Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session: Section: Days / Time: Instructor: Fall 2014 52999 M W 5:00 PM – 9:20 PM RIDDELL Sample / Practice Mid-Term Exam 1 MTX1 This is an example Exam….Yours will be similar and different. Use the appropriate column of choices in case of a misalignment during this edit. General Anatomy Match the COMPONENTS and the FUNCTIONS with the respective SYSTEM to which they are most closely associated. See Column 1 for choices 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. SELECT CONSTITUENTS GENERAL FUNCTIONS esophagus, liver, pancreas, and anus brain stem and spinal nerves tonsils, thymus, and spleen thyroid, pancreas, ovary, and pituitary fallopian tubes and seminal vesicles ligaments and articulations kidneys and bladder sudiferous and sebaceous glands and hair larynx, pharynx, trachea, bronchus and lungs tendons, axial and appendicular muscles arteries and veins and heart 12. Chemical control of growth, development, homeostasis, reproduction and sexual dimorphism 13. Consciousness, electro-chemical signaling and homeostasis 14. External defense, thermal homeostasis 15. External respiration 16. Gametogenesis and copulation 17. Infectious and metatataic defense and fatty acid transport (2 CHOICES) 18. Maceration, salivation, AND absorption 19. Micturition / voidance and control of blood volume and pressure 20. Oxygen, carbon dioxide and nutrient transport 21. Support, movement and blood formation 22. Voluntary Movement, Motility, Mobility Location / Perspective and Aspect MATCHING: Match the term that best fills in the positional relationship. Choose answers from Column IV 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. The mediastinum is _________to the parietal pericardium. The pelvic cavity is ____ to the abdominal cavity The vertebral column is _____ to the thoracic cage The coracoid process is ____ to the acromion The wrist is ______ to the elbow. The sternum is ____ to the vertebral column The greater trochanter is _________to the lesser trochanter. The Occipital condyles are _________to the foramen magnum Page 1 of 27 BIOL 218 52999 F 2014 MTX 1 Practice Q 100909.1C Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session: Section: Days / Time: Instructor: Fall 2014 52999 M W 5:00 PM – 9:20 PM RIDDELL Sample / Practice Mid-Term Exam 1 MTX1 MATCHING: Match the section name with its respective definition Section Definition 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. A. Divides left from right / laterally but not equally B. Divides superior from inferior C. Divides anterior from posterior D. Divides the structure at an angle, not perpendicular or parallel E. divides equilaterally, left from right Coronal / Frontal Medial / sagittal Parasagittal Transverse / cross Oblique Page 2 of 27 BIOL 218 52999 F 2014 MTX 1 Practice Q 100909.1C Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session: Section: Days / Time: Instructor: Fall 2014 52999 M W 5:00 PM – 9:20 PM RIDDELL Sample / Practice Mid-Term Exam 1 MTX1 Anatomical Terminology - Regions of the Body MATCHING: Match the anatomical terminology to the common term ANATOMICAL 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. CODE Acromial Antebrachial Antecubital Axillary Buccal Calcaneal Crural Glossal Inguinal Mental Pedal Plantar Popliteal Scapular Sternal Sural Thoracic A B C D E AB AC AD AE BC BD BE. CD CE DE ABC ABD ABE ACD ACE ADE BCD BCE BDE CDE ABCD ABCE ABDE ACDE ABCDE Page 3 of 27 COMMON TERM ankle anterior elbow arm calf cheek chest chin ear elbow foot forearm forehead groin hand head heel lower back mid-chest, anterior thorax nose palm posterior knee reproductive shin shoulder shoulder blade sole thigh tongue underarm, armpit wrist BIOL 218 52999 F 2014 MTX 1 Practice Q 100909.1C Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session: Section: Days / Time: Instructor: Fall 2014 52999 M W 5:00 PM – 9:20 PM RIDDELL Sample / Practice Mid-Term Exam 1 MTX1 Illustration of Body Cavities Viewing Inferiorly from Thoracic Vert 6 See Column II for Choices 53. Name this body regional cavity 54. Name this aspect @@ 55. Name the specific cavity in