Velkommen i Handelsbanken 26.05.2014 Møde mellem Dansk Aktionærforening og Handelsbanken Handelsbanken • Universalbank grundlagt i 1871 - ældste selskab på børsen i Stockholm • En af Nordens største banker • Hjemmemarked i Danmark, Sverige, Finland, Norge, Holland og Storbritannien • Udlån: 1.727 mia. SEK (Q1) • Driftsresultat: 4.920 mio. SEK (Q1) • Solvens 24,5 % (Q1) • 11.633 medarbejdere • Totalt 816 filialer og kontorer i 24 lande 2 Nordens mest internationale bank – over 797 filialer på hjemmemarkederne Filialer med universalbankvirksomhed 3 Filialer i det øvrige Europa Filialer i den øvrige verden Repræsentationskontorer • • Danmark Finland • • Estland Frankrig • • Kina – Shanghai, Hong Kong Singapore • • Australien Brasilien • • Holland Norge • • Letland Litauen • USA • • Indien Kina – Peking, Taipei • • Storbritannien Sverige • • Luxembourg Polen • • Malaysia Rusland • • Tyskland Østrig • • Schweiz Spanien 8% Handelsbankens hjemmemarked • 57 filialer i Danmark • 45 filialer i Finland • 49 filialer i Norge • 18 filialer i Holland • 462 filialer i Sverige • 166 filialer i Storbritannien 4 Handelsbanken i Danmark • Universalbank med fuldt produktsortiment til alle privat- og erhvervskunder • Etableret i Danmark i 1992 • Organisk vækst samt opkøb af to lokale banker • Ca. 700 medarbejdere fordelt på: o o 5 57 filialer specialistfunktioner som cash management, handel med rente, valuta, råvarer og værdipapirer, trade finance, leasing, fondsog værgemålsmidler, kapitalforvaltning og corporate finance Handelsbankens filosofi – kunden i centrum • Stærkt decentraliseret organisation: Filialen er banken: • Beslutninger træffes hurtigt og lokalt • Hvor laver vi forretninger ”Kirketårnsprincippet” • Filialen har hele bankens styrker og specialister i ryggen • Lønsomhed prioriteres altid før volumen • Ingen interne salgskampagner, bonusordninger eller volumenmål • Langsigtet strategi • Vi findes dér, hvor vores kunder er 6 Handelsbankens styrker – langsigtet stabilitet • Nordens mest tilfredse kunder* • Europas stærkeste bank** • Den mest omkostningseffektive universalbank i Europa • Lavere kredittab end øvrige storbanker • Ingen bank er ratet højere i Norden • Højere lønsomhed end øvrige storbanker i mere end 40 år i træk *EPSI 2013 (Extended Performance Satisfaction Index) ** Bloomberg 2013 7 Handelsbanken i Århus • 3 selvstændige afdelinger i Århus (Århus Syd, Århus Nord, Århus City) • Hvert vores markedsområde i Århus • I Århus City er vi 25 medarbejdere • I Privat har vi specialister indenfor rådgivning af bolig, pension, forsikring, og Private Banking • 4 boligvurderingsansvarlige i Århus City • Vi udfærdiger selv dokumenter • Vi tinglyser pantebreve. 8 PrioritetsLån i Handelsbanken • Handelsbanken Kredit • 100 % dansk ejet filial af Stadshypotek AB i Sverige som igen er ejet af Handelsbanken i Sverige. • Der udstedes SDO obligationer der bruges til finansiering af lån med pant i fast ejendom • Finansieringen skal ligge inden for 80 % af den vurderede markedspris på etableringstidspunktet. • Vi finansierer ejerbolig, ejerlejligheder, andelsboliger, fritidshuse, nedlagt landbrug og ideelle anparter mod tilsvarende sikkerhed i form af ejerpantebrev eller Direkte pantebrev. • Lånet kan tilbydes som en kredit, PrioritetsKredit, og/eller som et lån, PrioritetLån • Prioritetslån/-Kredit er en meget fleksibel finansiering, der giver mulighed for at sammensætte lån og kredit helt individuelt. • Flere låneprofiler/rentevilkår under samme ejerpantebrev 9 PrioritetsLån i Handelsbanken • Intet kurstab ved låneudbetaling – udbetales til kurs 100 før evt. omkostninger til etablering til banken og til tinglysning. • Ingen kurtage ved udbetaling eller kursskæring ved låneudbetaling • Ingen bidragssats • Samlet finansieringsløsning i banken • Hurtig sagsgang – alt foregår i banken (rådgivning/vejledning, vurdering af boligen, håndtering af dokumenter og tinglysning af pantebreve) • Banken vurderer selv boligen • Finansiering af fritidshuse op til 80 % (øvrige kreditforeninger finansierer kun op til 60 % af vurderingen) • Ændring af lån kan ske uden ny låneoptagelse og tinglysning. F.eks. skift mellem rentevilkår (variabel rente til rentebinding, ændring af låneafvikling mv.) 10 PrioritetsLån i Handelsbanken • Intet gebyr ved rentetilpasning • Ejerpantebreve kan bruges som sikkerhedsstillelse – spare stempel • PrioritetsLån kan ses i Webbank – løbende dialog