, more results might be available in the future. Passing NextToken to ListCustomersByNextToken at a future time might return more results. Type: xs:boolean CustomerList A list of Customer elements. Type: List of Customer Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 9 10 Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 10 Examples Example query request ?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAEXAMPLEFWR4TJ7ZQ &Action=ListCustomersByNextToken &MWSAuthToken=amzn.mws.4ea38b7b-f563-7709-4bae-87aeaEXAMPLE &NextToken=9c95d658-e5EXAMPLE-97e4-620b83520c29 &SellerId=A1IMEXAMPLEWRC &Signature=FUbIEXAMPLETUGtTS6sqNDt3OuLH8tbhz5YEXAMPLEw%3D &SignatureMethod=HmacSHA256 &SignatureVersion=2 &Timestamp=2014-04-01T21%3A53%3A02Z &Version=2014-03-01 Example response <?xml version="1.0"?> <ListCustomersByNextTokenResponse xmlns=" schema/CustomerInformation/2014-03-01"> <ListCustomersByNextTokenResult> <CustomerList> <Customer> <CustomerId>AQA0987654321</CustomerId> <ShippingAddressList> <ShippingAddress> <IsDefaultAddress>true</IsDefaultAddress> <FullName>John Doe</FullName> <AddressLine1>12345 Example Ave</AddressLine1> <AddressLine2>Apt 12345</AddressLine2> <City>Seattle</City> <StateOrRegion>WA</StateOrRegion> <PostalCode>98121</PostalCode> <CountryCode>US</CountryCode> </ShippingAddress> </ShippingAddressList> <PrimaryContactInfo> <Email>[email protected]</Email> <FullName>John Doe</FullName> </PrimaryContactInfo> <AccountType>NORMAL</AccountType> <AssociatedMarketplaces> <MarketplaceDomain> <DomainName></DomainName> <AssociatedOn>2012-07-18T00:00:00Z</AssociatedOn> <LastUpdatedOn>2012-07-18T17:21:16Z</LastUpdatedOn> </MarketplaceDomain> </AssociatedMarketplaces> </Customer> </CustomerList> <NextToken>QVYyVTY5NUVaQzBDWHw0ODEXAMPLECB8IHw1OTM0MDZ8IHwwLDJ8</ NextToken> <MoreResultsAvailable>true</MoreResultsAvailable> </ListCustomersByNextTokenResult> <ResponseMetadata> <RequestId>8547a35c-8e70-11EXAMPLE-5bf2881764d8</RequestId> </ResponseMetadata> </ListCustomersByNextTokenResponse> Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 10 11 Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 11 Related topics What you should know about the Customer Information API section ListCustomers Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 11 12 Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 12 GetCustomersForCustomerId Returns customer accounts based on the CustomerId values that you specify. Description The GetCustomersForCustomerId operation returns a customer account for each CustomerId value that you specify, up to a maximum of 20. The GetCustomersForCustomerId operation has a maximum request quota of 50 and a restore rate of 20 requests every minute. For definitions of throttling terminology and for a complete explanation of throttling, see "Throttling: Limits to how often you can submit requests" in the Amazon MWS Developer Guide. Request parameters Name Description Required Valid values MarketplaceId Specifies the Amazon Webstore marketplace from which customer accounts are returned. When you register for Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS) using your Amazon Webstore Seller ID, the MarketplaceId value that is associated with your primary Webstore is displayed at the end of the registration process. If you have multiple Webstores, you can use the Sellers API section to get the MarketplaceId value for each of your Webstores. For more information, see "What you should know about the Amazon MWS Sellers API Section" in the Sellers API section reference. No Default: Returns customer accounts that are associated with all of your Amazon Webstore marketplaces. Yes Maximum: 20 Type: xs:string CustomerIdList A list of one or more CustomerId values. You can get CustomerId values by calling the ListCustomers operation of the Customer Information API section or the ListCarts operation of the Cart Information API section. Example: &CustomerIdList.CustomerId.1=custidexample1 &CustomerIdList.CustomerId.2=custidexample2 For more information, see ListCustomers or "ListCarts" in the Cart Information API section reference. Type: xs:string Response elements Name Description CustomerList A list of Customer elements. Type: List of Customer Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 12 13 Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 13 Examples Example query request ?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAEXAMPLEFWR4TJ7ZQ &Action=GetCustomersForCustomerId &CustomerIdList.CustomerId.1=custidexample1 &MWSAuthToken=amzn.mws.4ea38b7b-f563-7709-4bae-87aeaEXAMPLE &MarketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER &SellerId=A1IMEXAMPLEWRC &Signature=FUbIEXAMPLETUGtTS6sqNDt3OuLH8tbhz5YEXAMPLEw%3D &SignatureMethod=HmacSHA256 &SignatureVersion=2 &Timestamp=2014-04-01T21%3A53%3A02Z &Version=2014-03-01 Example response <?xml version="1.0"?