which this organ resides @ 56. Name the cavity indicated by the dotted line # 57. Name the specific bone prominence & 58. Name the cavity inferior to this view Page 4 of 27 59. Name the cavity which the specific bone structure %% protects 60. Name this organ ## 61. Name the specific cavity in which this organ resides ## 62. This illustration of a cross section is from a specimen lying in _________ position 63. If we were looking from the cranial perspective / direction, the indicators ## and %% would represent patient ___ See Column IV for this answer BIOL 218 52999 F 2014 MTX 1 Practice Q 100909.1C Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session: Section: Days / Time: Instructor: Fall 2014 52999 M W 5:00 PM – 9:20 PM RIDDELL Sample / Practice Mid-Term Exam 1 MTX1 Cells 64. Extracellular fluid found within blood vessels is called: A. lymph. B. plasma. C. cytosol. D. blood. 65. Extracellular fluid found between the cells (not within any vessel) is called: A. lymph. B. intercellular fluid. C. cytosol. D. interstitial fluid. Table of Cell Junctions / Connections Mark all codes that apply to these broad functional classes of cell junctions # Primary Function 66. Taut, rigid, securing, occluding 67. Anchoring to basal membrane 68. Anchoring cell skeleton to cell skeleton 69. Communicative Page 5 of 27 CODE A. B. C. D. E. Choices Adherens Gap Desmosome Hemidesmosome Tight BIOL 218 52999 F 2014 MTX 1 Practice Q 100909.1C Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session: Section: Days / Time: Instructor: Fall 2014 52999 M W 5:00 PM – 9:20 PM RIDDELL Sample / Practice Mid-Term Exam 1 MTX1 Chapter 3 Tissues 70. The type of muscular tissue found in blood vessels is: A. cardiac B. skeletal C. vesicular D. smooth 71. The type of epithelial tissue found lining the mouth and esophagus is: A. stratified cuboidal B. stratified squamous C. simple columnar D. transitional 72. All connective tissues have an extracellular matrix (material between the cells). Which connective tissue's matrix is fluid? A. blood B. bone C. reticular D. areolar 73. Heart valves need to be able to resist stress in various directions. Which type of connective tissue best serves this purpose? A. dense regular B. reticular C. areolar D. dense irregular Page 6 of 27 BIOL 218 52999 F 2014 MTX 1 Practice Q 100909.1C Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session: Section: Days / Time: Instructor: Fall 2014 52999 M W 5:00 PM – 9:20 PM RIDDELL Sample / Practice Mid-Term Exam 1 MTX1 THIS PAGE LEFT PURPOSELY BLANK____ Page 7 of 27 BIOL 218 52999 F 2014 MTX 1 Practice Q 100909.1C Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session: Section: Days / Time: Instructor: Fall 2014 52999 M W 5:00 PM – 9:20 PM RIDDELL Sample / Practice Mid-Term Exam 1 MTX1 Table of Tissues Classification; Fill in the following tables of histological classification. Resort to alphabetical order if more than one choice is required for a given list in a given level. Use the following lists of choices for your answers. List of Choices: Classes and Subtypes CODE SUBTYPE SHAPE A B C D E AB AC AD AE BC BD BE CD CE DE ABC ABD ABE ACD ACE ADE Adipose Areolar Blood Bone Cardiac Cartilage Cells Fibrous / Fibro Fluid Hyaline Lymph Neuroglia Neuron Plasma Pseudostratified Simple Skeletal Smooth Stratified Supportive Transitional Columnar Cuboidal Squamous FEATURES Ciliated Keratinized Non-ciliated Non-keratinized FORM Compact Dense Elastic Irregular Loose Regular Reticular Spongy Page 8 of 27 LOCATION / RELATION Central Peripheral CELL NAME Astrocytes Basophil Eiosinophil Ependymal Erythrocytes Leukocytes Lymphocyte Macrophage Microglia Monocyte Neutrophil Oligodendrocytes Platelets Satellite Schwann BIOL 218 52999 F 2014 MTX 1 Practice Q 100909.1C Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session: Section: Days / Time: Instructor: Fall 2014 52999 M W 5:00 PM – 9:20 PM RIDDELL Sample / Practice Mid-Term Exam 1 MTX1 THIS PAGE LEFT PURPOSELY BLANK____ Page 9 of 27 BIOL 218 52999 F 2014 MTX 1 Practice Q 100909.1C Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session: Section: Days / Time: Instructor: Fall 2014 52999 M W 5:00 