CURRICULUM VITAE Michèle Longino See Also Michèle Longino Farrell August 2014 EDUCATION B.A. Rosary College, 1968 M.A. Claremont Graduate School, 1972 Ph.D. University of Michigan, 1984 Major Field: French Literature Minor Field: French Civilization TEACHING Visiting Professor, Fall 2010, Venice International University Visiting Professor, 1999-2000, 2005-06, 2011-12, EDUCO, Paris Visiting Lecturer, May 2003, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris Professor, May 2002, Duke University Associate Professor, May 1993 (tenured 1995), Duke University Mellon Assistant Professor, 1990-1993, Duke University Assistant Professor, January 1989 - May 1993, Duke University Assistant Professor, 1984 - December 1988, Rice University Teaching Fellow, 1974-78, 1983-84, University of Michigan Lecturer, 1978-79, Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier PUBLICATIONS Books: Performing Motherhood: England. The Sévigné Correspondence, 1991, Univ. Press of New Orientalism in French Classical Drama, 2002, Cambridge University Press. “Honorable Mention” – MLA Scaglione Prize for French & Francophone Literature. “French Travel Writing and the Ottoman Empire: Marseilles to Constantinople (16501700).” Under contract to Routledge Press and submitted 8/15/14. 2 Journals: L'Esprit Créateur. Guest editor. 32, 3 (Fall 1992): “Early Orientalisms.” Articles: « Au miroir de Pierre Ronzeaud. Le portrait de Jean de Thévenot par Philippe de Champaigne », in Gueux, frondeurs, libertins, utopiens. Autres et ailleurs du XVIIe siècle, Aix en Provence, PUP coll. « Textuelles », 2013, p. 273-276. « Le Voyageur, les Eunuques et le Sérail : l’Oculaire par Procuration, » « L’Oeil classique : Regards croisés sur le XVIIe siècle, » Littératures classiques, ed. Sylvaine Guyon and Tom Conley, No. 82 (2013) : 261-273. « Constantinople : The Telling and the Taking, » L’Esprit Créateur, 2013, ed. Marcus Keller, Vol. 53, No. 4 (2013): pp. 124–138. « Jean Thévenot, le Levant et le Récit de voyage, » XVIIe Siècle, ed. Larry Norman, No. 258 (January - March, 2013, No. 1): 55-64. « Le Moment de la Séparation, » Mandez-moi des bagatelles. Première année de correspondance entre Mme de Sévigné et Mme de Grignan. Etudes réunies par Cécile Lignereux. "Correspondances et mémoires – Série Le Grand Siècle," Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2012, 29-44. « Le « Mamamouchi » ou la Colonisation de l’Imaginaire français par le Monde ottoman. » Voyage et Théâtre, Presses de l’Université Paris - Sorbonne, 2011 : 71-83. « L’Apprentissage épistolaire de Madame de Sévigné. » Œuvres et critiques, Vol. XXXV, 1 (2010) : 29-49. “Jean Thévenot: ethnographe des îles du Levant.” Actes du CIR 17 : “L’Ile au XVIIe siècle: réalités et imaginaire.” Centre International de Recherches sur le 17e siècle. University of Corsica. Biblio 17, 190 (2010) : 59-68. « Antoine Galland: Voyageur et Passeur, » Récits d’Orient dans les littératures d’Europe. Ed. Anne Duprat et Emilie Picherot. Presses universitaires de Paris – Sorbonne IV, 2008, 341-347. « Derrière « le présentisme » du regard lointain, » La littérature, le XVIIe siècle et nous : Dialogue Transatlantique. Ed. Hélène Merlin - Kajman. Presses Sorbonne nouvelle, 2008 : 85-90. “Racine,” “Corneille,” “La Fontaine” co-signés avec Guy Barthèlemey, “Molière,” Entries for Dictionnaire biographique des orientalistes de langue française, Eds. Lucette Valensi and François Pouillon. (Paris: Editions Karthala, 2008). “Jean Chardin, Traveler: Freedom in the Margins,” Dissidents, excentriques et 3 marginaux de l’Age Classique: Autour de Cyrano de Bergerac, Bouquet offert à Madeleine Alcover. éd. Patricia Harry, Alain Mothu et Philippe Sellier (Paris: Honoré Champion, 2006), 57-72. “Creüse: Corneille’s Material Girl,” La femme au dix-septième siècle, Actes du colloque de Vancouver (University of British Columbia, 2000), Biblio 17-138 (Tübingen, 2002): 115-123. “Pollux: Modèle cornélien du nouveau voyageur savant, ou la “naissance” de l’anthropologue,” Les Méditerranées au XVIIe siècle, Actes du CIR17 (Bari 2000), Biblio 17-137 (Tübingen, 2002):271-283. “Médée and the Traveler