Informatica MRS Backup The purpose of this document is to provide methods to back up the Model Repository Service (MRS) from the Administration Console as well as automating this process using a batch script while mapping those practices to the planned implementation. Contents Backing up the Contents of Model Repository Service ............................................. 1 Using the Administrator Console .......................................................................... 2 Using a batch script (Automation) ........................................................................ 4 Backing up the Contents of Model Repository Service Overview The Model Repository Service is an application service that manages the Model repository. The Model repository is a relational database that stores the metadata for projects created in Informatica Analyst and Informatica Designer. The Model repository also stores run-time and configuration information for deployment units that are deployed to a Data Integration Service. Requirement It would be required to back up the contents of a Model Repository Service on a periodical basis. This would be extremely important in case of database corruption or even during upgrade/migration scenarios. Implementation: One of the possible backup methods would be to take the Database backups by the DBA which will include all of Informatica databases. This exercise can further be extended to include the backing up of Model Repository Service (MRS) using 2 approaches – directly from the Administrator Console and using a batch script to automate the process. Using the Administrator Console The Model Repository Service can be directly backed up from the Administrator Console by following the below sequence of steps. Define the Backup directory under Advanced Properties of the node Any backup of the MRS is automatically placed in what is called as a “Backup Directory”. This directory is defined at the Administrator Console level. To define the backup directory, select the node under the Administrator Console and edit the “Advanced Properties” and select “Backup Directory”. Note that this need not be defined every time. Once defined, the Backup directory remains the same till it’s changed in the future. Create the Backup of the MRS The next step would be to create the Backup of the MRS. This is done by first selecting the MRS Service at the top left and later selecting Actions -> Repository Contents -> Backup Provide the User credentials and backup file name After backup is selected in Step2 above, the user would have to provide user credentials (be sure to change the Security domain to idqusers). Provide the name of the backup file with the current timestamp so that it would indicate the date on which the backup was taken. There is an option to overwrite the backup file. This option can be checked if there are multiple backups taken on the same day and if the Administrator doesn’t wish to create multiple copies of the backups. Note – It is very important to note that the extension of the backup file be .mrep Backup in progress While the backup operation is in progress, it would block all other repository operations till the backup process completes. Do not attempt to shut down the domain while this is happening. Viewing the Backup file in the server The backup file would be created at the location provided as the Backup location. Login to the server box and navigate to the Backup directory to view the file:- Using a batch script (Automation) The Administrator can also automate the backing up of MRS contents such that batch script runs every day or alternate day depending on the requirements. Use the following Windows batch file as a basis for Automation. Save the file as “MRS_backup.bat” in the respective domain:@cls :main echo Connecting to DEV repository... call E:\Informatica\9.1.0\isp\bin\infacmd.bat updateGatewayInfo -dn Domain_Development -dg usnx158:6005 echo Backing up the DEV repository... echo Creating the backup file name with timestamp... call E:\Informatica\9.1.0\isp\bin\infacmd.bat mrs BackupContents -dn Domain_Development -sn MRS_Devl -un aiuwn34 -pd ******** -sdn idqusers -of MRS_Backup_automated_%date:~4,4%%date:~-7,2%%date:~-10,2%.mrep -ow Yes exit /b Changes to be made to the batch file for different environments The above batch script was written for DEV environment. For TEST environment, the Domain name and Gateway info must be changed call E:\Informatica\9.1.0\isp\bin\infacmd.bat updateGatewayInfo -dn Domain_Development -dg usnx158:6005 The same must be changed in the second infacmd.bat command run as well. Make sure to point to the correct location of the installation folder:call E:\Informatica\9.1.0\isp\bin\infacmd.bat mrs BackupContents -dn Domain_Development -sn MRS_Devl -un aiuwn34 -pd ******** -sdn idqusers -of MRS_Backup_automated_%date:~-4,4%%date:~-7,2%%date:~-10,2%.mrep -ow Yes Running the batch script On Demand The batch script can be run “On demand” by just executing the batch script. On demand scenarios include important additions to projects or lots of activity ahead of the go-live dates. Automate the batch script using Windows Scheduler The batch script can also be automated using the Task scheduler by clicking the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking System and Security, clicking Administrative Tools, and then doubleclicking Task Scheduler. If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation. To select a schedule based on the calendar, click Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or one time, click next; specify the schedule you want to use, and then click Next. This can also be scheduled when the computer starts, etc. In the final step, select the Windows batch file as the Program to start automatically. Browse to find this batch file and select next. Click Finish. The windows batch script is ready to be run on schedule.
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