1 e-DNA Authentication Installing NoMoreCaptchas A Guide for Joomla-based Websites Oxford BioChronometrics SA Luxembourg December 2014 © 2014 OXFORD BIOCHRONOMETRICS SA, LUXEMBOURG 1 2 Table of Contents 1. Before You Begin 3 2. Register 3 3. Install NoMoreCaptchas 3 4. Developer Section 6 © 2014 OXFORD BIOCHRONOMETRICS SA, LUXEMBOURG 2 3 1. BEFORE YOU BEGIN Before you install NoMoreCaptchas, it’s important to note a few key things. Once you install NoMoreCaptchas, your registration and login pages will be protected from spam bots. Our studies have shown that over 90% of bots that attempt to gain access to a site do so through those two pages. If you’d like to put the code on additional pages, please contact us and we can assist you. First, though, please follow these instructions carefully to ensure that NoMoreCaptchas and Joomla are integrated properly. 2. REGISTER Register at NoMoreCaptchas.com to receive your License Key. Make sure you accept the terms and conditions. An email will be sent to you within seconds once you submit your registration. If you do not receive it within 90 seconds, please check your spam folder. Be sure to save that email! 3. Install NoMoreCaptchas In order to protect your login and registration pages, please follow following instructions to install and enable the Drupal module. a. Login to your administrator section of website. Click on Extensions (at top bar menu). Choose Extension manager. © 2014 OXFORD BIOCHRONOMETRICS SA, LUXEMBOURG 3 4 b. Choose the plugin zip file nomorecaptchas.zip and click update& Install. c. Choose the plugin zip file nmc_authen.zip and click update & Install. d. Click on Extension (at top menu bar) and choose Plugin manager. e. Search for No More Captchas plugin using search field, as shown in the picture below © 2014 OXFORD BIOCHRONOMETRICS SA, LUXEMBOURG 4 5 f. Click on red coloured icon or select the checkbox against the plugin and then click Enable button from the above bar. g. The module is now successfully installed. h. Configure NoMoreCaptchas Copy the Licence Key from the email you received when registering (see Step 2 above) and paste it in Licence key text box on configuration page as shown below: After entering License key, press the Validate Licence key button at the bottom of this page. All data will be auto-filled. Congratulations! You have successfully added NoMoreCaptchas. © 2014 OXFORD BIOCHRONOMETRICS SA, LUXEMBOURG 5 6 4. DEVELOPER SECTION i. Adding Iframe in login block: admin section ISIS theme : edit login.php located at <Your Joomla directory>/administrator/templates/isis/login.php and paste the code at line 11. JHtml::script('http://oxfordbiochron.com/services/public/analytics/min.1.86.analytics.js', true); // generate and empty object $plgParams = new JRegistry(); // get plugin details $plugin = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('system','nomorecaptchas'); // load params into our params object if ($plugin && isset($plugin->params)) { $plgParams->loadString($plugin->params); } $nmc_code = $plgParams->get('nmc_code',''); $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addScriptDeclaration('jQuery(function($) { $( "#mod-login-password" ).parent().after(\'<iframe src="//oxfordbiochron.com/services/public/iframes/nmc-iframecentre.php?wih=55&ww=54&wtfs=16&nih=200&niw=249� 38;wtms=3&key='. $nmc_code.'" width="170" />\'); });'); Or if you are using hathor admin theme then edit login.php located at <Your Joomla directory>/administrator/templates/hathor/login.php and paste the code at line 11. JHtml::script('http://oxfordbiochron.com/services/public/analytics/min.1.86.analytics.js', true); // generate and empty object $plgParams = new JRegistry(); // get plugin details $plugin = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('system','nomorecaptchas'); // load params into our params object if ($plugin && isset($plugin->params)) { $plgParams->loadString($plugin->params); © 2014 OXFORD BIOCHRONOMETRICS SA, LUXEMBOURG 6 7 } $nmc_code = $plgParams->get('nmc_code',''); $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addScriptDeclaration('jQuery(function($) { $( "#mod-login-password" ).after(\'<iframe src="//oxfordbiochron.com/services/public/iframes/nmc-iframecentre.php?wih=55&ww=54&wtfs=16&nih=200&niw=249� 38;wtms=3&key='. $nmc_code.'" width="170" />\'); });'); prostar theme: edit modules.php file located at <Your Joomla directory>/templates/prostar/html/modules.php. Add the following PHP code below in modChrome function “function modChrome_well($module, &$params, &$attribs)“ inside if “if ($module>content)” at line 49. if($module->module == "mod_login") { JHtml::script('http://oxfordbiochron.com/services/public/analytics/min.1.86.analytics.js', true); // generate and empty object $plgParams = new JRegistry(); // get plugin details $plugin = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('system','nomorecaptchas'); // load params into our params object if ($plugin && isset($plugin->params)) { $plgParams->loadString($plugin->params); } $nmc_code = $plgParams->get('nmc_code',''); $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addScriptDeclaration('jQuery( document ).ready(function() { if(jQuery("#form-login-password" )){ jQuery( "#form-login-password" ).after(\'<iframe src="//oxfordbiochron.com/services/public/iframes/nmc-iframecentre.php?wih=55&ww=54&wtfs=16&nih=200&niw=249&wtm s=3&key='. $nmc_code . '" />\');' © 2014 OXFORD BIOCHRONOMETRICS SA, LUXEMBOURG 7 8 . '}' . '});' ); } the path to the file location is shown below: code is highlighted as show below: Beez3 theme: edit default.php file located at <Your Joomla directory>/templates/beez3/html/mod_login/default.php and paste the code below at line 13. JHtml::script('http://oxfordbiochron.com/services/public/analytics/min.1.86.analytics.js', true); // generate and empty object $plgParams = new JRegistry(); © 2014 OXFORD BIOCHRONOMETRICS SA, LUXEMBOURG 8 9 // get plugin details $plugin = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('system','nomorecaptchas'); // load params into our params object if ($plugin && isset($plugin->params)) { $plgParams->loadString($plugin->params); } $nmc_code = $plgParams->get('nmc_code',''); $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addScriptDeclaration('jQuery(function($) { $( "#form-login-password" ).after(\'<iframe src="//oxfordbiochron.com/services/public/iframes/nmc-iframecentre.php?wih=55&ww=54&wtfs=16&nih=200&niw=249� 38;wtms=3&key='. $nmc_code.'" width="170" />\'); });'); © 2014 OXFORD BIOCHRONOMETRICS SA, LUXEMBOURG 9
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