Savant,” EMF: Studies in Early Modern France, Vol. 7 (Charlottesville: Rookwood Press, 2001): 73-114. “Introduction” and editor “Cross-disciplinary Approaches: History and Literature in Seventeenth-century French Studies,” Papers in French Seventeenth-century Literature 26, 50 (1999): 15-17. "The Mother-Daughter Subtext in La Princesse de Clèves," in MLA Approaches to Teaching The Princess of Clèves, ed. Faith Beasley and Katherine Jensen, Modern Languages Association (December, 1998), 76-85. "Mithridate or La Cour de France turbanisée," Actes du 29e congrès de la North American Society for Seventeenth-century French Literature, University of Victoria (Tübingen: Narr, 1998): 137-146. "Bajazet à la lettre," L'Esprit Créateur, 38 (Summer 1998): 49-59. “Le Cid: La politique sur scène,” Littérature et exotisme, XVIe-XVIIIe siècle, ed. Dominique de Courcelles (Paris: Bibliothèque de l’école des chartes, 1997): 35-59. "Boileau," Entry for Guide to Literary Criticism and Theory, eds. Michael Groden and Martin Kreiswirth (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994): 102-104. “Tallemant des Réaux: Portraitist, Gossip, Historian, Social Critic? Response to Professors Aronson and Wolfe,” Actes du XVIIe, Biblio 17 (1993): 129-133. "Writing Letters, Telling Tales, Making History: Vatel's Death Told and Retold," The French Review, 66, 2 (December 1992): 229-242. "Dom Juan et l'économie sociale," Actes du CMR17 (Marseille 1991), Biblio 17 (Tübingen 1992): 109-119. "Mme de Sévigné" Entry for Fifty French Women Writers: A Bio-bibliographical Book, eds. Dorothy Zimmerman and May Sartori (New York: Greenwood Press 1991): 453463. "Celebration and Repression of Feminine Desire in Mme d'Aulnoy's Fairy Tale: La 4 Chatte blanche," L'Esprit Créateur, guest ed. Renée Hubert, 29, (Fall 1989): 52-64. "Theorizing on Equality: Marie de Gournay and Poullain de la Barre," Cahiers du dixseptième: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 2, 1 (Spring 1988): 67-79. "Perrault's Griselidis: Issues of Gender, Genre and Authority," Actes de Banff: Papers on French Seventeenth-Century Literature/Biblio 17 (Tübingen, 1987): 97-120. "Sévigné: The Art of Vicarious Living," Women in French Literature, ed. Michel Guggenheim (Stanford: Stanford French and Italian Studies, 1988): 65-76. "Praise in Theory . . . and in Practice: The Case of La Bruyère and Sévigné," Cahiers du dix-septième; An Interdisciplinary Journal 1, 1 (Spring 1987): 203-211. "Grandmother Sévigné: Shaping Relationships," Stanford French Review 11, 3 (Fall 1987): 279-296. "Measuring Maternity" in Competition among Women: A Feminist Taboo?, eds. Helen Longino and Valerie Miner, (New York: The Feminist Press, 1987): 141-151. Translated into German as “Mutterschaft nach Mass” in Konkurrenz: Ein Tabu unter Frauen (Munich: Frauenoffensiv, 1990): 103-114. "Patterns of Excellence: Sévigné in the Classical Maternal Tradition, "Papers on French Seventeenth-Century Literature 13, 25 (1986): 27-38. Website: “Constantinople: The Telling and the Taking,” National Humanities Center (links: Michèle Longino, Duke University and George Saliba, Columbia University) January 2000. Presentations: “Laurent D’Arvieux: Self-Fashioned Envoyé Extraordinaire,” Modern Language Association Conference, Chicago, January 2014. *“The Traveler, the Eunuchs, and the Seraglio: A Borrowed View and Double Vision; Jean-Baptiste Tavernier (1605-1689),” Yale University, 26 September 2013. *“Travel, or the Benefits of Discontent: Marseilles – Constantinople (1650-1700), the Book in progress,” Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, 23 July 2012. *“Jean Thévenot: Travels, Adventures, and Observations of a Voyager to the Levant.” The Huntington Library Symposium: “Portraits of the Traveler: The Art of Mediating between East and West,” San Marino, CA, May 11th, 2012. *“La France mise en scène : Bajazet, La Communication et le Détour.” Séminaire M1/M3 436B, CRLC-CRLV. A. Duprat and F. Moureau (dir.), Maison de la Recherche de Paris-Sorbonne, "Littérature des voyages II. L'Orient Théâtral", March 20, 2012. 