mellem kunde og rådgiver • Ingen kurtage ved indfrielse af PrioritetsLån • Ingen problemer med små obligationsserier 11 PrioritetsLån i Handelsbanken • Kundesatser pr. 26.05.2014 (kan ses på bankens hjemmeside) 12 • P3M 1,34 % • P1 1,42 % • P2 1,46 % • P3 1,74 % • P4 1,79 % • P5 2,12 % • P6 2,27 % • P7 2,53 % • P8 2,78 % • P9 2,88 % • P10 3,07 % 26. maj 2014 Handelsbankens forventninger til aktie- og råvaremarkedet Esben Kæmpegaard [email protected] Aktiemarkedsudvikling i 2014 Aktiemarkedet har været understøttet af: • Opsving i Eurozonnen • Centralbankernes lempelige pengepolitik • Det lave afkast på alternative placeringsmuligheder (Obligationer) • Mindre politisk risiko fra USA og Eurozonen Aktieindeks OMXC20 CAP Stigning i 2014 15,80% OMXS30 4,00% EURO STOXX 600 2,80% S&P500 2,10% DAX30 1,50% Dow Jones -0,30% Aktiemarkedet har været presset af: Nasdaq -1,10% • Svaghed i de amerikanske og kinesiske nøgletal Hang Seng (Kina) -1,30% • Emerging Markets uro Shanghai -3,90% Micex (Rusland) -5,26% • Aktiemarkedet har steget kraftigt de seneste 2,5 år og prisfastsættelsen er blevet mere anstrengt Nikkei 225 (Japan) -11,80% BNP vækst 2013 (2014): moderat vækstacceleration i 2014 Danmark 0,4% (0,9%) Rusland 1,3% (0,9%) USA 1,9% (2,7%) Euro -0,4% (1,0%) Kina 7,7 (7,3%) Japan 1,4% (1,3%) Brasilien 2,3% (1,7%) Kilde: Handelsbanken’s forventninger Aktieoptur (og nedtur) kan inddeles i 4 faser 1. fase er likviditetsdrevet Centralbankerne lemper pengepolitikken (rentesænkninger og trykker penge). Dermed øges likviditeten, hvilket presser aktiekurserne i vejret. Økonomien begynder langsomt at bevæge sig ud af recession, og virksomhedernes indtjening begynder at vokse 3. fase er drevet af øget risikoappetit Virksomhedernes indtjeningsvækst begynder at stagnerer og virksomhederne investerer mere og har mere fokus på vækst frem for lønsomhed. Virksomhederne øger typisk gældssætningen i denne fase. I takt med at aktiemarkedet er steget kraftigt og høj BNP vækst øges investorernes risiko appetit kraftigt. Prisfastsættelsen bliver mere anstrengt (højere P/E). 4. ny nedtur begynder 2. fase er indtjeningsdrevet Økonomien er i bedring, hvilket betyder at virksomhederne igen begynder at få vækst i indtjeningen. Centralbanken starter ligeså stille at give indikationer på at man snart træder på bremsen. Vi befinder os her! Katalysatoren for en ny nedtur er stort set altid en recession, en finansiel krise eller overvurderet prisfastsættelse. Indtjeningsprognoser: Indtjening skal drive markedet højere 25,0% 20,0% 20,0% 15,0% 14,0% 13,2% 11,9% 10,4% 10,0% 11,3% 2013 2014 6,7% 2015 5,0% 5,0% 0,0% -1,0% -5,0% OMX 40 Norden Euro Stoxx 600 S&P 500 Prisfastsættelsen er blevet mere anstrengt Amerikansk aktiemarked er “fair” prisfastsat S&P 500 12 måneders fremadskuende P/E 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 S&P500 Historisk gennemsnit PMI tal indikerer vækstacceleration i Europa PMI - fremstilling 60 55 50 45 40 April 2013 Marts 2014 MSCI World: klare effekter af pengepolitisk stimulans Alternative placeringsmuligheder er blevet mindre attraktive % 18 30. september 1981: 15,84% 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 1953: 2,8% 2014: 2,51% 2 0 1953 1963 1973 1983 1993 2003 2013 Scenarier for krisen i Ukraine Scenarie 1: Kun Krim • Kun en lille negativ effekt på markeder og global vækst Scenarie 2: Spændingerne stiger yderligere • Rammer erhvervs- og forbrugertillid negativt for væksten • Mindre markedskorrektion Scenarie 3: Krig- Rusland invaderer Ukraine • Rammer tillid og øger usikkerheden kraftgigt • Kæmpe markedskorrektion • ECB reagerer med QE, hvilket dæmper faldene Scenarie 4: Sanktionerne eskalerer og energiforsyningen fra Rusland til Europa stoppes • Energi priserne stiger kraftigt • Væksten rammes hårdt stor markedskorrektion • ECB lemper pengepolitikken relativt kraftigt, hvilket dæmper faldene Forventet markedsretning: moderat positiv Makroøkonomi + Sentiment + Likviditet + Prisfastsættelse = Markedsretning: moderat positiv Råvaremarkedet – Når foråret kommer så vågner bjørnen Efter at have oplevet en stærk start på året, så ventes den positive trend at være brudt • Svage makroøkonomiske data fra Kina ventes at fortsætte • Ekstremt vejr og geopolitik har stået bag prisstigningerne • Mildere vejr i USA vil sænke efterspørgslen på olie Råvarer generelt: Negativt – neutralt syn Ædelmetaller: Positivt syn Industrimetaller: Negativt syn Energi: Negativt syn Fødevarer: Neutralt syn Få seneste nyt fra aktiemarkederne Nyhedsbreve fra Handelsbanken: • Aktieugefokus • Aktiestrategi • Børsnyt • Danske aktier • Finansinfo • Nordiske favoritter Research Disclaimers Handelsbanken Capital Markets, a division of Svenska Handelsbanken AB (publ) (collectively referred to herein as ‘SHB’) is responsible for the preparation of research reports. All research reports are prepared from trade and statistical services and other information which SHB considers to be reliable. SHB does not represent that such information is true, accurate or complete and it should not be relied upon as such. In no event will SHB or any of its affiliates, their officers, directors or employees be liable to any person for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages arising out of any use of the information contained in the research reports, including without limitation any lost profits even if SHB is expressly advised of the possibility or likelihood of such damages. No independent verification exercise has been undertaken in respect of this information. Any opinions expressed are the opinions of employees of SHB and its affiliates and reflect their judgment at this date and are subject to change. The information in the research reports does not constitute a personal recommendation or investment advice. Reliance should not be placed on reviews or opinions expressed when taking investment or strategic decisions. SHB, its affiliates, their clients, officers, directors or employees own or have positions in securities mentioned in research reports. SHB and/or its affiliates provide investment banking and non-investment banking financial services, including corporate banking services; and, securities advice to issuers of securities mentioned in research reports. This document does not constitute or form part of any offer for sale or subscription of or solicitation of any offer to buy or subscribe for any securities nor shall it or any part of it form the basis of or be relied on in connection with any contract or commitment whatsoever. Past performance may not be repeated and should not be seen as an indication of future performance. The value of investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and investors may forfeit all principal originally invested. Investors are not guaranteed to make profits on investments and may lose money. Exchange rates may cause the value of overseas investments and the income arising from them to rise or fall. This research product will be updated on a regular basis. The distribution of this document in certain jurisdictions may be restricted by law and persons into whose possession this document comes should inform themselves about, and observe, any such restrictions. No part of SHB research reports may be reproduced or distributed to any other person without the prior written consent of SHB. Research reports are distributed in the UK by SHB. SHB is authorised by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspektionen), and authorised and subject to limited regulation by the UK Financial Services Authority. Details about the extent of our authorisation and regulation by the UK Financial Services Authority are available from us on request.In the United Kingdom, the research reports are directed only at Professional clients and Eligible counterparties (as defined in the rules of the FSA) and the investments or services to which they relate are available only to such persons. . The research reports must not be relied upon or acted on by private customers. UK customers should note that SHB does not participate in the UK Financial Services Compensation Scheme for investment business and accordingly UK customers will not be protected by that scheme.This does not exclude or restrict any duty or liability that SHB has to its customers under the regulatory system in the United Kingdom. SHB employees, including analysts, receive compensation that is generated by overall firm profitability. The views contained in SHB research reports accurately reflect the personal views of the respective analysts, and no part of analysts’ compensation is directly or indirectly related to specific recommendations or views expressed within research reports. For specific analyst certification, please contact Robert Gärtner +45 33418613. In the United Kingdom SHB is regulated