Contents 6 Distributions of Functions of RVs

ST422 Introduction to Mathematical Statistics II
Course Outline:
1. Deriving Distributions of Functions of Random Variables-RVs)
Jason A. Osborne
[email protected]
Office: 5238 SAS Hall
The lecture notes are modified based on Prof. Tom Gerig’s handouts.
2. Sampling Distributions and the Central Limit Theorem -Ch.7)
3. Estimation and Confidence Intervals -Ch.8)
4. Properties of Point Estimators and Estimation Methods -Ch.9)
5. Hypothesis Testing -Ch.10)
6. Linear Regression -Ch.11, time permitting)
6 Distributions of Functions of RVs
Distributions of Functions of RVs
Distributions of Functions of RVs
Let Y be a RV and U = h(Y ) be a RV defined as a function of Y .
Objective: given the distribution of Y , derive the distribution of U .
Method of Distribution Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Method of Transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Method of Moment Generating Functions . . . . . . . . 17
Order Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Three approaches:
1. Method of distribution functions for continuous RVs):
Integrate over the region in the y space that corresponds to the
event U ≤ u} to obtain the CDF of U : FU (u) = P (U ≤ u).
Differentiate FU (u) w.r.t. u to obtain the pdf of U : fU (u).
2. Method of transformations for continuous RVs):
Derive the distribution of U by methods akin to the method of
substitution -or change of variable) in calculus
3. Method of moment-generating functions:
Make use of the uniqueness property of mgfs and other properties
to deduce the distribution of functions of RV s.
Distributions of Functions of RVs
Method of Distribution Functions
Example 631 (Univariate RV) Let Y = yield (in tons) of pure
sugar per day. Suppose Y has the pdf :
fY (y) = 2y 0 ≤ y ≤ 1.
1. Integrate over the region in the y space that corresponds to the
event U ≤ u} to obtain the CDF of U : FU (u) = P (U ≤ u)
Suppose the daily overhead=100, and the price is 300 per ton of pure
sugar. Daily profit: U = 3Y − 1. Find the distribution of U (i.e. find
fU (u)).
2. Differentiate FU (u) with respect to u to obtain the pdf of U :
fU (u).
Distributions of Functions of RVs
Example 632 (Bivariate RV) Y1 = proportion of gas at the
beginning of a week; Y2 = proportion of gas at the end of a week.
Suppose the joint pdf is
Distributions of Functions of RVs
Distribution of the Square of a RV
Theorem 1 Let Y be a RV with pdf fY (y) and let U = Y 2 . Then
√ √
1 fU (u) = √ fY ( u) + fY (− u) 0 < u < ∞.
2 u
f (y1 y2 ) = 3y1 0 ≤ y2 ≤ y1 ≤ 1.
Let U = Y1 − Y2 . Determine the pdf of U .
Distributions of Functions of RVs
Distributions of Functions of RVs
Example 633 Let Z ∼ N (0 1), and U = Z 2 . Show that
U ∼ χ2 (1).
Distributions of Functions of RVs
Example 634 Let Y1 Y2 be independent RV s with pdf s:
fY (yi ) = ey 0 ≤ yi < ∞ i = 1 2.
Find the distribution of U = Y1 + Y2 .
Distributions of Functions of RVs
Method of Transformations
Method of Transformations
Let Y be a RV with pdf fY (y). Let h(Y ) be a -strictly) increasing or
decreasing function of Y , over the range of Y .
A function h(y) is strictly increasing if:
y1 < y2 implies h(y1 ) < h(y2 ).
Objective: find the pdf of the RV U = h(Y ).
Distributions of Functions of RVs
Thus, for h(y) strictly increasing:
fU (u) = fY h1 (u)
and for h(y) strictly decreasing:
fU (u) = fY h1 (u) (− ).
Then for h(y) strictly increasing or decreasing:
dy fU (u) = fY h1 (u) .