5 “Le Récit de Voyage: Laurent d’Arvieux et ses aventures.” Camargo Foundation, Cassis, February 14, 2011. *”Travel, or the Benefits of Discontent: Marseilles – Constantinople.” University of Sydney, Australia, December 1st, 2010. *”Voir, savoir, pouvoir: l'eunuque, le voyageur et le sultan: Jean-Baptiste Tavernier et sa Nouvelle Relation du Serrail du Grand Seigneur. » Journée d’étude : « L’œil classique en action. Regards croisés sur la vision au XVIIe siècle / The Classical Eye. Perspectives on the Gaze in France during the 17th century,” Harvard University, October 22nd, 2010. “The Trouble with Travel Writing,” American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans (April 1st-April 4th, 2010). *Round Table: "Le littéraire avant la littérature.” Division of 17 th-century French Literature, Modern Language Association Conference, Philadelphia, December 2009. *Round Table: “Maalouf et Le Périple de Baldassar: L’impossibilité du Récit de voyage,” “Ottomania and Al Andalus,” Duke University Romance Studies Colloquium, November 2009. Introduction, Pascale Casanova: “Remarques sur la production du temps littéraire: vieillissement et consécration,” Duke University, Department of Romance Studies, 2/16/09. “Love, or, ‘The French Love Story,’” Introduction to the CFFS French Film Series: “Love, Past and Present,” Griffith Theater Duke University, February 2009. *“Mediterranean World: The Making of a Symbol.” Modern Language Association Conference, San Francisco, 2008. *“Réflexions sur la Galanterie française de Claude Habib: hier et aujourd’hui”. Seminar organized by Hélène Merlin. University of Paris IV, Sorbonne, June 2008. *“Jean Thévenot: ethnographe des îles du Levant.” “L’Ile au XVIIe siècle: réalités et imaginaire.” Centre International de Recherches sur le 17e siècle. University of Corsica, April 2008. « Antoine Galland : Voyageur et Passeur. » SE 17 Conference. Yale University. November 2007. *“Constantinople: The Telling and the Taking,” Catholic University, November 2006. *« Le Journal de voyage de Antoine Galland : histoire d’un passeur. » . Colloque « Récits d’orient en occident. » G.R.A.L. – Centre de recherches en littérature comparée. University of Paris IV - Sorbonne, 18 March 2006. 6 * «Sur l’orientalisme et le théâtre classique. » Séminaire du G.R.A.L. Centre de recherches en littérature comparée. University of Paris IV – Sorbonne, 27 January, 2006. *“Derrière “le présentisme “ du regard lointain,” “La Critique dix-septièmiste américaine,” Colloque du Cercle 17-21, University of Paris III - Sorbonne nouvelle, June, 2005. “Yesterday’s Classics / Today’s Films,” Kentucky Foreign Languages Conference, April, 2005. *"Madame Bovary, or the Dangers of Reading," "Adventures in Ideas" Seminar at UNCChapel Hill, April, 2005. *“Jean Chardin, voyageur: liberté dans les marges,” séminaire d’anthropologie, François Pouillon, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, 16 March, 2005. *“Tropes of Colonization,” Respondent. Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting, New York, NY, April, 2004. *“Constantinople: The Telling and the Taking,” University of Virginia, March 2004. *“Constantinople: The Telling and the Taking,” Northwestern University, February, 2004, The Arab-Muslim Mediterranean: An International Colloquium. Respondent. Duke University, September, 2003. *“La représentation, la narration et la conquête: Guillaume-Joseph Grelot et son voyage au Levant;” “Pollux, ou le profil nouveau de l’anthropologue,” Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, May 2003. *“The ‘Mamamouchi,’ or the Ottoman Colonizing of the French Imaginary,” Princeton University, March 2002. “The ‘Mamamouchi,’ or the Ottoman Colonizing of the French Imaginary,” “The Ottoman Empire” Conference at the Folger Library, March 2002. “Mythifying / Mystifying French Identity,” Modern Language Association Conference, New Orleans, December 2001. *“Orientalism in French Classical Drama,” The University of Colorado – Boulder, October 2001. “Mediterranean Local Others and the World of the French Classics,” Kentucky Foreign Languages Conference, April, 2000. “Creüse: Corneille’s Material Girl,” “La femme au dix-septième siècle” Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, October 2000. *“Ranimer les Maures, ou Le Cid revisité,” The University of Lausanne, Switzerland, November 1999; The University of Paris III, Paris, France, May 2000. 