PM – 9:20 PM RIDDELL Sample / Practice Mid-Term Exam 1 MTX1 Histology Classification Main CLASS Sub Type MAIN DIVISION Connective Fibrous Sub Type Sub Type FEATURES Cell (Cyte) Type Cell Sub Type / Specific Name Name 75. __ 74. __ Irregular Regular Loose Adipose 76. __ Reticular Fluid 77. Blood 78. __ 79. __ Leukocytes Basophil Eiosinophil Lymphocyte Monocyte Neutrophil 80. __ 81. __ Lymph 82. __ 83. __ 84. __ Spongy Cartilage Elastic Fibro 85. Hyaline Page 10 of 27 BIOL 218 52999 F 2014 MTX 1 Practice Q 100909.1C Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session: Section: Days / Time: Instructor: Fall 2014 52999 M W 5:00 PM – 9:20 PM RIDDELL Sample / Practice Mid-Term Exam 1 MTX1 Histology Classification continued Main CLASS Epithelial Sub Type MAIN DIVISION Sub Type SHAPE Sub Type FEATURES Cell (Cyte) Type Cell Name Pseudostratified Simple Cuboidal 86. __ Ciliated Non Ciliated 87. __ Stratified Cuboidal Columnar 88. __ Non Keratinized Keratinized Transitional Muscle 89. __ Skeletal Smooth Nervous Neuroglia Central Astrocytes Ependymal Oligodendrocytes Microglia Peripheral Satellite Schwan 90. __ Page 11 of 27 BIOL 218 52999 F 2014 MTX 1 Practice Q 100909.1C Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session: Section: Days / Time: Instructor: Fall 2014 52999 M W 5:00 PM – 9:20 PM RIDDELL Sample / Practice Mid-Term Exam 1 MTX1 Bone Tissue 91. The outer “skin” of a long bone, composed of dense irregular connective tissue is the: A. pericardium B. periosteum C. eposteum D. epiphysis 92. Which type of bone cell is responsible for forming bone matrix? A. osteocyte B. osteoclast C. osteobyte D. osteoblast 93. The space between the struts or trabeculae in spongy bone is filled with: __________. A. air B. yellow bone marrow C. water D. red bone marrow 94. The main types of fetal ossification include: Mark all that apply. A. intrchondral B. endochondral C. endomembranous D. intramermbranous E. extrachondral Page 12 of 27 BIOL 218 52999 F 2014 MTX 1 Practice Q 100909.1C Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session: Section: Days / Time: Instructor: Fall 2014 52999 M W 5:00 PM – 9:20 PM RIDDELL Sample / Practice Mid-Term Exam 1 MTX1 Skeleton Bone membership Classification; Mark A for Appendicular and B for Axial and C for Accessory to identify the membership of the bone to these classes of the skeletal system # BONE 95. _ 96. _ 97. _ 98. __ 99. __ 100. __ APPENDICULAR A AXIAL B ASSOCIATED C Incus phalanx bone containing petrous process bone containing a styloid process bone containing a fossa bone containing foramen lacerum Matching: Match the descriptions with the class of articulations: Mark all that apply for each Class CLASS 101. 102. 103. Definition / Description Amphiarthrotic Diarthrotic Synarthrotic A. Simple, not readily moveable B. Moderately complex, some shared movement C. Complex structure, Highly flexible D. Synovial E. Suture 104. The ________ bone connects to all other cranial bones, thus giving it the nickname “keystone”. A. phalanx B. sphenoid C. stapes D. temporal 105. What feature(s) can one find in ALL cervical vertebrae but not in thoracic or lumbar? Mark all that apply. A. transverse foramen B. bifid spinous process C. vertebral foramen D. transverse process E. vertebral body 106. Which bone contains the external auditory meatus? A. temporal B. sphenoid C. ethmoid D. parietal Page 13 of 27 BIOL 218 52999 F 2014 MTX 1 Practice Q 100909.1C Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session: Section: Days / Time: Instructor: Fall 2014 52999 M W 5:00 PM – 9:20 PM RIDDELL Sample / Practice Mid-Term Exam 1 MTX1 107. The auditory ossicles and the _________ are the only freely moving bones in your skull. A. maxilla B. mandible C. mastoid D. zygomatic 108. Most of the structural differences between the male and female skeletons are related to adaptation for: A) problems associated with height differences. B) problems associated with interior decorating preferences C) hunting vs. gathering. D) pregnancy and childbirth. E) roles in sexual activity. 