by the FSA but recipients should note that neither the UK Financial Services Compensation Scheme not the rules of the FSA made under the UK Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 for the protection of private customers apply to this research report. When Distributed in the United States Important Third-Party Research Disclosures: Research reports are prepared by SHB for information purposes only. SHB and its employees are not subject to the FINRA’s research analyst conflict rules. SHB research reports are intended for distribution in the United States solely to “major U.S. institutional investors,” as defined in Rule 15a-6 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Each major U.S. institutional investor that receives a copy of research report by its acceptance hereof represents and agrees that it shall not distribute or provide research reports to any other person. Reports regarding fixed-income products are prepared by SHB and distributed by SHB to major U.S. institutional investors under Rule 15a-6(a)(2). Any U.S. person receiving these research reports that desires to effect transactions in any fixed-income product discussed within the research reports should call or write SHB. Reports regarding equity products are prepared by SHB and distributed in the United States by Handelsbanken Markets Securities Inc. (“HMSI”) under Rule 15a-6(a)(2). Any U.S. person receiving these research reports that desires to effect transactions in any equity product discussed within the research reports should call or write HMSI. HMSI is a FINRa Member, telephone number (+212-326-5153). Please be advised of the following important research disclosure statements: SHB is regulated in Sweden by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority, in Norway by the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway, In Finland by the Financial Supervision of Finland and in Denmark by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority. SHB has recently had, currently has, or will be seeking corporate finance assignments with the subject company. According to the Bank’s Ethical Guidelines for the Handelsbanken Group, the board and all employees of the Bank must observe high standards of ethics in carrying out their responsibilities at the Bank, as well as other assignments. The Bank has also adopted guidelines to ensure the integrity and independence of research analysts and the research department, as well as to identify, eliminate, avoid, deal with, or make public actual or potential conflicts of interests relating to analysts or the Bank. As part of its control of conflicts of interests, the Bank has introduced restrictions (“Ethical walls”) in communication between the Research department and other departments of the Bank. In addition, in the Bank’s organisational structure, the Research department is kept separate from the Corporate Finance department and other departments with similar remits. The guidelines also include regulations for how payments, bonuses and salaries may be paid out to analysts, what marketing activities an analyst may participate in, how analysts are to handle their own securities transactions and those of closely related persons, etc. In addition, there are restrictions in communications between analysts and the subject company. For full information on the Bank’s ethical guidelines and guidelines on conflicts of interests relating to analysts, please see the Bank’s website the bank/IR/Corporate social responsibility/Ethical guidelines or Guidelines for research. 26. maj, 2014 ETN seminar Bull & Bear Long & Short Esben Bøgeholdt Kæmpegaard [email protected] Verdens hurtigst voksende derivatmarked ETP Investeringsforeninger (Exchange Traded Funds) Certifikater (Exchange Traded Notes) ETF ETN Bull & Bear Long & Short Definition af en ETN • ETN = Exchange Traded Note • Og på dansk: En børsnoteret usikret fordring mod udstederbanken • Typisk indekseret i forhold til et underliggende aktiv • Passivt forvaltet • Kan være med eller uden gearing OMSÆTNINGSREKORD MÅNED EFTER MÅNED Enkeltaktier som Vestas, Pandora, Novo Index som C20, S30, DAX, Rusland Råvarer som olie og guld blandt de mest populære Finanstilsynet har åbnet op for pensionsmidler jf. Puljebekendtgørelsen 31 Bull & Bear Hvad er Bull & Bear? Bull Bear Du tror på et stigende marked, og har du ret, får du et positivt afkast, som kan være dobbelt