Joint IAEA–NEA International Reporting System for Operating Experience (IRS) Technical Meeting to Exchange Experience on Recent Events at Nuclear Power Plants held consecutively with the Meeting of the IRS Technical Committee organized by the IAEA and the OECD/NEA IAEA Headquarters Vienna, Austria 28–31 October 2014 Ref. No: J8-TM-47128/J8-TM-47044 Information Sheet A. Introduction The International Reporting System for Operating Experience (IRS), operated jointly by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD/NEA), compiles and analyses information on nuclear power plant (NPP) events and promotes a systematic approach to the feedback of lessons learned from operating experience. Recognizing the importance of sharing experience pertaining to operational events at NPPs, the IAEA and the OECD/NEA have co-sponsored, within the framework of IRS activities, international joint meetings dedicated to the exchange of information on recent events of safety significance at NPPs. Participants in the earlier meetings have highlighted the importance of such meetings for improving the safe operation of NPPs, as well as the need to increase the information exchange between utilities and regulators. The meetings of the IRS Technical Committee, which are normally attended by the IRS National Coordinators, are conducted annually to review the status of IRS operation and management as performed within the framework of the relevant IAEA and OECD/NEA programmes. In recent years, Technical Meetings to exchange information on recent events of safety significance at NPPs have been held in conjunction with the annual meetings of the IRS Technical Committee. The two consecutive meetings to which this Information Sheet refers should be considered as two parts of the same meeting, which hereinafter also will be referred to as “the meeting”. The objective of the first part of the meeting is to exchange and discuss information on recent events that have occurred at NPPs. The second part will be devoted mainly to analytical activity performed within the framework of the IRS. As mentioned above and as agreed on by the IRS Advisory Committee, industry participation is welcome at the first part of the meeting where information on recent events will be exchanged. The second part is restricted to IRS National Coordinators and their alternates. The meeting will take place at the IAEA’s Headquarters in Vienna, Austria — specifically in Press Room MOE, Building M, of the Vienna International Centre (VIC) — from 28 to 31 October 2014. The meeting will commence at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, 28 October 2014. It is planned to finish at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, 31 October 2014. B. Programme From Tuesday, 28 October 2014, to Thursday, 30 October 2014: Technical Meeting to Exchange Experience on Recent Events at Nuclear Power Plants: 1. Presentation and discussion of recent safety-significant events at NPPs 2. Presentations on good practices and actions taken in response to events 3. Plenary discussion on safety issues identified in presentations made at the meeting Page 2 Friday, 31 October 2014: Meeting of the IRS Technical Committee: 1. Issues raised by the 21st meeting of the IRS Advisory Committee 2. IAEA activities in 2014 3. OECD/NEA activities in 2014 The final agenda of the meeting will be sent to designated participants at a later date. C. Participation and Meeting Secretariats All persons wishing to participate in the meeting should be nominated according to the OECD/NEA or IAEA official procedures. Nominations should be transmitted through the national delegates to the Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities (CNRA) for experts from OECD/NEA member countries and/or through the governments of IAEA Member States. Official correspondence with regard to the meeting and, in particular, the Participation Form should be addressed to the Scientific Secretaries of the meeting, Ms Nancy Salgado of the OECD/NEA’s Nuclear Safety Division and Mr Xavier Bernard-Bruls of the IAEA’s Division of Nuclear Installation Safety. For OECD/NEA member countries: For IAEA Member States: Ms Nancy Salgado Nuclear Safety Division Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD/NEA) Le Seine Saint Germain 12, boulevard des Îles 92130 ISSY-LES-MOULINEAUX FRANCE Mr Xavier Bernard-Bruls Division of Nuclear Installation Safety Department of Nuclear Safety and Security International Atomic Energy Agency Vienna International Centre PO Box 100 1400 VIENNA AUSTRIA Tel.: +33 1 4524 1055 Fax: +33 1 4524 1129 Email: [email protected] Tel.: +43 1 2600 26078 Fax: +43 1 26007 29937 Email: [email protected] D. Presentations Participants are invited to propose recent safety-significant events which have occurred in their respective countries to be presented during the first part of the meeting. The Meeting Secretariats will propose events to be included in the first part of the discussion (in-depth presentation). Events presented at the meeting are required to be entered into the web-based IRS database. Page 3 The presentations should include a brief description of the events or the significant issue and their cause(s). The focus of the presentations should be on addressing the corrective actions taken (or planned), as well as their importance for safety in terms of consequences (actual or potential) and lessons learned. Risk insights are welcome, if known. Participants are invited to take a look at the attached guidance document prepared by the Meeting Secretariat on how to create an effective IRS presentation. To facilitate preparation of the meeting, and to ensure an effective exchange of information, it is essential that any proposed presentation be sent in advance to the OECD/NEA, with a copy to the IAEA. The deadline for sending presentations is 15 October 2014. Participants are invited to send their presentations in electronic form only, preferably in Microsoft PowerPoint format. Presentations will be distributed only to participants. It is up to the competent authorities