> <GetCustomersForCustomerIdResponse xmlns=" schema/CustomerInformation/2014-03-01"> <GetCustomersForCustomerIdResult> <CustomerList> <Customer> <CustomerId>AQA0987654321</CustomerId> <ShippingAddressList> <ShippingAddress> <IsDefaultAddress>true</IsDefaultAddress> <FullName>John Doe</FullName> <AddressLine1>12345 Example Ave</AddressLine1> <AddressLine2>Apt 12345</AddressLine2> <City>Seattle</City> <StateOrRegion>WA</StateOrRegion> <PostalCode>98121</PostalCode> <CountryCode>US</CountryCode> </ShippingAddress> </ShippingAddressList> <PrimaryContactInfo> <Email>[email protected]</Email> <FullName>John Doe</FullName> </PrimaryContactInfo> <AccountType>NORMAL</AccountType> <AssociatedMarketplaces> <MarketplaceDomain> <DomainName></DomainName> <AssociatedOn>2012-07-18T00:00:00Z</AssociatedOn> <LastUpdatedOn>2012-07-18T17:21:16Z</LastUpdatedOn> </MarketplaceDomain> </AssociatedMarketplaces> </Customer> </CustomerList> <NextToken>QVYyVTY5NUVaQzBDWHw0ODEXAMPLECB8IHw1OTM0MDZ8IHwwLDJ8</ NextToken> <MoreResultsAvailable>true</MoreResultsAvailable> </GetCustomersForCustomerIdResult> <ResponseMetadata> <RequestId>8547a35c-8e70-11EXAMPLE-5bf2881764d8</RequestId> </ResponseMetadata> Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 13 14 Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 14 </GetCustomersForCustomerIdResponse> Related topics What you should know about the Customer Information API section Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 14 15 Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 15 GetServiceStatus Returns the operational status of the Customer Information API section. Description The GetServiceStatus operation returns the operational status of the Customer Information API section of Amazon Marketplace Web Service. Status values are GREEN, GREEN_I, YELLOW, and RED. The GetServiceStatus operation has a maximum request quota of two and a restore rate of one request every five minutes. For definitions of throttling terminology and for a complete explanation of throttling, see "Throttling: Limits to how often you can submit requests" in the Amazon MWS Developer Guide. Request parameters None Response elements Name Description Status The following list shows possible values returned by the GetServiceStatus operation: GREEN The service is operating normally. GREEN_I The service is operating normally. Additional information is provided. YELLOW The service is experiencing higher than normal error rates or is operating with degraded performance. Additional information may be provided. RED The service is unavailable or experiencing extremely high error rates. Additional information may be provided. Type: xs:string Timestamp Indicates the time at which the operational status was evaluated. Type: xs:dateTime MessageId An Amazon-defined message identifier. Type: xs:string Messages The parent element of one or more Message elements. Message The operational status message. The parent element of the following child elements (both child elements are type: xs:string): • • Locale Text Examples Example query request ?AWSAccessKeyId=0PB842EXAMPLE7N4ZTR2 &Action=GetServiceStatus Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 15 16 Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 16 &MWSAuthToken=amzn.mws.4ea38b7b-f563-7709-4bae-87aeaEXAMPLE &SellerId=A1XEXAMPLE5E6 &Signature=ZQLpf8vEXAMPLE0iC265pf18n0%3D &SignatureVersion=2 &SignatureMethod=HmacSHA256 &Timestamp=2014-04-01T18%3A12%3A21.687Z &Version=2014-03-01 Example response <?xml version="1.0"?> <GetServiceStatusResponse xmlns=" CustomerInformation/2014-03-01/"> <GetServiceStatusResult> <Status>GREEN_I</Status> <Timestamp>2010-11-01T21:38:09.676Z</Timestamp> <MessageId>173964729I</MessageId> <Messages> <Message> <Locale>en_US</Locale> <Text>We are experiencing high latency in UK because of heavy traffic.</Text> </Message> </Messages> </GetServiceStatusResult> <ResponseMetadata> <RequestId>d80c6c7b-f7c7-4fa7-bdd7-854711cb3bcc</RequestId> </ResponseMetadata> </GetServiceStatusResponse> Related topics What you should know about the Customer Information API section Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 16 17 Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 17 Customer Information Datatypes The following datatypes are used in the response elements of the Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS) Customer Information API section: Datatype Description Customer Customer account information. MarketplaceDomain Information about an Amazon Webstore marketplace associated with the customer's account. PrimaryContactInfo The customer’s primary contact information. ShippingAddress The shipping address. Customer Customer account information. Operations