Distributions of Functions of RVs
Example 641 Let Y be a rv with pdf : fY (y) = 3y 2 0 ≤ y ≤ 1.
Distributions of Functions of RVs
Example 643 Let Y ∼ beta(2 2) with pdf :
fY (y) = y(1 − y) 0 ≤ y ≤ 1.
Let U = h(Y ) = θ1 + (θ2 − θ1 )Y , where θ1 < θ2 are parameters.
Derive the pdf of U .
Example 642 Let Y be a rv with pdf : fY (y) = 3y 2 0 ≤ y ≤ 1.
Let U = h(Y ) = Y 2 . Derive the pdf of U .
Distributions of Functions of RVs
Let U = h(Y ) = 2Y 2 − 1. Derive the pdf of U .
Distributions of Functions of RVs
Example 644 Let Y ∼ N (µ σ 2 ) with pdf :
fY (y) =
√ eyµ) 2σ ) −∞ < y < ∞.
σ 2π
Let U = h(Y ) = (Y − µ)/σ. Derive the pdf of U .
Distributions of Functions of RVs
Distributions of Functions of RVs
Example 651 Let Y1 Y2 · · · Yn be independent rvs with pdf s:
Method of Moment Generating Functions
fY (yi ) =
Uniqueness Theorem:
Suppose rvs X and Y have mgf s mX (t) and mY (t). If
mX (t) = mY (t) for all t, then X and Y have the same distribution.
1 y β
0 ≤ yi < +∞ i = 1 · · · n.
Find the distribution of U = Y1 + · · · + Yn . Recall that Yi ∼ Exp(β),
and mY (t) = (1 − βt)1 .
mgf of sums of independent random variables
Let Y1 Y2 · · · Yn be independent rvs with mgf s
mY1 (t) mY2 (t) · · · mYn (t), and let U = Y1 + Y2 + · · · + Yn . Then
mU (t) = mY1 (t) × mY2 (t) × · · · × mYn (t).
Distributions of Functions of RVs
Example 652 Let Y1 Y2 . . . Yn be a random sample from
N (µ σ 2 ). Find the distribution of Y = 1/n(Y1 + · · · + Yn ). Recall
2 2
that for Y ∼ N (µ σ 2 ) mY (t) = exp(µt + t 2σ ).
Distributions of Functions of RVs
• Method of distribution function: for continuous RV, general.
• Method of transformation: for continuous RV when h(X) is a
strictly increasing or decreasing function of X.
• Method of MGF: for either discrete or continuous RV. Convenient
for deriving the distribution of a linear combination of independent
Distributions of Functions of RVs
Distributions of Functions of RVs
The distribution of the minimum
Order Statistics
The probability density function of the minimum is given by
Let Y1 . . . Yn be a random sample from a population with
CDF F (y) and pdf f (y).
fY1) (y) = n[1 − F (y)]n1 f (y)
Notation: Denote the smallest, or minimum, observation from
Y1 . . . Yn using parenthetical subscripts:
Y1) = min(Y1 Y2 . . . Yn )
Denote the next smallest observation Y2) and so on up until the
largest observation, denoted Yn) so that
Y1) ≤ Y2) ≤ · · · ≤ Yn1) ≤ Yn)
-the order statistics from the sample)
Distributions of Functions of RVs
The distribution of the maximum
The probability density function of the maximum of a random sample
is given by
fYn) (y) = n(F (y))n1 f (y)
Distributions of Functions of RVs
The distribution of an order statistic in the middle
The pdf of the ith smallest observation is given by
fY) (y) =
[F (y)]i1 [1 − F (y)]ni f (y)
(i − 1)(n − i)
Distributions of Functions of RVs
Example 671 A psychologist studies reaction times to simple
experimental tasks involving memory. Assuming the reaction times for
n = 5 subjects are a random sample from the exponential distribution
with a mean of 7 seconds, find P (Y1) < 7) P (Y3) < 7) P (Y5) < 7).