in the participating countries to decide upon any further dissemination within their respective countries bearing in mind that these documents are to be used for official purposes only. The Meeting Secretariats are happy to help in determining the correct length and style of participants’ presentations in order to optimize the timetable of the meeting. E. Working Language The working language for the presentations during the meeting will be English. No simultaneous interpretation will be provided. F. Expenditures The costs of the meeting are borne by the IAEA. No registration fee is charged to participants. Travel and subsistence expenses of participants will not be borne by the OECD/NEA or by the IAEA. The IAEA has, however, limited funds at its disposal to help meet the cost of attendance of certain participants. Such assistance may be offered upon specific request to normally one participant per country (usually the IRS National Coordinator) provided that the IRS National Coordinator of that country has submitted at least one report in the web-based IRS since early 2014. The application for IAEA financial support should be made at the time of nominating the participant. G. Visas Designated participants who require a visa to enter Austria should submit the necessary application to the nearest diplomatic or consular representative of Austria as soon as possible. Page 4 H. Accommodation Reservations at hotels are to be made directly by the participants. Form A J8-TM-47128/J8-TM-47044 International Atomic Energy Agency Participation Form Technical Meeting to Exchange Experience on Recent Events at Nuclear Power Plants held consecutively with the Meeting of the Technical Committee of the International Reporting System for Operating Experience IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria 28–31 October 2014 To be completed by the participant and sent to the competent official authority (e.g. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Permanent Mission to the IAEA, or National Atomic Energy Authority) of his/her country for subsequent transmission to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria, either electronically by email to: [email protected] or by fax to: +43 1 26007 (no hard copies needed). Kindly send also a copy per email to the IAEA Scientific Secretary for the meeting, Mr Xavier Bernard-Bruls (Email: [email protected]), as well as to the OECD/NEA Scientific Secretary for the meeting, Ms Nancy Salgado (Email: [email protected]). Deadline for receipt by IAEA through official channels: 31 July 2014 Family name: Given name(s): Mr/Ms Institution: Full address: For urgent communications please indicate: Tel.: Fax: Email: Nationality: Nominating Government or organization: Mailing address (if different from address indicated above): Do you intend to submit a paper during the meeting to exchange experience on recent events? Yes Title of paper: No Guidance for Effective and Efficient Information Exchange on Lessons Learned from Recent Events Guidance for Presentations It was agreed during the International Reporting System for Operating Experience (IRS) meetings in 2003 that the Joint IAEA–OECD/NEA Meeting Secretariats should prepare guidance for an effective presentation of safety-significant events. The points outlined below should not be considered as tightly normative but rather prescriptive, with a view to aiding the IRS National Coordinators in the preparation of their presentations. The main principle is that an ideally structured presentation should emphasize the most important lessons at the outset. Therefore, it is suggested that these be gathered into an executive summary at the beginning of the presentation. Also, presenting orally an overly detailed timing of the events in question and providing an abundance of technical details may obscure the main lessons. Naturally, additional details may be included in a handout that is distributed to the audience. An ideal structure of a presentation would thus be: 1. Front page: Headline (one sentence) describing the event. In addition: facility name, reactor type, plant capacity in MW(e); age or date of commercial operation, incident date, etc. Reference to the IRS report, if already sent. Contact details of the author. 2. Executive summary of points 3–6 — one (max. two) slide(s): the main lessons learned, the significant safety features revealed/confirmed by the event and the situation with regard to follow-up actions (to crystallize the message). If necessary, the discussion may be continued under points 5 and 6 but the lessons have to be shown first. 3. Event description, including a rough outline of how the event developed, which may potentially be supported by the main data relating to the facility and the event and by a drawing (or drawings) (only to the extent that is necessary to understand the lessons and safety significance). 4. References to previous events with similar characteristics (recurrence) or, otherwise, giving a better perspective for understanding the significance of the event described (examples of additional information that is not obligatory but desirable include: the event’s importance in terms of probabilistic safety assessment; other analyses that are under way or have already been carried out, etc. Note also that human and organizational factors are often involved in events but not sufficiently reported upon — was there something to learn with regard to such factors?). 5. National (regulatory, licensee, research) actions based on this event (and potentially other events) to correct/improve the situation and the status with regard to the actions (indicate separate immediate actions and larger-scale ones if this is a more generic problem). 6. Concluding remarks should basically consolidate the executive summary but may include additional points and questions for consideration and IRS related discussion. Additionally, you may include in the handout part of your presentation: Detailed timing of events Additional drawings
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