109. The main function of the appendicular skeleton is to: A) facilitate movement. B) protect internal organs. C) produce hormones for regulation of calcium balance. D) store iron for blood cell production. E) help regulate body temperature. 110. When you sit on a stool, in perfect posture, which part of the coxal bones touch the stool first? A) ischial spines B) ischial tuberosities C) iliac crests D) pubic symphysis E) inferior pubic rami 111. The interosseous membrane joins the: A) radius and ulna. B). fibula and tibia C) femur and tibia. D) left and right scapulae. E) medial malleolus and lateral malleolus AB. A and B. AC. A and C AD. A and D AE. bones of the metacarpals BC. none of the above Page 14 of 27 BIOL 218 52999 F 2014 MTX 1 Practice Q 100909.1C Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session: Section: Days / Time: Instructor: Fall 2014 52999 M W 5:00 PM – 9:20 PM RIDDELL Sample / Practice Mid-Term Exam 1 MTX1 112. The large hole in the coxal bone through which blood vessels and nerves pass is the: A) acetabulum. B) pubic symphysis. C) obturator foramen. D) iliac fossa. E) glenoid cavity. 113. A. B. C. D. Which of the following applies to the sella turcica? it supports and protects the pituitary gland it is bounded directly laterally by the foramen spinosum as is true for the mastoid process and air cells, it does not develop until after birth it permits passage of the optic nerves 114. A. B. C. D. The hyoid bone serves as a base of attachment for muscles that move the tongue is part of the mandible is located inferior to the larynx articulates with the maxillae 115. The vertebral structure that has a pedicle and a lamina, and from which the spinous process projects, is the A. centrum B. transverse process C. inferior articular process D. vertebral arch 116. A. B. C. D. The role of fontanels is to allow for compression of the skull during childbirth serve as ossification centers for the facial bones serve as the final bony plates of the skull lighten the weight of the skull bones 117. A. B. C. D. The sacrum provides protection for reproductive, digestive, and excretory organs bears the most weight in the vertebral column articulates with the pectoral girdle is composed of vertebrae that are completely fused by puberty 118. A. B. C. D. The side walls of the vertebral foramen are formed by the body of the vertebra spinous process pedicles laminae Page 15 of 27 BIOL 218 52999 F 2014 MTX 1 Practice Q 100909.1C Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session: Section: Days / Time: Instructor: Fall 2014 52999 M W 5:00 PM – 9:20 PM RIDDELL Sample / Practice Mid-Term Exam 1 MTX1 119. A. B. C. D. The portion of the sternum that articulates with the clavicles is the manubrium body xiphoid process angle 120. The prominent groove along the inferior border of the internal rib surface A. provides an attachment for intercostal muscles B. is called the costal groove C. marks the path of nerves and blood vessels D. both b and c are correct Page 16 of 27 BIOL 218 52999 F 2014 MTX 1 Practice Q 100909.1C Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session: Section: Days / Time: Instructor: Fall 2014 52999 M W 5:00 PM – 9:20 PM RIDDELL Sample / Practice Mid-Term Exam 1 MTX1 Identification: Select the correct anatomical term from Column VII X and XI of Choices for the respective request for identification as marked by its symbol. 121. 122. 123. 124. Name this bone(s) Name this suture @ Name this suture $ Name this suture & 125. 126. 127. 128. Page 17 of 27 Name this aspect ZZ Name the bone that articulates here $ Name the bone that articulates here & Name the bone that forms a suture here BIOL 218 52999 F 2014 MTX 1 Practice Q 100909.1C Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session: Section: Days / Time: Instructor: Fall 2014 52999 M W 5:00 PM – 9:20 PM RIDDELL Sample / Practice Mid-Term Exam 1 MTX1 154-156 In addition to the Ethmoid, Lacrimal, Sphenoid and Palatine, name the other 3 bones in alphabetical order that define the cavity of the Orbit. See Column VII for your choices Additional bones of the Orbit: 129. _____ 130. _____ 131. ____ Page 18 of 27 BIOL 218 52999 F 2014 MTX 1 Practice Q 100909.1C Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session: Section: Days / Time: Instructor: Fall 2014 52999 M W 5:00 PM – 9:20 PM RIDDELL Sample / Practice Mid-Term Exam 1 MTX1 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. Name this bone Name this bone Name this bone Name this bone Name this bone Name this bone Name this suture 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. Page 19 of 27 Name this bone Name this bone Name this bone Name this bone Name this bone Name this bone BIOL 218 52999 F 2014 MTX 1 Practice Q 100909.1C Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session: Section: Days / Time: Instructor: Fall 2014 52999 M W 5:00 PM – 9:20 PM RIDDELL Sample / Practice Mid-Term Exam 1 MTX1 Fill in the following table for the axial skeleton: Rely on alphabetic order to complete the respective sections and lists. See Column VII for bones and XI for count choices Skull Bone Cranium 145. __ 1 Frontal 146. 1 __ 1 Parietal 148. Facial Vertebral Column 153. __ 147. __ 2 Inf Nasal Conchae 2 Lacrimal 149. Mandible 1 150. 2 __ Nasal 2 Palatine 2 151. __ 1 Zygomatic 2 Cervical 7 Coccyx 1 __ 1 Thoracic 12 Incus 2 __ Stapes Hypoglossal / Submandibular Page 20 of 27 156. __ 5 Sacral 154. __ 1 Temporal 152. Accessory / Associated Count 155. __ 2 __ 1 BIOL 218 52999 F 2014 MTX 1 Practice Q 100909.1C Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session: Section: Days / Time: Instructor: Fall 2014 52999 M W 5:00 PM – 9:20 PM RIDDELL Sample / Practice Mid-Term Exam 1 MTX1 Identification: Select the correct anatomical term from Column VII VIII IX and XI of Choices for the respective request for identification as marked by its symbol. 157. Name this bone specific @ 158. Name the fused coxal bone that is shown but not indicated in this illustration 159. Name this structure % 160. Name this structure ?? 161. How many of these bones, of the ones pictured, are members of the axial skeleton? 162. Name this bone $ 163. Name this bone ## =$$ Page 21 of 27 BIOL 218 52999 F 2014 MTX 1 Practice Q 100909.1C Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session: Section: Days / Time: Instructor: Fall 2014 52999 M W 5:00 PM – 9:20 PM RIDDELL Sample / Practice Mid-Term Exam 1 MTX1 Identification: Select the correct anatomical term from Column IV VIII X of Choices for each of the bones marked by its symbol. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. Name this structure # Name this region of this bone $ Name this process $$ Name this bone @@ Name this bone # Name this bone && Page 22 of 27 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. Name this structure + Name this perspective ZZ Name this specimen aspect Name this structure ## Name the bones that articulate with this bone & BIOL 218 52999 F 2014 MTX 1 Practice Q 100909.1C Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session: Section: Days / Time: Instructor: Fall 2014 52999 M W 5:00 PM – 9:20 PM RIDDELL Sample / Practice Mid-Term Exam 1 MTX1 MATCHING: Match the structure / bone with its corresponding or articulating structure or bone. # 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. Structure / Bone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Auricular Surface Of Sacrum Head Of Femur Medial Extremity Of Clavicle Head Of Humerus Glenoid Cavity Distal End Of The Tibia Olecranon articulates with Head Of Ulna Articulates with Coxal Bones Articulate With Costal Tubercle Articulates with Page 23 of 27 CODE A B C D E. AB AC AD AE BC BD BE CD CE DE ABC ABD ABE ACD ACE ADE BCD BCE BDE CDE ABCD ABCE ABDE ACDE ABCDE ARTICULATING, OR CORRESPONDING STRUCTURE / BONE Acetabulum Acromion Of Scapula Capitulum Of Humerus Clavicle Condyle, Capitulum / Trochlea Coronoid Fossa Coxal Femur Fibula Glenoid Cavity Head Of Fibula Head Of Radius Head of Humerus Ilium Interosseous Membrane Ischium Lunate Medial Condyle Of Femur Olecrenon Fossa Radial notch of ulna Radius Sacrum Scaphoid Scapula Sternum / Manubrium Styloid Process Talus Thoracic vertebrae Tibia Transverse process of Vertebrae BIOL 218 52999 F 2014 MTX 1 Practice Q 100909.1C Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session: Section: Days / Time: Instructor: Fall 2014 52999 M W 