Media release

Sunrise Communications AG
Sunrise Media Hotline
P.O. Box
CH-8050 Zurich
[email protected]
0800 333 000
+41 58 777 61 67
Media release
Zurich, February 24, 2014
MTV mobile: New rates, WhatsApp included and discounted
half-fare travelcard
Turn two into four: Thanks to a new rate portfolio consisting of four mobile
subscriptions, MTV mobile now fits the under-30 target group even better. Now data
sent via WhatsApp are included and do not affect the subscription's data volume.
Future MTV mobile swiss and world customers can use up to 100MB of WhatsApp
data abroad, free of charge. Because we are partnering with SBB, MTV mobile
customers now also benefit from a 50% discount on a new half-fare travelcard.
Last fall, Sunrise increased the age limit for MTV mobile products to 30 years and, with the
MTV home offer launched in January, became the only provider in Switzerland to offer
teenagers and young adults all products for both home and underway under its own brand
and from a single source. With the launch of the new MTV mobile subscriptions, Sunrise is
adapting its product portfolio even more closely to the needs of the expanded target group.
All subscriptions will continue to include flat rates with no restriction on use for phone calls,
SMS/MMS and web browsing in Switzerland. With MTV mobile world, the international needs
of the target group, including calls and SMS abroad as well as data roaming abroad, are now
covered as well. Entry into the world of MTV mobile, with either a subscription or a prepaid
plan, starts at just CHF 15.
WhatsApp data included
WhatsApp is the most popular messaging service in Switzerland and has more than 400 million
active users worldwide. With the new MTV mobile subscriptions, the data volume generated
by using the app will no longer be deducted from the high-speed data volume. As a result,
MTV mobile customers with all subscriptions can browse longer with up to 100 Mbps, no
matter how many messages, pictures or videos they send via WhatsApp. With the MTV mobile
swiss subscription for CHF 65.- and the MTV mobile world subscription for CHF 85.- per month,
an additional 100 MB of data are included for the use of WhatsApp in many European
MTV mobile half-fare travelcard with 50% discount
Thanks to our partnership with SBB, customers with an MTV mobile my friends, swiss or world
plan benefit from the special half-fare travelcard offer. The half-fare travelcard lets you travel
for half price on all SBB routes, on many private and mountain railways as well as on ferry
lines and postal coaches. Starting in the second quarter, both new and existing customers can
obtain a new half-fare travelcard for one or two years with the MTV mobile half-fare
travelcard option and pay for it in convenient monthly installments as part of their mobile
phone bill – and every month MTV mobile covers half of the costs. Thus MTV mobile customers
save CHF 87.50 for one year and CHF 165.- for two years with the MTV mobile half-fare
subscription. If a customer already has a half-fare travelcard, SBB will refund the remaining
Sunrise Communications AG
Sunrise Media Hotline
P.O. Box
CH-8050 Zurich
[email protected]
0800 333 000
+41 58 777 61 67
Media release
Zurich, February 24, 2014
value of the pass on that same day.
Overview of MTV mobile rates
More than a mobile subscription
Thanks to our collaboration with MTV, MTV mobile is more than just a mobile service: With
the "MTV Under The Thumb" app for iOS and Android, MTV mobile customers benefit from
unlimited access to hundreds of hours of the best MTV shows, exclusive previews and all the
pop culture news in words, pictures and videos. In this way, the mobile phone becomes a
portable TV screen. In addition, MTV regularly offers MTV mobile customers opportunities to
participate in unique events, such as the MTV EMA (European Music Awards) or the Isle of
MTV, as well as many other contests for concert and festival tickets, special gadgets, mobile
phones and other attractive prizes. More information about MTV mobile is available at
Sunrise Communications AG
Sunrise Media Hotline
P.O. Box
CH-8050 Zurich
[email protected]
0800 333 000
+41 58 777 61 67
Media release
Zurich, February 24, 2014
Sunrise ist die grösste private Telekommunikationsanbieterin der Schweiz mit Niederlassungen in Zürich, Kloten,
Luzern, Basel, Bern, Biel/Bienne, Renens, Genf und Lugano. Rund 3 Millionen Kunden nutzen die Produkte und
Dienstleistungen von Sunrise in den Bereichen Mobiltelefonie, Festnetz, Internet und IPTV. Sunrise TV, die neueste
Generation des Entertainments, zeichnet sich durch die grösste Auswahl an HD-Sendern im Basispaket, die
Funktionen „ComeBack TV“ und „Live Pause“ sowie eine einzigartige Vielfalt an TV- und Radio-Kanälen aus. Der
Geschäftskundenbereich Business Sunrise bietet individuelle Kommunikationslösungen für Geschäftskunden an. Das
Mobilfunknetz von Sunrise, das auf den Technologien GSM, EDGE, UMTS, HSPA+ und 4G/LTE basiert, stellt für 99%
der Bevölkerung moderne Mobilfunkdienste mit einer Übertragungsgeschwindigkeit von bis zu 100 MBit/s bereit. Ein
Hochleistungs-Glasfasernetz mit einer Gesamtlänge von 10 000 km ermöglicht die Bereitstellung hochwertiger
Sprach- und Datendienste im ganzen Land. Dank der Entbündelung kann Sunrise mit ihren Breitbanddiensten ca.
85% aller Haushalte erreichen. Schweizweit betreibt Sunrise knapp 100 Sunrise Center. Sunrise ist eine Marke der
Sunrise Communications AG.
Viacom International Media Networks:
Viacom International Media Networks Northern Europe gehört zu Viacom International Media Networks und agiert
in Deutschland, der Schweiz und Österreich, Schweden, Norwegen, Finnland und Dänemark sowie den Niederlanden
und Belgien. Mit MTV, Comedy Central, VIVA, Nickelodeon und anderen bekannten Entertainment-Marken bietet
Viacom International Media Networks in Nordeuropa 37 Sender für die Zielgruppen Kinder und Familien, Jugendliche
und Erwachsene an. Insgesamt wird das TV-Angebot von Viacom International Media Networks Northern Europe von
mehr als 62 Millionen Haushalten in Nordeuropa genutzt. Auf mehr als 40 Webseiten in Nordeuropa bietet Viacom
International Media Networks zudem noch mehr Musik, Nachrichten und Unterhaltung. Mit MTV Mobile bietet
Viacom International Media Networks in Deutschland, der Schweiz, den Niederlanden, Belgien und Polen eigene
Mobile-Marken an. Viacom International Media Networks gehört zu Viacom nc. (NYSE: VIA, VIA.B) und umfasst viele
der beliebtesten Multimedia-Entertainment-Marken. Zu diesen zählen MTV, Nickelodeon, Comedy Central, BET, die
Non-Premium-Sender von Paramount Pictures, VH1, VIVA, MTVHD, TMF, COLORS, Game One und Tr3s: MTV, Música y
Más, ein Sender für das hispanische Publikum in den USA. Die Viacom-Marken werden weltweit von mehr als 600
Millionen Haushalten in 160 Regionen und 34 Sprachen über 166 lokale Fernsehsender und mehr als 550 digitale und
mobile Medienplattformen empfangen.
Sunrise Media Office
Sunrise Communications AG
Binzmühlestrasse 130
Media Hotline: 0800 333 000
8050 Zurich
Email [email protected]
Press contact VIMN Switzerland AG
VIMN Switzerland AG
Sanja Ruggiero
Seestrasse 353
Phone: +41 44 556 56 56
8038 Zurich-Wollishofen
Email [email protected]