så stort som den reelle stigning (tre gange på visse certifikater). Du tror på et faldende marked, og har du ret, får du et positivt afkast, som kan være dobbelt så stort, som det reelle fald (tre gange på visse certifikater). Bull og Bear, Long og Short. Hvad er forskellen? • Hos Handelsbanken er et Bull eller et Bear certifikat altid med gearing der er større end ±1 (I dag ±2 eller ±3) • Et Long eller Short certifikat er altid uden gearing (Gearing = ±1). • Ellers er produkterne fuldkommen ens i opbygningen. Certifikatets kortnavn BULL OLIE X2 H BULL angiver at det er et bullcertifikat OLIE angiver at certifikatet er koblet til prisen på olie X2 angiver produktets gearing H angiver at certifikatet er udstedt af Handelsbanken Hvordan fungerer Bull & Bear? + 10 % +6% +5% -3% 2x gearing Eksempler på Bull & Bear udstedelser Råvarer Aktier og aktieindeks OMXC20TM OMXS30TM Valuta Bull & Bear - Råvarer udstedt af Handelsbanken Energi Metaller Fødevare Hvede Guld Svinekød Sølv Olie Korn Elektricitet Soya Kobber Brændstof Emissions licenser Sukker Aluminium Kaffe Zink Kakao Nikkel Obs for valuta effekt Appelsin juice Bull & Bear - aktier og aktieindeks udstedt af Handelsbanken Medicinal Industri TM OMXC20 Transport Bank FMCG DAX (Tyskland) Pulp og Papir Tekstil Telecom OBX (Norge) Hvordan virker Bull? Prisen på Olie Kurs Bull Certifikat BULL Daglig % Udvikling BULL olie x2H Daglig% Udvikling Dag 1 $100 Kr. 50,00 Dag 2 $103 3,00% Kr. 53,00 6,00% Dag 3 $105 1,94% Kr. 55,06 3,88% Dag 4 $106 0,95% Kr. 56,10 1,90% Dag 5 $108 1,89% Kr. 58,22 3,77% Dag 6 $110 1,85% Kr. 60,37 3,70% % Udvikling 10,00% $130 $125 $120 $115 $110 $105 $100 $95 $90 kr 65,00 kr 60,00 kr 55,00 kr 50,00 kr 45,00 Dag 1 20,75% Administrationsomkostninger er indeholdt, men tager ikke højde for kurtage Dag 2 Dag 3 Prisen på Olie Dag 4 Dag 5 BULL olie x2H Dag 6 Hvordan virker Bear? Prisen på Olie Kurs BEAR Daglig % Udvikling BEAR Olie x2H Bear Certifikat Daglig % Udvikling Dag 1 $100 Kr. 50,00 Dag 2 $95 -5,00% Kr. 55,00 10,00% Dag 3 $100 5,26% Kr. 49,21 -10,53% Dag 4 $95 -5,00% Kr. 54,13 10,00% Dag 5 $100 5,26% Kr. 48,43 -10,53% Dag 6 $98 -2,00% Kr. 50,37 4,00% %Udvikling -2,00% $115 kr 57,00 $110 kr 55,00 $105 kr 53,00 kr 51,00 $100 kr 49,00 $95 kr 47,00 $90 kr 45,00 0,73% Administrationsomkostninger er indeholdt, men tager ikke højde for kurtage Dag 1 Dag 2 Dag 3 Prisen på Olie Dag 4 Dag 5 BULL olie x2H Dag 6 Vestas. Det gode eksempel på godt og ondt! Vestas. Det gode eksempel på godt og ondt! • Vestas lukkekurs d. 03.02.2012 = 74,45 • Vestas lukkekurs d. 12.07.2012 = 25,10 (Her rammer vestas aktien bunden i juli 12) • Afkast = - 66,29% • Hvad har en Bear ETN med 2 gange gearing givet i afkast i samme periode? • Bear VWS X2H lukkekurs d. 03.02.2012 = 44,76 • Bear VWS X2H lukkekurs d. 12.07.2012 = 227,35 • Afkast = 407,93 % På trods af udsving undervejs!! • ”Trend is your friend” Vestas. Det gode eksempel på godt og ondt! • Hvad hvis vi havde beholdt ETN’n et helt år? • Vestas lukkekurs d. 03.02.2013 = 34,39 • Afkast Vestas fra 03.02.2012 = - 53,81% • Lukkekurs Bear VWS X2H = 43,37 • Afkast Bear VWS X2H fra 03.02.2012 = - 3,11% • Volatiliteten er afgørende. Vestas det sidste års tid. Vestas det sidste års tid. Omkostninger ved Bull og Bear • Administrationsomkostninger: • 0,6% p.a. på aktier og aktie index med op til 2 x gearing • 0,9% p.a. på råvarer med 2 x gearing • 1,2% p.a. på råvarer med 3 x gearing • Finansieringsomkostninger: • 1 dages rente +0,25% p.a. marginal. • Omkostningerne fragår dagligt certifikatets værdi. • Svarende til 0,00167 kr. pr. dag for et certifikat med 1,2% i administrationsomkostning. Fakta om Handelsbankens Bull & Bear • Godt allokeringsalternativ – spredning af din portefølje • Nem og billig eksponering mod råvarer • Gearingselement. Uden risiko for at tabe mere end investeringen • Giver mulighed for at tjene på fald • Giver mulighed for hedging/risikoafdækning • Børsnoterede og handles på samme måde som almindelige aktier. Du bestemmer selv, hvor lang tid du ønsker at beholde dine Bull- eller Bear-certifikater • Stor likviditet sikret via marketmaker ordning. Risici ved Handelsbankens Bull & Bear • Modpartsrisiko på udstederbanken • Gearingselementet på dagsbasis (Volatilitet) • Tvangsindløsning ved udsving på 50% inden for dagen (100% på long/short, 33,33% for 3 gearede udstedelser) • Valutaeffekt • Vær opmærksom på at likviditeten i det underliggende