7 “Orienter le monde, désorienter l’Orient: la mise-en scène de l’ambition mercantiliste à travers le 17e siècle,” C.I.R. 17: “Les Méditerranées du dix-septième siècle,” Bari, Italy, April 2000. “Understandings of the Ottoman Eunuch,” The Renaissance Society of America,” Florence, Italy, March 2000. "The Uses of Exoticism in Seventeenth-century France," France: History / Story Conference, Birmingham, U.K., July 1999. "Constantinople: The Telling and the Taking," Crossings: Mediterraneanizing the Politics of Location, History and Knowledge Conference, Duke University, May 1999. *"Médée and the Traveler Savant," Smith College, Northampton, MA, March 1999. "The Mother-Daughter Subtext," in "Approaches to Teaching Lafayette's The Princesse of Clèves" (MLA Publications Committee), Modern Language Association Convention, San Francisco, CA, December 1998. “Show and Tell: Taking Constantinople,” Modern Language Association Convention, San Francisco, CA, December 1998; American Comparative Literature Association Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada, April 1999. “Mimicry, Mockery, Menace: Molière’s Le Bourgeois gentilhomme and the Colonizing of the French Imaginary, The Group for Early Modern Cultural Studies Conference, Newport, RI, November 1998. “Constantinople: The Telling and the Taking, by Tale and Illustration,” Western Society for French History, Boston, MA, November, 1998. "Staging Exoticism in Early Modern France," Association of Independent Scholars, National Humanities Center, R.T.P., N.C., September 1998. *"'Getting to Know You:' The Early Modern French in Constantinople," Keynote lecture for the Studies in Visual Culture: Representations Symposium, Department of Art History, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, January, 1998. "Seventeenth-Century Constantinople: How to Find the Words," Sites of Culture Conference, The Group for Early Modern Cultural Studies, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, December, 1997. "Mithridate, or La Cour de France turbanisée," XXIXth Annual Conference of the North American Society for Seventeenth-Century French Literature," Victoria, BC, Canada, April 1997. *“Bajazet à la lettre,” Racine Conference, Washington University, St. Louis, October 1996. *“Le Cid and the Acting-Out of Politics,” Brown University, Providence, April 1996. 8 “The Staging of Exoticism in 17th-century France,” Triangle French Studies seminar, April 1996. “Re-Orienting Readings of Le Cid,” MLA, Chicago, December 1995. “Sévigné aujourd’hui,” Femmes de l’ancien régime Conference, Washington University, St. Louis, April 1995. *Le Cid: La politique sur scène," L'Ecole des chartes, Paris, Dec. 8, 1994. "The Staging of Exoticism in 17th-century France," Camargo Foundation: Cassis, October 1993. *"French Studies: A la recherche de la marque de la marquise," Colloquium: "Canon Fodder: In Search of French Studies," (invited lecture) University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, February 1993. "Fact and Fiction in 17th-century France: Response on Presentism, Text/Context and Selection Problems in Methodology," MLA, New York City, December 1992. "Tallemant des Réaux: Portraitist, Gossip, Historian, Social Critic? Response," SE17 and NASSCFL Meetings, Athens, Georgia, October 1992. "Reading a Mother's Letters," Duke Women's Studies Faculty Seminar, December 1991. "Dom Juan et l'économie sociale," 21ème colloque du CMR 17, Marseille, June 1991. "The Sévigné Correspondence," American Association of Teachers of French, Minneapolis, MN, July 1991. *"Mirroring Maternality: the Sévigné Mother-Daughter Letters," René Bellé Memorial Lecture, Department of French and Italian, University of Southern California, November 1990. "Writing Letters, Telling Tales, Making History: Vatel's Death Told and Retold," Western Society for French History 18th Annual Meeting, University of California at Santa Barbara, November 1990. *"Women and Letters - Gender and Genre in 17th-Century France," Rice University Women's Studies Workshop of the Center for Cultural Studies and the Department of French and Italian, Houston, TX., April 1990. "La double mort de Vatel: Le vrai et le vraisemblable," MLA, Washington, DC, December 1989. "Readers in Correspondence: December 1989. The Politics of Consensus," MLA, Washington, DC, "Double Vision: Reading the Sévigné Correspondence," SE17, Athens, Georgia, October 1989. 