Peers Linking Peers February 2014

February 2014
Peers Linking Peers
Your Bridge to Self Advocacy
Recovery Innovations
This and previous issues can be found on the Network of Care Website
Volume 6, Issue 2 February 2014
Independent Living Association
By Kerri de Jager
The Independent Living Association (ILA) is a
collaborative community-wide effort focused on
supporting Independent Living owners, residents and the community by promoting high
quality Independent Living homes. The ILA is a resource to turn to for objective, unbiased information about Independent Living homes in San Diego
County. The ILA offers the community an online directory that can be used to
search for high quality Independent Living homes. The directory offers several
search options including searching by rental amount, city/zip code, language
spoken, types of clients accepted, and by room type. The directory can be accessed through the ILA’s website at or by contacting 211 if you
do not have access to the internet. For further information on the Directory and
the ILA, please contact [email protected] or 858-609-7972.
You can help improve the quality of Independent Livings in San Diego County.
ILA is seeking behavioral health consumers to help conduct Peer Review Home
Visits. By becoming a member of the ILA Peer Review Team, you can help improve the quality of Independent Living homes, build job skills and training
while serving your community, and earn stipends for each review completed.
For more information on how you can become involved with the Peer Review
Team please contact (858) 609-7973.
Inside this Issue:
LKM Practice
What WRAP Means to Me 3
April Peer Liaison
County-Wide Meeting
Upcoming Community
Resource of the Month
Connections Housing
Resources for the Homeless
Site Location: 1250 6th Avenue,
San Diego, CA 92101
Contact: Jessica Wishan, Director,
PATH San Diego, 619) 786- PATH
[email protected] or Website:
Funding provided through the County of San Diego Health & Human Services Agency Adult and Older Adult Behavioral Health Services
Leonard Mischley Memorial Scholarship
By Maureen Swan
Did you ever feel like you just had to be at a particular conference, but
didn’t have the money? My buddy, Jack N., was in that situation, when he
wanted to attend the Recovery International Leadership Conference in
Chicago this past September. A few days before the 60-day deadline, he
learned that a Leonard Mischley Memorial Scholarship had become available. He scrambled to fill out the application and procure the three letters
of recommendation needed to meet the deadline. Within days, Jack received the OK, and three - four weeks before the conference, he received a
check, allowing him to make the best deal on air fare and accommodations. One condition of receiving the scholarship, is to report back on how
you benefitted from attending it.
For more information, e-mail [email protected].
The Effects of LKM
By Jeffrey Najarian
Loving-kindness meditation is a practice that dates back over 2,500 years. It has gained attention in
recent years being studied at multiple prestigious universities across the United States. The results
of these studies highlight the potential to use Loving-kindness meditation (LKM) as a tool to increase
personal wellness and happiness.
Neuroscientific research from the University of Wisconsin demonstrated that LKM actually had the
ability to change activity levels within the brain. LKM increased activity levels in areas of the brain
associated with happiness (temporal parietal junction) and in the insula, which is associated with our
ability to empathize and tune in to the emotional states of others. Another research study documented that one single session of Loving-kindness meditation had effects that continued for several
days after the meditation. Another study tracked the effects of LKM on people with chronic back
pain. Those practicing LKM reported lower pain ratings, less anger, and less psychological distress.
It has also been documented to be effective in helping with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
and decreasing symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Loving-kindness meditation is very easy to learn. I have included some useful links below.
How to do the practice
UCLA Guided Meditations
Article on Benefits of LKM
The Wellspring Institute for Neuroscience and Contemplative Wisdom
If you do not have a computer check out the library!
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Peers Linking Peers
What WRAP® Means To Me
By De Forrest Hancock
The short (one sentence) answer is: WRAP has been the completion and clarification of my Life Purpose. Because, for decades I have had segmented portions of a vision for the purpose to unite, educate, and serve people in an unprecedented way; and WRAP is that way.
On July 20, 2013 fate returned me to being homeless while my son was in school at San Jose State
University; and I found a bed at the Alpha Project Tent until September 26th when I moved to PATH
(People Assisting the Homeless). Recovery Innovations is a partner service provider offering WRAP
in the PATH Depot on Thursdays. My first WRAP session with Enrique was on October 3rd. I decided to accelerate the eight sessions by also attending sessions at the Del Rey Street office; and completed the last session on Oct 29th. The WRAP experience laid the foundation for my future career in
the Mental Health System. The Recovery Innovations family received me, motivated me and restored my stability in hope; and ended my season of being alone forever.
In addition, the most rewarding experience of my life was completing the Transformational Advocacy
course on November 25th. I have been transformed into an Advocate of Advocacy and that is my Life
The founder of WRAP, Dr. Mary Ellen Copeland, spoke the following words on the same day as my
son’s 17th birthday and I believe affirms the transition:
“We must work to make sure that every person knows that they can get through even the hardest of
times, and come out on the other side, and that the system can provide the tools so that can happen. We must work to make sure that every person has access to this knowledge and to these services
without stigma—young and old, rich and poor."
Mary Ellen Copeland, PhD
Barre, Vermont
November 9, 2011
Join Us for the
February County-Wide Peer Liaison Meeting
Affordable Care Act Implications and Updates
By the Consumer Center for Health Education and Advocacy
February 25, 1-3 PM
3851 Rosecrans St., San Diego (Coronado Room)
Volume 6, Issue 2 February 2014
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Recovery Innovations
Peer Liaison Team Contact Information
Editor, Team Lead, Mary Benson
[email protected]
3565 Del Rey Street Suite 202
San Diego, Ca 92109
N. Coastal & Inland, Jeff Najarian, CMT
[email protected]
Phone: 858-274-4650
Fax: 858-274-4662
Mary Benson, Peer Liaison Team Lead
[email protected]
Peer Liaisons assist people to advocate for
their needs and rights. We act as a two -way
conduit to gather and disseminate information between the San Diego County Behavioral Health System Administrators and people receiving services and their families. We
provide hope, encouragement, and connection to the community through county-wide
forums, focus groups, county meeting attendance, resources and our monthly newsletter.
N. Coastal & Rural, Susan Gates
[email protected]
S. Bay North, Amanda Forester
[email protected]
S. Bay South, Mercedes Webber
[email protected]
East County, Laura Wiseman
[email protected]
East County, Michelle Gregoire, BA
[email protected]
N. Central, Sandy Opsal, BA
[email protected]
Central, Maureen Swan, BA
[email protected]
Central, Jamin Peck
[email protected]
Central, Jean Fisher, MS
[email protected]
Central, Denita Harris
[email protected]
Upcoming Community Events
WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) is held in office -3565 Del Rey St. Suite 202
Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday 9-11 AM
WELL class is every Monday and Friday 1:30-3:30 PM—3565 Del Rey St. Suite 202
February 6th Mental Health Board 4-6 PM 1600 Pacific Highway
February 6th NAMI Education and Advocacy 6:30-8 PM 1600 Cleveland, San Diego
February 10th Peer Liaison Area Meeting North Inland 9:45-11:45 AM Escondido Clubhouse
February 10th Peer Liaison Area Meeting East County 11:00 AM East Corner Clubhouse
February 11th Peer Liaison Area Meeting North Coastal 10-12 AM Mariposa Clubhouse
February 11th Peer Liaison Area Meeting Central 10:45 AM Corner Clubhouse
February 21st Peer Liaison Area Meeting South Bay 1-3 PM Casa Del Sol Clubhouse