aktiv kan have indflydelse på spreads. Skattemæssig behandling af Bull & Bear (Frie midler-Private) • Bull & Bear certifikater er betragtet som finansielle kontrakter • Beskattes som kapitalindkomst efter lagerprincippet. • Tab kan fremføres og modregnes i fremtidige gevinster • Er der tale om Bull & Bear certifikater baseret på aktier. Kan evt overskydende tab modregnes i aktiegevinster af børsnoterede aktier. Bull & Bear i pensioner • Lang proces med myndigheder for godkendelse • Nordea har i oktober 2013 fået godkendt deres ETN’er til pensioner • Handelsbanken er ligeledes i gang med processen, forventer snarlig afgørelse Eksempler på trading cases Den gode 1. Køb Bull Hvede 2. Lukning af Bull Hvede Den knap så gode 1. Køb Bull Vestas 2. Lukning af Bull Vestas Lukkede cases de sidste 3 måneder. • De sidste 7 cases har været med afkast med gevinst på minimum 10 %. • Den samlede historik findes på vores hjemmeside. Alt hvad du behøver at vide om Bull & Bear samlet på et website. Spørgsmål? Research Disclaimers Handelsbanken Capital Markets, a division of Svenska Handelsbanken AB (publ) (collectively referred to herein as ‘SHB’) is responsible for the preparation of research reports. All research reports are prepared from trade and statistical services and other information which SHB considers to be reliable. SHB does not represent that such information is true, accurate or complete and it should not be relied upon as such. In no event will SHB or any of its affiliates, their officers, directors or employees be liable to any person for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages arising out of any use of the information contained in the research reports, including without limitation any lost profits even if SHB is expressly advised of the possibility or likelihood of such damages. No independent verification exercise has been undertaken in respect of this information. Any opinions expressed are the opinions of employees of SHB and its affiliates and reflect their judgment at this date and are subject to change. The information in the research reports does not constitute a personal recommendation or investment advice. Reliance should not be placed on reviews or opinions expressed when taking investment or strategic decisions. SHB, its affiliates, their clients, officers, directors or employees own or have positions in securities mentioned in research reports. SHB and/or its affiliates provide investment banking and non-investment banking financial services, including corporate banking services; and, securities advice to issuers of securities mentioned in research reports. This document does not constitute or form part of any offer for sale or subscription of or solicitation of any offer to buy or subscribe for any securities nor shall it or any part of it form the basis of or be relied on in connection with any contract or commitment whatsoever. Past performance may not be repeated and should not be seen as an indication of future performance. The value of investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and investors may forfeit all principal originally invested. Investors are not guaranteed to make profits on investments and may lose money. Exchange rates may cause the value of overseas investments and the income arising from them to rise or fall. This research product will be updated on a regular basis. The distribution of this document in certain jurisdictions may be restricted by law and persons into whose possession this document comes should inform themselves about, and observe, any such restrictions. No part of SHB research reports may be reproduced or distributed to any other person without the prior written consent of SHB. Research reports are distributed in the UK by SHB. SHB is authorised by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspektionen), and authorised and subject to limited regulation by the UK Financial Services Authority. Details about the extent of our authorisation and regulation by the UK Financial Services Authority are available from us on request.In the United Kingdom, the research reports are directed only at Professional clients and Eligible counterparties (as defined in the rules of the FSA) and the investments or services to which they relate are available only to such persons. . The research reports must not be relied upon or acted on by private customers. UK customers