5:00 PM – 9:20 PM RIDDELL Sample / Practice Mid-Term Exam 1 MTX1 Greek and Latin Lexicaon # 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. Definition _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Disease To cut To chew White Same Inside In between Outside Divided Gnosis Ology CODE A B C D E. AB AC AD AE BC BD BE CD CE DE ABC ABD ABE ACD ACE ADE BCD BCE BDE CDE ABCD Page 24 of 27 Greek / Latin Prefix, Root or Suffix Ana Bi Derma Dura Endo Epi Erythro Exo Extra Gastric Hyper Inter Ipsi Iso Knowledge Leuko Lyse Medi Pathos Phago Physio Squamous Sub Study of Tomy Tonic BIOL 218 52999 F 2014 MTX 1 Practice Q 100909.1C Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session: Section: Days / Time: Instructor: Fall 2014 52999 M W 5:00 PM – 9:20 PM RIDDELL Sample / Practice Mid-Term Exam 1 MTX1 THIS PAGE PURPOSELY BLANK Page 25 of 27 BIOL 218 52999 F 2014 MTX 1 Practice Q 100909.1C Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session: Section: Days / Time: Instructor: Fall 2014 52999 M W 5:00 PM – 9:20 PM RIDDELL Sample / Practice Mid-Term Exam 1 MTX1 CODE A B C D E AB AC AD AE BC BD BE CD CE DE ABC ABD ABE ACD ACE ADE BCD BCE BDE CDE ABCD I Organ Systems Cardiovascular Digestive Endocrine Integuement Lymphatic Immune Muscular Nervous Reproductive Respiratory Skeletal Urinary II Body Cavities Abdominal Abdominal Pelvix Anterior Dorsal Inferior Kidney Left Lumbar Vertebrae Lung Medial Mediastinum Pelvic Pericardial Cavity Pleural Cavity Posterior Sternum Superior Supine Thoracic Cavity Thoracic Vertebrae Thoraacic Ventral Vertebral Body Vertebral Canal Vertebral Transverse Process III Vertebrae Body Costal Facet Dens Desmosome Foramina Groove Head Inferior Articular Facet Inferior Notch Lamina Pedicle Spinous Process Superior Articular Facet Superior Costal facet Sulcus Transverse Costal Facet Transverse Foramen Transverse Process Tubercle Vertebral Arch Vertebral Body Vertebral Foramen Vertebrae Page 26 of 27 IV Location / Perspective Relationship / Aspect Anterior Artificial Deep Distal External Inferior Inferior Transverse Internal Lateral Left Medial Natural Oblique Parasaggital Posterior Prone Proximal Right Sub-Cutaneous Superficial Superior Superior Sagittal Superior Transverse Supine V Integument Apocrine Attachment, lipid storage, Ceruminous Cutaneous Membrane Dermis Epidermis Exocrine Glands Follicles Glands Hair Follicle Holocrine Lipid Mammary Merocrine Milk Nails Oil Oil / Hormones / Pheromones Papillary Perspiration Protection, Touch H20Repel Refined fine motor Reticular Sebaceous Sudiferous Wax BIOL 218 52999 F 2014 MTX 1 Practice Q 100909.1C Biology 218 – Human Anatomy Session: Section: Days / Time: Instructor: Fall 2014 52999 M W 5:00 PM – 9:20 PM RIDDELL Sample / Practice Mid-Term Exam 1 MTX1 CODE A B C D E AB AC AD AE BC BD BE CD CE DE ABC ABD ABE ACD ACE ADE BCD BCE CDE ABCD ABCE ABDE ABCDE VII Bones Axial Auditory Coccyx Costal Cranial Ethmoid Facial Frontal Hyoid Incus Inferior Nasal Conchae Lacrimal Malleus Mandible Maxillae Nasal Occipital Palatine Parietal Sacrum Sphenoid Stapes Temporal Vomer Zygomatic Vertebrae Thoracic Vertebrae Cervical Vertebrae Lumbar Vertebrae VIII Bones Appendicular Carpals Clavicle Coxal Femur Fibula Humerus Ilium Ischium Metacarpals Metatarsals Patella Pectoral Pelvic Phalanges Pubis Radius Sacrum Scapula Sternum Tarsals Thoracic Tibia Ulna X Skel Structures / Sections Arch Capitulum Condyle Cranium Face Foramen Frontal Sinus Hallux Head Hyoid Arch Infraorbital Foramen Malleous Mastoid Meatus Olecranon Orbit Pollex Sphenoidal Foramen Sphenoidal Sinus Styloid Temporal Arch Trochlea Zygomatic Page 27 of 27 IX Sutures / Articulations Amphiarthrotic Coronal Diarthrotic Frontal Gomphoses Infero-Temporal Inter-osseus membrane Lambdoidal Posterior Sacroiliac Sagittal Squamous Supra-Temporal Suture Sympheses Synarthrotic Synchondroses Syndesmooses Synovial Synovial Synovial Temporal Temporal-Zygomatic Tibial Transverse XI Numbers / Counts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 20 28 56 More than these None of these BIOL 218 52999 F 2014 MTX 1 Practice Q 100909.1C
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