Freedom of Information Request Reference No: I note you seek access to the following information: Arrests broken down into offence groups for notifiable offences: How many arrests were made in the financial years 2010/2011; 2011/2012; 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 broken down into offence groups for notifiable offences, including rape as a separate category. Decision I have today decided to disclose the located information to you in full. Please find attached information pursuant to your request above. Territorial Policing Command e r TOTAL POLICIN G Count of Arrests where the First Arrest Offence is grouped into Notifiable Offences across the MPS by Financial Years FY2010- 11 , FY2011 -12 , FY2012 -13 & FY2013-1 4 Protective Marking Not Protectively Marke d Suitable for Publication Scheme Yes Ad-Hoc Reference Number 49090 FOIA/MOPC Ref Number u s o l c s i D Count of Arrests where the First Arrest Offence is grouped into Notifiabl e Summary Offences across the MPS by Financial Years FY2010-11, FY2011-12, FY2012 13 & FY2013-1 4 Creating Branch / Directorate MetHQ - Performance & Assurance Date Created 02/09/201 4 Review Date A I 01/ 04/ 201 8 O F This report uses LIVE DATA extracted from : MetStats+NSPIS Date Live data was extracted : 02/09/ 201 4 The data in this report reflects live data which may be subject to small changes over time M S P N eed to request some more data? Submit a new FOI request here if you are external to the MPS Submit a new FOI request here if you are internal to the MPS Police forces in the United Kingdom are routinely required to provide crime statistics to government bodies and the recording criteria is set nationally. However, the systems used for recording these figures are not generic, nor are the procedures used locally in capturing the crime data . It should be noted that for these reasons this force's response to your questions should not be used for comparison purposes with any other response you may receive . Last Refresh Date : 02/09/14 Ad - Hoc Req : 49090 MetH Q P erformance and Assurance- 78313 1 If you have any queries with this report, please contact the Helpdesk Data is subject to daily change OO MOPAC 2014 e r TOTAL POLICIN G Notes u s Live data was extracted from NSP IS C ustod y and MetStats system o n 02 /09/201 4 cove ring th e Arrest Date ran ge between 0 1/04/20 1 0 to 3 1/ 031201 4 bro ken d own in to FY20 1 0-11, FY 2011-12 , FY20 1 2-1 3 , FY20 1 3 1 4 First Arrest Offences g rou ped in to Home Office Notifiab le Majo r Offen ce Grou ps. The Majority of the data was ex tracted from a q uality checked internal system call ed MetStats. As the customer has re quested sexual offences to be split into those arrests that were record ed as rape offences, a sepa rate NSP IS C ustod y q uery was created to extract only those First Arrest Offen ces that would be the compl ete g roup of sexual offences, whi ch in cludes ra pes . The NSPI S q uery replicated the same co nditi on s and o bjects as used in the q uery whi ch populate s custody d ata in to MetStats, but was further limited to only First Ar rest Offences which when grouped together would be regarded as sexual offences . Rape Rape . Attempted Rape Rape . Co nspiracy Ra pe . Racial Gross indecency Indecent assault . female Inde cent assault . M ale Other Sexual Offences Indecent exposur e Sexual Offences /Indecency /Child Abuse Sexual offences . Othe r Soliciting by a man Unlawful sexual intercourse Not all F irst Arrest Offences in the NSPI S Custo dy list a bove produced d ata . The followin g filte rs were also used : Latest Disposal Form : Returns only information for the latest D is posal Fo rm for the custody record. Note that this n ee ds to be used with a Dis posal Form Type i f more tha n one type of Di s posal Form has been us ed (Cha rge , Caution , Warn ing, etc .) . Disposal procedure is Charg e The offen ce has been throug h cha rge form ulation as a cha rge type. Latest F ront Sheet Returns only information for the latest and most up to date front sheet for the custo dy record A I a nd Custody Reco rd Nu mber Eq ual to Original Custody Reco rd Nu mber. o l c s i D O F Once th e resultin g NSP IS data was retrieved a nd checked again st the MetStats s exual Offen ces pre-published data for accu racy, the NSPIS data was used to replace the sexual offences MetStats data in the table and separated to show the ra pe data . Not all First Arrest Offences can be grouped in to an equ ival en t Home Office Category a nd a re s ho wn as "U NKN OWN " in the ta ble . Please n ote that "First Arrest Offence" in NSPI S custod y does not ma p across exactly to the larger l ist of Home Offi ce M ajor cri me cate gory g rou ps and is a " best ffi" based on th e type of "First Arrest Offence", us ing a prev iously created inbu ilt "Look u p" fun ction varia ble within th e NSPI S custody q ue ry that p op ulates th e MetStats Univers e with d ata . S P First Arrest Offence returns o nly the first l isted arrest offen ce. A detained person can be arrested for more than one offence during the course of their detention . Thi s table s hould n ot be co mpa red to previously publis hed extern al a rrest figures as the Other Sexual Offences and Rape arrest g rou p have been ru n off th e li ve system . Thi s report exclu des coun ts of perso n s arrested for Own Prote cti on ', ' Product ion fro m Priso n' or 'Tra nsfer to Anoth er Fo rce' . Police forces in the United Kingdom are ro utine ly required to provi de crime statistics to gover nment b odi es and the record ing criteria is set natio nally. However, the s ystem s u sed for record ing t hese figures are not generic, n or are the p rocedu res used locall y i n captu ring t he crime data . It sh o uld be noted th at for thes e reaso ns th is force's resp o nse to yo u r que stio ns shou l d n ot be used for comparison pu rp oses with any other resp o nse you ma y rece ive. M Last Refresh Date : 02/09174 Ad -Hoc Req : 49090 If you Me1HQ Performance and Assurance- 783131 have any queries with this re port, please contact the Helpdesk Data is subject to daily change 0 MOPAC 2014 e r TOTAL POLICIN G u s IMPORTANT : Please ensure that the Notes Page is read in conjunction with the data in this report to ensure that it is interpreted correctly . Count of Arrests where the First Arrest Offence is grouped into Notifiable Offences across the MPS by Financial Years FY 2010-11 . FY 2011 - 12 , FY 2012- 13 & FY 2013 - 1 4 nst The Perso n Other Sexual Offences ** Robbery Burglary Theft & Handling Fraud & Forgery Criminal Damage Drugs Offences Other Notifiable Non Notifiable UNKNOWN 7249 0 3989 12167 11562 45653 7227 13997 26353 32568 6099 1 932 6416 0 3451 11565 12685 41117 6588 11884 25728 30235 5207 9 57 5981 5 3237 8769 10266 35843 6452 10480 23849 26807 4621 5 32 A I o l c 6171 9 s i D 3342 7088 9118 35456 5368 10169 23624 26242 48050 24 ner tnese maKe up 1 of Sexual Offence s O F * Not all First Arrest Offences can be grouped into an equivalent Home Office Catego ry ** Extracted from an NSPIS Custody system , remainder extracted from the Metstats system . Police forces in the United Kingdom are routinely required to provide crime statistics to government bodies and the recording criteria is set nationally . However, the systems used for recording these figures are not generic, nor are the procedures used locally in capturing the crime data . It should be noted that for these reasons this force 's response to your questions should not be used fo r comparison purposes with any other response you may receive . M S P Last Refresh Date : 02/09/14 M etHQ Performance and Assurance- 783131 Data is subject to daily change Ad-Hoc Req : 49090 If you have any queries with this report, please contact the Helpdesk O M OPAC 2014
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