The Customer datatype is used in a response element of the following operations: • • • ListCustomers ListCustomersByNextToken GetCustomersForCustomerId Datatype content The following table shows the elements of the Customer datatype: Name Description CustomerId An Amazon-defined, encrypted identifier that identifies the Amazon Webstore customer. Type: xs:string ShippingAddressList A list of ShippingAddress elements. Type: List of ShippingAddress PrimaryContactInfo The customer’s primary contact information. Type: PrimaryContactInfo AccountType The customer's account type. AccountType values: • GUEST - An account that is not associated with a password. That is, the customer did not set a password during checkout. • NORMAL - An account that is associated with a password. That is, the customer set a password during checkout or when using the account creation interface on the Webstore. The Customer Information API section can return customer accounts with AccountType = NORMAL even if the customer has not yet made a purchase on your Webstore. Type: xs:string AssociatedMarketplaces A list of MarketplaceDomain objects. Each MarketplaceDomain object contains information about an Amazon Webstore marketplace associated with the customer's account. Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 17 18 Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) Name 18 Description Type: MarketplaceDomain MarketplaceDomain Information about an Amazon Webstore marketplace associated with the customer's account. Operations The MarketplaceDomain datatype is used in a response element of the following operations: • • • ListCustomers ListCustomersByNextToken GetCustomersForCustomerId Datatype content The following table shows the elements of the MarketplaceDomain datatype: Name Description DomainName The URL of the marketplace. Type: xs:string AssociatedOn Indicates the date that this Amazon Webstore marketplace was first associated with the customer account, in ISO 8601 format. For more information about the date returned by the AssociatedOn element, see Terminology. Type: xs:dateTime LastUpdatedOn The date of the last update to the customer account that this Amazon Webstore marketplace is associated with. Type: xs:dateTime PrimaryContactInfo The customer’s primary contact information. Operations The PrimaryContactInfo datatype is used in a response element of the following operations: • • • ListCustomers ListCustomersByNextToken GetCustomersForCustomerId Datatype content The following table shows the elements of the PrimaryContactInfo datatype: Name Description Email The customer's email address. Type: xs:string FullName The customer's full name. Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 18 19 Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) Name 19 Description Type: xs:string ShippingAddress The shipping address. Operations The ShippingAddress datatype is used in a response element of the following operations: • • • ListCustomers ListCustomersByNextToken GetCustomersForCustomerId Datatype content The following table shows the elements of the ShippingAddress datatype: Name Description IsDefaultAddress Indicates whether the address is the default address. • true - The address is the default. • false - The address is not the default. Type: xs:boolean FullName The full name of the customer. Type: xs:string AddressLine1 The first line of the customer's address. Type: xs:string AddressLine2 The second line of the customer's address. Type: xs:string City The city. Type: xs:string StateOrRegion The state or region. Type: xs:string PostalCode The postal code. Type: xs:string CountryCode Country code, in ISO 3166 format. Type: xs:string Related topics What you should know about the Customer Information API section Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 19 20 Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 20 Client library updates The following tables describe the most recent updates to the Customer Information API section client libraries: PHP Client library version Description 2014-10-20 Fixed the following bugs in the client library: • • • Added accessors for ProxyUsername and ProxyPassword. Corrected the name of the headers variable to $headers. Fixed strong-type comparison bug when comparing a string to an integer. 2014-09-30 Added support for the MWSAuthToken request parameter. 2014-03-01 Initial release. C# Client library version Description 2014-09-30 Added support for the MWSAuthToken request parameter. 2014-03-01 Initial release. Java Client library version Description 2014-09-30 Added support for the MWSAuthToken request parameter. 2014-03-01 Initial release. Amazon MWS Customer Information API Section Reference (Version 2014-03-01) 20
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