should note that SHB does not participate in the UK Financial Services Compensation Scheme for investment business and accordingly UK customers will not be protected by that scheme.This does not exclude or restrict any duty or liability that SHB has to its customers under the regulatory system in the United Kingdom. SHB employees, including analysts, receive compensation that is generated by overall firm profitability. The views contained in SHB research reports accurately reflect the personal views of the respective analysts, and no part of analysts’ compensation is directly or indirectly related to specific recommendations or views expressed within research reports. For specific analyst certification, please contact Robert Gärtner +45 33418613. In the United Kingdom SHB is regulated by the FSA but recipients should note that neither the UK Financial Services Compensation Scheme not the rules of the FSA made under the UK Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 for the protection of private customers apply to this research report. When Distributed in the United States Important Third-Party Research Disclosures: Research reports are prepared by SHB for information purposes only. SHB and its employees are not subject to the FINRA’s research analyst conflict rules. SHB research reports are intended for distribution in the United States solely to “major U.S. institutional investors,” as defined in Rule 15a-6 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Each major U.S. institutional investor that receives a copy of research report by its acceptance hereof represents and agrees that it shall not distribute or provide research reports to any other person. Reports regarding fixed-income products are prepared by SHB and distributed by SHB to major U.S. institutional investors under Rule 15a-6(a)(2). Any U.S. person receiving these research reports that desires to effect transactions in any fixed-income product discussed within the research reports should call or write SHB. Reports regarding equity products are prepared by SHB and distributed in the United States by Handelsbanken Markets Securities Inc. (“HMSI”) under Rule 15a-6(a)(2). Any U.S. person receiving these research reports that desires to effect transactions in any equity product discussed within the research reports should call or write HMSI. HMSI is a FINRa Member, telephone number (+212-326-5153). Please be advised of the following important research disclosure statements: SHB is regulated in Sweden by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority, in Norway by the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway, In Finland by the Financial Supervision of Finland and in Denmark by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority. SHB has recently had, currently has, or will be seeking corporate finance assignments with the subject company. According to the Bank’s Ethical Guidelines for the Handelsbanken Group, the board and all employees of the Bank must observe high standards of ethics in carrying out their responsibilities at the Bank, as well as other assignments. The Bank has also adopted guidelines to ensure the integrity and independence of research analysts and the research department, as well as to identify, eliminate, avoid, deal with, or make public actual or potential conflicts of interests relating to analysts or the Bank. As part of its control of conflicts of interests, the Bank has introduced restrictions (“Ethical walls”) in communication between the Research department and other departments of the Bank. In addition, in the Bank’s organisational structure, the Research department is kept separate from the Corporate Finance department and other departments with similar remits. The guidelines also include regulations for how payments, bonuses and salaries may be paid out to analysts, what marketing activities an analyst may participate in, how analysts are to handle their own securities transactions and those of closely related persons, etc. In addition, there are restrictions in communications between analysts and the subject company. For full information on the Bank’s ethical guidelines and guidelines on conflicts of interests relating to analysts, please see the Bank’s website the bank/IR/Corporate social responsibility/Ethical guidelines or Guidelines for research.
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