9 "Tensions of Taste between Mother and Daughter in the Sévigné Correspondence," MLA, New Orleans, December 1988. "Celebration and Repression of Feminine Desire in The Fairy Tale Narratives of Mme. d'Aulnoy," MLA, San Francisco, December 1987. "Sévigné: The Art of Vicarious Living," SCMLA, Houston, November 1987. "Theorizing on Equality: Marie de Gournay and Poullain de la Barre," Southeast American Society for French Seventeenth-Century Studies (SE 17), Athens, Georgia, September 1987. "Philippe Lejeune's Pact: Reading Sévigné's Correspondence as Autobiography," MLA, New York, December 1986. "Praise, in Theory . . . and in Practice: The Case of La Bruyère and Sévigné," Southeast American Society for French Seventeenth-Century Studies (SE17), Charleston, SC, September 1986. "Perrault's Griselidis: Issues of Gender, Genre and Authority," North American Society for French Seventeenth-Century Literature Meetings, Banff, April 1986. "Anne Hébert: A Woman's Voice," MLA, Chicago, December 1985. "Patterns of Excellence: Sévigné in the Classical Maternal Tradition," MLA, Chicago, December 1985. "Measuring Maternity: Sévigné's Drive to Excel," SCMLA, Tulsa, November 1985. "Bringing up Pauline: A Seventeenth-Century Concept of Grandmothering," Washington, DC, December 1984. MLA, * = By invitation Reviews: Nabil Matar Britain and the Barbary, 1589-1689, South Central Review. 24: 2. (Summer 2007): 107-109. Eds. Elizabeth C. Goldsmith and Colette H. Winn. Lettres de femmes: Textes inédits et oubliés du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle. The French Review. 80:4 (March 2007): 907-908. Joan DeJean, The Reinvention of Obscenity: Sex, Lies, and Tabloids in Early Modern France. The French Review, 77. 6. (May 2004): 1258-1259. Richard E. Goodkin, Birth Marks: The Tragedy of Primogeniture in Pierre Corneille, Thomas Corneille, and Jean Racine. The French Review, 75:5 (April 2002): 966-68. Patricia Francis Cholakian, Women and the Politics of Self-representation in Seventeenth-century France. Biography, 24.4 (Fall 2001): 944-955. 10 Patricia Hannon, Fabulous Identities: Women’s Fairy Tales in Seventeenth-century France. L’Esprit Créateur. 40, 1 (Spring 2000): 111-112. Allen Wood, Le mythe de Phèdre: les Hippolyte français du dix-septième siècle, The French Review 71 (April 1998): 839-840. Barbara Krajewska, Mythes et Découvertes: Le Salon littéraire de Mme de Rambouillet dans les lettres des contemporains, EMF: Studies in Early Modern France, Vol. 6, 1994: (6 pages). G. S. Rousseau and Roy Porter, Eds., Exoticism in the Enlightenment, Manchester: Manchester UP, L'Esprit Créateur (Winter 1992): 78-79. La Fronde en questions: Actes du dix-huitième colloque du centre méridional de rencontres sur le XVIIe siècle (Marseille 28-29, Cassis 30-31 janvier 1988). ed. Roger Duchêne and Pierre Ronzeaud, in Cahiers du dix-septième: An Interdisciplinary Journal 4, 1 (1990): 229-331. Elizabeth C. Goldsmith, Exclusive Conversations: The Art of Interaction in SeventeenthCentury France, in Papers on French Seventeenth-Century Literature 17, 33 (1990): 604608. Antoine Jacob de Montfleury, Le Mary sans femme, ed. Edward Forman, in Papers on French Seventeenth-Century Literature 15, 28 (1988): 288-289. Reader and Project Reviewer: Philological Quarterly Comité Scientifique, CRLC: Comparatisme en Sorbonne French Forum Cambridge University Press PMLA. Publications of the Modern Languages Association. Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature. EMF: Studies in Early Modern France. Cahiers du 17e siècle JMEMS: Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies (Editorial Board Member). French Seventeenth-century Literature Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) National Humanities Center Fulbright Commission; Duke University Selection Panel Phi Beta Kappa Society Walter J. Jensen Fellowship Committee, 2008-10. International Journal of Turkish Studies Editorial Board of Viatica TENURE, PROMOTION, & DISTINGUISHED CHAIR EVALUATIONS 1995: Brown University, Swarthmore College, Catholic University; 1996: Carleton College, Santa Clara University; 1997: Cornell University; 1999 Skidmore College; 1998: Ad Hoc Tenure Committee, Duke Department of Slavic Studies; 1999: Ad Hoc Renewal Committee, Duke Department of Asian and African Studies; 2000: 11 Northwestern University; 2001: University of Kentucky, 2002: Vanderbilt University; 2003: University of Connecticut, University of Iowa, Princeton University: 2004: Northwestern University, Dartmouth College, Grinnell College; 2007: UCLA, Yale University; 2008: Brown University. 2009: Hunter College – CUNY; 2010: Louisiana State University, University of Arizona. 2012: Vanderbilt University; 2013: UNC-Chapel Hill; 2014: Harvard University; Wayne State University. December 10, 2004: Jury d’Habilitation, Jean Mainil, Université Stendhal Grenoble III. October 26, 2012: Jury d’Habilitation, Syllvie Requemora-Gros, Université de Provence; Aix-Marseilles. SEMINARS AND INSTITUTES Invited Lecturer, NEH Summer Institute, “A Literature of their own? Women Writing – Venice, London, Paris, 1550-1700.” July 6 – August 2, 2005,” UNC-Chapel Hill: “Women Writers in Paris.” “The School of Criticism and Theory” at Dartmouth College, Tenth Session, Summer 1986. The Folger Institute, Graduate and Faculty Seminar in French Renaissance Literature, Fall 1981. Institut d'études françaises d'Avignon (Bryn Mawr College), Graduate Seminars in French Literature and Civilization, Summer 1975. Institut de français moderne, Université de Fribourg, Suisse, 1966-67. GRANTS AND AWARDS Florence Gould Foundation, Funding for the 2014 NASSCFL (North American Society for Seventeenth-century French Literature) Conference, June 2012. Bellagio Center (Rockefeller Foundation) Residence Fellowship, July 2012. Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes académiques, République française, Ministère de l’Education, Named in 2008, decorated in 2013. Florence Gould Foundation Travel to Conference Grant, 2008 National Humanities Center, Joint Fellowship (with George Saliba, Columbia University) to link Research to Teaching: "Mediterranean Crossings: Europe and the Islamic World in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: Case Studies in the Intercultural Transmission of Ideas," June 1999 (see website). Fellow, National Humanities Center, 1997-98. Camargo Foundation Residence Fellowship, Fall 1993, Spring 2011. NEH Fellowship for University Teachers, 1993-94. Andrew W. Mellon Assistant Professor of Romance Studies, 1992-93. Lilly Teaching Fellowship, 1990-91. NEH Summer Stipend for archival research in Paris, 1990. Duke University Research Council Grant: 1989, 1990, 1991, 1995, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002. 12 Rice University Junior Faculty Summer Research Grant: 1985, 1986, 1987. Exchange Lectureship – University of Michigan – Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier France, 1978-79. University of Michigan Fellowship for Summer Study at the Bryn Mawr College Institut d'études françaises d'Avignon, France, 1975. Institut de français moderne, Université de Frobourg, Suisse, Premier Certificat d’études de langue et littérature française, 1967. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Board of the Institut francais d'Amérique Société Jean Racine American Association of Teachers of French American Association of University Professors Centre international de recherches sur le 17e siècle Modern Language Association of America North American Society for French Seventeenth-Century Literature COURSES Graduate Seminars: Molière et le phénomène du rire L’Age classique et la loi du genre Racine, his World, and his Critics 17th-century French Mediterranean Travel Narratives The Staging of Exoticism in Seventeenth-Century France The Epistolary Genre Poetics/Politics of Gender, Race and Class in 17th-century French Theater Teaching in other programs: Intro. to Literary Theory: "Feminisms" (Literature Program) Teaching in English: The French Love Story (French / Lit) Undergraduate courses: Courses in Venice: Venice and the Ottomans Venice Signatures (Masks, Traces, and Fabulations) Courses at Duke University: Mediterranean Travel Narratives Yesterday’s Classics / Today’s Films The Female Reader The Poetics and Politics of Exoticism in 17th-century French Theater 17th-century Fictions of Women Racine and the Family Molière and 17th-century Society Introduction to Literature: Middle Ages through 18th Century Introduction to Literature: 19th and 20th Centuries Cultural and Literary Perspectives Myth-making in the French Classical Tradition (Freshman Seminar) Courses in Paris: French Theater in the year 200X (EDUCO, Spring 2000, Spring 2006) 13 The City of Paris in French Literature (EDUCO, Fall 1999, Fall 2005) The City of Paris in the 17th Century (Duke-in-Paris Summer Program, 1996) Contemporary French Culture (Duke-in-Paris Summer Program, 2001, 2002) ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE Co-organizer, with Ellen Welch (UNC-CH): NASSCFL (North American Society for Seventeenth-century French Literature) Conference Literature) Annual Conference at UNC-CH and Duke U., May 15-17, 2014. Director of Graduate Studies, Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, 2013 -14 . Chair, Department of Romance Studies, July 2007- July 2010. Director, Center for French & Francophone Studies, 2002 – 2005. Associate Director, Graduate Studies in French and Francophone Studies, 2001 - 2002. Academic Director and President, EDUCO (Tulane, Emory, Duke, Cornell in France), 1999-2000, 2005-2006, 2011-2012. Campus Director, EDUCO Duke-in-France Program, 1989-1992, 1998-99, 2001-03, 2004 – 05, 2006-07, 2012-2014. Director, Duke-in-Paris, Summer 1996, Summer 2002. Director of Undergraduate Studies, Romance Studies Department, 1995-97. Coordinator, French 101 & 102 (Introduction to French Literature), Fall 1990 - Spring 1992, Spring 1993; Fall 1995; Fall 1996. OFFICES AND COMMITTEES Selection Committee, CIR 17 2013: “Le Voyage.” June 2013, University of AixMarseille. Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society, Jensen Scholarship Awards Committee, 2009-2011. Program Committee, Modern Languages Executive Council, 2008-11. Member, Duke University President’s Re-accreditation Leadership Team, 2006 – 07. French 17th-century Division Delegate to MLA Delegate Assembly, 2006 - .07. University Appointment, Tenure, and Promotion Committee, 2004 – 2006, 2013-2014. Executive Committee, Duke University Academic Council (elected position), 2002-04. Board of Trustees Academic Affairs Committee, 2003- 04. Board of Trustees Student Affairs Committee, 2002-03. 14 Duke University Academic Council (elected position), 2000-2004. Executive Committee, Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, 2004-present. Session Organizer, "Movement of Ideas and Arts in the Basin," Crossings: Mediterraneanizing the Politics of Location, History and Knowledge Conference, Duke University, May 1999. Chair, Division on Seventeenth-Century French Literature, MLA (December 1997): "Cross-Disciplinary Approaches: History and Literature in 17th-Century French Studies." Chair, "The Politics of Ghosting (I): Staging Sameness and Difference in the Canon," The Rhetoric of the Other Conference, The University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, November 1997. Member, Duke University Arts & Sciences Council First-year Committee, 1995-97. Member, Duke University Arts & Sciences Council, 1995-97 (elected position). Comité scientifique, Tricentennaire de Mme de Sévigné, University of Aix-en-Provence, 1995-96. Executive Committee, Division of 17th-Century French Literature, Modern Language Association, 1991-1996; Chair, 1996 (elected position). Chair: (Spring 1993): 21st Annual French Literature Conference, University of South Carolina; "Discontinuity and Fragmentation": Session II: "Classical Disorder." Chair, Division on 17th-Century French Literature, MLA (December 1990): "Orientalism." Chair, (October 1990): SE17: Southeast American Society for French 17th-Century Studies; University of South Carolina: "Les Jardins." Chair (Spring 1989): 17th Annual French Literature Conference, University of South Carolina; "Theories of Genre": Session I: "Narrative and Genre." Secretary (1988), Chair (1989): French II, Literature 1600-1850, South Central Modern Language Association (elected position). Executive Committee of the North American Society for French Seventeenth-Century Literature, 1986-88 (elected position). Rice University Faculty Council, January 1986 - May 1987 (elected position). SERVICE French Section: Member, French Junior Faculty Renewal Committee, 2003-04. Chair, French Senior Faculty Renewal and Promotion Committee, 2003. Chair, French Search Committee, 2000-01. 15 French Majors Advisor, 1989-92, 1994-97, 1998-99. Convener, French Section, Spring 1995. Romance Studies Department: Romance Studies Review Committee, 2004-05. Graduate Committee, 2000-01. Graduate Admissions Committee 1989-93, 1998-99, 2000-01. Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, 1990-92, 98-99; Chair, 1995-97, 2000-01. Faculty Secretary, 2000-2001. Library Representative, 1998-99. Graduate Liaison Committee, 1998-99. Foreign Study Committee, 1989-90, 91-92, 1998-99; Chair, 1990- 91. Study Abroad Committee, 1989-90, 1995-96, 1998-99. 04-05. Lectures Committee, 1989-92, 1998-99. Ad hoc Faculty Positions Request Committee, 1997. Reserves Committee, 1996-97. University: Provost’s Review Committee for the Dean of the Law School, 2004. Provost’s Harassment Policy Review Committee, 2003-04. Academic Council, 2000-04. Dean’s Task Force: Budgetary Concerns, Arts & Sciences Council, 2001-02. Academic Council, Student Affairs Committee 2000-02. Mellon Undergraduate Minority Fellowship Mentor, 1999-01. Faculty Associate, 1998-99. Coordinator, Women’s Studies Distinguished Lectures Series, 1995-96. Faculty Resident, Round Table, 1992-93. Duke University Union Board, 1991-92. Pre-Major Advisor 1990-92. Dora M. Little Awards Committee, Women's Studies Program, 1989-92. Undergraduate Faculty Council, September 1989-90. Advisory Committee, Women's Studies Program, 1989-90. ACTIVITIES Mediterranean Studies Group Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies Triangle French Cultural Studies Seminar North Carolina Research Group on Medieval and Early Modern Women TEACHING INTERESTS Early Modern French Literature and History Travel Writing Seventeenth-century French Theater Feminist Criticism and Theory in Literature The Epistolary Genre Seventeenth-century France and the Mediterranean Basin France, Its Others, and the Shaping of Identity French Cultural Studies DISSERTATIONS DIRECTED: 16 Elise Macmahon, "Classics Incorporated: Cultural Materialism and Seventeenth-century French Literature " (1995). Published: Summa Publications, 1999. Robin Simpson, "Fairy Tale Representations of Social Realities: Mme d'Aulnoy's Contes des fées (1697-98)" (1997). Doris Garraway, “Writing Colonial Culture: Ethnographies in French Narratives from the Antilles in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries” (2000). Co-directed with Philip Stewart. Published as The Libertine Colony: Creolization in the Early French Caribbean, Duke UP. 2005. Jennifer Perlmutter, "Commemorating Individuals, Attracting Publics: Dynamics of the Ana Genre " (2001). Stephanie O'Hara, "Tracing Poison: Seventeenth-century French Theater and Society" (2002). Tabitha Spagnolo, “Cross-dressing in 17th-century France” (2006). Micah True, “Writing Amerindian Culture: Ethnographic Writing in the Jesuit Relations from New France (1632 – 1673)” (2009). Kadji Amin, “Agencies of Abjection: Jean Genet and Subaltern Socialities.” (2009), Co-directed with Marc Schachter. Jacqueline Pound, “Racine,” in progress. ADDRESS: Department of Romance Studies 205 Languages - Box 90257 Duke University Durham, NC 27708 e-mail: [email protected]
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